360 total security updates the system anyway. Free antivirus update. Cleaning and optimization options

It goes without saying that more and more viruses and malicious codes appear every day. To counter them, technologies for protection against them are also developing. One of the relatively new packages of this type is 360 Total Security antivirus. Reviews of experts and users about him, however, were diametrically divided. Let's see what caused this situation.

What is the 360 ​​Total Security package: expert reviews

Recently, a lot of programs have appeared on the software market that combine the possibilities of proactive antivirus protection and means of optimizing computer or mobile systems. These include the antivirus 360 Total Security. Reviews of experts indicate that in the usual sense, this package is not a pure antivirus and is not, since it contains a lot of useful features.

However, there are some snags here, because, in fact, the Chinese developers tried to combine in one package a fairly large number of modules and technologies, as they say, for all occasions. But, as you know, you can’t sit on all the chairs at the same time. So with the program, users who have tried this package in their work, in general, evaluate the application positively, although you can also find a lot of nit-picking about problems in individual elements. But first things first.

Antivirus part

To begin with, let's consider the antivirus 360 Total Security (in Russian). Reviews on the Web, in general, in most cases look quite flattering. First of all, this is due to the fact that the developers have used advanced technologies for the foundations of its functioning and support for a fairly large number of language packs, as is already clear, including Russian. So it will not be difficult to deal with the basic elements of labor management. In technological terms, first of all, it should be noted that there is a “sandbox” (“cloud”) in which threats are placed. A well-known software product works on the same principle. However, there are enough differences.

How do they manifest themselves in the 360 ​​Total Security program? Reviews of specialists who tested the anti-virus part indicate that the protection module first allows the virus to enter the system (!), and only then it scans the threat and, if necessary, places it in a “cloud” quarantine.” It is not clear why this approach was taken, because almost all anti-virus programs known today try to block the threat even at the stage of its penetration into a computer or mobile device. The same applies to visiting potentially infected sites on the Internet, however, after entering such resources, the threat is sent to the "cloud". But here, unfortunately, no one can give guarantees that the virus has not done any harm.

In addition, if we consider the antivirus part of 360 Total Security, user reviews are also sometimes far from flattering, since the package, as it turned out, has a big problem with detecting yet unknown potential threats. And this is despite the constant updating of the anti-virus database. But there is a small problem here too. The fact is that the update occurs only if you have constant access to the Internet, and manually updating the databases is simply impossible, and they themselves do not look up to date at all.

Now a few words about some of the positive aspects that 360 Total Security antivirus has. Reviews of experts testify to some non-standard approaches of developers to the protection system. They note that the program is unique in that it involves two anti-virus engines at once: Avira and Bitdefender (not counting the already mentioned “cloud” 360 Cloud), used for offline mode. However, the problem is that they are not enabled by default. You can enable them when configuring the settings from the protection menu, where you need to enable the modules in the Bitdefender and / or Avira engine enable settings line, which looks somewhat inconvenient.

On the other hand, it can also be noted that the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus (specialist reviews confirm this) has a significantly higher level of system protection when making online purchases. At the same time, the program itself is even able to monitor the security of a Wi-Fi connection (determine the strength of passwords) and DNS, and also integrates into almost all known Internet browsers today.

Optimizer Features

Now a few words about the possibilities of the optimization part of 360 Total Security. Reviews of experts here are much more optimistic. And to a greater extent it concerns mobile version package. Here, the advantages, compared with conventional optimizers, are much greater (this will be discussed separately).

As for the main modules of the program, for example, cleaning the application and browser cache, optimizing the system registry, removing computer debris, etc., in general, they do not stand out in any way, but compared to other applications, this package looks more “nimble”, if I may say so. It really takes much less time to scan and fix errors. If anyone has come across AVG PC Tune Up, this is heaven and earth. In this respect, superiority is best seen (meaning the superiority of 360 Total Security). By the way, the opinions of experts are such that, in their opinion, it is the optimizer that can compete with such well-known software products as CCleaner or Advanced System Care.

Some features of the software package

It goes without saying that any program of this level, although it looks somewhat standardized, nevertheless has its own characteristics.

Something has already been considered, and now it's time to look at the program from a slightly different angle. The first thing to note here is the anti-virus part. Reviews about 360 Total Security antivirus, found on the Internet, directly state that the application can be safely installed even on infected systems, and after that it is completely easy to scan a computer or mobile device, and then isolate most of the threats.

