Minecraft server plugins. Plugins for Minecraft server Download plugins for minecraft 1.11 2

The assembly was created for projects that are too lazy to build, install plugins and configure them. The build is not suitable for playing with friends.

Kernel version: Spigot 1.11.2
Last update: 04/24/2017
Number of plugins: Many

Assembly Features

Login from versions 1.8-1.11.2
Necessary plugins for the project.
Most plugins have been translated.
Run on Windows and Linux
Server optimization files
Auto restart at night
Auto backups every 6 hours.
Autosave map.
The server menu has been configured.
NoCheatPlus config configured


AntiRelog++ - Honest pvp! You cannot leave the server and use commands!
AuthMe - Authorization plugin.
AutoMessage - Auto messages on the server.[No translation needed]
AutoSaveWorld - Server backups and restarts. [Partly RUS]
BlockVersion - Blocks versions lower than 1.8[No translation needed]
Chairs - We sit on the steps.
ChatGuard - Chat control.
ChatEx - Local and global chat. [Partly RUS]
ChestCommands - The plugin allows you to create menus. [Partly RUS]
ClearLag - Cleaning garbage. Reducing lags.
CreativeLimiter - Limits creativity. [No translation needed]
DonateJoin - Messages in the chat when a donor comes in.[No translation needed]
DynPad - Trampolines. [No translation needed]
EssentialsX - A set of commands and functions.
FastAsyncWorldEdit - Edit the world safely and only in your region
HolographicDisplays - The plugin adds holograms.
ItemFixer - Prohibits cheating items. [No translation needed]
Jobs - Works!
Marriage - Weddings.
MultiMotd - Motd in the main menu. [No translation needed]
NoCheatPlus - Anti-cheat [Partly RUS]
OpsRegion - Protecting regions from players who can break private.
Passport - Passport plugin.
PermissionEx - Permissions plugin.
ProtocolLib - Needed for some plugins.[No translation needed]
ProtocolSupport - Allows you to log into the server from other versions.[No translation needed]
RandomPort - Teleport to a random location. [Partly RUS]
ServerProtector - Players with the option or * cannot do anything until they enter the password.
SkinsRestorer - Returns skins to the server.
SystemBoard - information about the player on the side panel. [No translation needed]
sTabList - Adds labels to the tab, adds prefixes.
Vault - Needed for some plugins. [No translation needed]
WCLans - Clans on the server.
WGExtender - Will expand the capabilities of WorldGuard.
WorldEdit - Edit the world.
WorldGuard - Plugin for privates.

Available privileges

default- regular player
fly- the ability to enter a full server, enable god mode, change speed, enable flight
vip- /kit donor available, color chat, inventory cleaning, you can open a workbench using a command, put any block on your head, satisfy your hunger and heal yourself using a command, repair things and armor
prem- /kit prem is available, the ability to create clans for free, the ability to open using the enderchest command, the ability to repair enchanted things, the /back command to return to the place of death
creat- available /kit creat, command /enchant /skull /spawnmob /afk /weather /gamemode
creat+- additional flags for the region
moder- privilege of project moderators
bog- can view inventory, increase the number of items held in their hands with the /more command, view players who are nearby with the /near command, set personal time with the /ptime command
admin- admin commands /tphere, /kill are available, the ability is in vanish (invisibility), additional commands of the worldedit plugin, the /whois and /seen command, the ability to give yourself money using the /eco command
gladmin- chief admin commands
glav- all server commands are available. This privilege should only be granted to the best donors and server owners.

This section of the site publishes the best plugins for the Minecraft server. All plugins are managed by a special plugin management system called Bukkit. If you have your own server, then you definitely need to download plugins for minecraft server to your computer.

Improve your server by downloading new plugins for Minecraft for free from the best site about Minecraft. Some Craftbukkit plugins will allow you to effectively edit the world in Minecraft, manage player rights, and so on.

Others will help you make the game more colorful, add all kinds of mini-games, weapons, quests, etc. There are also security plugins that will protect your server from cheaters and make it more secure.


Due to the plugin CreativeGates 1.11.2 you can make portals in Minecraft, thanks to which you will move from one place on the map to another in a split second.

Have you ever wanted to destroy all your opponents without any difficulty? In this case, you just need to install the plugin Tim The Enchanter 1.10.2 It makes it possible to enchant objects to the highest level - the thousandth level. To enchant the desired item high level, apply the command "/enchant all".

