How to connect three receivers to a satellite dish. Instructions for connecting a second tricolor TV receiver

Modern television tuners have unlimited capabilities: they have no problem transmitting a signal from one source to several receivers at once without loss of quality. Therefore, there is such a problem as connecting two TVs to one satellite dish, does not exist for the receiver, you just need to choose the right TV tuner to successfully complete the task.

To successfully implement his plan and connect two TVs to one receiver, a home master will need:

  • a simple set of cable stripping tools;
  • parabolic antenna or just a dish;
  • TV tuner;
  • splitter or splitter for two outputs;
  • two TVs;
  • a set of necessary cables.

When all the components have been purchased, you can begin installing the entire system, but before that, a few words about the devices.

Signal splitter

The main task of this device in our case is to divide the received signal into equal parts and redirect it to two TVs, so when buying a splitter you need to carefully study its characteristics. The only drawback of this device is that when the signal is divided into 2 TVs, loss of quality.

The manufacturer indicates the signal attenuation value on the splitter body; the lower it is, the better the quality of the splitter.

TV tuner

Today, receivers can transmit signals from several devices at once and route them to their destination. When choosing a tuner in a store, pay attention to maximum resolution supported by the product to connect it to .

It is worth clarifying the possibility of transfer digital channels, don’t save money - it’s better to take a satellite receiver latest model, which has modern improvements, than then buying additional devices for. The best option is when the device has ports for connecting S-Video, VGA, DVI and HDMI. Be sure to ask the seller how to connect two TVs to this model and which channels are best to use.

The attached operating instructions must contain a schematic drawing of such a connection to one plate with a step-by-step description of all actions.

Digital TV tuner DTV-09

Setting up system components

Before connecting the tuner, you need to configure it:

  • connect the receiver to the home electrical network;
  • connect the product to the computer via USB port;
  • and connect it to a special connector on the tuner;
  • install software , which is attached to the product;
  • launch the program and configure operating parameters.

Only after careful configuration do we begin to connect the connected tuner to the TVs. To do this, it is better to use digital inputs to maintain the much-needed image quality.

Let's say that one TV is installed in the living room, and the other connected object, for example, is in the son's room: then we connect the nearby TV to the receiver with an HDMI cable. We turn on the TV in the hall and begin tuning it:

  • go to the menu;
  • select the signal source;
  • indicate the connector to which you connected from the tuner;
  • We configure according to the product instructions, as a rule, choose automatic scanning, which modern models perform independently;
  • After the list of channels appears, we filter out low-quality and duplicates, leaving only those necessary for further viewing.

Now it's time to tell you how to connect a second TV to the receiver. We measure the shortest distance, a good option- drill into an adjacent wall, but this is not always possible. The cable must be routed along the baseboard so as not to touch it when moving around the apartment.

There are special skirting boards on sale with a cutout for cables; they are closed on top with a lid, which is very convenient - the wires are hidden and do not disturb the interior.

Setting up the second TV is carried out in the same way as with the required indicating the connected cables, in the case where more than one is used.

Connection algorithm

There are several in various ways How to connect two TVs to one tuner in an apartment or private house, using a special cable that is necessary.

Option #1

To do this we use HF or frequency television cable, which is connected to the RF OUT output on the rear panel of the receiver, and its other end to the antenna input on the TV. After this, all that remains is to configure the TV according to the operating instructions for this model.

Option No. 2

We connect two TVs through one receiver with using an RF modulator. Many modern tuners do not have a built-in similar modulator and RF OUT output, so in this case we will need:

  • remote frequency device;
  • low-frequency RCA cable with tulip-type connectors;
  • coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 Ohms;
  • F-connectors and the same plugs.

For separate power supply of the modulator, a separate socket with a voltage of no more than 230 V is required.

We connect the tulips to the corresponding outputs on the tuner and modulator, connect the television cable to the RF OUT output on the HF device, and screw the F-plug onto the RF IN input - it is included in the kit. Second end coaxial cable connect to the IN output of the splitter, you need to purchase it in advance splitter with two such outputs. After all the manipulations, we connect all the equipment to home network and set up the TVs one by one.

Option #3

Connecting satellite tuner with help RCA cable, which can be used when simultaneously connecting two TVs to one receiver along with HDMI. You will need a special SCART-RCA adapter, and when setting up a TV connected using this cable, you need to change the input signal settings. The scheme of such a connection is simple, it is carried out economically - there is no need to purchase additional expensive equipment.

But there are also negative aspects: the cable length should not exceed 15 m, otherwise there will be distortion or the image will disappear altogether. In a city apartment, this footage should be enough - you won’t have to solder two wires, which negatively affects the quality of the received signal.

