We explain what Pokémon Go is. What is Pokémon GO and how to play it Why are there strange sounds in Pokémon Go?

When playing Pokemon GO, especially for beginners, a lot of questions arise. In order not to look for this information in different places each time, we have collected the most complete one on this page. We recommend reading it - it will help clarify many misunderstood points about the game, and will also allow you to play more effectively. You can also read.

The Pokemon Go mobile application is already available in the official release on the Android and iOS operating systems - that is, you can use it on an iPhone or a regular smart phone in App Store or Google Play Market. The game is noticeably more colorful and dynamic than the previous Japanese “Pokemon”, in which everyone was playing en masse in the late 1990s and early 2000s on the 8-bit game console Gameboy or Dandy. New cyber monsters, from the pen of a Japanese insect collector, who previously settled in the virtual format, have now flooded the real world! acts as a special prism through which you can see a living or living person on the gadget’s display. In the scientific community, the new online simulator technology is called “augmented reality.”

Millions of Pokemon fans around the world couldn't wait for the app to be released, and finally, their expectations were met. The application was officially launched in July and within a matter of hours became the number one downloaded free mobile phone game in different parts of the world. In America, users downloaded “Pokemon Go” 7.5 million times in just a few days. Another record of the new game is the time spent by the “hunters” in search of anime characters. People have looked away from computer monitors and social networks, preferring to walk with their camera and navigator turned on, looking for pocket monsters. At the same time, the application appealed to not only young people, but also adults.

It has been officially recorded that almost half of the players who catch Japanese Nintendo heroes around the world have already reached 25 years of age or more!

This FAQ will be especially useful for those who already play Pokemon GO or are just going to look for Pokemon

So, first, the most important thing: in view of the situation with the availability of servers, if glitches occur during the game that cannot be “cured” with the Reset button of your gadget, or by turning on/off the application itself, we advise you to keep control of the server status and periodically check it here.

Why all the fuss?

It is likely that the new total craze is an echo of the culture shock of the 1990s. Born in 1996, Japanese pocket monsters evolved from a simple video game that gained wild popularity into living characters. After the first games, cartoons and anime, television series, cards and chips (caps) and a lot of different things with Pokemon quickly began to appear, which will continue to surprise, please and delight even today. In a word, despite the passing of time, pocket Japanese monsters still remain at the peak of fashionable gaming trends. This is especially evidenced by the excitement that we see around the release of new games. For example, the last couple of game releases for Nintendo 3DS have sold a quarter of a billion copies!

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: why is the game unavailable?

The creators of Pokemon Go assure that the application will be available to everyone. That is, the toy will be presented and available in all countries of the world, but not simultaneously, but gradually. Today, users, trying to install mobile games, complain that they cannot do it either on Android OS or on iPhone.

Pokémon fans in countries where the game is not yet available to download will have to wait a while for Nintendo and Niantic to resolve issues with access to the app. Meanwhile, some players claim that they have found a way to deceive the system - according to them, you just need to change the region of residence in the settings of your gadget, selecting from the proposed list the country that already supports Pokemon GO. After such changes Google Market allows you to install the game on your smartphone or tablet. The game developer company has not yet officially commented on this method.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: I downloaded the game, but the game does not start

According to the manufacturers, currently the servers on which the application’s assets are located simply cannot handle the load that the game had to bear due to the peak of its popularity. Apparently, for Niantic specialists themselves, such an unprecedented excitement around new live Pokemon was a pleasant surprise. In fact, the company launched the game in test mode in a number of countries in order to detect and eliminate the shortcomings of the application, but never managed to do this due to the craze of gamers to search for Pokemon. So, if you managed to download the toy and install it on your phone, but when you launch Pokemon GO it reports an error, most likely the application should be deleted and installed again.

It is also noted that the new game is sensitive to the type of gadget on which it is installed. For example, numerous video reviews on the Internet say that you can download the video toy both on a smartphone and on a tablet PC. At the same time, users (often on Android) note that the quality of playback on a tablet is “lame” in comparison with the game on a phone, and sometimes it does not start at all. This is the first thing. Secondly, in order to play Pokemon GO without problems on a device that runs on Android OS, there must be at least 2 GB random access memory. Thirdly: the fresher Android version on a smartphone, the better the game runs. Ideally, at least Android 4.4 is required.

The fourth feature of the toy is that it cannot be launched with the Android operating system if your device is powered by an Intel processor. If the gadget meets all the requirements, you can easily download and run the application, but if not, alas, the Pokemon Go game will not work.

For Apple users, things are a little simpler. To join the search for Pikachu, Yanma, Bulbasaur, you must have an iPad or iPhone with iOS version no less than 8.0 (despite the fact that the description of the application requirements says 6.0). At the same time, if you use Jailbreak and cannot hide it using a special program, you will not be able to launch Pokemon Go, since Apple does not openly support fraudulent access to file system your gadgets.

Pokemon GO System Requirements

At a minimum it is necessary:

Android devices:

  • OS: Android version 4.3 or later.
  • Processor: dual-core (1.0 GHz dual core).
  • Memory (RAM): at least 1 GB.
  • Space for downloading applications: 10 MB.
  • Graphics characteristics: not lower than Adreno 305, and better - higher.
  • Network: uninterrupted connection.

for iPad and iPhone:

  • Operating system: iOS version 6.0 and higher.
  • Microprocessor for smart phones and PDAs: 1 ghz Cortex-A8 or more powerful.
  • Device RAM: 1 GB or more.
  • Availability of free hard disk space: from 10 MB.
  • Graphics support: minimum PowerVR SGX535.
  • Network access: stable and uninterrupted.

Pokemon GO problems: the application has launched, but cannot enter the player's name

Unfortunately, this problem is common. And it indicates that your nickname is not original and somewhere in the world another user is already searching for pocket monsters under the same name. All you have to do is be creative and come up with something new.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: Pokemon are nowhere to be found

When the main obstacles are behind you, and you have already managed to download and open the application on your gadget, a new trouble may await you in the game itself - a completely blank map. There are no Pokemon, no markers, no Pokestops, not even rentals for battles in sight. According to one version, an e-mail to the creators of the application will help solve this problem. The letter must inform you about the shortage of game elements in a specific area (more detailed information on this topic is below). Another option is to wait silently until Pokemon GO floods your region. Well, the most radical measure for those who cannot wait with folded hands is to go to where the game characters have already flooded the space.

Which Pokemon should I start the game with?

Currently, the classic Nintendo characters Pokemon Red and Blue exist on the mobile app. Any novice player can start collecting a collection of cyber monsters with three heroes to choose from -, or.

BUT! Any experienced Pokemon hunter will advise you to start playing directly with Pikachu. This monster may not be on the game map, but, as it turned out, neither are the creatures that the application offers on initial stage, it is not necessary to take it into your collection. To get past the first pocket monsters, you just need to move on in the game, not paying attention to these three comrades. If the player ignores their appearance on the map three times, he will no longer offer 3, but 4 Pokemon. The Pikachu you need will join the above trinity.

However, catching this weirdo is a little more difficult compared to the first Pokemon. Especially if you have not yet mastered the ideal throwing technique. But sooner or later everyone succeeds, which means you can do it too, and besides, the number of attempts is unlimited. The first level, after all.


The main feature of Pokemon Go is the number of megabytes “eaten” mobile internet. Since the game is based on free movement on the map with the navigator and the Internet turned on, there is no way to control traffic volumes or save meters. Moreover, the costs of an Internet resource depend not only on how much time the user is in the game, but also on his activity. For example, if you frequently click your finger on the screen, the game will send more information. The same goes for PokeStops.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: why are there only regular Pokemon in the game?

Today in Pokemon GO you can find - all of them belong to the traditional Red and Blue pocket monsters, which were created at one time for game console. That is, by downloading the game and joining the search for cyber monsters, now you can only catch the first Nintendo characters. Niantic specialists have already explained to users that new ones will soon appear in Pokemon Go. When exactly this will happen, the developers will not admit.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: Always only 3 tracks on the radar

Gamers notice that often on the game's radar, three steps can imply a completely undefined distance ranging from "very close" to "not very far, nearby." Thus, the principles of tracking Pokemon and the mechanisms for catching them vary.

However, it also happens that three marks is an ordinary lag, and it is not yet entirely clear how to get rid of it. One option is to reboot the application or device you are playing on. But there is an opinion that such a glitch is a total problem and cannot be solved with user tools. However, players are already attacking the developers with email requests, so there is hope that the game's speed issue will be fixed. We can only wait for news and updates...