Thanks to the plugin CreativeGates 1.11 you can create portals in the Minecraft game, through which you will instantly move from one point to another.

Plugin CreativeGates 1.10 makes it possible to create portals in Minecraft, thanks to which you can move around the entire world of the game.

Do you want to crush all your enemies with one blow? Then you definitely need to install the plugin Tim The Enchanter 1.9, allowing you to enchant things up to 1000 lvl. To enchant necessary item to the maximum level, use the command "/enchant all".

Everyone welcome to the article. "Top 15 necessary and useful plugins» . This top will contain the main plugins (without which your server will have difficulty). For example, this will include plugins for registration, privileges, menus and much more. To go to the official plugin page, follow the link (for the core you need) that will be at the end of the plugin description. Okay, I won’t drag it out too much, so let’s move on to the first plugin.

1. AuthMe

Well, the first plugin is AuthMe. This is an authorization plugin. It is needed so that if you have a pirate server (an unofficial launcher or Minecraft without a license), players cannot play under other people's nicknames. For example, I log into the server under the nickname nagibator, register a password 252H357Ja* and after successful registration I play for myself, develop, then when I leave the server, I don’t have to worry that someone else will play under my nickname, since if he enters the server under my nickname, he will need to enter a password.


The second plugin is PermissionsEx. This plugin just needs to be on your server. It divides players into groups and each group has certain rights. For example group Player has access to the team /home, /spawn, /call well and many others, but does not have access to /gm 1, /kill, /ban, and from the group Admin already has access to /gm 1, /kill, /ban Well, at the same time, access to all the player’s commands is not lost. I think you already understand. Also, this plugin is fully customizable, so you decide what group can do and add the groups you need.

Spigot - Bukkit plugin runs on Spigot, so if you have Spigot, then don’t worry, install the plugin with Bukkit

3. WorldGuard, WorldEdit

The third plugin is two plugins that I combined (WorldGuard, WorldEdit). These are two plugins for regions. WorldGuard is a plugin more for regions of players (for example, private at home) so that someone else’s player cannot break your house, and the second one is for admins, for example, selecting an area and networking ( /set 0). You can also set flags using these plugins (for example, turn off pvp in a region). I highly recommend these plugins, as they are installed on almost all servers.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugins


The fourth plugin is Essentials . This plugin is great for collaboration With PermissionsEx. Because it adds everything basic commands to the server, and PermissionsEx distributes rights to them. For example, this plugin adds commands: /call /tpaccept /home /warp /day,night /fly and a LOT of other teams. It also makes it a little easier for players to write commands, for example instead of /gamemode 1 can be written /gm 1 and a few other small simplifications. I believe that without this plugin (especially if your server is for survival), the server simply will not be able to work properly. I highly recommend installing it!

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

5. ChestCommands

Fifth plugin - ChestCommands . This is a menu plugin. For example Menu, Donut menu, Buns . You can also create your own menus and customize them. This plugin has a very useful feature, you can do various useful things using this plugin. For example, to create a store: we put a diamond block, set a price for it and display a message in the chat when purchasing. That's it, you do something like this and the store is ready. This way you can do almost anything. Of course, I’ve been setting up Minecraft servers for 2 years now and you, as a beginner, may not immediately be able to create your own useful menus, for example, a salary menu (I’ll try to release a video or write an article on detailed settings this plugin, since I didn’t see on YouTube where they would normally talk about all the functions of this plugin). But don’t worry about the Menu or Donation Menu, I think it will be easy for you to do if you watch a few tutorials. I think it's quite good plugin for those who want to make their server convenient and enjoyable to use for players.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

6. RandomTP

The sixth plugin is RandomTp . This plugin does not have many functions, but it is needed so that players can find free territories. For example, you have a lot of buildings on the server near spawn and there is no place for the player to build his own house, but if the player writes the command /randomtp, then he will be teleported to a random place, where most likely there will be no houses. The plugin has several more functions, for example, setting a price for teleportation or prohibiting teleportation on certain blocks and several more.

Bukkit plugin and Spigot slightly different (for me the Spigot version of this plugin is better)

7. NoCheatPlus

The seventh plugin is NoCheatPlus . It's quite simple, but very useful. It protects your server from cheaters. For example, if you don’t want players on your server to fly (without the right to do so), walk on water, climb walls like Spider-Man, then this plugin is for you! He will block all this, unless of course you have the right to do so, for example, the admin can easily fly. I personally checked, logged in with the WURST client (who didn’t understand this is a very common cheat) and before they would let me into the server, but fly, climb walls, etc. I couldn’t, and after updating the plugin, cheaters aren’t even allowed onto the server! So this plugin will protect your server well.

