How to turn on Wi-Fi on Windows 7. How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop. What to do if the Wi-Fi adapter does not turn on

Nowadays, to create an Internet network, people often resort to using wireless solutions, which leads to the need to acquire a device such as a router that will distribute the Internet via wifi. And for this you need to know how to set up wifi.

How to set up wifi on a computer: setting up a wifi access point

In order for the router to work, you need to enter some values ​​manually. Let's set up wifi for Windows 7:

  • Find the “Start” button, then open “Control Panel”.

  • Select “Network and Internet” from the menu.

  • In the menu that opens, select “Network and Sharing Center” shared access”.

  • The next step is to open the “Change adapter settings” tab.

  • In the properties you need to select the protocol and click “Properties” again.

  • In the window that opens, you should enter the settings network card. Enter the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. When you finish entering, click “Ok”. The necessary parameters are configured.

How to connect your device to wifi

If your computer is running Windows 7, then you can connect wifi as follows:

  • Select the “Network” icon and click left button mouse and select the desired wifi access point. If you click on it, the “Connect” button will appear. You need to press it.

  • If a password is needed for this access point, a window will open where you will need to enter it.

Currently, they are becoming more widespread wireless technologies. Even public transport provides the opportunity to connect to the global network. Turning on Wi-Fi on a laptop is the first thing its owner should learn.

This is interesting! WiFi(fromEnglish. WirelessFidelity - quality without wires) is the logo of the Wi-Fi company Alliance. A fairly common practice is the transition from a proper name to a common noun. Similar transitions are brandsJeep, limousine and the like.

There are two main methods:

  1. Hardware enable.
  2. Software enablement.

Important! For normal operation of the wireless network card, update the drivers through the manufacturers' official pages.

To activate the module, as a rule, a special key combination is used. In the case described, this combination is Fn+F2. On older laptop models, activation is carried out using a special button with an image of an antenna, or using a switch.

On a note! When using outdated drivers, key combinations may not work at all, or may work incorrectly. Try to stay tuned for updates.

Enable via network management

The method is standard and included in official builds of operating systems.

Step 1. On the taskbar, turn on the display of hidden icons, find the network connection icon. Expand context menu, right-click and click on the “Network and Sharing Center” link.

Step 2. In the left frame, activate the “Change adapter settings” link.

Step 3. Highlight the wireless network adapter, bring up the menu and turn it on.

Important! You can also turn it on by double-clicking the left mouse button. Please note that you must have administrator rights to activate and deactivate individual network connections.You can get to the network connections section

Step 4. Enter the “Control Panel” through the “Start” button.

Step 5. Find the Connection Center icon and launch it. Then return to step 2 and follow the instructions described above.

If you are used to working with a keyboard more than a mouse, use another way to open the control center.

Step 6. Use the Win+R key combination.

Step 7 In the box that opens, enter the line “ncpa.cpl” and press the “Enter” key.

Then return to step 3.

Enabling via Device Manager

Step 1. To enable the module wireless communication Open "Start" and right-click on the "Computer" option. In the menu that opens, go to “Properties”.

Step 2. The window that opens contains various information about your system. In the left frame, find the “Device Manager” link and follow it.

Step 3. Find and expand the list of network adapters.

Step 4. Find the adapter you need, call up its menu and use the “Engage” option.

Important! To change network card settings, you must have administrator rights. You can view devices without them.

InclusionWi-Fi via command handler "cmd"

Step 1. To launch the command processor through “Start”, use the “Search programs and files” dialog box. Set the search parameter to keyword"cmd" and run the handler as administrator.

Step 2. To view information about connection interfaces, use the "netsh interface show interface" command.

Important! Pay attention to the parameters indicated in the “Admin Status” table. informs you whether the network card you need is enabled or not. The “Forbidden” state indicates inactivity.

Step 3. To activate the wireless network module, enter the command “netsh interface set interface name=”wlan” admin=ENABLED”, where name is the name of your network card from the table described above, and run the command.