Some experts point out another key feature package. The fact is that to strengthen security measures, it has its own firewall in the form of a GlassFire module, which is mainly used to control and monitor network activity with displaying all data in the form of a convenient graph.

And that is not all. There is another feature that the 360 ​​Total Security software package has exclusively. Expert reviews contain enthusiastic opinions about a very interesting element of interaction between a standard computer and mobile set - the 360 ​​Connect Android client, which allows you to manage a stationary program and receive all information about a computer system directly using a smartphone or tablet.

Package 360 ​​Total Security for Windows: reviews

For Windows systems, one can observe a division of opinion among users of the package. As already mentioned, it has the problem of detecting fresh viruses, as well as some problems when connecting removable devices in the form of ordinary flash drives.

In addition, there are cases when a couple of weeks after installing the program, the autoload completely “flies”. Some attribute this to the inept disabling of elements in the program itself, while others (which, unfortunately, is much more common) - to the inability of the program to detect Trojans that can cause such failures.

But as for the optimization modules, here almost all experts and users have an unambiguous opinion - the program is very good, but in general this applies specifically to the mobile version.

360 Total Security for OS Android

Now let's finally look at 360 Total Security for Android. Reviews of specialists and ordinary owners of smartphones and tablets based on this operating system contain a fairly large number of references to the fact that the package is almost the best among all of its kind.

Ignoring the mobile client for remote control stationary computer version, almost everyone notes the high speed of work, as well as (most importantly) the presence of autorun controls and the means to disable the most heavy background applications that are loaded automatically when you turn on any gadget.

For example, to disable system processes in the same CCleaner, you need to have at least root rights, when “superuser” rights are granted during the deactivation of elements. In the case of the 360 ​​Total package Security Mobile there is nothing like it. Almost everything can be turned off.

Although this is not an innovation, when installing and integrating into Android systems of any version, the program creates a special quick optimization widget on the main screen, which is very convenient. One click is enough, as all processes related to terminating unused processes, clearing the browser or application cache, deleting junk files, outdated APKs, call logs and messages are performed automatically in the background without additional intervention of the gadget owner.

Advantages and disadvantages

In principle, the package has an almost equal number of positive and negative reviews. In addition to what was discussed above, it is worth noting that sometimes a false positive occurs in the antivirus.

So, for example, some unlicensed Chinese programs (note that they are Chinese) are recognized by the antivirus itself as a potential threat or unwanted software. It's strange, because the package itself was developed by Chinese specialists ... However, in terms of using 360 Total Security as a system optimizer, almost no one has any complaints. Moreover, it is now difficult to find a free package with such capabilities. high level, and 360 Total Security is one of those.

If we compare 360 ​​Total Security with other antiviruses and optimizers…

If you compare 360 ​​Total Security with other similar software products, everyone notes that the Windows version looks quite similar to the rest of the software. But, again, according to most experts and users, the mobile version, as they say, is head and shoulders above all other applications of this type. Even if the client is constantly hanging in random access memory, he, as one might assume, does not load the system at all.

Is 360 Total Security Worth It: Summary

So, what can be said in conclusion? Antivirus 360 Total Security (reviews, rating - last place in the TOP-10 antivirus packages- this is confirmed quite eloquently) raises legitimate doubts due to the rather large number of problems with the detection of potential threats and the methodology for determining them, when the virus and malware anyway, they get into the system first.

Some contentious issues also concern possible conflicts between the native firewall and the Windows firewall. However, the firewall can be disabled in the package settings. But there is the possibility of remote control, which is not available in other programs.

As for the mobile version, today 360 Total Security takes the first place in the optimizer rating. It's not even discussed.

However, it is up to everyone to decide whether to use this product for Windows or Android, but, I think, for stationary systems it is better to install a more powerful antivirus separately and run 360 Total Security only for optimization (if you dig, you can disable the antivirus part). Well, for mobile devices even in the absence of root rights, this is just a godsend.

Keeping your data safe on your device is easy today. And although more and more various viruses are being launched on the Web, many high-quality anti-virus programs are becoming more and more accessible to users. However, choosing a good antivirus will require some effort. The article in question will help facilitate your task. It will discuss in detail the antivirus program 360 Total Security. Reviews in 2017 call it an extremely profitable choice. What does she represent? What are the advantages over competitors? What are the features of its installation and operation? How does the use of the antivirus in question affect the performance of the computer? What do the experts say about it? But as this program rated by users? Detailed answers to all these questions will be discussed in this article.

