Extracting the exe file from bios. An alternative way to modify the AMI BIOS to support processors in the LGA771 design. Unpacking New Dell BIOSes

A universal program for removing firmware and BIOS backups from any models of laptops and personal computers.

A dump should always be done when we want to make a firmware update, update, or BIOS rollback. Sometimes they ask you to make a copy of the BIOS of a laptop or motherboard personal computer, to repair similar equipment.

And what is BIOS and how does this abbreviation stand for.

BIOS is an abbreviation for the English words Base_Input_Output_System and it translates as basic_input_output_system

Making a BIOS dump of laptops and computers using this program is very easy and simple.

Brief instructions on how to use the Universal BIOS utility Backup ToolKit 2.0 for bios creation damp, and in Russian a backup copy.

Video instructions for working with this program.

Many antiviruses detect this program as a virus, but it is not.

After downloading, you can check this archive on the website www.virustotal.com, which will say that half of the antiviruses will find various viruses in it, and the second half will not.

My AVG defines it the same as a virus. And on the beech Casper says that everything is fine.

After checking this file, see if your antivirus finds a virus in it. If so, disable it while the program is running.

Then we unpack the archive and run the resulting file with the name Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit 2.0.exe

If your system says that administrator rights are required. Then we right-click on this file and click on the item run as administrator.

After that, the program window opens, in which we see information about the type, version, size, manufacturer and date of your BIOS.

After that, press the Read button and wait until the BIOS reading process is completed.

After that, a sign will appear indicating that the BIOS reading was completed successfully.

We press OK. Then click the Backup button.

We are offered to choose a place where we save the BIOS dump. Select the desired folder and click the save button.

We all made a BIOS backup, you can update the version, flash a new or old stable version of the BIOS.

O guess the riddle: it stands like a beehive buzzes. But there is no smoke coming from the chimney, because this is not a native factory, but a computer on which the BIOS is damaged. And he buzzes because that's the only thing he is now capable of. Without a bios, it's just a bunch of lifeless iron. Is this worth worrying about? Of course not. After all, now you have a great bedside table!

The system unit as a bedside table? Well, I do not! We know how to make it work. Today we'll talk about how to restore the BIOS if it crashed.

What causes BIOS flashing

B IOS and its "descendant" UEFI, which modern motherboards are flashed with, are special computer programs required for initial setup and management of PC devices until the operating system starts. They are stored in special flash memory chips on the motherboard, one of which is shown in the picture above. It seems to be a good storage place, reliable, but sometimes the BIOS gets uncomfortable there and runs away. More precisely, it is damaged and ceases to perform its tasks.

There are not too many reasons for BIOS damage, in some cases they are obvious, in others they are not. Here is a list of the most common:

  • During a power outage to the computer.
  • The flasher program (flasher) interacts incorrectly with the firmware or flash memory chip.
  • Flashed a BIOS version that does not match this motherboard. Yes, .
  • If the update is carried out from under a working operating system- system failure or software interference, for example, blocking by antivirus.
  • Incorrect user actions, for example, restarting the computer before the update is installed.
  • Failure of the flash memory chip.
  • Hidden BIOS microprogram errors. Sometimes this explains spontaneous "gatherings" that occur for no apparent reason.
  • Electrical failure of the motherboard.

How BIOS corruption manifests itself

In most cases, the BIOS firmware is partially damaged, so the symptoms of a failure can be different:
  • When you press the PC power button, only the cooler turns on, which immediately starts to rotate at maximum speed. Sometimes the LED indicators on the case and keyboard light up.
  • One or more seconds after power on, a cyclic reboot begins. Outwardly, this is manifested by a cycle of spin-ups and stops of the cooler, which are repeated as long as power is supplied.
  • When turned on, the power indicator lights up, the cooler does not spin.
  • The computer shows no signs of life. This happens when the boot block, the BIOS bootloader, is damaged. This is the hardest case.

There is no image on the screen. Even the splash screen of the manufacturer does not appear.

There are other forms of damage to the BIOS, more precisely, its area, which stores the configuration of the ME controller (an integral part of the chipset) on boards that work with Intel processors– the so-called ME-region. If there is a problem in this area, a computer or laptop may:

  • Incorrect loading or not turning on at all.
  • Turn off or restart at regular intervals.
  • It is incorrect to regulate the cooler rotation speed, for example, to turn it at high speed regardless of the load.

