TV with smart TV what. Smart TVs. How to choose a smart TV. Internet connection

On TVs? No matter how different some types of “smart” devices are from others, they essentially perform the same roles - they give the user access to the Internet, thereby expanding the capabilities of the device we are used to on the bedside table.

There are not so many brands producing this kind of equipment, and their names are probably familiar to everyone: LG, Samsung, Sony, etc. The platforms on which these devices operate are slightly different from each other , but the principles and methods of presenting information to the user are very similar.

So, let's figure out what smart TV is on TVs, and what new opportunities this functionality provides. Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages household appliances with such a set of additions, as well as initial setup equipment.

What is this?

What is smart TV in TVs? The same as in phones. The principle is the same as the “smart” prefix. Smartphones, in addition to functions such as calling and sending SMS, have a lot of other, more attractive and interesting features than a regular phone: working with various applications, including gaming ones, access to the World Wide Web, video calling, etc., etc. .

Much the same can be said about TVs with smart functionality. They provide their users not only with TV shows and movies, but also with access to the Internet - the ability to use online multimedia content: news, weather, search, etc. That is, what is smart TV on TVs? This is YouTube, Google with Yandex, communication via Skype and other delights of the World Wide Web. In other words, this kind of technology plays the role of both a TV and a computer.

Let's look at the main features that an ordinary TV with smart TV has.

Internet connection

The first and most important advantage of this type of technology is the ability to access open spaces World Wide Web. You can access the network in two ways: using a cable (LAN port) or using the Wi-Fi wireless protocol.

Some models of previous generations connect to the Internet using a special set-top box. New devices already have all the necessary functionality inside, that is, in a built-in module that provides communication via wireless protocols. The only thing the user needs to take care of is a good Wi-Fi router.

Depending on what kind of smart TV you have, the basic functionality will vary. But almost all modern models have their own (usually a borrowed computer analogue) browser, which is activated by a separate button on the remote control. Sometimes the platform is equipped with additional widgets like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vkontakte, etc. (Samsung TVs (smart TVs) are especially notable for this). User reviews on this matter are ambiguous: some people like this whole set of “utilities”, while others consider additional widgets and “chips” to be garbage, preferring own design desktop.


Some devices have a built-in front camera, which allows you to fully use special communication software, like Skype. If you have a 32-inch TV (smart TV) or with a smaller diagonal, then it most likely does not have such functionality. But in most cases, the existing platform allows you to install a third-party application like Skype, and the webcam can be purchased and connected separately.

Some brands equip their products with their own communication utilities, but sometimes this can be a double-edged sword. That is, on the one hand, it seems like there is a camera and a program for communication, but on the other hand, it will conflict with a competing platform at the other end. Therefore, most manufacturers have made it possible to install third party applications to your TV - smart TV. User reviews on this matter fully support such an initiative, because some are accustomed to Skype, some like Facetime, and others cannot live without Viber.

Working with external drives

Almost any device with smart functionality can easily work with third-party gadgets, be it a tablet, phone or computer. But, in addition, such TVs can read external storage devices, that is, flash drives, SD cards and hard drives.

For example, a brand new LG TV (smart TV) easily synchronizes with all external storage media using the Plug and Play type. The only nuance that you definitely need to pay attention to is the perceived formats. Some particularly fastidious smart models cannot play, for example, mp4 formats or flac videos. Keep this point in mind before setting up smart TV on your TV. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to this nuance before purchasing a device. This type of equipment is not cheap, so you need to weigh everything.

Control without remote control

If you connect, for example, a 40” TV (smart TV) and a tablet via Wi-Fi protocol, the latter can easily be used as a remote control. Moreover, you have the opportunity to display a picture from any mobile gadget (supporting Wi-Fi) directly on the big screen.

To synchronize both devices, you will need to install special software for a particular platform (Android or iOS). Some models, for example, LG TV (smart TV), already have such a set of utilities in the basic firmware, so you will only need to install the application on a tablet or smartphone (from the same Google Play or Apple store).

In addition, some devices support voice control of basic functionality. The same Samsung does an excellent job with commands like “next channel”, “further”, “second channel”, etc. Some models, especially for small diagonals (32” TV (smart TV) and smaller) are not always respond correctly to voice commands, so alternative control methods don't work as well for them as they do for more expensive devices with larger screen sizes. The latter have gesture recognition systems, gadgets with a gyroscope, and many other interesting features.

Recording broadcasts

The functionality of any “smart” device allows you to record TV shows on an external storage device, be it a flash drive or HDD. This is convenient when you are at work or busy with something at the time of broadcast.

If the channel does not have such a scan protection, then you can set a timer for recording at the right time and save all the data for later viewing. So you can watch an interesting movie or your favorite TV show at any time convenient for you. This functionality is intuitively simple, understandable and somewhat reminiscent of the usability of a simple alarm clock.


Almost all models that are presented on the domestic market have a set of gaming applications in the basic firmware. Moreover, some particularly powerful devices that run on the Android platform allow you to install very “heavy” toys that are in no way inferior in visualization quality to modern consoles and even a computer.

