How to disable t9 android sony. How to disable T9 on Android. What functions can be adjusted further?

The T9 text input mode has been familiar to many since the days of simple push-button phones. Remember those fun days when you spent days on end using ICQ from your mobile phone? It was at a time when mobile instant messengers began to slowly enter our lives that T9 became especially popular.

From this article you will learn by what principle this typing mode works, and we will also tell you how to disable and how to enable T9 on Android.

Compared to simple letter-by-letter typing, this method allows you to significantly increase your typing speed. This is achieved through the use of an algorithm that, intelligently, by accessing the built-in dictionary, is able to predict which word in this moment is typed by the user.

The principle of operation is simple - we quickly type a word, and the system detects it right as we type and displays it next to the keyboard.

It is noteworthy that errors are also allowed during input, since in most cases the system is able to correctly identify a word based on only 50-70% of the characters entered correctly by the user. Comfortable? Not that word!

Of course, the possibilities of intelligent word selection are limited by the content of the dictionary. As a rule, most modern keyboards for Android are capable of independently remembering new words entered by the user that were not previously in the dictionary. Also, in some cases, you can download additional dictionaries created by developers or other users.

Initially, T9 mode is already enabled on most devices. However, in some cases, for example, if “naked” Android is preinstalled on a new device, the dictionary for T9 may not be installed.

How to turn t9 on and off on Android?

It would seem, who and why might need to disable T9 mode? Almost always it works correctly and does not make significant errors when identifying words. However, as practice shows, in some cases T9 can interfere with comfortable work. For example, if the user is typing text on the screen tablet computer with a large diagonal or requires entering certain words (for example, when typing texts with technical content). In such cases, T9 can be removed.

How to disable T9 on Android? It's simple:

  1. First of all, open your phone settings.
  2. Go to the “Language and Input” submenu and find among the options the settings for the keyboard you are using. For example – “Xperia Keyboard” or “HTC Keyboard”.
  3. Having selected the desired keyboard in the list, go to the “Smart Typing” tab.
  4. In the dial settings, find “T9 Mode” and deactivate it.

That's all. If you need to re-enable the mode, you can do this using the same method.

Important! If there is no option to disable T9 in the keyboard settings, you can get rid of it only by installing a new keyboard and customizing it according to your requirements.

Unfortunately, not all device manufacturers allow the user to independently disable predictive input on Android. Most often, such “surprises” are characteristic of some devices from Chinese developers.

In the video you can see how this is done on Samsung and Meizu devices.


If you often have to type texts on your Android device, it is better not to disable T9. However, if you are used to touch typing or use a device with a large screen diagonal, you can try entering text without T9.

Remember that in addition to predictive input, the keyboard settings allow you to customize some other input options. By customizing the keyboard to suit you, the typing process can be made easier and faster.

Actually, the T9 mode is quite convenient. As soon as you typed the first letters of the word “hello”, the caring system has already completed everything for you, all that remains is to touch the “Ent” key. But what if you communicate in Albanian, and all your messages begin with the standard “kagdil” in such cases? What if your “great and mighty” is filled with untranslatable figures of speech, for which the lyrics of Sergei Shnurov’s songs are so famous?

In general, there are many cases when the system does not keep up with the flight of your thoughts, and much more time is spent on corrections than if everything was written by hand. That's when the question arises:

This procedure is, in principle, simple and now we will tell you in detail what needs to be done to turn off automatic adjustment.

Through system settings

The screenshots show how the procedure is performed using examples of Explay Fresh and TouchWiz models from Samsung. It is clear that there is no point in showing this action on all existing types of shells, but looking at the examples shown, it is quite obvious that the principle of operation will be the same for all devices. So.

On the desktop, open the “Settings” application and go to the “Language and input” section:

In the window that opens, select the keyboard to use by clicking on the settings icon, then activate the “Keyboard Options” item 9 (for Samsung TouchWiz):

Using Explay Fresh as an example, click on the “Auto-correction” item. Next, we just have to deactivate the “AutoCorrect” item in the first case, and in the second case, in the “Auto Correction” menu, check the “Off” line if we want to completely disable the function, but the optimal solution in this case would be to check the “Moderate” item ":

Via keyboard

Another option that can be used to adjust autocorrection is to use the functionality of the keyboard itself. To do this you need to do the following:

Open any system service or an application that uses text input, for example, SMS, notepad, notes, etc. Next, press and hold the spacebar key for 1-2 seconds (on some device models you need to press the input field). In the “Select input method” (or simply “Input method”) tab that appears, select the active keyboard and press the input settings key. In the section that opens, select the “Auto-fix” item and proceed as described in the previous method:

The instructions talked about pre-installed tools. If you use a third-party keyboard, then you need to look for T9 settings in a specific utility.

