Skype program launch is impossible api ms. DLL file

Nowadays there is no such person who would not know about the computer. Everyone knows what it is, how to use it, its main functions are familiar to everyone. But for some reason, despite such huge, almost limitless functionality, more than seventy percent use it exclusively for computer games. This industry has become the most widespread among all in recent times.

And what will a gamer, whether professional or amateur, experience when, while waiting to launch his favorite game, he sees some kind of computer error? Of course, most simply fall into a stupor. In this article we will figure out what to do when Api ms win crt runtime l1 1 0.dll is missing, how to fix it?

Reason for appearance

This problem could appear in several cases:

  • The first, most common one is that you downloaded some game or application via µTorrent, and thereby damaged the system libraries.
  • The second is the random shutdown of the computer. Yes, perhaps you were just in a hurry and decided to turn off the computer quickly, and this led to such dire consequences.
  • And the third, least common, but still possible – refusal hard drive due to overload for any reason.

Possible solutions

And after we have figured out the reason for the appearance, a logical question arises - how to solve the current problem? If this component is missing from your computer, or it is damaged, then you need this Api ms win crt runtime l1 1 0.dll download for windows 7, 8, 10. This can be organized using two methods: more dangerous and less dangerous. Let's talk in detail about each of these methods.

Method No. 1

The greatest danger is downloading a separate file from third-party resources. Typically, such files contain viruses, and by downloading it or placing it in your libraries, you risk losing your device. If all this does not scare you, then take the following steps at your own peril and risk.

The error about the missing file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll plagues a huge number of users operating system Windows around the world for several years now. It can appear during the launch of various applications (system and third-party) and games. The error message provides some information, but it does not pinpoint the cause of the problem. Here's the message itself:

“The program cannot be started because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing on the computer. Try reinstalling the program."

api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing: causes of error

Of course, the error about the missing file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll did not appear out of nowhere. You are probably already using a well-tested Windows, but the error has only just now bothered you. In fact, the reasons for the error are quite simple, and we will discuss them now.

First, we need to point out what the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file is. First, this file is a dynamic link library (DLL). Files of this type can contain a huge number of functions, which, it is worth noting, can be used by several programs on the system at the same time. In general, quite universal file. Secondly, api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is a file included in the Universal C Runtime for the operating system Windows systems.

So, the reasons for the error. Most likely, the program or game you launched tried to access the dynamic library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll, however, this task was not possible. It was this inability to access the file that caused the above error message to appear.

However, what could prevent you from gaining access to the library? Quite a lot, actually. Let's take a look at what could have happened to the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file.

  • Direct damage to a required library.
  • Damage to entries in the Windows operating system Registry related to this file.
  • Problems with the hard drive, for example, bad blocks (or bad sectors).
  • Some software on the PC changed the file version or deleted it without the user's knowledge.
  • The file may be out of date and needs updating.

Error api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll: solutions

There are quite a few methods that you can use to get rid of the error informing you that the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file is missing. In this article we will provide you with eight methods for your consideration. First, we will describe the most effective of them. Let's start.

Method No. 1 Install or update Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 on a PC

Let's start with the most obvious step when this error appears - installing Microsoft Visual C++. Previously, we indicated that the file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is a component of the C runtime. Based on this, this file should be in the 2015 Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries package.

You can download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 library installer directly from the official Microsoft website. As soon as you download the installer, run it and install the libraries, among which the specified file will be located. In fact, you will be able to install api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll on your computer if this has not already been done.

The note: Remember that when downloading the installer file, you must rely on the bitness of your operating system. You can find the 32 and 64 bit installer at the above link. If you try to install libraries of the wrong bit size, this may lead to possible problems.

Method #2 Missing update

Unfortunately, there are times when certain libraries from Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 do not install correctly on users' systems. This is just a bug and there is nothing serious here. Fortunately, Microsoft has released an update for the Universal C Runtime called KB2999226, which contains the missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file.

So, follow this link to the download section of the official Microsoft website and download the KB2999226 update package from there. Please note that this update is available for multiple versions of the Windows operating system, so you will need to download the update package that is appropriate for your system. If you try to install the package for a different OS version, nothing will work or some problems will arise.