On a note! Try to give network modules names based on English language, and at the same time one-component. In the case of multi-part names, use the “_” symbol instead of spaces between words - otherwise the command interpreter may not recognize required module, or the command simply will not be executed.

Step 4. Once the activation process is complete, check the status by calling up the interface details again.

Find out how to turn on Wi-Fi on Lenovo laptop in the article -

Video - No Wi-Fi button and cannot find wireless devices


We have described four different methods turning on the wireless network card. One method is hardware, three are software. All software is supplied with the operating system and does not require the installation of additional software packages.

Important! In the event that yourWi-Fi does not turn on in any of the ways; perhaps the network card is burned out. In this case, it is recommended to use specialusb-wifiadapters, as this is usually cheaper than replacing the integrated motherboard WiFi-module.

The evaluation of each of the software methods is displayed in the summary table.

Information\NameNetwork managementdevice ManagerCommand line
LicenseDelivery with operating systemDelivery with operating system
Russian languageDepending on Windows versionDepending on Windows version
View driver informationNoYesNo
Viewing network address informationYesNoYes
Interface convenience (from 1 to 5)4 5 4

When all the components for connecting to the Internet have already been purchased, you can begin connecting. So, setting up a wireless wi-fi network depends on the main device, represented by a personal computer or laptop. Settings worldwide network the Internet directly depends on operating system personal computer.

Any wifi camera for Windows is also launched, after taking into account the features of the provided equipment. The system selected by the user must have a window in which a special network connection management item is displayed.

If you need to install wireless connection in Windows xp, then you should take into account the difference between the current product of computer companies and previous versions.

Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows xp is considered more complex than in windows 7.

Windows xp.

First, the user must select the "Network Connections" option from the Control Panel's Start menu. Then find “wireless connection” and click on it. After enabling this command, communication is established, but you should view the available wireless networks by selecting the appropriate item. In order for the main device to work in a given direction, “Change the order of network preference” is required. When a new window appears, you can already put a marker near “ Using Windows

to configure the network" and click on "Advanced". Next, you will again have to return to “Change the order of network preferences” and remove the checkbox from “The key is provided automatically.” The network details are then entered and OK is pressed to confirm.

Wireless network access for Windows 7 Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows 7 begins with the “Control Panel”, in which you select “ Extra options

Then go to the “Computer Name” tab and click the “Change” option.

After this action, a window appears on the monitor with the names of the computer or domain. The personal work device itself must have a unique name. If this name had to be changed, a computer restart is required.

Setting parameters for Internet connection in Windows 7 Next click on the icon wired connection

, which is located on the lower right side of the monitor. This is where the “Network and Sharing Center” appears. It must be selected by pressing the confirmation key. From the list that appears, select the “Add” option and create a “Computer-to-computer” network. To continue click “Next”. In the fields with names and network parameters, enter data as necessary. Then they confirm the actions and enable Internet connection sharing. Wireless network wifi windows

7 will start working immediately after clicking “Close”.

Connecting Windows 8 to wi-fi Initially set settings to personal computers

Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows 8 usually starts by clicking the star icon. After this, a list of proposed wireless networks appears on the monitor. One of them must be selected by typing the required security code. Confirm the above action with the “Next” button.

When it comes to home network, then it is better to choose public access. When the connection is normal, the asterisk next to the division icon disappears and the signal reception level begins to be displayed.

Implementation of wireless communication reception by the tenth version

operating room Windows system 10 different from previous versions additional settings, which involve the use touch screens. It is also automatically updated here necessary drivers. Because of this additional function Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows 10 is not particularly difficult. The user just needs to click on the icon in the lower right corner of the monitor and determine the available network.

Connecting wi-fi on Windows 10

It is also possible to automatically select a connection by checking the box next to the appropriate item. If the wi-fi adapter is not connected, then on the marker in question with divisions there is a cross instead of an asterisk. This can be easily fixed by pressing a specific button.