Connecting with a split into two TVs is not the limit - there are schemes for connecting four and eight receivers, but every user should know that if there is football on one TV, then the others, no matter how many there are in the house, will have a similar program. You can only change channels in the room where the satellite receiver is installed, but many people buy an additional radio remote control to solve this problem. To watch different gears

- it is necessary for each TV separately, but these are completely different schemes and a separate topic for discussion. In modern families, there are two extremes: either there is not a single television in the house, or the number of television receivers is equal to the number of rooms in the apartment. Moreover, people of the second type would like to be able to watch on each of the TVs at the same time. different programs

. Our article is just for such TV users. She will tell you how to connect two receivers to one Tricolor dish and enjoy your favorite programs, regardless of the preferences of the rest of the household.

Before connecting the second Tricolor receiver, it must be registered with the operator. You can do this either independently, through the company’s website, or by contacting the Tricolor support service. You can contact specialists via Skype or by leaving a request for a call back on the official website.

Important! You can register a second set-top box only if the first one has already been registered with Tricolor. In the case where subscribers buy equipment secondhand and install it themselves with pirated firmware, this option is not possible.

Having notified the operator about the purchase of new equipment, it is necessary to decide on the method of connecting it. This will determine what auxiliary devices you will need to purchase for installation.

Set-top box connection options

There are two ways to connect a second receiver to an antenna:

  • using a satellite splitter;
  • through a converter with two outputs.

The second connection option is more preferable, since with it the subscriber gets the opportunity to watch different channels on different television receivers at the same time. The first type of connection does not provide this opportunity.

Neither the converter nor the satellite splitter is included in the standard set of Tricolor equipment. You will need to purchase them yourself. In this case, one should take into account this nuance - even if in the future it is planned to install more receivers in the house, you should not take adapters “with a reserve” of sockets.

The presence of empty outputs inevitably leads to signal loss. Whatever type of connection the subscriber chooses, if there are unoccupied outputs on the adapter, the quality of broadcasting on all TVs connected to it will noticeably drop. Therefore, it is wiser to purchase a converter or divider, the number of outputs in which strictly corresponds to the number of set-top boxes in the house. In the future, if it is necessary to expand the home television network, the additional equipment is simply replaced with a new, more suitable one.

Connection instructions

Installation algorithms additional equipment similar to each other. First, let's look at how to connect a second TV to a second Tricolor receiver via a satellite splitter.

Important! During the installation process, all equipment must be disconnected from the power supply, including televisions to which set-top boxes are connected.

Installation of a second console through a divider

To install a second receiver using this method connection, the subscriber, in addition to the satellite divider, will need:

  • high frequency television cable;
  • two F-connectors;
  • sharp knife;
  • wire cutters

Work begins by stripping both ends of the cable. The outer sheath is carefully removed with a knife, the foil and braid, which shield the main core, are wrapped on the surface of the cable. For ease of work, a piece of core is released, the length of which is 15-20 mm.

F-connectors are then installed on the stripped ends. You need to act carefully, trying not to jam the bent braid. Under no circumstances should it come into contact with the central core of the wire. The vein itself protruding from the connector is cut with pliers to a length of no more than 2 mm.

The cable coming from the satellite dish is treated in the same way. It is then connected to the connector marked IN on the divider. The wires coming from the receivers are connected to the connectors marked OUT. At this point, the installation work can be considered complete.

Installing a second set-top box via a converter

Connecting 2 Tricolor TV receivers via a converter begins with installing the converter itself on the plate. The old device is removed from its mounts, and a new one with two outputs is installed in its place. Moreover, its location, orientation and angle of inclination must completely coincide with the listed characteristics of the old equipment.

Next, a cable from the old receiver, equipped with an F-connector, is connected to one of the outputs of the installed “adapter”. The second end of the cable is connected to the old receiver, to the LNB IN connector. A new receiver is connected to the second output in the same way. The cable for connecting it is prepared in the same way as when installing a satellite divider. At this point the assembly process can be considered complete.

Important! When connecting more than two set-top boxes, the equipment assembly process will be the same. The main thing is to purchase an adapter with the right amount exits.

Setup instructions

Regardless of the installation method, after its completion the client will have to configure the set-top boxes. In this case, setup operations will be required not only for the new, but also for the old receiver. As a result of changing the connection type, the previously specified options may be lost. Although sometimes all the necessary settings are already installed on the new receiver - in this case, when turned on, the subscriber will immediately see a list of available TV channels.

But even if the options are confused or were not specified by the manufacturer, it’s okay. As a rule, setup takes no more than 15 minutes.

How to set up the equipment?

Basic operations for setting up freshly connected receivers involve searching for available television channels. To do this you need:

  • press the “Menu” button on the remote control;
  • in the main menu of the set-top box, find the “Settings” item (in newer versions of the equipment, “Applications”);
  • go to the subsection “Search for Tricolor TV channels”.