Method No. 3 Reinstalling a running game or application

The error about the missing file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll could also appear due to the fact that the problem lies in the application or game that you are trying to launch. There are a huge number of reasons why this could happen. For example, the game files have become corrupted and can no longer interact with the required file. Or, for example, when installing an application/game some complications occurred and the necessary files were not installed.

One way or another, we recommend that you try reinstalling and then try to launch again. If everything went as expected this time, then the problem was indeed with the game or application. It follows that you will no longer see the error with the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file. At the very least, the percentage of its appearance is extremely low.

Method No. 4 Virus threats

Let's now try to approach the problem from a slightly different angle. There is a small chance that the error with the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file occurred due to the interference of viruses that entered your system. Viruses could easily change the version of a file or, for example, change its functionality, which led to a problem when a program tried to access it (technically, games are also programs). Or viruses could even get rid of it, which also happens rarely, then the possibility still exists.

In general, the impact of viruses on a file or system is quite possible reason when an error occurs. We recommend that you try to perform a full scan of your Windows operating system to check for malicious elements in it. Scanning can be done using Windows Defender or using any other third party antivirus. If you do find something, get rid of it and make sure your system is clean. Then try launching the program and check if an error appears with the missing file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll.

Method No. 5 “Fixing” the Windows Registry

An error when starting the application could also occur as a result of corruption of entries in the Windows Registry that are directly related to the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file. Entries in the Windows Registry could be damaged under completely different circumstances: after user manipulation, as a result of exposure to viruses or malicious software, a bug in the operating system, etc. and so on. Regardless of the reason, you need to try to restore the Registry entries.

Fortunately, you don’t need to manually delve into Registry entries, since any specialized tool from third-party developers can do this for you. It should be mentioned that such programs do not guarantee one hundred percent results, but it’s worth a try. For example, you can try using CCleaner software. Another way to recover records Windows Registry- this is the use of a backup copy.

Method No. 6 Integrating a file into the system

There is another method to solve the problem with this error - downloading and registering the file in the system. We strongly advise against doing this, as you may download from the Internet (at best) the wrong version of the file or something worse. However, if none of the above works for you, try this.

So, first you will need to download api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll from the Internet. Be careful when downloading a file and only do so from trusted sources. After downloading the file, place it in the directory C/Windows/System32 And C/Windows/SysWOW64.

After placing the file in the desired directories, click right click mouse to Start and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”. Next, enter the command in the line regsvr32 /u api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll and press Enter. Then enter the command regsvr32 /i api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll and press Enter in the same way.

After entering the commands, reboot the system, log in and try again to run the program you need. If you found required file and its version, then the error about the absence of api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll will be resolved.

Method No. 7 Restoring system files

The error with the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file may have occurred due to corruption system files, which directly interacted with this file. You can check this probability with system utility System File Checker.

This program is capable of scanning system files and then restoring them. You can only use its functionality through the Command Line, so you will have to call it. Right-click on Start and select “Command Prompt (Admin).”

Opening command line, enter the command into it sfc /scannow and press Enter. The process of scanning and restoring system files will begin. After completing this operation, the SFC utility will indicate to you on the command line whether damage was found and whether it was corrected. Close the command prompt, restart your PC and try to run the desired program. The error with the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file may have been fixed.

Method #8 Using a restore point

Unfortunately, if none of the above helped you run the program and get rid of the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll error, then there is only one thing left to do - use a restore point. The system should generally automatically create restore points when you install something into it.

So click Windows+S to call the search string. Then enter “Control Panel” into it. The same classic Control Panel window will open in front of you, which cannot be accessed in simple ways at least in Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Find the "Recovery" section in Control Panel. Next, click on “Run System Restore”. Next, you will need to select the restore point you need and run System Restore. Of course, choose the system image in which no error occurred with the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

This failure occurs especially often when the user tries to launch the well-known Skype messenger and various “heavy” applications that require significant system resources. A message about this may appear even when launching any application from the official Microsoft Office package.

A dialogue appears on the screen, informing the user that continued work is prevented by the absence of a file with a long name api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll. The dialogue recommends reinstalling the program, but in reality this advice does not always help. What to do then?

To begin with, understand the reasons.


Missing data is part of the system library of program codes. It contains the basic, generic code needed to run many applications. Using generic codes allows developers to simplify and minimize their applications, but makes them dependent on DLLs that the user's computer must be equipped with.