Owners especially warmly responded to this feature of smart devices. If you have a small or “big” child in your family, then you are guaranteed many hours of peace or entertainment. Using this functionality is extremely simple - turn it on, select it and play, so there should be no problems with settings or adaptation.

Disadvantages of Smart TVs

Despite the impressive list of advantages, this technology also has its disadvantages. This includes being picky about video formats. For example, if you have a file in mkv format, then some devices will not be able to output sound correctly. It's all about codecs. And if you can install the necessary software decoder in the same smartphones or tablets, not all TVs with smart TVs have this capability.

In addition, despite a fairly wide selection of gaming applications, most of them are primitive and are at the level of five or even ten years ago (irrelevant for premium segment models and Android platforms). And the remote control is not the best best option as a joystick.

Browser use and Internet surfing in general may be limited both by the utilities themselves and by the capabilities of the TV. Moreover, today's price tags for smart devices are quite steep, so most consumers (the average buyer of household appliances) prefer to buy a smart TV with a large screen, and leave all sorts of smart gadgets for the computer in the next room.

Smart services

Almost all venerable brands that produce household appliances and televisions in particular are closely involved in the smart direction. Here we are talking not only about some functionality built into the firmware for certain models, but also about special Internet services for a particular manufacturer.

Setting up services of this type, as well as connecting, is intuitive and should not cause serious problems. In any case, every self-respecting brand has equipped its platform with a special wizard-assistant who, step by step, will help you set up not only the smart TV itself, but also access to services, and at the same time tell you about the intricacies of use in a training form.


The Korean company can be called a leader in this area. The main merit of the brand is its chic price range of models and product quality. On Samsung shelves you can always find exactly the option that suits you.

Smart functionality is clear and simple. To set it up, you can either use an assistant or figure it out yourself. The firmware includes the YouTube service, Skype and social networks. You can surf the network using a proprietary browser (also simple and clear) and view all the information you are interested in.

It’s also worth noting that most of the brand’s models do not have a built-in camera (even expensive devices) for video communication, so you have to purchase it separately.


LG smart TVs run on its own NetCast platform. The functionality will also be simple and understandable to any user. The platform includes online broadcasts, a wide selection of social networks, as well as regular Internet surfing. Moreover, the network works, as they say, in both directions. That is, you can not only read incoming messages, but also send them.

In addition, the company has taken care of quality services that will significantly expand basic capabilities your device. Here we can mention 3D World, which can, albeit to a small extent, still compensate for the lack of 3D television from domestic providers. Also, LG smart TV users have access to an application store (there are also free ones), where you can choose the software you like from more than 200 educational, entertainment and gaming programs.

Other brands, such as Sony, Philips or Toshiba, have similar service functionality and differ from each other only visually, while the main filling (capabilities) remains almost unchanged.

Smart TV (Smart TV) - today this term can be found in almost every description of the characteristics of a modern TV. But what is this, Smart TV? Not every user can answer this question, even those who are interested in modern technologies. We decided to help our readers by telling in detail about Smart TV, starting with what it is, where it is used, ending with an analysis of specific systems and their capabilities. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves so that you don’t get confused, but let’s go in order.

What is Smart TV?

Those who know at least a little English have probably guessed that Smart TV translates as “smart” or “smart” television. This name was chosen for a reason. Smart TV is nothing more than a system and hardware that makes it seem more advanced. The name appears to have come from "Smart Phone", which in turn was adopted when phones began to receive various software features and Internet integration.

That is, your “box” with a minimum set of channels, which often broadcast not the most popular shows, and even peppered with advertising, turns into a more “savvy” device that makes it possible to access the Internet, play any films and TV series, or even watch them online , and you can even run games. Interesting, isn't it?

Smart TV appeared quite a long time ago, but until recently, technology did not allow the system to be fully implemented. However, the emergence of televisions with new screen resolutions and the ever-growing demands of users forced manufacturers to organize their own vision of the Smart TV system in their solutions.

In a relatively short period of time, almost every major company presented its systems, the key feature of which was Internet access. Now, buying new TV With such technology, the user received a mini-computer that allows him to view the weather for the coming days, order food to be delivered to his home, and a host of other possibilities.

Such systems migrated to small boxes with the hardware necessary for operation, which were called set-top boxes or TV Box. Essentially, these are the same Smart TV systems, but housed in a separate housing from the TV. Their advantages were low price, functionality and compatibility with a huge number of TVs.

History of Smart TV

MSN's first attempt at making a Smart TV. Couldn't do without a keyboard

Smart TV, like many other technologies, did not appear out of the blue, but has a rather long and interesting story. The first device that fits the definition of Smart TV was MSN TV, also known as WebTV. The well-known company Microsoft, which bought the technology in 1997, worked on the device.

However, the technology did not become widespread. MSN TV was only available in the United States, where a set of equipment cost almost $200, in addition, the user had to pay subscription fee at $9.99 per month or $199.99 per year. But we have not yet taken into account the fees for the services of the Internet provider, which provided access to the Network via broadband or dial-up.

