What is traffic arbitrage and how to make money from it? Making money from traffic arbitrage from scratch: step-by-step instructions, diagrams, reviews from real people. What does traffic arbitrage mean?

Last week. In it we will talk about completely basic concepts: what is traffic arbitrage, what are the pros and cons of arbitration, and what is the difference between arbitrage and affiliate marketing.

Text transcript | Presentation

The next lesson will be out tomorrow. It will talk about participants in the arbitration market. The release schedule for all lessons is available on the Mobio School website. You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our VKontakte group.

Let's start with the fact that there are several ways to make money on the Internet:

  • eCommerce,
  • advertising on your own content: public pages on social networks, blogs,
  • infobusiness,
  • affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, traffic arbitrage
Despite the variety of ways to earn money, the earnings model is the same:

(Product + People who might buy it) & Tell these people about this product = $

This formula also works in traffic arbitrage. When listing ways to earn money, we highlighted the terms affiliate marketing (Affiliate Marketing) and traffic arbitrage under one paragraph, but it is important not to confuse these concepts.

Difference between affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage

Affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage are two different concepts. Let's look at them in more detail.

Affiliate Marketing(Affiliate Marketing) is a way to earn money through a commission from the sales of someone else's product. In this case, it is not necessary to have your own product, you need to help sell someone else’s product. As an example: any store that sells Pepsi engages in affiliate marketing.

CPA marketing- a special case of any affiliate marketing. The only difference is that in CPA marketing we receive payment for a specific action, lead or application.

Affiliate marketing requires traffic or users. At this moment, the need to attract traffic appears. Traffic arbitrage is a way to attract paid users to the application. You can attract traffic for free, for example, by launching your own video blog, collecting subscribers and then attracting them to the application.

If we look at the concept of “arbitrage” in a broader sense, in economics this term refers to a type of transaction in which we sell the same product in different markets and earn interest on the difference from the sale. Let's take currency as an example: we bought dollars yesterday in order to sell them a day later and make money on the difference.

Equivalent arbitrage is another arbitrage method in which we make money on the difference in components. Any wholesale sales are an example of equivalent arbitrage. We buy goods wholesale and sell them retail: we make money on the same product by buying it in different combinations. As an example, we assemble a computer from its components and sell it as a whole computer.

In our case, mobile arbitration is equivalent arbitration. We buy impressions and clicks, and sell actions and installs.

Ways to sell paid advertising on the Internet

There are several models for selling paid advertising on the Internet. Let's look at what methods exist:

SRT(Cost Per Time) - we buy a fixed time of placement on the site.
CPM(Cost per mille) - we buy a thousand impressions.
CPC(Cost Per Click) - we buy clicks.
CPA(Cost per Action) CPI(Cost per Install) or CPI(Cost per lead) - we pay for actions, installations, leads.

IN mobile arbitrage We buy impressions (CPM) and clicks (CPC) from traffic sources, and then sell actions, installs or leads (CPA, CPI, CPL) to advertisers. Accordingly, we make money on the difference between buying and selling.

What is good about arbitrage?

Let’s look at how attracting traffic is useful for business, and what are the advantages of being an affiliate marketer.

For business:

  • It's easy to scale your business: if you have a product and you offer decent rewards to partners, they can easily scale sales and start selling your product in different markets.

For the affiliate:

  • There are no production or logistics costs.
  • You are responsible for only one task: attract traffic.
  • You don’t think about Customer Service: you don’t need to communicate with clients or suppliers.
  • Low entry threshold: anyone with no experience can start attracting traffic, it’s quite simple at the start.

Why is arbitration bad?

There are also negative sides to arbitration, both for business and for the arbitrator himself.

For business:

  • Partners bear less responsibility for the product.
  • It is difficult to control the methods and methods of promotion that partners use.
  • Partners can cause potential damage to their image and reputation through dishonest methods of promotion.
For the affiliate:
  • Instability of earnings, which directly depends on the market situation.
  • High dependence on changes in the rules of advertising platforms, requirements and KPIs of advertisers.
  • Constant level of stress: there is high competition in the market, working campaigns that worked and converted into a plus are constantly dying, you need to come up with new approaches.


