Yahoo search engine. Yahoo search and mail: what you need to know when setting up services? Yahoo Mail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the Yahoo server - Yahoo Mail

Since 2004, the developers of Yahoo mail have tirelessly pampered users with innovations. The Russian-language version of the mail was launched in November 2010.

By now it is comfortable and free service which provides users all over the world with up to 1 TB of free space for letters and many other possibilities.

Yahu is not only an email account for working with emails, but also one of the largest portals with a bunch of useful services, including, which was described earlier at the link provided.

Registering and logging into Yahoo mail

To become a registered user, you need to create a mail, for this we go to the site at

This is where Yahoo! is located! In Russian - select the "Create an account" option and navigate to the registration form.

You will need to provide standard information - first name, last name, choose a login or, in other words, a Yahoo username (tooltips are provided).

Next, you need to come up with a unique password for the security of the contents of your mail - the level of protection here, apparently, is not too high, because I did not need a case change, nor the use of numbers or any signs.

As for the password, Yahoo has its own policy in this case - for example, already some time ago, users no longer needed to enter a security combination every time they log in.

The system automatically saves the password that was set during registration. True, now you need to go through two-factor identification without fail with each authentication in the resource.

To quickly recover a password or a forgotten login, enter the number mobile phone, which will receive all system notifications.

Next comes the usual information - date of birth and gender. Below, you can also optionally indicate an additional number, for example, a close friend or relative - this way, you have two possible ways of insurance at once and will not lose important data.

Registration is, in principle, completed on this, it remains only to log in. I was automatically redirected to the main page of the Yahoo portal.

To sign in to email you need to click on "Sign In", here you will need to re-enter your username and password for confirmation.

More precisely, even this was not needed - at the slightest substitution of the cursor, the data appears in the rows, which was specified once when the mailbox was created.

All that remains is to log in and start using the features of Yahoo mail.

Mailbox settings and capabilities

You can go to the settings as soon as you log into your Personal Account for the first time.

Yahoo mail in Russian will initially offer to import address books and contacts from services such as Facebook, or from another Yahoo mail account.

In the future, you will not be forced to use additional settings, access to them is traditionally located in the upper right corner - there is a "gear" for this.

Here you can also change the theme (background), set basic commands for hotkeys, set up privacy and basic account information.

If we have already started talking about this, let's proceed directly to setting up the mailbox.

There are few proposed topics, mostly nature, there are also laconic options with a predominance of one color without a picture.

To install a new background, just select the one you like with one click, and then confirm the decision with the "Finish" command.

Now back to the main settings - here you first need to set the parameters for viewing messages.

By the way, at the bottom you can see how much space is occupied in percentage and how many letters will still fit.

With viewing messages, everything is quite simple - you can independently adjust the parameters and set the most convenient ones.

When creating letters, for example, addresses are automatically entered into address book, it is also convenient to edit the font and style.

If you have a Facebook profile, you can link it to your Yahoo account in the Accounts tab.

Ask an auto answer - everyone provides this service today postal services, here it is proposed to adjust and send a different response to different domains.

The "Filters" tab offers to set certain restrictions for letters - as an additional antispam.

To do this, select the “add” command: come up with a name for the filter yourself, then the requirements for the message data are introduced - they can “begin / end” with certain words, and also, for example, “contain / not contain” some phrases.

Then you need to specify in which folder the letter will be sent.

Besides, Yahoo mail offers to create disposable addresses to protect users from unnecessary mailings. That is, you can use this feature when you subscribe to them on various sites.

As soon as you feel that your mailbox is being bombarded with unnecessary information, it is enough to delete the address.

If you do not want to receive letters from someone in principle, the sender's address can be blocked - for this, there is a whole section in the settings where this data is stored, if necessary, the blocking is removed.

In addition, Yahu has his own Messenger, similar to the Agent. Customize your contacts in a way convenient for you and communicate with whoever you want in chat.

If necessary, you can block extraneous addresses and group contacts by categories.

After the "Settings", be sure to look into the "Hotkeys" section - there is a wide list of basic commands that you will need to manage tasks within the mail.

The "Account Information" section contains all your personal information, including the management of aliases - you can use different logins to enter other services.

