History of the development of television advertising in Russia. What kind of advertising was there in the USSR There were no TV advertisements in the USSR

Advertising in Russia began its development after changes in the political and economic life of the country. In the 60s, after the economic potential of the USSR increased, individual consumption of the population increased, the demand for quality products increased, this required a change in attitude towards advertising.

Before this, television was built into the country's governance system, into the party governance system and performed important ideological functions. This was the main purpose of television.

The very first advertisement in the USSR came out in 1964. It was an advertisement for corn. Her video looked more like a short film with elements of a “musical.” In those days, all goods were produced in one type, and this can of corn was also not marked in any way.

The development of advertising can be traced back to the First All-Union smort-competition of commercials. It was held in 1984, and already in 1987 the second review - a competition - took place. After them, the country was able to “raise the bar” for Soviet professional advertisers. As a result of 1985, when political glasnost was proclaimed in the USSR, transformations took place in the media, including on television. It becomes not only the main means of information, but also a means of advertising.

The first Soviet commercials were aimed at promoting exclusively domestic goods, such as the Volga car, the Moscow fan plant Moven, etc. In such videos, as a rule, there was no idea of ​​advertising. For example, a television advertisement for a fan factory consisted of actors singing and dancing on the street, and from the text it was already possible to determine that they were singing about fans.

For TV viewers of that time, advertising was a kind of small entertainment video and was not perceived as intrusive. Even in the early days of broadcasting advertising on television, the newspaper printed the time of a particular advertisement in the program guide section. The duration of the commercial sometimes reached 10 minutes.

In 1991, 99 percent of our television advertising was directed to wholesalers. Concluding trade deals with each other, the “new Russians” talked to each other through the television screen, thus showing open disregard for the interests of the overwhelming majority of television viewers sitting in front of the same screen. In 1992, domestic advertising of so-called “consumer goods” began to appear little by little, but it was also pointedly addressed to “our own people.”

At the beginning of its existence, our television advertising not only did not fulfill the function of social stabilizer that was assigned to it, but vice versa. Grossly violating two sacred commandments of the advertiser - “the informant must identify his interests with the interests of “ordinary people” and “the advertising message should not be aggressive” - it introduced additional destabilization into society. Only after perestroika the face of advertising in our country began to acquire clearer features , however, uninspired commercials continued to exist on television.

The second stage in the development of television advertising is advertising as an art. This stage falls on the period from 1992 to 2000, when directors strive not to sell a product, but to show the viewer beautiful advertising. At the same time, they try to “keep up” with the then famous advertisers in the West.

An example is a series of bank commercials. Famous actors, chic suits, phrases that later became quotes - all this is in the bank's advertising. However, the advertising video completely lacks any information about the bank itself, and it is in no way associated with its type of activity. The audience remembered it due to the vivid images of the actors. They loved it for the plot completeness of its individual parts, for the playful twist characteristic of the joke, as well as for the “shock lines” of the actors.

In the late nineties, Russian television viewers saw, perhaps, the first real social advertising, which was not just a poster with an appeal, but created the feeling of watching an entire film. Social advertising videos took from 2 to 3 minutes, they featured favorite actors and simple genre scenes that truly reached the hearts of the audience.

The third stage in the development of television advertising in our country is advertising as an engine of trade. At the beginning of the 21st century, dramatic changes are taking place in the development of television advertising. Increasingly, commercials appear on TV screens that offer products rather than exclusively showing the director’s skill. Brighter and more original advertising ideas are used, which created and supported the image of the advertised goods. Now in Russian advertising, a product is presented under a certain brand, thereby distinguishing itself from the crowd by its name and more. All this is created in order for the product to be bought. For the first time, they are starting to use graphics in videos; hand-drawn characters and product symbols appear in advertising.

