Achievements of science and technology in the world. Blog “promising developments, R&D, inventions. Japan: technology, development and innovation in the world

Astronomers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have denied the existence of alien civilizations, the presence of which could be indicated by the organohalogen freon. It turned out that this gas is located near the relatively recently born star IRAS 16293-2422 in the constellation Ophiuchus, as well as in the thin atmosphere of Comet Churyumov.

2017-10-09 584 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

How popular drones will cope in such a confined space is another question. Imagine if your train carriage was speeding through a tunnel at the same speed as a commercial jetliner. The site was selected with the aim of starting test runs in two years. Entrepreneur Arthur Kay's big idea is to use his company, Biobeans, to turn 85% of coffee waste into biofuel to heat buildings and power food.

One day, forest fires could be controlled by drones aircraft, which will make loud noises in the trees below. Since sound is made up of pressure waves, it can be used to destroy the air surrounding a fire, essentially cutting off the oxygen supply to the fuel. At the right frequency, the fire simply dies out, as researchers at George Mason University in Virginia recently demonstrated with their sonic fire extinguisher. Apparently bass frequencies work best.

American and Australian scientists have shown that the cause of caries is not genetic predisposition, but an unhealthy lifestyle and improper oral care. The study was published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe. Specialists took oral swabs from twins aged 5-11..

2017-09-19 4519 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Cut off the head of a flatworm and it will grow new. Cut it in half and you have two new worms. Fire some radiation and it will repair itself. Scientists have long wanted to develop mechanisms, but the secret eluded them. By analyzing and simulating countless scenarios, the computer was able to solve the mystery of flatworm regeneration in just 42 hours. In the end, he prepared a comprehensive model of how the flatworm's genes allow it to regenerate.

If you want to travel into space, your fastest bet may be to take a hot air balloon. Technically, "space" is defined as 100 km above sea level, but 32 km is high enough to indicate the curvature of the Earth, as Felix Baumgartner did in his jump into space.

Although it has been called the "female Viagra," flibanserin works in different ways: Viagra works by increasing blood flow to the penis, while flibanserin acts on serotonin receptors in the brain.

Experts from Sweden and Denmark have 3D printed a detailed model of Agnostus pisiformis, an invertebrate that lived about 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period. The reconstructed animal belongs to trilobites - one of the oldest extinct arthropods that inhabited the ancient seas. This is reported...

2017-09-19 4487 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Its creators say it increases sexual satisfaction, but critics question the drug's safety and effectiveness. Drivers using this system may be offered lower insurance premiums.

Swallowing seawater is part of surfing. They're looking for antibiotic-resistant bacteria known as superbugs: By studying samples from surfers, they hope to learn more about these potentially dangerous organisms in hopes of producing new drugs to combat them.

American scientists have predicted the onset of a climate catastrophe by 2100. The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reports the Daily Mail. The scientists’ work provides estimates of the impact of rising average annual temperatures on the habitability conditions of the Earth, in total scientists..

2017-09-19 4440 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Owners can have a personality automatically selected to suit their needs, or choose one based on a fictional character or even a loved one. The report argues that we are guided by "use by" and "best before" dates on food packaging, which are stored conservatively because they are driven by stores' desire to avoid lawsuits. Originally designed for blind people, it is a tag that starts out smooth to the touch but becomes more bitey as food breaks down.

NASA researchers recorded the “sounds” of plasma waves using EMFISIS electric and magnetic field measuring devices installed on two Van Allen probes, spacecraft designed to study the Earth's radiation belts. EMFISIS sensors recorded changes in the electrical and magnetic fields surrounding the probes.

And since it breaks down at the same rate as any protein food inside, it is much more accurate than printed dates. We've almost become accustomed to the idea of ​​self-driving cars before we've even seen one on the roads. In truth, you may well see a lot more driverless trucks - after all, logistics makes the world go round. They will be cheaper to operate than conventional drilling rigs, running smoother and using less fuel. Computers never get tired or need comfortable breaks, so they will take longer routes.

2017-08-02 13646 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists at Ohio State University created ice with a nearly perfect cubic lattice and obtained X-ray images of the crystals. The diffraction pattern, which shows how radiation incident on ice is scattered, resembles the phenomenon of a halo - luminous concentric rings in the sky. The researchers concluded that the atmospheric...

And they could ride in convoys, from stem to tail, to minimize wind resistance. On the other hand, this could cause drivers to immediately stop working and even staff on the truck to stop to serve them, but many companies have said that trucks still need a human passenger to ensure the safety of their cargo. Is there a tattoo you now regret? A gentler, cheaper alternative to laser removal may soon be available.

