How to protect content from copying (theft)? How to protect content from copying How to protect information from copying

Initially, it was not possible to select the text, but when I checked the Simplify page checkbox, everything worked right away.

Disable JavaScript

2. Disable JavaScript using special browser extensions (NOScript for example) or manually. You'll figure it out with extensions, but I'll tell you more about the manual method. And I think this is much better than installing an extra plugin.

Go to management settings Google Chrome, go to Settings and at the bottom of the page click the Show link additional settings. Here, find the Personal Information section and under this caption, click Content Settings.

Here, find the JavaScript section, select Block JavaScript on all sites, and click Finish. Refresh the page you need and copy the text without any interference. After that, go back to these settings and return everything to its place so that the rest of the sites work correctly.

If you want to permanently disable JavaScript for a specific site, go to Configure Exceptions. Enter the site address in the left field, and from the drop-down menu on the right, select Block.

Now you can copy the necessary information at any time, without any problems. But keep in mind that after this appearance The site may change and some functions may no longer work.

For a couple of paragraphs

3. Press the F12 button on the desired page, and then select the arrow in the upper left corner, or press the ctrl + shift + c key combination instead. I’m showing Google Chrome as an example, but in other browsers everything works about the same.

After that, click on the desired paragraph in the text with the arrow, and then open the highlighted fragment at the bottom of the browser (usually in the form of ...). It will hide necessary information– from here you can easily copy and paste to the desired location.

Suitable for those cases when you need to copy a couple of paragraphs, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time on unnecessary manipulations.

Copy code

4. Press the keyboard shortcut ctrl + U on the desired page. The HTML code of the page will open, where no plugins interfere with copying information. But you don’t need to copy everything, just find the desired section of text. To do this, press ctrl + F to open the search window. Enter a few words from the paragraph you need into it. Press enter or the "find" button to jump to the desired section of the code. Copy the information you need using the ctrl + C keys or right-click on the selected area and select “Copy”.

Open regular text editor(notepad) and paste the copied text into it (press ctrl + v). As you can see, in addition to the necessary text, we also copied the HTML code, which we do not need and is in the way. You can remove it manually, but again there is no point - there is an easier way.

Now on your desktop open new file using any browser, and the necessary text will be there, without unnecessary html codes and with formatting (bold, italics, lists, etc.).

Open in Word

5. Open the site in word - a very unusual method, and it will take a little time for the computer to process the request. But you will receive a complete copy of the site page in a Word document. To do this, in word, click File – Open – and enter a link to desired page in the File name field.

After that, click Open and wait. Loading speed depends on the weight of the site and PC performance. It's better to save everything before doing so. open documents so that in case of failure you do not lose data.

Text from the site is not copied - what to do?

There are times when an article is displayed not as text, but as a picture. Then the above methods will not help copy the information. In this case, you need to copy the picture, if possible - right-click on it and select Save picture as...

When the site owner blocks the mouse, take a screenshot of the site. To do this, press PrintScreen on your keyboard and paste into graphics editor using ctrl + v keys. Even regular Paint will do. Trim off any excess so that only the text you need remains.

Now search on the Internet for any online service for text recognition, and run the image through it. In a couple of minutes you will receive a text version of this article.

Choose any of the considered methods on how to copy text from a site that is copy-protected. Personally, I use the JavaScript method for permanent sites, and the printing method for new ones. No tedious techniques, and you won’t have to think long about what to do if the text is not copied from the site.

High-quality and adequate content is worth its weight in gold. And getting this “gold” using honest methods is quite problematic: either you will have to spend some money on a good copywriter, or urgently gain talent and find time for independent creativity. But many are quite stingy with their personal time and money, so they simply copy content from other web resources. How to protect a website from copying text?

It is for this reason that many people are now tormented by the issue of protecting website content from copying. And it's not just a matter of stealing mental labor, but also any from your site leads to poor ranking and indexing.

Strong protection is especially important for new sites that have recently started operating.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • slow indexing;
  • lack of authority;
  • links to a minimum number of sites.

Let's assume that you (or your copywriter) are a feather shark. You created the website quite recently and have already managed to fill it with brilliant and unique content. In this case, you are a real tasty morsel for authoritative web resources: they can copy your tasty content and place it on their website with complete impunity. Their texts will be indexed much faster, and the authorship will remain with them.

To avoid failure both in positions and in the uniqueness of content, we advise you to take all measures to protect the site from copying text. Namely...

Ways to protect text on a website from copying

These methods will work best when protecting content. home page, or section pages, because the information on such pages is usually copied manually.

Using a script to protect site content from copying

For example, you can try the service, which will add a link to the source to the copied text. To do this, you just need to register yourself, then register the site and receive the script code. It needs to be inserted into the header of the site. IN personal account A pleasant surprise awaits you on tynt - analytical collection of data on content copies.

