Download resume in standard pdf format. Resume templates in Word. Use infographics that catch the eye

Hello! Some readers have asked me about how to write a resume for a job in 2019. I turned to my friend, who has been heading the HR department of a large company with more than 500 employees for more than 5 years. He has a clear idea of ​​what a correct and competent resume should look like, because... Many company employees went through it.

In today's article I will share with you this useful information. I will tell you how to write the right resume for a job, and also give you a universal resume form/template that you can download for free, and I will give you a sample resume! After which you can begin the article about.

8 main rules for writing a resume

Summary is a written document containing information about your professional and personal qualities, as well as containing additional autobiographical data about you that is important when applying for a job (place of previous work, personal qualities, contact details, addresses, etc.).

  1. Don't make foot wraps! The resume should be clear, concise, nothing superfluous, a maximum of 1.5 pages, at most 2. Without extolling your personality as a multi-armed, many-legged employee.
  2. Follow a common resume structure. Next, we will tell and show you how to write a resume.
  3. Only truth! And nothing but the truth! If you are asked to do something at an interview that you indicated in your resume, and you do not know how to do it, you are guaranteed to fail. If you speak Photoshop at the first-grader level, then there is no need to write that you are a “confident user of Photoshop”; if you have completed English courses at the Elementary level, then there is no need to write that you are “fluent in spoken English.”
  4. Competitive. These are the qualities your resume should include. This is especially true for residents of megacities, where competition in the labor market is fierce and it is important to show yourself in the best light. But don't forget about point 3.
  5. Resume style. This is important to remember. After all, if, when applying for a job as a lawyer in a large holding company, you provide a resume on pink paper with flowers, then it is unlikely that they will even consider it. A creative approach to resume design is only relevant for interviews for a creative position (showman, event host, graphic designer, etc.).
  6. Don't forget the purpose of your resume- make an impression and get an invitation to an interview. Your resume must match the position you are applying for. If you are a multifaceted person and at the same time are applying for the position of an accountant, then there is no need to write that you are also an “excellent toastmaster”; if you are applying for the position of a pastry chef, then there is no need to write about your knowledge in psychology and NLP.
  7. Literacy. If you are applying for a position as a lawyer, but in your resume you made a typo in the word appeal, then such a lawyer is worthless. Check your resume several times, run it through an online grammar (; orfogrammka) or using the F7 function in Word, and finally let a more competent person read it. No slang or emoticons, this is not a private correspondence. Speaking of which! Nowadays, many recruiting managers and department heads pay attention to how an official email is written: whether there is a subject line, address style, greeting, signature and contact information. And here, too, it is important not to forget about the rules of good manners and the rules of business correspondence.
  8. One position - one resume! If you are applying for the same position in different companies, then make sure that your resume meets the requirements of the personnel policy of each specific company. To increase the effectiveness of a positive interview, HR specialists advise preparing a new resume for each company.

Requirements for preparing a competent resume

  1. Maximum number of pages- 2 pages of A4 format. The resume should be easy to read, and the most important information located on the first page, in plain sight, so to speak. At the end of the first page, be sure to indicate that it will be continued on the next page. At the end of the next page, indicate your last name (if the second sheet gets lost, the employer can easily determine who it belonged to).
  2. If there is little information, then place it entirely on one page so as to avoid emptiness on the sheet. Let your text take up 3/4 of the page.
  3. Preferred font- Times New Roman or Arial. Use only one font, no need to be colorful, this is a business document, not friendly correspondence. Size either 12 or 10. Remember, font smaller than 11 is not readable after faxing a document, so don’t go too small.
  4. Resume submission form. If you are sending a resume by fax, then first check how your photo will look in black and white, whether it will look like Malevich’s “Black Square”; perhaps it makes sense to abandon the photo altogether. Regardless of how you send your resume, by fax, email, mail or personal delivery, the text should always be the same. One company - one resume! As for the photo, it should not be larger than 3.5 by 4 cm, as in the passport. Just as strict and official, and not from the beach in Gelendzhik. Some employers make their conclusion about the candidate in the first 3-4 seconds, so the photo, in this case, can contribute or, on the contrary, aggravate the choice in your favor.
  5. All sections of the resume must be structured, in a certain order, each with a new line and highlighting the subtitle.