The elimination of such failures consists in reading the BIOS dump, replacing the ME region with a clean one and re-flashing it using the programmer. Since this is usually done by repairmen, and not by computer owners, we will not dwell on this. Let's better do what can be done at home without special equipment and the risk of finally sending your "iron pet" to the realm of eternity.

BIOS recovery without a programmer is possible only if the bootloader is saved. It is sometimes possible to determine whether it has been preserved or not by indirect signs: flashing of the screen backlight, sound signals from the system speaker, the reaction of the motherboard to turn on without random access memory(sound or flashing indicators), etc. If the BIOS bootloader is preserved, the first moments of computer operation are normal, the failure appears a little later.

How to restore the performance of a motherboard with a failed BIOS


Many Asus brand desktop motherboards support USB flashback, which is designed to quickly update and restore the BIOS in the event of a failure. This does not require anything other than a USB flash drive with a capacity of up to 4-16 GB and the BIOS file itself, which must be downloaded from the manufacturer's website from the section on your "mother" model.

After downloading the firmware, you need to rename it. For example, the file "Sabertooth X79" (model name) is renamed to "SABERX79.ROM", the file "Sabertooth Z77" to "Z77ST.CAP". Information on how the firmware file should be named for your model is most likely on the Asus website, but if you do not find it, check the forums or support.

Next, save the renamed BIOS to a FAT32-formatted flash drive and connect it to USB port marked " flashback" or " ROG Connect". It is advisable to turn off the computer before this, this will increase the chance of a successful recovery.

After connecting the flash drive, turn on the PC and press the " BIOS". Hold it down for about 3 seconds until the indicator light on the board starts flashing. Blinking indicates that the file was successfully read and flashed into memory. When the flashing process is completed, the indicator will turn off.

If your board is from the budget segment or not too new, that is, it does not support USB Flash back, you can most likely restore it in another way. If the computer is equipped with a floppy drive or optical drive, write the renamed BIOS file to the root directory of a blank floppy disk or CD, place it in the drive, turn off and then turn on the PC. The firmware will be completed when the drive indicator turns off. If there is no drive, use a USB flash drive.


On Gigabyte boards with Dual (dual) BIOS, failures rarely occur, since in case of damage to the firmware in the main chip ( M ain_ BIOS) the dump from the backup is copied into it ( B backup_ BIOS). As long as the main flash memory is healthy and contains firmware, even damaged, the board remains operational.

Problems with starting a board with Dual_BIOS are possible in the following cases:

  • The main chip is missing or has failed.
  • The microcode in the main chip is completely erased.
  • The contents of both chips are damaged.

Some Gigabyte "mothers" can boot from backup flash memory and use it as the main one. Another group of boards from this manufacturer uses a dedicated area on the hard disk as a BIOS backup medium. This is a less reliable option, but still better than nothing.

Restoring the Gigabyte BIOS from a backup is usually done automatically, but if this does not happen, try unplugging the computer, wait a bit and turn it on again.

MSI and others

On most motherboards manufactured by Micro-Star, a firmware recovery technology is used, very similar to ASUS's - using a flash drive, floppy disk or CD. Copy the BIOS to blank media, connect it to the PC, press the shutdown button for 4 seconds, hold down the combination on the keyboard leftctrl +Home(or Alt +ctrl +Home) and, without releasing the keys, turn on the computer. The beginning of the firmware process can be judged by the blinking of the flash drive or drive indicator.
BIOS on MSI board. On the right is the JSPI1 port for firmware on the programmer

On MSI motherboards and some other brands that are more than 8-10 years old, the BIOS is flashed from a floppy disk. The instructions for AWARD and AMI BIOS are slightly different.

To restore the AMI BIOS, do the following:

  • Rename the BIOS file downloaded from the motherboard manufacturer's website to AMIBOOT.ROM.
  • Move it to the root of a clean floppy disk. Insert the floppy disk into the drive of the switched off PC.
  • Press left Ctrl + Home on your keyboard and turn on your computer.