Comparison with competitors

First you need to consider how this antivirus program differs from its competitors. Given the fact that the product in question is free, then the competitors with whom we would compare it should also be free. There are quite a lot of antiviruses today. This means that it is almost impossible to compare the program under consideration with even the majority of them. So we will only compare with the key competitors of this product, such as Avast Free Antivirus and Avira Free Antivirus.

Why did we choose these particular programs over hundreds of others? For example, Avira was recognized as the best free antivirus program a couple of years ago. In addition, the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus we are considering in this article (reviews draw attention to this fact) also works on the Avira Antivir engine. Although in general, the program supports three different engines that can function both separately and together. Avast, on the other hand, permanently shows good performance, that is, in the process of its operation it does not consume too many system resources.

It is quite obvious that today anti-virus programs are equipped with many features that have nothing to do with anti-virus protection itself. This can be a price comparison function for online shopping, a system optimization and cleaning function, or a password manager.

Of the presented antiviruses, the option most deprived of additional functions is Avast. So, it contains only a password manager, the actual antivirus, consisting of a monitor and a scanner, as well as a firewall protection function. Of course, in paid version more additional features. For example, there is also protection against spam, phishing, a firewall. The situation is similar with the Avira program. All additional protection features will have to be purchased. While 360 ​​Total Security for Windows (reviews emphasize this especially), all of the above features are available for users to use absolutely free. Isn't it attractive?

Now it has become absolutely obvious that 360 Total Security (reviews also pay attention to this) on a completely free basis offers its users a complete fix for vulnerabilities, system cleaning, firewall, system optimization, cloud protection, as well as a number of other nice features.


The installation mechanism of the program is incredibly simple. In order to do this, you do not need to have any special knowledge. You just need to download and run the downloader file, click on the "Install" button. It is also possible to select the folder where the program will be installed. In general, nothing else can be configured independently at this stage.

According to 2017 user reviews of 360 Total Security, the program contains a number of antivirus engines. Among them are:

  • The Avira engine is the fruit of the labor of German developers and is considered extremely powerful. Initially disabled.
  • The Bitdefender engine is the result of the work of Romanian programmers. Initially disabled.
  • 360 Cloud Scanner - This engine is always enabled and cannot be disabled. Uses information about checksums files.
  • QVM AI is a proprietary engine that is a proactive protection system based on cloud technologies. Allows your system to receive protection against threats that this antivirus is not yet familiar with.

Almost all engines can be disabled and enabled directly in the settings of the program itself. However, to get started, you still need to download and install them. Of course, you do not have to do this yourself, this process is fully automated. It is enough just to click on the button that corresponds to a certain engine in the "Antivirus" section. The installation and download process will be demonstrated below in the same window. In the same window, you can disable the engine, which is on this moment you don't need.

It's incredibly convenient to use. By installing only one program, the user, in essence, receives a whole range of working antiviruses that can be turned on or off when the user himself wants it.


Reviews of the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus also tell about the abundance of functions that the program in question offers its users. Among them are the following:

  • Full system scan. After the scan is completed, the program displays a window with the result, where it displays all the problems found. Among them, there may be virus threats, problems related to the optimization of the system, as well as the presence of temporary files that take up a large amount of space. internal memory. What options does the user have next? Then he can click the "Fix" button in order to correct all threats. After that, he will be able to re-check the system by clicking on the "Recheck" button. Antivirus 360 Total Security reviews of experts are called incredibly simple and extremely informative. What does a full check include? It's about finding problems that interfere correct operation system (that is, related to its optimization), search for various kinds of "garbage", various viruses, as well as other malicious software.
  • Antivirus check. Tests of all the described types can be carried out separately from each other. Thus, the "Anti-Virus" section allows you to scan the system using one of three types of approaches: full, quick, and selective. The latter is designed to, for example, check files on a flash drive for viruses.
  • System optimization and cleaning. A feature that will be useful no matter how long ago the system was installed. Even visible problems no, the antivirus may suggest disabling a number unnecessary services(we are talking, for example, about the font buffering service), some tasks that were scheduled in advance, and also perform a number of tasks in order to optimize the connection to the Network. It will never be redundant. To do this, you need to click on the "Optimize" button. What "garbage" does the program in question remove? We are talking about system junk, browser cache files and temporary files.