So, we have examined the concepts of affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage, formulated the pros and cons of attracting traffic both for the business as a whole and for the arbitrator himself. In the second lesson we will look at which participants are present in the traffic arbitrage market.

You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our

The network is traffic arbitration. This method of earning money is quite complicated and that is why an income of 250,000 rubles per month is far from the limit for him. In this article we will try to touch upon all the features of online arbitration as simply and clearly as possible, and also give some advice to novice users.

You should also know that this type of earnings is one of the most profitable on the Internet. If you take the educational material seriously, you can earn really serious money.

For example, the statistics of average affiliates show figures from 300,000 to 750,000 rubles. net income monthly. As will be shown in the article, my numbers varied in the range of 5000-11000 rubles. income daily. For more information, write in the comments.

To better understand what traffic arbitrage is and why some people earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month from it, you should look at these two concepts separately:

Traffic– this is the number of people who visited a specific resource over a certain period of time. Usually traffic is counted per day, much less often - per month.

You can often find advertisements like: “I will sell 4k of traffic for $8.” This text “in translation” means that a person is ready to attract 4 thousand unique users to your site per day at a price of $8.

Arbitration- a term that in this case we will consider from an economic point of view. “Buy cheaper and then sell it more expensive” - this is the main principle and essence of arbitrage.

By combining the two terms, we can characterize a general concept.

Traffic arbitrage – this is the acquisition of visitors at low prices and their subsequent resale to other sites at a higher cost. Arbitration is often called “traffic drain” in Internet slang.

Types of arbitration

Many newbies wonder! Where to start traffic arbitrage? The answer to this question is obvious - study the entire list of its varieties.

There are several ways to redirect users to another service. Let's look at them:

If you have your own website, the best choice would be to use Landing Page without registration, because not every user is ready to register and leave their contact details on an unfamiliar resource. Even if he really wants to make money on traffic arbitrage. But for those who are seriously aiming to earn a million, these little things don’t stop them.

Options and methods of traffic extraction

Traffic through banner networks

This advertising method was one of the first to appear on the Internet. On this moment it is losing its relevance for a number of reasons. Firstly, banners “scare off” current users and are associated with intrusive and unnecessary advertising. The second factor is the price is too high, which does not justify the end result.

RotaBan.ru And BodyClick– banner advertising systems, in case you are still interested in it.

Traffic exchanges

Exchanges are one of the cheapest ways to buy traffic with the goal of doing well on it. It is characterized by low quality traffic and an almost complete absence of target clients. However, the price is tempting. On average, on traffic exchanges, 1 thousand attracted visitors costs only $5.

Below is a list of the most popular exchanges:

  1. KupiTraff;
  2. Popunder;
  3. Wizard Traffstock.
  4. Directions for draining traffic

Algorithm for generating income

Now that we have dealt with all the nuances of buying traffic, it’s worth moving on to the question of how to sell it. You can draw up an approximate principle-algorithm for generating income.

  1. You need to find an affiliate network for business cooperation and register in it. When choosing a network, it is better to go to the forums of experienced arbitrage specialists and rely on their reviews and stories.
  2. You receive referral links for their further promotion among users
  3. Send the maximum amount of traffic to these links (preferably high-quality traffic, because only in this case you can get a good income)

Selecting an affiliate program

When choosing an affiliate program, you should also consider what areas you are interested in working in. The fact is that there are different models for making money.

  1. CPA affiliate programs. The abbreviation Cost Per Action stands for “payment for action.” In this case, the customer pays not only for the fact that you brought visitors to his site. To receive your reward, visitors must be active on the affiliate page. Such an action could be registration, ordering goods, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.