In 2001, a series of advertisements “Rondo” was released, the slogan of which is “Fresh breath refreshes understanding.” The video reflected the idea of ​​the product, was presented in a humorous manner, which was new to the Russian television audience, and immediately attracted the attention of consumers. It should also be noted that there was a good slogan that fully suited the positioning of the product as a chewing candy for a pleasant breath smell, and besides, it was easy to remember, which ensured that the product completed its image.

Along with the “Rondo” advertising, a series of “Conversation” tea commercials were released in 2002. For the first time in Russian advertising, a cartoon character appears, a symbol of the product with which this tea is still associated. The director was able to convey all the warmth received when using the product, and, consequently, create his own distinctive image of the product. Home, comfort, family - these are the associations that arose in the viewer while watching this video. Simultaneously with “Conversation”, commercials for “Princess Nuri” tea, “May Tea” and so on are shown on television, but all of them pass by the viewer, since their advertising does not stand out in any way. From year to year, Russian advertising is gradually displacing foreign videos from channels. Our domestic advertising is becoming much better, more thoughtful in its essence, than those that were in the late 90s and the beginning of the 21st century. We can say that the development of television advertising in our country is not slowing down. The number of creative, talented advertisers who are able to compete with foreign colleagues in the field of advertising creation is increasing.

In Russian culture of the early 20th century, a “Visual paradigm” was emerging, in the words of M. Mayatsky, which is represented in the ideas of V. Solovyov and L. Shestov about the opposition of rational knowledge and revelation as a transformed vision, in the ontological interpretation of visuality by S. Frank, in the teaching about the reverse perspective of P. Florensky’s “conciliar vision”. This is primarily due to the dominant position of vision in the “hierarchy” of senses, since the information received through vision is not limited to color and light, even to shapes, a sense of distance, and density. It includes procedures for recognition, classification, and interpretation. .Visual perception is the most receptive of humans.

As you know, one of the features of Soviet television was the complete absence of advertising. Advertising in Soviet society was perceived as a tool of bourgeois society, which serves the interests of capitalists. The first television commercial advertising corn in the USSR was released in 1964.

Despite the ideology, Western goods gradually won their place in the Union, and with the advent of Soviet commercials, the first advertisements for the world's most famous brands came to television.

Pepsi and Michael Jackson

Soviet people were not spoiled by imported brands. The first Western consumer product to legally break into the Soviet market was the now well-known Pepsi-Cola drink.

On May 4, 1988, Pepsi-Cola was the first Western company to place an advertising video on Soviet Central Television, although the drink itself was no longer a new product in our country by that time. Pepsi was first brought to Moscow in 1959, when the American National Exhibition was held in Sokolniki. In 1972, a Soviet-American trade agreement was signed, according to which it was decided to import Pepsi-Cola to the USSR, and 2 years later the first enterprise for the production of this drink was opened in the USSR - Pepsi began to be bottled in Novorossiysk.


Unlike the rest of the world, Coca-Cola came to the territory of the USSR a little later than Pepsi.

In 1980, Coca-Cola became the official drink of the Olympic Games in Moscow.

When the administration President Reagan decided to boycott the Olympic Games in Moscow, the management of the Coca-Cola company did not support this boycott, saying that, since it is an intercontinental corporation, it is above political games. Therefore, in 1980, Coca-Cola and Fanta drinks became the official drinks of the Moscow Olympics. However, Coca-Cola never received advertising on Soviet TV.

Queue at McDonalds

The agreement on the opening of McDonald's restaurants in the USSR was signed in 1988. The first restaurant appeared in 1990 on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. It was located in the building where the Lira cafe used to be, a cult favorite for Moscow students. This is how the opening of a restaurant in the capital was announced.

The opening of McDonald's caused an unprecedented stir. Hundreds of Soviet citizens were eager to try the legendary BigMac. They lined up in huge queues. The lines were so long that they even made it into the Guinness Book of Records.

It has become prestigious for schoolchildren to eat at McDonald's. They brought “proof” to school - a bag with the branded letter M. This helped to dramatically increase their status in the class. Guys invited girls to McDonald's on a date, and they gladly accepted the invitation.

