Monitoring affiliate programs. How does automatic monitoring of affiliate accounts work? Why has my rate changed?

Types of affiliate programs
Affiliate programs can be classified depending on what they pay money for. There are several schemes under which payments to participants can be made:

Sales fee - CPS (cost-per-sale)
- fee per action - CPA (cost-per-action)
- pay per click - CPC (cost-per-click)
- fee for display - CPV (cost-per-view)
- download fee - CPI (cost-per-install)
- multi-level marketing

Sales fee
A person who comes through an affiliate link pays for a specific product; the webmaster who attracted him receives a reward as a percentage of the cost of the product. This type of affiliate programs includes programs for the sale of casual games, physical goods - books, flowers, contact lenses and virtual items - payment cards, hosting, media files.

Fee per action
Money is transferred for performing a certain action, usually filling out registration forms, subscribing to a newsletter, etc. This type includes programs for dating sites, online games, virtual currency exchange offices, and others.

Pay per click
The cost of one click on an advertising link or banner that the advertiser pays search engines and other Internet users for one attracted user to the site.

Traffic fee
Affiliate programs that pay money per click or for displaying banners can be combined as pay-per-traffic programs.

The PPV program requires the publishing partner (PP) to simply place an advertisement on their website and show it to visitors in order to receive their commissions. PPC systems require one more step on the part of the visitor. The visitor should not only see the ad, but also click on it and go to the advertiser’s website.

PPC was originally more common, but its use has declined significantly due to artificial click-buying. Contextual advertising, such as Begun, Yandex.Direct, Google AdSense, is not taken into account in these statistics. On at the moment There is no consensus on whether contextual advertising can be classified as affiliate marketing.

Pay-per-click prevails as a payment method in impression-based PPC systems contextual advertising. Pay per impression is the most common payment model for displaying advertisements (banners). PPM is used by Google in the AdSense/AdWords system, but is rather an exception in search marketing.

In other words: “A” participates in the affiliate program and receives payments for the confirmed activity of the visitors he attracts. If “A” recruits “B” and “C” to participate in the affiliate program, then all future benefits that “B” and “C” receive will be reflected in “A’s” income as a small commission.

Like a snowball, the system brings profit to the whole hierarchical network partners who may not even suspect each other’s existence, and does not forget to bring profit to the very top of the pyramid.

Types of affiliate sites
Sites are classified according to the type of affiliate program they belong to:

Directly participating in affiliate programs
- Joining affiliate networks
- Attracting advertisers on their own terms
- Toolkit[edit | edit wiki text]
- Some sellers have their own affiliate program, while others use a third party. These are certain services that provide intermediary transmission of traffic or sales from partners. Sellers can choose between two solutions in this area:

standalone software
affiliate networks
Tools for working with affiliate programs (for partners) also include:

Methods for protecting affiliate links
Affiliate program management
Operating a successful affiliate program requires constant support and work on it. Running a profitable affiliate program is a much more difficult task than it might seem at first. Those carefree days when the affiliate program generated a reasonable income, and the owner did not have separate people to handle it, have sunk into oblivion.

Uncontrolled affiliate programs were one of the reasons why unscrupulous affiliates could do whatever they wanted: spam, cookie cutting, false advertisements, etc.

Search for partners
Affiliate networks that have a large number of advertisers usually also have an extensive list of professional partners. Most partners can be attracted by spending some effort, or they can join the affiliate program themselves.

Sites that attract the same audience as the advertiser site, but are not competitors, are potential partners. Even a direct seller or buyer can become a partner if it makes sense and does not violate legal restrictions or regulations.

Search for an affiliate program
Affiliate program listings are one method of finding a suitable affiliate program. Another method is huge affiliate networks that provide a platform for hundreds and thousands of advertisers.

Affiliate networks are good because they, especially large networks, you can find programs for almost any topic.

There is no particular difference between the terms CPA (cost-per-action) and PPA (pay-per-action), because they, in any case, imply payment for an action performed on the advertiser’s website. It is the formats and types of actions that differ. It is customary to distinguish between a lead and an action that implies the completion of a transaction (sale or action). A lead most often means filling out a questionnaire, registering, filling out an application, etc. An action usually means purchasing or ordering a product in an online store, that is, an action that involves payment.

Lead is characterized by gaming affiliate programs that require registration, as well as credit programs, in which a reward is transferred to the webmaster for filling out a questionnaire.

For action, the main ones are online stores.

numbered in the world

10,000 sites

appears daily

They all need control!

And you can make money from it!

Owners of websites and services

If you have a website or service for webmasters, then you can become our partner and attract new clients to us.

You will receive a reward for every payment made by the referred client.

It is enough to bring a client once and you will be rewarded for all his payments for life.

Reward amount: 10%

For large and well-known sites, we are ready to set an increased percentage upon request for

How to participate in the affiliate program?

Don't miss the opportunity to earn even more on your website!

For professionals

If you provide website creation services, hosting services, virus treatment services, system administration or any other services for webmasters and website owners, then we have a number of offers for you:

Offer your clients to use our service with a personal discount as a nice bonus to your service!

