Documentary films sensational stories online

How old are the now indispensable mobile phones? 20? 30 years? Or maybe all 50? As it turned out, much more. In the old archives of the Pathé film studio (Pathé. In France, in 2010, a unique film plot was discovered, filmed in 1922. Its name speaks for itself - “ Wireless phone Eve" - ​​Eve's wireless. These days it would sound like " Mobile phone Eve."

But it’s not even the title itself that is surprising, but the fact that the plot content fully corresponds to the given title. In the film, two young girls walk along the boulevard. One of these ladies is holding a small radio device in her hands. The girls are bored. They open the umbrella antenna connected to the device above their head, ground the device, and then cheerfully call telephone exchange to order your favorite music! And all these actions take place 90 years ago!!!

Scientists have found a real lost civilization in the deep depression of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Antarctica: a community of living organisms living at enormous depths near a source of warm water. According to the leaders of this scientific expedition, these living inhabitants seemed to have arrived from another planet.

“We were very surprised when we suddenly discovered this community of animals, since they are very different from living organisms of other warm springs, which is at the bottom of the Atlantic,” scientists told LiveScience.

Among the mysterious inhabitants of the deep sea were, for example, hairy crabs. The strange creatures grow entire colonies of bacteria on their chests and paws that thrive in the mineral-rich water of hot springs. They feed on these bacteria - more on the bottom of the ocean, where it does not reach sunlight, there is nothing to eat. But the crabs themselves, in turn, serve as food for the seven-limbed starfish, which lie in wait for their victims at the edges of the springs.

Genre: Sensational stories / The mystery of human nature / Animal world - Nature

- King Kong is alive. Scientists have found that the Bering gorillas, which became the prototype of the main character, restored their population without human intervention. What do they have in common with the fantastic Hollywood giant and which of the monkeys is ready to compete for the title of king of the primates;
- Time turner. Is it possible to be in two places at the same time? What scientists managed to find out during the experiment;
- Curses of diamonds. Why do esotericists consider jewelry to be carriers of dark energies? What was the fate of the most famous jewelry in history;
- Researchers discovered an ideal stone circle in photographs from Mars. What is this, an artificially created well or a gas station for spaceships. How do scientists comment on these pictures;
- Russian archaeologists have found an unknown grave at the bottom of a Kyrgyz lake. Presumably, it may belong to Christ’s disciple Apostle Matthew. Is it so. How could the body of the saint get to Kyrgyzstan;
- The mummy of the polar princess was discovered by archaeologists. Who was this woman during her life and what secrets of the past do her remains keep?

Genre: Sensational stories

Summer 2017. The US Air Force posted a very unusual tender on the government procurement website: the acquisition of living tissue from the Russians. Experts are confident that the military needs genetic material in order to create a military virus that can change the DNA of an entire nation and make future generations of Russians less healthy and more submissive. What will happen to us in hundreds of years? What will the people of the future look like? Who benefits from turning the population into madmen? What kills a person in us, and how to resist it?

Genre: Technology / Sensational stories / Space / Anomalies

- High tech go down the toilet. Scientists think “big” and create the apparatus of the future. What our restrooms will look like in 10 years and why the Japanese are ahead of the rest in the area of ​​toilets;
- Giant sharks. Where did these monsters come from? Why underwater predators are becoming larger and how an increase in their size will affect our lives;
- An unknown object was discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. What is it, what assumptions do researchers make and what scientists have already managed to find out;
- Star Wars can become a reality. The US will create a space force. Where will their military bases be located and from whom will its space infantry defend America;
- Bermuda Triangle in Russia. Why do people get lost and equipment break down near the village of Sosnovets, Tver Region? How anomalous zones are formed and what is their nature from a scientific point of view.

Genre: Sensational stories / Mysticism / Animal world - Nature

- Telekinesis becomes a reality. Russian scientists have begun developing a program that will allow them to control drones with the power of thought. How scientists plan to get into our heads;
- Why are the bodies of sperm whales and killer whales being increasingly found on the shores of seas and oceans? What pushes sea giants to commit suicide and can this cause species extinction?
- Unknown Paris. What do the catacombs of the French capital hide? Why is most of this territory prohibited for outsiders to enter? What's hiding in the closed area? Who built this dungeon and why;
- Prediction of the Russian Nostradamus. What the monk Abel prophesied to Russia. What future awaits our planet and is it worth believing in prophecies;
- The mystery of the mummies of ancient Egypt. How the priests of Pharaoh defeated decay and decay. What is the difference between mummification and embalming and how this knowledge can be used today.

