Why Android Pay doesn't work. What is Android Pay? How to connect and use. List of banks and phones working with Android Pay Where Android Pay works

Bank cards have quietly entered our lives and become part of everyday life. Just a few years ago, payments without cash seemed something unusual. And today everyone uses at least 2-3 cards.

At the same time, progress does not stand still. Contactless payment services are becoming more widespread every day. With their help, you can aggregate all the necessary cards in a smartphone, which you always have with you. In the meantime, the original plastic can be stored in a safe place to avoid damage or loss.

On May 23, 2017, Android Pay, a contactless payment service from Google, began operating in Russia. Unlike competitors, the new application supports all smartphones and tablets with OS version from Android 4.4 KitKat, as well as watches on Android Wear 2.0! To make payments, the device must be equipped with NFC.

Already at launch, Android Pay works with Visa and MasterCard. The list of partner banks promises to expand every day, more detailed information on the official website.

How to install Android Pay

Installing and setting up Android Pay is a simple procedure that even a novice user can handle.
  1. First, make sure that your smartphone is equipped with NFC using a special application.

  2. Download and install the latest version of Android Pay.
  3. After launching the application, it will offer a list of maps linked to your Google account.

  4. Please read the terms and conditions of the issuing bank carefully.

  5. To use the service, you must activate a secure screen lock.

  6. The last step is to confirm the card via SMS or call the call center.

Attention! After adding a new card, a test payment of 30 rubles will be debited from it. After some time, the money will be returned to your account.

You can also add a new card. To do this, you will need all the details: card number, expiration date, security code and holder’s payment address. The number can be removed automatically using a photograph, but the quality of recognition leaves much to be desired.

Unfortunately, performance on some smartphones is not guaranteed. In particular, the service is not available on Xiaomi devices, including those with official firmware and a locked bootloader.

How and where to use Android Pay

Paying using Android Pay is truly convenient! The only requirement for the terminal is support for contactless cards PayPass/PayWave. Already today, old-type terminals are the exception rather than the rule, and every day there are fewer and fewer of them.

To pay you need bring the smartphone with the activated display to the POST terminal. The transaction can be performed offline, without an Internet connection. If the payment amount exceeds the safe limit of 1000 rubles, you will have to unlock the device and enter the traditional PIN code.

Unlike traditional cards, the service provides detailed information about each transaction, and information about the location of the terminal is also included.

The practical application of Android Pay is not limited to non-cash payments. Using a special API, application developers can integrate a new payment method. Which in the future will make it easier to pay for services online; the need to enter card details manually each time will disappear.

Residents and guests of the capital have the opportunity to pay for travel on the metro and MCC using a smartphone. Despite the fact that initially there was talk of tariffs at the level of 35 rubles per trip, the fare is 40 rubles, as in the case of using Apple Pay. The Moscow City Hall also “Travel by metro or MCC for 1 ruble in the first month,” however, at the last moment, the conditions changed, the actual discount is 50% of 40 rubles. In practice, the new feature is unstable, presumably due to incompatible validators. And the lucky ones who paid for the metro via smartphone report that the proposed promotion is invalid.

An extremely useful feature is the aggregation of discount and gift cards. The list of partners includes not only large chains, but also small regional stores. In addition to emulating contactless cards, the system is capable of simulating a barcode for reading directly from the display.

How secure is Android Pay?

After a quick acquaintance with the capabilities of the service, a natural question arises about its security. After all, payment is carried out literally in one touch, it seems that unauthorized access can be obtained just as easily. But this is far from true! Android Pay has been working for more than two years in the USA, Great Britain, Australia and some other countries. When launching a service in our country, all accumulated experience is used, which allows us to avoid unforeseen situations.

How Android Pay works

The mechanics of such systems deserve special attention. Payment security is the basis of modern services! The data of the entered cards is not stored explicitly directly in the device’s memory; a special remote storage has been created for them. The smartphone only has an electronic impression, which becomes useless separately from the mobile device, eliminating the threat of data theft. Temporary tokens are used to communicate with the terminal, and any operation is confirmed by the issuing bank. Theoretically, the data intercepted during payment does not contain important information and is intended for one-time authorization.

Also, do not be afraid of unauthorized payment by touching the portable terminal to the smartphone. A turned off smartphone will detect the terminal and notify you with vibration, but to make a payment you will need to activate the display. Or enter a password and PIN code if the payment amount is greater than the secure limit of 1000 rubles.