It is for the above features that 360 Total Security antivirus receives user reviews, in most cases, positive ones. These features allow you to protect your devices from a variety of threats.

Protective technologies

Qihoo 360 Total Security reviews show that the antivirus contains a variety of protective technologies. Let's consider some of them below:

  • Webcam protection. Restricts access to your webcam so that no intruders can use it.
  • Keylogger protection. The essence of its functioning lies in the fight against keyboard interceptors. This is incredibly important for those who frequently shop online and pay with a credit card.
  • Checking downloaded files. The executable file is blocked, however, not when downloading, but already in the browser cache.
  • Blocking of malicious sites. It seems that no further explanation is needed. Among other things, it provides protection against malicious sites and phishing.
  • Online shopping protection. Functions determines the time when you visit an online store and blocks the possibility of launching all suspicious programs for this period. It is also recommended to use the sandbox.
  • USB media protection. Provides the ability to turn off the autorun feature for these types of connected devices.
  • Registry protection. Does not allow changing critical branches of the registry.
  • behavioral blocking. Prevents programs from performing a variety of suspicious activities.
  • Blocking network threats. Blocks programs from accessing topics network resources, which can be harmful to your computer.
  • System protection file. Will not allow modification of important system files.

All these functions of the antivirus program 360 Total Security reviews are undoubtedly useful and necessary for this kind of program. It's nice.

Additional tools

What other tools does it contain? free antivirus 360 Total Security? Reviews recommend paying attention to the following:

  • 360 Connect is great for remote control of your other devices. A similar tool will be useful for users switching from a PC to a tablet or smartphone.
  • Instant installation - designed to install the necessary programs with just one click.
  • Browser protection - is provided in order to prevent unauthorized interference with browser settings.
  • Firewall - if a regular firewall is not enough for you Windows systems, then you can use this function of the antivirus in question for free.
  • Sandbox - designed to safe mode run dangerous applications and programs. The real system will not be reflected by the changes that are made to the system configuration directly in the sandbox.
  • Vulnerabilities - allows you to scan all system vulnerabilities that are available.
  • cleaning backups systems.
  • Disk Shrink - designed to free up disk space by compressing a number of system files. However, it is important to remember that this process significantly reduces performance.

These additional features especially highlight the reviews of 360 Total Security Essential. Most of them are extremely useful. Therefore, they should not be neglected.


Even on systems with the most modest parameters and, frankly, weak, the functioning of 360 Total Security antivirus (user reviews confirm this fact) does not affect its performance in any way.

For the user, braking can become noticeable only if a full or partial computer scan is currently running. In general, it is recommended to close all applications during such checks until it becomes clear that the device is not infected.

The 350 Total Security program receives negative reviews for the fact that its update mechanism is supposedly incredibly demanding on system resources. However, tests have not confirmed this theory.


Judging by the way the reviews of 2017 antivirus 360 Total Security describe, the user can configure many of the nuances of the operation of this program on their own. Some possibilities in this regard will be discussed below. So, for example, the user can enable or disable active protection at the moment when the system starts up, as well as manage the settings automatic update. Although, of course, in order to provide your device with proper protection, it is recommended to leave all the above parameters enabled. However, there is still one setting that can be disabled if you so desire. This is about displaying the time during which the system boots after it has been rebooted.

In general, all settings designed to control active protection are located in a special section. In order to significantly increase productivity, there is only one automatic check- scan executable files and documents. While other programs often examine all files in a row, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the process. It also means that if an infected archive is copied to the system (even if it is not password-protected), the antivirus will not detect it. As explained, in its initial settings, the program basically does not check compressed files. However, this is easy to fix. It is enough just to activate the "Scan compressed files" function at the time when you run a full scan of the hard drive. The "Privacy" tab allows you to activate a mode that protects the webcam from any access attempts, each of which it will immediately notify the user.

Hello everyone For a long time I did not write about programs that relate to the security of the system, but today I will fix it. I will tell you about what kind of program 360 Total Security is, you will see how efficiently it works, make a conclusion whether you need it and if not, you can easily remove it. I will write about it all.

360 Total Security is an antivirus, but unlike others, it is especially advanced as it includes four engines at once: Avira AntiVir, Bitdefender, QVM II and 360 Cloud cloud computing power. There is a special version for Android devices, and by the way, I remember this program, it was often 360 Security that was recommended on the forums for removing junk programs on Android

The program implements proactive protection, site control in the browser, checking downloaded files and keylogger detection technologies (viruses that record everything you type on the keyboard).