How to enable T9 on Android

If you use a laconic style of communication when writing messages and the auto-correction mode is comfortable for you, then you can turn on T9 by following the same path as when turning it off, that is, through the settings, go to the “Language and input” section, select the keyboard, which we are currently using, click on the settings icon and then select (mark) the desired positions.

How to use T9 on (off) third party applications, watch the video:

And that's all for today. Good luck to everyone, write letters!

The T9 function, invented for push-button phones, was successfully integrated into modern smartphones. But despite initially great idea, she is still very far from ideal. Owners electronic gadgets This is known firsthand. After all, a normal and common word in everyday life can accidentally turn into something completely remote in meaning. And this makes you think about disabling T9 on Android if this happens too often.

Initially, the T9 correction function was used in old push-button phones, where she has proven herself well. Since writing messages at that time was not an easy task, auto-correction, as well as selecting words by initial letters, were very useful.

With the advent of QWERTY keyboards on smartphones and tablets, the ability to correct incorrectly spelled words could come in handy, but the fact is that often in the database, in the program dictionary, there are words that are considered by developers to be the most common in communication. However, as you know, in practice the situation is completely different. And trying to replace (according to the program) a word with the “correct” one, you can not only get an expression completely opposite in meaning, but also find yourself in an awkward position in front of your interlocutor.

At the moment of entering characters, the user is almost completely busy directly typing the necessary letters, which naturally makes it impossible to accurately follow what is written. And trying to convey his thoughts as quickly as possible, a person, without paying attention, sends typed messages to his interlocutor. As a result, at best, you can seem ridiculous in the eyes of others, and at worst, even ruin your relationship. After all, it is sometimes impossible to delete or clear a message that has already been sent, or it is already too late.

And that is why the decision to disable T9 comes almost immediately, as soon as several sent proposals are sent with a distortion of meaning. This infuriates and irritates many people, but not everyone knows how to turn off T9 on Android. Therefore, it is worth understanding this issue. This can be done in different ways.

System Settings

One way to deactivate the autocorrect feature is to do it via system settings. The method is also convenient in that, in addition to directly disabling the T9 itself, you can enable or disable other input-related features.

For example, we will describe how to disable T9 on an Android Samsung Galaxy, but this function is similarly disabled on Lenovo, Alcatel touch, HTC, Asus and other models of phones and tablets, regardless of the individuality of the shell. After all, the functions and settings themselves are either completely consistent or very similar, which allows you to perform the same actions by analogy.

To turn off t9 on Android, you will need:

If even in moderate mode the function still behaves too actively, then by going into the settings again, you can completely remove T9 from your Android phone or tablet.

Through keyboard options

You can turn off T9 on Android via the keyboard. To some, this method may seem much simpler, because you don’t have to exit the programs, you can do everything without being distracted from communication for a long time. And if necessary, it will be much easier to return everything.

And to turn off autocorrect, you will have to perform a few simple steps:

Third Party Products

Now there are quite a lot of keyboards from third-party developers. They are more beautiful, can provide additional functionality, and are sometimes more convenient. But this does not guarantee that the built-in autocorrect function will work any better. The problem of excessive “zeal” of T9 remains, which makes you want to turn it off.

As you might guess, it is unlikely to disable the sometimes unbearable T9 through the standard capabilities of the system. So the only way to do this is turn it off through the program itself. This means that the necessary functions are turned off or the third-party keyboard is configured only from the personal settings of it.

There may be different ways. One of the most likely is a separate button or settings icon. The second, which is also quite common, may be similar to the standard disabling of autocorrect, that is, you will have to hold down either the spacebar or the input field for several seconds. And then, by entering the settings, change them or disable the function completely.

Various models

Despite the fact that the Android operating system is the same for all devices that use it, the shells may be different and differ from one another to another. different manufacturers. Of course, the basic functionality and capabilities do not change, but the design, menus, labels and some settings may differ.

As is clear, there is no fundamental difference, but an inexperienced user can unsuccessfully search for the required item “on the surface” of the settings, and they will simply become a sub-item and be hidden in the additional features section.

This does not cause any big problems, but if you need to disable T9 on a tablet or phone from a less well-known brand like Samsung, then you should not give up, because everything may turn out to be much simpler and just hide from view behind another item.

In addition, you can always take the second route and get into the autocorrect settings through the keyboard. There aren't many options here. For example, to disable T9 in Viber, WhatsApp or another messenger, this method will be the most favorable. Firstly, you will not need to exit the program, and secondly, standard methods disabling this feature via standard settings may not work for the messenger.