Your brain types like a password

He developed a cream that delivers drugs to white blood cells called "macrophages", causing them to release the mascara they used to protect your skin during the tattoo.

30% of us have trouble sleeping, but help may be at hand. Their work could help unravel the science of sleep disorders.

Could your brain function act as your computer's password? A team from Binghamton University, New York, looked at how volunteers' brain signals changed when they read a list of abbreviations.

2017-07-14 16238 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

American scientists have named an effective way to prolong life in adulthood. The corresponding study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and was briefly reported by Harvard University (USA). Experts have shown that a gradual transition to a healthy diet based on the consumption of whole grain products...

Each person responded differently so the system could predict who was reading the list with 94 percent accuracy. If you've heard about the death of the Hindenburg, you're probably questioning the wisdom of shooting at huge passenger balloons filled with flammable gas. But modern airships are filled with helium, not hydrogen, and can fly thousands of kilometers while burning less fuel than an airplane. The first airships received government subsidies to investigate whether they could replace long-distance cargo and cargo ships, but the company also has more ambitious plans for tourism.

2017-07-14 16826 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

British scientist Stephen Hawking believes that in the next 30 years humanity should begin migrating from Earth. The physicist spoke about this at the Starmus IV International Festival of Science and Arts, which takes place in the Norwegian city of Trondheim. This was reported by The Telegraph. According to the scientist,..

By then, 80 percent of us will live in cities, and most of the food we eat in urban areas is introduced. Thus, farms moored on the seashore or inland lakes close to cities will undoubtedly reduce food miles. These nutrients and plant matter fall into the bottom fish feeding layer, which is processed in a confined space.

It turns out that working less can mean getting more work done. The fruit of research has shown that with less time working, less time is wasted - there is less absenteeism and, in most cases, higher productivity.

2017-06-22 16705 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Physicist Rene Heller from the Max Planck Institute for Research solar system(Germany) estimated the time during which humanity can reach the ten stars closest to the Sun. A preprint of the study is available in the editorial office of To reach the nearest ten stars, humanity..

It has also been shown that more compact work week encourages employees to stay with companies longer and works as a recruitment tool. A shorter workweek could even reduce global carbon emissions, with fewer commuters on some days.

Zimov will study the impact of animals on the environment and climate. Most people in the Western world have two things: a refrigerator and a mobile phone. And aerogels could revolutionize the production of both. Airgel is a material filled with tiny holes. Made by extracting all the liquid from the gel, it can be up to 95 percent of the pores. These pores are so small - 20 to 50 nanometers - that gas molecules cannot squeeze through them. As a result, aerogels are unable to transport heat, creating a material with incredible insulating properties.

2017-05-24 23151 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

The Chinese inhabited deep-sea bathyscaphe Jiaolong began its dive into the Challenger Deep, the deepest point on the Earth's surface, located in the Mariana Trench. The Xinhua agency reported this on Tuesday, May 23. The bathyscaphe will descend into the oceanic trench from the Xiangyanghong-09 research vessel..

The unusual electrical properties of aerogels also make them suitable as lightweight antennas for mobile phones, satellites and aircraft. It's a bit like trying to figure out the size and shape of a building based on the shadow it casts: you can work in reverse direction from the shape of the shadow to guess the size of the building. When X-rays are transmitted through a crystal, some of the X-rays are bent or propagated by the atoms in the crystal. You can then extrapolate back from the locations of the deflected x-rays to figure out the relative locations of the crystal's atoms. known as X-ray crystallography, and it had a profound impact on the course of science by providing pictures of molecular structures.

2017-05-24 22896 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Astronomers using the ASKAP radio interferometer, nicknamed the “Eye of Sauron,” have detected fast radio bursts of a rare type, the source of which is unknown. The Daily Mail reports this. The signals caught by the tool last only a few milliseconds. Scientists have determined that they come from the constellation...

This picture convinced Watson and Crick that the molecule was a double helix and indicated the arrangement of atoms within the helix. Of course, new technologies tend to be cost-effective and thus can make jobs redundant. And there are signs that we are facing further rationalization through new technologies. Especially in the service sector, such as banks and insurance companies, operational efficiency information technologies from a labor saving point of view, appears to be increasingly used after a later stage of implementation.

2017-05-24 22544 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Radiated water is a potential habitat for alien microorganisms. This was discovered by scientists from the University of Texas at San Antonio, who modeled the process of hydrogen oxide decay during radiolysis. They determined whether this produced compounds that could be used by bacteria. ..