No matter how reliable the system is, no one is immune from errors, including large corporations. Therefore, additional precautions will not hurt. Rule separate card for online purchases fully applicable to contactless payment services. A special account with a small amount for pocket expenses is the best way out. Transferring additional funds through your personal bank account if necessary is not so difficult, but the consequences of losing your main card may be irreparable!

Superuser rights in combination with Android Pay completely shifts the responsibility for data safety to the user. By default, the application is blocked on hacked smartphones; security systems are used for verification SafetyNet. Therefore, bypassing the blocking in this situation is a matter of chance; there is no clear method. Wherein, It is highly recommended not to use the service on jailbroken devices, the consequences may be unpredictable!


The launch of Android Pay in Russia is another confirmation that a new era is dawning in the world of payments. Contactless payment is really worth trying for yourself, especially in the summer season, when you don’t want to carry anything unnecessary with you, including traditional means of payment.

Android Pay as a service looks quite attractive, primarily due to its wide coverage of user devices at the start. It is worth recognizing that NFC is a common function in the Android world. In addition, many promotional companies are expected in the near future to popularize it, because each of us loves pleasant bonuses and discounts!

The payment service from Google works using the NFC protocol. Payment using the application is possible wherever contactless bank cards MasterCard, Visa, World are accepted. You can determine whether Android Pay is accepted for payment in a store by special icons of contactless payment systems: Android Pay, Apple Pay, PayPass, PayWave.

Payment security

The Android Pay payment service operates on the principle of tokenization. Tokens are a special set of unique characters that are used to secure each transaction. It is tokens that allow you to protect the data of bank card owners.

Phone requirements

To your the smartphone worked with Android Pay, it must also meet certain service requirements contactless payments.

NFC module

One of the requirements is the presence of a module NFC in a smartphone and, accordingly, a special module in the payment terminal, where payment is made. Android Pay is a contactless technology for transferring data over short distances, while allowing you to pay securely using your mobile phone.

It is the presence of an NFC module in the phone that allows Android Pay to work. Therefore, before purchasing a new gadget, you need to check with the seller whether there is an NFC module or independently review the technical specifications of the smartphone. There are situations when the NFC module is present in the device, but the contactless payment service Android Pay doesn't work. Most often, this problem can be solved simply by activating the “Wireless data transfer” option in the phone settings menu.

Android operating system

The second important point is the presence updated version of the operating system. The phone must have the Android operating system version 4.4 or higher installed. You can find out similar information about the operating system version in the smartphone settings menu, in the “About phone” section. Where you need to pay attention to the subsection “Information about versions” and “Android version”.

Bank card

The last condition for the service to work is an appropriate bank card from a credit institution. The bank that provides the plastic card must work with Google payment services. If everything is in order and you have an appropriate bank card, then you can use it.

After adding a bank card, you will be able to pay for purchases with the touch of a finger. The Android Pay payment service allows you to easily and quickly make purchases in stores, online applications and other online services.

How to pay

Payment in mobile applications

Making payments online in mobile applications using Android Pay is even easier (online payment is also possible from phones without an NFC module). Once the desired product or service is selected, proceed to payment. With a light touch select the function " Payment with Android Pay" or logo " Android».

Cashless payment by phone

Easy way cashless payments from your phone or smartphone is increasingly winning the hearts of smartphone owners. Along with simplicity and convenience, you get a service that works great and has an increased level of privacy. Information about the cardholder is no longer sent to the seller, he only receives a special code.

Now you know how the payment service works. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will be happy to answer them!

More recently, in May of this year, Russians were able to familiarize themselves with the technology of contactless payments on phones running the Android operating system. The main competitors Apple Pay and Samsung Pay launched six months earlier, but the huge reach of devices that Android Pay supports can play into Google's hands and help it win a new audience. In this material we will look at a new application for Android smartphones. How Android Pay works, how it differs from its competitors, is it safe to use, and what difficulties did users of the service encounter?

System requirements

First, you should find out which devices Android Pay works on. Google's requirements are not too high. Your phone must have an NFC chip installed (to make payments) and Android version 4.4 (to install the Android Pay application). Everything seems simple, but in fact there are a number of restrictions that may interfere with enabling Android Pay:

  • Firstly, the service only works on those gadgets that run official firmware (versions for developers and less popular builds are not supported).
  • Secondly, there is a list of smartphones on which it is impossible to enable Android Pay. These are Elephone P9000, Samsung Light and S3.

