Yandex browser is not fully installed. Why is it not downloaded through the Yandex browser. Why Yandex.Browser is not installed. Whether to delete the data. How to pause antivirus protection

- one of the popular browsers, which is adapted for many platforms. It is easy to use, as it has a simple and minimalistic interface and a flexible system of settings. Also, this browser is quite fast, as it has an integrated Turbo mode and a built-in ad blocker, and therefore, even with a weak network connection, all pages load quickly. However, despite a number of advantages, the user may encounter a problem when Yandex Browser is not installed on Windows 10 and older builds. And if everything is clear with Windows XP and Vista - assemblies are not supported, then with new Windows versions the situation is incomprehensible. Therefore, we will consider the reasons why there are problems with this software.

Causes of errors when installing Yandex.Browser

If you are faced with the problem when Yandex Browser is not installed on Windows 7 and higher, then you need to find out the cause of the problem before solving the problem.

Among the reasons why Yandex Browser may not install, it is worth highlighting:

  • Installing an old or incompatible version of the program with Windows or Android.
  • No network connection to activate the application.
  • The presence on the computer of the remnants of the old program.
  • Lack of free hard disk space.
  • The presence of viruses on the computer.
  • Damage to the system registry.
  • In addition to these reasons, others are not excluded, which can also affect the performance of the Internet browser.

    How to fix the error when you can't install the Yandex web browser?

    If Yandex Browser is not installed on your PC with voice assistant Alice, then to solve this problem, you should try the following methods.

    First of all, you need to check the speed of your Internet connection, since the process of installing the program on your computer depends on it. Few people know that Yandex Browser is one of the programs that, during installation, send a request to the developer's server to download the latest and compatible version. That little file that the user downloads is not an installation file. This is a file that opens the software entrance to the server and nothing more. Installation using given file impossible.

    However, if the user does not have access to the network, then the developer's website has an offline version of the installer. It weighs up to 90 MB and allows you to install a browser without an Internet connection.

    Therefore, in this case, if you have determined that you have a weak network connection, then you need to either wait until the signal increases, or find and install an offline installer.

    If the reason is not connected to the network, then the installation error of this browser may lie in the operation of a virus application. Therefore, we recommend running a system scan for malware using an antivirus with up-to-date virus databases. Or you can download the healing utility and check hard disks for viruses.

    If there are no viruses on your PC, but you still cannot understand why Yandex cannot be installed, it is worth checking if you may have deleted it incorrectly before old version programs and software entries remained in the registry. You also need to delete all the old browser directories. This will have to be done manually.

    We go to the address and manually delete the following folders:

    • C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser;
    • C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Yandex;
    • C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Yandex;
    • С:\Program Files (x86)\Yandex;
    • C:\Program Files\Yandex.

    After deleting these folders, you must reboot the system and try to install the application again. If it also fails, then the cause of the problem may lie in the registry. It also needs to be cleared of the remnants of old records. To do this, do the following:

    • Press "Win + R" and enter "regedit".

    • The Registry Editor will open. Click "Edit", "Find".

    • In the search field, enter the query "Yandex".

    • The editor will find the settings that belong to the browser. We delete them.

    • After cleaning the registry, you need to reboot the system for the changes to take effect.

    If, after cleaning the registry and deleting old directories, you managed to install the browser, but videos, pictures, etc. do not load or freeze, then there may not be enough free space on your PC. For the normal functioning of Windows itself, you need at least 5 GB of free space. That's why you need to clean local disk so that it has at least 5 gigabytes of free space.

    After cleaning the system, we check the operability of the program or install it if it was not possible before.

    It is important to note that quite often the browser cannot be installed due to lack of Administrator rights or if you are logged in with account guest or another user who does not have permission to do so. Therefore, when installing Yandex.Browser, you should log in with Administrator rights and run the installation with these rights as well. At the same time, you need to temporarily disable the antivirus so that it does not block some program files.

