How to call the command line? Launch the command line. Command line in Windows, how to call it? Which option is better

Command line Windows XP is a built-in Windows tool for solving a wide variety of tasks. Using the command line console, you can perform actions that are not possible in the Windows graphical environment. Set up the operating system. For most users, the command line window itself, and especially working with it, causes some fear. But it's not really that scary. Basic knowledge of the operating principle and some commands can help restore the OS, configure scheduled tasks and much more.

How to open the command line in Windows XP

There are quite a few ways to call the command line, but we will look at the most common ones:

  1. Through the menu " Start" - where we select " All programs", then click on the menu " Standard", and here we select the command line.

  1. The second method is to call the console through the built-in utility " Execute" - here in the menu " Start"You can find this utility in the right column, run it and write the command in the dialog box cmd and click " OK».
  2. Another way to open the window " Execute"and launch the command line through it, this is a key combination Win+R .

There are other ways, but in most cases these three are more than enough. Each user chooses one, more convenient and familiar method.

Settings and working with the command line

Before you get started, you can customize the command line for your convenience.

  • To do this, you need to right-click on the top panel and select from the drop-down context menu paragraph " Properties».
  • Here we can make changes to the interface of the window itself - change the color and size of the font, change the font itself, adjust the location and size of the window for convenience. Change window color, background color, text color.

List of command line commands

Now comes the fun part. There are a huge number of commands, of course, you don’t need to know them all. But the main ones basic commands It is desirable to know. And the first question is where to look for them. And here the command line will help you, in which you need to write the command.

A list of commands will open, and there are a lot of them here. View more detailed information about a specific command, you can type in the console:

Help (space, command - for example, dir ) - the command will look like this - h elp dir

Case is not important here; you can write in both small and capital letters.

How to create a folder via the command line

Command line capabilities are difficult to describe in one article, so we will limit ourselves to a couple simple examples- how to create a folder or several folders at the same time, which, by the way, is impossible from a graphical Windows environment. And set up a scheduled task to turn off the computer. It is very important when, while watching a movie, you fall asleep and the computer remains on. In this case, you can set a time to turn off the PC and it will turn off according to the schedule.
So let's get started:

  • Open the command line as described at the beginning of the article.
  • First, let's pay attention to what directory we are in; in order to move to a specific folder, you need to write the full path to it, in our case it will be “ Rdesk"and the path to it will look like this:

CD "c:\ Documents and Settings \ user \Desktop"

Please note, the command (CD ) is responsible for moving through directories, further if in the addresspresentspaces, then alladdressneeds to be in quotation marks.
Being in the directory, or more precisely, in the folder " Desktop"we can create multiple folders. Like this: - command ( md ) is responsible for creating the folder, but if after the command md We will write several folder names, let’s say these will be the names of planets, then we will create exactly as many folders as we will write them in the command line separated by a space.
Example command to create multiple folders:

m d Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

And confirm your action with the key Enter . 8 folders will appear on the desktop, with exactly the names that we listed separated by a space after the command. Interesting, isn't it? To create the same number of folders in the usual way, we would need a lot more time and steps to create each folder separately.

Turn off the computer

Now regarding the planned task - for example, we are listening to music in the Winamp player, and we want it to turn off at some point. The standard player can turn off both itself and the computer, but Winamp cannot do this, so it would be advisable to give it a scheduled task to shut down in certain time. How it's done. Windows XP has a great team. It is natural to indicate your own time (in the example, the time is indicated randomly).

Or turn off the computer completely, another command will do for this:

shutdown.exe -s -t 3600

(numbers, means seconds, after how many seconds the computer should turn off, in our case it is one hour or 3600 seconds).
To make it easier to work with commands and the command line, you can install Notepad program++ and write a command in it, and then save it with the resolution .cmd or .bat. Then run this file. Then the computer will turn off exactly after the period of time that we set. You can cancel the scheduled task to turn off the computer using the command.

shutdown.exe -a

By the way, having created such a script, you can use it constantly without launching the command line.