As for terminals, everything is quite simple. Any terminal that supports PayPass or PayWave technology is suitable for payment. Such terminals are installed in almost any, even not the most prestigious, store or point of sale.

What banks and cards does it work with?

Just as in the case of other payment systems, Android Pay started only with a part of the banks operating in Russia. Fortunately, among them are all the most popular institutions that are in great demand: Raiffeisen Bank, Russian Standard, Rocketbank, Otkritie, Sberbank, Tinkoff, a number of other lesser-known organizations and the payment service from Yandex ". The situation with shops is no worse. Almost all popular retail chains showed interest in the new technology and pledged to support its operation. This is quite natural, since these same networks already work with Apple and Samsung.

How to connect?

We figured out which phones Android Pay works on, now you need to connect this service. If you have already paid for any of Google's services and linked your bank card to your Google account, then by installing the Android Pay application, you will immediately find them in the list. If there are no linked cards, you will have to enter all the details yourself. You can use the built-in credit card scanner, but it often gets the number wrong (it’s unclear why Google couldn’t bring the technology to fruition).

Before you add a card, do not forget to set a password on your device, otherwise Android Pay will respond with an error and prohibit you from paying anything. After adding a card, you will need to confirm it. You can confirm the card using an SMS code or by calling the bank's technical support service and confirming the fact that you are connecting your card to the mobile payment system. They will charge you 30 rubles for confirmation, but will return it after a while.


Your card data is stored on Google servers and is securely encrypted there. For payment, not your real details are used, but specially generated sets of numbers - tokens. This does not mean that you need a constant connection to servers to work. No, tokens are created on servers but then uploaded to each individual device and stored there until any payment is made. Devices from Apple and Samsung have separate physical space for storing tokens, which significantly increases the level of security. Plus, Android Pay, one way or another, will ask for Internet access when the device runs out of tokens, and this is a significant drawback.

To make each purchase, you will have to enter a password, key code, or place your finger on the fingerprint scanner (it all depends on what security method is used on your phone). If you disable any of the blocking methods, then all data relating to your bank cards will be destroyed. If the gadget is lost or stolen, you can remotely erase information about linked cards. In general, there is no need to worry about security.

How does Android Pay work?

When working with terminals and paying for a purchase worth 1,000 rubles or less, just turn on the gadget’s display and touch it to the terminal. In the case of larger amounts, you will need to enter a password or place your finger on the fingerprint sensor. You can also use smart watches to pay.

Android Pay works both in physical retail outlets and online. Many people do not go to stores at all and make purchases on websites or applications, so Google was concerned about introducing the technology there too. For Android Pay to work on a website, technology support from the resource owner is required. The buyer needs to find a button with a green robot and the inscription Pay and click on it. Immediately after this, he will be redirected to the application itself, where, just as in the case of payment in real life, he will need to remove the lock and confirm the operation. That’s all, the site or application will instantly understand that the order has been paid and place it.

Possible problems

The most popular question floating around the Internet after the launch of the payment system was “why Android Pay doesn’t work on Xiaomi.” The problem really exists, and all owners of Chinese gadgets have encountered it. Yes, yes, Android Pay does not work on Meizu either. The reason is the international firmware that users install to translate the interface language into Russian.

Another problem that users face is returning goods. The fact is that the token that hides your details will be saved only for one terminal, and in order to make a refund, you will have to look for exactly that terminal.

Promotions and discounts

The launch of each payment system is accompanied by discounts and promotions that are designed to popularize the service among the masses and force people to try it at least once. Among the promotions known today, it is worth highlighting a 50% discount on travel on the Moscow metro. 50% discount on an Aeroexpress ticket and the same discount on the purchase of any burger at the Burger King fast food chain. It all works as follows - you pay the full price for a ticket or any other product, and over a period of time half of the amount is returned to your card. This means that if you do not have the required amount, you will not be able to use the promotion.

How to enable Android Pay on a jailbroken phone?

Owners of some devices with an unstable or hacked version of the operating system have encountered a number of problems when entering bank card data. The fact is that Google (for security reasons) prohibits the use of financial applications on any Android systems other than the original one. The problem can be solved by tricking the Android Pay program. To do this, you need to hide from her information about the system being hacked. So, first you will need the Magisk Manager utility, which will allow you to install and update the Magisk program. After opening the Magisk program, find the Magisk Hide item in it and activate it. Reboot the gadget and turn on Magisk Manager again. A list of programs from which you can hide the fact of hacking will appear. Find Android Pay and disable it. As soon as you do this, restart your device and try using the payment system again. Just in case, check if Android Pay works with your phone (Magisk may not help).

