Air conditioner control panel. What to press? Air conditioner operating instructions: purpose Line of wall-mounted climate split systems

Instructions for the following models:


Air conditioner HPC HPA-12H

Table of contents
Title of each part
Preparation before starting work
Selecting operating modes
Additional modes and settings
Useful tips
Cleaning your air conditioner
When not to be used for a long time (At the end of the season of use)
Installation location and electrical work
Precautionary measures

This product is made of materials that can be reprocessed. Therefore, check with your local distributor on how to dispose of your air conditioner.
Title of each part
External module.

Title of each part
External module

1 - The posterior-lateral surface serves for air intake.
2 - Air release.
3 - Connections for connecting pipes with refrigerant.

Indoor module

1 - Air intake from the room.
2 - Window for receiving commands from the remote control.
3 - The air outlet from the heat exchanger is closed by a damper when the air conditioner is not operating.

Remote controller remote control

1 - Display.
2 - On/off.
3 - Select operating mode.
5 - Setting the temperature level
6 - Enabling and setting the on-off timer.

Preparation before starting work
Make sure it is safely connected to mains power and grounded. Installation, configuration and connection must be performed by experienced specialists. Insert batteries into the remote control. Use batteries of the same type; it is recommended to change both batteries at the same time.
Make sure there are no obstructions to air movement around the outdoor and indoor units.
Selecting operating modes

The HPC HPA-12H model has the following operating modes:
heating the air;
dehumidification of the room;

By pressing the ON button you start working with the air conditioner. After that, by successively pressing the “Select mode” button, you can select the one you need now.
Cooling - the air conditioner will maintain the room temperature no higher than the set one. To set the desired level, use the up and down buttons on the remote control.
Heating - helps warm the air in the room to the level you specify.
Dehumidification - the mode is similar in mechanism to cooling, but with this operation the air conditioner is aimed at drying the air with minimal cooling. Specify the desired temperature during this mode impossible.
A fan is a device that simply circulates air in a room.

additional information
Thanks to the special coating of the heat exchanger, condensate drains from it faster, leaving the core, which reduces energy costs.
Aerodynamics of the air cavity indoor unit well designed, so it is quiet in operation.
This model has a temperature sensor built into the remote control.
The built-in self-diagnosis mode will allow you to find out the current condition of the air conditioner without contacting outside specialists.
TURBO mode allows you to quickly cool/heat a room to a given temperature, which is important when the room is especially hot or cold.

Additional modes and settings
TURBO mode. To cool the room during hot weather, it is better to use the TURBO mode first. When it is turned on, regardless of the operation of the compressor, the fan operates at maximum mode. Due to this, it quickly heats or cools the air in the room to the values ​​you set.

Useful tips
Do not try to over-cool the room; this is harmful to health and wastes energy.
Make sure curtains and blinds prevent entry sunlight into the room in which you cool the air. The same applies to heating devices - their presence will significantly complicate the operation of the air conditioner.
Monitor the position of the vertical damper if you operate it manually in different operating modes. When heating the room, it should be vertical, and when cooling, it should be horizontal, so that the air temperature in the room is distributed as evenly as possible.
Windows and doors must be closed, otherwise there will be a constant leak of cold air and the air conditioner will work less efficiently. At the same time, make sure to regularly ventilate the room and not keep it constantly closed.
To save energy and cool the air in the room faster, use the TURBO mode

Cleaning your air conditioner
Make sure that the support on which you will stand is reliable and stable.
Do not use abrasive detergents, gasoline, solvents, water hotter than 40 degrees Celsius - this can damage the plastic.
If you think there is a problem

