The internet is working very poorly, what should I do? Internet slows down. What to do to return it to high speed. What is Internet connection speed

Modern technologies data transmission is so developed that everyone has long been accustomed to transmitting various digital information. We communicate with friends using video and audio calls, send and download huge files, watch videos directly from website pages, play various online games, or even work online. To perform such operations, a wide communication channel is often required, i.e. high Internet speed.

Unfortunately, even the most advanced technologies fail from time to time. One of the most unpleasant problems that users of the global network have to face is a slow Internet connection. Why might this happen? In fact, there are quite a lot of reasons why communication starts to work poorly. Let's look at the most common of them.

Before you begin any software actions, you need to make sure that the poorly functioning Internet is not caused by a hardware failure. If this is exactly the situation in your case, the first thing you need to do is follow simple steps:

If none of the options listed apply to your case, then the problem most likely lies in the software.

Checking system Internet connection settings

The reason why the Internet began to work poorly may be incorrect system settings. This is often caused by a slow-working proxy server through which the computer tries to access the network. To check this, you need to do the following (on Windows example 7, 8):

If after this the Internet began to work faster, then it is clear why the slowdowns occurred. A proxy server is a server through which a computer tries to access the network, i.e. traffic does not pass directly from the site to the user, but through intermediary connections. If the proxy is in this moment works poorly, then the connection speed, as a result, will also be low.

What to do if this doesn't help? Fortunately, we have a few more options in stock for why the Internet has become slow. Let's look at them.

Traffic leak

The solutions to problems listed above are the simplest and most obvious. The bulk of the reasons why network connection starts to work very slowly, due to traffic leakage. What we mean here is that your communication channel is being used by third-party programs or even other users. Let's figure out what to do in such situations.

The communication channel is clogged due to the fault of programs

There are a huge number of malicious (and non-malware) programs that can download something in the background, i.e., without the user’s knowledge. And this can be verified. Applications that can monitor the actions of other programs on the network will come to the rescue. One of these is Networx.

Using this convenient and very simple program, you can not only measure the current Internet speed, but also view information about the current state of the communication channel. Networx shows in detail what programs are currently running on the network and how much speed they are consuming. To obtain this information, you must do the following:

If you see a program using Networx that is consuming a lot of traffic, simply terminate it. It's easy to do. Highlight the right application, click on its name right click mouse and select "End Application":

It also happens that it is simply impossible to complete the application. This usually happens in the case of virus programs that block themselves. In such situations, there is nothing left to do except install an antivirus and completely scan the system.

Another reason why the Internet suddenly began to work very slowly is updating the antivirus or operating system. As you know, an antivirus program or system can be updated without any warning. In the first case, a slow connection speed passes quickly, since the antivirus usually downloads files of small size. With updating the operating system, things are different - it can download quite bulky data, which is why the Internet will work very slowly for a long time.

To check this, do the following:

  • Go to the “Control Panel” again.
  • Find the "System and Security" section and go to it.
  • Next, go to the “Windows Update” section.
  • Here you will see whether the system is currently being updated.
  • If you see a picture similar to what is shown in the figure above, you just have to wait until the system downloads the updates completely or interrupt the process (if you really need high-quality Internet at the moment).

Slow Internet access speeds can often be due to the fact that traffic goes to the communication devices of other users on the local network. Let's consider a similar situation.

Low speed due to user actions on the local network

If you are currently, for example, in an office in which all computers are combined into local network, then the slow Internet is most likely due to the actions of your employees. They may currently be downloading some files, which will affect the Internet speed on all computers on the network.

If you are using Wi-Fi, then traffic may be diverted due to the fact that someone knows the password for your wireless network and just uses it at the moment. This can be checked, but this will require certain skills in working with Wi-Fi routers.

Let's consider the situation with the TP-Link Wi-Fi router. First you need to go to the device’s web interface. To do this, open the address in any browser – “” or “”. If the router settings have not been changed by the user, then a small form will open for you to enter your login and password. Each router has different settings. In our case, this is the login admin and the password is also admin.