Instead of a conclusion

So what do we have? Another payment system that was launched too late or a truly worthy product that people will like? More likely the second, because with its army of fans Google can compete on an equal footing with Apple and Samsung without any problems (considering the fact that Android Pay works both on Google devices itself and on Samsung devices). And people themselves are ready for a new step in this direction. Bank cards are convenient, but the younger generation is much more likely to hold a smartphone in their hands, which means they will be more willing to pay with it. Discounts also played an important role; perhaps promotions will be repeated, and user interest will be actively fueled for a long time.

Pros of the service:

  • A huge number of devices working with Android Pay.
  • Various payment protection options.
  • Discounts and promotions.

Disadvantages of the service:

  • Does not work on jailbroken devices.
  • Payment tokens are stored only on Google servers.

What is Android Pay

Android Pay is an electronic payment system from Google, which is built into smartphones based on the Android operating system and allows the owner to pay for goods and services using his phone at all retail outlets where contactless payments are accepted.

Android Pay can be compared to your personal digital wallet on your phone, where you can add all your credit and debit cards, as well as discount cards from your favorite stores. Officially, the Android Pay payment system was launched in Russia on May 23, 2017, although it was introduced in 2015 and already worked in many countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Japan, and Ireland.

Android Pay requires your phone (or smartwatch) to have NFC, a short-range wireless data transfer technology.

How to use Android Pay?

Paying for purchases using Android Pay is incredibly easy and convenient. You only need two steps:

  1. Unlock your mobile phone.
  2. Bring your phone to the payment terminal.

In some cases, usually with large purchases, android pay may additionally ask you to enter your card PIN code or your phone's lock PIN code.

You can use a linked bonus card (loyalty card) by opening the Android Pay application and selecting the required loyalty card - then show the barcode to the cashier. The cashier simply reads the barcode of your card. (If for some reason the cashier cannot read the barcode of your bonus card, you can simply tell him its number, it will be indicated next to it).

Already now, at the time the system opens, you can link bonus cards to Android Pay from Pyaterochka, Karusel, Detsky Mir stores, Lukoil, Gazprom gas station chains and many other retail outlets. A complete list of companies can be found at.

How to connect Android Pay?

To use Google's payment system, you need to download the official Android Pay application from the Google Play Market and link your card (or several cards) in the application.

Make sure that the NFC payment function is enabled on your phone, go to your phone's settings and turn on the switch next to the NFC function. It is also advisable to enable the Android Beam function (its setting is located below).

2) Add a credit or debit card from a bank that supports Android Pay to the application.

To add a card, you need to take a photo of the card to recognize its number, or enter the card number yourself.

You will also need to enter the card's expiration date and its CVC code.

3) Confirm the activation of Android Pay using SMS, which will be sent to your phone number linked to the card by the bank that issued your card.

If you did everything correctly, launch the Android Pay application and you will see your card.

To add store loyalty cards, click on the plus sign in the lower right screen of the application and select - add a loyalty card, then enter the name of the store and point the camera at the barcode of your bonus card.

List of phones working with Android Pay

As we wrote above, to use Android Pay you need a modern smartphone based on Android (at least version 4.4) with NFC function. (You can check the presence of NFC in your phone using Google or by looking at the characteristics of your phone in the Yandex market).

Please note that Android Pay, for security reasons, is not supported on devices with open root access (rooted phones).

List of popular phone models that support Android Pay:

  • Samsung models S8, S8+, S7, S7 Edge, S6, S6 Edge, Note 5, S5 mini, C5, C7, A3 (2016-2017), A5 (2016-2017), A7 (2016-2017), J5
  • Huawei models P8, P9, P10, Honor 8, Honor 5C, Honor 6X, Honor Note 8, Mate 8, Mate 9, Ascend P7
  • Lenovo models Vibe P1, Vibe X3, Vibe Z2 Pro, K80M, A7010
  • Xiaomi models Mi5, Mi5S, Mi5S Plus, Mi6, Mi Mix, Mi Note 2, Mi3, Mi2A

If you haven't found your phone model, indicate it in the comments to this article and we will definitely tell you whether it is possible to use Android Pay on your device.

