Why do you need a postal code? Postal code is important! What is it and what is it for?

You are mistaken if you think that it is not necessary to write an index on the envelope. It is no less important than the address or last name of the recipient. Even more detailed description information about the addressee does not guarantee that he will receive your message quickly and in a timely manner.

It is no coincidence that the indexing system was created back in 1970 and successfully existed throughout this time. Of course, it has changed more than once over these 40 years, but it has always served its main purpose - to help sort messages so that they reach their recipients as quickly as possible.

The modern index is an integral part of the address. If previously postal employees were responsible for sorting items, today sorting machines do it for them. This not only speeds up the entire process, but also eliminates errors. Case in point: a high-tech sorting machine processes 42,000 letters per hour, while an experienced sorter can only sort 3,000 letters per shift.

With the opening of automated sorting centers (in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in the future throughout the country), it is the correct spelling of the index numbers that helps sorting machines with a scanning device determine to which region the message should be sent.

Regardless of what you are sending - a letter, a parcel or a parcel, it is imperative to ensure that the index is written correctly.

An index is just six digits that cover all objects postal service Russia. The first three digits of the index indicate belonging to a region (city, region or region), and the last three indicate the number of the local post office serving a specific address.

Therefore, clearly writing the index numbers in a specially designated place will allow the laser device of sorting machines to quickly determine the region of dispatch, which in turn will allow your shipment to reach the recipient as quickly as possible.

If you do not know the post office code of your addressee, you can check it with the addressee himself, as well as at any post office or on the Russian Post website

www.russianpost.ru in the “Search for postal facilities” section. Simply enter the desired address in a special column and you will find out the index of the post office serving this address.

The index can be written in any color of ink except red, yellow and green. These colors laser device will not be able to scan.

Envelope manufacturers indicate how to write the index numbers correctly along the dotted lines.

You can also familiarize yourself with the rules for filling out the index numbers at the post office; Russian Post employees can check whether you wrote it correctly. You can also see the rules for writing an index on the Russian Post website in the “Correct execution of postal items” section. Impeccable adherence to them guarantees the speedy delivery of your letter and the receipt of pleasant emotions by the recipient.

Conventional digital designation of a postal address assigned to a postal facility;... Source: the federal law dated July 17, 1999 N 176 Federal Law (as amended on December 6, 2011) On postal services... Official terminology

postcode- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general EN zip code...

postcode- 296 postal code: Conventional digital designation of a postal address assigned to a postal service facility. Source: GOST R 53801 2010: Federal communications. Terms and definitions original document... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

- (postal code) a system of digital (sometimes including letters) designation of communication enterprises, which greatly facilitates the sorting of boxes. and allowing it to be mechanized and automated (see POST PROCESSING MACHINES). P. and. in the last 3... ... Large philatelic dictionary

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- No. 1923, plying on ... Wikipedia

- (lat. index list, register, index) a number, letters or other combination of symbols indicating the place of an element in the aggregate or characterizing the state of some system, for example an indicator of activity, productivity, development, ... ... Wikipedia

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How many people wonder what a postal code is and what it is for? This digital code is most often used automatically by most people when sending parcels and letters, and when making numerous purchases over the Internet. Its importance is often realized only when, due to an incorrectly written index, a long-awaited package goes missing or an important letter takes too long to arrive.

What is it and what is it for?

A postal code is a special combination of numbers established by Russian law, which is indicated on a letter, postcard, parcel or order form. With its help, the work of the post office is optimized: the amount of manual labor is minimized, sorting efficiency is increased, delivery is accelerated, the risk of errors when moving parcels and letters is reduced, and the likelihood that mailing will receive the correct destination.

Indexes are written in special angular numbers; this format is easier to read by computers. For the convenience of the sender, letters and forms contain samples of writing numbers, as well as a form of thin dotted lines. Therefore, to fill out this column you do not need special skills, just accuracy and attentiveness. It must be remembered that an error or lack of an index can lead to the loss of the shipment or its severe delay. Numbers can be written in ink of any color, excluding green, red and yellow.


At all times, people exchanged messages. Life sometimes depended on the speed and accuracy of information transfer. Signal lights, fleet-footed messengers, dogs, birds, passing caravans and ships were used. The Persians formed lines of thousands of people, placing them within earshot. Using roll call, messages were transmitted over long distances. Carrier pigeons were particularly accurate, with a phenomenal ability to find their home.

An evolutionary leap forward was the introduction of the telegraph in the first half of the 19th century. But he still could not cope with the information flow of rapidly developing humanity. The postal services could not cope with it either; they needed obvious improvements. The invention of the postal code helped cope with the growing volumes of letters and parcels. This elegant solution streamlined the work of mail, and over time played a role in its automation.

Indexation in Russia

Postal indexing first appeared in the USSR in 1932. Experimental use of the index began in Soviet Ukraine and continued successfully until 1939, when World War II broke out. The indices were canceled, apparently for national security reasons.

The second time they began to be used throughout Soviet Union. In 1971, a global indexation of the entire country was carried out. Numbers were assigned to each post office. From now on, on every parcel, greeting card or letter, the sender was required to indicate a digital index. This was done largely due to the fact that postal services began to use advanced machines at that time to process items.

How is it decrypted?

In the form in which the index is used now, it was approved in 1998. Postal divisions in our country correspond to administrative divisions. Today, the Russian postal code is a natural sequence of six digits, format AAAABBB. AAA is a numeric code that is assigned to cities of republican, regional or regional significance. Large federal subjects and megacities have several codes. BBB is a numeric code that is assigned to each post office in a particular city.

For illustration. The following information is encrypted in the index 414042: 414 - Astrakhan city code, 042 - post office No. 42, which is located on Bumazhnikov Avenue and serves houses in the district. Other examples: 685007, 685 - Magadan code, 007 - post office No. 7, serving houses on Ammonalnaya Street; 241027, 241 - Bryansk code, 027 - post office serving buildings on K. Marx Square.

How to find out postal code?

In our age of the developed Internet, this is easy to do. There are three common ways to determine a zip code.

  1. First. Call or go to the post office. This method is suitable if you need to find out the index of a specific branch that is located nearby. However, at the post office, employees will give information about any address, because they have the corresponding directories.
  2. Second. Use the help program. Convenient and detailed program is 2GIS. With its help, you can quickly determine the address of almost any building in Russia. To find out what postal code you have the right house, you just need to find it on the map and click on it.
  3. Third. The simplest and quick way- use any search engine on the Internet to find a directory indicating all Russian postal codes. The main thing is to find a recent reference book. The fact is that there are a lot of indexes; changes are constantly taking place in their database, which are not significant, but it is still advisable to use the most up-to-date information to eliminate errors.

And remember that the index must always be specified. This affects the speed of delivery of the item.

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