The air conditioner doesn't work. Perhaps the plug is not connected to the socket or there is no voltage in the network. Has the timer gone off?
The device does not turn on for three minutes after being turned off. This is normal protection against frequent switching on. Wait three minutes and turn on the air conditioner.
After starting the heating mode, the indoor unit does not start working immediately. The fan will turn on when the heat exchanger temperature rises, so that there is no flow of cold air.
During warm-up mode, the indoor unit turns off. At this time, the external unit is defrosted.
During heating operation, white smoke comes out of the outdoor unit. Since the outdoor unit emits cold air in this mode, fog will appear in the area in contact with the outdoor air.
Water is leaking from the outdoor unit. During operation of the air conditioner, there will be elements with a low temperature in the external unit, on which condensation will appear and even ice will freeze. This will lead to the appearance of water.
The indoor unit releases mist into the room. If there is high humidity in the room, then fog appears around the cold air coming out of the hole.
After the electricity appeared, the air conditioner turned on on its own and began to work, although no one used the control panel. Function automatic start resumes operation of the air conditioner in the same mode in which it was operating before the power outage.
The remote control does not work. Check the presence of batteries, their correct installation and their quality.
The air conditioner has stopped heating or cooling. This may be due to a leak of refrigerant, which can form harmful substances when in contact with fire or heating devices. Therefore, you need to contact the company that installed your air conditioner.
The air conditioner does not heat or cool properly. Check whether the windows and doors in the room are closed, whether there are any heat sources turned on, and whether the operating mode and power are set correctly. Make sure there are no obstructions to air movement between the outdoor and indoor units.
There was a strange smell in the air coming out of the air conditioner. First of all, check whether this is due to the appearance of mold on the wallpaper or carpet near the indoor unit. Then check the condition of the indoor unit.
A cracking noise is heard when the air conditioner is operating. Changing the temperature will change the size of the plastic, which will make similar sounds.
You can hear gurgling, the sound of flowing water. The flow of condensate and refrigerant can cause such sounds. Also, the operation of the exhaust fan can lead to air intake through the hose to remove condensate, which will cause similar sounds.
When the air conditioner will not be used for a long time
Before shutting down for a long period, it is necessary to prepare the air conditioner for this. Turn on the heating mode for 2-3 hours to completely dry the moisture in the air cavity of the indoor unit. Turn off the air conditioner. Remove the batteries from the remote control and disconnect the air conditioner from the power supply.
Before connecting.

Check that there are no obstructions to air movement near the outdoor and indoor units. Install batteries into the remote control. Connect the air conditioner to the power supply.
Installation location and electrical work
Please note that the external unit is noisy during operation, which may disturb your neighbors. Make sure that it is possible to drain condensation from the outdoor unit during operation.
The device is intended for home use. Should not be installed in places where there is a salty, humid climate, sprayed oil vapors in the air, or hydrogen sulfide.
All installation work and connection to the electrical network must be carried out by qualified personnel.

Precautionary measures
Never stand on the air conditioner or its power cord. Do not pull the power cord or place hot objects on it.
Do not insert fingers or other objects into openings on the cabinet as this may cause injury.
Always use the power plug with dry and clean hands, do not unplug the plug while the air conditioner is running - first turn it off using the remote control.
Do not stand in the way of cold air movement - it is harmful to health.
If you notice a burning smell or strange behavior, unplug the air conditioner and call a specialist.
If the device does not heat or cool, it may be due to a refrigerant leak, contact a professional.
Do not place electrical appliances and furniture under the indoor unit - condensation may drip from it, which will damage the furniture and disable electrical appliances.
Unplug the air conditioner during a thunderstorm.

Proper operation of an air conditioner is an incredibly responsible and complex process that is almost impossible to figure out on your own. To ensure that the installation and further operation of modern climate control systems does not cause any difficulties for consumers, the package must include an instruction manual for a particular model. A detailed and clearly written instruction manual will serve the user well, allowing the user to enjoy the smooth operation of the device and independently troubleshoot minor faults and problems.

Air conditioner operating instructions: purpose

Installation and further use of the air conditioner is difficult to carry out without observing the basic requirements and rules prescribed in the operating manual. The modern climate equipment market offers a huge range of air conditioners from various global brands. Each product has its own characteristics, technical characteristics and functional components, which means that the instructions for air conditioners from different manufacturers are different: for example, the operating instructions for an lg air conditioner are intended exclusively for models of this brand, and the operating instructions for a mitsubishi air conditioner are, respectively, for units of a well-known Japanese manufacturer. However, any instructions, regardless of the manufacturer, provide detailed answers to any questions related to the work specific model air conditioner, allows you to understand the basic safety rules for the operation of the device and learn detailed description internal and external components of the mechanisms and parts of the air conditioner, as well as determine the assembly sequence. This is what, for example, the cover of the operating instructions for a Haier air conditioner looks like.