List of banks working with Android Pay

As of the opening date of the payment system, 15 popular Russian banks joined Android Pay:

  1. MTS Bank
  2. Dot
  3. Rocketbank
  4. Ak Bars Bank
  5. Svyaz Bank
  6. Raiffeisenbank
  7. Rosselkhozbank
  8. Russian Standard Bank

You can find the complete current list on the official Google website - https://www.android.com/pay/#banks or by contacting your bank branch for an answer.

What is the difference between Android Pay and Samsung and Apple?

At the moment, there are 3 largest contactless payment systems in the world, these are Android Pay, described in this article, as well as the Apple Pay payment system and the Samsung Pay system.

All three payment systems are very similar to each other, they use almost the same technologies, use similar security systems and payment methods.

But here it’s worth noting Samsung Pay, which has one key advantage: in addition to payments using NFC, payments using Samsung’s electronic system can also be made on old conventional terminals where contactless payment is not possible. This is achieved through proprietary technology - magnetic stripe emulation (MST).

The advantages of the Android Pay system include the presence of a built-in linking of loyalty cards (bonus cards) to the application. This way, you don’t need to carry numerous bonus cards with you, just launch the application, select the required loyalty card (and often Google itself will show you the required card, according to your coordinates) and show it to the seller to read the barcode. And if the bonus card supports Balance Rewards or Coke MyRewards technology, then bonus points will be added to them automatically upon payment.

Also, unlike Apple Pay, where the contactless payment system requires a fingerprint scanner in the phone (you will need a phone no earlier than the iPhone 5S model), Android Pay also works on phones that are not equipped with a scanner, and security is achieved using a PIN code your device or the installed picture password.

Android Pay and Sberbank of Russia

You can connect any Sberbank of Russia cards to the Android Pay system, except for Visa Electron and Maestro cards. Detailed information about connection and bank cards can be obtained on the official website of Sberbank.

To connect and configure a Sberbank card to Android Pay, you must also download the official Android Pay application on Google Play, link your card to it and confirm the connection of the contactless payment system via SMS. The service is absolutely free, and when paying, all the benefits and bonuses are retained, as when using a regular card. For example, you can accumulate Thanks from Sberbank by paying for goods and services using Android Pay.

Pros and cons of Android Pay

Like any modern system, the Android payment system has its pros and cons. Based on feedback from system users, we have collected the positive and negative aspects of the payment system.

Benefits of Android Pay

  • Possibility to pay without a card- is the main and obvious advantage, since you do not need to carry a card with you and take it out when paying, and your phone, as a rule, is always at hand.
  • The ability to link all your cards to the system and choose which one to pay with when paying. If you have a lot of cards, this is a huge plus, you get rid of a fat wallet. For example, you may have cards with cashback or bonuses in different categories.
  • Now your bonus and loyalty cards are on your phone. Pyaterochka, Okay, Mvideo, Eldorado and other numerous bonus cards that you previously had to carry with you are now in your phone.
  • The system works on most modern Android phones with NFC. If previously contactless payment using your phone was the domain of only Apple and Samsung, now you can buy any Android phone with NFC support and download the Android Pay app on Google Play. And even the lack of a fingerprint scanner in the phone is not a problem.
  • Speed ​​and ease of payment. All that is needed to pay is to unlock the phone with your fingerprint or PIN code and bring it to the terminal.
  • Payment security. Google has taken the security of the payment system seriously, for example, when paying, it is not the card number that is used, but its virtual account, which does not allow identifying the client and copying his card data. For expensive or too frequent purchases, the system requests your card PIN code. In addition, the banks themselves guarantee protection against fraud.
  • The system is completely free and retains all the benefits of your card. Connecting your card to Android Pay is free in all banks in Russia, and the bonuses that your card has, such as cashback for purchases, are saved and credited as with regular payments.
  • Additional bonuses for purchases. In order to distribute and popularize the system, Google, together with banks and large retail chains, are conducting bonus promotions to attract customers to Android Pay. For example, travel on the subway for 1 ruble or a promotion from Burger King (50% on any burgers).

Disadvantages of Android Pay

  • Work only with terminals that accept contactless payment. Despite the fact that most retail outlets support contactless payment, there are still a large number of small shops that use old terminals, where payment is only possible in the old way, using a magnetic stripe. This is where Samsung Pay comes to the rescue with its magnetic card emulation technology.
  • There is no possibility to withdraw cash from ATMs. If you do need cash, you will have to use the card itself. At the end of June 2017, Alfa Bank, one of the first banks in the world, launched the ability to withdraw and top up cash at its ATMs using Android Pay, Samsung Pay and Apple Pay. Previously, the function of so-called cardless ATMs was tested by Bank of America, but this project is at the development stage.