    Thus, these methods above are enough to fix the problem when Yandex.Browser cannot be installed or it does not want to load.

    Today, Yandex Browser is doing well among other browsers. Recently, the number of downloads and installations has increased significantly, which indicates that this web browser is becoming more popular than other browsers. The speed of work and a large number useful features more and more attracted ordinary users, forcing them to change their usual browsers to Yandex Browser. But during installation, many have problems that prevent them from using the privileges of this web browser. It is this problem of the Yandex browser that prevents it from being installed on Windows 7 that we will discuss in this article.

    There can be a large number of reasons why errors appear during browser installation. It all depends on the situation that has developed in your operating system. The most popular causes and how to solve them will be described below.

    In most cases this problem no serious reason. After eliminating the causes, try starting the Yandex Browser installation again.

    Causes of browser installation errors

    • Antivirus programs
    • Windows Firewall
    • Virus programs

    Bad internet connection

    By downloading Yandex Browser from the official site, you do not get an installation distribution, but only a file that, when launched, will download the latest stable version for your operating system. On the one hand, this is good, because you can be sure that you get the latest stable version of the web browser. On the other hand, if you have a poor Internet connection or do not have access to it, then you may not be able to install a browser.

    There can be two solutions to the problem with the Internet connection: establish a connection, or download an offline installer.

    In the event that you decide to install the browser without an Internet connection, then you should use the offline installer option. This method will help you install the browser without having an Internet connection. To download such an installer from the official Yandex Browser website, follow the link:

    Not enough free disk space

    A common cause of an error when installing Yandex Browser on Windows 7 is a lack of disk space. There can be two solutions to such a problem, either remove unnecessary programs and go through the folders deleting junk files, or install the browser on another section (if any).

    To view and delete unnecessary programs in Windows 7, go to "My Computer" and select "Uninstall or change programs" in the navigation bar.

    After that, a window will open in front of you with a list of all the programs that are installed on your computer. I advise you to pay attention to old games or programs that you previously installed and no longer use. To uninstall a program, left-click on it and select "Uninstall" from the menu that appears. After freeing up enough space, try installing the browser again.

    In order to install Yandex browser on another drive, you need to download the offline version of the installation program, as it may prompt you to select the installation path.

    Antivirus programs

    The reason that Yandex Browser gives an error during installation may be the included antivirus program. Very often there are cases when an incorrectly configured, or by itself, anti-virus program can block the installation of programs, or even remove them. .exe files, which of course will not allow you to install a browser on your computer.

    The way out of this situation can be either adding the installation file to the list of exceptions, which will prevent it from blocking or deleting the Yandex browser installation file during installation.

    After the installation is successfully completed, and you can start the Yandex browser, activate anti-virus protection so as not to be susceptible to virus attacks or the installation of unwanted programs.

    How to pause the protection of an anti-virus program:

    ESET NOD32

    In order to temporarily disable protection on this antivirus, you need to click right click mouse on icon antivirus program, which is located in the tray (lower right part of the screen), and select the "Pause protection" item. After that, an anti-virus program window will open with a choice of time for which computer protection will be suspended, select the item that suits us and click "Apply".

    Disabling this anti-virus program like the previous one, you also need to find the icon in the tray, right-click on it and in the window that appears, uncheck the checkboxes opposite the items “Activate Real-Time Protection”, “Activate windows firewall».

    For this antivirus program, right-click on the icon, select "Manage Avast Screens" and in the window that pops up, click on "Disable until computer restarts."


    Everything is as simple as possible here, right-click on the icon and select "Pause protection" in the drop-down menu.

    Windows Defender

    In order to disable the built-in antivirus on Windows 7, open Windows Defender, usually it is also located in the tray as a shield icon, after opening the window, go to the "Settings" tab, select "Administrator" and uncheck "Enable application".

    Windows Firewall

    The Windows firewall can also prevent the installation of Yandex Browser by closing the ports on which it connects to the download server latest version, or completely block the installation program, which ultimately causes installation errors. the best way The solution to this problem will be to temporarily disable the firewall, but after a successful installation, you need to enable it back.