  • We recommend working with several affiliate programs at once, but you should not receive too many offers at the same time;
  • The topics of these affiliate programs should be varied (it is impossible to guess in advance which offer will work and be profitable);
  • — At the very beginning of your work, do not invest too much money in arbitration. Allow yourself to risk large sums only when you gain experience


Finally, it is worth noting: traffic arbitrage can become a truly profitable business. But this requires serious effort. People who are well acquainted with marketing and have a streak of entrepreneurship and creativity can succeed in such activities.

And despite the fact that traffic arbitrage often only brings losses to beginners, it is important not to give up after the first failure. Don’t be afraid of the work of arbitrage specialists, and then, perhaps, you will be able to join the ranks of the best of them.

You can also watch the video instructions, which tell you how to start traffic arbitrage. Key points about work, tips, recommendations.

Traffic arbitrage has appeared as a type of earnings recently and is the redirection of received traffic (usually purchased) to other resources in order to obtain financial benefits. There are many articles and debates about the effectiveness and harm of traffic arbitrage. Expert opinions often differ.

To start working with traffic arbitrage, it is worth finding the answer to the question “what is it?”
Traffic arbitrage is the profitable resale of traffic purchased at a low price. Such traffic can represent user actions on various Internet sites. Previously, traffic arbitrage was considered a risky means of promoting Internet projects and a good way to earn money for webmasters. The second statement remains true today.

The development of the Internet space, the emergence of competition among webmasters and the emergence of many competing Internet sites give rise to strong competition, displacing weak or unscrupulous resources from this market. The risk for both traffic sellers and potential buyers is reduced. Traffic Sellers guaranteed to receive payments for the services provided, and buyers receive the necessary planned benefit for your resource.
Traffic arbitrage requires a clear plan from both the webmaster and the customer. The customer must initially analyze the goals of the upcoming traffic arbitrage, draw up a plan and calculate the benefits. A WEB master must have a large traffic base to perform the assigned tasks efficiently. Otherwise you can get low conversion your resource.

You should order traffic arbitrage only on trusted sites and from sellers with good reviews. Otherwise, you may end up with low quality traffic, which may include bots that don't perform the required actions. Such acquisitions are a waste of money.

Where to buy traffic for arbitrage?

A WEB master, having received a specific task, begins to search for profitable and high-quality sources of acquiring traffic for its subsequent profitable resale. The effectiveness of such advertising and the future conversion of the promoted resource depend on the different sources and methods used.

Buying and selecting traffic - the main task WEB-master, on whom the result of all further actions will depend. There are many resource methods for buying traffic. Let's look at some of them:

Teaser advertising

Teaser advertising - pictures ranging in size from 80x60 to 250x250 pixels with a brief text description. This is the source itself low quality traffic, however, even from it you can benefit. Thanks to the use of teaser advertising, you can successfully achieve high conversion rates for entertainment projects. This is due to the low cost of a unique click on a link and human psychology, which delays users on interesting entertainment projects, forcing them to navigate the site, purchasing, if possible, the services offered.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is a text string describing the advertising object. This type of advertising is provided by search engines Google services and Yandex, as well as various third-party projects. Purchasing this traffic is much more expensive. This decision suitable for monetization narrowly thematic projects on business, construction, medicine...
Usage contextual advertising in order to buy traffic for arbitration, it requires the WEB master to have a clear plan for its further use. Achieving conversion of such advertising is the most difficult.

Advertising on social networks

Advertising on social networks is the youngest and most effective type of advertising, allowing you to effectively buy traffic for a variety of broad and narrow thematic projects. Using the VKontakte service as an example, you can sort the list of necessary people by gender, place of residence, age, language, education, etc. Wide possibilities and low cost of display allow you to achieve good results in further arbitration.

Banner networks

Banner networks - old way acquisition of traffic, losing its popularity due to growing competition from other types of advertising. This is due to the high cost of displaying banners on large and popular projects. However, banner networks are one of the best options for good conversion of large projects. Working with banner networks requires studying the resources used for advertising.
There are many other methods of acquiring traffic for further arbitration. The above methods are the most profitable, relevant and competitive solutions that allow you to get greatest financial benefit from traffic resale. The success of traffic arbitrage and the conversion of a certain resource depends entirely on the individual approach of the WEB master.