To restore the AWARD BIOS:

  • Place the flash driver and BIOS files on a floppy disk (usually downloaded in one archive).
  • Create on diskette Text Document, which contains the name of the BIOS file with the extension bin. Rename the document to autoexec.bat.
  • The next steps are the same as above.

By the way, some motherboard manufacturers post BIOSes on their websites only in exe format - in one bottle with the flash driver for updating from under Windows. Sometimes such a file can be unpacked as an archive, but users often do not understand what exactly of its contents is the firmware. There is no universal solution for such problems. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is better to consult on the specialized forums or in the technical support of the manufacturer.

On some boards, before restoring the BIOS, you also need to remove the real-time clock (RTC) battery from the socket or rearrange (remove) the clear CMOS jumper. It is important to find out these points before starting the procedure.

Features of BIOS recovery on laptops

On laptops, as well as on Gigabyte boards, the BIOS is also often stored in two flash memory chips. But it's not Dual and backups he doesn't have. Both chips contain different parts of the firmware, or one contains the main BIOS, and the other contains the multicontroller program. To prevent the device from turning on, it is enough to damage the microcode in at least one of them.

The procedure for recovering a crashed BIOS on laptops is about the same as on desktops. The firmware file downloaded from the manufacturer’s website and the flasher program (the latter is not always needed) are placed on a clean USB flash drive formatted in FAT32 / 16, connected to a de-energized device (just turning off the laptop is sometimes not enough, you need to disconnect the power supply and remove the battery), insert a charged the battery in place, turn on the device and hold down the key combination. On different laptops, different keyboard shortcuts are used for this, for example:

  • Ctrl (left only or both) + Home
  • Windows + B (this and other letters are given in the Latin layout)
  • Windows+F
  • Windows+M
  • Windows + Esc
  • Fn+B
  • Fn+F
  • Fn+M
  • Fn + Esc.

The main work is to unpack and rename the BIOS files. Again, there is no single rule here. In most cases, you have to get the firmware from exe files, but! Many manufacturers include BIOSes for different revisions of one platform or a whole series of platforms in the program, and choose the only one from them desired file happens to be very difficult. In order not to be mistaken, read the instructions for the firmware of your particular model and platform revision on the specialized forums. And feel free to ask questions.

I deliberately do not provide instructions in the article for restoring BIOSes by flashing on a programmer with and without soldering, closing various contacts, hot-swapping removable flash memory, etc., since all these methods are unsafe and require certain knowledge. However, among the readers, there are probably those who have done something similar on their PC and got good results. It will be great if you describe in detail your actions in the comments to the article. Also, stories about negative experiences are welcome so that other readers can avoid mistakes thanks to you. In the comments, be sure to include the model name and revision of your motherboard, as well as the BIOS version you were working with.

Probably, today there are no users who have not heard about the BIOS. Novice users (some of them are in the state of beginners all their lives) are afraid of this very BIOS like fire and do not even know how to enter it, let alone configure it. Well, experienced users or, as they are commonly called, computer enthusiasts, not only set up BIOS system, but also reflash it. It should be noted that the procedure for flashing the BIOS even among specialists causes a surge of adrenaline, since it is by no means safe and often poses a threat to life. However, the BIOS flashing procedure is still flowers. Far more extreme is the modding, or editing, BIOS, which will be discussed in this article.

Before starting a story about how to edit the BIOS, let's briefly recall what the BIOS is, what opportunities it provides to the user, and why update it, let alone edit it.

What is BIOS

BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a basic input/output system. More precisely, the BIOS is a system for configuring and managing memory, a processor, a chipset, controllers integrated on the board, and devices connected to the board. Unlike most other programs, the BIOS is not located on the hard drive, but on a special self-powered chip on the motherboard.

A lot depends on the BIOS in a computer. In fact, the BIOS determines the system setting, which determines the functionality and performance of the PC. Often the first BIOS versions with which motherboards appear are replete with "bugs" that disappear only in subsequent versions.