History of the development of domestic and world television

Note 1

Television is the greatest invention of the 20th century. But the prerequisites for its development stem from the previous century.

In 1887, German physicist Heinrich Hertz discovered the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect. This is the release of electrons by a substance under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. A year later, Russian scientist Alexander Stoletov clearly demonstrated this phenomenon by conducting a series of experiments.

In 1907, Russian physicist Boris Rosing theoretically substantiated the possibility of obtaining images using a cathode ray tube. The picture was in the form of a single stationary point.

Television was mechanical until the 40s of the 20th century, then it was supplanted electronic devices. On the territory of the USSR, mechanical television systems lasted a little longer.

Experiments using electron beams to transmit and receive images over certain distances since the early 20s. The twentieth century was carried out by various countries: the USA, Japan, the USSR. It wasn't until 1933 that Russian-born American engineer Vladimir Zvorykin invented the cathode tube, which is still the main part of most televisions.

In 1936, the American research laboratory of V. Zvorykin developed the first electronic television. Later in 1939, televisions began to be produced en masse. This model, called RCS TT-5, was a huge wooden box with a 5-inch screen with a radio tube. The first semiconductor-based television was released by Sony in 1960. Afterwards, models based on microcircuits began to appear.

Currently, the quality of broadcasting has increased greatly and has become digital. Flat LCDs and plasma TVs. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, the methods and principles of television broadcasting had changed significantly. Cable and satellite television.

Stages of development of television advertising in Russia

  • advertising from the USSR period;
  • advertising as art 1992-2000;
  • advertising is the engine of trade from 2000 to the present day.

The first television advertising in the USSR appeared in 1964. It was a commercial for corn and was more like a short film with a "musical" feel to it. The advertising was not commercial in nature, and due to the lack of any competition, it quickly disappeared from TV screens. Continuous advertising on television began to be broadcast only in the late 80s.

In 1984, the “First All-Union Advertising Film Competition” took place, which had a significant impact on the growth of television advertising. In 1987, Soviet advertisers held a second competition. These competitions made it possible to analyze the situation in the country and improve the level of Soviet advertising specialists. From this moment on, television advertising becomes not just the main means of information, but a tool for promoting goods and services.

Advertising on television was exclusively for domestic goods (Volga car, etc.). The videos were a small interesting and sometimes humorous clip. The duration of the video reached 10 minutes. In newspapers, on the pages of the program schedule, they even published the broadcast time of a particular advertisement.

At the second stage, after perestroika, advertising becomes art. Manufacturers sought to promote their products by creating bright, colorful advertising. It was not just a video, but a whole directorial decision (a series of commercials for the Imperial Bank). Famous actors starred in advertising, and their phrases became catchphrases.

At the end of the 90s, the first social advertising appeared. These were videos of the “Russian Project” lasting 2-3 minutes. The themes were different: love and care for the country, parents, self-confidence, etc. Famous artists were also involved in the advertising.

The third stage in the development of advertising determined it to be the engine of trade. Advertising in Russia began to focus on creating memorable images in the minds of consumers. The advertisements featured mostly branded products to stand out from others. The commercials contained graphics, cartoon characters, and product symbols. Over time, advertising on television became of better quality and attracted the attention of consumers (advertising for Rondo chewing gum, Princess Nuri tea, May tea, etc.).

History of television advertising in the United States

Note 2

By 1951, national broadcasting became possible in the United States. In the 1960s, nearly 90% of American households had a television. The advertising was broadcast as part of television programs that the advertisers themselves filmed. The TV channel provided only a studio and airtime. The format of television programs was forgotten over time and developed into the famous “soap operas”.

The 1980s saw the introduction of home video recorders that could record scheduled shows and programs and automatically skip commercials. This had a negative impact on advertising. People no longer watched commercials, just watched them in the recordings.