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: app won't open

The first and logical action in such a problem is to reset and restart the phone. If it doesn’t help, you can wait a couple of minutes and repeat the operation again. It happens that the problem is related to another failure on the game server. To make sure of this, you can check it on our website.

If everything is OK with the server, but you were unable to open the application, try checking the game for updates. To do this, simply log into your account in the Play market or App Store - if you have one available files, the system will offer to install them automatically at the request “”. If no updates are found, or the installation did not “cure” the application and did not help the game launch, you just need to uninstall Pokemon GO and download the game to your gadget again. Due to the fact that the levels, Pokemon and other achievements of the player are stored on the Nintendo server, reinstalling the game will not lead to the loss of information and will not force you to start your journey from the first level.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: the character is marking time

Suddenly, while searching for pocket monsters, you notice that the Trainer is frozen in place and does not want to move forward, click on the Pokeball at the bottom of the screen and try to exit to the main menu of the application. If it failed, it means that the Pokemon catcher is frozen, and you need to re-enter the game.

To do this:

  • On gadgets with Android OS, call “Recent open applications", find Pokemon Go in the list and remove the game icon from the display with your finger;
  • On iOS, you just need to tap the “Home” key twice and also swipe the icon up.

After these simple manipulations, you can reopen Pokemon GO and continue your search for elusive cyber monsters. Without rebooting the game, alas, you can wait 3 years for it to freeze, watching how quickly the gadget breaks down.

POKEMON GO ISSUES: Enemy Pokemon are not running out of health

This is one of the latest problems faced by gamers today. IN in social networks People complain that the health of enemy monsters during fights can only drop to a certain point. After reaching this level, no matter how you hit or kick your opponent, he doesn’t care about attacks! As a result, we have a lot of wasted time and an exhausted fighter who can barely stand on his feet. There is no answer yet on how to deal with this problem. Maybe try restarting the cyber-monster catcher again...

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: PokeCoins and premium items do not appear or disappear

If you encounter such a problem, the right decision is to exit the game and enter it again. To do this, press the Sign out button in the settings section of the application menu. Did not help? Then try to “cure” the Pokemon catcher by rebooting your smartphone.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: "You already own this item" error

Interestingly, only hunters with Android gadgets have encountered this error so far. When, during the game, a notification suddenly pops up with the text: “You already own this item,” it means that at the moment when the gamer bought game coins in the Play Market, he simply lost the Internet. You can eliminate this lag and return to purchasing PokeCoins by simply restarting your smartphone and reconnecting to the network.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: "No internet connectivity" error

According to the developers, when the “No internet connectivity” error appears on the smartphone screen, it means that the problems relate not to the application itself, but to the operation mobile device, and, most likely, the quality of the Internet connection. Click on the gear and look in the settings to see if the “Airplane” mode is activated on your phone, and whether the ability to transfer data via mobile Internet is enabled. Another option is to check the traffic blocker. Perhaps it turned on automatically.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: Trainer level reset to 1

Most likely, this is due to the fact that two accounts have been created in the game (one in Google, and the other in the application itself, in the Coach Club). Most likely, you ended up at the source by logging into a non-main account. To correct the situation, click the Sign out button in “Settings” again and log into the main game account in the traditional way.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: poor and/or distorted sound in game

Experienced Pokemon players who have already explored the game inside and out share the assumption that, they say, the music and sounds lag due to the Bluetooth device connected to the smartphone. The developers have not yet confirmed this information at the official level. Accordingly, how to resolve this issue is not yet clear...

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: incorrect location, incorrect coordinates

How correctly and accurately the map of the area is displayed in the game directly depends on the quality of the signal in the navigator and the technical characteristics of the phone. If there is a problem with geolocation, you just need to check some of the gadget’s settings, namely:

  • 1. Your smartphone must NOT have location blocking enabled for Pokemon games Go;
  • 2. The phone must be connected to the Internet (no matter via Wi-Fi, or mobile 3G and 4G networks);
  • 3. GPS navigator must be active during the game;
  • 4. If there is a high accuracy mode in the navigator, it must also be activated in the settings.

The software creators at Niantic never tire of reminding that Pokemon catchers cannot do without a constant and stable Internet connection. This is important, first of all, because with a reliable and high-speed connection the map is displayed as correctly as possible virtual world, superimposed on the geographical realities of the player. If the Internet constantly crashes and disconnects, the game map will be displayed inaccurately, and it is very difficult to catch a monster on it in such conditions.

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: The egg is missing or does not hatch for a long time

According to the plot of the game, in order for a new Pokemon to be born, or rather, to hatch from an egg, it must be “hatched”. To do this, you need to take the future monster to a special Incubator and trample a certain number of meters (read more about this below). Having walked the required distance, the player will receive a new cyber character to add to his collection of Japanese cartoon characters.

However, there are some peculiarities here too. Firstly, it should be taken into account that the application records the accumulated mileage only when the game is active during walks and any movements. Secondly, to cover the required distance, it takes time, and quite a lot - hours, or even days and weeks. At such moments, the game may glitch and freeze due to various reasons - the Internet is lost, the server is overloaded, or simply, etc. At the same time, when walking with the application turned on, you do not always notice lags, and in the end, when you look into the Incubator, you may find that the egg has disappeared. Don't panic! Most likely, as it should be, the Pokemon has already hatched, but you were not notified about this due to the same glitches in the program.

How can you figure out where the Pokemon has gone? Open and check your collection of pocket monsters by filtering according to the latest updates. This is where a surprise awaits you!

POKEMON GO PROBLEMS: the game glitches during Pokemon battles

Not only is it buggy, but it also hangs, and sometimes simply throws the Trainer out of the application. When this happens during a Pokemon battle, it’s terribly unpleasant! The main thing at such a moment is not to panic and not to endlessly tap on the screen - this is similar to moving the mouse when the computer is frozen. Will not help. Rebooting your phone? Do not hurry.

If the action on Arnea has frozen, pay attention to the small pokeball at the top left of your gadget's display. If the ball is spinning, there is probably some kind of glitch in the program, for example, the Internet has disappeared, and at this moment the application tries to cope with the glitch on its own and reconnect to the network.

After the connection is restored, the picture will move again. If after a minute of waiting the situation has not returned to normal, and the battle is still hanging, then, of course, there is nowhere to go - you need to restart the Pokemon GO game.

According to the official statement from the creators of the game regarding this problem, if you experience freezing of the picture too often during a fight, you need to report the problem directly to Niantic. You can send a notification to developers directly through the game. Go to the “Settings” of Pokemon Go and click “Report High-Priority Issue” → “Yes” → “Report an issue with a Gym or PokeStop” → here you need to fill out the form to contact the creators of the application and confirm its sending with the “Submit” button. So far everything is not in Russian, but you can use our tips.

Also, Pokemon catchers should not forget that the creators of the game have already begun work on its updates - so keep an eye on their availability in online stores and do not forget to update the game.

Why chase Pokemon?

Since animal rights activists and government officials have not yet passed a law banning cruelty to cyber creatures, they can be caught, tamed, taught to fight, and staged virtual battles. Pokemon are free and peaceful pocket animals. They never die in battles, so we won’t see any mega-violence in the game, other than the usual slaps and uppercuts at the Stadium. In addition, funny Japanese animals can be pumped up, their game levels raised and developed in every possible way with the help of... candies! The number of sweets for character development increases in direct proportion to how many Pokemon you catch, including even those you don’t need.

Why are these red and white balls needed in Pokemon GO?

A popular question for beginners, although it already has its own history. So these balls are called pokeballs. They are very important in the game, because it is with their help that Trainers catch pocket monsters. To catch the animal, you need to throw a pokeball at it, which seems to absorb the pokemon, making the player its master. This has been the case for a long time: the first Pokemon that saw the world in 1996 were caught by gamers on consoles in a similar way. It is not clear, however, how Bulbasaur or Pikachu fit into a small ball, but this is not particularly important for the rest of the game. The main thing is to replenish yours. But at level 12, instead of a classic pokeball, the Trainer will have a “big” ball for catching monsters, and at level 20, an ultra-pokeball.

Where to look and how to catch Pokemon?