It also contains account security settings - information about additional mailing addresses, phone number.

Change your password or set to use two-factor authentication. Today, all leading postal services have switched to this system- first, a permanent password for the mailbox is entered, then with the help of SMS confirmation, you additionally confirm access.

Among other things, the Action Log is at your service - logins to the system are recorded here, in case of suspicious activity you will be prompted to change your password.

The "Parameters" contains information about your location, which is determined automatically by the IP-address, and the language of the profile is also set here.

Subscriptions stores information about the subscription addresses that you create.

As for the main parameters, that's all - now pay attention to the device of the mail itself.

At the top of the control panel on the left there are quick access icons - this is directly mail, then there is an address book with contacts, calendar, Messenger and mobile app service.

The calendar should be noted separately - you can create events and group them by subject. In fact, this is an electronic diary - easy to manage and without unnecessary busting with design.

So, you have received a letter, which means that you will see a corresponding mark next to the "Inbox" folder (the number of unread letters is indicated in brackets).

Click on the line with the name of the letter to view it in expanded form.

The left vertical panel is all devoted to messages, which are grouped, in turn, by packs.

At the very bottom of the list, you will find the "Recent" section - this is a convenient access to all the last received letters, created drafts, search queries on the contents of the entire mailbox.

The "Smart Views" section is designed to create folders for messages and divide them by subject - for example, "Unread", " Social networks", Shopping", "travel".

You can use the suggested options, rename existing folders, or create additional ones.

The selected letter can be marked in a way convenient for you, printed, use its parameters to create a filter if necessary.

How to remove Yahoo

To find out how to delete mail, go to the settings panel on the right and select the "Help" section.

Type “delete account” into the line at the top of the page and click the first pop-up link.

There you will see instructions, and just below the list of actions from five points - click on the link in the first of them "Terminating your Yahoo account".

Here, all the information will be in Russian, all that remains is to do the following:

  • enter the current password that is used to access the mailbox;
  • enter the specified code from random characters (captcha);
  • select the command “YES. Terminate your account. "

After that Account will be immediately blocked, it will be deleted from the system exactly 90 days later, unless you decide to use the restore function.

To do this, you will need to re-enter using your username and the last used password.

Yahoo Mail will appeal to those who appreciate the laconic design, reliable protection against unwanted spam, and simple functionality.

Recently, updates have been made, after which the service for all technical specifications and outwardly turned out to be at the level of modern standards.

Mobile apps can be found at sites such as Google play, iTunes,

Have you already started using all the features of the Yahoo mail account?

Looking forward to your comments, see you soon!

Yahoo Messenger is a free and very popular messenger for communication on the Internet from the notorious search engine Yahoo!

Download Yahoo! Messenger is absolutely free and in Russian, because this communication manager is made in a fairly professional degree, designed for communication purposes by instant sending text / voice / video messages through the global "web".

People using personal device with the Internet connected as a means of instant communication, they simply cannot do without any messenger program. Such utilities become familiar and are installed directly on new system... One of the popular similar programs is Yahu Messenger, which is distributed unofficially in Russian and other languages.

After entering the messenger, the user gets access to all services, including online games, streaming music, creating conferences, file sharing, the ability to call landline phones for reduced billing, and full integration with other special services Yahoo!

The old version of the messenger:

This is a non-commercial utility, so Yahoo! Messenger download for free is easy. The main window and, incidentally, the rest of the interface is somewhat similar to ICQ (or other utilities of a similar series), but, of course, with individual "tricks".

It should be noted that the free Yahu Messenger has a Russian version, unofficially translated by Andrey Kravtsov. The software boasts very advanced multimedia capabilities. Able to create individual playlists, and when loading special plugins, you can use players or radio stations, in addition, the ability to listen to music tracks from friends' profiles is implemented.

It is possible to download Yahoo Messenger for free from the official website, and the version in Russian from the link with the prefix rus. It is enough to download and run the YahooMessenger.exe file as the default application window will open with a Russian interface.

Search engine Yahoo! currently ranked second in terms of the number of search queries in the world. If you dig around the net, you can find approximately the following statistics:

  • - 22 - 23% of all searches in the United States;
  • - 13 - 14% of global inquiries
Undoubtedly, the primacy in the search industry belongs to Google - the third place is consistently held by MSN (this search engine is not so far behind Yahoo! in terms of its indicators).

