Design and implementation of variable modular additional professional programs for teaching staff in secondary education. Mockups and Tests Scribus is a multi-platform, complete mockup solution

Layout program is some preliminary text that allows clarification - redefinition .

According to the concept of this language, the concept of “function” has a dual nature. A function can be represented in an algorithmic style - by defining a procedure whose execution compares the result to a valid argument. But it is equally legitimate to represent the function in the form graphic arts, which maps arguments to results. Both views can exist simultaneously - they are just two implementations of the same function. A graphical understanding of a function includes tabular implementation similar to Bradis's mathematical tables. Besides graph of a function does not have to be a line - it can be a figure of arbitrary outline. Consequently, the argument can correspond to a set of results lying at the intersection of the vertical with this figure - the graph of the function. With this interpretation, there is nothing surprising in the gradual accumulation or construction of a function graph. You can set a small set of graph points, and then gradually expand it. According to J. Schwartz, the author of the language SETL, such a technique can serve as an optimization for particularly complex calculations.

A more formal layout can be built from specifications functions in the form of standard expressions that define the types of arguments and results. Such a mockup can act as a "stub" for unimplemented components. Instead, a universal function can work, checking the correspondence of the actual arguments to the prescribed data type and producing as a result an arbitrary data corresponding to the description of the result. This mechanism will be more effective when paired with a simple test layout if the result is selected from a collection of tests.

Memo functions and testing

No less valuable consequences from the unification of structural values ​​and functional objects are obtained by the cumulative effect of a number of sessions of processing recursive programs containing common components. The admissibility of joint storage of functional definitions and tests for their verification in a common structure, for example, in a list of properties of the atom that names the function, allows you to build technological layouts with multiple definitions, collections of tests and specifications, and documentation. Such layouts are suitable to support full program life cycle. They allow you to organize a quick comparison of results when updating the function system. On this basis, automatic testing of programs is possible. From a practical point of view, technological layouts are a universal tool for dynamic optimization of application systems.

Let's imagine that the evaluation of each recursive function is accompanied by the storage of the "argument, result" pair. After this, you can put a slightly modified function interpretation rule into action. The change is that before applying the function to the actual argument, it checks to see if there is already a calculated result for that argument. The finished result is the result of the function, otherwise everything works as usual. The mechanism for saving the calculated results of functions is called "memo functions"[ 4 ] . Naturally, the basis for its use is the sufficient complexity and frequency of processing. A notable feature of this method is that any complexity of very frequent calculations tends to be linear over time.

Most commercial publishing software is expensive. But don't despair, there are at least two excellent free programs that will allow you to handle the specific task of creating a print layout. One of these programs is designed for small businesses and is a great alternative to Microsoft Publisher. The other is a serious high-class competitor, not inferior to multifunctional commercial programs.

Review of free software for publishing (creating a print layout)

Scribus is a multi-platform, complete layout solution

The first, most advanced program is open source. Initially, Scribus was designed only for Linux systems, but over time it also began to support Mac OS X, OS2 and Windows.

Scribus is truly a program capable of creating professional creations that can be sent straight to print, without any need for pre-processing. The list of features is impressive. Everything you might need, including support for CMYK colors, separators, ICC color profile management, pdf creation and much more. The layout procedure is somewhat reminiscent of Gimp (a fairly well-known open source program). In addition, Scribus can import and export data from Open Office, a powerful analogue to Microsoft Office.

Although Scribus is a very, very functional application, the user interface is still a little behind its commercial brothers. Of course, the program allows you to use different display templates (shells), but you can still feel the difference. Scribus has fairly extensive documentation and its development continues to this day.

In general, Scribus places more emphasis on functionality rather than beauty. Therefore, this program is more suitable for those who need to create printed layouts of any complexity.

PagePlus Starter Edition is an excellent product for start-up publishers and small organizations

The second program is from Serif, creators of the famous free image editor PhotoPlus. PagePlusSE is a simplified version of PagePlus X8. Of course, the free version lacks many of the features of the commercial version, but the functionality available is more than enough to create relatively simple brochures, flyers, and newsletters often used by small businesses and charities. In fact, the lack of complex features makes PagePlusSE much more intuitive and user-friendly for novice users with general publishing needs.