The most important feature of the new super popular game Pokeon GO is that Pokemon can hide wherever they (the developers) want. Seeing the realities of the player’s location through the navigator and smartphone camera, the creators of the application can throw the Pokemon in the most incredible place. Multi-colored and bright overseas monsters are found on the streets, in parks, in the offices of business centers, they can hide on a supermarket shelf, or in the office of a government employee. It's funny when a monster ends up in your car - this can happen if you drive your car to where the animal has settled. You can see , or Squirtle, only by observing the world around you through the display of a phone with the application running. As soon as you find yourself in close proximity to Pokemon, they will light up on the toy's radar, after which you can get closer to the animal and catch it by throwing a Pokeball.

We emphasize that the creators of the application are meeting the needs of users in whose region of habitat there are, for some reason, not as many places where Pokemon gather as we would like. Accordingly, in such areas the number of traps for animals and gyms where Pokemon can compete with each other is reduced. Because of this, the game is losing ground and losing its attractiveness in the eyes of gamers who have been waiting for its release. In order to change the situation, players are encouraged to complain to the application producers on the official Niantic web portal about the lack of game elements in a certain location/area/region. The developers promise to solve the problem promptly.

Here you will find an official sample form in which you can report a problem (for now this can only be done in English), and attach to your request a photo or screenshot of the area where there is a shortage of PokeStops and Gyms. At the same time, it is worth making allowance for the game developers’ concern for safety - traps and other elements have not been created in residential areas on the virtual game map for a long time due to the excessive activity of monster hunters. That is why in the group on the Niantic website you can also ask not only for the addition of a game object in a certain place, but also for its removal. To fulfill the player's request, the developers will need to provide the exact coordinates of the object and its name.

The effectiveness of the search process for Japanese anime characters is characterized by various factors. You should take into account the level of the pokemon - the type of pokeball we talked about above, and the technique of throwing the ball at a potential victim. It is possible that while you are taking aim and looking for a convenient angle, the pocket monster will whistle away from the hunter. For this reason, you need a certain skill for throwing and a well-thought-out trajectory of the ball. If a player masters the technique of quickly throwing a Pokeball and accurately hitting the target, he can easily catch all the Pokemon in the game.

How to throw a pokeball to catch a pokemon?

To do this, you just need to tap on the red and white ball at the bottom of the screen and hold the pokeball with your finger until a white circle forms around the pokemon you want - the pokemon will thus be in the center of your target. After this, a shrinking colored sight with a smaller diameter will appear inside the white ring. If the inner circle is green, this means that the specific character you are holding at gunpoint will not be difficult to catch. If the sight is yellow, the task will become more difficult, and if the target turns red, it means that in order to catch the Pokemon you will have to work hard.

To launch a ball at a Pokemon, slide your finger across the display and release the Pokeball, which will fly towards the pocket monster. If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t be upset, but train the skill. Technology will come with experience. It is also worth paying attention to physics - an important detail that guarantees the success of a throw is the ability to correctly calculate the required angle and force of the pass. The accuracy of the hit also depends on the augmented reality mode. Activate AR (if available) on your gadget and hold your smartphone so that the victim glows in the center of the display.

A little trick that will definitely come in handy for beginning players.

In the first stages of hunting for Pokemon, novice players experience high level Pokeball costs. And this is not surprising, because it takes time to learn how to correctly and accurately throw a ball at a target. It happens that players use up their entire supply and are left without Pokeballs at all, so remember to save money.

However, in the game Pokemon Go, Trainers have the opportunity to return a ball that did not hit the target. You need to have time to tap your finger on the pokeball before it flies off the screen and the playing field, respectively. This trick does not always help, but still, using this method you can significantly reduce the consumption of balls in the game at the initial levels.

What to do with a caught Pokemon?

First, check the characteristics of the captured monster in our. The Pokémon's CP level (Combat Points - points earned by the team) displays the combat reserve of each animal. Accordingly, the higher the parameter, the cooler the pokemon. It’s interesting that characters from the same series may have different CP levels, but in any case, this characteristic must be preserved and improved - the hero’s further combat success depends on it. In addition, there are a couple of key features: 1) the higher the Trainer’s (player’s) CP, the higher the level of the Pokémon he catches; 2) pocket monsters that were born from eggs in the Incubator - initially have higher characteristics than those simply caught in cyberspace.

Is it possible to release a Pokemon into the wild?

Of course not! In games from 20 years ago, users could set the game's characters free, but this is not possible in the new mobile application. But you can “give up” with the Professor by exchanging the caught Pokemon you don’t need for candy.

What does the little blue cube mean on the Pokemon GO map?

And this is it pokestop, which are mentioned above. Having noticed such an element on the map, you can approach it - then the cube transforms into a disk with different objects architecture and urban infrastructure. It could be a square, a monument, some kind of building. If you click on this disk, it will begin to rotate and show elements useful for catching pocket monsters. Eg:

  • incense is a plant with a heady smell that attracts wild characters in the game for the next half hour;
  • egg - its shell is filled with happiness and for half an hour makes it possible to double the experience;
  • incubator - a place where eggs are stored and “hatched” while the Trainer wanders around the game map;
  • a bait that attracts cyber monsters to a PokeStop for 30 minutes. At the same time, other Pokemon hunters nearby the trap can also take advantage of the effect of this game element.

Most of these tools can be purchased by paying in the store with the in-game currency PokeCoins. True, to buy these, you will have to spend real money.

What is AR, why is this option enabled, how to turn it off and then turn it back on?

This option is necessary in order to see Pokemon through the on which the offer is installed and running. AR mode stands for “augmented reality” (but not virtual - that’s a slightly different story) and uses a tablet or phone camera in the game with a navigator. Through it, as if through glasses, the player sees the Pokemon in the real world, which the developer “threw” there.

The augmented reality mode drains the smartphone's charge quite a lot (details below), so in order to extend the life of the battery, the AR option should be periodically disabled, depending on the situation. At the same time, users complain that it is not always possible to activate it again after turning off the mode.

So, to launch a format that allows you to see Pokemon in the real world on your smartphone screen, you simply need to find a new victim. The next step is to simply point your smartphone at the animal and click on the picture on the screen. At this moment, the AR mode switch will light up at the top right of the playing field. At the same time, you need to activate “augmented reality” before trying to catch the monster, otherwise the button will disappear, and you will simply waste Pokeballs and be forced to look for a new hero for the Pokedex.

Just Zubats? Why are there so many Zubats?

The type of Pokemon found in the game directly depends on the player's location. For example, in one area the most common are, and in another - or. The developer argues for this by the regional preferences of the characters themselves, they say, some like the Australian climate, while others like the European heat on the Equator, and still others find themselves a secluded place near bodies of water. At night, the application allows you to catch night monsters - and. In fact, the principle of the game is to travel as much as possible and catch Pokemon in different parts of the world. In addition, the better for the Trainer, the more different monsters within his range of vision. Even his player encounters identical Zubats every now and then - they certainly won’t become redundant, because, as we have already said, unnecessary Pokemon can be exchanged for candies at any time.

How to Join a Team in Pokemon GO

To become a member, you need to reach at least level 5 in the game. After this, if desired, the Pokemon catcher can join any of the three teams to choose from. Everyone has the same playing time. It will be impossible to leave the group in the future, so before making a choice, you need to make inquiries. You can ask pokemon players you know or check online forums to find out which team has the most good gamers.

What kind of stadium is a gym in Pokemon GO?

The stadium where Pokemon battles take place is called a gym in the application. Here you can arrange fights between characters from your collection and monsters from other teams. Previously, you can train your players by visiting your team’s gym. In addition, you can improve the characteristics of your fighters using various tools. Battles between pocket monsters are fought only one on one, and the winner is the most pumped up hero.

Meanwhile, there is a useful trick: in order to defeat your opponent, you need to quickly click your finger on the display. If you tap and hold your finger on the screen, you can even catch the enemy’s Pokemon in your net. At the same time, to evade enemy attacks, just swipe left and right across the screen - depending on the situation.

The gym of another team (it is highlighted on the map) The coach visits in order to arrange a duel between the heroes and/to capture the gym. If you manage to do this, you can simply leave your Pokémon on the field, thus marking your new possessions. Therefore, players should be prepared to say goodbye to some possibly hard-to-catch Pokémon at this point. There is no need to be upset about this. If this Gym is recaptured by someone else's team in the future, the guard Pokémon will automatically return to the owner's Pokédex.

At the same time, team members must try to keep the captured Stadiums (gyms) in any way, raising their rating with new victories in fights with monsters of Trainers from other teams. The prestige of a gym increases due to victories over new opponents. It also increases the chances of winning in battle against the next enemy cyber monsters. Moreover, if the Prestige of the Stadium is zero, the team is deprived of the right to control this location. It automatically transfers to other players, or allows you to recapture the gym in battle.