However, it is also certain that eliminating their employment will reduce competitiveness and therefore lead to unevenly higher professional losses. Opportunities for new employment will be blocked. Global competition leaves us no choice. However, modernization offers a competitive company the opportunity to build new fields and services.

The use of new technologies is not only labor-intensive, but also saves capital. This means that each new generation of products becomes less expensive. Especially in the field of information technology, this seems almost to be the rule. This is one of the reasons why the production of information technology devices is now returning to Germany. In light of the rapid decline in prices for these goods, in some cases it is more profitable to produce them close to the market than to accept the loss of value during longer transport, for example, from Southeast Asia.

2017-05-24 22523 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

The Chinese company Greatmetal has built a prototype of a manned combat robot Monkey King and presented it at the G-Festival in Beijing. Engadget tells briefly about the new robot; the video was published on the Megabots channel. Manned humanoid robots (also humanoid combat robots, humanoid robots) are a popular weapon..

2017-05-03 18045 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

According to a study by scientists from the University of Texas, lattice neurons in human brain form a system more adaptive to the environment than that of other mammals. The study was published in PNAS. Along with place neurons, head direction neurons, boundary neurons and speed neurons, neurons...

2017-05-03 17869 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

French and Chilean seismologists have predicted that the strongest earthquake on the planet will occur in the area of ​​Santiago (Chile) in the next few decades. The minimum magnitude of the tremors is estimated to be 8.3. The corresponding study was published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science.

2017-05-03 14079 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists from the United States have found that energy drinks are more dangerous than most other drinks containing caffeine. The corresponding study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, briefly reported by the American Heart Association. Experts concluded that energy drinks, compared to other caffeine-containing drinks, increase...

2017-04-30 14747 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Brazilian scientists have found that strength training can prevent the deterioration of cognitive abilities and motor coordination caused by excess consumption of monosodium glutamate (E621). The corresponding study was published in the journal Experimental Physiology, briefly reported by the Physiological Society. To similar...

2017-04-30 14638 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists from the USA and Canada have created mathematical model time machines. The researchers' article was published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, writes ScienceAlert. According to experts, it is a “box” or “bubble” that allows passengers inside it to travel back in time..

2017-04-30 10758 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

American scientists have improved a microscopy technique based on physically increasing the size of brain samples. In its current form, it allows the structures that form the synapse to be visualized using a conventional light microscope. The method is described in the journal Nature Methods. Visualization using light microscopy is limited by diffraction.

2017-04-19 12494 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists from Canada and the USA discovered that one of the rivers in North America disappeared in 2016. The corresponding study was published in the journal Nature Geoscience. Experts discovered that in 2016, the Slims River, located in the Yukon, the waters of which flowed in the northern...

Projects whose implementation has not yet begun or is in the early stages of implementation, new developments, R&D...

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Photo: courtesy of the SPbPU press service.

A prototype of the first domestic device, which uses ultrasound to diagnose and remove a cancerous tumor at an early stage, was invented by scientists from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU). The device removes the tumor without surgery. It is planned to be used for ablation (destruction) of tumors in the mammary, thyroid glands, kidneys, liver and other organs.

“The non-invasive method allows us to avoid surgical scars and postoperative complications,” Alexander Berkovich, head of the “Medical Ultrasound Equipment” laboratory at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, told RIA Novosti. He explained that the device detects a tumor using a diagnostic scanner, and then uses a special force sensor to emits directed ultrasound, which destroys the tumor.

In Yekaterinburg, local engineers created a Mars rover, which is a self-propelled 3D printer and is controlled using a simple joystick. The model is equipped with a manipulator arm, and the device also has cameras that broadcast video online.

The “right” and “left” buttons allow you to direct it in different directions, but the developers plan to completely exclude a person from this process, making the device not only mobile, but also as independent as possible.

The world's first self-propelled printing press is the brainchild of the director of a local cement plant. Before thinking about exploring the Red Planet, Rinat Brylin arranged the life of a “watchman.” Under the slogan “Winter is coming,” he built a copy of the Winterfell watchtower from the popular American series “Game of Thrones” from scratch.

“You don’t need to be, so to speak, on the outskirts! You need to be at the epicenter of all these events! And take some small specific steps to implement some crazy projects, I think! This is a crazy project!” said the inventor of the 3D printer, Rinat Brylin.

