Scissors in Windows 7 keyboard shortcut. Scissors program in windows7. Free form screen scissors

Hi all. Alexander Glebov is in touch with you as usual. This time I will talk about a very convenient Windows tool, namely Screen Snips for Windows 7. I consider this an extremely useful tool for any computer user...

What exactly are screen scissors for Windows 7?

So, Windows screen snips (in the English edition of the OS Snipping Tool) is a micro program designed to create a snapshot of the selected area. This program first appeared in Windows Vista and has been present in every version of Windows since then. Up to Windows 10. The snipping app for Windows 7 can be found at: %windir%\system32\SnippingTool.exe, where %windir% is the Windows installation directory.

If you have the operating system Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, then screen scissors can be found through Start. Click Windows icon in the lower left corner, a tiled menu will open, and in it just start typing the word “Scissors” or “Snipping Tool” if the OS is English edition. As a result, a window with the found program will appear:

Windows Screen Snips functionality

Windows 7 scissors is quite a functional tool. Using them you can take the following types of photographing an image:

Free form screen scissors

In principle, everything is intuitive. Free form is when you move the mouse and a screenshot of the circled area will be taken. In “Figure 1” I gave an example of how the selection process occurs, and in “Figure 2” you can see the result of this selection:

Rectangular shape

It’s clear from the title, but still. This is the selection of the desired area with a rectangular shape. It is very convenient when you need to highlight some windows.


This is a copy of the picture of the window you click on. It is convenient when you need to take a screenshot of an entire window, but the rectangular shape is not suitable due to the fact that the window is very large.

This is interesting - you can take a screenshot of the active window using the ALT+ key combination Print Screen. The photo will automatically be placed on the clipboard.

Whole screen

As the name suggests, it takes a snapshot of the entire screen. Analogous to pressing the Print Screen button on the keyboard.

Also, scissors in Windows 7 allow you to make notes on the screenshot you take. It's very convenient, you don't need to use Paint or any other graphics editor. On the screenshot you take, you can highlight something with a yellow “Marker” or write something with a “Pen”; erroneous marks can be erased using the “Eraser” tool. Example:

The Pen tool can be customized to include thickness, shape, and color. This is done through the menu "Tools-Pen-Customize", after you have configured the pen, you must select this setting - "Tools-Pen-Custom pen".

The program Screen Scissors for Windows 7 has the following: Extra options"Service-Parameters":

Yes, screen scissors for Windows 7 are a very convenient tool, by the way, I only use this tool on mine. Its functionality is more than enough for me. It’s a pity that this tool is not available in Windows XP, because not everyone has switched to Windows 7 or Windows 8 yet. But we can solve this problem, read below how to download scissors for Windows XP.

Download scissors for Windows XP - easy!

So, let's say that for some reason you have not yet moved on from Windows XP and you need the snips program for windows xp. To install them in windows xp follow these simple steps:

  1. First you need to download the archive - from here.
  2. Unpack the archive to the location you need. And run the file 1_Alky_XP.exe, install it, move on to the next step.
  3. Run the file 2_Alky_XP_REG.exe and install it as well.
  4. Copy the SnippingTool.exe and SnippingTool.exe.manifest files to the system directory. By default this is C:\Windows\System32.
  5. Copy the shortcut (Snipping Tool.lnk) to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Main Menu\Programs\Standard.
  6. Next, we can go to start-standard and make sure that the Scissors tool appears there.

Warning, for the program "scissors in windows xp" to work, the Microsoft package must be installed. NET Framework 2.0.

With this, I am finishing this article, please leave all questions, suggestions, and criticism in the comments. I'll be happy to talk to you. Thank you for your attention, I hope the article was useful to you.

Best regards, Alexander Glebov.

Scissors program in windows7

Scissors program for windows 7 ( Snipping Tool allows you to take an instant snapshot of your entire screen (screenshot), any object on your desktop, a photo, or a section of a website in your browser. It also allows you to take notes, explain the photo, send it by email, insert it into a document, or simply save it on your computer.

All this is much faster than taking screenshots in Windows using the PrtScn key.