You have to go as a team to storm any other people's Stadium. This can be explained simply: a powerful, pumped-up Pokemon with impressive characteristics may be waiting for you on the fighting site, which you cannot cope with alone. Defeating such an opponent with the combined forces of the team is much easier. Besides, capturing the Stadium is only half the battle. The object has yet to be held and its Prestige taken care of. Accordingly, it is much easier to do this through the efforts of the team.

Another key point: Pokémon battles are very similar to Rock/Paper/Scissors. In each new match, new characteristics can bring victory, so it is advisable to send players with different strengths to the front line. Especially if we are talking about the siege of someone else's gym with reliable defense. In this case, you will need a team of 6 players, which has 6 pumped up monsters different types. For the same reasons, there is no reason to leave weak characters or pumped-up Pokemon of the same type as guards at the reclaimed Stadium. Both offense and defense must be diversified.

The number of Stadiums controlled by a team can be found in the “Shop” section of the game. Once a day, the gym awards game coins, for which members of the Trainer team can buy various items and tools for leveling up Pokemon. Accordingly, the well-being of the player team directly depends on the number of stadiums under control.

How to heal a Pokemon after a battle

After each battle, this is necessary, because Pokémon cannot avoid being “wounded.” Sometimes, as a result of grueling battles and defeats, players may even lose consciousness. But even if you win, the damage does not heal on its own, and there are no hospitals for cyber monsters on the game map.

Thus, you can improve the health of a character injured during a fight using special tools. For example, you can click on the pokeball, go to the game menu and select the “Items” key there. In the event that the Pokemon has no HP at all, you need to tap on the “Revive” button. And if there is 1 HP or more, just use the medicine (potion) - the “Potion” button.

How is it that the stadium suddenly ended up in a nearby restaurant?

Niantic employs creative people. And before launching Pokemon Go, they presented the world with the Ingress application, which also works based on AR mode. Thanks to the “augmented reality” in this toy, users could discover portals in the real world located at certain locations, establishments and even attractions. The information for this application was supplied to the developers by the players themselves, based on personal ideas about the popularity of a particular place in the city. It is not surprising that Niantic transferred some of these developments to

We found out whether the trend from last summer is still alive in Russia.

Last summer, the whole world became obsessed with the augmented reality game Pokemon GO. “Pokemon” literally blew up the Internet, the media, the minds of young people and broke several App Store records at once. For example, Pokemon Go reached the 10 million downloads mark the fastest of all mobile gaming applications.

But by the end of August, interest in the game began to fade, and if you believe Yandex statistics, it completely died out in Russia.

Just a month ago, the media remembered the game again. The reason was the sentence imposed on blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky for publishing a video of him playing the game Pokemon Go in the Church on the Blood. The blogger received a three and a half year suspended sentence.

We will not comment on the court’s decision, but will try to find out what happened to the game over the year, whether Pokemon are still alive, whether they are in Russian churches, and whether we can expect new “viral” explosions from the game. The creator of the largest Russian-speaking community GOpokemonGO.ru, Victor, will help us with this. Go!

Related materials:

The Pokemon GO community and the decline in interest

– Tell us about yourself, how long have you been interested in the world of Pokemon, why did you decide to make a website about them?

Initially, I became interested in the game Ingress, which I was developing Niantic. After playing for a while, I abandoned it. A few months later, I accidentally found out that Niantic was planning to release new game(Pokemon GO), based on augmented reality technology. I was immediately very interested in this project.

Since there was practically no information in Russian, I decided to launch a website, which I began to gradually fill, making translations and adaptations of English-language articles. Over time, the site has grown into the largest Russian-speaking community for the game Pokemon GO.

– What is the audience of the site and group? In contact with(age, gender), are these regular Pokemon fans? Or those who became interested in them after the release of Pokemon Go?

More than half of the visitors to GOpokemonGO.ru are men aged 25-34 years. Not all of them are fans of Pokemon - many are simply attracted by the concept of the game (exploring the world around us, walking in the fresh air).

– What was the interest at the peak?

– About 150,000 people visited the site per day. For comparison, now on average about 5,000 people visit the site per day.

– A month and a half after the crazy boom for Pokemon all over the world, interest in the game began to decline, did this affect the Russian fan movement? Did people play and quit?

There is no doubt that the release of Pokemon GO became one of the most significant events of 2016 – and not only in the gaming field. Pokemon GO has made many people think differently about augmented reality. The rise of the augmented reality industry is largely due to this game.

The fact that there was a decline is normal, since the interest at the start was simply mind-bogglingly great. However, constant updates and events bring old players back to the game. Don't forget that Pokemon GO has not yet implemented many important features (such as PvP and trading). The developers have prepared many more surprises for us, there is no doubt about it.

Especially, The game has not yet been officially released in Russia, it cannot be downloaded directly from Google Play.

The official release will also bring a number of new players to Pokemon GO.

– I used to see young people on the streets hanging out at poke stops, throwing “luras”, etc., when I entered the game last week I didn’t see much activity, did the game lose its “audience” or did it seem to me?

Yes, of course, the audience has decreased. Pokemon GO has been downloaded 650 million times (according to the developer's estimates), with an active audience of about 65 million people per month. I repeat – events and updates bring back “old” players to Pokemon GO. Moreover, we will soon see an update to the gym system and the appearance of legendary Pokemon in the game, so I would not talk about the “death” of the application.

We are seeing the constant development of Pokemon GO, many features that should have appeared in the first months after the launch of the game are only now being added to the game.

Game updates and official launch in Russia

– Over the past year, the game has received many updates, which ones were significant? What changed? Which of them, in your opinion, should have been released as quickly as possible (which did not happen) so that interest in the game would not pass away and newcomers would not abandon it?

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant updates was the appearance of the second generation of Pokemon in the game. In the first months after launch, the developer was busy solving problems with the stability of the game, since no one could have predicted such a stunning success. Therefore, the implementation of many interesting “features” had to be greatly delayed.

The developer has really worked hard in the year since the game launched. Pokemon GO works stably, the necessary infrastructure has been created for further improvement of the game.

– To want to see something new in the game? What is missing?

Many people are really looking forward to legendary Pokemon, the appearance of battles between trainers and trading in the game.

– Are people going to catch Pokemon together (last summer I often saw night “hunters”)?

I often beat opponents’ “gyms” together with a friend - it’s very convenient, fast and fun, but, in general, coaches don’t play together that often. This is largely due to the fact that the cooperative aspect of the game is not yet very developed in Pokemon GO.

However, Niantic CEO John Hanke ambiguously emphasized that this aspect is a priority in the further development of the game. Soon there will be a global change in the mechanics of gyms - and after that we can expect more “coordinated” actions by members of different teams.

– Why do you think the game was never released in Russia? Will we wait?

Only the developer can give an exact answer, but there was no information from him on this issue. There are a lot of speculations on this matter; I see no point in retelling them.

I believe that the Pokemon GO game will undoubtedly be released in Russia, because a similar application, Ingress, by this developer can be downloaded from Google Play and iTunes without any problems.

The future of the game and the Sokolovsky case

– What do you think about the case of Ruslan Sokolovsky? Maybe the reason for the non-release of the game in our country is that there are too many Pokemon in temples and cathedrals (and the developers cannot “drive them away”)

I will not comment on this case. No, I’m sure that this is not the reason that the game was not released in Russia.

– Have you tried to make money at the peak of interest? Advertisers? Souvenir?

The site contains unobtrusive contextual advertising, which can be easily disabled by any ad blocker. When there was hype, many advertisers wrote to me with a variety of offers, especially for monetizing mobile traffic. I rejected all these offers because I was not sure of their honesty. I am glad that GOpokemonGO.ru is a genuine community in which there is a place for friendship, trust, and warmth. Placing aggressive advertising can negatively affect trust in the resource, so such methods of earning money are not used.

– Does the game have any chance of being talked about again?

I don't think the game has been forgotten. Any event or major update is covered on all major resources of the Russian-language Internet. Of course, there will no longer be such “hype” as last year, but this is quite predictable. Although, who knows - Niantic knows how to surprise and present surprises.

Pokémon GO, Nintendo's mobile game, was released last week. In 4.5 hours it reached the top of the App Store, and in five days after its release, Nintendo shares rose by 25%. In the US, the game was installed on 5% of all Android smartphones, which is more than smartphones with the Tinder app. On July 8, players spent an average of 43 minutes on Pokémon GO, more than WhatsApp and Instagram. So far the game is officially available only in three countries - the USA, Australia and New Zealand. However, unofficially it can be played in Russia.