  • OJSC All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys has developed and prepared for certification high-strength and high-heat-resistant granulated nickel alloys of the following grades: VV752P And VV753P with fundamentally new characteristics. The work was carried out within the framework of the federal target program for the creation of engines for the advanced long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) according to the technical specifications of PJSC Kuznetsov. Certification of alloys begins in the 2nd half of 2017. Upon completion in 2018, the alloys will be used to produce blanks for compressor disks and turbines of the new engine.

  • Scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Federal University and Moscow state university offered new way formation of a photonic crystal structure with improved spectral characteristics. These crystals are used in smartphones and gadgets, and this method will reduce their cost, the press service of the regional government reported on Friday.

    “The method proposed by our group allows us to replace a combination of several filters with just one element. As a result, light loss on optical elements is reduced. The device becomes lighter, more compact and cheaper. This provides ample opportunities for integrating elements into existing devices, including various gadgets and smartphones, the market of which is constantly growing, and the functionality is expanding,” said Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky KSC SB RAS Andrey Vyunyshev.

    As noted in the report, multilayer dielectric mirrors and filters are created based on photonic crystals, which are used in spectral equipment. Its disadvantage today is its large dimensions and high cost.

    The work was supported by a joint grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Sciences and the Regional Science Foundation. The results of the study were published in the authoritative scientific journal Optics Letters.

  • Scientists from NUST MISIS have developed a material on the basis of which it is possible to create a wear-resistant and easily implemented replacement for bones, joints and muscles.

    The main issue when introducing a material into the body is its safety. Some substances are toxic, some are simply rejected by the body. Research has shown that so far only artificial polyethylene with very long molecules can be the basis for an artificial joint. But its main disadvantage is low wear resistance. Scientists from NUST MISIS reinforced polyethylene with carbon nanotubes, which doubled the wear resistance. According to calculations, the service life of such an implant will be more than 15 years.

  • The silent unmanned glider “Sea Shadow” has successfully passed tests in the Baltic Sea, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the head of the defense research and development department of St. Petersburg State Medical University Igor Kozhemyakin.

    The device is able to overcome currents using a propeller. At the same time, it is almost impossible to track this device - it moves, creating virtually no noise. According to Kozhemyakin, the tests took place in August in the Baltic Sea. The glider is an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle driven by hydrodynamic forces due to changes in buoyancy.

    It was previously reported that the “Sea Shadow” is capable of staying underwater for up to six months, transmitting hydrographic information to the shore.

  • JSC "High-Speed ​​Railways" (a subsidiary of JSC "Russian Railways") announced an open competition for "the right to enter into an agreement for the provision of services for the development of a business plan and project passport for the organization of high-speed railway communication from Yekaterinburg to Chelyabinsk." The initial contract price is 5.9 million rubles, according to the official government procurement website.

    According to the tender documentation, the goal of the work is to determine the optimal scenario for the implementation of the project" and the participation of JSC Russian Railways in it. To do this, the contractor must analyze the "macroeconomic environment and economic-geographical characteristics" of the area of ​​​​the proposed construction of the expressway (SM), describe the planned route , as well as potential artificial structures required for the construction of the road.

  • The Ministry of Defense plans to improve its specialized Baguette OS by November 2019 by releasing its new release - version 4.0. The ministry is ready to spend 420.7 million rubles on this. It is this amount that was declared as the initial contract price in the competitive procedure for selecting a supplier launched by the department on September 21, 2017. Applications will be accepted until October 12, with evaluation scheduled for November 1.

    On-board digital Calculating machine BCVM "Baguette-53-31M series 1" produced by Ramenskoye Instrument-Making Design Bureau JSC, using operating system real-time RT OS "Baguette 3.0"

  • Russian Center named after. Keldysh has developed a new electric rocket engine that will be installed on spacecraft. Its production will begin in the near future, the head of the electrophysics department of the Center told reporters at the International Astronautical Congress on Monday. Keldysh Alexander Lovtsov.

    “The world’s first 800-volt machine, the KM-75, was developed by us. The 800-volt engine is fully qualified and its production will begin in the near future, a prototype has been qualified,” Lovtsov said, clarifying that the production of such an engine takes a year.

    He recalled that another engine produced by the Keldysh Center - KM-60 - with a voltage of 500 volts has been flying on a Russian military satellite for almost three years. “We are developers - from start to finish, from research and development to the finished engine that is on board the device,” explained Lovtsov.

  • The Krylov State Scientific Center presented a project for a rudder propeller (RPC) with an electric motor in the gondola. The product is being created under the import substitution program for Arc5 ice class vessels.

  • 2024 How it works. Iron. Mining. Cryptocurrency.