In a sense, this is a software combine, since there is also a firewall (control of all network connections, it needs to be downloaded as a GlassWire Firewall component), protecting your web browser from dangerous sites, as well as tools for optimizing system performance (startup control, task scheduler, fine-tuning your Internet connection).

360 Total Security also has an assistant in the form of an extension for popular browsers (but except for Mozilla, but it's possible that this has already been fixed). This extension carefully controls the visited pages: fake (phishing), sites with viruses and other garbage pages will be blocked.

I will not say, but it seems that according to many estimates, this antivirus has high ratings. But then again, as with other powerful Kaspersky antivirus, 360 Total Security checks the system so much that sometimes ordinary utilities seem to be malicious. And some threats, on the contrary, are passed. But all these are the opinions of certain users, while the majority of users are still satisfied with the antivirus.

True, 360 Total Security does not always enter the system correctly, often users find it and do not understand what it is and where it came from. And all because it can penetrate Windows when installing third-party software, this is a common occurrence among software. Whatever it was, today I will deal with what kind of program 360 Total Security is and how much it is needed

When installed on the system, 360 Total Security also installs the Bitdefender antivirus kernel, this can be disabled by unchecking this box:

Appearance 360 ​​Total Security

The program looks normal, well, in the sense that there is no overloaded interface, everything is quite clear:

There are main tabs, they have certain features. What is even more interesting is that you can even enter the program using your VKontakte account:

To do this, click on VK Login in the right corner of the program:

Another icon, the one in the form of a T-shirt, is responsible for changing the antivirus themes:

Although, as for me, the themes in the antivirus are somehow superfluous.

Let's study a little 360 ​​Total Security externally. There is one huge button on the Full Scan tab - Check, press it and the antivirus starts to scan the computer accordingly:

At the end, you can fix all the jambs or double-check. I had some kind of one threat and a lot of junk files, the volume of which reached 3.4 GB:

By the way, there will be written at the top Problems found, and so there is a link Detailed information, if you are interested, you can look, interesting details can be indicated there.

Testing 360 Total Security, I can already say that I like how quickly and clearly the interface of the program works, all functions work smartly, system scanning is also quite fast. And at the same time, I have not noticed any advertising in the program yet

On the Anti-Virus tab, you can run a scan, there are three types in total, I chose Quick Scan. It lasted about two minutes, then there was this result:

There are no problems, this is probably because I already used the full check on the first tab. In general, there is also a full check and a selective one, in which you can specify which folders should be checked.

There are many interesting things on the Acceleration tab. And really useful, I liked the fact that everything that starts with Windows is displayed here:

By the way, you don’t need to think about what can be disabled and what can’t, just click on the Optimize button.

On the same tab, but in the Manual section, you can manually disable some programs from Windows startup (and delete invalid ones):

The Cleaning tab will allow you to scan the system for garbage, these can be both garbage extensions and temporary files:

There's a lot on the Tools tab, there's an option to install an optional firewall component, there's a registry cleaner tool, and you can also instantly install some programs (this is something new):

In my opinion, the Browser Protection feature will be useful for many. Here you can select the browser you are using and block any unauthorized changes in it (virus programs often like to install malicious extensions, change search engine, lock settings):

By the way, the Registry Cleaner tool can also find a bunch of junk in the registry:

Firewall is a special tool for full control of the network activity of programs, that is, you can either deny or allow access to the Internet to any program. But here you need to figure out a little who can be given access to the network, and who should not

360 Total Security settings

Now let's see how things are with the settings of 360 Total Security, for this we click on this button and select Settings in the menu:

So what can I say here. Everything is set up and so optimally, you can not change anything. But personally, some moments still annoy me, namely the fact that after turning on the computer, a message appears about how many seconds Windows loaded in. And so constantly. To disable this, in the settings of 360 Total Security on the General tab, uncheck this box:

On the Active Protection tab, you can enable special anti-virus extensions in browsers if you need it. But I will say right away that here, on the one hand, this may seem superfluous to you, and on the other hand, these extensions will actually block those sites that distribute virus software. So think about whether to connect them or not:

On the Antivirus tab, you may be interested in the option to disable 360 ​​Total Security from context menu file, to do this, uncheck this box:

Also on this tab, you can schedule a check, for example, if you have a powerful and fast computer, you can set the check to be every day:

Or every week, here you can see how you use your computer and the Internet, if you are very active, then all the same, a daily check will be the best option.