The file called api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is used by the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 or later driver set. It is designed to support applications written in C++. The most different programs, including a non-Microsoft developer, contacts it if it needs the code it contains. Therefore if he:
  • absent;
  • damaged;
  • is in the wrong folder.

    Please note: if a file exists in the system, but is not registered in the Windows Registry, then the OS “does not see” it and, accordingly, does not use it.


    There are several ways to solve this problem, from liberal to radical. The first is checking the Windows Registry for incorrect entries and checking the entire system for virus software that could destroy data. The second includes downloading and installing updates.

    Registry Check

    It may very well be that the required file is in the system, but there is no entry associated with it in the Registry. It is strictly not recommended to make adjustments to the system Registry manually, since any incorrect action can lead to even more serious consequences.

    The best way to optimize is to use special applications such as CCleaner or Reg Organizer. They are distributed free of charge.

    Having launched, for example, CCleaner, you need to go to the “Registry” tab and check the boxes on all the items under the “Resource Integrity” line. Launch "Problem Search". The system will automatically find any discrepancies between the entries in the Register and the real state of affairs. Once the analysis is complete, click “Fix All.” You will be prompted to save backups; do it.

    If the necessary software is not on the computer, then you can check it using the OS itself. Procedure:
    The OS will begin checking. If you are prompted to confirm any actions, you must agree. At the end of the check, the OS will report whether errors were found, and if so, whether they were corrected or not.

    If, after checking the Registry in two ways, the failure message continues to pop up, then it turns out that the required data block is simply not in the system.

    The best way is to download C++

    You need to figure out whether the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 package is present on your PC at all. This can be done through the “Programs and Features” tab (for versions of Windows older than Vista, in earlier versions the option was called “Add or Remove Programs”). If it is not on the list, then the problem can be solved by downloading the software directly from the official website:

    The site will automatically select the software version for your system depending on its bit size - 32 or 64 bits. If you want to control the loading and know the bit depth of your “axis”, you can select executable file on one's own.

    If Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 is listed, then someone or something has made a change to the file named api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll, blocking the ability to use it. We'll have to carry out comprehensive testing computer against malicious “worms” and “Trojans”, just like standard OS tools - “ Windows Defender”, as well as antiviruses from specialized developers - Kaspersky Lab, Doctor Web and others. On the Kaspersky Lab website, for example, you can download a one-time version of the antivirus Kaspersky applications Virus Removal Tool, and here is the download link:

    After checking, regardless of the results, download the C++ package again.

    Note: download this package or just separate file from random sites is strictly not recommended to avoid the virus threat.

    Alternative Methods

    If you know for sure that the required file exists and is located in the desired folder (System32 for a 32-bit OS, 64-bit requires two copies - in System32 and the SysWOW64 system folder), then you can try to register it manually through the command line launched as administrator of this computer:
    1. Enter the command regsvr32 /u api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
    2. After that enter regsvr32 /i api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
    3. Restart your PC.
    It may well be that the problem is really not in the file, but in the game itself or the program that is signaling a failure. Try testing other games and software. If they work fine, reinstall the application that is throwing the error, or use the official patch for it.

    The last method on the list, but not the least effective, is to roll back the system to a state where there was no failure, if there is an appropriate checkpoint. Use the option “Restore system settings or computer” located in the Control Panel (item “Backup and Restore”). Alternative way launch - Start => All programs => Standard => Service => System Restore.

    This method does not affect existing files and folders. Only system settings. It is impossible to recover deleted data in this way, but recording it in the system is possible.

    And finally, the most radical method is to restore the OS from a saved one. external drive archive, if available.

    If none of the above methods help, the only option left is to reinstall the operating system.

  • Dynamic library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll

    The main practical purpose of the file With dll extension- support for the correct operation of some gaming and executive programs.

    Error associated with missing or damaged data dynamic library, may occur when starting standard software products Microsoft Office or Skype. But more often than usual, it appears when activating most popular gaming programs.

    Reasons for the absence of api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll in the system directory

    The main reason why a dynamic library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll refuses to work correctly - this is incompatibility of operating systems. The thing is that some software products adapted exclusively for the tenth Windows version, while the user is trying to run the program on the 7th or 8th version of the OS.