    In order to disable the firewall, you need to go to the control panel, to do this, open the start menu and select "Control Panel". Next, in the window that opens, select "Windows Defender Firewall". In the firewall control window, go to the "Change notification settings" tab.

    In the window that opens, check the two items "Turn off the firewall", then click "OK".

    After that, we try to start the Yandex browser installation again.

    Not completely removed past version

    It may be that you have previously installed Yandex Browser, but were forced to remove it and did it wrong. This is what could be the reason why a new version The browser gives an error during installation. In this situation, you must completely uninstall the program.

    After that, a window with registry keys will open, here we need to launch the search panel by pressing the F3 button. In the field that opens, write keyword search "yandex" and click "Find next".

    When an entry is found, right-click on it and select "Delete". After deleting this entry, press the F3 key again and search further. We do this until there are no records left.

    After deleting all entries, we try to install Yandex Browser again.

    Virus programs

    There are often cases when malware or viruses on your computer prevent some programs from being installed. To scan and remove viruses on your computer, use free program Dr.Web CureIt.

    After the scan is completed and all suspicious files found are deleted, install the browser again.


    The solution to this problem is individual for everyone, in the article we tried to describe the most common causes and solutions to the error when installing Yandex browser on Windows 7. If nothing helped, then you can leave comments, and we will supplement the article with a solution to your problem individually.

    Many of us use different browsers. So, it’s probably no secret to anyone that there are various errors when working with them. Today we will look at why an error occurs during the installation of Yandex Browser, and how it is fixed.

    We solve the problem with installing the browser

    Someone installs Google Chrome, someone likes Mozilla, but your choice fell on Yandex Browser. Let's say you downloaded it and start installing it, but suddenly something goes wrong and the installation fails. There are several reasons for this.

    Not enough space

    Or maybe the installation fails due to the fact that there is not enough space on the hard disk? Check it. If so, then you need to do the following:

    Incorrectly uninstalled previous version

    Maybe you deleted it wrong previous version Yandex Browser. Then you should visit the following folders and clean them up:

    • C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser;
    • C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Yandex;
    • C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Yandex;
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Yandex;
    • C:\Program Files\Yandex.

    Often this is enough.

    Computer is infected with viruses

    Also, as an option, your computer is infected, which prevents normal installation. You can download free utility to check your PC.

    That's all. Now you know for what reasons Yandex Browser gives an error during installation and you can fix them. I hope my article helped you and you share it in in social networks and also leave a comment.

    is not only a tool for displaying sites, but also a tool for downloading files from the network to a computer. Today we will analyze the main reasons why Yandex.Browser does not download files.

    A variety of factors can affect the inability to download information from Yandex.

    Reason 1: Not enough hard disk space

    Perhaps the most common reason why a file cannot be saved to a computer.

    Open Windows Explorer under "This computer", and then check the status of the disks: if they are highlighted in red, then you have a severe shortage of free space.

    In this case, you have two options for getting out of the situation: either save the files to a free local disk, or free up space on the current disk so that it is enough to download the file.

    Reason 2: Slow network speed

    Please also note that if your Internet connection is intermittent, the download will be interrupted, but the browser will not be able to resume it. In addition, download problems will be observed not only in Yandex, but also in any other web browser on the computer.

    If you suspect that it is the “bad” Internet that is affecting the inability to download a file to your computer, if possible, connect to a different network to confirm or refute this guess. If the file was successfully downloaded when connected to another network, then you need to take care of improving or changing your Internet connection.

    Reason 3: No specified folder for downloading files

    By default, Yandex.Browser has a standard folder for uploading files "Downloads", but as a result of a failure in the web browser or user actions, the folder may be replaced, for example, with a non-existent one, which is why the download of files cannot be performed.