In the late 90s, digital recording devices (DVRs) with the function of scrolling through advertisements began to be sold on the market. This greatly angered advertisers and television channel owners, who sued DVR device manufacturers.

This explains the reason for the spread of product placement (hidden advertising) in movies and television shows. Advertising creators were forced to use this method of promoting goods or services.

The country of four letters familiar from childhood has not existed for more than a quarter of a century. People born in the USSR and brought up in the spirit of cultural traditions that were created over almost seven decades still remember it with nostalgia.

But the premiere of the first Soviet commercial for the general public, shown before the start of a film show, took place only in 1972. It was the “Chocolate” advertisement, filmed in Leningrad at the Film Studio of Non-Fiction Films. The script for the 60-second advertising film was written by Nikita Mikhalkov. A year later, the only known Soviet erotic commercial called “Lingerie” was filmed there. This time Viktor Petrov became the cameraman and director.

This is the first time advertising has become part of a feature film. The film “The Romashkin Effect” can serve as such an example. An interesting and educational comedy that tells the story of four comrades who came up with the idea of ​​advertising kefir. In 1974, a musical performance was staged on the Screen Star stage with elements of Aeroflot advertising. And in the famous film of past years, “Dima Gorin’s Career,” there is a short story with an advertisement for a savings bank.

Such beloved actors as Mikhail Boyarsky or Oleg Basilashvili also became heroes of commercials. Even Vladimir Vysotsky was so inspired by the advertising that in 1975 he wrote and then performed a song called “Zodiac Signs,” which he performed in a commercial with the same name.

The main purpose of advertising in the USSR was to show TV viewers how to properly use consumer goods and win the trust of the citizens of this great country. The videos emphasized high quality Soviet-made products. Soviet advertising, unlike modern advertising, did not entertain television viewers, but directed Soviet citizens to a lifestyle that was correct from the point of view of the state.

And there were times when humanity without this worked out great, selling and buying livestock, food and clothing at fairs and bazaars without any advertisements!

  1. mineral waters
  2. chocolate - all this seems commonplace to us today.

But for another three centuries no one suspected that this way you can offer your product buyers.

First advertisement of this kind appeared in the publication “Public Advertiser” in England, entirely dedicated to classifieds. Even Edgar Allan Poe, the famous author of detective novels, was involved in the creation and editing of advertising articles. In 1844, he worked for a publication called the Southern Messenger and ran the advertising section.

From words to photo and radio publications

First radio advertisement

This event took place in the USA and since then this marketing ploy has gained unprecedented popularity.

The years from 1921 to 1940 are considered peak of popularity radio commercials, it was during this period that a radio receiver appeared in almost every American and European family.

Since the 1960s, small advertising firms operating locally have more than 60% They give all their advertising to radio.

Radio series have become extremely popular these years, and the breaks between them are filled with advertising. Volume of radio advertising increases every year, and this is due to the large number of people who listen to various radio stations while driving.

From past to present

TV advertising

Bulova watches were showcased against the backdrop of a stylized American map. For the sake of this show, the broadcast of a baseball game was interrupted and the video lasted only twenty seconds.

First TV ad

Video recording was invented in 1956 - from that moment on an era begins TV commercials. Of course, there is still a long way to go until advertising begins to appear in the form familiar to modern TV viewers. But the first steps towards the future have already been taken.

First Russian advertising

One of the first advertisements in Russia

It was then that residents of the former USSR learned from the lips of the advertising heroes that:

  • they are not comrades, but “gentlemen”
  • that everyone has tooth decay
  • dandruff
  • the opportunity to invest your money in a financial pyramid, if there is money, of course.

The Premier SV company was the first company to deal creation And producing TV advertisements. Even the now famous director Timur Bekmambetov started out as an advertiser.

Having learned about how the very first print, photo, radio and TV advertising was created, I want to believe that progress does not stand still and advertisers are still will be able to surprise us an unusual solution!

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