Most often, the wireless network is protected by a password, which must be entered into the window that appears when connecting and confirmed.

On modern computers And laptops already have a built-in special radio receiver, which is responsible for sending and receiving information at a distance without the use of wires. For this reason, setting up a wi-fi connection occurs without much difficulty.

In this issue we will try to figure out how to enable Wi-Fi in Windows 10 if there is no Wi-Fi button. Where can I look for wireless network settings to turn on Wi-Fi and why does this problem occur? I'll tell you about the error "Could not find wireless devices on this PC" in Windows 10.

I’ll say right away that when you cannot find “Wi-Fi” on your laptop (there is no power button, there is no item in the settings, etc.), then most likely you simply do not have the Wi-Fi driver installed, you do not have a Wi-Fi receiver, or it is turned off.

Let's look into everything in detail.

So the crux of the problem:

The whole problem is that we cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network on Windows 10. I have already written a detailed article on connecting to Wi-Fi. But when we open the connection management window, there is simply no button there Wi-Fi control adapter.

If we go to settings, in network parameters, then we won’t find the “Wi-Fi” item there either. And on the tab Airplane mode we will see the error highlighted.

This problem could mean that:

  • Your computer simply does not physically have a Wi-Fi receiver. If you have a laptop, then it should have a built-in wireless adapter. On your computer, you can use an external Wi-Fi receiver. If you are absolutely sure that your computer has Wi-Fi (you have used it before Windows installations 10, looked at the specifications, connected an external receiver, etc.), then you need to check other reasons.
  • The driver for the Wi-Fi adapter is not installed. In some article I already wrote that Windows 10 itself installs the driver for wireless adapters. But not always. And these drivers do not always work as they should. Therefore, the most common reason, with such problems with Wi-Fi in Windows 10, this is the lack of a driver wireless adapter, or inappropriate driver.
  • Well, it may be that the “Wireless Network” adapter is simply disabled.

One small nuance. If you have an “airplane” icon on your notification panel instead of the Internet icon, then simply turn off this mode by clicking on the icon itself and turning off the “Airplane” mode.

Let's check and fix it.

No Wi-Fi on a Windows 10 laptop: problem solving

Let's first check if the adapter is turned on "Wireless network", and if you don’t have this adapter at all, then we’ll make sure that the problem is in the driver, or in the absence of this adapter in your computer.

Right click on internet connection icon in the notification bar, and open Network and Sharing Center. In the new window, select Change adapter settings.

If you see an adapter there "Wireless network"(or something like that) and it's disabled, then right-click on it, and select Turn on. After this, Wi-Fi should appear on your laptop and you can connect to the wireless network.

If there is no “Wireless Network” adapter at all, then, as I already said, your computer most likely does not have a Wi-Fi driver installed. Or it is installed, but does not work stably.

Problems with the Wi-Fi adapter driver in Windows 10

We need to go to the device manager and see what's there. Is there a wireless adapter and how does it work? To do this, click on the menu Start and select Options.

At the bottom of the page go to device Manager.

In Device Manager, open the tab Network adapters . There may be several adapters, but there are two main ones. This: LAN- to connect the Internet via network cable to the network card, and wireless adapter. As a rule, the name of the wireless adapter contains the word "Wireless". This is what the Wi-Fi adapter looks like in Device Manager on my laptop:

As you can see, the name indicates the manufacturer and model. If you have an adapter in Device Manager and it is enabled, but you still cannot turn on Wi-Fi, then try updating the driver for your adapter.

If there is no driver, or the adapter itself is missing, then you won’t see it in the device manager either.

But, please note that if there is no adapter in the manager (but there is one on the computer), then there should be at least one “Unknown device” in the device manager, as in my screenshot. In this case, you need to try installing the driver for the Wireless adapter.

How to install or update wifi driver adapter?