How much do you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Earning money from traffic arbitrage entirely depends on the experience of the WEB master, the sources of traffic used and the ability to use this traffic as efficiently as possible to complete the task set by the customer. Earnings can reach 10-200% of the invested funds for the acquisition of traffic.

To obtain the greatest financial benefit, analyze the task at hand, the advertising market and the resources from which you purchase traffic. Protect yourself and the customer from boosting views and clicks by bots and inactive users. The ability to obtain maximum profit from traffic arbitrage comes with experience WEB masters and developed base to purchase traffic.

Traffic arbitrage example

Traffic arbitrage - the new kind traffic monetization, in demand both among novice WEB masters and large projects. The use of traffic arbitrage is equally beneficial for both the customer and the contractor. High-quality completion of the task guarantees a good mutual profit. You can verify this by looking at several real examples of successful traffic arbitrage:

Using traffic arbitrage and an affiliate program with the sale of souvenirs*

*Souvenirs can mean absolutely any product.

For example, we will take a themed gift shop that pays 10% of the goods sold by attracting your traffic. Let's say you use advertising in social network VKontakte and place an advertising post with information about the sale of souvenirs. 300 people follow your links and 25 of them order a product with an average cost of 500 rubles. You receive 10% from the affiliate program, which is 1250 rubles. Ordering advertising on VKontakte will cost you ~500 rubles. Total net profit is 750 rubles, which is 150% pays off invested amount. And this is just an example of the easy to use traffic arbitration.

Any economic activity with the aim of making a profit has its own characteristics. Making money from traffic arbitrage is no exception:

  1. You can resell traffic without having your own resource; its presence only helps you get more profit.
  2. It is possible to start an activity with small investments, but the larger they are, the more income from work increases significantly. Experts do not recommend that novice “users” invest big money. You need to master a profit-generating system and study it. It is recommended to start from $50 conventional units.
  3. The first impression of the simplicity of the activity may be wrong. The trading principle of buying and selling is observed: it is cheaper to take, but it is more expensive to give. You need to carefully study the entire process and learn the pitfalls. Then there will be no negative opinion about making money on arbitrage.
  4. When starting his activity, a network user must understand 3 main components: traffic source → offer → analytical analysis. Each component link must be carefully disassembled and understood how it works.

The ability to receive high-quality traffic at a price that satisfies arbitration and its subsequent resale - big profits (high conversion). We cannot exclude working with affiliate programs as an increase in income. You need to understand which offer (offer limited in time for making a decision) is more profitable to purchase.

What is traffic arbitrage, where to start and how to make money?

When starting an online activity with the aim of making a profit, you need to learn everything about traffic arbitrage - a proven, not easy and profitable way of making money. The monthly profit with the right actions for an experienced user involved in arbitrage is up to 200 – 300 thousand rubles per month.

What is traffic arbitrage – acquisition for the purpose of resale of network traffic and making a profit from these actions. Basic concepts:

  • network (Internet) traffic – quantitative indicator visiting an Internet project for a specified time;
  • traffic arbitrage is a trading indicator of buying and selling: take cheaper, sell more expensive.

Understanding the concept of traffic and arbitration fully reveals the question of what traffic is in arbitration. There are features of receiving traffic:

  • direct type of traffic – unique users visiting an Internet project without clicking on third-party links;
  • Using the Landing Page resource, through an intermediary, attract “users” via a referral link to your project.

Is it possible to create a customer base using the Landing Page resource and the intermediary page? Experts answer that it is possible. We just need to add that in order to receive a link to the main resource, the user must register on the site. Having registered “users”, we make mailings.

There are two types of network traffic: paid and free. Distant work at home traffic arbitration with the choice of a free option requires a long time interval:

  • registration on different platforms (thematic forums, social networks, groups), on the subject of the partner’s resource, active work;
  • create your own Internet resource (blog, video channel), use partners’ links on it to promote their resources;
  • create a free website, “promote” it and promote links to partner resources on pages in thematic sections.