By the way, the tray menu, quick access to different sections of 360 Total Security:

I also accidentally noticed that this antivirus also helps to update your Windows, to be honest, I did not know that it had such a feature:

This is my Windows 7, but I think that it will also help to update Windows 10, although it seems to be able to cope with this task itself

A small addition. Unfortunately, over time, I discovered an unpleasant jamb in the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus. And such a cant, which seems to be like other antiviruses, in general, I have not seen. In short, sometimes, I don’t know how often, but after turning on the computer, the antivirus shows such ads:

How to remove ads in 360 Total Security? And go know how .. It seems to be no way, in any case, I did not find such a setting. Moreover, the antivirus seems to be free, I just thought at first that maybe there is no ads in the paid version of the antivirus, but it turns out that there is no paid version. You have to pay for everything, and even for free ... No, ads can of course be removed if you track the addresses of 360 Total Security servers and block access to them in hosts file, but then the antivirus will not be able to update, so this is not a solution to the problem. So how to remove ads in 360 Total Security is unfortunately still unknown

How to remove 360 ​​Total Security antivirus from a computer completely?

Due to the fact that often 360 Total Security gets on the computer in the wrong way, that is, when installing other programs, it is not surprising that some users want to remove it.

But before deleting, I will write my opinion. In general, I am skeptical about modern antiviruses (especially new ones), as they mostly carry dubious functions. All new features are not particularly useful, and the rest have long been in antiviruses. Recently, only proactive protection and heuristic analysis have improved, everything else is just embellished. But on the other hand, many functions have appeared that, on the one hand, are useful, but on the other hand, they can be found in several programs at once. Here in 360 Total Security, in terms of system optimization, there are several tools that are also in CCleaner, although the first is an antivirus, and the second is a Windows cleaner

In many antiviruses, sections for cleaning up the PC began to appear - to remove temporary files and junk keys in the registry. All this is good, but I think that an antivirus should be an antivirus. For example, I use the Outpost firewall, there is nothing close to it, it's a firewall and a little antivirus. Okay, I wrote some of my thoughts to you

You can remove 360 ​​Total Security from your computer in the usual way. But since the program is large, it would be right to delete it along with all the garbage that it can leave behind. Here I advise you to use such a tool as, try it, I think you will be interested

Well, now let's see how to remove 360 ​​Total Security with built-in tools. Click the Start menu and select the Control Panel item there (and if you have Windows 10, then this item can be found in the menu that is called by Win + X):

Then find the Programs and Features icon, run it:

In the list of installed software, find 360 Total Security, right-click on it and select Uninstall:

The remover will start, then click Continue:

Then a message pops up where you need to confirm the deletion again:

The deletion will start:

The process should take a maximum of a minute, then 360 Total Security will be completely removed from your computer. After that, a browser will open with a page where you will be asked to report the reason for the deletion.

Well, that's almost all .. almost, because there will still be a little garbage in the registry But this can be fixed, I'll show you how

How to remove 360 ​​Total Security from the registry?

This procedure should be performed only if you, like me, try to keep the system strictly clean. Junk keys in the registry do not particularly load Windows! However, I try to remove them.

So, hold down Win + R, a small window will appear, write a command such as regedit there and click OK:

The Registry Editor will open. We hold Ctrl + F in it and paste 360 ​​Total Security in the Find field so that all entries mentioning this antivirus are found:

Let me remind you once again that you need to delete in this way only those keys that were found (that is, automatically highlighted) during the search! To continue the search, press F3 and then again delete all found keys and so on until a message appears that the search is over.

All this is not very important, but personally, I always try to clean the registry like this after uninstalling software, I don’t delete programs so often, so I can work hard

Well, everything seems to have told everything, now you know 360 Total Security what kind of program it is, and it's easy to understand whether you need it or not. Good luck to you


For effective computer protection, I personally use Total Security 360 antivirus, which has a paid and free version. This software pleases with its versatility, and also allows you to use the bases of three engines for anti-virus scanning - Total 360, Bitdefender and Avira. Below I will talk about the settings of protection modes so that the user gets a reliable baton in the fight against viruses on the computer and the operation of the cleaning function.

Antivirus features

I’ll start right away with money, that is, I’ll explain how the paid and free version engine. Nothing but advertising - in the free version, when you start the antivirus, an advertising splash screen pops up. In fact, there are no restriction functions, so feel free to put the "amateur" option.

