How to properly install coolers in a system unit. How to properly install coolers in a system unit. Both components work on “injection”

The temperature mode of the phone has restrictions that differ from different manufacturers. In most models the upper limit should not exceed 57°, although there are examples with higher or lower values. Overheating should not be allowed, as it can cause failure of important components of the gadget. Signs of overheating are noticeable immediately: the phone becomes warm, the system signals this with warning signs, and in difficult cases, by turning off the screen or completely rebooting. You should not take any measures at random; you need to have an accurate idea of ​​why the phone is heating up and what needs to be done about it. The difficulty in resolving the issue lies in the fact that some heating is present in any case, being one of the components functioning of the device. Let's take a look at the causes of this problem and the right ways to cool down your phone.

  • Display;
  • Battery;
  • CPU.

The cause of overheating of a particular element can be various factors. The main one is overload, which occurs due to prolonged work in difficult conditions, with the maximum load for a given unit, or a mismatch between the parameters of the part and the telephone. The display gets warm due to prolonged use at high brightness. Overheating of the battery often occurs if it is replaced with another one that does not meet the characteristics and technical requirements. Overloading a processor that performs complex computational operations over a long period of time also causes temperatures to rise beyond the acceptable limit.

A situation often arises when the manufacturer is to blame for the overheating of the phone - in pursuit of reducing the cost of the device, he uses weak parts, but provides the phone with many functions that require increased resource consumption. As a result, the gadget “can” do a lot, but this is achieved at the cost of working at the limit of its capabilities and, accordingly, strong heating of the parts.

It’s very unpleasant when gadgets fail us at a crucial moment due to overheating

Some of the main reasons why your phone overheats include:

  • Long-term use of resource-intensive applications (games, programs, complex calculations);
  • Long-term Internet surfing when using wireless networks;
  • Watching movies or television programs, especially online;
  • Problems with communication when the gadget scans the space in enhanced mode in search of a connection with the tower;
  • Virus penetration - malware, which leaks personal data of the gadget owner into the network;
  • Using the device at the highest display settings;
  • Physical failure, defective parts or other hardware problems.

Experts believe that one of the most dangerous factors is the use of resource-intensive games. It is not recommended to play for more than 1–1.5 hours, provided the battery has sufficient charge. In this case, you should use lower graphics settings and lower the screen brightness. Some processor models are not at all designed to work with complex applications - they quickly overheat and fail.

General tips for keeping your phone cool and preventing it from getting too hot

First of all, it is necessary to establish how high and dangerous the existing heating is for the phone, since some increase in temperature during operation is inevitable and is the norm. Unfortunately, technologies that do not generate heat during the operation of a processor, battery or display do not yet exist.

To reduce heating, you should limit the use of complex applications. Level software installed on the phone must match its capabilities. It is necessary to determine which programs run in background and find out how much they are needed now. You should also limit downloads large files from the network. This will reduce the load on the processor and lower its temperature. To cool the display, it is recommended to set the brightness level to medium or even low. This is very important if you are going to use it for a long time.

Protect your phone from prolonged exposure to heat and direct sunlight

It is important to pay attention to the battery. Its heating during charging is inevitable, especially if the Quick Charge option is used ( fast charging). In this case, an excessive increase in temperature should be regarded as a sign of a malfunction, which will require contacting a repair shop. While charging you should not:

  • Use your phone to play games;
  • Watch movies;
  • Access Internet sites;
  • Cover the gadget;
  • Leave it in the case.

It is imperative to use only chargers specifically designed for this phone model; there should not be any incompatible units.

This also applies to the battery itself, since many users, wanting to save money, replace a failed battery with cheaper analogues that do not meet the technical requirements of the phone. Under such conditions, the battery is constantly overloaded, causing heating and rapid failure.

The gadget is influenced by external factors. It is necessary to pay attention to what places it is constantly located. Exposure to direct sunlight or storage in tight cases or pockets will also increase the temperature of the device.

Special programs for cooling

There are specially developed applications that constantly monitor the temperature of the processor or other components of the gadget. You can download the CPU-Z program or Cooler Master(available in Play Market), which monitors the heating of the main components of the device, determines the causes and informs the user about the occurrence of critical situations. When excessive heating occurs, the application closes problematic programs.

Exist special programs, which monitor the phone's heating level

It is noteworthy that in parallel with temperature control, the application allows you to save battery charge, and this is its additional advantage. For gadgets running on other platforms (not Android, but WindowsPhone or iOS), there are their own analogues similar programs, since the problem with the possibility of overheating is relevant for any type and model of phone.

How to cool your device as quickly as possible

If signs of overheating occur, you should stop all applications and turn off the gadget. Place it in a place out of direct sunlight and let it cool to normal temperature. If the source of overheating is the battery, you should remove it from the device so as not to unnecessarily heat up the phone and speed up the cooling of the battery.