The free option for getting traffic is long and complex. To make a profit in arbitration, it is better to use paid options for “extracting” traffic and attracting a unique user:

  • contextual advertising, target “users”, platforms: Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, other resources;
  • teaser network (picture with text), resources: TeaserNet, MarketGid and others;
  • social network, projects: Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook;
  • banner advertising resource: RotaBan.ru;
  • special projects, traffic exchanges: Wizard Traffstock, KupiTraff, other resources.

How to make money on traffic arbitrage - real ways for beginners

Work as an affiliate marketer on the network - place advertising texts that contain links to landing pages of partner resources. Here the target user is asked to perform some action (register, use a service, other actions). How to make money as an arbitrator, definition of terms:

  • lead , this is a potential client ready to buy something;
  • lead generation – when the user becomes a potential buyer;
  • offer – a commercial offer from an advertiser in need of leads;
  • landing page – a project page (landing page), which encourages the “user” to take some action;
  • Cost Per Action (SPA) – affiliate network;
  • hold – temporary delay in payment of money for the webmaster;
  • profit – “net” profit of the webmaster;
  • conversion – the ratio of leads to the total number of users who visited the resource - (ratio).

Experts provide online training in traffic arbitrage courses. The meaning of this work is through affiliate programs and modern ways to attract target users to the pages of the advertiser’s projects. Where should a novice “user” start in working as an affiliate marketer and is it really possible to earn good money? There are many companies that show this type of activity from “A” to “Z”, these are: CPA NooB, CPA King, other resources.

Instructions for beginner affiliate traders from scratch, we work independently:

  1. To receive a commercial proposal (offer), we register with several CPAs. The cost of leads in a project may differ; you need to choose the one that is profitable for arbitrage.
  2. In the affiliate program we receive a referral. link is the main parameter for making money on arbitrage. Experts, studying the basics of arbitration, recommend choosing an offer topic that is convenient (comfortable) for the user, so that it is easy for him to advertise a referral link.
  3. We direct traffic flow through the referral link. You can get it with or without investment. Having your own project on the Internet with sufficiently high traffic, you can direct your users according to the topic of the offer to its page. Or a paid form: contextual advertising, teaser networks, short texts on social networks.
  4. We are considering the best option to generate income. We analyze which type of advertising is more profitable to use based on the topic of the offer. We check the information for the effectiveness of the advertiser’s landing page. We create several types of advertising blocks for teasers, banners and contextual advertising. Let's see what time is more profitable for display.
  5. To make a profit, you need to filter out bad traffic (cut off bots).

Experts divide the work of an arbitrator by type of traffic:

  • news traffic arbitration;
  • mobile traffic arbitration;
  • arbitrage clickander traffic.

Mobile traffic arbitrage – coverage of almost 20% of Russian citizens who perceive advertising better. This is viewing websites through mobile devices and tablets. Experts predict an increase in the volume of this type of traffic.

  • V mobile devices almost no ad blockers;
  • tablet and smartphone users respond to advertising less aggressively than PC users;
  • the number of clicks and sales from mobile advertising (conversion) is higher than on a laptop or PC;
  • the number of ads on mobile search sites is less than on a PC;
  • testing advertising on mobile devices is more expensive;
  • It is not recommended to use mobile traffic to advertise expensive things; a person views it “on the fly”, without due attention;
  • short text of advertisements, small drawings;
  • you need to use filters from bots: FraudScore, Forensiq;
  • correctly configure the token.

Token technical specifications, which determines the quality of traffic and its conversion, for this reason it is important to configure it correctly when creating an advertising project (company). What does it include, example:

  • for which device – mobile phone, tablet, smartphone;
  • who is the manufacturer;
  • for which models;
  • which operating system used;
  • for which connection: WI-FI, mobile Internet;
  • for which operator;
  • geographical location of users.