WARNING! The script may slow down the site

There are also scripts and plugins that can prevent manual copying and highlighting of text. True, such scripts can create inconvenience for those who like to click on the link right click mouse, and this will reduce the number of page views on your own website.

Besides, this method It’s not so difficult to get around, it’s as easy as shelling pears to do: open the source of the page through the browser, or rather, its menu, or by trying to disable the scripts and copying everything that is necessary. But inexperienced users still will not be able to do this.

Prohibiting text highlighting in CSS styles

This method of protecting your site from text copying is similar to the previous one, but here you do not need to use scripts, but simply write a separate style that will prohibit highlighting content.
This method, unfortunately, has some disadvantages: even if you disable scripts, you will not be able to highlight information on a web resource, but disabling styles in the browser is much more difficult. Although you can also bypass this method if you open the HTML code of the page itself.

Chipmunk method

Analyst Alexey Zhukov (Chipunduk) proposed a very interesting method, which involves dividing the text into short unique sentences, no more than a hundred characters long.

Such offers can be used as anchor links, placing them on relevant, and at the same time inexpensive, sites. The only drawback of this method is the financial cost of links.

Social signals

Search engines determine the first source of content by the authority of the web resource and its indexing. And social signals can add at least some authority to pages. Therefore, it will be effective if the cards can invite visitors to tweet and like pages. You can use the following portals for advertising on social networks:

Text copy protection on joomla website

This lesson describes in detail a useful plugin for Joomla, which protects texts from copying on the website.

1. It prevents you from selecting text with the mouse

2. Blocks the right mouse button.

Yes, of course, no one has canceled the CTRL+C hotkeys, but if a swindler cannot highlight the text, then it will not be possible to steal it. You can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A, but then all the junk from the page will be automatically copied, with which the thief will have to suffer for a long time.

Of course, you cannot get complete protection of text from copying from a Joomla website using this plugin. But the plugin significantly complicates the whole process. Many will just simply leave and look elsewhere for the text they need simply because they are too lazy to contact you.

Text copy protection on a WordPress website (WP-CopyProtect)

Just like on the Joomla website, text copy protection on the WordPress website is carried out using a plugin. WP-CopyProtect prevents users from selecting text on a page or using the right mouse button on the site. In order to protect text on your website from copying, just visit the WordPress website, go to the plugins section, find required module WP-CopyProtect and download it.

How to install: unzip the archive, copy the files to FTP, and then activate it in the admin panel of your site.

To protect texts from copying, add links to your website in the text of the article.

Often, content is copied automatically as it is, so search engines can correctly identify the original source.

Use the Yandex service Original texts

In 2013, Yandex provided unique opportunity protection of website content from copying in the form of a new service “Original Texts”. This tool helps inform the search engine about copyright. However, there is one point: if your article is very tiny (less than two thousand characters), then Yandex will not be able to give you 100% guarantees.

Using the service is simple: go to Yandex Webmaster, register in it and find “original texts”.

Studio advice: Don’t be lazy and use this tool for the first two to three months of the web resource’s existence. It is during this period that he is very vulnerable.

True protection of texts from plagiarism - to rossposting announcements

In order for search engines to quickly learn about the appearance of new content, it is important to post announcements of news and articles on third-party resources. Make the necessary settings once and forget about the problem forever.

Do you know any other ways to protect your website from copy-paste? Share your experience in the comments!

Every day a million or two new pages with information are added to the Internet. However, only a small part of them are useful and unique - the rest either steal content or do not provide any useful content (garbage). This is due to the fact that writing is actually so easy - it requires professional skills, as well as basic knowledge of the Russian language. Of course, you can hire a copywriter - but this will cost a pretty penny. So young Internet projects have to survive under the leadership of “schoolchildren” as it will - they will copy from one, you see, and increase their performance indicators from another - and then selling links is not far away. This is where their goal ends. Another thing is web resources that are not only created for people (earnings are secondary), but also provide unique, important and most importantly new information. It’s for them that careless sites are dangerous.

Consequences of copying content

Let's look at a very popular scheme. There is a good, but young site “A” and a rather old, but not very high-quality “B”. For example, the first one wrote and posted an article “” where he displayed very interesting and previously unpublished methods of graphics processing. Due to the youth of the project, its page was not found by the search robot, and therefore was not included in the index. The second resource “B” copied verbatim the entire publication of the first one and the first one was indexed by Yandex, while recognizing it as the primary source (author) of this content. After some time, Yandex “read” project “A” and saw a familiar story on it, which, in its opinion, was shamelessly stolen from “B”. What actions can be taken here? Either the search engine will lower the “A” in the search results, or it will not take the page into account, or it may be that it will impose a “” filter, and possibly an AGS. Therefore, it is important to resist such rudeness. How? And more about this below...