In the windows7 scissors program, you can take pictures of the following desktop objects (Figure 1):

Fig.1 Scissors program for windows7

Arbitrary object shape. In this case, you will need to outline the outline of the figure you want to photograph. This is done with the mouse. Moreover, the contour does not have to be closed. True, if you did not connect the starting and ending points, then scissors program will connect them itself, but along the shortest straight line. The photo will be taken as soon as you release the mouse button.

Rectangular shape. An object is selected by dragging the cursor. You need to place the cursor at the top point of the fragment, hold down the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the cursor diagonally to the bottom point. The photo is taken automatically as soon as you release the mouse button.

Window. This is a screenshot of a window on the desktop. If several windows are open on the desktop, and you want to take a picture of a window that is inactive at that time, you need to first activate it so that it becomes the top one. Otherwise, a photo will be taken along the contour of the selected window and part of the upper overlapping one. The picture is taken by clicking inside the desired window.

Whole screen. Captures the entire monitor screen. The photo is taken instantly as soon as you select the option Whole screen.

Menu. You can take a photo of any drop-down menu (context menu, Start menu, etc.).

Snapshot menu it's done like this:

1.Open the windows 7 scissors program

2. Click the Esc key

3. Open the menu that you will need to capture

4. Press the key combination CTRL+PRINT SCREEN (PrtSc)

5. Click the triangle next to the Create tab (Fig. 1), and in the drop-down menu select the desired option for highlighting

6. Select the previously opened menu. The photo will be taken immediately.

The captured monitor screen object is automatically copied to the clipboard and the markup window of the scissors program (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Layout window of the Scissors program ( Snipping Tool) windows7

In the markup window, you can add explanations to the image, make some underlines, highlights, etc. with a marker, save it to a file, or send it by email.

Pictures are saved to files HTML format, PNG, GIF or JPEG.

From the clipboard, you can paste a picture into a document or graphic editor for further work.

Where is the scissors program located in windows 7

Where are the scissors in windows 7? Since the scissors program is standard addition windows7, then finding it is quite simple: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Scissors.

The scissors program file itself is SnippingTool.exe - located in the System32 folder:

Computer – Disk C – Windows – System32 - Snipping Tool.exe

To make it easier to find scissors and for the convenience of working with the program, you can place its shortcut on the taskbar, start menu, desktop, or assign “ hotkey» for a quick call.

How to assign a hotkey for scissors

The hotkey for the scissors program is assigned as follows:

1. open Properties

2. place the cursor in the field Quick call(by default there is No)

3. Press on the keyboard the key that you want to assign as a hot key (to quickly call up scissors).

If you assign a regular hot key, including a numeric one, you can launch the scissors by pressing the key combination:

Ctrl + Alt + Assigned hotkey.

If you assign a function hotkey for scissors ( F1 –F12), then the launch is carried out by pressing one assigned key.

Availability of the Scissors program for Windows 7 OS

The scissors program is available for the following versions operating system windows: Home Advanced, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate.

For version windows 7 home basic The scissors program is not available.

Is it possible to download scissors for windows7?

The scissors application is installed along with the windows7 operating system. If for some reason the program stops working or was accidentally deleted, you will not be able to download it officially from the Microsoft website. But you can download scissors from installation disk windows7. Or upon request “scissors program for windows7 download” find download sites. There are such sites, but here you will download scissors at your own peril and risk.

In this case, it is better to download the scissors program from the Internet, test it on Windows 7. And only then install it on the main operating system.

Screen Scissors is a small free (for non-commercial use) program designed for quickly taking screenshots from a computer screen, which does not require installation on a computer (portable). In order to use the program, you just need to run the executable exe file. The application runs from the Windows system tray (tray), where all the functions and settings of the program are located.

There are several ways to take a screenshot in Screen Scissors. The fastest and most convenient is to use a hotkey combination (by default CTRL + P). You can also click on the program icon in the tray with the left mouse button. In addition, you can use right button manipulator to call the "Take screenshot" function in the main application tray menu with additional options. Next, the user will be able to select and transform the area of ​​the screen needed to take the picture. When creating a screenshot, the program allows you to draw. By holding down the SHIFT key and controlling the mouse, the user can add simple icons, symbols or letters to the photo. You can also erase unsuccessfully drawn images using the mouse while holding down the CTRL key. To save the finished image, you must press Enter, and to cancel the operation, press Esc. The program can save screenshots on the computer's hard drive, to the operating system's clipboard, and to the server of the program's developers, providing the user with a direct link to the file. However, it must be taken into account that the screenshots on remote server are stored for no more than 72 hours. You can remove the limitation on file storage time by purchasing a separate license.

