Galaxy ace 2 update

Back in the fall of last year Samsung company promised to release an update for Galaxy smartphone Ace 2 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. But the release of the long-awaited update Galaxy Ace 2 was postponed every month and ultimately fell in April-May of this year. Fortunately, a test version of the firmware appeared in February, which the manufacturer released under pressure from long-awaited advanced users. The version originally appeared was XXMB2. But, after a short period, a slightly improved XXMB4 was also published, which is the most attractive on this moment. That’s exactly what I’ll tell you about next. I'll start with a guide to its firmware, and then briefly how working with a smartphone has changed.

Firmware for Galaxy Ace 2 is not difficult. First of all, to install the firmware you will need a desktop application or higher, as well as the firmware itself. possible from our website. Next, follow these steps:

  1. run Odin;
  2. enter the smartphone into Download Mode (while simultaneously pressing the “off” + “volume down” + “home button”) keys, then press “Volume up”;
  3. connect to device USB cable;
  4. in the Odin application on your computer, select files from the archive with the firmware:
    • for the PIT column - GT-I8160_EUR_XX_4G.pit
    • for PDA - CODE_I8160XXMB2_932015_ REV00_user_low_noship.tar
    • for CSC - CSC_OXA_I8160OXAMB2_932015 _REV00_user_low_noship.tar
  5. Make sure that the “Auto Reboot” and “F.” checkboxes are checked in Odin. Reset Time";
  6. Press the “Start” button and watch how the firmware process occurs.

This is how the firmware works Samsung Galaxy Ace 2. Please note that after the phone reboots, an image of the Samsung logo will appear, which can remain on the screen from 2 to 10 minutes - at this stage the firmware process continues and under no circumstances should you turn off the device.

Next, everything is intuitive; you need to follow the installer’s instructions and check the boxes where necessary. This completes the firmware process. I note that since the official installation was chosen Galaxy firmware Ace 2, the firmware counter does not change. Therefore, Samsung's warranty terms and conditions remain in effect.

Android 4.1 on Galaxy Ace 2

So, Galaxy update Ace 2 looks like this:

Visually, after Android 2.3.6, the update to version 4.1.2 on the Galaxy Ace 2 looks a little unusual, especially if there were any external shells and lockers installed before, although in fact the interface has become clearer, especially noticeable on the icons. There is also a separate button for rebooting the smartphone and a bar indicating the current backlight level in the status bar.

In general, the platform itself has become faster and smoother, but at the same time the amount of power consumed has increased. random access memory, which in turn increased slightly. If previously 555 MB of 768 MB were available to users, then after the firmware - 624 MB. The issue of charge consumption still remains open and unexplored due to the individual characteristics of use, but after proper configuration the device can last for several days, and in the case of continuous video viewing - 6-8 hours.

At the same time, the camera began to work a little faster, but in terms of speed it is still far from the flagship. Of the most obvious shortcomings of the beta, the most noticeable is the slight sluggishness of the entire platform, but this has practically no effect on applications. To be fair, I note that the XXMB2 version was even more thoughtful and loaded phone book within a few seconds. Fortunately this problem was solved in XXMB4. Otherwise, the beta works great and does not make you want to roll back to previous version. By the way, latest version firmware for Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 is .

If you need to change the firmware of the Samsung Galaxy Ace 2, the process will not be difficult. But before you start, you need to install special application– Odin. The application version must be at least 1.85. You will also need the firmware itself.

Ace 2 phone firmware

Follow the following instructions:

  1. Launch the Odin application;
  2. We turn on the smartphone in Download Mode. To do this, you need to simultaneously press the “off”, “volume down”, “home key” keys, and then press “volume up”;
  3. Connect the USB cable to the smartphone;
  4. On your computer in the Odin program, select the necessary files from a special archive with the firmware;

5. Check (if not installed automatically) the checkboxes next to the “Auto Reboot” and “F” icons. Reset Time"

After the smartphone restarts, the Samsung logo will appear on the phone screen. If the image on the screen does not disappear within 10 minutes, the firmware process continues in the device. No need to turn off your phone!

What's next?

The next step is extremely simple - you need to check the boxes and agree to all the conditions that will appear on the screen to complete the installation. After all the procedures have been completed, the process is completed.

After Android versions 2.3.6, which was in the phone, the Galaxy Ace 2 firmware version 4.1.2 will seem quite unusual, but it should be noted that the interface has become more convenient, clearer, and the camera has also begun to work faster. The updated smartphone interface now includes a button to reboot the phone and a backlight level indicator bar.

Another positive quality is that the amount of RAM has increased slightly (from 555MB available to 624MB out of a total of 768MB). But, since after the update the platform became smoother and faster, RAM consumption increased slightly.

Among the visible shortcomings, it is noted that the platform as a whole is a little slow, although this is not particularly noticeable in applications.

It should be noted that as installation file official version selected Samsung firmware Galaxy Ace 2. Therefore, Samsung's official warranty will not be voided.

Firmware instructions Samsung smartphone Ace 2 on Android 4.1.2

Follow the instructions exactly and you will succeed! Before starting the firmware
Make sure your smartphone is charged more than 50%!!!

Firmware for I8160XXMB4

1. Download
2. Download the archive with the firmware -
3. Unpack to any folder
4. Launch the attached Odin file v.1.83.exe
5. Take the phone and enter it into Download Mode (Off key + volume down + home button), then "Volume up"
6. Select files:
for PIT - GT-I8160_EUR_XX_4G.pit
for PDA - CODE_I8160XXMB4.tar
for CSC - CSC_OXA_I8160OXAMB4.tar
7. Press "START" and wait for completion. After this, do not touch the phone until it boots up.

Firmware for I8160XXMG2 for Russia

Attention!!! Install only on leak I8160XXMB4! If you have 2.3.6, you must first install I8160XXMB4!

1. Download the archive with the firmware -
2. Unpack to any folder
3. Run the attached file Odin v.1.83.exe
4. Take the phone and enter it into Download Mode (Off key + volume down + home button), then "Volume up"
5. Select the PDA file - I8160XXMG2_I8160OXEMG2_HOME.tar.md5
6. Press "START" and wait for completion. After this, do not touch the phone until it boots up.

If everything is done correctly, you will see a boot animation and then the device itself will boot with the new firmware

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