The program comes with a good set of ready-made templates (additional templates can be downloaded from the Internet), so even a novice user can create beautiful and presentable materials for printing in a short time. PagePlusSE has quite good tools for processing text and images (inserting, resizing, etc.). There is also a basic set of forms: folding leaflets, business cards, letter forms, etc. Tools for manipulating the color palette are limited in places, but they are, however, quite sufficient for most needs. Limitations also affected the available file formats for saving your works (for example, there is no PDF).

Note: However, you can use pdf creation software to get around this limitation.

If there's one thing that truly sets PagePlus SE apart from its peers, it's undeniably ease of use. In fact, the program's interface is designed in such a way that if you are even slightly familiar with Microsoft Word and similar office suites, then consider that you already know how to use PagePlus SE. In this case, it is clearly felt that this product is based on commercial software.

Note: Of course, you should not in any way assume that free and open source products cannot be attractive, beautiful and convenient. And that all commercial products have a better interface by default. In reality, this is not always the case. It's just that, unlike free products, the main focus of commercial programs should almost always include appearance (interface, etc.). Otherwise, they simply will not withstand the competition.

Quick Selection Guide (links to download free software for publishing)


Very powerful, can do anything you can imagine.
Perhaps too complex and powerful for average users.
70 MB x86; 82 MB x64 1.4.4 Unrestricted freeware Windows 2000 - 8 x86, Vista - 8 x64, Mac OS X, Various Linux distributions, OS2 eComStation.
64-bit OS support
Before installing Scribus (for Windows), install Ghostscript. It is required to import EPS and print previews.

PagePlus Starter Edition

Easy to use. Lots of ready-made backgrounds, templates, samples, styles, etc. Likely to be the best choice for everyday creation of relatively simple layouts.
Mostly basic functionality.

Prototypes have become an indispensable stage in the professional development of web projects and software. Prototypes make life easier for all people involved in the process of creating a project: the client, managers, designers and developers. The prototype visualizes the final product and helps identify serious problems at the earliest stages, helping to avoid hemorrhoids in the later stages of development.

Of course, the initial sketches, made, for example, on paper and embodying the designer’s first ideas, have not yet been canceled. But all future work, which will involve all members of the team, is best done in special software that supports editing, versioning and collaboration.

Now we will look at 11 services for prototyping, some of which are free, and others with very budget price tags for this category of programs.

PowerMockup - plugin for PowerPoint


As you can see from the list above, there is a large selection of prototyping tools available from which to choose the one that is right for you.

Have you used any of them? If yes, please share your experience in the comments.

The methodology for the design and implementation of variable modular additional professional programs for teaching staff of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) is aimed at providing methodological assistance to managers and specialists of regional education management systems, methodologists and teachers of educational organizations of vocational education; additional professional education - developers of additional professional programs for teachers and masters of industrial training of secondary vocational education.

Approximate layouts of additional professional programs (professional retraining programs, advanced training programs), internship programs, assessment tools are advisory in nature and are compiled on the basis of the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation) and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs” (as amended).

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation, there are two types of advanced training programs - advanced training programs and professional retraining programs. Internship is a form of implementation of advanced training programs.

It is legally established that the volume of a professional development program is at least 16 hours, and a professional retraining program is at least 250 hours.

The amount of hours required to implement the DPP is set by the developers in accordance with the requirements for mastery results educational program.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 13 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, when implementing any educational programs, including DPP, the modular principle of presenting the content of the educational program and constructing curricula can be used.

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes that additional professional professional retraining programs (hereinafter referred to as professional retraining programs) are developed on the basis of professional standards and the requirements of the relevant Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary Professional Education and Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education for the results of mastering educational programs.

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Order No. 499 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs,” the professional retraining program must present the purpose and planned learning outcomes.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs,” in the structure of the advanced training program it is necessary to provide a list of professional competencies within the framework of existing qualifications, the qualitative change of which is carried out in result of training.

Approximate maketadditional professional program (advanced training program) contains:

4. Curriculum Layout

Approximate maketadditional professional program (program of professional retraining) contains:

1. Layout of the title page and the back of the title page of the additional professional program

2. Layout of the “General characteristics of the program” section

3. Layout of the section “Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program”

4. Curriculum Layout

5. Layout of the academic calendar

6. Layout of the work program of the training course, discipline (module)

6.1. Layout of the work program of the training course, discipline (module)

6.2. Layout of the professional module work program

6.3. Layout of the practice (internship) program

7. Layout of the “Evaluation Materials” section

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