Genre: Middle Ages / Sensational stories

Our beautiful planet still holds many secrets. Some of the most amazing archaeological and architectural mysteries are not too far away. Actually, right underground. With the advent of ground penetrating radars, lidars and 3D scanning It became possible to explore the fascinating world of underground passages, ancient buildings, unusual geological phenomena and there was a chance to take a fresh look at history. Armed with new technologies, scientist and enthusiast Rob Nelson travels around the country, exploring abandoned dungeons, revealing their secrets and committing scientific discoveries. You will see intricate tunnels hidden from prying eyes, mysterious caves, chemical laboratories and xenon detectors to detect dark matter particles, and also follow the traces of disappeared civilizations.

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Archaeologists have discovered an entire city of dead monkeys. The find is thousands of years old. This means that thousands of years ago the Earth was the planet of the apes. There was a certain superior race of monkeys, and people were subordinate to them. It remains a mystery how monkeys could survive in the cold climate of Siberia. And what kind of highly developed civilization was this? However, the ancient epic Mahabharata took shape here and ancient myths and legends arose, many of which may be true. Documentary project. Planet of the Ape: The entire documentary project: Documentary project - a series of programs on Ren TV with Igor Prokopenko. The documentary project will reveal new secrets to you - who were the ancient gods? Is an apocalypse possible? Does a person have a soul? What is the secret of space and the Universe? Who inhabited the Earth in ancient times and did ancient highly developed civilizations really exist? Watch the documentary project all episodes in high quality on the channel “Secrets of the World and Mysteries of the Universe”. Watch the best documentaries on our channel. The most interesting, breathtaking stories, secret facts, riddles, sensations.

  • published: 11 Jul 2015
  • views: 125919

The world is replete with secrets that are not revealed to anyone. In our videos we collect evidence from many. In the spring of the year, on the outskirts of the city of Ordzhonikidze, archaeologists excavated an ancient burial site, dated. History hides many secrets - from ancient times to our recent past. What do we know?

  • published: 16 Oct 2016
  • views: 106

Calendar forms of numbering Summer 7524 SMZH We (the Slavs) have many calendar forms of numbering. According to the latter, it is now Summer 7524 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H. But this does not mean at all that our World was created 7524 years ago, as Christians believed and still believe, when this chronology had not yet been abolished by Peter I and the year calculation from the Nativity of Christ (R.H.) was introduced. Subscribe to new videos and our educational thematic channel!

  • published: 08 Jan 2016
  • views: 36129

World Cup sensations. Part 2: The most famous and shocking events of the world championships: National teams that were able to achieve colossal success at the world championships, to the surprise of millions of football connoisseurs. TOP 5 national team sensations in the history of the World Championships.

  • published: 26 Mar 2015
  • views: 69729

Artem Tarasov presents the advantages of the invention of the Russian scientist in comparison with the best foreign samples.

  • published: 19 Apr 2017
  • views: 2457

Kazakh professional boxer Zhanat Zhakiyanov became the new holder of the WBA () and IBO world titles in the bantamweight division. In the fight, which took place in Toledo (USA), Zhakiyanov took the belts from American Roushie Warren.

  • published: 11 Feb 2017
  • views: 27468

Science and documentaries about man: scientific mysteries, secrets, experiments and experiences that science cannot explain. For example, was there evolution? Today scientists are conducting interesting research in laboratories and scientific experiments on people, they make great discoveries and achievements, revealing many mysteries and misconceptions behind the scenes of history. By applying the scientific method, the best minds find Interesting Facts about a person, create theories about psychology, make documentaries, programs, videos and programs. But science cannot provide an answer to many facts, stories and sensations. Watch amazing documentaries about science and man! #science #films #documentary #video #experiment #program #facts LINKS TO LITERATURE: Allatra - :// Sensei. Original Shambhala - Video - Channel Amazing facts are unusual facts about the world, interesting collections and tops, secrets and mysteries of history, as well as the most advanced developments of science and technology. Top topics of the channel: Space, Science, Technology, Sports, Nature, Animals and many others. Don’t forget: like and subscription are the best thanks to the author for his work. Watch the video: Subscribe to the channel VK group: MUSIC IN VIDEO.

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