By entering the data in the form and clicking OK, we will be taken to the device’s web interface:

Here we need to get information about the users currently connected to the Wi-Fi network. In our case, you need to open the item “ Wireless mode" and then select "Wireless Statistics".

The information we need is displayed here. We see that there are currently 4 devices connected to the router, 3 of which are some other users.

Thus, we can conclude that your Internet is now being used on other computers. Perhaps they are the reason for the low speed of network access from your PC. In this case, you need to change the password from Wi-Fi networks.

In contact with

Has your Internet become slower and now you have very slow Internet? Then you have definitely come to correct address! But, in order to quickly correct the situation, you need to have a clear understanding of what Internet speed depends on. Only in this case can you find weakness and fixing the problem speed up the Internet. So...

What does Internet speed depend on?

First. From the speed provided by your Internet provider, according to your tariff plan. It is unlikely that you will be able to “Jump” above this speed (although this is not a fact, there is one way, but more on that later).

Second. From technical capabilities and correct settings receiving equipment. This refers to modems, routers, antennas, etc. Here the problem can be solved by replacing outdated and low-power equipment, you can also correctly and competently or.

Third. From the speed, power and performance of the computer itself (laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone). In this case, nothing can be changed or corrected, unless you buy a more powerful computer.

Fourth. On the type of operating system installed on the computer and its settings. Here you can change anything and any way you want, from updating the OS to replacing it. You can also change any settings, both Internet connections and the operating system itself.

Fifth. From the software that is responsible for receiving, processing and transmitting communication packets, that is, for the Internet itself. This includes both well-known programs such as a browser, download manager, and special software to speed up the Internet. Here we are not limited by any boundaries, since any software we can install and remove on our computer as much as we like.

These are perhaps all the “levers” of influence, using which we can turn a slow Internet into a fast one. So, let's sum it up.

What to do if the Internet is slow?

  1. Correctly configure your router or modem
  2. Update, configure and

Why is the Internet slow? There may be several reasons, but the most common is too many cookies and cache. By doing a little cleaning of these pieces of data, you will significantly speed up your work on the Internet!

A computer with fast Internet is the main tool for those who work remotely or do their projects online. The speed of work and the enjoyment of the task depend on the speed of the Internet. But when everything hangs...

Why is the Internet slow?

Since I purchased a new, long-awaited laptop, installed all the programs necessary for work on it, everything has been great. In addition to page loading speed. And I specifically chose a more powerful laptop based on fast internet . If something breaks on the computer, I first take a long time to figure it out myself - or rather: you don’t have to call a repairman every time. But what did I not do?

Folders, programs - everything loads on the computer itself almost instantly. Windows Diagnostics says no problems found. I turned the browser on and off a hundred times, changed settings, allowed the modem and browser.

It's the same with antivirus. And the settings of the modem itself. I called Beeline support. I wrote to him. Corrected. And, of course, cookies - didn’t I clean them! After all this, I took it and rolled back the system.

The pages in the browser simply “spun” for about 10 minutes, and then Chrome announced that it had failed. It was especially difficult to work in the admin panel. You write an article, click “Publish” - and it spins... What kind of blog promotion is that?

This is not to say that everything was completely bad. From time to time he experienced enlightenment. The pages were just flying. There was one strange thing about all this: the modem program showed a high signal - HSPDA. But somewhere in the modem-browser chain, it seemed like something was holding it.

I called the technician and asked why my Internet was working slowly and could it be fixed somehow? He replied that this is the quality of the provider’s work, and nothing can be done about it. The explanation is known. But why on my old faithful computer, which served me for eight years, the same modem, before Windows fell from old age, worked quite tolerably. Certainly faster than now.