The BIOS is included on every motherboard (excluding Apple motherboards), whether it's for a desktop PC or a laptop. However, it has traditionally happened that the BIOS for a laptop has a minimum of settings and is more of an informational nature. Concerning motherboard BIOS boards for a desktop PC, it allows you to perform a fairly large number of settings that affect both the performance of the system and its functionality. In particular, the traditional overclocking of the system, which implies an increase clock frequency processor, changing the processor supply voltage, changing the clock frequency, timings and memory supply voltage are made in the BIOS settings. In addition, in some cases, the BIOS allows you to configure the speed of the fan installed in the processor cooler and additional fans installed in the system, implement the RAID configuration hard drives if this array is created on the basis of a controller integrated into the chipset, as well as perform a lot of other fine-tuning of the computer.

The BIOS is located in a ROM-memory chip (Read Only Memory), which ensures that the BIOS is always available regardless of the performance of components external to the motherboard (for example, boot disks). Because RAM (Random Access Memory) is much faster to access than ROM, many manufacturers provide automatic copying of the BIOS from ROM to RAM at power on. The area of ​​RAM involved in this is called Shadow ROM.

Currently, most modern motherboards are equipped with Flash BIOS chips, the code in which can be rewritten using special program. This approach provides the possibility of updating (firmware new version) BIOS.

There are not so many BIOS kernel manufacturers. The most common BIOSes are from AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.), AWARD, and Phoenics Technologies. Other BIOSes (from FirmWorks, Micro Firmware, etc.) are much less common. AMI BIOS currently dominates the market, so in the future we will focus on ways to flash and modify it.

Naturally, each manufacturer makes its own changes to basic version BIOS, and, of course, this or that BIOS version is only for a specific product (computer or laptop) and is not compatible with other solutions.

Finally, note that BIOS chips currently use two interfaces to connect to the motherboard: either the LPC (Low Pin Connection) bus or the new SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus.

Why flash the BIOS

All manufacturers of motherboards and laptops strongly do not recommend flashing the BIOS unless it is absolutely necessary. Moreover, representatives of service centers constantly turn to motherboard manufacturers with a request to completely block the possibility of flashing the BIOS for the user. Of course, this idea is absurd and this will never happen, but we emphasize once again that the BIOS flashing operation is not safe and can be life-threatening. If the board or laptop is working fine, then there is no point in updating the BIOS.

At the same time, situations often arise when a BIOS update is necessary. For example, you purchased a motherboard with a processor and found out that they are incompatible with each other. Most likely, the problem is that your motherboard is flashed with an old BIOS version that does not support new processor. The only option in this case is to find the old processor and update the BIOS on the board.

In addition, each new BIOS version fixes bugs that were made in previous versions, so the BIOS update procedure is very useful.

The most secure in terms of the BIOS flashing procedure are boards from Gigabyte, ASUS and MSI, which implement protection against unsuccessful BIOS flashing. Gigabyte boards have two BIOS chips installed (DualBIOS technology), and if the BIOS is flashed incorrectly and the system cannot start, then the BIOS emergency recovery procedure from the backup chip automatically starts.

On new ASUS boards, the BIOS emergency recovery technology is called ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3. The essence of this technology is that in the event of a BIOS crash or mismatch checksum after an unsuccessful firmware, a program is automatically launched that searches for the BIOS on a CD / DVD disk, floppy disk or flash drive (with the FAT / FAT32 file system). If a file is found on some media, the recovery procedure starts automatically.

A similar technology, dubbed M-Flash, is found on MSI boards. The only difference is that the BIOS file must be on the flash drive.

BIOS flashing methods

All motherboard manufacturers, along with new BIOS versions, also post utilities for their firmware, as well as detailed instructions how to flash BIOS. Alas, there is simply no universal toolkit for flashing the BIOS. In general, there are three ways to flash the BIOS: from under DOS, from under the operating Windows systems and directly from under the BIOS.

Actually, there is not much to tell about the methods of flashing the BIOS from under the BIOS and using a proprietary utility from under the Windows operating system. Everything is simple and clear here. Moreover, the way to flash the BIOS from under the BIOS is the easiest and safest, but, alas, not all manufacturers support this function. The only exceptions are ASUS and Gigabyte.

Moreover, not all manufacturers provide their boards with utilities for flashing the BIOS from under Windows, and in some cases flashing from under DOS is the only possible way.