Command line in any windows versions is a very important and sought-after attribute. If you have ever done network configuration on a computer, you should be familiar with it. Despite the fact that some methods of calling the command line are the same for all versions of Windows OS, many users have a question about how to call the command line in Windows 10? This will be discussed in this article.

Ways to call the command line in Windows 10

There are several ways to launch the command line. This article will discuss the 3 simplest and fastest ones.

Command line in Windows 10

Method 1 - Through search

In Windows 10, right next to the start menu there is a search icon in the form of a magnifying glass. This is a search. It can be used to find and open Command Prompt.

To do this, click on this icon, and in the window that opens, type “ Command line«.

Launch via Windows search 10

In the search results, click on the command line icon and select " Run as administrator«.

This will launch Command Prompt in Windows 10.

Method 2 - Through the start menu

To open the command line in Windows 10 through the start menu, just click on it right click mouse and select “ Command Line (Administrator)".

Launch via the Start context menu

Method 3 - Through the “Run” command

This method suggests using the “Run” command. To do this, you need to open a special window using the key combination “ Win"+"R«.

The combination of the “Win” + “R” buttons on the keyboard

In the window that opens, type “ CMD«.

Why is it better to run the command line as an administrator?

The thing is that when configuring or configuring certain functions of the operating system, administrator rights may be required to make changes. And if you try to change something through the command line in normal mode, you simply may not have enough rights and the command you entered will not be executed.

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Command line - special program, which allows you to control the operating system using text commands entered in the application window. Its interface is completely text-based, in contrast to the usual appearance of the operating system.

Performing actions using text expressions, of course, is not as convenient as clicking on icons on the screen, selecting menu items, or opening program windows. But sometimes it is simply necessary to open the command line, for example, in case of problems with the system, working with network and equipment settings, calling system applications. Here are some examples of its use:

  1. The systeminfo command allows you to collect information about the system, including installed updates and network information. IN graphical interface It is not possible to receive such data.
  2. chkdsk - checks the disk for errors and generates a report.
  3. sfc /scannow - useful command launch scanning and recovery of damaged files.
  4. ipconfig - allows you to find out the IP address of your computer in a split second.
  5. ping - check the network operation in case of problems with the router.
  6. help - the command line will display a list of possible commands with brief information about them.

These are just a few examples beneficial use this application. In addition, through the program window you can quite successfully work on the computer without using a mouse.

Switching methods

There are several options to open the Windows Command Prompt:

In versions higher than Windows 8, in order to apply this method, you need to click on the magnifying glass next to the user name.

You can also create a desktop shortcut and hotkeys for quick launch. You can create a shortcut like this:

  1. In the Explorer window, find the “Windows\System32” folder, right-click on the cmd.exe file in it, then “Create a shortcut” and select a name for it.
  2. Right-click on an empty space on the screen and find “Create shortcut” in the context menu. In the field that appears, type C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe. Next, select a name and click OK.

Now you can assign hotkeys. Call the context menu of the created shortcut, click “Properties”, “Shortcut” tab, enter the required combination in the “Shortcut” field.

Please note that when launched using the shortcut, search box and Explorer, the command line is launched from the System32 folder, and using the “Run” item of the Start menu from the Users folder of your computer.

Opening with extended rights

Among the methods discussed, some allow you to enable the command line as an administrator. The fact is that even if you use the Administrator account in your current work, you do not have full rights to manage the system. This is done to improve reliability and reduce the risk of damage from malware.

Running as an administrator is a different concept than an administrator account. It involves increasing the level of rights, giving the program the highest access to changing the system. Thus, in the application (in our case on the command line) it will become available more features. When opened normally they are simply locked. For example, if you want to disable control accounts via cmd.exe, in normal mode this will not be available, only as an administrator.

Thus, the command line is a kind of universal Windows system management tool that allows you to perform various tasks without switching between many windows, menus, and programs. All commands are directed through the text window, you can quickly change network settings, security settings, check or format drives and perform many other functions in seconds.