Pokémon GO was made with the participation of Niantic studio, which is developing the mobile game Ingress. In it, people with smartphones must move around the city to capture points and recapture them from the enemy team. Pokémon GO has similar mechanics. The game tells you that a Pokémon has been found nearby, you walk a few blocks to it (or further), point the camera, watch it stand in the middle of a familiar street, and throw a virtual Pokeball. Caught Pokemon are trained and pitted against other players' Pokemon. The gameplay is completely tied to the map: some Pokemon live near water, others in parks, and others only in Australia.

To play, you need to constantly walk and visit locations unknown to you before. This leads to curious and tragic cases: in the early days, people found Pokemon in hospitals, in cemeteries , in a crowd of police And other places; one player was so carried away by the search that he fell into a ditch, another was looking for a water Pokemon and found a corpse by the river. In St. Louis, criminals came up with the idea of ​​robbing people at pokespots.

In Russia, the game sometimes works with errors: it asks you to log in, loses your location. There aren’t very many people, you can’t buy anything, but it’s fun to play. Pokémon GO fits into your life in such a way that you simply won't be able to ignore the Jigglypuff on the next street. The Village explains how to install the game in Russia.

How to install Pokémon GO on iOS

Go to your iPhone or iPad settings, find the item " iTunes Store and App Store", in it, click on your Apple ID and sign out of it.

Return to settings, go to “General”, and then to “Language and Region” and select the USA (you can also select Australia or New Zealand).

Find Pokémon GO in the App Store. This can be done through a search in the store, but it is better to follow the link.

When you try to download the game, The App Store will prompt you to create a new Apple ID account. Register it for a second email address that you have not used in the App Store before.

Enter USA as your country of residence, as well as an address in some American city (for example, Oakland, 482 25th Street, but it does not have to be real) and a real zip code (for example, 94612). And refuse to provide data bank card.

After installation, you can sign out of your new Apple ID and go into the old one. But the game will not be updated this way, so sometimes you will have to log out of your Apple ID and log into a new one. If you do not have a US bank card, you will not be able to purchase anything within the game.

When will the game officially be released in Russia?, you may have to reinstall it, but from the old Apple ID. Achievements in the game will most likely be saved.

How to install Pokémon GO on Android

To run the game on an Android smartphone, you need to install its ARK file.

Before doing this, go to settings, select Screen lock and security. In it, allow the installation of applications not only from Google Play (item “Unknown sources”).

Download the latest game installation file. Many media outlets recommend taking it from the APK Mirror website (at the time of publication of the note, version 0.29.0 was there).

Click on the downloaded file in the notification center and wait for the installation to complete.

Then check if the game has access to the camera, memory and GPS on your smartphone. To do this, go to the settings, then go to the “Applications” item, find Pokémon GO there and select “Permissions” in its settings. If the game doesn't have permissions, give them.

The game will most likely not be updated automatically, so new versions will have to be downloaded from APK Mirror and installed manually.

Hello! We bring to your attention a full review of the Pokemon Go game. We tried to cover all the main points and did a complete one in Russia. Well, we hope that the guide turned out to be useful, detailed and thanks to it you will understand how to effectively play this game.

release date

On July 6, 2016, the game appeared on the AppStore and Google Play stores in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Every day the geography of countries where it would be possible was actively expanding. On July 16, it appeared in 26 European countries. The appearance of Pokemon Go in Russia is expected any day now.

Who is the game developer

Initially, information about the game appeared on April 1, 2014. The very first video called Pokemon Challenge was published on the Google Maps YouTube channel:

However, none of us took this particularly seriously at that time; apparently, the very date of the release of the commercial had an impact. But, nevertheless, 2 years have already passed and today we see that the game interface has practically not changed at all since then. Developers from Nintendo and Niantic Labs (the latter was purchased by Google a few years ago) have been improving the game mechanism itself and honing augmented reality technology all this time.

Where to download Pokemon Go

If previously the Pokemon Go game was not available to residents of Russia and other CIS countries, today anyone who has a gadget based on iOS or Android can download and play it. However, the game language will still be English. However, localization into Russian can wait, because the main thing now is to catch as many Pokemon as possible.

  • AppStore:
  • Google Play:

System requirements for the game

Pokemon Go on Android

  • OS Android 4.4 (minimal) to Android 6.0.1 (Android N will not be supported until the official Android release)
  • Recommended resolution - 720x1280 (not yet optimized for tablets)
  • GPS and local services
  • Intel CPUs are supported from game version (0.29.2)

Pokemon Go on iOS

  • iPhone 5 and up
  • iOS 8 and above
  • High-quality and stable Internet connection (Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G)
  • GPS and local services
  • Jailbroken devices are not supported

What is the price

Cost of the game Pokemon Go should not worry you, because the game is completely free and will remain so. It is distributed according to the principles of free-to-play and has built-in purchases (its own game currency, which can be purchased for real money). Moreover, you will not be able to buy for money any things that give you advantages against other players, but you will be able to facilitate the process of character development.

What is Pokemon Go Plus? What is the price

Pokemon Go Plus is a device (gadget) in the form of a wrist bracelet that simplifies the process of finding Pokemon. At the moment, Pokemon Go Plus is still in development, but as we said, Nintendo has promised to release the device to the market very, very soon. And this is not surprising, because with so many players, almost everyone will want to buy Pokemon Go Plus. Stated cost - $34.99.

The device will work in conjunction with a smartphone using Bluetooth technology, and its main task is to signal the presence of a Pokémon nearby.

How to enter the game

Login to the Pokemon Go game using your existing Google Plus account. If you still don’t have one, then you will need to spend a couple of minutes and register. You can also get a small but nice bonus by registering an account Pokemon Trainer Club, thanks to which you will subsequently have several unique Pokemon. However, this is really just a small nice addition and does not play a special role.

How to get your first Pokemon

Everything is very simple here. You register in the game, create your character, choose a name, after which Professor Willow will invite you to walk to a special place located nearby, where the first Pokemon will be waiting for you. Moreover, as soon as you find yourself at a given place, three Pokemon will appear before you at once - , and , but you can only catch one of them, so keep this in mind.

How many Pokemon are there in the game?

At the moment, there are only 151 Pokemon in the game, however, in fact, Nintendo has prepared for us not a lot, not a few, but quite a lot 778 pokemon. All of them are presented with detailed characteristics on our website. And, rest assured, with each new update to the game, their number will increase.

Finding and capturing Pokemon in a ball

  • Have the leaves started to rise up on the screen? Most likely there is a Pokemon nearby.
  • Pokemon that are nearby are displayed in the lower right corner of the smartphone. You can find out the distance to the Pokemon by looking at the tracks under the picture. One such trail is an average of 40 meters.
  • When you try to catch a Pokemon, you will notice a circle around it. It means the following: green - the Pokemon is easy to catch, yellow - you will have to try, red - you will be lucky if you catch this Pokemon at all.
  • What to do if you miss when throwing at a Pokemon? You just need to have time to click on it before it leaves the screen and then you can re-throw without spending an extra Pokeball;
  • You will get much more points if you let twisted pokeballs. To do this, you need to hold the Pokeball with your finger, perform several circular movements, and then throw it at the Pokemon.
  • As your level increases, the likelihood of encountering strong and rare Pokemon in the game also increases.
  • Rare Pokemon can also be found at night, hiding during the day. So hunting for Pokemon at night also takes place.
  • If you already have a lot of identical Pokemon, then you can exchange them with Professor Willow for various rewards, or you can get Candy (sweets) and Stardust (stardust) for them.

How to make Pokemon stronger

Evolution or improvement of Pokemon occurs after training. Improved Pokemon are stronger and will be able to win battles more often. To improve you will need stardust and candy. Their number depends on the type and level of the Pokemon.

Items to search, catch and train

If you want to make playing Pokemon Go faster and easier, then you will need some things for these purposes. So, we all know that Pokeballs run out sooner or later, but they are very necessary, because... Without them, it will be impossible to catch a Pokemon. And here the so-called “PokeStop” and “Gym” come to the rescue. Thanks to them, you can get a variety of in-game items and, of course, train your Pokemon.