The method of flashing the BIOS from under DOS can be called classic, but also the most inconvenient. The fact is that, in addition to the presence of the appropriate DOS utility, this flashing method involves booting the computer not from hard drive, but from external media. Previously, conventional 3.5-inch boot diskettes with DOS were used for this, and along with the operating system, the BIOS file itself and the DOS utility for flashing it were written to this diskette. However, at present, 3.5-inch floppy disks, like the flop drives themselves, can be considered obsolete devices. Many modern motherboards do not even have a connector for connecting a floppy drive, and laptops with 3.5-inch floppy drives have not been produced for a long time. However, the problem this method flashing the BIOS is not even that. In the end, you can find a 3.5-inch floppy drive with a USB interface, but this is unlikely to solve the problem. The fact is that a modern BIOS can be several megabytes in size and simply does not fit on a floppy disk.

Basically, one can try to solve this problem using a bootable flash drive with a DOS kernel instead of a boot floppy. But even in this case there are complications. First of all, you need to find a utility that will allow you to make the flash drive bootable, and system files operating room DOS systems. You can find several utilities on the Internet that allow you to make bootable DOS flash drives, the most famous of them is HP USB Disk Storage format tool and BootFlashDOS, which are freely available on the Web.

The HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool allows you to create bootable flash drives if you have DOS system files, which means it also requires the files themselves. However, on torrent resources you can find assemblies that include DOS system files.

If you use flash drives with a capacity of less than 4 GB, when formatting and creating a bootable flash drive using the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (Fig. 1), you can use the FAT or FAT32 file system, but if you use a flash drive with a capacity of more than 4 GB, then you need file system FAT32.

Rice. 1. Create a bootable flash drive with DOS
using the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

The BootFlashDOS utility allows you to create bootable DOS flash drives with just one click, since all the necessary system files are already included in the utility itself (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Creating a bootable DOS flash drive using the BootFlashDOS utility

In principle, if a bootable flash drive with DOS is created, then there will be no problems with flashing the BIOS. It is enough to copy the DOS utility for flashing the BIOS and the BIOS file to the bootable flash drive and boot the computer from the flash drive. To boot a computer from a flash drive, you need to insert it into the PC, restart or simply turn on the computer and enter the BIOS at the boot stage to set boot from the USB Flash Drive in the settings. Next, saving the settings, restart the computer and, having loaded DOS, execute in command line desired command according to the BIOS manufacturer's instructions.

We will give examples of executing such a command a little later, but for now we will consider another way to flash the BIOS from under DOS. It lies in the fact that instead of a bootable flash drive, a bootable CD / DVD is used. It is hardly worth reinventing the wheel here - it is better to use the ready-made Hiren`s BootCD ( Current version 10.4), the image of which can be downloaded from www.hirensbootcd.net. In case of use boot disk Hiren`s BootCD will additionally need a flash drive (with a FAT or FAT32 file structure), on which a DOS utility for flashing the BIOS, and the BIOS file itself should be written.

Now let's look at the procedure for flashing the BIOS from under DOS using the example of an MSI GX640 laptop with AMI BIOS. On MSI laptops, there is only one way to flash the BIOS from under DOS using the proprietary DOS utility that comes with the BIOS file itself. Actually, all that is needed to flash the BIOS is to create a bootable USB flash drive, download the archive with all the necessary files from the MSI website, which includes the BIOS file, the flashing utility, and executable file flash.bat with the prescribed sequence of all actions. After that, you should unzip this archive to a bootable flash drive and, after booting from the flash drive, run the flash.bat file for execution. The main thing is that all unzipped files are in the same folder (you can unzip them to the root directory of the flash drive).

In general, it should be noted that for each type of BIOS (AMI, Award) for flashing, there are specialized utilities from AMI and Award companies. For example, from the AMI website, you can download the amiflash package, which includes afudos utilities and afuwin, allowing you to flash the AMI BIOS from DOS and from Windows, respectively. However, keep in mind that the AMI BIOS can be either a classic AMI BIOS or an AMI Aptio BIOS. Aptio is a variant of AMI BIOS, but the main thing is that different afudos and afuwin utilities are used for AMI BIOS and Aptio AMI BIOS.

In addition, many motherboard manufacturers make such significant changes to the BIOS for their products that the universal AMI or Award utilities simply do not recognize them, and therefore cannot reflash them. In particular, in the AMI example discussed earlier laptop BIOS MSI GT640 afudos and afuwin utilities do not recognize it as an AMI BIOS and, of course, cannot reflash it.