After moving to this subsection, the system will automatically begin searching for available channels. The progress of this process will be displayed on the TV screen. At the end of the search, the receiver will give the client a list of found channels and request that it be saved. For this operation, you will need to click “Yes” in the request window that appears.

After searching on one of the consoles, you can move on to the second. The procedure will be the same. Then the user can set his own settings on each of the receivers - set a personal PIN code, sort channels by topic, etc.

Important! You should not search for channels on two set-top boxes simultaneously. This will cause the hardware to freeze and possibly corrupt its built-in software.

Even in a situation where the type of connection does not imply independent viewing of programs on different TVs, custom settings they will still be different. And when connected via a converter, subscribers will receive two devices that are completely independent from each other, on which each member of the household can watch their favorite programs.

The most important thing is that connect a second receiver To satellite dish required buy a satellite receiver and it is also necessary that the structure of the body does not correspond to the picture below!

We look in the mirror and if we don’t see similarities, then we read, after that we take satellite receiver, cable, tools and we do it! So satellite dish for 2 TVs it's simple!

Options for connecting a second Tricolor TV satellite receiver to one dish.

  • For Tricolor receivers that have a GS8306 or 9305 loop output, you can proceed as follows. We connect the satellite dish to the Tricolor receiver and from the loop output (located under the input) we connect the input second Tricolor receiver.This is the easiest and most inexpensive way. The disadvantage is that the first receiver must be connected to the power grid or the signal will not pass through.

  • For greater independence you can connect a second receiver using a divider into two or three outputs depending on need. Such a connection will look something like this. Satellite cable comes to the divisor. And from a divider with the required number of outputs (according to the number of connected receivers), the cable is routed to Tricolor TV receivers.

In this case, the connection becomes more autonomous and the satellite receivers are completely independent of each other. The disadvantage of both the first and second connections is that when using a divider, the receivers will only be able to watch the same frequency subrange (polarization left L or right R). To make it clear, let’s say the main channels of Tricolor TV are this moment placed with one polarization, we will call it conventionally the first. On the second, only the radio package is broadcast. But everything is changing and I suspect that with an increase in the number of channels on the second polarization, something other than radio may well appear. But you will do it today and appear tomorrow! And in this case, everything will have to be redone.

  • However, for full intake (or for receiving Tricolor and NTV+ from one plate) it is necessary to install a converter with two or four outputs (there are modifications of heads with eight outputs) and from satellite dish Lead your own cable to each receiver. It will look like this - Change the converter without touching the satellite dish and lay the cable to the receivers.

There are options for connecting via multiswitches, but this is already with a larger number of subscribers, say satellite dish in the entrance of a high-rise building and accordingly, the hardware configuration will be more expensive and this satellite network installation requires certain knowledge. Let's hope that eight points is enough for you! But it is worth remembering that the cable length is also a rather important parameter in terms of signal level loss. And what in this case are we talking about converters with circular polarization (Tricolor TV and NTV+) with universal ones (Continent TV, Telekarta, Aktiv TV and Raduga TV) everything is even more complicated there except for the polarizations (vertical V and horizontal H) on the converter are switched ranges of received frequencies.

How to connect two receivers?

Today in modern apartments or houses there are several televisions that need to be connected to cable television. Typically, optical fiber is used, which is connected to the modem and from it to receivers in the apartment. However, in the case of a satellite dish, everything will be a little more complicated.

Many people don't know how to connect two receivers to one satellite dish. Let's consider a solution to this problem.

How to connect receivers to a satellite dish

There are several ways to achieve your plan:

  • Connect the second receiver to the output of the first.
  • Connect both receivers through a divider to the satellite dish.
  • Connect both receivers via a converter to the satellite dish.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

Connecting a second receiver through the output of the first receiver

This method is considered the least expensive and simplest. All that is required is a wire of the required length to be pulled to the second receiver and that the first receiver has a “LNB OUT” output. Among other things, you don’t have to mess with the settings, as well as with the satellite dish on the street or wherever it is located. However, there are also disadvantages. For example, you cannot unplug the first receiver, through which the signal is transmitted from the satellite dish to the second receiver, from the outlet. You can turn it off, but there must be mains power. Yes, and not every receiver has the required “LNB OUT” output.

To connect, you just need to insert the wire from the satellite dish into the input of the first receiver, and run a wire from the output of the first receiver to the input of the second receiver. Then you just need to configure them.

Connecting receivers via a divider

For this method, you will have to buy a special divider that will divide the signal into two receivers. It costs very little and is sold in any hardware store. However, dividers are not suitable for analog television.