From the above, we can conclude approximately the following content - a comprehensive optimization of any website for the above three search engines will give an incomparably greater influx of traffic compared to that which the site will receive if the main attention is focused on sharpening it only for google algorithms .

So let's not forget about Yahoo! and MSN - you can get visitors from there too!

Well, in this article we will talk exclusively about Yahoo! - first, of course, a little history (how it all began), and then we will begin to educate about what needs to be done to improve the results in the SERP.

First, you need to understand that Yahoo! is a living search engine that is currently experiencing a period of very rapid development. Moreover, since February 1, 2008, Microsoft has been in talks with Yahoo! on the purchase of a controlling stake. What will come of this is not yet clear, but it is already safe to assume that great changes are coming.

The story of Yahoo! originates in the mid-90s of the XX century. It all started with a directory of sites, which was called so - " Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web".
The project was started by two American students - David Philo(English David Filo) and Jerry Young(English Jerry Yang). Already in 1995, they founded a corporation that became known all over the world - Yahoo!

As you know, Yahoo! it is not only a search engine, but also a colossal number of useful services that are actually used. For example, the most popular services from Yahoo are: mail service ( Yahoo Mail), Yahoo! Games, Yahoo! Groups and Yahoo! Messenger. Of course, don't forget about the mega-useful service., which also became the property of Yahoo! - Currently, Google's Picasa has begun to lag behind flickr in some ways. Web two-zero gadgets, user-friendly interface, constant integration into new Internet projects - all this is Yahoo!

But let's get down to a search engine.

As a reminder, prior to 2004, Yahoo! used the Google search algorithm and website optimization for Yahoo! was no different from optimization for Google. February 18, 2004 Yahoo! is discontinuing use of Google's search technology and moving to its own - currently the algorithms of Yahoo! compete successfully with Google and some experts believe that the search quality of Yahoo! noticeably wins.

Since everything is learned in practice, we recommend that you experiment yourself - drive something into Yahoo! and save the issue. Then do the same with Google - enter the same query and then compare the results. You will see that the results from Yahoo! very, very good - Yahoo! also rules the content and in this respect we can safely say that by competently filling our site with thematic content, we get a plus from Yahoo and get to the top.

Now about the specific features of the system.

  • - If you use Yahoo! search for a long time, you will notice that the search engine pays not as much attention to the freshness of the content as Google does.

    Old pages, for example, two years old, are firmly fixed in the top and it is extremely difficult to disturb their peace. This factor can be considered both positive and negative at the same time (as they say, for whom how). Once, hitting the top of Yahoo! it will be much more difficult to fly off it than from Google - this is a fact. Search algorithm from Yahoo! less sensitive to age components and should not be forgotten.

  • -Yahoo! (however, like all search engines) is very fond of links.

    But there is also a small nuance - in contrast to the Google algorithm, Yahoo! does not pay (or - almost does not pay) attention to the thematicity of the linking resource. It has been noticed that links with anchors that do not correspond to the subject of the site are well received by the search engine. Perhaps this is also a minus, which affects the partial irrelevance of the search results, but it is also a plus - to promote the site using purchased links in Yahoo! much easier than Google. Do not forget that by optimizing your resource using links for Yahoo !, you can get banned from Google - as you can see, the double-edged sword in this case works for Yahoo! their issuance is not so spammed precisely for the reason that optimizers are afraid of a Google penalty. Isn't it an option?

  • - Yahoo! ignores internal links. In this case, this is not about something that "does not pay at all" - it is simply not reflected in the position of the site in the crescent.

    In this regard, the example with Google is very contrasting - a link from the face of a site with Page Rank = 4 to some internal page with zero PR increases its visibility for a search engine. What follows from this? Competent internal site linking in the case of Yahoo! it is necessary to do only so that indexing yachu-bots can lick as much content as possible at one time - the position of the pages in the search engine itself will not depend on this.

  • - To display a page in Yahu-top, you need to sweat well over sharpening the content for keywords.