In general, the situation when it comes to modified versions of the AMI BIOS, which are defined as AMI BIOS by the AMI utilities themselves, is quite common. This and many MSI boards, and many Gigabyte boards. So far, only ASUS boards, the BIOS on which can be reflashed with utilities from AMI (although, of course, utilities supplied by ASUS itself, are better suited) have not been seen in such a "show off".

Why Modify the BIOS

So, we have considered the main ways to flash the BIOS, and now we will discuss how to modify it. Naturally, the question arises: why modify the BIOS at all? On this occasion, one can argue ad infinitum, as well as about whether it is necessary to overclock the computer. Actually, if the BIOS modding procedure is possible in principle, there will always be enthusiasts who will do it.

A few years ago, few people thought about the possibility of self-editing the BIOS. However, this procedure has recently become popular, and you can find quite a few resources on the Internet dedicated to BIOS modding. The interest in this issue can be explained by the fact that recently many users have begun to flash the SLIC table in their BIOS, and this is one of the options for modding, or editing, the BIOS. By itself, the procedure for flashing a SLIC table into the BIOS is quite legal, but what it is done for, of course, is already illegal - this explains the popularity of this procedure.

Briefly explain what we are talking about. Flashing the SLIC table in the BIOS is used to implement the mechanism for OEM activation of the Windows 7 operating system in the same way that Microsoft OEM partners do to activate pre-installed copies of Windows without Microsoft checking. This method allows you to activate the system under three conditions: the use of a special OEM key and an OEM certificate, as well as the presence of a SLIC table in the computer's BIOS.

Windows 7 requires SLIC tables version 2.1 in the BIOS, and there is no hard binding of the OEM key to the SLIC table and certificate. The key is bound only to the Windows edition and allows you to activate both x86 and x64 versions of the OS. The filecertificate and SLIC tables are interconnected, and for successful activation, both components must be from the same OEM partner.

We will not tell you how to illegally activate Windows 7, but we will focus on the procedure for inserting a SLIC table into the BIOS. We note right away that this is far from always possible and not all BIOSes can be edited in any way.

On the Internet, you can find a package of software tools (AMITool) containing both the SLIC tables themselves and a utility (AMI SLIC Mod) for flashing them into the AMI BIOS. However, this requires that you use the AMI BIOS on your board, but even in this case there is no guarantee that the procedure for flashing the SLIC table in the BIOS will be possible. As we have already noted, many manufacturers modify the BIOS for their products in such a way that the AMI SLIC Mod utility simply does not recognize it as an AMI BIOS, and therefore cannot modify it.

However, even in this case, do not despair and run to the store for another system board. Before trying to flash the SLIC table in the BIOS, you should check that it is not in the BIOS. If you recently bought a motherboard or laptop, it may well turn out that the version of the SLIC table you need (version 2.1) is already in the BIOS.

You can view the version of the SLIC table in the BIOS using the specialized utility RW - Read & Write Utility (current version 1.4.7), which can be downloaded from http://rweverything.phpnet.us. Another name for this utility is RW-Everything.

By setting this utility, run it and in the main window of the program on the toolbar, click on the button labeled ACPI. In the ACPI Table window that opens, click on the SLIC tab. Next, you need to view the table in hexadecimal format and find in it a line starting with bytes 53 20. If the next four bytes are 00 00 00 00, then the SLIC table version 2.0 is flashed in the BIOS, and if it is 01 00 02 00, then the SLIC is flashed version 2.1 table (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Determining the version of the BIOS SLIC table

Of course, inserting a SLIC table into the BIOS is far from the only possible modding option. Another modding method is unlocking some BIOS features. Indeed, motherboard manufacturers often deliberately block some functionality BIOS to simplify the setup procedure Setup BIOS. They also disable those functions that are not available in a particular motherboard, but can be used in the following modifications.

Using specialized utilities, you can try to unlock all disabled features and options in the BIOS. In addition, you can change the logos (some motherboard manufacturers, such as ASUS, even supply special utilities to change the BIOS logo), as well as some names so that, for example, when booting, it does not display the real name of the processor, but something like “AMD Core i9 -995".