The MSN TV equipment package included a remote control and a wireless keyboard for comfortable surfing. The device was connected to the TV via an RCA cable (in common parlance “tulip”). Microsoft supported the technology in every possible way, releasing new versions, but in 2013 it lost weight in the market under the pressure of other Smart TVs, and the service was closed.


In 1999, TiVo and ReplayTV, quite interesting for that time, were introduced. They were video recorders with a built-in hard drive; thanks to hardware and software, it was possible to record any films and television shows and view them at any convenient time. In addition, VCRs had additional capabilities that allowed you to find and sort, for example, episodes of your favorite TV series. TiVo is still used and supported in many countries around the world, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, the Netherlands and several others. True, modern users no longer have any interest in these devices, which is understandable.

In 2000, another category of devices appeared that were designed to expand the capabilities of television. They were named Set Top Box (receivers digital signal, TV tuner or ). The receivers were able to display subtitles, and a TV guide (TV program) also appeared, which was quite convenient. TV tuners are still in great demand among users today, but they are far from full-fledged Smart TVs.

Throughout the 00s, a huge amount of Smart number TV from the most different manufacturers TVs. In 2009, Smart TV systems began to be certified by DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance). According to experts, already in 2010, 40% of TVs with flat panels had Smart TV in in different forms. In 2011, this number reached 90%. Today, almost every TV has Smart TV technology, even if it is represented by the simplest system (displaying a TV program, subtitles). In addition, set-top boxes with the Android TV operating system have gained particular popularity, which very easily connect to the vast majority of TVs, making them significantly “smarter.”

Smart TV features

The concept of smart TV is still in initial stage, but is regularly updated and improved, providing users with more and more opportunities. All functionality of Smart TV, one way or another, comes down to Internet access: reading news, watching videos, downloading movies and programs, installing games, and so on. For free or for a relatively small fee, you can watch your favorite TV series at a convenient time, without being distracted by annoying advertising. In addition, you can immediately read the description of the movie you like or user reviews about it.

Can't live without the Internet? No problem - now you can read articles or watch funny pictures directly on your TV. Companies add it to TVs various interfaces to access the Network (Wi-Fi, Ethernet), as well as browsers, some systems even allow you to install your favorite application from the store. You can also install an application for making video calls, for example, via Skype, if a webcam is provided.

Modern Smart TV systems even support the launch of popular games, which makes it possible to play your favorite release on the big screen. True, a lot here depends on the hardware and the specific system, which we will talk about below.

The various control methods are also impressive, which can replace the remote control familiar to many. Wireless interfaces Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, which accompany most TVs today, allow you to use the user’s smartphone or tablet as a remote control - you just have to install one of the specialized applications.

You can also send information directly from your smartphone screen to your TV. This makes it very convenient to show photos to friends and relatives. In addition, many televisions are equipped with additional devices that can respond to various gestures. Some remotes support gesture control, which is quite convenient. Lots of solutions support voice control.

In addition, some features are available only on certain Smart TV systems, thus forcing the user to choose a model from a specific manufacturer so as not to be left without a popular function. Large companies regularly present new features at exhibitions that make Smart TV even more interesting for the user.

Smart TV on TVs from various manufacturers

Smart TV technology in TVs from different manufacturers is represented by different systems. I would like to talk about each of them in more detail, so that any of our readers, when choosing a modern “smart” TV, can imagine all its features, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Smart TV on Samsung TVs (Tizen OS)

The South Korean giant is a pioneer in many fields, regularly introducing users innovative technology. Samsung was one of the first to think of making its TVs more “intelligent” so that the viewer would not get bored. They have developed their own Smart TV system - Tizen OS, which is deservedly called by many users the most convenient and easy to use. If you look at the wide the lineup TVs from Samsung, then most solutions have Smart TV, even budget-level options get it today.

In addition to the fact that Samsung is one of the first companies to try out innovations in its products, it introduced many interesting features that models from other companies do not have. For example, the South Korean manufacturer, in order to ensure maximum security of user data, implemented a facial recognition function in Smart TV via a webcam. The technology is available on the most modern TVs, ensuring that a stranger who walks up to your TV will not be able to view data or personal correspondence on social networks. A scanner used for facial recognition will simply block access.

And the company doesn’t stop there, continuing to surprise us with its developments regarding Smart TV. Otherwise, the system used in Samsung TVs, can do everything the same as other similar solutions. It also copes well with playing most formats and allows you to watch movies online or using IPTV. There are a huge number of different applications; there are also games in the store that are adapted to run on a TV. Of course, you can browse the Internet, communicate on social networks and much more.

The capabilities of Samsung Smart TV will be sufficient for the vast majority of users, and absolutely everyone will be able to understand the interface. In addition, thanks to the prevalence of TVs of the South Korean brand, you can find necessary information about the system will not be difficult.