Better in functionality Spigot plugin than Bukkit

8. Ural Chat

The eighth plugin is UralChat . This plugin is designed to control chat. With Pomerania, you can prohibit writing certain commands and also just words and numbers or typing numbers. For example, prohibit meter words and also words like ( ip, 142412 well, etc.), and from commands /stop, //calc etc. so that others cannot promote their server or crash your server. This is a very necessary plugin if you want to maintain order in the chat and on the server.

This is not an official plugin (written by amateurs), it is not available on any Bukkit, nor on Spigot, but it fits any of these cores. Also, there is no official information on which server versions it works on; for me personally it works well on 1.8. You need to look for it on amateur sites or on the Russian forum Bukkit To save your time, here is a direct link to download it.

Download (UralChat ) —

9. ChatManager

The ninth plugin is called ChatManager . This is also a plugin for chat, but unlike the eighth plugin, this plugin makes the chat more beautiful and clearer and does not prohibit or allow something. For example, adds the letter L (for example, local chat, players see 100 blocks away from you) or G (global, see all players), the name of the privilege (the group in which the player belongs) and the nickname itself. You yourself can configure what will be written in front of the nickname, I just wrote an example. If anything, the preview of this plugin shows two excerpts from the chat.

Better in functionality Spigot plugin than Bukkit

10. Colored Tags

The tenth plugin is Colored Tags . This plugin is very limited in functionality, but very useful. At first glance, it just adds a prefix to the nickname above the player. For example, so that when meeting the stasis it is clear whether it is an Administrator or a Player, etc.

Spigot - Such Spigot no plugin, but Bukkit the plugin will work on Spigot. Or you can look for prototypes at Spigot.

11. ClearLagg

Eleventh plugin - ClearLagg . It helps your server not lag and frees up its memory. Well, in other words, it removes objects lying on the floor after a certain period of time (configured by you) and also (also as configured) can, for example, remove trolleys (without a player in it) and other similar things. A good plugin if you want to help your server run well and smoothly.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

12. AutoMessage

The twelfth plugin is AutoMessage . It displays the messages you have written at the interval you configure. For example, you can configure it so that it writes in the chat every 3 minutes some useful commands for your server. This plugin has several more similar settings. It is suitable for you if you want to make the game on your server simple, understandable and interesting.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

13. Holographic Displays

The thirteenth plugin is called Holographic Displays . This is a plugin for holograms that will hang in the air. Will help you make your spawn beautiful and clear. For example, you can create a floating donation menu and server information.

Spigot - work with Bukkit plugin

14. UralClans

The fourteenth plugin is UralClans . It adds clans to your server and also works with ChatManager, in fact, if the player is in a clan at your request, you can also display this in the chat. The UralClans plugin has many more useful commands. For example, setting up a clan house, declaring a clan war, turning off PvP between clan members.

This plugin is related UralChat‘ah, it’s the same story as UralChat, so here is the direct download link.

Download (UralClans ) —

15. Custom Join Items

The fifteenth plugin, the last one on the list, is Custom Join Items . It is simply not replaceable for those who play mini-game or survival servers. Since it gives the player items (which you customize) after death or when logging into the server. You can put commands on items and customize them (for example, prohibit throwing an item). For example, you can issue three items: Menu, Donut, Buns. Quite a good plugin for the convenience of players.

IN Spigot The interface of the plugin is slightly different, but the essence is the same. I personally feel more Bukkit like.


I decided to go a little off topic and chat with you, and also tell you more about one plugin. Let's start with communication. The fact is that if you read the article, you most likely want to create your own server. But the fact is that there is no normal article on YouTube or Google (for beginners in this business) on how to create your own server, excuse the expression “through the ass” on a computer or somewhere else where the server will not work around the clock, many players can withstand and so on. I can share my experience with you and tell you clearly for a beginner how to create your own real Minecraft server, the test server will work quietly 24/7, withstand the load of players and you can install more than 100+ plugins. Of course you will have to pay, but if you want to receive something you will have to give something, so be prepared that everything will not be free. I'll tell you on personal experience what you will encounter, where to start, how to understand what exactly you need, how to work with FTP, mysql So what's this. If you want this, write to

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