What else can Total 360 do and why is it considered multifunctional software?

The program is capable of:

  1. Scan your computer for viruses,
  2. Protect the operating system online,
  3. Speed ​​up the OS
  4. Clean your computer from viruses.

These are the main features, but there are additional ones. Among them:

  1. disk compression,
  2. Installing Windows Updates
  3. decryption tool,
  4. Cleaning the registry and system backups,
  5. data destroyer,
  6. Browser protection and firewall.

Liho, right? I note that the correct antivirus settings allow you to use software without glitches and with a high degree of computer protection from threats. Personally, I use Total 360 cleaning once a week and install updates on Windows 10 through the software. By the way, the program works fine with Win 10, there are no problems when working with the seven.

Since I work on a computer, I need reliability. Total does not create problems along this line, tested it on other people's garbage systems, after which he made a control shot with Kaspersky. Everything is ok, the degree of protection is about the same.

Cleaning the system

Of the settings, I will describe only work with cleaning the system and setting the protection level. With cleaning, everything is simple - open the main window of the antivirus and find the item "Cleaning" in the left menu. At the top there will be a "Scan" button, immediately press it. After the scan is complete, you will only have to choose what to clean. Choice of cleaning:

  1. Windows cache, games and applications,
  2. System junk files
  3. Cache of telephone utilities,
  4. Plugin tails.

I advise you to choose everything and clean it. Questions like "Oh, Windows does not start" will not arise.

Protection Modes

Setting up protection modes is a tricky thing, but if you approach things wisely, then you can set everything up in 5 minutes. When you start Total, there is a shield with a lightning bolt in the upper left corner, click on it to enter the settings modes. A window will open with the current mode and the blue “Settings” button - click on it, after which you will see 4 items of the top menu:

  1. performance,
  2. Optimal,
  3. Safe,
  4. Customizable.

Don't buy into beautiful names modes, and immediately go to the "Custom" item. This is the maximum protection mode. correct setting. I recommend enabling everything - all sub-items of the mode should be green. Do not be afraid, when you turn on the Avira and Bitdefender engines, the computer will not hang, but the virus scan will be carried out using three different anti-virus databases. Only webcam protection is not enabled for me, since it is not on the computer - the rest is green:

  1. Checking downloaded files,
  2. Malicious site blocking,
  3. Protection of online purchases and USB media,
  4. behavior blocking,
  5. registry protection,
  6. Checking a file on opening, etc.

After setting all the checkboxes to the "Enabled" position, click "Apply". Now there are three antiviruses on the computer - Bitdefender, Avira and Total 360. After updating the databases, run full check system, after which you can forget about Total - it will work reliably and imperceptibly.

I advise you to clean and speed up once a week, use additional tools at your own discretion, I use browser protection, registry cleaning and installation of updates (vulnerabilities).

Download the Total 360 installer directly from the Zegeberg blog and experience the benefits of an antivirus and PC maintenance system.

Qihoo 360 Total Security (formerly called internet security) is an antivirus that I first learned about over a year ago. Qihoo 360 has gone from an unknown antivirus originally from China to one of the best software massed good reviews. Many commercial counterparts, according to test results, find it difficult to compete with this product. I must say right away that the antivirus is Russified and works on Windows 7,8,8.1, and even 10. For those who doubt whether it is worth installing this free defender, or leaving free or even paid protection, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the functions and capabilities of the antivirus. This information will be helpful in making a decision.

Download and installation.

Using the official page www.. After downloading, run setup file and install an antivirus on your computer. It's not difficult: first accept license agreement and select a folder to install.

It is important! If an antivirus is already installed on the computer on the computer, it must be removed, as this can lead to problems in the operation of programs and the system as a whole. There should be only one anti-virus on one computer, and no more than that.

First launch of 360 Total Security.

Immediately after the installation is completed, the antivirus will start and prompt you to run a system scan for malware, optimization and removal of temporary files, as well as a check WI-FI security and choosing a solution when problems are found.

Personally, it’s more convenient for me to perform all these points manually, but if you don’t want to delve into it, rely on automation, the antivirus will do the right thing without any problems. If you want to learn more about the problems detected by the antivirus, and you yourself want to decide what actions will need to be taken in the future, immediately after scanning, click " Detailed information”, analyze the information and choose what to fix and what not. Pay attention to the fact that in the item "Optimization of the system" when accelerating the system, Anti-Virus will write - "Threats found". But these are not quite the threats that you immediately thought of. In fact, these are programs in autorun that can be removed from there.