Smart TV on LG TVs (webOS)

Another well-known company from South Korea, LG, is also trying to keep up with Samsung. Just take a look at the catalogs of popular TVs today – these manufacturers share the leading positions. Devices from LG boast not only an affordable price, but also an interesting Smart TV system - webOS.

WebOS, in fact, is not a system. This is a web application on which the operating system is organized (WebOS is often called a browser OS), in which other web applications are executed. Unlike most of its competitors, w ebOS has a very beautiful and easy-to-use interface. In addition, the system cannot be called insufficiently functional, although being a browser application does impose some restrictions.

WebOS is not a development by LG - the system was introduced by Palm in 2009 for its tablets. Only in 2013, a company from South Korea began to use it, installing it on their TVs as a Smart TV. What else makes w ebOS stand out?

Firstly, ease of searching for content and connecting various devices. The manufacturer took a responsible approach to the development of the system, including in it an assistant for users who find it difficult to get acquainted with modern devices. Secondly, I would like to praise the speed and multitasking of w ebOS. Windows and programs open at lightning speed, and you can simultaneously listen to music and read an article on the Internet. Finally, you can control LG Smart TV with your voice or gestures. These features appeared relatively recently, but are already loved by users.

Smart TV on Sony TVs

Sony TVs are also quite popular and are not inferior in quality to their competitors. Like analogues from other companies, modern Sony TVs are equipped with Smart TV. Until the summer of 2015, models received quite simple system, which did not stand out in any way, after which the manufacturer began to use Google’s latest development - . The system, based on a “green robot”, stands out from its competitors in its functionality and abundance of applications that can be installed from the proprietary Play store Market.

Android TV is the familiar Android used as the OS on many smartphones, but has a redesigned interface for remote control. In addition, the developer provides applications and games adapted for TV, the number of which is increasing every day.

As already mentioned, the main advantage of Android TV Smart TV is its wide range of capabilities, which other systems can only envy. Almost everything you install on your smartphone can be installed on your TV. A lot of free software allows you to choose only those programs that you like. Excellent compatibility with many peripheral devices, as well as support for modern interfaces, make it possible to connect keyboards and mice and access the Internet in a convenient way.

Smart TV on TVs

Like Sony TVs, solutions from before 2015 used a simpler Smart TV system, after which the company turned its attention to the more promising and functional Android TV. Old models with simpler Smart TV, however, have not gone away. Yes, and they have many useful functions.

For example, most TV series have SimplyShare technology. It is used to connect the TV to a personal computer or other devices with a Wi-Fi interface. SimplyShare allows you to play movies on your TV from storage on your PC. In addition, using the technology you can play music from your iPhone or iPod.

Control technology makes it possible to control the TV through an application installed on a computer, smartphone or tablet, and the Net TV function provides access to Internet services for viewing content online. Smart TV even supports USB Recording - recording TV shows on removable media.

Android TV brought even more different features to TVs, a bunch of applications and hundreds of games adapted to run on TV. Regular updates provided by the system developers make it even more functional and in demand among users.

Smart TV on Sharp TVs (Roku TV)

The rather popular Sharp company, Roku TV, also presented its interpretation of Smart TV on its televisions. The main features of Smart TV from Sharp are based on the use of online services. TVs can be connected to the Network via wired or wireless interfaces. The manufacturer preinstalled a full-fledged browser, not much different from those used on a PC. It allows you to comfortably browse the Internet and search for the information you need.

The Roku TV interface is very conveniently organized. Widgets for the most popular applications (Facebook, YouTube) are displayed on the main screens. All functions are sorted into subcategories to make it easy for the user to access them. TVs even support Skype application, which allows you to communicate with friends. Smart TV also works with DLNA protocols, which make it possible to combine compatible devices into a single network, be it personal computers, smartphones or other electronics.

Additionally, Roku TV includes quite a few simpler but useful features. There is Timeshit, which pauses a TV show at the right moment, recording a continuation at USB storage device. Also, the presence of ports means connecting removable drives with the ability to view videos or photos.

In the summer of 2015, Sharp joined a number of manufacturers who began using Android TV. True, so far the company has presented only one TV running this operating system.

Smart TV on Xiaomi TVs

The Chinese company is also producing Smart TVs, but solutions are still being developed for the domestic market. As one of the largest manufacturers with a bunch of interesting projects, Xiaomi began to use the most current Android system in its TVs, equipping the devices with quite productive “stuffing”. In addition, the company uses a proprietary shell, which not only makes the interface more pleasant and convenient, but also carries many different functions.

There are truly a lot of possibilities thanks to the use of such a popular and fast-growing operating system. In addition to applications preinstalled by the manufacturer, which provide access to online cinemas and other services, each user can install the necessary programs and games from the store. Xiaomi tries not to forget about its old products, constantly releasing new updates, bug fixes and new features added. Otherwise, Smart TV on Xiaomi TVs is not very different in terms of capabilities from other systems.

It is worth noting that Xiaomi TVs pair perfectly with other company products, be it smartphones or fitness bracelets. By the way, having connected the latter, you can install an application from Play Marketa, which will display information about how far you have walked and how many calories you have burned. In Russia, Xiaomi TVs are poorly distributed, unfortunately. Of course, you can order the device from China, but you will have to tinker with the system firmware. We hope that in the near future the company will officially present its TVs in our market.