WI-FI traffic is cheaper than 3G (mobile Internet), in addition, the user must take certain actions (indicate the card or phone number) to complete the transaction. Mobile Internet provides a direct opportunity for a transaction, higher conversion.

News traffic arbitrage – attracting users from news resources. The webmaster uses news queries to obtain search traffic, and the affiliate acquires news traffic in order to make a profit from affiliate programs. Features of news arbitrage:

  • choice of theme for the teaser banner;
  • targeting is performed only with click settings - what device, geographic location of the user, for what OS;
  • For these reasons, it is recommended to create a blacklist and filter out sites with low leads.

Experts consider this type of traffic to be “cold”, in other words, the “user” who came to the resource to read the news has little interest in advertising, and if his banner is of interest, he should be directed to an intermediate page, and then to a landing page for the offer. An example of such work:

  • the user clicks on the banner wanting to see more news;
  • lands on a page with bright pictures and comments, in the form of new news;
  • At the bottom of such a page there are comments that recommend taking certain actions on the offer.

Event traffic is an information page to which the user comes to find out something about an event that has occurred (earthquake, flood, major scandal, competition results, and other significant events). This type of traffic is characterized by sharp jumps in user interest in the event, growth and decline in traffic. You can buy event traffic from web masters of news sites and on advertising exchanges.

Clicker traffic arbitrage – when a “user” comes to a resource and clicks in some area of ​​the screen, then gets to the page of another resource. Clicker traffic is divided into 2 options: transfer from a resource or from a toolbar. The concept of a toolbar is a transition from virus browsers (stuffed with ad blocks). Popander is a large banner on 80% of the site page. An example of receiving traffic with a popunder banner:

  • traffic is “cold”, an intermediate site is used;
  • You can immediately go to page +18, at the bottom of which there will be comments from the offer.

You can buy clickander traffic on the following resources: Visitweb(site 18+), Traflab(from toolbars).

What is CPA (Cost-Per-Action)?

Earnings from traffic arbitrage are mainly done through CPA (Cost Per Action) exchanges, which means payment for completed actions. CPA is an Internet traffic exchange that brings together an advertiser and a webmaster (arbitrator). In other words, CPAs are affiliate programs that pay for the following actions of attracted users:

  • completing registration on the resource;
  • purchase of goods;
  • call a consultant;
  • install app;
  • follow the recommended link.

CPA provides an opportunity to quickly earn money from a potential visitor. What you need to understand when working with CPA:

  • profit received by the webmaster from the sale of goods – C.P.S. ;
  • percentage of users who performed paid actions – CR ;
  • ratio of clicks and page impressions – CTR ;
  • ratio of the number of transitions from resource pages to landing pageCTR page ;
  • the difference between the purchase price of a click and the webmaster’s profit from the transition – EPC ;
  • percentage for goods sold – P.P.S. .

The system works on the following principle:

  1. The advertiser indicates in the offer what user actions he pays for and how much he pays.
  2. The webmaster publishes the advertiser's link on his resource.
  3. The user who followed this link is a lead who has fulfilled the terms of the offer.
  4. The webmaster provides conversion statistics to the advertiser, who pays for the actions of the CPA.
  5. The CPA takes up to 40% of the commission.

How quickly you can make a profit with CPA depends on the quality of the webmaster’s resource, what you need to do:

  • register on the exchange;
  • add your own resource that will be scanned, each resource has its own scan time;
  • search for the required commercial proposal (offer) on the subject of the site;
  • in promotional materials we use a referral link or a thematic banner;
  • We place promotional material on the page of our resource;
  • the target visitor to your resource clicks on the promotional material and takes an action;
  • the product manager (CPA) or advertiser checks the availability of a lead;
  • the agreed amount is credited to the webmaster.

Experts emphasize to webmasters that the lead verification time for each advertiser (offer) is different. The well-known online seller Aliexpress checks up to 3 months, and can make a decision in 30 days.