    What does it mean? It is noticed that Yahoo! has a high frequency requirement keywords than Google. If 2-3% is enough for the latter, then Yahoo! requires 6 to 8% keywords per page. From this we conclude - optimizing something for Yahoo! Keep in mind that Google is equipped with highly sensitive anti-spam filters that can interpret your righteous keyword optimization efforts as spam.

    Look for a middle ground - 6 - 8% of keywords are eaten by Google very well, but everything that goes off scale for 10 percent already creates an element of risk. To gain experience in optimizing your site for Yahoo! it is recommended to compare the top SERPs on your subject in Yahoo! and Google at the same time - this will greatly help to determine how many keywords are optimal for both search engines.

    Remember that nothing stands still and the algorithms are constantly being improved - what smelled like a ban yesterday may turn out to be quite a working option today, and the recent white method of promotion, for some unknown reason, may turn dark gray the next morning.

  • -Yahoo! not as fast search engine as Google, tk. the index bot has to wait a little longer.

    However, Yahoo! indexes everything efficiently - the bot scans the entire site and never skips pages that have undergone even a slight update. This has been noticed by many webmasters - it is believed that Google in this case is somewhat inferior to Yahoo! and, despite the well-known "love for fresh content", he often forgets to look for it on old pages.

In conclusion, the following axiom should be noted.

There is no point in optimizing your site for Yahoo !, if you are going to promote it on the Russian Internet - this is a fatk. Runet Yahoo! does not use and, most likely, the situation here will remain unchanged (nevertheless, Yahoo! is looking for Cyrillic texts!). Under Yahoo! English-language projects should be sharpened - if everything is done correctly, then unique visitors from this search engine will not keep themselves waiting. The approximate relationship with Google will be as follows - Yahoo! = 10-30 unique, Google = 100-120

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In Runet, several search engines can be distinguished that somehow influence the distribution of user preferences: Yandex (here I wrote about setting it up), Google, which is inferior to the leaders, and completely invisible.

At the turn of the century, Yahoo had a very successful IPO and after a while their shares went up very well in price. It was a golden time for this company, but after the collapse of the dotcoms in the early 2000s, their shares fell by almost two orders of magnitude.

In subsequent years, the management continues to actively buy various services (in 2002 they even made an offer to Google to buy it for three billion greens, but were refused, after which they agreed to use their index base to implement their search) and build muscle, but many of the steps taken will not work and even lead to losses.

In 2002, Yahu's management finally came to the conclusion that one search directory (even the largest in the world) was not enough, and it was accepted decision to launch a search engine with your robot. For the first two years (until 2004), I used the Google index for this purpose (now the Runet search engine is doing the same).

After that, Yahoo already used its own index base (for this business, several search engines were bought up at once, including the not unknown AltaVista), which, however, was not the best solution, because not so long ago, the management was forced to completely switch to all its services on the engine from the Bing company (owned by MelkoMyagkiy). As a result of this manipulation, the Bing search engine confidently took the second place in the search in the United States and around the world.

In 2008, Melkomyagkie offered to buy Yahoo with all the giblets for forty-five billion greens, but the company's management, after several months of deliberation, actually thwarted the deal. After a while, they come to an agreement, which still allowed Bing to become number two in the world.

In the following years, the company is mainly engaged in trying to get rid of all the good that they managed to buy during their heyday. Moreover, they sell some services much cheaper than they bought, and what they do not sell, they give to (for the management of another company).

Some projects are simply closed (for example, an analogue of the free GeoCities hosting, which Yahoo had previously bought for fabulous money). In general, the prospects for this company are probably not very bright.

Yahoo in Russian (

Recently, their main site has made friends with the Russian language and you can search on the sites of the Russian Internet on the page Yahoo! in Russian... Bing's engine does not demonstrate anything extraordinary, but I also did not notice any special flaws.

This search engine quite quickly and fully indexes sites on the Internet, if you have not prohibited them by their bot, for example, in order to reduce the load on the hosting server.

This bot is very persistent, however, at you can set the hours when it will be allowed to torment your resource, and indicate acceptable level the load created in this case.

Like any search engine, Yahoo seeks to capitalize on the desire of users to find an answer to their questions. At one time, Google came up with a rather compromise and unobtrusive (at least by design) way of earning - placing contextual advertising with auction pricing (you can read about its principles in my article about).