Bottom line

Well, let's wrap it up. Smart TV is definitely useful and required technology on modern televisions. However, the majority of Russian users still have not appreciated it. But in vain! If you are thinking about purchasing a new TV, then be sure to include models with Smart TV in your list. The technology is truly interesting and multifunctional, and can simply change the way any user views television.

Recently, a large number of TV models from a variety of manufacturers have appeared that use such devices have a wide range of functionality, but still not all of their owners understand what smart TV is in TVs.

This leads to certain difficulties when purchasing equipment. Sellers post a huge amount of information about the advantages of those models that are endowed with this function, but the buyer is simply lost and cannot understand the true need for the applications and options offered. That is why this article will examine in detail what smart TV is on TVs and what the true benefits of having various applications are.

Description of technology

This technology is absolutely new environment for effective interaction between TV and the Internet. In other words, smart TVs, the price of which is not very low yet, have access to the Internet, which significantly expands their capabilities. A huge number of films and TV series, as well as other videos, are now available for home viewing on the big screen.

It can be said without exaggeration that technology opens up wide horizons for viewers that cannot be compared with the ubiquitous cable TV. You can access a huge amount of video information without any problems. Now there are simply no difficulties that were associated with restrictions on the number of channels. There is no longer any need to download your favorite movie to a flash card or disk and then watch it on TV. Now you can choose the movie you want and watch it online without any dancing with a tambourine. After all, now you can access the vastness of the global network directly from your TV.

Other features

So what is smart TV in TVs? Is it really only access to films, cartoons, TV series and scientific programs? Not at all. Other options are also available to the user:

  • many entertainment and informational resources;
  • weather forecast;
  • news;
  • listening to music online;
  • access to social networks.

Smart TV set-top boxes

Currently, all the largest companies involved in the production of televisions are represented on the market with their lines of models with smart TV functions. Free access to the Internet is one of the most promising areas of development. It is for this reason that, in addition to televisions, they began to produce special set-top boxes that allow ordinary televisions to use the capabilities of technology. It’s interesting that new models of TVs with Internet access are produced in the same quantities as set-top boxes. And this completely eliminates the possibility of difficulties connecting any device to the network. If it is not possible to purchase a Samsung smart TV, the price of which is high (more than 15 thousand rubles), you can purchase a set-top box for the old model. Well, if your wallet allows it, then it’s better to buy a productive modern TV.


The rapid development and implementation of technology should bring at least some benefit to ordinary consumers. Strong competition tends to drive down prices on very good models and also has an impact on subsequent development network technologies. But such an assessment is only superficial. Without a doubt, there is competition among manufacturers. Everyone is trying to stand out in some way and attract the buyer to their side. After all, I want people to buy their TVs (smart TVs). Price is one of the main factors. Due to competition, it turns out that each manufacturer has very different ideas about technology. Therefore, there is a difference in what to choose: a Samsung TV or an LG TV. Smart TV looks different in them. Different manufacturers have different logical structure and operating speed, network capabilities, as well as the general set of functions. So, in one environment there is a high-quality set of services for watching movies, and in another there are high-quality social applications.

The large number of different environments often makes it difficult to understand what smart TV is in TVs and where it is best to use it. For example, a buyer got acquainted with a model in which the main emphasis is on social networks, which he did not need at all, and decided to abandon this environment. But he would like something that allows him to work with content efficiently. This is how it works in real life. Most people make hasty conclusions without fully understanding the essence of the technology.

Sony TVs

Sony has quite successfully implemented the smart TV function in its line of Bravia TVs. In addition to high-quality images, users are given access to the global network. By pressing just one button on the remote control, a special function is activated, providing the viewer with advanced capabilities for working on the Internet. The web browser is also well implemented, allowing you to browse pages comfortably.

Is here and interesting feature TrackID, which provides the user with all the information about the audio composition accompanying the video. This is very useful thing, which frees you from the need to search for your favorite song from any video.

TVs from the Bravia line allow you to view content from popular services like YouTube. It should also be noted that functional navigation, which most users like.


Another well-known company that produces TVs is LG. She is confidently moving in the direction of network technologies and offers the purchase of models with Internet access. A very functional menu contains a convenient browser, a game agent, as well as social networking applications.

There is also a productive service that very quickly provides weather information anywhere in the world.

An interesting solution is vTuner, which is a radio client. It becomes truly accessible to the user huge selection radio stations that can be conveniently sorted.

Samsung TVs

Which model is most often chosen on the market? Samsung TV (smart TV). The models of this company are by far the most popular. A huge database of applications and extensions makes it possible to view any content. It will not be difficult to find the necessary video or music. A special function will take care of this quick search. There is also an interesting social function that allows you to share your opinions about films. If the user has a 3D model, then the image can be converted to this format. Therefore, it is not in vain that people choose Samsung TV (smart TV). The price starts from 15 thousand rubles.