    Reason 4: Profile folder corruption

    All information about the browser is stored on the computer in a special profile folder. This folder stores information about user settings, history, cache, cookies and other information. If for some reason the profile folder has been corrupted, this may cause you to be unable to download files from your web browser.

    In this case, the solution may be to delete the current profile.

    Please note that deleting a profile will erase all user information stored in the browser. If you do not have data synchronization activated, we recommend setting it up so that all information is not irretrievably lost.

    Reason 5: viral activity

    It's no secret that the vast majority of viruses are aimed specifically at damaging the browser. If the files on the computer from the Yandex web browser do not want to be downloaded, and in general the browser itself is unstable, we strongly recommend that you check the system for virus activity on your computer.

    Reason 6: Incorrect browser operation

    Actually, just as the previous reason can become the main factor in the incorrect operation of the browser, so can the conflict of other programs, system failures, and more. If the browser does not work correctly, it must be reinstalled.

    Reason 7: download blocked by antivirus

    Today, many anti-virus programs are quite aggressive in relation to browsers, taking their activities as a potential threat.

    1. To check if your antivirus is the culprit of the problem we are considering, simply pause it and then try to download the files to your computer again.
    2. If the download was successful, you will need to access the antivirus settings, where, depending on the manufacturer, you may need to allow downloading files in Yandex.Browser or not at all this program add to the exclusion list so that the antivirus program does not block the activity of the web browser.

    Reason 8: System failure

    In rare cases, the inability to download files to the computer can be adversely affected by the operating system itself, which for various reasons may not work correctly.

    As you can see, there are enough ways to solve the problem with downloading files from Yandex.Browser. We hope these recommendations were useful to you, and you were able to return the popular web browser to normal operation.

    It should be noted that Yandex browser often updates features and launches the latest version.

    Many users use various programs in order to view interesting web pages on the Internet.

    But if you have a desire to install a new browser, then you will have to download the browser from the official portal. Experts say that in this way, you can protect your computer from the invasion of malicious viruses.

    This article details the methods for establishing a Yandex browser. Due to certain reasons, a problem occurs in the system and, accordingly, the browser is not installed. This may happen due to internet connection problems, insufficient hard disk space, system boot failure installation files, virus attack on Personal Computer, incorrect removal of the previous version.

    When you go to the official portal, you need to download the file presented in this system. After starting the process and installing the software, the system crashes. If you are experiencing problems with Internet access, then it is better to resolve this issue and then download the update. Since the installation process may be interrupted at any time and you will not be able to install this application.

    Experts advise Yandex browser users to use the offline version. This installer will install software even with poor internet connection. An offline version is available on this official portal

    After clicking on the link, you can easily install a browser that will boot automatically.

    When there is not enough free space on your computer, you need to take the following measures. First you need to empty the trash, as well as disks, delete files manually, and uninstall the program. To run the utility to clear the HDD, you will have to go to special program, which is called "Windows Explorer". The shortcut that is on the desktop and the quick access bar will allow you to find the option.

    By clicking on the disk icon where OS, you need to go to the "Clear" option. At this time, the system is scanning the selected object for certain information. Therefore, by deleting unnecessary information on your computer, you can run any other program. Accordingly, you will have to tick off all the links that will no longer be needed in the future and click on "Cleaning".

    Whether to delete data

    A specially created recycle bin will allow you to delete unnecessary files, but with a guarantee of recovering a specific document. This function exists for the category that wants to recover information in the future. It should be noted that while the data is in the trash, you will not be able to use disks that are overloaded. In this case, you will have to completely empty the trash or delete a certain part of unnecessary files.

    In order to free a personal computer, you can use another method.

    When you go to the download directory, you can view in detail the files that occupy a certain place. Then, you need to open the "start" option, go to the control panel and run the "Uninstall a program" utility.

    The computer is infected with viruses, what to do

    Very often, users complain that the computer is infected with a huge number of viruses. In this case, you will have to install an antivirus program and then thoroughly clean your computer of malicious information. After completing all these steps, you can easily install the software and take advantage of the latest features.

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