Ways to protect content from copying

I will try to analyze point by point as many technologies for protecting text and pictures from copying as possible.

1. We prohibit the use of the right mouse button(not recommended)
A fairly simple, albeit effective, technique that completely blocks the functionality of the right mouse button. This complicates the copying process, but also complicates working with the resource. For example, in the “” topic there are codes that are not convenient to type manually. Evaluate the benefit and if it is greater than the possible inconvenience - then, and only then, use this method. To do this, place the following code between the Head tags:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 var message= "Right click is prohibited!" ;

function click(e) ( if (document. all) ( if (event. button == 2 ) ( alert(message) ; return false ; ) ) if (document. layers) ( if (e. which == 3 ) ( alert(message) ; return false ; ) ) if (document. layers) ( document. captureEvents(Event. MouseDown) ; ) document. onmousedown=click;

var message="Right click is prohibited!"; function click(e) (if (document.all) (if (event.button == 2) (alert(message);return false;)) if (document.layers) (if (e.which == 3) ( alert(message);return false;))) if (document.layers) (document.captureEvents(Event.MouseDown);) document.onmousedown=click;

This can also be done using plugins, for example for WordPress it is enough to install “WP-CopyProtect”. 2. Relative URL address

An address like “photo/seo.jpg” is preferable in graphic matters, since in the case of copy-paste, the connection will be lost and the images on a third-party site simply will not be displayed :) This will allow search engines to indicate authorship and reduce the significance of duplication. 3. Absolute hyperlink
(recommended protection)

An absolute address allows you to save a working link, thereby transferring weight to the acceptor, which will help with promotion. Rarely will anyone remove links from code manually, and many services and modules automatically take a piece of code without processing.
4. Disable RSS feed

On my blog, the feed is available at https://site/feed and is a summary of the latest posts. This is convenient for many users (allows you to follow updates), and the service also cannot work without the feed - so I did not disable it. However, if the site is young and there is a high risk of content leaking to the left, it is better to disable it. This can be done through plugins, or by delving into the code. 5. Automatic insertion of the source link

The point is this: when copying automatically or manually, a link to your page is placed at the end of the text. This makes it possible to quite effectively stop largely inattentive thieves. The English service is ideal, allowing you not only to implement a similar function, but also to track statistics. By registering you will receive a code that must be copied between the HEADER tags.
6. Specifying the source text in the Web Workshop Not long ago Yandex introduced, which gives you the right to indicate your text so that the search engine itself knows that it is assigned only to your site. You can do this by following the link and adding your resource to the system. Next, go to the “site content” section -> “What data can be transferred” and select “Original texts” from the list and click “enable”. It is worth noting that the mode is in alpha mode and is available for sites with a TIC of 10 points and a minimum number of characters of 2000.

7. Buy on new page links 5. Automatic insertion of the source link
This recommendation will allow you to direct the search robot to index the latest material. Hyperlinks also work well with social networks and bookmarking services. Plus, this will increase trust and allow you to increase your indicators and rank for the key request.

8. All rights reserved
Install an inscription in the footer of the site that reads: “Copying material is prohibited and is punishable by Russian law.” This will only affect a young user, but it will not be superfluous in any case.

9. Water signs
Translucent text placed on the photos of your project will protect them from distribution. You can use plugins (for WordPress - Watermark RELOADED), which allow you to implement an inscription in auto mode, or through a graphic editor - manually :)

10. Relinking(recommended for protection)
Agree, it’s convenient to read the text and go to other related pages of the project. Wikipedia is an ideal example when you can find any definition of an incomprehensible word directly from the article you are reading. And this is realized by placing hyperlinks on the words to read more detailed information. Linking also helps to optimize and distribute the internal weight of pages. It’s also an ideal option against theft—it makes publishing “clean” text on a third-party resource more difficult.

12. Postponement of news publication in RSS feed 5. Automatic insertion of the source link
Using plugins allows you to delay the display of publications in the news feed. Thus, we make it possible to index the material search engine, and then distribute it through copy-paste and thereby increase your link mass. For CMS WordPress, the “Deferred RSS” plugin is responsible for this.

1 < BODY oncopy= "return false;" >

This will confuse the thief - it seems like he copied it, but he can’t paste the material anywhere :) Just miracles for him...

14. Online content(if necessary)
If your site provides very important information, accessed with a password, or you want to show content only in Online mode, then the code that needs to be placed between the HEAD tags will help you

1 2 3 < meta http- equiv= "pragma" content= "no-cache" /> < meta http- equiv= "no-cache" /> < meta http- equiv= "cache-control" content= "no-cache" />

Attention! You need to use any of the lines, but only one.
The manipulation allows you not to save it in the browser cache, and therefore on HDD, files of your Internet portal.