The divider must always be placed inside the house, otherwise moisture may get into it outside or it will freeze in cold weather. We connect both receivers to the divider.

The advantage of this solution is that it will be possible to turn off the receivers from the power supply, because they are independent of each other. However, dividers can affect the stability of the television. The signal may disappear and the picture may crumble. In addition, when one receiver is turned on to the radio, the second receiver will only be able to listen to the radio, but television will not be available.

Connecting receivers via converter

This option is the most reliable of all, but also the most expensive, because the converter is expensive. You need to purchase a converter with two outputs.

To connect the converter, you will have to climb to the satellite dish or antenna itself. In this case, there is always a chance that the plate settings will be lost, but this can always be adjusted again.

You will have to lay separate cables from the dish to the receivers, which will require additional financial costs. However, at the same time you will get completely independent receivers that can work as you please. You will also be able to set up broadcasting from different providers through these receivers, which is a huge plus when a client wants to test a new provider without turning off the old one.

First step. Preparatory work.

Attention! During electrical installation work, all equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.

You will need a high-frequency television cable from the kit, two “F” connectors. These connectors are included in the package. Attach the "F" connectors to the ends of the cable. .

Second step. Installation of a satellite splitter.

The satellite splitter is attached to any section of cable that connects your first receiver to the antenna.

  • Select the insertion location where the satellite splitter will be placed and cut the cable at this location with a sharp knife.
  • Attach an “F” connector to each section of the cable.
  • Connect the cable coming from the satellite dish to the “IN” input of the satellite divider.
  • Connect the cable coming from your first receiver to the “OUT” output of the satellite splitter.

As a result, your first receiver and antenna are connected by a cable, into which the satellite signal divider is now “embedded”.

Third step. Connecting the cable to the second (new) receiver.

  • Route the cable from the divider installation location to the second receiver.
  • Connect the cable to the free “OUT” socket of the satellite divider.
  • Connect the second end of the cable to the “LNB IN” socket of the new receiver.

Fourth step. Search for channels.

Connect the second receiver to the TV according to the operating instructions.

To set up TV channels (perhaps the channels are already set up upon purchase):

  • press the "menu" button on the remote control remote control Your receiver.
  • select “search for TRICOLOR TV channels”.
  • click "OK" button
  • update the channel list by following the prompts on the TV screen.

We wish you pleasant viewing!

Other options for connecting multiple receivers to one antenna

A common situation is when there are several televisions in the house and it is necessary that they all show satellite television. The option of watching one channel on all TVs is not often in demand; it usually requires that all TVs operate independently of each other. This requires installing its own receiver for each TV and connecting these satellite receivers to one antenna. This article will help you independently connect several satellite receivers, connect and configure related equipment.

If you have a Tricolor TV dish installed and all your receivers are equipped with LNB OUT outputs (DRE 4000, DRE 5000, DRE 5001, DRS 5003, DRE 7300, GS 7300, GS 8302), then the most in a simple way connection there will be a sequential installation of receivers one after another. Wherein input signal enters the LNB IN input and exits the LNB OUT.

This connection method has two significant drawbacks: firstly, each satellite receiver requires that all previous receivers in the chain be included in the network, and secondly, channels in only one polarization will be available for viewing. This is not an obstacle if you only watch Tricolor TV channels, because... they are all broadcast in exactly the same polarization. But in open access There are a number of channels that are broadcast in a different polarization and problems will arise when viewing channels at the same time. Also, this scheme is not suitable if at least one of the receivers is tuned to NTV+ channels.

If your receiver does not have an LNB OUT output, then you need to use the following connection diagram, which also eliminates the need to keep the receivers connected to the network, but still preserves the problem with polarizations. A satellite splitter is used for switching. The number of divider outputs must correspond to the number of satellite receivers. You should not take a divider with a supply of outputs, because this entails unnecessary signal loss.

If, when watching Tricolor TV, open additional channels are still required, then you need to install a converter with several outputs on the antenna and connect each receiver to a separate one. You can use a converter with 2 or 4 outputs.

The same scheme occurs if you have several receivers (up to 4), some of which are for Tricolor TV, and some for NTV+. This combination is possible because both of these operators broadcast to the same satellite.

The following switching option is used if you have more than 4 receivers and need to view channels in 2 polarizations. In this case, you need a converter with two outputs, a multiswitch with two inputs for a satellite signal and the required number of outputs for receivers. As a result, you get a system that does not depend on polarization and the choice of receiver of the desired operator.

If you receive a signal from a satellite that broadcasts in 2 bands and 2 polarizations (Hot Bird, Astra, Sirius, etc.), then this scheme is preserved, but you need to install a converter with 4 outputs and a multiswitch with 4 inputs.

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