Resume form (template) for downloading

Before you start creating a resume step by step, download a ready-made resume form and then continue reading to simultaneously fill out the resume template with your data. As a result, by the end of the article, you will have a ready-made resume on your computer with which you can go find a job.

Download resume template.

How to write a resume - working structure

Well, it’s probably worth dwelling on the structure in more detail. This is very important because... this makes it easier for your resume to be found among others. There is no need to anger the employer even before applying for a job; follow the resume structure that HR officers are already accustomed to working with.

Document's name

We’re not inventing a wheel and we’re not being clever. Briefly, without dots and in one line:

Resume of Petrov Petr Petrovich

If you are applying for a position abroad, then it is customary to write Curriculum Vitae (CV, or “biography”). This is not practiced in our country.

The vacancy you came to apply for or the purpose of your resume

This is an important point, again, for the convenience of grouping applicants in the HR department. The vacancy for which you are applying must correspond to the position required by the organization. If you are applying for several positions, then create your own resume for each. No need to write: applicant for the position of lawyer, head of the legal department, sales manager or chief accountant. So the goal should look like this:

Purpose of resume- applicant for the position of sales manager.

If you have 2 higher education and have enough work experience to apply for several positions, then for each position, even if it is required in one company, create your own resume.

You can also indicate not a goal, but a specific vacancy:

Job vacancy- Sales Manager.

Brief details and contact information

Please provide the following:

  • Date of Birth
  • Family status
  • Residence address
  • Telephone
  • Email


If you graduated from several educational institutions, then write them in order, as you graduate. If it is important for you to indicate additional courses that you have completed, then indicate them after your basic education. This point is very important, especially for young professionals who do not yet have work experience.

The school needs to be indicated only if you graduated from a specialized high school or with a gold medal. In other cases, it DOES NOT NEED to be mentioned.

Special education (children's art school, music school, etc.) or additional training or courses are indicated only if they are relevant to the position for which you are applying. After school, you must first indicate technical (college, technical school) education, and then higher education. So, what does education information look like?


  • Higher(full-time) 2009 - 2013 Astrakhan State Pedagogical University.
    Specialty: educational psychologist (bachelor).
  • Additional- second higher education (evening) 2010 - 2015 Astrakhan Law Academy.
    Specialty: lawyer (specialty).

If you were nominated for state awards, then this should also be indicated in this paragraph.

If you are a young specialist and have no work experience yet, then you can indicate in this paragraph your scientific publications (name of scientific work, edition and date of publication), list the subjects in which you have achieved the highest success, and also indicate the topic of your thesis.


This paragraph is usually written as follows:

The left column indicates the period of work, and on the right is the name of the organization, your position and your responsibilities for this position. Work experience is indicated in reverse order: last place of work, previous, first. If you are a young specialist and do not yet have work experience, you can indicate the places of your training internships, the period of your internship (date) and your job responsibilities.

If you have a long track record, do not rush to list all your places of work. In particular, there is no need to mention those where you stayed for a short time, this may alert the employer. Maximum 5-7 last jobs. Each new place of work is indicated on a new line, do not forget to write the full date accurate to the month, otherwise it will not be clear: “from 2000 to 2001 I worked there”, whether you worked for a month or a whole year.

Write the name of the organization in which you worked completely; you do not need to rely on the abbreviation being familiar to everyone.

Not allowed: OSK LLC

NEEDED: United Construction Company LLC, Moscow.

In the job responsibilities column, indicate only those that will certainly be useful to you in your new place of work. There is no need to list everything. If you worked as a legal assistant, then it’s hardly worth writing about such little things as filing cases and sorting the archive by year.

The work experience section looks like this:


Important rule : no matter where you work, where you do your internship, no matter what advanced training courses or trainings you complete, take recommendations everywhere. Life is long and no one knows where it will take you, so any piece of paper can come in handy. And as they say, “without a piece of paper, we... (you know who!)”