You should not force the cooling of the gadget, no matter how much you would like it, since temperature deformations of materials can have a destructive effect, and sudden temperature changes are doubly dangerous. Do not place an overheated phone in refrigerators or other conditions that create the possibility of destruction of fragile semiconductor elements.

The switched-off phone should be left alone for about 20–30 minutes - this is usually enough for it to completely cool down and be ready to continue working.

Nuances depending on the OS

The operating system installed on the phone has virtually no effect on its heating. The functioning of gadget components is a physical process, and the impact of the platform on it is minimal.

The main condition is to use high-quality software that does not have problems and shortcomings that can overload the processor and create conditions for an excessive rise in temperature. It is necessary to update the OS on time latest version , if necessary, reflash it, reinstall it operating system

. During use, a lot of digital “garbage” accumulates in memory, which can slow down and complicate the operation of the OS, which will ultimately affect the temperature of the gadget. It is normal for your phone to heat up during use, but only within certain limits. If the temperature rises too high, you need to take the situation as seriously as possible. This indicates a software or physical problem and can lead to the phone failing, often with the impossibility of recovery. It is recommended to install specialized software that monitors the heating of gadget components and tracks problematic applications that overload the processor or display. You should also use only standard batteries and charging device

and follow the correct battery loading order. Users who are assembling a computer on their own for the first time often have questions about how to properly install case coolers in system unit

, so that the cooling works as efficiently as possible. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to choose a suitable cooler and install it in such a way that it does not disturb the natural movement of air. In order to correctly install the cooler into the system unit, the cooler must have suitable size . Therefore, measure the size of the seats on your system unit and determine maximum size

cooler that can be installed on them. For an exact fit, you can measure the distance between the mounting holes, as shown in the picture below.

Distance between mounting holes Cooler size
32 mm 40×40 mm
50 mm 60×60 mm
71.5 mm 80×80 mm
82.5 mm 92×92 mm
105 mm 120×120 mm
125 mm 140×140 mm
154 mm 200×200 mm
Information on cooler sizes was taken from the sites and

In addition to the dimensions of the cooler, you also need to pay attention to the type of bearing used in its design. The most affordable coolers are produced with plain bearings. This type of bearing provides low level noise, but does not last long. Coolers from the mid-price range are usually built using ball bearings (rolling bearings). A ball bearing has a longer service life, but it produces noticeably more noise. Coolers from the highest price range most often use a hydrodynamic bearing. This type of bearing combines the advantages of rolling bearings and ball bearings. Hydrodynamic bearings have a long service life and are very quiet.

You also need to decide in advance on how to connect the coolers. In most cases, coolers are equipped with one of the following connectors: a 3-pin connector, a 4-pin connector or a MOLEX connector (in the picture below they are from left to right). Coolers with 3 and 4 pin connectors are connected to motherboard, and coolers with a MOLEX connector to .

If the motherboard has a 4 pin connector for case coolers, then it is best to choose a cooler with just such a connector. This connection method will allow you to adjust the cooler speed depending on the temperature of the computer, which will reduce the noise level.

Correct installation of coolers in the system unit

Once the coolers have been selected and purchased, you can begin installing them in the system unit. For correct installation It is important to understand how the air moves inside the computer and how coolers will affect it. Under the influence of convection, hot air itself rises to the top of the case and for maximum effective cooling, coolers should be installed in such a way as to use and enhance this natural air movement, rather than resist it.

Therefore, traditionally, in the upper part of the case, coolers are installed for blowing, this allows you to remove heated air from the case. And in the lower part of the case, fans are installed for blowing, as this enhances the natural movement of air from bottom to top. The picture below shows possible locations for installing coolers and the direction in which they should move air. This scheme for installing coolers in the system unit is considered the most correct.

If you ignore the natural movement of air and, for example, install a blow-in cooler in the upper part of the system, this can even increase. It will be especially bad for hard drives that receive a stream of hot air from the processor heatsink.

The process of installing a cooler into a system unit is not complicated at all. The cooler is installed from the inside of the system unit, after which it is fixed with 4 screws from the outside. When installing, it is important to ensure that the cooler directs the air in the right direction. To do this, there is usually an arrow on the cooler that indicates where the air will flow.

After installing the cooler, you need to connect it to the motherboard (if a 3 or 4 pin connector is used) or to the computer power supply (if a MOLEX connector is used).

Naturally, all these actions must be performed on a completely switched off and de-energized computer. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging components or receiving an electric shock.

Understand the efficiency of the air cooling system. Fans don't just supply air to computer components (it's not the most efficient way to cool a computer). Fans must create air flow inside the case - drawing in cold air and expelling hot air.

Examine the fan. Fans create air flow in one direction, indicated by an arrow (indicated on the fan housing). Look at the new fan housing and find the arrow on it; it indicates the direction of air flow. If there is no arrow, examine the sticker on the fan motor. The air flow is usually directed towards such a sticker.

