How to find out 5 paid actions on mts. Latest paid actions on the megaphone. Personal account and application “My MTS”

The need to check completed transactions on a number may arise for a number of reasons. One of them is an unreasonable decrease in the balance. If you are sure that you have not activated any Additional services and newsletters, did not use the Internet, but cash were debited from your account, then most likely you will be interested in the question of how to check the last 5 actions on MTS. This is what will be discussed in this article. You will learn how to obtain such information about your number, what the cost of such a service is, and whether there are any restrictions.

Unexplained charges from a mobile phone account can occur for several reasons: the number is connected additional options or newsletters, the subscriber makes calls without thinking about their cost (for example, long-distance), a connection to the Internet occurs (it is recommended to turn off Mobile Internet, unless, of course, unlimited packages are connected), etc. To figure out what caused the balance to change in a negative direction, you need to check what actions were performed on the number. To do this, you can send a corresponding request. MTS will send the last 5 actions as a text message. The SMS will make it clear how much was spent on each transaction, be it a call, the Internet, sending a message, or charging for some service. The request is sent using the USSD command *152*1#. If it doesn’t work, you can enter *152#, and then select “1”.

This service is provided free of charge to MTS subscribers. With its help, you can easily understand what money was spent on. Please note that the message you receive in response to your request will only contain the latest account transactions. If they do not seem strange to you and write-offs for them are justified, then it makes sense to order details. This service is provided on a paid basis and allows you to receive data for the last six months (the subscriber can choose any period in this range) via the Internet, for three years - at the office of the mobile operator.

Terms of service

When answering the question of how to check the last 5 actions on MTS, one cannot fail to mention the terms of this service.

Information can only be provided for the last two days. Thus, if the last debits on the account were three days ago, then ordering data on the last five actions is useless - you will receive an empty SMS message. It’s more logical to contact the company’s office or get account details through your personal account on the Internet.

For overly sociable subscribers who constantly communicate on the phone, exchange test and MMS messages, this service will most likely be useless. After all, among the last five actions there will not be necessary information according to write-offs, for example, subscription fee for some subscriptions activated on the number.


Now you know, thanks to this article, how to check the last 5 actions on MTS. The service of obtaining such information is quite useful and will help to recognize the reasons that led to a decrease in the balance. If the reason for this is the services activated on the number, then it makes sense to get rid of them, unless, of course, you do not use them. A full report on write-offs for the required period can only be obtained by using the “Account Details” service (the cost of providing information through your personal account for 1 day is three rubles).

How to find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS? This question arises from a number of the company’s clients. In our article we will offer available methods for further application and verification of data.

There are many reasons to obtain information, including:

  • We need data on write-offs.
  • Find out about paid actions that have been carried out recently.
  • Understand where the money was debited from the account.
  • If the withdrawal occurred unreasonably, then obtain a subsequent refund.
  • Get maximum information about your account.
  • We need to understand what paid services connected and spending funds.
  • Other reasons for requesting data.

These are some reasons to seek further information. In fact, there may be much more reasons, it all depends on the specific situation. It is worth using special requests to verify the information.

Basic methods

What methods exist on this moment? How to check the last 5 actions on MTS? Today there are a number of methods offered:

  1. Request for a special number.
  2. Call to contact center.
  3. Visit to the salon.
  4. Order details in your personal account.

Which viewing method should I choose? It all depends on your wishes. You should carefully study the available options before making your own decision.

Command to view the last 5 charges

One of the most popular methods is the team. Queries have been used for account management for many years. They allow you to quickly carry out the operation and obtain the information of interest. You do not need to have internet access for this purpose.

How to find out the five paid actions:

  1. Dial *152*1# and press the call button.
  2. Wait for the response information message to arrive.
  3. You can familiarize yourself with the data.

It is important to know: the parameters are displayed for the last two days. If no write-offs occurred during this period, the message will not contain information about completed transactions.

To find out parameters for a longer period, and not just the latest actions, you need to request details. It displays all data on debits from the account.

Service cost

You can find out the last five paid actions on MTS completely free of charge. When using a request from your phone, funds for the service are not charged. This fact will be an advantage.

The service is free not only in home network, but also in roaming. You can request data on write-offs and view them at any time.

In the contact center

An alternative option is a contact center. How to find out the information you are interested in:

  • Dial the number
  • Listen to the menu.
  • Select an item to connect to an operator.
  • Wait for the specialist's response.
  • After switching to the employee, tell the reason for the call.
  • He will check the information in the system.
  • Provides the client with the information they need.

The downside of this option is that the support service is often busy. Therefore, you often have to wait up to 10 minutes or more for a response. It is best not to call the call center in the evening when there is a peak in calls.

In the operator's cabin

Do you want to receive information about debits to your account? You can find out the cost of the last 5 actions on MTS in the company's showroom. To do this you need:

  1. Find the nearest office on the map. It is presented on the company's website and in the application on the phone.
  2. Come to it according to the work schedule.
  3. Provide a passport for identification.
  4. Request information about write-offs.
  5. The specialist will request the data from the database and transfer it to the client.
  6. You can view the information you are interested in.