Undoubtedly, well-trained specialists should install the air conditioner, but information about the technology of the entire process will not be superfluous. Regarding the settings, the information in the manual is highlighted in a separate section, and the descriptive part is supplemented with illustrations. Since air conditioners are controlled remotely, the operating instructions, for example, for a Panasonic air conditioner, cover the rules for regulating and monitoring air flow using a remote control, general recommendations for care and maintenance, as well as possible violations during the operation of the air conditioner. To avoid any conflict situations or problems associated with the operation of the equipment, enter into an agreement with the supplier on warranty and post-warranty service, the regular implementation of which will allow you to avoid sudden breakdown of the device during the period of maximum load, for example, in the summer.

So, any instruction manual for the air conditioner contains detailed information in several sections:

  • Purpose of the air conditioner, its series and model, specifications and conditions of safe operation;
  • Detailed structure, mechanisms and components;
  • Ways to control the air conditioner, including rules for using the remote control;

  • Basic tips for use, care and maintenance, recommendations for cleaning the front panel and air filter;
  • Description of the features of the air conditioner operating modes;
  • The most common problems and how to fix them;
  • Device contents;
  • Features of recycling;
  • Information about the body that issued the certificate of conformity;
  • Warranty service coupon, where the model and serial number air conditioner, date of purchase and seal of the selling company.

By strictly following all the instructions in the operating instructions for the air conditioner midea, samsung or any other brand, you will ensure maximum term split system service, increase its performance, eliminate the need for expensive repairs or replacement individual parts such as the control board or compressor.

Basic rules for operating an air conditioner

Proper use that exactly complies with the requirements of the instructions will ensure the highest efficiency and productivity of the installed equipment.

  • The main rule of operation is: it is prohibited to introduce foreign objects through the split system blinds, and also to allow children to operate the equipment.
  • To cool the room temperature, set the air conditioner temperature within 21-23°C. By setting a lower temperature in hot weather, you will not only create additional load on the compressor of the equipment, but also provoke colds due to pronounced temperature changes.

  • By protecting the indoor unit of an air conditioner operating in cooling mode from direct exposure to sunlight, you will significantly extend the life of the unit. Experts strongly recommend closing curtains and blinds indoors on a sunny day, since the bright light flux can create obstacles to the passage of the LED signal from the remote control. The most important condition for the correct operation of air conditioners is saving power: the compressor and fan will not fail for a long time due to wear of parts due to increased loads if the doors and windows are tightly closed during the period of cooling the air in the room. Thanks to this simple rule, you can enjoy fresh, cooled air in the room and reduce the fan speed.
  • Optimal air exchange and uninterrupted operation of the climate system are possible only if the space around it is free and not covered with curtains, and no objects are located in the area of ​​intense air flow from the evaporator.
  • The operating instructions for the Panasonic air conditioner state: you cannot install air conditioners in rooms with high humidity, since dust penetrating into the equipment is first moistened by condensation and then settles on the internal surfaces of the split system in a dense mass. The resulting dust masses significantly reduce the intensity of the fan's operation, in some cases can even cause it to stop, clog the drainage system, which prevents the normal outflow of accumulated moisture, clog filtration systems and heat exchangers, and cause freon leakage. It should be remembered that moistened compressed dust is a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic fungi, which can cause respiratory diseases, allergic reactions and unpleasant odors. If installing an air conditioner in a room with high humidity is unavoidable, then turning on the equipment should be preceded by thorough ventilation, and the working units should be inspected and cleaned by specialists more often.
  • By keeping the internal and external mechanisms and components of the air conditioner clean, you extend the life of the installed equipment. Cleaning the filtration system, even if the split system is installed in a room with normal humidity, should be carried out at least once every 2 weeks. By following this rule for operating the air conditioner, you can prevent loss of power from the chassis and clean the air more efficiently.