Enabling AutoCorrect

Although autocorrect is often annoying, it is still quite useful feature, which helps you speed up your communication by typing on your tablet or phone. Especially if you get used to it and use it correctly.

But once you disable it, you may later be faced with the need to enable T9 on Android. And having an idea of ​​how to disable T9 on Android Samsung, Zenfon, Asus or another similar device, it will not be difficult to return this functionality.

They do this in complete analogy with shutting down. The only difference will be the position of the slider. This means that if you go to AutoCorrect settings through “Settings”, you need the following:

  • You will have to find the “Language and input” item.
  • Next, select the keyboard and, by clicking on the icon with sliders next to it, go to settings.
  • All that remains is to enable autocorrect.

If you do this through the keyboard, then everything will be even easier. By holding down the spacebar or input field (depending on the software) for 1-2 seconds, you get to select the keyboard to use and then go to the settings. Now all that remains is to enable the function.

With a third party software, you might have to think about it. And if there is no “Settings” button or inscription, then most likely you can enter them using standard methods.

Having made friends with your electronic friend, you can easily switch from the T9 assistant and back. It doesn't take much time, and the settings are simple and clear. In the “fight” against overly active auto-replacement, it is not always worth using a “severe” shutdown. After all, you can lower the sensitivity or apply other settings. And then such a function can become truly useful.

On the other hand, it would be worth considering the option of third-party keyboards. And primarily because of swipe support. This is the ability to move it from one character to another without lifting your finger from the letters. Although some standard keyboards may support this feature.

In other cases, swiping can be a good help in dealing with the “unruly” T9 in some situations. In the rest, autocorrect will be a good intellectual assistant for communicating via Viber, WhatsApp or other instant messengers on a mobile device. The main thing is to configure it correctly.

In every smartphone with operating system Android today has a text input method - T9, whose task is to predict the words that you type on the keyboard. With this function, the speed of typing SMS messages or any other information increases. But due to a small vocabulary, not everyone is comfortable with this function. Sometimes it even gets to the point where the typing speed slows down. Or you simply don't use this feature. Therefore, today we will describe in detail step by step instructions how to disable T9 on an Android smartphone.

Shutdown procedure

This is not at all difficult to do and anyone can do it. The shutdown procedure is very similar on all phones. Here are a few steps that you can follow to achieve the desired result.

That's all. By following these steps, you will no longer have to constantly be distracted by correcting words. And you can easily replace the T9 mode with the function voice input, For example. Maybe you will find it more convenient. But we must warn you in advance that there are some shortcomings there too. In case you suddenly want to return T9 to your phone again, you need to repeat all the steps that we described above.
It is important to note that not all manufacturers mobile phones allow the user to independently disable typing using T9 on their device.
Apart from T9, your device can also offer auto word correction on your device, which is also considered not a very convenient feature for some people. In this case, it can also be disabled without much effort by following our sequence. The disabling procedure is as similar as possible to disabling the word prediction function -T9.
So, in order to disable the auto-correct function on Android you need to:

  • Step 1: Open the phone menu.
  • Step 2: Go to the “Settings” section.
  • Step 3: Click on “Keyboard and input settings”.
  • Step 4: Click on the name of the installed keyboard you are using;
  • Step 5: Then select the section called “Text Correction”;
  • Step 6: In this section, disable all functions you do not need, including auto-correction.

That's all. This is very easy to do, on your own and without contacting service center. We hope that our guide was useful to you and that we were able to make your life easier. Manage your mobile device with ease, because it is easy.

T9 is a system for predicting words when typing on a telephone keyboard. Since its appearance, the world has been divided into two camps - those who can no longer imagine their lives without such an opportunity and representatives of the “old school”, to whom all this is alien. How to disable T9 on Xiaomi, because on many keyboards the function is activated by default.

It’s worth noting right away that keyboards on Android are very diverse and each developer organizes the settings menu items in his own way. Let's take as an example the popular currently an app called Gboard.

Gboard - what kind of program is it?

This program is one of many keyboards that can be found in the vast Google Play. A special feature of the application is the ability to type text using both gestures and traditional alternating character typing. The program has support for voice input, a dictionary, a filter for obscene words and the ability to access contact names, which greatly simplifies typing.

If you use this keyboard but do not want to receive hints, you need to make some settings.

Disable T9 on Xiaomi

To disable T9, you will need to go to the system settings and click on “Advanced”. In the window that opens, select “Language and input”.

The keyboard settings menu opens, where we select the “Text Correction” item.

All that remains is to deactivate the switches next to those items that you consider unnecessary: ​​“suggest options”, “suggest words” or “show names from the address book”.

At this point, disabling T9 for this keyboard can be considered complete.

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