If you have a laptop, then go to the manufacturer’s official website, through the search, or through the menu, look for your model, there, find the section with driver downloads, and look for the driver for the Wireless adapter. Please note that there will most likely be an option to select your operating system. Select Windows 10. If there is no driver for Windows 10, you can try selecting Windows 8 (8.1). Also, the driver may be on the disk that usually comes with the laptop (but it is unlikely that there will be a driver for the “ten”).

Save the driver to your computer and simply start installing it. If you downloaded the archive, then the archive should contain installation file, which you just need to run and follow the instructions. After installation, restart your laptop and try to connect to the Wi-Fi network (Wi-Fi must be turned on).

If you have desktop computer with a USB/PCI adapter, then look for the driver on the website of the adapter manufacturer. According to the adapter model. Well, you should also have a driver disk.

As for updating the driver, we do everything the same as in the case of installation: find it, download it to your computer, and install it.


How to enable Wi-Fi in Windows 10 if there is no Wi-Fi button?

Well, that's all for today, friends! Please write in the comments whether you were able to connect to the Wi-Fi network. And subscribe to our channel , if you haven't subscribed yet, be sure to click on the bell to receive notifications about the release of new videos.

I will describe all the methods known to me turn on Wi-Fi networks on a laptop (after all, everything that can be turned off can be turned on?!) I’ll start with the simpler and more common methods, then I’ll move on to more complex methods that only a few will need.

So if you see on taskbar icon Wi-Fi is turned off (or you don’t see the icon at all), then this article is for you.

Turn on Wi-Fi using the slider/button on the laptop body.

On many laptop models, to turn on Wi-Fi, you need to use the slider or a separate button to turn on Wi-Fi. Often this switch is located on the front end of the laptop.

The switch looks different, but has one function - turning the wireless network on and off.

To turn on Wi-Fi, simply move the slider to the On position.

How to turn on Wi-Fi using a keyboard shortcut.

If your laptop does not have sliders or separate buttons for turning on Wi-Fi, take a closer look at the keyboard; on it you may find a Wi-Fi icon on one of the function keys(F1-F12).

It can be located on different buttons, it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the laptop.

In order to turn on Wi-Fi, you need to press this key or use a keyboard shortcut +<клавиша Wi-Fi>.

Let's look at the key combinations that are most often used in laptops from different manufacturers:

  1. Acer. Press the keys: +.
  2. Asus. Combination +.
  3. HP. Click here +.
  4. Lenovo. Required buttons: +.
  5. Samsung. Or +, or +.
  6. Dell key combination +or +

How to enable Wi-Fi in Windows settings.

If the above procedures did not help and you are still wondering How to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop? you need to check whether the wireless network connection is turned on in Windows settings. To do this, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. One way is to right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Another way to use hotkeys + enter the command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

It doesn’t matter which method you used, the result will be the same - a window will appear on the monitor Network connections. Next you need to find wireless connection right-click on it and select "Enable" (if the Enable option is not available, it means Wi-Fi network included).

Enable Wi-Fi through Windows Device Manager.

If your Wi-Fi adapter is still not enabled, you need to check whether it is enabled in the task manager. To do this, click the Start button, right-click Computer, and select Manage. From the left menu, select Device Manager.

Or press the keyboard shortcut + enter the command in the search bar mmc devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

If the adapter icon is marked with a down arrow, it means it is turned off; to turn it on, right-click on it and select “Enable”.

Update drivers for Wi-Fi.

Another reason for Wi-Fi not working may be an inappropriate driver or its absence. In order to install required driver, go to the laptop manufacturer’s website, find your model (on some sites this will be difficult to do, you can write the laptop model in the comments, I will try to help you) and download the driver for the network Wi-Fi cards for your operating system. After this, it will be enough to install the drivers after rebooting laptop wifi must earn it.

No matter how you turned on the wireless network, you should eventually see a Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar. When you click on it you will see the available for Wi-Fi connections networks.

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