The problem was solved unexpectedly. Once again, watching my blog page load, something inside pushed me to update my browser. I use Chrome and don’t want to give it up, because it has all the convenient tools for working on the Internet. Updated. Overloaded. And everything started to fly.

Perhaps one of the reasons lies in the browser. Try updating the version. Sometimes this solves the problem. In Chrome this is done like this: in the upper right corner there is an icon Setup and Management. You need to click the mouse and select in the drop-down window ABOUT Google browser Chrome.

Click again and the browser will begin to determine if an update is required. Follow the instructions. After downloading, you need to restart Chrome. Some plugins may fail, in which case they will need to be reinstalled. All. As much as I love Chrome, there are some drawbacks to it. But very convenient...

Since we are talking about browsers, it would be appropriate to say that not all of them work at the same speed. When I had a speed of up to 120 kb/s, the opera showed all its agility. I had to spit on all its amenities, tear it down and put it Google Chrome. The difference is very noticeable!

Another reason for slow Internet operation may be the cache - it needs to be cleared. If you have a Chrome browser, then read about this in the article.

In the last couple of years, the Internet has become an important part of almost every person's life. Using world wide web, we can check the weather, last news world, download necessary programs, play online games, etc. When the Internet works well, doing the above things is very pleasant, but what to do if suddenly web pages take a very long time to load, and online games slow down? You should immediately look for an answer to the question of why the Internet is slow. In this article we will look at the reasons for poor network performance.

Why is the Internet slow? Options

1) It is important to remember that the Internet connection on your computer is used not only by the browser on which you view sites. If torrent trackers are installed on your PC, programs for receiving Email, Skype, etc., then Internet traffic may go to them. Also, do not forget that the computer likes to update programs and antivirus systems in automatic mode. Check if this reason is the answer to the question of why the Internet is slow.

2) If you are sure that only the browser is using the Internet connection, you should assume that the problem is there. First try updating your browser, if this does not bring results, completely delete it, and then download a new one from the official website. You can also try reconfiguring your browser. You may have accidentally changed something in the settings. First, you should check whether the checkbox next to the “Proxy server” item is checked. If it is there, then try to remove it and see the result. If it's not there, try installing it.

3) If the previous two points do not bring results, you should definitely contact your provider. May have been changed tariff plans or your account runs out of money. There are also providers who, after a certain number of downloaded gigabytes. If this is the problem, then you need to go to unlimited tariff or change provider.

4) Another answer to the question of why the Internet works slowly - viruses. Be sure to complete good antivirus. Malware begins to clog the Internet channel, destroy applications, and system files. If it happens that your computer has detected a lot of viruses, first remove them. If there is no result, then there is only one way out, but the most effective one is to reinstall the system.

5) If you connect to the Internet via a Wi-Fi router, then the problem is that the settings wireless internet executed incorrectly. To use Wi-Fi correctly, I recommend contacting a knowledgeable person or finding step by step instructions, and then complete everything point by point. Only with the right one you will get good Internet speed.

I hope that after reading this article, you found the answer to the question of why the Internet is slow. If not, then you have only one thing left to do - turn to professionals for help. They are 99% likely to help solve your problem.

We live in an age when everyone has forgotten about carrier pigeons and messengers, but you can live comfortably without leaving your home. In an age when the word “teleportation” is not a joke. I don’t know why, but it’s quite unfortunate that in this era high technology I have to watch how the video on the Internet slows down.

Users complain that the Internet freezes at the most inopportune moments

On the other hand, there is nothing terrible or unusual in the fact that from time to time your computer or laptop slows down and the Internet speed drops. Why does this happen and what can be done about it? Let's try to figure it out.

So, if your Internet is slow, then do not rush to call support, because, most likely, you are the main culprit. Why? So, only you decide what your computer should do and store.

First, we need to determine what speed we have now. There are specialized services to help you that will help you quickly find out the current speed of your Internet connection. After the measurement, leave yourself a note with the data - this will be a control result. After diagnosing each problem, take speed measurements and compare them with the control result to be sure to find out what the cause is.