We will create a discount promo code especially for you, which you will provide to your clients.

How is this useful to you? You increase the loyalty of your customers, the likelihood of ordering your services increases, because... addition to services always increases desire :)

Benefits for you and your client:
the client’s website is placed under full control;
the client receives a discount on our services;
the client becomes even more loyal to your company;
you will receive %% from each payment from the client.

Yes, we will pay you a referral fee for each client who pays using your promo code!

Provide your clients with a new service for complete control of their website and earn even more on your services!

If you provide support services, website administration, and virus treatment, then you can offer your clients a new service - full control of their website.

In your account with us, you add their website, indicate your contacts, and you are always aware of the status of your client’s website!

You can charge your clients additional funds to eliminate identified problems!

Thus, you will earn even more!

We will give you a discount on our services.

Interested? Any other suggestions?

Write to


Offer your clients a service to monitor their websites

Do you provide hosting / VPS / Dedicated services?

Then you will be interested in offering your clients a website and server monitoring service. In case of site failures, your clients will receive notifications about this. You will also receive a notification - this way you can correct errors and problems before anyone notices them! Earn a reputation for stable hosting!

Do you register domains or provide other website-related services?

Offer your clients a website and server monitoring service. Thanks to this, you can earn even more!

Do you have a lot of tasks to review and need a convenient tool to manage them?

You can create your own tool to manage your tasks.

Especially for this, we have an API with which you can add, delete tasks, enable and disable checks without going into your interface, but by sending special requests to our server.

You can spend very little time and write a special module for your system that will interact with our API via special teams and requests.

The scheme of work will be as follows:
1. You add a new task for verification via the API;
2. We check the operation of the site you specified with a specified period;
3. As soon as an error is discovered in the operation of this site, we notify you about it;
4. Depending on your needs, you notify the client, notify the employee, reboot the server - in general, do everything that needs to be done when the site stops working.

You provide monitoring services under your own name and your client does not know about our existence (White Label).

Also, you can use the API for your needs - add a new task without going into the interface, enable/disable checks for your task, etc.

How much can you earn?

Let's do the math. For example, a very well-known hosting charges 870 rubles per month for a server monitoring service. Let's estimate how much monitoring would cost us, say, once every 5 minutes - 34.56 rubles. per month. In total, we take 870 rubles from the client, and pay us 34.56 rubles. Profit! :)


IMPORTANT: In order for you to be able to use the API, you must contact us and request to enable API access for your login! It's free :) Without this API will not work!

Adding a monitoring point

Become a sponsor of the monitoring system

If you provide hosting services and can allocate some space for us, then you can become a sponsor of the service.

We only need 10 KB of free space, availability of PHP with curl module, permanent (preferably, but not required) IP address, FTP access. The load and traffic consumption are minimal and do not exceed the limits of a normal standard website (only a few requests per minute).

We need points in cities and countries where we don't already have them. If you have the opportunity to locate a point in another city, we are always happy to cooperate. You can see the cities where we already have points. But even if your city is on the list, write anyway - we will be happy to place another point in this city.

Write to be sure to indicate which company you represent and in which city you can locate a point. We will tell you the domain that will need to be attached to your server.

Since October 2017, the company website launched automatic monitoring of partner accounts. It allows site specialists to ensure that all our partners have fair rates. It also allows those partners who register and renew a large number of domains to receive better conditions.

Based on the results of automatic monitoring, all archived tariffs that have not been assigned since March 3, 2016 have been revised. Tariffs were assigned depending on the turnover on the account.

If the conditions of automatic monitoring do not suit you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with, in which you do not need to fulfill the conditions for the turnover of registration and renewal of domains on your account.

What criteria are taken into account when monitoring affiliate accounts?

When monitoring partner accounts, the turnover of domain registrations and renewals is taken into account.

How does automatic monitoring work?

Every 3 months, automatic monitoring works to improve tariff conditions. If during this period you have increased your domain registration and renewal account turnover, you will be assigned a more favorable rate.

Every 12 months, automatic monitoring works to revise the affiliate tariff.

  • If you have not complied within this period, your tariff will change to a less favorable one.
  • If the account turnover is below the minimum threshold for participation in the affiliate program, the affiliate status of your account will be canceled based on the results of the verification. Read the article about how to act in this situation.

You can suspend participation in the affiliate program and not depend on automatic monitoring by becoming a member. Read the article about the differences between a club and an affiliate program.

Automatic monitoring of “newbie accounts”

If you received an affiliate tariff less than a year ago, automatic monitoring for you will only work to improve the terms of the tariff every month. A check for compliance and account turnover for domain registration and renewal will be carried out after a year. If during this period the terms of the tariff are not met, it may be changed in a direction less favorable to you.

You can find out the conditions for maintaining the tariff from the article:.

Why has my rate changed?

Tariff may change:

  • if you have not complied (the tariff has become less favorable);
  • if you have increased your annual turnover for domain registration and renewal (the tariff has become more profitable);
  • if your tariff was archived and is not presented in the current tariff schedule. Based on the monitoring results, your account is assigned the appropriate tariff based on your annual turnover.

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