Achievements at previous jobs

If any, please indicate. If not, then skip this point. This point should be skipped by unskilled workers (cleaner, driver, cashier, etc.). In other cases, 3-4 points and your resume will be one level higher than your competitors for this position. It is important to show the employer that you took a direct part in the prosperity of the company in your previous place of work, which means you will be a valuable employee in the new one.

There is no need to write: “took part in reducing depreciation costs.”

NEED: “Reduced the company’s depreciation costs by 20%.”

There is no need to write: “worked to increase tender purchases.”

NEEDED: “Under my fate, the number of auction purchases increased by 20%, and the percentage of tenders won doubled.”

There is no need to write: “worked on the company’s image.”

NEEDED: “With my participation, the number of mentions of the company in the media has increased 10 times. 17 press conferences were organized during the year and 4 off-site meetings at the international level.”

There is no need to write: “organized the department from scratch.”

NEEDED: Organized a work department... from scratch: hired 10 employees, developed job descriptions, trained employees, etc. More specifics!

Write numbers and statistics. This will attract the attention of the employer and the HR department.

Additional Information

This is also an important point. If you are applying for a job as a sales representative or driver, then here you must indicate that you have a driver’s license, as well as indicate the category and availability of your car (make, model, year of manufacture).

If you are a candidate for a position where knowledge is required graphic design, then indicate at what level you are proficient in certain programs. For example: advanced user Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.

Today, almost any office position requires specialists who are confident PC users. Therefore, you need to point this out.

For example:

Computer skills: at the level experienced user(Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet).

If you are an applicant for a position where knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required, be sure to indicate this.

For example:

Language skills: English (spoken), German (basic).

Let's understand the levels of proficiency foreign languages. By the way, you can also use these formulations to indicate your level of language proficiency.

  • Perfectly - free dialogue with a native speaker on any topic.
  • Fluency - the ability to communicate with a native speaker on most topics, I can easily present the information I need.
  • Good - competent explanation of your thoughts, understanding of your interlocutor.
  • Conversational - the ability to communicate at an everyday level, in simple words.
  • Basic - knowledge of only general phrases, the ability to understand the simplest text.

Personal qualities must also be indicated in this paragraph. Write the personal qualities that are inherent to you and relevant to the position for which you are applying and the corporate culture of the company. For example:

Personal qualities: diligent, attentive, proficient in methods of analytical psychology, as well as methods of personality analysis. (This is if you are applying for the position of psychologist). Mathematical and analytical mind (If your position requires such skills).

NONE: sociable, stress-resistant. These are all hackneyed phrases that fade if another applicant writes the same thing, but in different words.

As already mentioned in paragraph 5, recommendations are also of great importance. Some employers require references before the interview. The lack of a recommendation may raise red flags for some employers. This may indicate that at your last job you were unable to cope with your responsibilities or were fired, leaving you on bad terms with your employer.

If you cannot provide recommendations in writing, then provide contact information for your supervisor from your previous job. And don’t forget to warn your former boss that they may call him so that there is no mishap. Perhaps no one will call; the very fact of having contact information will indicate that you are not afraid for your review from your previous job.

LLC "Chrysanthemum"

General Director: Smirnov Semyon Semenovich

t. 8-987-654-32-10

Expected salary level

must be clearly marked. Don’t write: “I would like to...”, “better from...”, etc. Moreover, if you worthwhile specialist with decent work experience, then you should know your worth. If you expect to get a job within the average wages currently offered on the labor market in your specialty, then indicate this amount. The main thing is to know the limits and do not overestimate the limit, but also do not underestimate the expected income.

Expected salary level: 100,000 rubles.

Ultimately, your resume will look something like this:

Overall, it's not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules, don’t forget to indicate all your professional qualities and achievements and everything will be great!