Complete list of items in the game

  • Poke Balls(Pokeballs) - a ball with which you need to catch Pokemon. They tend to run out, so you can replenish them either at the blue PokeStops point or in the store.
  • Great Balls- a type of pokeball that allows you to catch rare and. You can also get them at PokeStops or in stores
  • Ultra Balls- an even more improved version of the pokeball, with the help of which some of the best and rarest pokemon are caught. How to get them? Yes, everything is the same - a store or PokeStops.
  • Master Balls(masterball) - and, finally, the coolest pokeball with which you can catch the legendary Pokemon. At the moment they are not in the game, but the developers promise to add them in a soon update.
  • Lure Module(lure module) - a bait for Pokemon, which, when activated, summons and holds nearby Pokemon on the blue PokeStops. It lasts 30 minutes, after which you will have to activate a new bait. It is worth noting that luring a Pokemon in this way is one thing, but having time to catch it is another thing, because... they will be available to all nearby players. You can get bait for achievements or buy it in a store
  • Incense(incense) is a bait that lures Pokemon directly to the place where you are now and holds them for up to 30 minutes. Quite a useful thing, which you can still get in the store, or by increasing your skill level.
  • Razz Berry- a berry for Pokemon. It can be obtained at PokeStops from level 8 or for promotion.
  • Pokemon Eggs(Pokemon eggs) – new Pokemon appear from them. Eggs are grown in an incubator, and the Pokemon itself hatches from them when the player passes the distance indicated under the egg. Because of this, some players thought of attaching theirs to a bicycle wheel.
  • Lucky Eggs(eggs of luck) - all kinds of useful, premium items hatch from them. In addition, if you are lucky, you can get an experience boost for 30 minutes.
  • Egg Incubator(egg incubator) - Pokémon eggs are grown in it. By default, all incubators are disposable. However, in the store you can purchase a more advanced incubator for long-term use.
  • Camera(camera) – a camera that allows you to take pictures of Pokemon. At first it is free, and later you can purchase it in the store or get a camera for leveling up.
  • Potion(potion) – this medicine for Pokemon restores health, namely 20 units of HP. Given when reaching a new level, at PokeStops or in the store.
  • Super Potion (super potion) is a super medicine for Pokemon that restores 50 health units. Can be found on blue dots after reaching level 10 or for promotion.
  • Hyper Potion (hyper potion) is a hyper medicine for Pokemon that restores 200 health. Can be obtained at PokeStops after level 15.
  • Revive(revival) - will help revive a killed Pokemon and restore half its health.
  • Max Revive(maximum revival) – resurrects a dead Pokemon and fully restores health.
  • Bag(backpack) – a backpack where all your game items are stored, except Pokemon. Capacity - 350 units. Can be expanded for money.
  • PokeCoins(Pokecoins) is the game currency in Pokemon Go, which can be obtained through training battles or purchased in the store.

How to play Pokemon Go

Nothing is more impressive in a game than the fact that Pokémon can appear anywhere and completely unexpectedly. Moreover, even where you can’t even imagine. That's why it's so important to keep a close eye on everything around you.

Pokemon on the map are displayed with a corresponding icon. To catch him or fight him, you need to be at a certain distance (it is shown on the screen under the player’s feet in the form of a circle).

So, there is a Pokemon in front of you, you have finally found it - it’s time to catch it. To do this, you need to click on the Pokemon, after which the capture screen will automatically activate. There is no need to rush here and it is better to do everything thoughtfully, because the Pokeballs are not endless. Take the pokeball in your hand, press it, wait until the pokemon is in the green circle, and then throw it. After practicing a couple of times, you will get used to this action and then the process of catching Pokemon will be much easier and faster.

After you have caught a Pokemon, you can look at it and, if desired, improve it.


The gameplay in Pokemon Go is truly unique and unusual. We have never seen anything like this before. After all, the vast majority of mobile games now come down to the fact that everything happens directly on the device’s screen and we no longer need to strain anything except our fingers. Here you will have to move a fair amount, namely, walk, run and even travel through the streets of the city, or even the whole world (after all, such ardent gamers will undoubtedly appear). Pokemon are different and, depending on their type, can even appear near water (rivers, lakes, ponds) - the so-called “water” Pokemon.

So, during your gaming travels, do not forget to look around - perhaps some rare Pokemon is hiding somewhere in the bushes, under a stone or on a tree.

What is PokeStop

For a change gameplay Pokemon Go developers did their best and introduced many interesting things into the game, for example, PokeStops. These are so-called portals, hiding places, where you can find many different useful things, be it pokeballs, eggs, etc.

Pokestops are rotating blue coins, which are usually located in some public, historical, or cultural places. So, when they are discovered, players will not only be able to use them for gaming purposes, but also, perhaps, learn something new about their city.

As soon as you find yourself close to a PokeStop, your smartphone will signal this by vibration. Open the map and check if there is a portal/cache here. Next you will need to swipe on it, after which you will receive bonuses.

Pokestops update (respawn) every 5 minutes, which allows you to collect many different things and bonuses from it for those who are located or live nearby.

What is PokeDex

As you may recall from the cartoon about Pokemon, a Pokédex is a kind of device that stores knowledge about all Pokemon and their parameters. The game also has such a function. Pokedex also allows you to conveniently organize caught and spotted Pokemon. Thanks to it, you can find out which Pokemon is near you - new or already in the collection. So the Pokédex is really a very useful thing.

Training arena - Gym (Gym, Bench)

Finding and catching Pokemon is all well and good, but it’s much more interesting to fight and take part in battles using Pokemon. And this is exactly what training arenas are needed for, or in common parlance - gyms. In gyms you can train Pokemon and fight other monsters. And if you were able to capture the gym, then after 24 hours you will receive a reward in the form of 10 coins. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice :) But constantly maintaining and protecting the gym is not an easy matter. Others are also not averse to getting their hands on it in the future for bonuses. That is why it is so important at this stage to decide which team to join, after which you will be able to enjoy the support of your teammates.

As the level (prestige) of your gym grows, you will have the opportunity to leave more Pokemon there for defense. At the maximum level 30, you will have access to 21 Pokemon slots. Not bad, would you agree?

  • A gray gym on the screen is an empty gym. Hurry up to grab it as soon as possible and leave it there to protect one of the Pokemon.
  • A battle in a gym from your team gives you the opportunity to upgrade your Pokemon and increase the prestige of the gym itself. If the battle takes place in the gym of another team, then this will reduce its prestige. And if prestige drops to the minimum level, then the team can lose this gym and then you will have every chance to take it.
  • The Gym where your Pokemon is located brings you 500 units of Stardust (stardust) and 10 coins per day.
  • Pokemon in the Gym recharge every 5 minutes.


Here are some tips and secrets during battles:

  • Use several techniques at once. So, by pressing the enemy quickly several times, you will perform a short-term attack, and with a long press, your Pokemon will perform a super attack. Evading attacks in the game occurs by simply swiping in one direction or another
  • When fighting in a gym that belongs to your team, the Pokemon will not go out of order if something happens. This won’t happen in the gym of someone else’s team. In addition, when you win a battle you get points, but if you lose against another team and the Pokemon dies, it can be cured or resurrected using Potion and Revive, respectively. They should always be in your backpack.

Eggs in Pokemon Go

  • Not all eggs initially produce weak offspring. You can get an egg from a monster that will eventually hatch into a rare and powerful Pokemon.
  • As soon as you receive the egg, immediately place it in the incubator. You can find it in your backpack or purchase it in a store. After this, you need to walk exactly the distance indicated in the information under this egg. How to do this is up to you. You can honestly do it on foot, or you can use various cunning tricks. It is important to remember that traveling on any type of transport will not count.
  • While walking, we recommend checking the game from time to time to make sure that the game is running. Otherwise, it may turn out that at the end of a long and exhausting journey it turns out that you went through most of it in vain.

Types of Pokemon in Pokemon Go

There are a huge number of Pokemon in the game and more and more will appear over time. So, when you fight for a gym (yours or someone else’s), each team can consist of up to 6 Pokemon. And because They are all different, with their own individual characteristics and skills, then you will still need to competently build tactics and battle strategy. And here the table of attacking and defensive abilities of certain types of Pokemon will help you best:

Which Pokemon hatch from which eggs?

As you know, you can get new Pokemon not only by hunting, but also with the help of eggs. You can buy eggs in the store or get them at PokeStop for free.