Antivirus functions, connection of add-ons.

By clicking on "Antivirus" in the Total Security menu, you can perform a quick, selective or full scan of the entire computer, or a specific location or folder. And also view the "Quarantine" set up the "White List". The process of scanning for viruses is no different from other antiviruses.

The most interesting thing is that you can add two additional antivirus engines (virus databases and a scanning algorithm), for example, Bitdefender and Avira (both antiviruses are included in the lists of the best antiviruses).

In order to use them, click on the icons (with the letter B and with an umbrella), connect them. Immediately after that, the background download of the necessary components will begin. In this way, additional engines are enabled during on-demand scanning. If you want them to protect you in real time as well, click "Protection on" on the top left, then select "Custom" and activate them in the "System Protection" section. Note: Running multiple engines at the same time can adversely affect system performance.

360 Total Security also allows you to scan a specific file instantly. To do this, click on right button click on the selected file and call the "Scan with 360 Total Security" command. Such necessary functions as active protection, integration into the explorer menu, etc. are enabled by default in the antivirus installation.

The exception to the default settings is only an additional option "browser protection", which can be enabled manually. In order to do this, go to the settings and in the "Active Protection" section in the "Internet" tab, check the "360 Web Threat Protection" box. Supported browsers are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Yandex Browser.

You can view a full report on the actions of the anti-virus program by clicking on the “Log” item in the menu. Save information as text file it won't work on a computer. But entries can be copied to the clipboard using the CTRL + C combination, and pasted into another document using CTRL + V.

Additional functions and features.

Additionally, the anti-virus protection system includes tools for additional protection, acceleration and optimization of operating system performance. Windows systems.

Additional protection.

Using the "Vulnerability" function, which can be found in the menu under "Tools", the system can be scanned for security problems and optionally install additional Windows updates and patches. In the "List of patches" section, you can manually uninstall Windows updates.

And the "Sandbox" (disabled by default) will make it possible to run dubious programs in an environment isolated from the system, thereby giving you the opportunity to make sure that the installed program is safe without harming the computer as a whole.

For convenient use of the "Sandbox" function, you can first enable it in the "Tools" item, and then by opening the context menu on a suspicious file and selecting the "Run in Sandbox 360" item, launch given file or program.

Note: in beta version latest system Windows 10 couldn't start the Sandbox.

Optimization and cleaning of the operating system.

About functions Windows optimizations built into the antivirus.

Using the "Acceleration" item, you can automatic mode give an analysis of Windows autorun, task scheduler and Internet connection properties. After the analysis is completed, the antivirus will offer you options and recommendations for optimizing certain elements. If you do not want to go into details, you can simply click on the "Optimize" button. A graph showing details such as, for example, the time taken to start the system before and after optimization. To do this, you need to reboot.

There is a "manual" configuration function, with which you can select or disable programs that start with the system, as well as tasks and services manually. Also, if the antivirus detects that some important service is disabled, it will prompt you to start it. This can be useful if your system is not working as expected.

You can quickly clean up temporary files or application cache files thanks to the "Clear" item, thereby freeing up free space in the computer's memory. The utility works much more efficiently than the built-in ones. system tools cleaning windows.

To further clean up even more free space for work, use the "Backup Cleanup" function in the "Tools" item. This feature will remove unused copies of updates and drivers, and clean up some unnecessary system files.

Additional functions Antivirus 360 Total Security:

  • Checking downloaded information and blocking malicious sites.
  • Checking connected storage media.
  • Protection against network threats.
  • Protection against programs that intercept your passwords and send them to attackers.

By the way, the most interesting thing is that this is the only antivirus in which themes can be selected and changed (T-shirt icon at the top).


Based on independent test reports, 360 Total Security finds and neutralizes almost all threats that can only be received. In addition to testing, this is also confirmed by users in their comments about it (including on my website). The antivirus works quickly and in an optimized way, without downloading computer system. With which I will not argue. Convenient and practical design allows you to easily customize its operation. The taste and color of felt-tip pens, of course, are different, but in general I agree.

I personally think that if you are looking for a good and at the same time free antivirus, then there are all reasons to opt for this particular antivirus. Your safety operating system will move to a new level. But do not forget that in the first place your safety depends on your actions.

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