9 main mistakes in writing a resume

  1. Inconsistency of biographical information with the requirements of the candidate for the position.
  2. Inconsistency between the described skills and reality. Having indicated your proficiency in certain programs, during the interview you may be asked a couple of questions regarding the use of these programs. Having indicated your language proficiency, be prepared for unexpected questions like: “Tell us about your interests.” And if you indicated “fluency in the language”, but were unable to give an answer, then your resume will receive a “minus”.
  3. Sentences are too long.
  4. The resume is too long, there is a lot of unnecessary information and is not relevant to the proposed position. Inappropriate humor or quotes. Some manage to insert links to their pages on social networks. This is unnecessary, besides, it can compromise you or show you inappropriately. the best side. Therefore, if you have not been asked to indicate this, then you do not need to do so.
  5. A resume that is too short raises suspicion: the person has no experience and no positive personal qualities, or he is overly modest and will be difficult to work with.
  6. Frequent job changes or prolonged absence from work.
  7. Banal phrases. More specifics and your resume will shine: implemented effectively; reduced costs by 10%; promoted in position.
  8. Spelling mistakes.
  9. There is no date for sending the resume and the name of the applicant.

Well, now you know how to write a resume correctly! Good luck in finding a job!

Video on how to write a resume


Well, now you know how to write a resume! But if you can’t find a job, then you can always start earning money on your own. Here is a list of articles to help you.

Did you know that resume form templates can be found among typical text templates Word editor? If you want to know where to find resume templates in word, then the information below will most likely be useful to you.

Word templates are files that are located in the Templates folder (this could be, for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\). Templates, if any, are displayed in the Templates dialog box, which is opened by selecting New from the File menu, and then selecting On My Computer from the Create Documents task pane. Any document, including Word file with the DOC extension, saved in the templates folder described above, will be a template.

Where to find resume templates in Word 2007

Illustration, where to find resume templates in word 2007, is shown in the figure below.

Where to find resume templates in Word 2003

Illustration, where to find resume templates in word 2003, is shown in the figure below.

Advice, how to work with templates in Word. To create your own template tabs, in the Templates dialog box, create a new subfolder in the Templates folder, and then save the new templates to that subfolder. The location of the folder must correspond to the path specified for your own templates on the "Location" tab (the "Options" command in the "Tools" menu). The name of this subfolder will be assigned to the new tab. If you save a template in a different folder, it will not appear in the Templates dialog box.

Today, a resume is the driving force that helps many job seekers quickly find a job. It is the resume that can accurately tell the employer about the personal and professional achievements of a particular person.

This option of providing data to the employer is now very firmly entrenched in the Russian labor market. Many people still cannot draw up such a document correctly, but this determines whether they will be hired for the desired position.

The success of any person who wants to find new job depends entirely on how clearly such a document is drawn up. It is here that a person must show the employer highly professional experience and best qualities unique to him.

Resume for applying for a job it is simply necessary, since from it the employer receives primary data about the person who is applying for this position, after which he forms his own opinion about the candidate.

The main rule when writing a resume is to competently attract attention to your candidacy. Any employer, having picked up a resume, will look at it for no more than three minutes, and during this time he should understand that he has found the right person.

The resume should under no circumstances be handwritten; it would be preferable to submit it in printed form. In addition, the resume should be: easy to read, clear, literate.

What is the best way to create a resume for a job?

A well-written example of a resume can be viewed on our website. It spells out the main, main points that must necessarily be contained in such a document.

Information that should be present in any resume:

  1. Personal data;
  2. Experience;
  3. Education;
  4. Professional skills;
  5. Additional Information.

This is the main list of information that must be included in the resume of each applicant.

To make registration easier, you can download a sample resume for a job on our website, which will help anyone do everything: accurately, in a short time, without unnecessary or missing information.

Often on the Internet you can find resume forms with semantic names “Practical”, “Engineering”, “Short”, “Office”, etc. In fact, these intriguing names hide various variations of resume forms.


A distinctive feature of a professional resume is the presentation of information in blocks. This form of filling out is most suitable for people with extensive work experience.


If your track record is not long, then the most acceptable option would be a functional resume. There is no emphasis on special work experience, and there is no need to observe the chronological order of the process of its accumulation.

Education, special knowledge and skills are important. This form of filling is convenient for people who had to interrupt their work experience in their specialty or who radically decided to change their field of activity.