  • If it is expected that the installed air conditioner will be idle for a long period of time, then before turning it off, you should select the ventilation mode and run it. This will remove accumulated condensation in the equipment casing and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor the next time it is turned on.
  • If your air conditioner has nevertheless marred your peaceful existence with its breakdown, then do not even think about looking for the cause of the problem yourself, much less carrying out any repair work. The maximum you can do is turn off the power from the electrical network and wait for a specialist who will promptly deal with the problem and bring the air conditioner back to life.

Remember: air conditioners, in particular split systems, are very capricious devices that do not tolerate amateurish handling.

Features of operating a split system

The operating instructions for a split system, unlike an air conditioner, are characterized by a number of individual features.

  • First of all, they are due to the fact that the external unit of the system, located on the street, is negatively affected by the environment.

  • To protect climate control equipment from the effects of precipitation, it is better to use a special protective visor. The chassis of the external unit is especially susceptible to large accumulations of dust and its compaction under the influence of moisture, and small animals and insects can get into the fan and heat exchanger.
  • The operating instructions for any split system prescribe mandatory cleaning of all components and parts of the external unit and regular treatment with disinfectants.

  • The indoor unit of the split system should not be installed near heating devices, sources of strong electromagnetic radiation, for example, televisions, computers. Such equipment must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the air conditioner.
  • Any split system installed in an ordinary apartment must be protected from power surges. For this you will need circuit breaker and a remote control to control the device. By following these simple rules, you will ensure maximum comfort in the room and significantly extend the life of your climate control equipment.

Today world wide web Internet provides unique opportunity each user can quickly and without leaving home find the necessary instructions on the operation of climate control equipment. The largest databases contain documentation for all models and manufacturers of air conditioners, for example, you can easily find operating instructions for a dantex or daiki air conditioner, or instructions for any other equipment of an equally well-known domestic or foreign manufacturer.

Such air conditioner operating manuals will help you troubleshoot problems and malfunctions as soon as possible. Extensive databases suggest the possibility free download To find the manual you need, you just need to find the manufacturer and model of the equipment.

YouTube video

The HPC company was founded in 1990. This brand of Chinese-made air conditioners, having been on the climate control equipment market for more than 25 years, has managed to acquire great consumer demand among an audience of thousands. HPC air conditioners are offered in a fairly favorable price category. Climate system models are mainly popular due to their relative cheapness. The HPC company manufactures budget climate control equipment High Quality wall type.

Line of wall-mounted climate split systems

This line of household climate control equipment is manufactured by the Midea plant. Today, the quality of the products manufactured by the enterprise is not satisfactory.

The line of wall-mounted equipment from HPC has a self-diagnosis function, thanks to which the user can determine the causes of problems that arise during operation. Owners of these split systems no longer need to contact a specialized service center if, to resume normal operation of the air conditioner, the user only needs to perform a simple action to detect problems in a particular unit of the climate control unit. This function can also help the service center representative, thereby telling him which part of the air conditioner he should pay attention to in order to fix the breakdown.

Devices from "HPC" are equipped with the "Auto-restart" function (automatically re-bringing the air conditioner to the on state), with which the user is given the opportunity to restore the parameters previously set on the equipment. The use of this function is especially relevant in the case of temporary disconnection of the air conditioner from the electrical supply and subsequent connection to it.

Wall-mounted climate control equipment from HPC consists of two interconnected elements: an outdoor module and an indoor unit. The outdoor module is mounted on the outer plane of the wall, due to which the noise level work activity HPC air conditioning is reduced to negligible. The indoor unit of all air conditioners from HPC is installed indoors. As a rule, it is mounted on the wall, but some users place the equipment under the ceiling.

The heat exchanger of the HPC air conditioner module, fixed in the room, has increased heat transfer, which is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the equipment.

Comparison of characteristics of popular models

Model HPC PT-07H HPC PT-12H HPC PT-24H
Total cooling capacity 2 kW 3.2 kW 6.5 kW
Total heat output 2.1 kW 3.5 kW 6.8 kW
Power consumption when cooling the room 0.72 kW 1.2 kW 2.4 kW
Power consumption when heating the room 0.81 kW 1.2 kW 6.8 kW
Warranty period 1 year 2 years 2 years
Serviced area indicator 20 m2 40 m2 60 m 2
Self-diagnosis There is There is There is
Household air conditioner price 189$ 240$ 540$

Climate control systems model range“PT” will be able not only to improve the climatic parameters of the room, but also to harmoniously fit into the room or office design.