Internet connection

When you turn it on for the first time, you will be asked to connect via Wi-Fi, cable, or the Internet. But users often miss this opportunity, wanting to quickly try it out through the settings?

There is a special button on the remote control - Settings. When you click on it, a menu will open where you need to find the "Network" tab, and in it - " Network connection". Here you can select the desired wireless network. You will be asked to enter a password to connect. Enter it and click on Ok. If the correct password is entered and the Network is working normally, a connection message should appear. Now the TV has access to the Internet.

Today on store shelves you will see only “smart” technology of the new generation. Smart TV also offers a wide range of products in this range.

What is Smart TV?

Smart TV is the integration of interactive digital services and various Internet resources into televisions, as well as a kind of symbiosis between a computer and a television. Smart systems can to some extent replace a home computer.

Features of smart TVs

A TV using Smart TV is nothing more than a smartphone with a giant display and a significant set of functions. The main feature of this technology is the connection to the Internet, which determines the capabilities of these systems:

  • installation of various games and applications;
  • recording any programs to internal memory or removable media for later viewing at a convenient time on this device;
  • access to Internet resources and the ability to work with various applications;
  • if you have a built-in webcam, full use of Skype for video communication with friends;
  • using the device to listen to audio files, view photos and videos from other media.

The technology also provides a set of additional capabilities:

  • unlimited access to multimedia Internet resources;
  • ability to download games;
  • the choice and viewing time of programs does not depend on the broadcast network;
  • TVs can be controlled by voice and gestures.

Disadvantages of TVs

Despite the diverse capabilities of this technique, you need to pay attention to the following disadvantages:

  • Price. The price of a Smart TV is 25-30% higher compared to a regular LCD TV.
  • Cursor control. The remote control cannot provide the cursor mobility necessary for games; for this purpose it is better to use special manipulators. Gesture and voice control are not yet used in most models.
  • Format of saved information. In the future, files will only be recognized by the Smart TV. Other devices, including computers, do not currently accept this format for displaying information.
  • Limited access to sites. Due to the programs installed in the basic configuration, there are restrictions on access to some sites.

Purchasing a Smart TV is advisable if you plan to actively use Internet resources.

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a Smart TV, you should clearly define the necessary parameters.

The distance from the screen to the viewer is of primary importance. Below is a table summarizing the recommended distances:

Screen diagonal in inches

Screen resolution Full HD (1920 × 1080), m Screen resolution UHD (3840 × 2160), m
40” 1,7
2,1 1,0
55” 2,3

You should also optimally select the following important indicators:

  1. Screen
  • Screen resolution. The detail and quality of the image depends on this indicator. There are three options: 720p, 1080p, 2160p. With a screen size of 40”, this difference is visually felt weakly, but with increasing diagonal it becomes more noticeable, since graininess inevitably increases with increasing image size.
  • Matrix type. The most common and reliable are three main types of panels: liquid crystal, plasma, or panels using LED backlight technology.
  • Viewing angle. This parameter shows at what maximum angle relative to the screen plane you can watch TV without losing image quality. When evaluating this item, you should choose maximum value, ideally this is 180 0.
  • Sweep frequency. This is the intensity of frame changes per unit of time. 200-400 Hz can be considered a good indicator.

  1. Interface

It is necessary to have a Russian-language interface - this increases its accessibility and intuitiveness of perception.

When purchasing, pay attention to the reliability, functionality and convenience of the remote control as the main way to control the smart system. Voice and gesture control functions are present only in technology of the highest price category.

  1. Internet connection

For the TV to fully operate, you need a stable Internet connection, which can be done either via cable or using WiFi. A wireless connection allows you to ensure the mobility of the device, and also does not require laying an Internet cable, which negatively affects the interior of the apartment.

Currently, both the functional and quality parameters of a landline connection and WiFi are practically the same, so using the latter seems preferable.

  1. Availability of USB ports

On TV there are special USB ports for connection external devices: hard drive, flash card, computer mouse, keyboard. In this case, their recognition must occur immediately; delay/ignoring indicates the presence of malfunctions.

  1. Number of HDMI ports

The HDMI port is used to connect peripheral equipment. The possibility of simultaneous integration of a game console, external speaker system and other equipment is due to the number of free HDMI ports. When choosing, consider the HDMI version, latest version – 2.0.

  1. Supported Formats

The most commonly used formats currently: MP4, WMV, MKV, WMA, DivX. There are others, less common. If the TV does not support a particular format, this means that you will not be able to view or listen to the file located on external media.

  1. The most common platforms for device operation

Nowadays the following operating platforms for Smart TV are especially popular:

  • Tizen platform used by the manufacturer Samsung since the beginning of 2015, it is built on the Linux kernel. The Tizen interface uses large buttons at the bottom of the screen, where you can easily select the desired Internet resource or signal source. A remote control is used as a pointer, which is responsible for implementing basic functions and controlling the cursor. The remote control also has a built-in microphone that allows you to give voice commands.