Another example of BIOS modding can be given. Some craftsmen manage to unlock the ability to use SLI mode through the BIOS for NVIDIA graphics cards on those motherboards where this mode not provided. Actually, if the board officially supports the SLI mode, then its BIOS contains the corresponding key from NVIDIA. The idea of ​​modding is to cut this key from the BIOS of the motherboard on which the SLI mode is officially supported, and paste it into the BIOS for the board on which the SLI mode is not supported (that is, in the BIOS without the NVIDIA key). In particular, there are examples of how, due to such modding, the SLI mode was activated on boards based on Intel chipset P45 Express.

However, let's move from theory to practice and discuss BIOS editing, in particular AMI BIOS editing as the most common.


To edit a BIOS with an AMI kernel, you will need the AMIBCP utility, which, by the way, is released by AMI itself. This utility can be downloaded both separately and as part of the AMI BIOS ROM Utilities package. It should be noted that since, as we have repeatedly emphasized, motherboard and laptop manufacturers make changes to the AMI BIOS for their products, there is no guarantee that the AMIBCP utility will recognize the BIOS. Alas, not every BIOS can be modified. As practice shows, the BIOS of ASUS and ECS boards can be edited without problems, but the AMIBCP utility is powerless with respect to Gigabyte and MSI boards.

So, back to the consideration of editing the BIOS in the event that it is possible. The AMIBCP utility (version 3.x) runs under the Windows operating system, but it should be noted that there are versions of the same utility for DOS.

After downloading the utilities, you need to open the BIOS file. In our example, we will look at editing the AMI BIOS for system board ASUS P6X58D-E using the AMIBCP v.3.37 utility. We will edit the P6X58DE.ROM file.

So, in the main window of the program, we load the BIOS file, which we will modify (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. The main window of the AMIBCP v.3.37 utility

First of all, the Setup Configuration tab is interesting, in which, in fact, the BIOS settings are modified. The main BIOS settings menu is displayed in the left window of this tab. If you uncheck any menu item, it will not be displayed in the BIOS menu. In the considered example (see Fig. 4), we unchecked the Ai Tweaker and Advanced checkboxes, thus blocking all possibilities for overclocking the system. That is, the BIOS menu items, in which you can view information about the processor and memory, as well as change frequencies, supply voltage, etc., will simply be absent in modified version BIOS.

The situation is similar when expanding the tree structure of each menu item. BIOS settings: If you uncheck any sub-item, then it will not be displayed in the BIOS menu. For example, if we do not want the Intel PPM Configuration item to be displayed in the Advanced settings menu, we just need to uncheck the corresponding item (Fig. 5).

In order to block any option of the BIOS setup menu, it is enough to set the value No in the Show column for the corresponding item. Such blocked elements will (after saving the changes) be highlighted with a green bar.

For example, if our system does not have additional fans installed in the case and we do not want their settings to be displayed in the BIOS, then we enter the Power menu, then open the menu Hardware Monitor and for the Chassis Fan 1 Speed, Chassis Fan 2 Speed, Chassis Fan 3 Speed, Chassis Q-Fan Profile and Power Fan Speed ​​options, set the Show value to No (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Blocking BIOS display of various setup menu options

It should be noted that the BIOS P6X58DE.ROM for the ASUS P6X58D-E board does not allow any improvements using the AMIBCP v.3.37 utility. All options in it are unlocked, so the maximum that can be done is to block what is not needed (however, it is not clear why this should be done).

You can also try to change some labels, but keep in mind that labels in Russian will not be displayed. For example, if we want the line ComputerPress P6X58D-E BIOS Edition to be displayed instead of the line ASUS P6X58D-E ACPI BIOS Revision 0106 during boot, then it is enough to find the line ASUS P6X58D-E ACPI BIOS Revision 0106 on the BIOS Strings tab and change it to the specified .

It remains for us to consider one more type of BIOS modding - changing background picture(logo) BIOS. At the same time, ASUS even bundles its boards with a special utility that allows you to implement this opportunity. Of course, for ASUS boards, it is easiest to use this particular utility. However, for AMI BIOS, you can also use the AMI OEM LOGO utility (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Changing the BIOS logo using the OEM LOGO utility

The interface of this utility is very simple and does not require comments. It is enough to load the BIOS and specify the path to the file with the new logo. The only limitation is that the drawing must be of a certain resolution and format.