The Screen Scissors app has flexible system settings, which allows you to specify in what format and in which directory the pictures will be saved, customize hot keys and display of tooltips, set the program to run with the system, and more. All saved application settings are stored in the program folder in special file Settings.ini. You can save it separately so that when you use it new version I didn’t have to reconfigure the program every time.

The Scissors program is an application that allows the user to select the desired area of ​​the desktop and take a screenshot of it. Of course, such functions are performed by just one Print Screen button. However, the program allows you to take a screenshot not of everything, but only of a small section of it.

Where is it found?

The Scissors program is a standard mini-application that performs many functions and makes your work much easier. This software is built into almost all corporate, home, maximum, professional. The exception is the basic one. It is worth noting that this program found in Windows 8, Windows Vista, and other versions.

Main advantage this application is that it allows you not only to film part of the desktop, but also to carry out some editing actions.

Where to find the program in Windows 7

Before you can take a screenshot, you need to launch the application. The Snipping Tool in Windows 7 is located in the Start menu. It won't be difficult to find it here. Once in the menu, you need to go to the “All Programs” tab, then to “Standard”. After this, you can click on the icon labeled “Scissors”.

There is another, more quick way. Just enter the name “Scissors” into the search bar, but without quotes. The system will automatically find the application. If you use Snipping Tool very often, you can pin it to the Quick Access Toolbar in the Start menu. It is not difficult. Just right-click the mouse, hovering over the program name, and select context menu"Pin to Start" feature.

Main functions of the application

The Snipping Tool for Windows 7 performs only three main functions:

  1. Taking a screenshot.
  2. Editing a finished photo.
  3. Saving the final result.

This is quite enough for the job of creating desktop images. It is worth noting that the application interface is quite simple. There are no big difficulties in the process of taking and editing screenshots. So, it’s worth taking a closer look at the main functions of the program.

Taking Snapshots

To take a simple screenshot, just click on the “Create” button. If necessary, you can choose the shape of the future image. To do this, click on the triangle, which is located next to the “Create” button. The Scissors program offers several options:

  1. Screenshot of the active window.
  2. Free form.
  3. Rectangle.
  4. Whole screen.

By selecting required parameters, all you have to do is click on the “Create” button. After such a manipulation, objects located in the work area will be darkened. To take a screenshot of the desired area, click on left button mouse and, holding it, drag the pointer across the screen. When the required zone is highlighted, release the key. As a result, a new program window will open, where the finished image will be located.

If you don’t like the screenshot, you can redo it by clicking on the “Create” button again and highlighting the required area. Once the photo is ready, you can start editing it.

How to edit a screenshot

The Scissors program for Windows allows you to edit a finished photo. After taking a screenshot, a separate application window opens. No need to compare this editor With Paint program, since its editor has a limited set of functions. You can make certain notes on the screenshot. To do this, use a marker or pen. The strokes created by these tools can be of any color. In addition to the shade, you can adjust the thickness and type of line.

Snipping Tool allows you to copy an edited photo and paste it into another application window. To do this, click the “Copy” button. In this case, the drawing will be saved in After that, you can place it in a photo editor, text editor and other programs. Simply press the “Insert” button in the required application. You can also use hotkeys. To insert an object, press Ctrl + V.

Saving the result

Scissors program for XP and others Windows versions allows you to save a screenshot in several formats. It can be PNG, JPG, GIF and even HTML, which is very convenient. To save the picture, click on the “Save” button. In the application, this icon is indicated in the form of a floppy disk. After this, you need to select the file type and enter a name. Finally, click the “Save” button.

You can act differently. In the program menu, select the “File” option, and then “Save As”. Now you need to select the location where the file will be stored, name it and select the format. Finally, click the “Save” button.

As you can see, the Scissors program is useful application, which is easy to work with. If you need to create a simple screenshot, then you should use this software. is understandable and can be mastered intuitively.

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