Tizen is an open source platform, so users can not only improve existing ones, but also create their own applications. It is also possible to use wireless protocols for connecting peripheral devices. The Tizen platform is most successfully implemented in Samsung models UE55K6500BUXUA.

  • The Web OS operating system is mainly used by LG Corporation. Business card This platform is to show possible options in the form of a card layout. Like Tizen, the main control is remote, which has the ability to support gesture control mode.

Recent system improvements have improved not only appearance search engine. Now the result of the search engine’s work will be only the selected search engine request.

The Web OS platform is very successfully integrated into the LG OLED55C6V model.

  • Platform Android TV It is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. start page looks like a series of columns, each of which has a specific, strictly regulated purpose:
  • list of recently viewed resources;
  • available applications;
  • list of games;
  • settings menu.

The only serious flaw is that the appearance of the start screen completely blocks the image.

Philips model 55PUS6401 combines all the advantages of the Android TV platform:

  • voice control using the microphone built into the remote control;
  • the ability to install games from the licensed Google online application store;
  • Chromecast technology is supported, with which you can transfer information from smartphones, tablets and other external media.
  1. Basic and additional applications

Regardless of the platform used, there is a certain basic set of applications. They are necessary to ensure correct operation systems cannot be deleted. You can only remove extensions and add-ons that you installed yourself during the operation of the device. Since the platforms are based on open source code, you can create and install applications yourself. Competition between leading smart technology manufacturers such as Samsung, LG and Phillips has led to the fact that applications for various systems not universal.

  1. 3D technology

One of the additional functions of Smart TV is 3D technology. However, at present there is no technical ability to provide full spatial perception. In addition, given the small amount of high-quality Russian-language 3D video, this function somewhat loses its attractiveness.

  1. Possibility of control from a smartphone

The ability to control the TV using various devices not included in the basic package is essential.

Cursor control is one of the most vulnerable areas of smart TVs. Using the standard remote control is not always convenient, and not all models have a multimedia remote control. Then using a tablet or phone as a control element allows you to somewhat simplify the process of moving the cursor. This may be possible if the manufacturer of the smartphone and the TV are the same, then the devices will be compatible.

About necessary and unused functions, about the advantages and disadvantages of Smart TV detailed review real user:

Set-top box or TV

In some cases, purchasing a Smart TV may not be profitable, since an excellent LCD TV is available. A special set-top box will help turn such a TV into a “smart” one. Each console has an individual set of functions, which you can choose according to your needs.

The average cost of a set-top box is approximately 3,000 rubles.

A comparative review of the advantages of a TV and an Android set-top box will be useful for those looking for cheaper options:

TOP 3 best smart TVs 2018

To get a more complete picture of the Smart TV market, let’s take a look at the top three:

  • Third place Philips 55PUS6401 confidently ranks. This model is based on the Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) platform. The basic package includes installation of Google services, availability convenient browser and gaming service. The disadvantages include high cost.

  • Second place belongs to LG OLED55C6V. The upgraded Web OS 3.0 operating system has an intuitive interface that provides easy access to all media resources. A multi-function remote control with gesture control allows you to move the cursor around the screen. Sound and picture settings are located on top level. With an average cost of 120,000 rubles. price/quality ratio is not optimal.

  • First place occupied by Samsung UE49MU6100U, thanks to its low price and the following set of functions: simple control using the Smart Hub interface, a special panel provides quick access to frequently used resources and functions, and the ability to use a smartphone as a remote control.

Which brand and model should I choose?

In addition to the three models that were reviewed, there are many other Smart TVs. Here is a rating of some of them:

Category Place Name Rating, Approximate cost, rub.
The best Smart TVs on the Android TV platform 1 Sony KD-55XE9005 9.9 96 000
2 Philips 55PUS6412/12 9.5 65 000
The best Smart TVs on the Web OS platform (LG) 1 LG55SJ810V 9.9 75 000
2 LG49UJ740V 9.7 50 000
The best Smart TVs on the Tizen platform 1 Samsung UE55MU9000U 9.8 95 000
2 Samsung UE49MU6400U 9.6 50 000
The best Smart TVs running alternative OS 1 Panasonic TX-50EXR700 9.8 75 000
2 Sony KD-49XE7096 9,7 55 000

When choosing a Smart TV model, you should pay attention to:

  • on the convenience and information content of the remote control;
  • evaluate how accessible and intuitive the platform interface is;
  • make sure that the set of basic applications meets your wishes;
  • do not buy a product with functions that you will not use in the future;
  • Special attention You should pay attention to the number of ports for connecting peripheral devices.

Modern TVs become outdated very quickly. technical parameters, so manufacturers of complex household appliances are constantly improving their production and trying to provide the goods they produce with an up-to-date set of services. Smart TV is now installed on almost all modern models of plasma panels. And in order to figure out whether you need a TV equipped with this function, you need to find out what Smart TV is and understand the principle of its operation.

The Smart TV option is an application that allows you to access the Internet and surf it while contemplating the image on the big screen. In addition, options can be controlled using the remote control.