As for the quality of the search engine, in any case, for some of the queries I checked, this blog occupies about the same positions in it as in Yandex or Google. Another thing is that Yahoo search share(and Bing too) in Runet is vanishingly small, as a result of which I practically do not observe from these search engines.

But after all, webmasters do not live alone in Runet - the bourgeois is much more generous in rewarding the works of the righteous (in, for example, clicks will be an order of magnitude more expensive) and many turn their gaze in his direction. Well, there, good positions in Bing (and therefore in Yahu) will not be superfluous.

There is also a picture search, which is much more like.

There is also an advanced search, which in fact differs little from analogues from the leading search engines of the Russian Internet (read my articles about that, and).

In general, in the light of the events and perturbations that have taken place in recent years, it is no longer worth considering it as a search engine, but this megaportal has a whole set of in-demand services, such as Yahu mail, Flickr photo hosting, messaging messenger and much more.

It is difficult to judge whether these services are better or worse than those offered by competitors, but around the world millions of users, once hooked on Yahoo, no longer get off of it (it is especially popular in Japan).

Runet also has pale reflections of this giant of the Internet industry ( and rambler), but their share in the world Internet is much lower and balances at the noise level. For users, they are the first site (portal) that they visit when they enter the Internet. There they read the news, check emails, write instant messages, watch the weather, and do other everyday little things.

All this can be done on home page Russian-language portal - Yahoo in Russian:

As you can see, this company has partnered with a number of Runet news agencies, whose tabs are immediately shown to the user on the home page. From the left menu, you can go to viewing the international page of the portal, view mail and find out the weather for the coming days anywhere in the world. Further in the left column you will find links to the most popular services in the Russian Internet, for example, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, Afisha and others.

True, there is no clear leader of the Russian Internet - but the service, kindly to you, provides you with the opportunity to add the necessary links to the left column using the "Add favorites" available at the very bottom. True, for this you have to register and get a free download mailbox, which, perhaps, will not be superfluous.

Yahoo Mail, registration and setup

After saving the changes made in the profile, a message about this will appear at the top of the page, and a link to your public profile will be shown next to it (the word "Rate"). If you wish, you can, because an extra backlink will never hurt, although it may not help much. But we have already digressed from the topic of the article.

The mailbox you created will be available at It will be possible to import contacts from an existing one or (from small ones), or a Facebook account:

Personally, for many years I have been working with correspondence exclusively through Gmail (though I started with it all the same), but at the time when I was making a choice, I heard a lot good reviews about spam cutter in Yahoo Mail, but it is possible that now the situation has changed. At the moment, their interface unpleasantly surprised me with the dominance of advertising, and its size amazes, which sometimes becomes quite monstrous (420 x 600 pixels):

I did not find any special tricks, except for the possibility of adding photos to letters from the photo hosting Flickr, which again belongs to Yahu. I didn't find any filters and shortcuts that I got used to in Gmail, but it is possible that I was just looking badly.

I didn't really like the default purple theme, but it turned out to be quite easy to change it by selecting Options> Themes from the top menu. The main "Mail Options" are also hidden there, which can be customized if you still decide to use Yahoo Mail.

Considering the speed with which the company has recently been selling, closing and outsourcing its projects, I would be careful not to move my main mailbox to this mail - if they suddenly shut it down. Although there you can create a secondary mailbox and set up mail forwarding. ...

Yahu catalog - paid and free registration

Usually, when promoting a website on the Russian Internet, webmasters tend to add it to popular directories. The most significant in Runet are considered, well, and sometimes they remember about the and Aport catalogs.

When it comes to promoting in the bourgeoisie, before the webmaster always added the site to the panel. However, she rested in Bose with the search engine:

This event spoiled the mood not only of webmasters working in the bourgeoisie, but also of the entire Internet community in general. This panel included an amazing tool that allows you to get a lot of information about the link mass of the site. The sad fact is that competition always benefits ordinary users.

Well, adding your site to the Yahu directory when promoting in the bourgeois has probably already become a rule. He lives at and is only available in English, but it is not at all a problem to translate the entire page with.