  • there is no waste of money, only specific orders are paid for;
  • It’s easy to plan an advertising campaign, the cost of the client is known;
  • the advertiser decides what to pay the webmaster for;
  • quality traffic;
  • verification of leads by CPA moderators before making payment to the webmaster.

For a webmaster, the advantages of working with CPA:

  • there is no need to negotiate with online stores separately, the option of choosing the best, generating an automatic referral link;
  • long-term cooperation with the exchange;
  • profit is not limited by an upper limit;
  • The scheme is transparent without deception.

How to find a traffic source?

It is difficult for a beginner to immediately understand that traffic arbitrage is redirecting the flow of target network users, purchasing traffic, to the advertiser’s resource. Where “users” perform actions specified by the offer. Traffic can be obtained using 2 methods: white and gray.

White traffic sources:

  • contextual and banner advertising;
  • teaser resources and targeted advertising.

Gray method:

  • creation of doorways (one-page sites) with redirection of visitors to the advertiser’s resource;
  • spam advertising on forums;
  • advertising on social networks;
  • other methods.

The received traffic to the advertiser's resource is sent through the CPA exchange, through affiliate programs located on the advertiser's resource. How to make money without investment through traffic arbitrage? Experts recommend starting with choosing a niche of activity, in other words, creating a vertical in which many affiliate programs can operate. Let's look at some areas:

  • the use of commodity resources (commodity), where the sale of products, goods occurs - Ryumka.biz;
  • for actions in online games(registration, activity);
  • financial activities (credits, investments, loans);
  • information business (selling courses, trainings, recruiting subscription clients);
  • online gambling games.

After choosing the direction of arbitration step-by-step instruction recommends choosing the right offers or affiliate programs (AP). Having no public platform for making money through arbitrage and searching for offers, experts recommend a free resource: Cpad.pro. The resource navigation is clear, you need to go to the offers section and select the desired category(direction) for work.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

I know, I know... I promised to give you a review of the next CPA network, but plans unexpectedly changed - the second laptop, along with Dasha, “went on vacation” to the village. And on this I have, as I already said, terrible problems with sound driver(or settings... who knows), so, unfortunately, I won’t be able to please you with a video review today. A little later (when Dasha arrives). So…

The topic of today's article is “ Traffic arbitrage" From this article, you will learn what traffic arbitrage is, where to start making money from arbitrage, and what you need to know if you intend to make money by reselling traffic in the future.

In general, this article will be useful both for those who are engaged in and for those who are used to working with classic format affiliate programs (affiliate program for selling information courses, webinars, trainings, affiliate programs of various services, software, etc.)

How were you doing with mathematics at school? I hope it's good, because today we'll have to play with the numbers a little. So…

Earning money from traffic arbitrage

What is traffic arbitrage? I'm sure you've already come across this newfangled phrase. If you have tried to work with CPA affiliates or SMS payers, you have encountered 100% problems. I came across this concept about a year ago.

In fact, the definition is quite simple...

Traffic arbitrage - this is making money from resale of traffic, when you buy traffic (visitors) in one place cheaper and sell it in another place at a higher price.

He said it unclearly, right? I'll explain with an example...

For example, I register in a teaser network, create an advertising campaign to sell some product or service, carefully set it up, deposit 300 rubles into my account and click on the “Launch” button.

Then, of course, I get clicks on my referral link, several sales and eventually earn 1000 rubles. As an example... My net profit in this case is 700 rubles. So now get the point:

I bought visitors to an affiliate site IN THE TEASER NETWORK cheaper (usually 1-2 rubles per click) and sold (directed) these visitors to some relatively expensive AFFILIATE PRODUCT OR SERVICE.

Since my profit was 700 rubles, you understand that I sold this traffic for much more. The cost per click in this case can even be calculated...

Suppose I bought clicks on a teaser network for 2 rubles and got 150 clicks for 300 rubles. Logical? Logical. Let’s say I sold this weight loss course (corny, I know) and received 2 orders and 500 rubles in commission. Now we can calculate the cost of our click from sales. To do this, we simply divide 1000 rubles by 150 clicks. We get approximately 6.7 rubles. That is, we bought traffic for 2 rubles, and sold it for 6.7 rubles. Not bad…

As I said in the video tutorials devoted to the review of CPA networks, this figure - 6.7 rubles can be called the ECPC indicator, that is, the average income per click.