Command Prompt is a program that allows you to execute commands and batches of commands in text mode. Using the command line, you can run other programs, make changes to operating system settings, view system information, and perform other actions related to computer management.

Many users, having heard about the command line, ask a completely logical question: how to open the command line. In this article we will describe several ways to launch the command line in the operating system. Windows system.

Method number 1. Call the command line using the Start menu.

The start menu is designed to launch programs. Since the command line is also a program, it can also be called from . To do this, open the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt.

Method number 2. Call the command line using the “Run” menu.

In the operating system, there is such a way to launch programs as the “Run” menu. To open this menu, use the Windows + R key combination. After this, the “Run” window will open in front of you.

In this window you need to enter the command “cmd” and press the enter key.

Method number 3. Call the command line using search.

The Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems have an excellent search system. With its help you can find any file or program.

If you are using Windows 7, open the Start menu and type “Command Prompt”. After that operating system will find the desired program and will offer to open it.

If you are using Windows 8, then you need to search for the program on the start screen. Go to the start screen and type "Command Prompt". After this, run the program that the operating system offers you.

Method number 4. Call the command line using the context menu.

Everyone knows how to open the context menu. To do this, just right-click on the file or folder. But not everyone knows that the context menu has hidden functions. In order to see all the available functions of the context menu, you need to hold down the Shift key before calling it.

So, in order to call it using the context menu, you need to hold down the Shift key and right-click on any folder or drive. After this, you need to select the “Open command window” function.

This method of calling the command line is also convenient because in this case the command line will start working from the folder or drive you selected.

Method number 5. Open the command line directly.

As a last resort, you can directly. To do this, go to the C:\Windows\system32\ folder and run the cmd.exe file.

It turns out that you can open programs, edit settings in the OS, and control your PC using the command line. But first you need to open it. How to open the command line in Windows 10? Let's look at different methods.

What it is

The command line is a software tool that controls the OS and applications using text commands. Such management is faster, since the power of the PC is not used, because the graphical shell of the OS is not used.

After the 2017 updates, “PowerShell” is now written by default. If you don't like it, do the following. Go to “Options” - “Taskbar” - “Replace”. Select the “Off” position

Fast way

Use the hotkeys “Win+X”. The menu called up in this way provides access to various OS functions.

How to call using search

I recommend that if you have forgotten how to open the desired setting, click “Win ​​+ S”, then write the name of the element. Start writing the word “Command”, the result will appear in the search results.

Using Explorer

If you right-click on an empty space and press the “Shift” key, a menu will open in which you select “Open window”.

Run "Cmd.exe"

Command line is an executable program located in an “exe” file. Located in the directory with installed system“System32” and “SysWOW64” (if a 64-bit version of the OS is installed). It is launched from a folder. For convenience, create a shortcut and add it to your desktop to access it whenever necessary. Right-click on it, then “Create shortcut”.

It can be done differently. Press “Win ​​+ R”, then enter “Cmd.exe”.

Important information

IN latest version The OS has new features for working with the console. This is copy, paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V). Initially these functions do not work. To enable, open the console, right-click on the icon at the top. Next “Properties”. Uncheck the box next to “Use the old one”.

How to open the Windows 10 command line using hotkeys

Working with keyboard shortcuts is faster than using a mouse. When working with, use the following key combinations:

  1. “Ctrl+C” “Ctrl+V” copy, paste;
  2. To select the entire text of a line, press “Ctrl+A”;
  3. “Alt+F4” closes the console;
  4. Opening search “Ctrl+F”;
  5. To select one character located to the left of the cursor, press “Shift + left arrow;
  6. To move the cursor to the beginning of the current line use "Shift+Home".

Command line in Windows 7 how to call

Click “Start” - “Programs”. Find the “Standard” folder and find the required file.


We looked at how to open the command line. It helps to find out information about PC components, edit system settings, fulfill batch processing. Use it at work, it's more convenient.

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