15. Magical appearance(recommended for bullying)
A very daring technique that will not only draw attention to the fact that content has been copied, but will also reduce readers’ trust in the thief resource, and in the administrator in general. You need to insert into the structure:

This text was taken from the site https://site/ for which I really repent and will never forgive myself for this

Don't forget to add the following line to your CSS file:

1 < div class = "hidden" >. hidden( display: none; )


How to detect copying of content from a site?

Finding the loss is quite easy; to do this, use the Advego Plagiatus program, which will find the text, indicate the site and determine its similarity. If the similarity is 80% or greater, the material is definitely yours. An analogue is the development of Double Content Finder from The online service has also proven itself quite well.
If we are talking about finding graphics, then best service-

What to do if you are recognized as a thief of your own content?

If your article was stolen and the search engine indexed it first on a third-party resource, then do not rush to be disappointed - everything can be corrected to one degree or another. It would be a good idea to try the following:
1. Contact the administrator of the thief project and indicate (politely) that your text needs to be removed, because you did not consent to its placement. Refer to the legislation and the written letter in support of Yandex.
2. Write to Platon Shchukin (Yandex support) and provide all the information. It would be useful to have proof that the material belongs to you (a copywriter can confirm this, it is also possible Google first indexed). If circumstances are successful, employees will change the original source.
3. Write a letter, or better yet, call the hosting provider where the thief’s resource is hosted. You can find out the contact details of the administrator and the provider company through Whois data.

Let's summarize

The discussed methods of protecting content from copying allow you not only to minimize the error in determining authorship, but even to benefit from all kinds of automatic copy-paste. Thus, we save the invested work and punish scammers, and the search results become at least a little more relevant and clean.

Sometimes you need to protect information on a website from copying. In particular, to prevent other sites from using your unique content, written by you. But! Protecting the content sent by the server to the client is, in principle, impossible. Everything that is downloaded to your browser can be taken. You can only create inconvenience when copying content. This will be discussed in the article.

Here is one “iron” way to protect content:

1. Do not publish text and images :)

Jokes aside, this is one sure way to protect content.

Let's consider ways to create inconvenience when copying content (text, images):

1. For the right one HTML element, which contains protected text, set the unselectable attribute to “on”. (“on” — enable selection prohibition, “off” — disable selection prohibition).

IE, Op(the ban works in these browsers)

— FF, Chrome, Safari (does not work)
In the text, the plus sign means that it works, the minus sign means that it doesn’t work.
Everything was tested on the following browsers:
Firefox 3.5.10 - FF
Internet Explorer 6 - IE
Opera 9.64 - Op
Chrome 4.1
Safari 4.0.
All browsers for Windows system.

2. Another way is to cover the content on top with transparent images. Then text selection will be impossible and the context menu will appear in this transparent picture.

An example of such a block

protected text

< div style = "position: relative;" >

protected text

< img style = "position: absolute; top: 0pt; left: 0pt; width: 100%; height: 100%;"

src = "transparent_gif.gif" alt = "" / >

< / div >

Works in all browsers
3. Set the return value to false in the oncontextmenu event handler.

For example

document.getElementById("id_protected_element").oncontextmenu = function () ( return false; )

document. getElementById("id_protected_element"). oncontextmenu = function () (

return false ;

When an event handler returns false, the event is not executed. This event occurs when the user right-clicks on an element to call context menu. As a result, you can deny access to the “Copy” item in the context menu. But! There is a main menu and Ctrl+C has not been canceled.

FF, IE, Chrome, Safari

Actually an unnecessary method, since there are “hot” keys.

4. Oncopy event. Just like in the previous paragraph, set the event handler to return false. This event occurs when data is placed in the buffer. When return false, no data is placed in the buffer.

FF, IE, Chrome, Safari

5. Onselectstart event. The same as in the previous paragraphs. This event occurs when the user begins a selection.

IE, Chrome, Safari

As we see in different browsers can be done in different ways. But in order for it to work in all browsers, you need to apply several methods, and this is the 1st, 4th and 5th at the same time. There is no point in using method 3, since you can copy everything using hot keys.

If you use your imagination, you can come up with

a few more ways:

1. Show everything as a picture :)

2. Use Flash

3. Insert invisible inserts into the text like

When copying such text in all browsers (except Opera), the text will be copied with these inserts and the thief will need to clear this text.

4. You can provide content to users who have paid for access to this content :)

When setting up all sorts of intrigues for content thieves, you need to understand how much time you will spend on this not 100% protection and how much time the person who wants to take this content will spend, and if he wants, he will take it. In most cases, such protections work on inexperienced users or lazy users.

2024 How it works. Iron. Mining. Cryptocurrency.