But not many people use this method. Not everyone has the opportunity to personally come to the salon to receive information. There is no point in using this method when there are much more convenient options for subscribers.

Details in your personal account

You can find out about the cost of completed write-offs from the details. Necessary:

  • Go to the MTS website.
  • Open the tab with your personal account.
  • Enter your number and password.
  • Enter the office.
  • Find an item with details.
  • Select period.
  • Request data.

Which method is the most convenient for today?

The most convenient way is using a command. You just need to press a few buttons to get the information you need. The method takes no more than a minute, so subscribers actively use it.

But I manage to find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS in two days. If information is needed for a long period, then it is necessary to request details. It allows you to view write-offs for a specified period of time.

Based on the data obtained, you can:

  1. Optimize costs for communication services.
  2. Disable unnecessary options that are not necessary.
  3. Eliminate unnecessary costs.
  4. Detect improper debits.
  5. Make demands on the operator for compensation.
  6. Get your money back.
  7. Find out where funds from your account constantly disappear.

Modern mobile connection is provided on a paid basis, for each tariff plan and the service has a fixed price. Situations arise when the amount from the balance is not spent according to plan, for unknown purposes. It will be unpleasant to hear a warning about the deplorable state of your accounts. There can be quite a few reasons why money evaporates. To avoid getting into such a situation, you need to periodically check and find out why money is being withdrawn on MTS.

Personal account and application “My MTS”

If you have been using one package of services for several months and your balance suddenly becomes zero, you should figure it out and look for the reason. The answer may be hidden in an additional paid option that was activated without your consent or the user simply forgot that he had previously activated them.

A personal account has been implemented for all consumers of the company. To gain access to the service you must register. To do this, you need to enter your phone number. After which he will receive a notification containing a code combination of numbers. Enter them in the initialization form, and you will find yourself in the main menu of your personal account. On this page you will see the current status of your balance. To check why money is being withdrawn from an MTS phone, follow the instructions:

Attention! Using the service and inquiring about expenses is free.

You can perform the same list of actions in the MTS mobile utility. First, install it on your device. You will find it in any official store software and software for a specific operating system. When starting, you will only need to provide your number cell phone, in the future, authorization will occur automatically. You can analyze the cost of all connected options and your expenses. To do this, click on the “account balance” icon, and then open the “Expense Control” tab. A chart will appear on the display showing all payments for the current month.

USSD command

To control expenses, there are the following USSD code combinations:

  1. *100# is the standard code for checking the balance status on the SIM card. After entering, you will receive a notification with the requested information.
  2. An excellent analogue of a personal account is the 111 service. Dial a simple sequence of characters *111# and you will find yourself in the settings menu. To see where the money is going, follow the recommendations that appear on the display.
  3. Dial *152# and you will find yourself in the expense control service. For details for a certain period, click on the corresponding button in the menu.
  4. *152*3# activates the “Balance under control” option, within which the user will receive daily notifications after each withdrawal of funds from his mobile account. The application has a daily fee of 10 kopecks. /day. But you will always be aware of all transactions.
  5. *152*1# — free feature, which provides the subscriber with information about the last five balance changes over the past day. With its help, you will find out for what purposes your finances were spent.

Call to MTS operator

To find out why MTS withdraws money, just contact the specialists short number 0890. After this, you will hear a voice menu, the informant will offer you a number of specific actions. You can select them or wait for the operator’s response and ask him where the funds from your phone went. It will provide you with all the necessary information about the status of your balance, as well as all the latest payment transactions. The call to the MTS operator is free.

In MTS communication stores

MTS has a huge network of service stores throughout the country. If you decide to find out why money was withdrawn from your personal account, visit one of these places, having previously viewed the location on the map. Ask your manager to find out and provide you with all the detailed information about your latest payments. Give him a specific period or order details of all transactions. To do this you will need to provide your passport. A specialist will advise you about all available options, tariff plans and promotions. Will help you solve the problem of large bills and indicate a solution to save them.

Disabling unnecessary options

If you find out that money is leaking from your balance, try disabling useless paid services and subscriptions. Check in advance, using the methods indicated earlier in the article, which options you do not need. To deactivate, use one of the following methods:

The peculiarity of unnecessary options is that they can connect without the permission of the SIM card owner and withdraw money from your balance every day. They can usually be recognized by sending SMS messages in the form of advertisements.