The external block of HPC PT devices is coated with anti-corrosion paint, which protects the climate system from exposure to it external factors and, thereby, increases its service life.

Instructions for control panels and air conditioners HPC PT

The instructions, intended to inform the user about certain functions of the air conditioner, as well as about precautions in its operation, allow him to implement the competent use of the equipment’s climate system.

The first section of the instructions describes the rules that must be followed for safe use.

These include:

  • do not operate the equipment if its malfunction is noticed;
  • Before cleaning the device, disconnect it from the electrical power supply;
  • Do not disassemble the components of the equipment in working order.

The air conditioner control panel, endowed with many functions, allows the user to:

  • select the required operating mode of the equipment (MODE);
  • select the desired sleep mode (SLEEP);
  • select the optimal speed at which the device fan (FAN) rotates;
  • set a timer for the appropriate time to turn on or turn off the air conditioner (TIMER);
  • set the required air temperature (special regulator);
  • control the swing of a special damper (SWING)

The DPU is also equipped with the following general modes works:

  • AUTO mode;
  • COOL mode (cooling mode, thanks to which the device can lower the air temperature to 16 ° C;
  • HEAT mode (air heating mode to a temperature of 31 ° C);
  • DRY mode (drying mode, the purpose of which is to reduce the degree of humidity in the room);
  • FAN mode (air ventilation mode, set without fixing a certain temperature).

The equipment manual describes the ability to control a household air conditioner without using a remote control. The internal module of the device is equipped with a switch, with the help of which a test start-up of the device is carried out during installation or other service work.

The instructions indicate that all presented operating modes of the air conditioner are displayed on a special display of the control panel for the purpose of comfortable operation of the entire climate system.

Error codes for HPC PT air conditioners

The function of self-diagnosis of the system is provided in all air conditioners of the “PT” model range. With its help, the user or representative service center are able to determine what the malfunction of climate control equipment is. A notification about a detected equipment malfunction is displayed on the air conditioner control panel display in the form of a special error code. If an error code appears on the display, you should decipher it based on the table presented.

slab systems HPC- a line of inexpensive household split systems produced by the Midea plant, which, despite the low price, fully implement modern technologies climate control equipment, and most components are produced at leading enterprises in the industry.
Easy to maintain and control, HPC air conditioners will undoubtedly be able to improve the climate of your room and fit seamlessly into the design of your room or office.
Self-diagnosis function with error codes displayed on the display will help the user determine the causes possible problems and avoid unnecessary calls to the service center in the event that only a simple action on the part of the user is required to restore normal operation. In turn, this function will “tell” the service center representative which piece of equipment to pay attention to.
Autorestart (automatic restart) restores the operation of the air conditioner with the parameters set earlier in the event of a temporary shutdown and subsequent restoration of the power supply to the network.
Anti-corrosion coating of the outdoor unit helps to increase the service life of the product.
Increased heat transfer from the heat exchanger increases the efficiency of the air conditioner.
The hydrophilic coating of the heat exchanger promotes better condensate removal and prevents water from leaking from the indoor unit into the room.
Reduced noise level makes the use of the air conditioner comfortable even where silence is required
The easily removable front panel facilitates cleaning and maintenance of the air conditioner.

Operating modes.

*automatic - AUTO(choice required regime microprocessor)

*cooling - COOL(air cooling to a temperature not lower than 16°C)

*heating - HEAT(air heating to a temperature not higher than 31°C)

*drainage - DRY(decrease in humidity level)

*ventilation - FAN(without recording air temperature)

The multifunctional remote control allows you to:

*select the desired mode (MODE)

*select comfortable sleep mode (SLEEP)

*select fan speed (FAN)

*set on and off times using a timer (TIMER)

*set the desired room temperature

*control the swinging of the horizontal flap (SWING)

For optimal comfortable operation of the air conditioner, all current operating modes of the system are displayed on the LCD display of the remote control.

Operational features and capabilities of the air conditioner.