The process of hatching eggs is quite unusual - you do not need to sit, but rather constantly move. Moreover, you often have to walk quite a long distance. Which one is indicated under the specific egg. Regardless of how many kilometers you travel for a particular egg, you can get completely different Pokemon. We invite you to look at the following table depending on the distance traveled and possible Pokemon:

Despite the fact that it is not recommended to use transport to cover distances, because the game simply will not count these indicators due to the fast speed of movement, a bicycle, rollerblades, skateboard - all this is an excellent option in order to quickly achieve the desired goal.

XP table by level

Trainer level Number of records up to next level Trainer level Number of records up to next level Trainer level Number of records up to next level
2 lvl 2000 xp 11 lvl 10000 xp 20 lvl
3 lvl 3000 xp 12 lvl 10000 xp 21 lvl
4 lvl 4000 xp 13 lvl 10000 xp 22 lvl
5 lvl 5000 xp 14 lvl 10000 xp 23 lvl
6 lvl 6000 xp 15 lvl 15000 xp 24 lvl
7 lvl 7000 xp 16 lvl 20000 xp 25 lvl
8 lvl 8000 xp 17 lvl 20000 xp 26 lvl
9 lvl 9000 xp 18 lvl 20000 xp 27 lvl
10 lvl 10000 xp 19 lvl 25000 xp 28 lvl

This information will be gradually updated as experienced players reach higher levels.

Table of XP points per action in the game

Action Number of XP
pokestop hack +50xp
catching pokemon +100xp
catching a new Pokemon (+100 per catch) +500хр
nice throw (not a bad throw of a pokeball) - you need to get into the large circle of the sight +10xp
great throw (good throw) - you need to get into the middle circle +50xp
excellent throw (excellent throw) - you need to get into a small circle +100xp
curved throw (in addition to nice, great, excellent) - how to do it, see FAQ +10xp
egg incubation 2km
egg incubation 5km
egg incubation 10km +1000xp
Pokemon evolution 12-50 candies +500хр
Pokemon evolution >50 candies +1000xp
training in the arena with your team's Pokemon (for each defeated) +10xp
battle in the arena with the other team's Pokemon

And finally, some useful tips in Pokemon Go:

  • Use the Google Maps app while searching for Pokemon locations. And in order not to re-download maps from the Internet each time, it will be enough to save the area where you live, and then the map will be accessible to you even when the Internet is turned off, and the speed of the Pokemon Go game will increase significantly, since the map will be loaded by the game itself from the storage .
  • So far, the Pokemon Go game drains the smartphone battery quite a lot, because the application screen is always active, various additional applications are used, and the process of sending/receiving data is ongoing all the time. We recommend enabling the Battery Saver option in the game settings. In this case, the screen will go dark on its own as you turn the device upside down.
  • You can also turn off the so-called augmented reality in the settings. True, the graphics will not be as attractive, but you will extend the battery life.

All methods for installing Pokemon Go can be found on this page:

(version for android 4.4.2 and higher. Intel devices are still in flight)


At the beginning of the game, you will need to log in using your Google account (since the apk was taken from an unofficial source, it is not recommended to use an account linked to ingress). After choosing the color of clothes, hair, skin, a map will open to you - a real map of the area on which you need to walk with your feet. They will immediately “throw in” three test Pokemon that you need to catch. After catching the first Pokemon, you will be asked to enter a nickname (the nickname must be unique and cannot be the name of one of the Pokemon).

Main screen:

To search for and catch Pokemon, oddly enough, you will have to move around the city with your feet (in real space) with GPS and the game turned on. Camera control tap+swipe – rotate, double tap+swipe – zoom in/out.

The appearance of Pokemon is not tied to pokestops (portals); they appear randomly not far from your route. It has been noticed that Pokémon appear more frequently near arenas.

To search, there is an indicator at the bottom right that there are Pokemon somewhere nearby. When you click on it, a window with more detailed information will open (when you select a specific Pokemon in the nearby window, when you move towards it, the window will flash with a green frame):

To catch a found Pokemon, you need to tap (click) on it, when it appears in front of you, you need to throw a pokeball at it and get into the green or yellow circle (after catching the Pokemon can get out of the trap - you will have to catch it again or leave it):

To catch “difficult” Pokemon (those with a yellow circle), feed them a berry (taking out a Razz Berry from your backpack) and they will be easier to catch. In addition to Pokeballs, there are also Great Balls, Ultra Balls and Master Balls.

The color of the sight circle indicates the difficulty of catching: green – easy, yellow – difficult, orange – very hard, red – unreal)). The size of the circle also affects the chance of catching a Pokemon - the narrower the circle, the higher the chance of catching. The Pokeball can be presented twisted, then when caught there will be a bonus xp.

After catching a Pokemon, it will appear in your Pokemon Storage (not to be confused with your inventory).

At the moment, not all types of Pokemon have been introduced into the game, but about 147 species. You can catch and store several Pokemon of the same type in storage.

Game points (AP) are awarded for caught Pokemon. The amount of AP for different caught Pokemon is different. AP is also given for collected items, capturing PokeStops and fighting (more on this later). A certain number of collected AP allows you to get the next level.

Pokemon GO TEAM

When you reach level 5, you need to select a team.

There are 3 teams in the game, designated by three colors: yellow (instinct), blue (mysticism), red (valor). In order for the team selection to appear, the arena must be in your coverage area, click on it, the leaders of each team will appear in front of you and tell you what the “strength” is:

Spark: Hello, my name is Spark and I am the leader of Team Instinct. (Yellow). Pokemon are creatures with excellent intuition. I bet the secret to this intuition lies in the process of their emergence from the egg. If you trust your instincts, you won't lose!

Blanche: I am Blanche, leader of Team Mystic. (Blue). The wisdom of Pokémon is immeasurably deep. I study the reasons for their evolution. Thanks to a calm analysis of the situation, it is impossible to lose!

Candela: I'm Candela - leader of Team Valor! (Red). Pokemon are stronger than humans, and they have hearts too! I'm researching how to enhance Pokemon's natural power in my quest for true power! There is no doubt that the Pokemon trained by our team are the strongest in battle!

Be careful - you cannot change the team,
the choice is given only once.


“Portals” come in two types – pokestops (for obtaining equipment) and arenas (gyms) – for training and battles.

Pokeballs tend to run out, so they need to be obtained from Pokestops (portals). To do this, you need to click on the PokeStop (portal) (it must be within your range of action and active):

swipe its image (circle in the middle) from right to left or left to right.

After receiving items from a PokeStop, you can “spin” it next time in 5 minutes (you can tell by the color of the PokeStop: blue – available, pink – already spun, you have to wait). It is not necessary to wait until the end of the spinning animation and pick up objects; you can spin them up and immediately exit - the items will automatically go into your inventory.


Pokemon are needed to capture and hold the arena (gym). Approach an uncaptured arena (gym) and place your Pokemon there:

If the arena (gym) is already occupied by a player from the other team, then you have to overthrow the Pokemon, free the arena (gym) and occupy it. You can also drop your Pokemon into your team's occupied arena (there is a limit on the number, see below). The higher the level of the arena (gym), the more Pokemon the enemy will spend to take possession of it.

How to proceed: approach the arena (gym) - open it - click on the glove at the bottom right - select 6 Pokemon for battle - after GO you start tapping on the enemy - when the blue mana bar is full, long tap on your Pokemon - you can swipe right to left to avoid the blow – if the arena is pumped up (that is, more Pokemon have been planted there), then you will have to fight again, and so on until you knock out all the Pokemon.

To free the arena (Gym) from the enemy's Pokemon, you need to lower its prestige to 0. To raise the prestige of your arena (Gym), you need to train in it by defeating your own Pokemon.

If your first Pokemon in the arena is defeated, then the second one connects. A third player from another player (most importantly, from the same faction) can connect.

A fight in your own arena (gym) is exactly the same as a fight in the opponent’s arena (gym). Only in the case of their own gym, Pokemon do not fly out when they lose. It’s better to swing in other people’s arenas (gyms). It’s best to place more powerful Pokemon on your own so that they don’t get knocked out.

One of the reddit users also reported receiving the maximum gym level - level 30 with 21 slots for Pokemon. To do this, it was necessary to gain 204,000 prestige points.

If a Gym's Prestige is reduced to zero, the defending team loses control of the Gym, and you or another player can take control of the Gym by assigning a Pokémon there to defend the right to the Gym.