Discounts and bonuses when paying with Android Pay

The article is being updated, stay tuned. If you have information about ongoing promotions, leave it in the comments or send it to our editor.

Brief instructions for the payment system from Google.

To bookmarks

On May 23, 2017, from 9:00 Moscow time, the Android Pay payment system will be available in Russia. It has existed since September 2015, Russia became the 11th region in which the system started working. Here it is available to clients of more than 10 banks who use Visa and Mastercard cards.

What is Android Pay for?

Android Pay is a contactless payment system that allows you to link a regular bank card to the application, and then use the service on a smartphone or smart watch to pay for goods and services. In addition, you can use it to pay in applications on mobile devices (for example, Uber).

The technology allows you not to carry all your bank cards with you, replacing them with one application on your smartphone. Android Pay does not charge a commission to the user - the amount indicated on the receipt is debited from the buyer's account.

What cards can be connected to Android Pay

At launch in Russia, Android Pay works with more than ten banks. This list includes:

  • "Alfa Bank";
  • Ak Bars Bank;
  • "Binbank" (at the time of launch only MasterCard);
  • "VTB 24";
  • ​"MTS-Bank";
  • Otkritie (including Rocketbank and Tochka);
  • Promsvyazbank (at the time of launch only MasterCard);
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • “Russian Standard” (at the time of launch only MasterCard);
  • Sberbank;
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • "Yandex.Money" (MasterCard only).

This list will expand in the future.

Which devices is Android Pay available on?

Android Pay can be connected to devices with an NFC chip that run Android KitKat (4.4) and later - Lollipop (5.0, 5.1), Marshmallow (6.0) and Nougat (7.0, 7.1).

An important condition is that the device must have official firmware installed, and must not have root rights and the bootloader must not be unlocked. Typically, these actions are performed when changing the firmware.

How to connect a card to Android Pay

To use Android Pay, you need to download the application of the same name from the Google Play Store. Some Russian users had access to it back in early May 2017.

When you first launch the Android Pay application, you will be prompted to connect a card - to do this, you need to either point the camera at it so that the service reads the number and expiration date, or enter the information manually. You will also need the CVV code on the back of the card and the user's address. When connecting the card, the bank will send a verification code to confirm the operation.

If the user has already connected cards to his Google account (for example, to pay in an app store), then Android Pay will offer to use one of them - to link to the application, you will only need to enter the CVV code.

Where and how to pay via Android Pay

Payment via Android Pay is available almost everywhere where there are terminals that support contactless payments (including through cards with PayPass and PayWave technologies). We are talking about terminals, which are indicated by similar symbols:

In Russia, such terminals are available in almost every retail chain - Azbuka Vkusa, Pyaterochka, Perekrestok, Karusel, Magnit, OK, Eldorado, H&M, Starbucks, KFC, Burger King", "Teremok", "Doubleby", "Rosneft", "Bashneft" and so on. By the end of 2017, Sberbank, which services 1.1 million terminals, promises to add the possibility of contactless payment to all its devices.

To pay for goods and services, you need to “wake up” the device with the Android Pay application and bring it to the terminal for a few seconds. If the operation is successful, a message about this and an image of the card used will appear on the screen.

In some cases, the cashier may ask you to enter a PIN or sign a receipt. This depends on the settings of the bank that issued the card and the terminal. As a rule, in Russia, when making contactless payments, you need to enter a PIN code for transactions amounting to more than 1,000 rubles.

Android Pay allows you to carry out three transactions in a row without unlocking the phone for an amount of up to 1000 rubles each; on the fourth, the user will need to unlock the phone using a pattern or fingerprint. The transaction “counter” is reset if the user has unlocked the phone between them.

If the user has connected several cards, then one of them will need to be selected as the standard one, which will be used by default. To use another card, before paying, you need to open the application and select the desired card - if necessary, it can be designated as standard for the future.

How to pay with Android Pay in apps and websites

Android Pay can also be used to pay for purchases in some mobile apps and websites via the mobile version of Google Chrome. In such cases, the “Pay via Android Pay” button will appear on the payment page.

In some services (for example, Uber), you can use Android Pay as one of the permanent means of payment. At the start of the system in Russia, the service will be available in Lamoda, OneTwoTrip, Rambler/Kassa and Afisha, and later will appear in Delivery Club, Kinokhod, Ozon, Yandex.Taxi and other applications.

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