Bibisi watch live online in Russian. BBC documentaries online

The mere mention of this brand inspires confidence in the viewer. The British corporation is perhaps the most successful in the international television arena. BBC broadcasts are changing the mindset, setting a new level and making their competitors pretty nervous.

Friends, we are glad to present you films of absolutely different genres and directions. Of course, we are aware that it is difficult to occupy the niche of such giants as Discovery and National Geographic, but even without this the films of the British corporation are simply impressive.

The plot of the raid includes him and several other people, including the famous Russian musician and actor Stanislav Baretsky. The humiliating raid continues, revealing that a vigilant gang is pushing alleged prostitutes to the floor while holding their knees in front of the womens backs.

Datsik also turns the woman's hand while it hurts. The videos have sparked outrage in Russia, claiming the former kickboxer is a "psychopath." One of the Internet viewers named Kateriak said: He was placed in two mental hospitals and then sent to prison. Psychics don't end up in prisons in Russia.

BBS documentary is the best way to find out the most interesting

You have great opportunity visually move to another country, mainland, part of the globe, and even visit outside of it. We have the opportunity to see stunning footage from the most incredible events. We can become direct participants in the process. Be it stories about space or UFOs, technology or technology, disasters, politics, travel ... Moreover, our team has selected the best of the best masterpieces, therefore, schoolchildren, students, and people already working will be interested in replenishing their knowledge in the field of mathematics, geography , physics, chemistry, geology, paleontology and many other sciences. But here it is not like at school, friends! Here everything is much more interesting. BBC actively cooperates with renowned world historians, museologists, filmmakers and many other cultural and scientific figures. That is why an excursion into different eras awaits you. We will be able to learn about the work of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, the exploits of Alexander the Great and the foolishness of Peter the Great. You will learn much more with us.

Another user, Sergei added: If he brought a naked pimp to the police station, that would be cool. Besides, this is pure humiliation. Police are currently investigating the kickboxer, who already has a criminal record, through two videos, but no arrests have been made so far.

Another user, Sergei added: If he brought a naked pimp to the police station, that would be cool. Besides, this is pure humiliation. Police are currently investigating the kickboxer, who already has a criminal record, through two videos, but no arrests have been made so far.

Astronomers plan to observe in March a rare phenomenon - absorption black hole giant gas cloud inside the galaxy Milky Way... The doomed cloud G2, a space object three times heavier than Earth, is moving inexorably towards the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy known as Sagittarius A. It is located 26 thousand light-years from our planet. The gas cloud, which, according to the ingenious definition of astronomers, will become the most satisfying dinner for a black hole in centuries, will come close to it in the spring of this year, and the rarest spectacle of absorption will be marked by an incredible cosmic fireworks, powerful flares of X-rays. In anticipation, astronomers from the European Southern Observatory have already created a computer simulation of what it might look like. But in reality, the picture may turn out to be even more impressive. It all depends on what's inside the cloud. If there is mainly hydrogen, then flashes, radiation can last for years.

The twentieth century was a century of technological breakthrough - fundamental changes in means, technologies, organization and management of production. It was the twentieth century, when the economy began to decline, and the world was turned upside down by two world wars and dozens of local wars, that became the century of amazing discoveries, thanks to which mankind acquired almost unlimited possibilities. The most unusual and insane discoveries, inventions and records of the twentieth century in the cycle "This mad, mad twentieth century!" produced by the Air Force.

The history of the car dates back to the distant 18th century with the creation of steam-powered machines capable of transporting a person. Gradually, the car evolved from steam to electric, and then to a car with an internal combustion engine. The most rapid development in automotive technology has occurred in the last century. In the documentary and educational cycle "Cars" produced by the Air Force, we offer you an overview of the most famous car models of the 20th century.

Every day, after sunset, a beautiful panorama of the starry sky opens up to our eyes. There are countless stars and each of them has its own history. Flare up, and create new world around you! To then become a monster, and destroy everything created! Get scared, shrink, disappear! To rise again ... even stronger! This is a story about the most controversial miracle of nature - about the stars!

On the night of October 1, 1950, five high-ranking officials of the CPSU were executed in Leningrad. They successfully led the administration of the city during the most difficult 900 days of the blockade. Why did Stalin punish those who survived the long blockade, people who did not surrender and defend their city against the German army? What events of these 900 days did he want to hide from the world?