Actually, the original method, equipment and microcodes can be found (directly instructions for AMI), and in most cases, using this method does not cause any problems and has no pitfalls, but in my practice I regularly encountered such a problem:

Those. there was a banal lack of free space inside the image. When you modify the BIOS for yourself for a specific processor, you can ignore this, because. You can always load just one microcode specifically for your processor, or delete some old microcode to free up space, but when you modify it with a stream, you need to look for another solution, a compromise.

As a compromise, I chose the following solution - we take latest versions microcodes for all processors of the CORE generation in all constructs (Celeron E, Pentium E, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Xeon *3xxx/*5xxx) and replace everything that was before with them. The set of microcodes is as follows:

The volume of this set is only 76 kilobytes. This file obtained by combining these files:


The modification procedure itself has also changed a bit and has become, if not easier, then faster:

Step 1- open the BIOS image in the MMTool program:

Step 2- to check go to last tab(CPU PATCH) and look at the number of microcodes. Here they are, for example, 31 pieces:

Step 3- go to the Replace tab and look for the “P6 Micro Code” item on it:

Step 4- having selected the item “P6 Micro Code”, press the Ikshtsyu button, select the ncpucode.bin file described above and replace it with the Replace button:

Step 5- to check, go to the last tab (CPU PATCH) and look at the number of microcodes. After changing the microcodes, 17 remained, the latest version:

There is no fundamental difference with the modification order described on delidded.com. In most cases, the output is of course not the same, but the processor receives the desired microcode. Of the subjective positive aspects, I would like to draw attention only to the fact that microcodes are guaranteed to be updated for all actual processors, be it "civilian" or "server", as well as there is practically no risk of receiving a message about the lack of space. Although, in my practice, even for such a set of microcodes there was not enough space a couple of times, it was with the BIOS for ECS P4M900T-M and ECS P4M900T-M2 boards, which are generally compatible with the Xeon E5450.

By tradition, I publish a link to the archive with tools - (zip, 234KB). The archive contains an executable file MMTOL.exe(version 3.22 BKMOD), firmware file for all 45/65nm core/xeon processors ncpucode.bin, as well as two files 45nm.bin And 65nm.bin with microcodes only for 45nm processors and only for 65nm. The use of these files can be useful in cases where it is necessary to free up additional space in the BIOS, for example, for new firmware of some controller, network, disk, etc.

!NB: Neither the ncpucode.bin file nor the 45nm.bin/65nm.bin files support Pentium 4, Celeron (without letter indexes), Pentium D, Celeron D and Xeon W processors (Xeon 5080 for example). These are NetBrust generation processors.

How to extract Dell BIOS files?

Copy the BIOS.exe file to drive C:
Run command prompt in administrator mode and write this:

bios.exe /writeromfile
bios.exe /writebinfile
bios.exe /writehexfile

» bios.exe is a file downloaded from the Dell website. "

The unpacked bios file will be copied to the C: drive!

Unpacking New Dell BIOSes.

  • Download the Python 2.7 interpreter.
  • Install Python 2.7 on the computer (this particular version!).
  • with a Python script - DecompNewDell.py.
  • Copy the DecompNewDell.py script extracted from the archive to the folder with the Python interpreter (usually C:\Python27).
  • Also in the folder with the interpreter (usually C:\Python27) we copy our bios downloaded from the dell site. Rename it to biosupdate.exe. It should look like the photo below.
  • Start Windows command prompt in administrator mode and write this:

cd Python27
python DecompNewDell.py biosupdate.exe

It should look like the photo below.

And in the Python folder (usually C:\Python27), the biosupdate.exe_decompressed.hdr file will appear.

  • with the PFSExtractor.exe program, extract the program to the same folder where we created the .hdr file (usually C:\Python27).
  • In the command Windows line we write:

PFSExtractor biosupdate.exe_decompressed.hdr

It will turn out as in the photo below.

And the biosupdate.exe_decompressed.hdr.extracted folder will be created, inside which are all the extracted files from which you can collect a dump for firmware on the programmer. Ready!

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