Also, each occupied arena (gym) brings you +10 coins per day, you can pick up coins in the store available from the game menu. You can receive no more than 100 coins once every 21 hours, i.e. if you capture 15 arenas, then there will also be 100 coins. All players whose Pokemon are in the arena (gym) receive coins, not only the one who captured:

What can you buy with coins:

  • pokeballs (for catching pokemon).
  • “incense” baits – increase the chance of finding/attracting wild Pokemon for 30 minutes, from 1 to 3 Pokemon every 5 minutes (Pokémon that are not found in the area can come running to the bait).
  • lucky egg (for 30 minutes doubles the points received in the game).
  • “lure” module (inserted into a PokeStop and lures Pokemon, but, unlike an individual lure, they are visible to everyone who is near the PokeStop).
  • incubator (three-time use, for growing eggs).
  • backpack upgrade (increases inventory).
  • storage upgrade (increases Pokemon storage capacity).
  • poke coins (buy a handful of game coins for real money).

Questions about the arena (gym):

  • How to replace a Pokemon in the arena (gym)? - Not at all, until the enemy knocks him out.
  • Why can't I knock a Pokemon out of the arena? As soon as the battle begins, everything winds down and I again find myself in the arena's dressing room. - Communication glitches. Restarting sometimes helps. It happens that an opposing Pokemon has CP10, but it kills the entire team (bug). Sometimes just waiting for the battle to end helps (the probability of winning is about 25%)
  • How to challenge a Pokemon to fight another Pokemon? - No way with wild ones. Only in the arena (gym).
  • What happens to my knocked out Pokemon? Is it lost forever or is it coming back to me? - Will go back to storage.

Pokemon GO EGGS

So, you came across an egg in the game (they drop out of PokeStops) - to germinate it you need an incubator. You already have one in your inventory - unlimited, and you can also buy a three-time one in the (game) store or they will give it to you when you reach a level, and grow several eggs at the same time. In order for the egg to germinate, you need to travel N number of kilometers (indicated on the egg, there are 1, 2, 5, 10, the further the better the Pokemon). The found eggs themselves are visible on the page adjacent to the page of your caught Pokemon (in the Pokemon storage, second tab. In total, you can only carry 9 eggs and you cannot get rid of them, only “bear them.”


You can also improve and upgrade your Pokemon. To do this, select a Pokemon in your storage. To improve or upgrade you will need stardust and candies. A candy for strengthening needs 1, for an upgrade it varies depending on the Pokemon - 12, 25, 50, 100, 200 or 400. The level of the Pokemon is not written anywhere, but you need to navigate by the notch on the arc above the Pokemon. The amount of dust required also varies. Minimum 200 dust to improve the weakest Pokemon. You get stardust when you catch or incubate a Pokemon (100 dust for each) and as a daily bonus for captured arenas (in addition to coins), the professor sends you candies when you send your Pokemon “for experiments” (1 candy for each) , and the sent Pokemon will not return to you. You can donate sick Pokemon. The transfer button is located at the very bottom of the Pokemon window. Also in the Pokemon storage window, you can sort them by number in the Pokédex, favorite, time of capture, name, fighting strength.

The scale in the form of a semicircle above the Pokemon is the combat power indicator, the entire scale is the maximum possible CP for this level player, the dot marks the current SR. If the position of the point on the scale is not the farthest right, then the CP and HP indicators can be improved by pressing “Power UP”. Even if your Pokémon's gauge is full, you can improve it several more times, gaining a new level. You can give a Pokemon a new name by clicking on the pencil next to the old one (Cyrillic is possible, but not longer than 12 characters).


(the maximum trainer level in the game is not yet known)

trainer level number of items up to next level trainer level number of items up to next level trainer level number of items up to next level
2 lvl 2000 xp 11 lvl 10000 xp 20 lvl
3 lvl 3000 xp 12 lvl 10000 xp 21 lvl
4 lvl 4000 xp 13 lvl 10000 xp 22 lvl
5 lvl 5000 xp 14 lvl 10000 xp 23 lvl
6 lvl 6000 xp 15 lvl 15000 xp 24 lvl
7 lvl 7000 xp 16 lvl 20000 xp 25 lvl
8 lvl 8000 xp 17 lvl 20000 xp 26 lvl
9 lvl 9000 xp 18 lvl 20000 xp 27 lvl
10 lvl 10000 xp 19 lvl 25000 xp 28 lvl


(the number of XP is indicated without the use of Lucky Egg)

action number of XP
PokéStop “hack” +50xp
catching pokemon +100xp
catching a new Pokemon (+100 per catch) +500хр
nice throw (not a bad throw of a pokeball) – you need to get into the large circle of the sight +10xp
great throw (good throw) - you need to get into the middle circle +50
excellent throw (excellent throw) - you need to get into a small circle +100
curved throw (in addition to nice, great, excellent) – how to do it, see FAQ +10
egg incubation 2km
egg incubation 5km
egg incubation 10km +1000xp
Pokemon evolution 12-50 candies +500хр
Pokemon evolution >50 candies +1000xp
training in the arena with your team's Pokemon (for each defeated) +10xp
battle in the arena with the other team's Pokemon

Q: – how to walk?

A: – feet around the city))

Q: – How do the commands differ besides the formal description? What does this affect?

A: – so far only by ideology, what influences it is unknown

Q: – What does weight and height affect?

A: – According to unverified data, it affects CP, both up and down, depending on the type of Pokemon. Characteristic marker XL or XS above height and weight.

Q: Why do Pokémon of the same level with the same level of pumping have different characteristics?

A: – Pokemon do not have an exact attack and HP value, they have their own, as yet unknown, range. By analogy with living beings.

Q: – is there any confirmation/denial that the elements influence the course of the battle? For example, does a fire Pokémon have an advantage over a grass Pokémon, or is a Rock Pokémon well protected from Electric?

A: – Below is a picture of the effectiveness of types (elements):

Generation 1

Applicable to: Pok?mon Green (Japan), Red, Blue and Yellow

Generation 2-5

Applicable to:

Pok?mon Gold, Silver & Crystal.
Pok?mon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen & Emerald.
Pok?mon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver.
Pok?mon Black, White, Black 2 & White 2.

Q: – What does the Battery Saver option in Settings do?

A: – when turning the phone to any position other than horizontal, the screen turns black in the game with a faded game logo. Does not work on all phone models, but is relevant for Super AMOLED.

Q: – is there an assumption/fact how many “foots” there are in meters and any trick in the direction of the search?

A: On the field test, one leg was equal to 40 meters. The trick to finding the answer is below.

Q: – Question: Is it possible to upgrade only after you have completely improved it? and where can I see who this or that Pokemon will turn into after the upgrade?

A: – you can evolve with any level of SR. After evolution, the window with the new Pokemon will automatically open and you will see who it evolved into.

Q: – what do the leaves flying across the screen in a certain position mean?

A: – that there might be a Pokemon there. most often they appear there

Q: – how many levels does the arena have?

A: – according to unconfirmed reports, 21 Pokemon were put in one arena, while the arena level was 30

Q: – Is it possible to replace a planted Pokemon in the arena?

Q: – Are HP restored and how long does it take?

A: – they do not recover themselves, to cure a Pokemon you need to use a spray in your backpack, or a yellow crystal (if HP is 0) which will restore 50%

Q: – Is there a card like Intel in Ingress?

Oh no. There is a plugin for IITC, with the ability to save the type of portal (PokeStop\Arena), you can upload the entered data and exchange it with other players. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/139783/Ingress/pogo-portals/IITC%20plugin-%20pogo%20for%20portals.user.js

Q: – How is the location of portals in Ingress and Pokestops in PoGo related?

A: – Directly. Pokestops are located only at the coordinates of portals, but not all. Gyms are also located according to the coordinates of the portals, but not all of them. There is a theory that the respawn of Pokemon (Pokespots) occurs at the coordinates of the remaining portals. Simply put, if you open the Ingress portal map https://www.ingress.com/intel and go to the nearest portal, you will probably find either a Pokestop, or a Gym, or nearby Pokemon (Pokepot).

Q: – How does the flashing of the Nearby bar in different colors relate to the distance to the nearest Pokemon?

A: – If you select one of the Pokemon from the Nearby list, the bar will blink when you approach it. If you do not select anyone from the list specifically, the bar will blink yellow when you approach one of the Pokemon on the list, or green when the number or order of Pokemon on the list changes.

Q: – how to throw a curved pokeball?

A: – while holding the pokeball in battle mode, move your finger around (as if drawing a circle) until the pokeball starts spinning and throw it at the wild Pokemon. Please note that the flight path will change

Q: – how to change the game nickname?

A: – you need to follow the link https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=319908, fill out the form, and then confirm your E-Mail by following the link in the letter you received (if you have not done this before).

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