Chronological forms for filling out resumes are characterized by listing all jobs in sequential order, indicating the names of organizations. We recommend downloading a chronological resume to fill out for specialists who have devoted themselves to only one field of activity.


In a chronological-functional resume, it is convenient to highlight special achievements without deviating from the chronological sequence of the description of professional experience and education.


A targeted resume focuses on a specific position and reflects the knowledge and abilities that meet its requirements.


An academic resume is understood as a resume aimed at describing teaching activities. It is convenient to list scientific works and achievements, publications, titles and awards.

Download resume

Sometimes recruiters want to see profiles in Ukrainian or English language. Some specialties require the presence of two identically completed different languages copies of job resumes. You can download a free resume to apply for a job on our website.

One of important stages One of the ways to achieve success in finding work and employment is to write a resume (or self-promotion) in the labor market.

If previously a resume was required only from applicants applying for positions that require high level special knowledge, serious practical experience, leadership skills, etc., now this word is increasingly found in job advertisements for unqualified specialties.

With its form and content, the resume is designed to facilitate work with applicants for a personnel manager (recruitment agency or employer, it is not so important).

In this regard, any applicant must understand that the structure and content of the resume must clearly and concisely characterize his candidacy for this vacancy, without omitting the most significant points and without causing irritation or yawning in the employer’s representative.

How to write a resume correctly

HR employees of organizations, when selecting applicants for a particular position, primarily highlight the following criteria for evaluating resumes:
  • Date of Birth.
  • Brevity (1 – 2 pages).
  • The vacancy for which the applicant is applying.
  • Telephone, address, email address of the applicant.
  • Education.
  • Work experience (in which organizations, by whom and for how long).
  • Page format (A - 4)
  • Clear and understandable document structure.
  • Verified, competent, balanced style of presentation.
Of course, representatives of the personnel service of a particular enterprise (firm) or personnel managers of recruitment agencies may impose additional requirements on applicants’ resumes. For example, the applicant’s hobbies and interests.

This information may be of interest to the employer in cases where it is very important that the new employee be sociable and compatible with the team in which he will work.

Personnel authorities also have different views on such a question as recommendations from the applicant’s previous places of work. Some believe that this is a mandatory component (criterion) in any resume. Others reasonably believe that if the need arises, this information can be requested at a later date. There is only one conclusion: in any case, it will be nice if such recommendations are always at your fingertips.

Thus, for successful employment, a correct resume should:

  • contain all the information about the applicant necessary for the employer (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, work experience, basic and additional education, home address, telephone, etc.);
  • be concise and free from unnecessary information;
  • satisfy certain requirements for form and content (i.e. be compiled according to a certain template);
  • correspond to the vacancy for which the applicant is applying;
  • fully correspond to reality;
  • be free from long sentences and contain no grammatical or lexical errors.

Preparation and posting of resumes

Before sending your resume to a potential employer, you need to carefully check its text.

The modern experience of HR managers working with various resumes suggests that the following errors are most common in them:

  1. There are no telephone numbers listed for contacting you.
  2. The date of birth is incorrect.
  3. There is no information about education.
  4. There are a lot of incomprehensible abbreviations: for example, in the names of educational institutions that you graduated from and organizations where you worked.
  5. There are a lot of grammatical and stylistic errors.
  6. The style of presentation of the material is very reminiscent of a work book.
After a strict check, you will notice and correct many errors. If you are not sure of your literacy, you can use the following verification methods: Very often the question arises: should I attach a photo to my resume or not? It’s impossible to say for sure. If your intended future job is not related, for example, to the modeling business, then it’s a good idea to have a few photos in stock in case you need them when applying for a job. But not before.

Today the most common way to send a resume is Email. But don't underestimate traditional mail either. The finished resume can be printed in several copies:

  • One or two copies for later postal items to a specific company or organization where there are vacancies.
  • A couple of copies for home use (for example, when telephone conversation with the HR manager) or during an interview.
  • One copy can be used as the basis for composing an advertisement that you are looking for a job (for example, in a newspaper for free advertisements).
In the first case, it will be nice if you also add a cover letter to the envelope, which can help attract additional attention to you from a recruitment agency or employer.

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