Previously, however, there were localized versions specifically for Germany, Spain, Italy and France, but at the end of 2009 Yahoo considered their support a luxury and stopped doing it. It never came to supporting the Russian-language version of the catalog, and it probably never will.

So, there are two possible types of placement in the Yahoo directory.

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Search engine Yahoo!

1. Briefly about the search engine

Surprisingly, this incredibly popular system, serving millions of requests daily, began as simple collection bookmarks, which was replenished by only 2 people - David Philo and Jerry Yang. Today, Yahoo! is no longer just a directory, it is a whole group of various services, such as the Yahooligans directory - Yahoo! for children, personal channel system My Yahoo !, free E-mail service, system "Shop with Yahoo!" (buy from Yahoo!), MTV's unfURLed co-project, and more. Among all the systems reviewed, Yahoo! - the only purely catalog, on Yahoo! no own search engine... But the list of categories on Yahoo! is the most complete and straightforward - unlike other directories on Yahoo! it is always easy to determine which section contains the information you need. Yahoo! Home Page loads very quickly - although there are a lot of links on it, they are all text.

The central part of the page is, of course, occupied by the search box and the list of categories. The links at the top of the page (graphical) provide access to information such as "what's new", "what's good", "More Yahoos". The last link is recommended to visit - it leads to a page with a huge number of links to various Yahoo! - catalogs and services. At the bottom of the main page, Yahoo! contains a large number of links to the most popular sections of Yahoo !.

When entering keywords from the main Yahoo page, the request is processed using the "Intelligent default" method, that is, Yahoo! searches for the most relevant results in the following areas: Yahoo categories; on Web sites registered with Yahoo; to Altavista (the request is sent if there are no results); in the news. This smart search takes quite a long time. When setting search criteria for Yahoo! remember that Yahoo! looks for these words only in the title and description of the page, since the full-text index on Yahoo! no. Therefore, you should not specify too many terms or synonyms when searching - the number of results from Yahoo! will decrease or even be zero. When entering keywords from the directory page, you need to select the search area - the entire directory of Yahoo! or just its current section. This is done using the radio buttons below the input field.

On the search results page, the categories that match the search criteria are displayed first, and then the sites. Next to each category, there is a number in brackets - this is the number of sites in this category. If Yahoo! no results, results from Altavista are displayed immediately. A small table is displayed at the top and bottom of the page, with the help of which you can search in Yahoo! categories on Altavista, in news and events with one click of the mouse. The number of search results on Yahoo! is naturally small, but most of them are relevant. There may be a problem with missing pages, as webmasters usually forget to remove their sites from search engines, and on Yahoo! no mechanism automatic update... For advanced search, Yahoo! offers a not very large, but very useful set of tools. To get to the advanced search page, you need to follow the "options" link from the main page of Yahoo !.

Among the advanced search tools - limiting results by date, searching in Yahoo !, Usenet and among E-mail addresses, using logical operations over the terms and search for a specific phrase. It is also possible to search for words with arbitrary endings, indicate words that should or should NOT be present in the document, etc. Purely Russian resources at Yahoo! are not added because Yahoo! Inc. there is simply no one to watch and evaluate their contents. But those queries that didn't return results on Yahoo! transmitted to Altavista, and there is a good index of Russian resources.

2. How to search

As the developers of Yahoo! write themselves, their search results page is designed to help users find what they are looking for in a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface.

Let's take a closer look at the various sections on the search results page.

Inside Yahoo! (Internal Yahoo!)

These are Yahoo! products or services that match the user's search criteria. For example, if a person asked for "frogs" in the query, Inside Yahoo! will show search results by areas where the user can find Various types information such as images from the Yahoo Picture Gallery! items for sale in Yahoo! Auction, frog facts from Yahooligans!

Directory Category Matches

This area highlights categories in Yahoo! The directory that matches the custom search query. If a person wants to see a collection of sites on a specific topic, he should click on the most necessary category, after which the user will be presented with a visual list of sites that was compiled by the editor of Yahoo! on a given topic.

If there are more categories than can be displayed, then the "Next" link will appear in the upper right. Clicking on this link will allow the user to see both commercial and non-commercial categories in Yahoo! The catalog that match the search query.