Almost everyone already knows what smart TV is in modern TVs. This function is present in almost every LCD TV produced today.

The principle of operation of this function is quite simple. You should press the button on the remote control with the corresponding inscription, and you will be taken to Smart TV. Then by selecting a specific program, or maybe just by going into the browser, you enter the information you are interested in in the search bar. This input is made using virtual keyboard. You can simply connect via USB cable wireless keyboard or a mouse.

The Smart TV application will give you the following features:

  • Internet access from using Wi-Fi or LAN port.
  • Communication via Skype. Some TV models may have a built-in camera. If the model is not equipped with this device, then it is possible to purchase it yourself.
  • Reading removable USB media.
  • The ability to connect devices such as a tablet, computer, phone or SD card to the TV.
  • Ability to control the device using gestures and voices.
  • You can record programs and movies onto a flash drive.
  • Smart TVs have many built-in playgrounds.

Recently, televisions have been released to which you can connect a keyboard or mouse.

Why is modern TV called “smart”?

Translated from in English In Russian, smart means “smart” and “smart.” Of course, this device itself cannot think - until then, our technology is not yet perfect enough. Smart TV is a TV with Internet that is built into the device, which allows you to use a number of Internet services.

A smart TV is a device that can read files, process them, send and receive using an Internet resource, and do many other interesting things. With such a device you will not get bored. An adventure-filled leisure time is guaranteed.

Many models have a full-featured web browser that allows you to access any website. Smart TVs with 3D format also work successfully.

There are several ways to connect such a TV to the Internet:

  • By using network cable to the LAN port located on the rear panel;
  • Connecting a special Wi-Fi router to USB port, which will receive a signal from a home distribution device;
  • Built-in wifi receiver that will read the Internet directly.

As for the design of the operating system itself, with the help of which “smart television” operates, it can be noted that in most cases all the programs are already installed in it. These usually include online cinemas, channel-TV packages, and widgets for individual TV shows. You can easily download free TV programs of your choice through a special browser or application market. You will have access to Youtube, where you can watch videos, and access to popular social networks. Using the Skype server, you will have the opportunity to make calls on the big screen.

How to choose the right smart TV and which device is better to buy

The advent of Smart TV has made “smart” devices out of TVs familiar to every home. They now have functions similar to computers. Very quickly gaining popularity, smart TVs are not limited to passive broadcasting, but allow you to select a wide variety of functions.

How to choose a smart TV so that it becomes truly useful and practical? Managers in the sales departments of these devices can answer this question, or our article can tell you.

It is easy to see that smart TV really combines the functions of a regular television receiver and the endless capabilities of a personal computer. In order for this multifunctionality to provide full user comfort, you need to choose the right TV with the smart TV function. Correctly assessed device capabilities for high-quality image transmission, as well as the level of implementation of smart technologies will help you not to make mistakes.

When choosing a device, pay attention to the following TV parameters:

  • Screen size;
  • Viewing angles;
  • Matrix type;
  • Permission;
  • Built-in 3D technology;
  • How powerful is the operating system;
  • Number of outputs and connectors;
  • Sweep frequency.

To fully use smart technology, the TV must have a reliable Internet connection, read a variety of file formats, and also include various software.

Which smart TV to choose: selection criteria

In order to understand which smart TV is better to choose, you need to understand what this model different from the usual ones. The answer is simple - Smart TV is a TV that has Internet support.

Which smart TV to choose from the models available on the market? This question can be answered unequivocally - it is better to choose products from well-known brands.

These manufacturers take their products very seriously and monitor the quality of their products. A good reputation is the main motto of these enterprises.

The commercially available models that support smart TV include the following:

  • Philips;
  • Panasonic;
  • Samsung;
  • Supra;
  • Sony;

These manufacturers, in particular Samsung, produce both very expensive TV models and cheaper products that are affordable to everyone. Therefore, having set a goal, you can easily choose the right model for yourself.

Let's look at how to find out if your TV supports smart TV

Smart TV technology makes it possible to use the TV as a separate multimedia center with Internet access. This feature is undoubtedly very attractive and convenient. But you must be prepared for the fact that this TV will be expensive.

How do you know if your TV supports smart TV when choosing a model for your home? The best thing to do is read the instructions and try to understand whether this model has the functions that a product with a built-in smart system should have.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing such an important item for the home, you need to carefully study what a smart system is and have a clear comparison this TV with a regular model that does not support smart, and arm yourself with this knowledge, as they say, to the teeth.

To choose the most good smart TV, you need:

  1. Decide on the size of this TV;
  2. Find out how much money you can pay for it;
  3. Take into account the wishes of all family members regarding the functional content of the model;
  4. Understand which Internet connection will be the main one for the TV;
  5. Decide what panel color you need.

Only after you have a complete knowledge of the smart system and an accurate vision of the TV in your home can you go to shopping mall for purchase.

Functionality: what is smart TV on a TV (video)

When you decide to get a smart TV, first try to understand what exactly it can do and how to use it correctly. After all good friend it's worth paying enough attention to.

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