Balance protection

The user can activate a number of services that will filter out useless applications and control all changes to the mobile account. Let's look at them in more detail:

Attention! The cost corresponds only to the Moscow region

Precautionary measures

To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation and not losing your finances for unknown services, take the following precautions:

  1. Try not to make calls to unknown short and landline numbers. In almost all cases you will have to pay for them. After all, they are not included in the terms of package tariff plans.
  2. Do not enter your personal information and cell phone number on various sites on the Internet. Some resources can be used by scammers and hackers for their own purposes.
  3. Pranks and quizzes are often shown on TV. Do not try to send an SMS with a reply or call the specified contact, you will more likely lose than win.
  4. If you receive a message on your phone about winning or winning a promotion, and you are asked to call back or transfer money. Do not open such emails. These are the methods that scammers use in search of easy money.
  5. Do not purchase equipment and SIM cards on the street from unlicensed sellers. After each replenishment, part of these funds can go into the pockets of criminals. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate only with official distributors.
  6. When you activate a specific option or plan, carefully review all the terms and conditions under the asterisk. Typically, operators like to write hidden extras in small print at the end of the contract. A striking example is that the service is provided free of charge only for a certain period of use; in the future, a constant fee is assigned for it. Sign contracts only after full review.

It is very easy to find out why money is withdrawn from MTS. In order not to lose all your finances, just check the characteristics of your SIM card periodically.

Mobile operators offer all their subscribers a variety of services that allow them to receive useful information about the company's capabilities. Some options help clarify controversial situations. For example, it happens that money disappears on a SIM card. What does MTS offer in this case? It is not difficult to find out the cost of the last 5 actions from this operator. We will study this operation further. What do subscribers need to know? What kind of service is this anyway? How much does it cost? The answer to all these questions is much easier than it seems.


With MTS, checking the cost of the last 5 actions is not so difficult. But more on that a little later. First you need to understand how much it costs to use this option.

Today, obtaining information about the latest actions with a SIM card is absolutely free. All MTS subscribers receive the option of detailing without debiting funds from the phone number. The exception is when sending a corresponding request while roaming. In some countries, you may be charged for detailing. More accurate information can be obtained from the operator.

Function description

How to find out the cost of the last 5 actions? MTS offers subscribers several quite attractive and simple ways. But before that, it is important to understand what exactly we are talking about. The option being explored allows people to track their last 5 paid transactions. After processing the corresponding request, the person receives a message on the phone with paid manipulations performed over the last 2 days. If there were no operations, this will also be reported. This kind of detail sometimes seems quite useful. But how to use it? What should the subscriber remember?

Context menu

At MTS, the cost of the last 5 actions can be found using a special context menu. To do this you will need to follow a few instructions. The instructions for detailing the last 5 paid operations look like this:

  • On your mobile phone you need to dial *152# and press the call button.
  • In the menu that appears, click on the “1” button. It's called "5 Last Actions".
  • Wait for a message with information.

This method is not in great demand among users. All MTS subscribers can quickly obtain the information they are interested in about paid operations performed on the SIM card. How exactly?

Fast decision

MTS provides the cost of the last 5 actions after the subscriber sends a specific USSD request. The result of the operation will be exactly the same as in the previous case - an SMS report. The algorithm of actions here comes down to dialing the command *152*1#. After this, you need to click on the “Call” button. That's all. After a few seconds, a report on paid transactions performed will be sent to your phone.

Long time

What if you need to get information for a longer period, and not for the past 48 hours? In this case, you will need to contact MTS and personally request details of transactions for a given time. It is best to take your passport, SIM card with you mobile phone and come to any operator’s sales office.

There the subscriber must write an application to provide details. In exchange for it, the citizen will be given a printout with all the operations performed.


How can you find out the cost of the last 5 actions from MTS while roaming? The answer is simple: you can use all the previously proposed methods. The USSD request and functional menu work equally well both in the Russian Federation and abroad. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the need to pay for the service. As already mentioned, some countries charge money for detailing the latest paid actions. In practice, such cases are extremely rare. Even a child can find out the cost of the last 5 actions from MTS.

How to find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS? Every user must answer this question. Account details will show information about five paid actions performed in last time. In this article we will look at how you can find out this data.

The operator has a special service that allows you to view the latest actions carried out from your number. Noticed an unexpected charge or don't agree with the amount written off? Take advantage of the provided service.

The option sends a detailed message indicating the cost, time and name of the last five operations. Find out why funds were withdrawn from your account; perhaps it happened by mistake, or you notice that an unnecessary service has been connected for which a subscription fee has been charged.

The service in question is useful if you need small details in the shortest possible time. If you need more detailed information about earlier completed operations, then the presented method will not work.

How to see the last 5 actions on MTS

How to check the last 5 actions on MTS using the service:

All information on expenses is grouped and provided in the following form:

  1. Data on calls, their duration and cost.
  2. Messages grouped by recipient phone numbers.
  3. Megabytes spent, shown sorted by network type.
  4. Other information regarding entertainment options.

You can also check your latest transactions in your personal account in the appropriate section.

Checking the last 5 roaming activities

It is worth noting that the USSD team works not only in Russia, but also in other countries. That is, you can check and see for what actions money was debited from your balance even while roaming.

The cost of the last 5 MTS actions can be found in any country where USSD operates. You can also use another combination and send from your phone - *152*1#. The only caveat is a possible delay in response when abroad.

Service cost

The service is provided completely free of charge. You can use the USSD service at any time.

Request a statement in the Call Center

You can get more details on operations by phone hotline. Dial 0890, identify yourself and request the information you need. This option is suitable if you need an older discharge history.

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