Sponsor Matches

Sponsored Deals - Relevant search results that are paid for by entrepreneurs or organizations and are provided by a third-party search engine access tool.

Web Matches

These results show combinations of relevant web pages and sites provided by third-party search engine and Yahoo! Catalog. This is the default style in which the results appear.

When a site listed in search results is also listed on Yahoo! Directory listing of the search result will show the title and description provided by Yahoo! Catalog. In addition, the user will see the "More sites about" link at the bottom. By clicking on this link, the user will be able to view a collection of sites on the same topic on Yahoo! Catalog.

Directory listings include sites that have passed through special program Yahoo !. These sites paid Yahoo! review and count them for inclusion in Yahoo! Catalog.

3. Advanced search

Advanced Search is a feature that helps you refine your search results.

V search engine Yahoo! direct search is possible (that is, the search is carried out only by specified words) and advanced search.

Advanced Search helps improve the accuracy of your search results by using additional syntax to focus your search. The user can enter most of the following search parameters directly into the search box, or select them from the Advanced Search page, which can be accessed from the advanced search link located to the right of the search bar.

The advanced search page is shown below.

include all of the words:

include this exact phrase:

include at least one of these words:

exclude these words:

the Web Yahoo! Directory listings

<< Fewer options

only show pages in

only show pages from

only show pages updated in the

Keyword Locations:

show pages where the keyword is

show pages from the site or domain

e.g.,, .org, .gov

Search by URL (Web Address)

Find web pages similar to

Find web pages that link to

Let's consider this page in more detail.

Include all of the words - This option allows you to find search results that include all the words that the user typed in the search box. This is similar to inserting "AND" between words, or "+" in front of a word.

Include this exact phrase - This option allows you to examine results that exactly match the words that users have entered. This is similar to placing quotes ("") around a set of words. (Example: You are looking for a famous saying or quote: "I want to go home").

Include at least one of these words - Select this option to search results for multiple metrics that match or one or more of the search words. This matches the insertion "OR" between words. (For example, if the user wants to find information on either canoes or boats.)

Exclude these words - This option excludes the specified words from the search. In normal searches, this matches the insertion of "NOT" between words or the character "" in front of a word. (For example, if you are looking for information about flowers, but you do not want information about roses to be displayed. To do this, enter "flowers" in "All of the words", and in "Exclude these words" enter "roses").

Search - Here the user needs to choose where he wants to search for information: on the web or only in the Yahoo directory.

More options - Using the additional options that appear when this button is clicked. Let's give them a short description:

Language - Allows you to select which language the sites will be displayed in on the results page.

Country - This feature allows you to display results based on the selected country.

Date - Limits the search results to those sites that have been modified within the past 3, 6, or 12 months.

Keyword Location - Allows the user to choose their own search terms - on the page, anywhere, in the title, in the text, in the URL, or in links to other pages.

Domain - Asks which domains should (or should not) be searched (for example, with com, org, gov, net, biz, info, name).

Search by URL - The user can try to find web pages that are similar or belonging to a particular site.


Recently, when information has become worth its weight in gold for a person, its availability and quick search are important for a person. To meet the requirements of the public, search engines have to constantly develop, improve and attract users with new services and new opportunities. People are attracted to search engines, who can not only search their database of sites, but also forward the request to other search engines. In the Yandex system, for example, a user, if he did not find anything necessary for his request, can try to find the same thing using search engines such as AltaVista, Google, Fast, Yahoo !, Rambler, Aport !. At the same time, he does not need to manually go to the site and retype his request, you can simply click the necessary link at the bottom of the page:

Search the same on: AltaVista - Google - Fast - Yahoo! - Rambler - Aport!

Search engines Yandex and Yahoo! today - one of the most visited servers on the Internet. Their popularity is only increasing every day and it is impossible to predict how popular they will be in a few years if they develop at the same pace.

internet search engine query

List of sources used

1. - Help finding Yahoo!

2.http: //

3.http: // - Yahoo! Search Directory - overview

4.http: // - Yandex search directory - overview

5.http: //

6.http: //

7.http: //

8.http: // - Death of Yahoo !? I don't think so, but ...

Posted on

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