Install fans to create proper air flow. To do this, install fans to blow in and out air. It is better to install more fans for exhaust than for injection to create something like a vacuum inside the case. This effect will cause cold air to enter the housing from any opening.

  • Back panel. The power supply fan located at the rear panel of the case blows air. Therefore, install 1-2 more fans on the rear panel, which will work for exhaust.
  • Front Panel. Install one fan on it that will blow air. You can install a second fan in the compartment for hard drive(if possible).
  • Side panel. Install a fan on it that will blow out air. Most cases only allow one side fan.
  • Top panel. The fan on this panel should be blowing. Don't think it needs to be set to blow because hot air rises - this will simply result in too many blow fans and not enough blow fans.
  • Install fans. To do this, use four screws (supplied with the fan). Fix the fan firmly so that it does not make noise. Tighten the screws so that you can remove them if necessary.

    • Make sure that cables (including the cable that powers the fan) do not get caught in the fan blades. If necessary, pull the cables to the side using cable ties.
    • If you have trouble fixing the fan with screws, tape it to the vent and then fix the fan with the screws. Do not apply tape to any components or chips. Be sure to remove the tape after securing the fan.
  • Connect the fans. Connect two fans to the headers on the motherboard and the rest to the power supply (via Molex connector).

    • If the fans are connected to the power supply, you will not be able to control their speed (they will run at maximum speed).
  • Close the case. It is understood that an air flow will be created inside the case to cool the components, and an open case will not allow such a flow to be created. Remember that components in open cases cool much less efficiently.

    Check the operation of the fans. If your fans are connected to the motherboard, you can check their operation by

    is a must-have app that will professionally cool your Android phone. The tool will terminate all intensive processes on the device without harm, reduce the load on the processor and thereby reduce the risk of overheating. With the help of the program, you can protect your device from unnecessary breakdowns and qualitatively increase its service life.

    Unfortunately, even the most expensive and advanced gadgets tend to break down over time. And not only the manufacturer is to blame for this, but also the user himself. What happens if you load a person with a bag of bricks, and even force him to walk faster? A device on which many processes are running – unclosed games that constantly send notifications – feels the same way. social media, messengers, widgets, screen lockers and many other “building blocks”. But there are also applications whose work we don’t even notice. For example, a clock or calendar never sleeps at all. So think about what it’s like for a poor phone to cope with such loads. Over time it happens high heat processor, causing it to gradually begin to melt. Fortunately, there is a fairly effective way to help your device, and we will share with you simple tips. First you need download Cooler to find and close all unnecessary resource-intensive processes. In the future, the application will control the temperature of your device independently. All you have to do is keep an eye on changes in your schedule and end some particularly wasteful mobile programs from time to time.

    Why Phone Cooler for Android is useful:

    Monitor CPU and battery temperatures in real time
    Timely detection of problems related to device operation
    Terminate all unnecessary processes with one touch
    Preventing serious breakdowns and increasing the service life of the device
    More efficient cooling compared to other similar programs
    Easy to use without additional special skills and without harm to the device

    Apart from its direct cooling function, the application also has some additional features. For example, the Call Reminder option will help you identify any caller number, even classified ones. Often we receive spam or call from dubious people under the guise of unknown numbers. The tool will be able to bypass the tricks of any mobile providers that provide subscribers with invisibility. This useful assistant will now work on your device. Don't be lazy download Phone Cooler right now, and your device will be reliably protected from stress and overheating. The program works thirty percent more efficiently than other accelerators and optimizers. Below you can watch a video of an interesting experiment on cooling a phone in two ways - using an application and ice.

    The #1 Android app for professional phone temperature monitoring and management that detects and closes resource-intensive apps to reduce CPU load and prevent overheating.


    • Real-time monitoring - Monitors and records the phone's temperature in real time and displays the temperature curve.
    • Dynamic Overheating Application Detection - Performs dynamic CPU load analysis and detects applications that overload the process and cause the phone to overheat.
    • One Touch Cooling - Allows you to close overheating apps with one touch to reduce CPU load and cool your phone.
    • Overheating Prevention - Closes apps that cause overheating and prevents your phone's temperature from rising.

    Why does my phone overheat?
    Constant high load CPU issue is the most likely cause of your phone overheating. Some applications use the processor for a long time in the background, which causes your phone to generate excess heat.
    How does Cooler Master work?
    Cooler Master is designed to monitor the phone's processor load and detect resource-intensive applications and close them.
    Why does my phone get hot?
    It is not a malfunction that your phone gets warm when using complex apps, watching videos, or while charging. In such cases, move the phone to a cool, ventilated place and let it cool down.
    Download the Cooler Master - Cooling Android app on Android you can follow the link below.

    Developer: PICOO Design
    Platform: Android (Device dependent)
    Interface language: Russian (RUS)
    Status: Free
    Root: Not needed

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