This is it simple circuit making money on traffic arbitrage.

A couple more examples of traffic arbitrage

  • 1000 impressions = 2 rubles
  • 200 rubles = 100,000 impressions
  • 100,000 impressions = 200 clicks
  • 200 clicks = 20 registrations
  • 1 registration = 30 rubles
  • 20 registrations = 600 rubles
  • Result: 200 rubles spent. Earned 600 rubles. Net profit = 400 rubles
  • EcPC = 3 rubles (that is, 1 click brought me 3 rubles)
  • Advertising for 10,000 people. Cost - 3000 rubles
  • The cost of the course is 3000 rubles (my commission = 1500 rubles)
  • 900 people clicked on the link
  • Ordered a course - 8 people = 1200 rubles
  • Net profit = 9000 rubles
  • Divide 3000 rubles by 900 clicks
  • 1 click = 3.3 rubles
  • Divide 12,000 rubles by 900 clicks
  • 1 click = 13.3 rubles
  • EcPC = 13.3 rubles (that is, 1 click brought me an average of 13.3 rubles)

In principle, traffic arbitrage includes not only teaser advertising, but also contextual, banner advertising, etc. It can even be safely attributed to making money from arbitrage. The only thing that does not apply to this is making money on affiliate programs using your website if visitors go to your website from search engines upon request. If paid advertising (banner, teaser, etc.) brings visitors to the site, then this is again traffic arbitrage.

Here is an example of one of my ads that works in targeted advertising on the VKontakte social network. Simply put, this is VKontakte traffic arbitrage with payment for impressions.

Another screen, but here I pay not for impressions, but for clicks (10 rubles per click).

And here is an example of traffic arbitrage in a teaser network. It is clear that here payment is made per click on the teaser.

Today, traffic arbitrage is actively used in CPA affiliates. What many professional webmasters do is invest small amounts at first - 1000-2000 rubles. They earn 2-3 times more. They withdraw part of the money and live on it, and the rest are again invested in advertising, thereby gradually increasing their advertising budget and earnings. Where to start when working with traffic arbitrage.

Where to start and what is important to know!

Many newcomers who are just starting out often simply waste their entire advertising budget. They don’t know where to send traffic and how to do it correctly. Why? There are dozens of reasons for this:

1) Initially, the wrong offer was selected (affiliate program)

3) Certain affiliate products and services can only be advertised on certain advertising platforms, and a beginner, as a rule, does not know where and what can be advertised

4) Where they are needed, landing sites are not used

5) The target audience is incorrectly selected and other targeting parameters are incorrectly configured

This is just a small part of the reasons that can ruin your desire to make money from traffic arbitrage.

In fact, beginners have hundreds of different questions, not knowing the answer to which leads to loss of money and, as a rule, disappointment. Personally, it helped me understand many issues.

I am sure that these courses will help you solve most of your problems.

In general, at the beginning of your work you need to choose the right affiliate offer ( affiliate program). You don’t need to register with dozens of affiliate programs right away. It's better to concentrate on 2-3.

And only then, based on this analysis, select advertising sites.

To be honest, launching a successful advertising campaign right away is almost impossible. You always have to test: change the title, subtitle, banner, link to the landing page, adjust targeting parameters, etc. Many beginners simply don’t have the patience for this and give up halfway through. It's a pity.

I can remember several campaigns that I reworked 20-30 times before they started making me a profit. Yes, I lost a couple of thousand rubles until I broke even and started receiving income. But this is a necessary measure. Now, of course, it is much easier. There is already some experience and vision.


That's all for today... And finally, I have prepared a video for you to reinforce the material we have already covered.

I look forward to your comments, questions and additions. And of course, your likes if the article was useful to you.

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

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