TOP reasons for internet slowdown:

  1. Viruses:

Oh, these interesting “download without registration” links. Why is everyone itching to touch them? Most often, when you enter such a site or download files from them, you acquire diseases acquired through the Internet. They hide all kinds of Trojans, adware and much more, which not only slows down video on the Internet, but also significantly reduces the speed of the computer.

The solution is simple - get yourself a set of antivirus programs For computer cleaning, and also install a stationary antivirus with constant protection. Contrary to popular belief, cacti on the monitor no longer protect you from new viruses.

  1. Antiviruses:

Install - set, configure - forget. Yes, since this is protection, it can greatly reduce speed. And the stronger the “armor”, the more the Internet slows down.

It's all about network screens. They check all information in real time, thereby trying to protect you from POIs and visits to suspicious sites.

Measure the speed of your Internet connection with the antivirus turned on and off. If this is the reason, then you should think about either a new “blacksmith” whose protection will not burden you, or about high speed and the risk of being infected.

  1. Other software:

Let's not forget what we use ourselves, without thinking that " background mode" - the very reason why video on the Internet is once again slowing down.

The Internet was created to quickly and conveniently communicate and transmit information. But why should your computer and Internet connection take on excessive load? Applications that work in minimized mode - ICQ, [email protected], Skype, Viber, RaidCall, and other instant messengers and talkers - also use Internet channels, even if you do not use them, and they are minimized. Therefore, if you crave high Internet speed, then do not forget to free yourself from “unnecessary passengers”.

Add-ons and all sorts of bars are the problem of those people who do not know how to refuse installer programs. As a result, they wonder why they only see half the screen. All these add-ons, for your information, can be easily disabled and removed in the Extensions and Add-ons sections.

  1. WiFi

If your devices connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, then it would be a good idea to look into the router settings, adding all your devices to the list of MAC addresses and turning on the filter.

One of the common reasons why the Internet slows down is multiple connections to the Wi-Fi network. Why not encrypt the channel if you really want to keep all the traffic and speed to yourself?

Assemblies, assemblies, assemblies. Happiness for the home-grown computer geek who low price will reinstall for you, ignorant of computer matters, operating system. At the same time, in the kit you get a whole set of incredibly “useful” programs. But in such assemblies, even more “background” operations happen behind your back. Various services, while performing their tasks, are “sucked” into the Internet and significantly reduce the data transfer speed.

From here there are two ways out: the first is to disable services yourself; you can find methods on our website. And the second is installing a clean OS, followed by independent installation of the necessary software, and why not?

  1. Hardware Configuration

Not the least issue is the modernity of your computer. After all, Internet technologies work to improve the quality of the material, and, therefore, to reproduce it. Therefore, when your video on the Internet slows down, think about whether your Pentium can handle Blu-ray?

The main effort falls on the video card and RAM, so don’t forget to calculate the strength of your iron “beast”.

  1. Equipment malfunctions

Well, the last thing that depends on you is the quality of equipment care. Don't be surprised that your Internet video is lagging if your cat uses the Internet cable as dental floss. Why not remove all the wires under the baseboard?

And when do you last time Have you serviced your computer? When was the modem and router cleaned of dust? These are all good reasons for internet problems to start bothering you.

Faulty LAN card can be checked by simply connecting the cable to another computer/laptop.

Internet connection problems that have nothing to do with you:

They can be explained by technical and maintenance work of the provider, broken wires, heavy load on the network due to a large number of connections, and much more that you cannot do anything about on your own. Therefore, when all the points have been checked and unchecked, feel free to call the provider and demand restoration of the declared speed (which, by the way, is always higher than the real one).

What do we end up with?

Slow Internet cannot always be blamed on the provider. For the most part, the problem starts with the user. We figured it out and found out the reasons why Internet speed may decrease, and now you can share your successes with us or ask questions!

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