The film immerses the viewer in the history of dramatic events called the late Hundred Years War. At this time, there was a break in the close relationship between the crowns of France and England. The motive for these conflicts was the claims to the French throne of the English royal dynasty of Plantagenets, which are trying to reclaim territories on the continent that formerly belonged to the English kings. The Plantagenets were also related to the French Capetian dynasty.
France, all the time, sought to oust the British from Guyenne, which was assigned to them by the Treaty of Paris of 1259. Despite the initial successes, England never achieved its goal in the war, and as a result of the war on the continent, it only had the port of Calais, which it held until 1558. The war lasted 116 years (with interruptions) ...

Do you believe in the stars? Do you recognize their impact on your life? A long time ago, our ancestors, looking at the sky, observing the movement of the Sun and stars, began to note the influence of heavenly bodies on the Earth. Over time, the ancient peoples believed that earthly life proceeds according to the unshakable laws of space, and all events in space have their natural reflection on Earth.
The influence of stars on fate is of interest to humanity to this day. Like our ancestors, we draw up individual horoscopes and coordinate our lives with them. Each of the people living on Earth is born under one or another zodiac sign. How does the arrangement of the stars affect our destiny?

New innovative series from the masters of the BBC genre. This time we will not just become witnesses of the life of animals, but we will be transported into the world of miniatures, where small creatures are fighting for life on a par with large and strong inhabitants of the fauna. We will see how they see us. We will be able to notice how the blades of grass move from the movements of small animals. The unique range of shooting will allow you to catch the most subtle movements. We get to know the world through their eyes, fully feeling ourselves as guests of the Jurassic Park. The forests of Borneo, the deserts of Africa and Arizona, the dark forests of North America, and even the urban jungles of Tokyo and Rio! They are everywhere, they live by their own laws, but the time has come to reveal the big secrets of little creatures and once again admire the unique and wise nature of our planet.

For several weeks, scientists followed 50 experimental cats in a cottage community in Surrey in the UK. To do this, each cat was equipped with a special GPS-collar and micro-camera, which monitored their activities away from home 24 hours a day. According to the research results, it turned out that cats secretly divide their territory among themselves and try not to go beyond their borders in order to avoid conflicts with neighboring animals. However, the cameras captured several feline fights and interesting incidents involving foxes and bird nests.

Jeremy, Richard and James talk about the most significant and interesting innovations in the automotive world with inimitable humor.

In the 52nd year BC. e., there was a clash between two brave people, which later influenced the course of history throughout Europe. One of them immortalized itself in world history. After the conquest of Gaul by Caesar, he gained worldwide fame.

The history of chemistry is made up of many building blocks - the elements that support our entire world. In the burning of phosphorus, the impeccable brilliance of gold, the power of potassium - there is chemistry in every grain, even the air we breathe consists of chemical elements. And, nevertheless, for many centuries, this, such a significant world, was unknown to us, which is completely wrong. The three-part documentary Chemistry: A Volatile History (BBC: Chemistry: A Volatile History) invites you to follow its host, theoretical physics professor Jim Al-Khalili, on a path of amazing discoveries, learning about how certain elements were discovered. The professor refers to the deeds of the pioneers who discovered the secrets of chemistry and created new science thriving in our time.

Goodwin, as befits a man with a fabulous surname, is a self-taught illusionist. For several years, he filmed his own tricks with a home camera and posted videos on the Internet. And when the number of fans of "Houdini from the Internet" reached several million, he was invited to the channel "Discovery". Now he is demonstrating miracles of survival to the whole world. He was buried alive, locked in a box with 200 thousand bees, poured with concrete, burned at the stake. And this is just a small part of the tricks of the modern magician and wizard. Goodwin is not always lucky, and then the case ends with bruises, and sometimes serious injuries. Jonathan Goodwin keeps audiences on their toes in his new five-part project, The Incredible Goodwin. To create the most dangerous tricks he was inspired by circus performers and world famous "escapist" magicians of the last century Harry Houdini and Charles Blondin.

Conquering Everest was Mallory's goal in life. He gained worldwide fame even before his disappearance in the mountains. when, when asked by an American reporter why he is still going to climb Everest, he answered: "Because it exists." Mallory wrote: "The spirit of adventure must not die. And if you have to pay with your life to save it, what of that? It would be a sacrifice in the name of a good cause" ...

This film is a look at the mystery of the underworld of the ant colony. After constructing a specially designed massive and full-scale anthill, entomologist Dr. George McGavin and leaf-cutting ant expert Professor Adam Hart observe a multimillion-dollar colony of leaf-cutting ants from Trinidad for a month. Using time-lapse cameras, microscopes, microphones and radio tracking technology, they are exploring how these tiny insects can reach such spectacular heights of collective organization. This unique project shows how one of the most complex and mysterious social systems in the natural world and the amazing ways in which ants help us solve global problems.

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