Air purification system Fresco Tech- provides clean and fresh air in the room.
Carbon and electrostatic filter. This combination filter includes a carbon filter and an electrostatic fiber filter:

Carbon filter eliminates ammonia odor (NH3) and absorbs harmful chemical gases such as formaldehyde (HCHO)

-an electrostatic filter forms a positive charge on the surface, which traps the smallest particles of dust, smoke and pet hair, preventing allergic diseases.
Fully functional restart. When the power supply is restored, a restart mode is provided to automatically ensure the system operates according to previously set parameters.

Self-diagnosis function. Each time the air conditioner is turned on, the operation of all system components is diagnosed and, in case of a malfunction, the result is displayed on the front panel of the indoor unit.
The TURBO mode will ensure that the set temperature is reached as quickly as possible.

Ability to work without remote control. For ease of installation, service and operation, there is a switch on the indoor unit that performs a test launch of the system into working condition.

Reduced noise level. Improved heat exchanger design with low aerodynamic resistance reduces the noise level of the indoor unit to minimum values. In turn, the special design of the fan blades, air distribution grille and the optimal arrangement of components and assemblies of the outdoor unit provide ideal characteristics for using the air conditioner in residential premises.

Increased heat transfer. The indoor unit uses a specially designed heat exchanger, the inner surface of which has trapezoidal grooves, which ensures the maximum heat transfer area of ​​the pipe surface. Thereby by 28% heat transfer increases, energy consumption decreases and, consequently, the efficiency of the system increases.

The increased wettability of the heat exchanger, the plates of which have a special coating with a hydrophilic layer, ensures rapid removal of condensate from the indoor unit, while providing more effective work air conditioner

Air direction adjustment. The direction of air flow in the vertical plane (up and down) is changed using horizontal blinds controlled from the remote control. In the horizontal plane (right-left), the air flow changes its direction using a vertical damper, which is manually actuated. IN automatic mode During operation of the air conditioner, the processor independently works out the optimal angle of the blinds for effective distribution of air throughout the entire volume of the room.

Timer settings. The air conditioner allows you to program the system on/off using a timer within a range of up to 24 hours.

Night mode. The mode is activated from the remote control and ensures the creation of comfortable conditions for restful and deep sleep during a 7-hour cycle with changing the set temperature values, as well as setting the minimum noise level and economical energy consumption. After which the temperature returns to the originally set value.

When the heating mode is turned on, protection against cold air blowing automatically ensures that the indoor unit fan is turned off until the heat exchanger temperature that is optimal for this mode is reached.

When the air conditioner is operating for heating, Anti-Freeze Protection is provided, which monitors changes in weather conditions and periodically switches the system to defrost the heat exchanger mode.

Corrosion protection. A special anti-corrosion coating on the casing of the outdoor unit and its heat exchanger protects the air conditioner from harmful atmospheric phenomena and the effects of an aggressive external environment.

Frequent start-up protection system. The system monitors a 3-minute time interval from the moment the selected mode button is turned on on the remote control until the compressor starts and, directly, the air conditioner starts operating. During this time, the pressures in the refrigeration circuit are equalized, which protects the compressor from premature failure.

Possibility of installation winter kit. The air conditioner has the ability to install a winter kit, which significantly expands functionality and allows it to work for cooling at subzero temperatures.

High-quality plastic used in the air conditioner eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors during the initial operation of the system.

Easily removable front panel The indoor unit, due to its special design, can be conveniently and quickly removed, while providing access to its contents during cleaning and service.

Design. The classic design of the indoor unit combines refined lines with a pronounced individual design style and easily fits into any design concept.



Compressor s-we measurements Toshiba/Matsushita
Power (cooling) kW 2,6
Power (heating) kW 2,9
Serviced area of ​​the room (without taking into account additional heat inflows) m2 30
Connection V/Hz/F 220-240 /50 / 1
Power consumption (cooling) W 820
Power consumption (heating) W 910
Dimensions of the indoor unit mm 790x275x195
Dimensions of window/external unit mm 865x350x265

Fan speed adjustment available

Other functions and features: the ability to adjust the direction of the air flow, the function of remembering settings

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