    Other reasons include:

    • the library has been deleted or quarantined antivirus program. This happens when scanning hard disk antivirus. If the dll has been diagnosed as infected or damaged by malware, the file is deleted or forcibly quarantined;
    • self-removal of the system dynamic library by the user. Typically occurs accidentally when deleting a game application;
    • the actual absence or damage of a dll due to incomplete installation or incorrect interruption of the operating system.

    What actions need to be taken to resolve the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll error

    To debug the functioning of a game or application application, you can take the following actions:

    • Installing the service pack Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Installing this software will update the library packages and most likely fix the problem. To download the archive for installation, you can use the official website. After installation is complete, you must reboot the system.
    • Installing update KB2999226. This “patch” is in a good way installation of missing Microsoft Visual C++ modules. The KB2999226 plugin is freely available on the Internet. However, it is best to use the official Microsoft website. It is noteworthy that the update is also available through the Center Windows updates(if you have access to the Internet).
    • Complete reinstallation of the game or executive program. For the next installation, it is better not to access the same archive from which the previous installation was carried out. There is a high probability that it is a pirated copy and does not contain the necessary dll libraries. It is better to download the software package from a trusted torrent or official website. Before installation, do not forget to deactivate your antivirus.
    • Checking system files using the integrated SFC function. A universal way to diagnose and fix an error associated with a missing file with the dll extension.

    To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

    • activate the “Run” window and type the command “cmd”;
    • write the command sfc /scannow in it, thereby activating the process of “inventory” and recovery of system files;
    • upon completion of the scan, the user can view a list of damaged files, as well as error corrections made by the system;
    • you should restart the OS.

    The main purpose of api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll and key advantages

    File api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0 with the dll extension - a system dynamic library responsible for the interaction of individual modules and components of gaming and executive applications.

    Without it correct work such programs are not possible. To avoid errors associated with damaged or missing dynamic library api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll, It is recommended to use exclusively licensed software.

    In some cases, the user is faced with the fact that it is impossible to launch a program or utility because the device does not have api-ms-win-crt-runtime.

    In this case, it becomes impossible to use the utility or application, since it does not open at all.

    What is this error and why does it have such a significant impact on the quality of your computer?



    In what cases might a user encounter such a problem and what does it look like?

    Typically, it appears when you launch a utility or application, even if this software previously functioned normally for several days or weeks.

    Moreover, such a phenomenon is typical for standard programs and components of the operating system, and for third party applications and games, regardless of the load they place on the hardware.

    The failure appears in the form of a small window with a notification that the software cannot be launched due to the lack of api-ms-win-crt-runtime on the device.

    The window appears at the very early stages, sometimes before, sometimes after the window appears.

    When you close the notification, the application also closes, and with all repeated attempts the same process is repeated.

    Important! This problem can occur both with a program that has just been installed, and with one that has been functioning properly for some time, because directly with the installation process this error not connected. It does not affect the software itself, but the component in the OS that is necessary to run it.

    The essence

    What exactly are api-ms-win-crt-runtime? This is a dynamic plug-in library that works, if necessary, simultaneously with a number of applications.

    This means that a glitch in this library could affect more than just one game, for example, but a whole range of applications and utilities.

    Strictly speaking, this is a universal environment for executing startup processes, which contains codes and other data to activate the process.

    An error notification appears when a process cannot access it at startup, or when access is obtained, but it is damaged and some of the necessary components are missing.

    What leads to changes in the work of the library? The table below shows most common cases.

    Table 1. Causes of the problem
    SphereTypes of problems
    A game or app that is crashingSoftware data conflict with the library;

    There is a problem with the library that was installed with the game.

    HardwareDamage as a result of any event, for example, turning off the computer abnormally, or when the lights go out;

    Problems or bad sectors hard drive.

    Other securityDamage caused by malware or a virus agent;

    Other processes in the OS that are not directly related to user actions;

    Change, disappearance or corruption of data in the operating system registry;

    Some non-malicious utility updated or deleted the file as a result of an incorrect process;

    The file version is out of date.

    Depending on this, there may be various ways troubleshoot this problem.


    There are several ways to solve this problem, and one of them helps in any case.

    The simplest and fastest is, since the damaged component will be reinstalled along with it.

    But if some data is saved in it, or it needs to be saved for other reasons, then you can use one of the following methods.

    Microsoft Visual C++

    Installing such software solves the problem because the library is part of the Universal C RunTime environment.

    Because the library is located in installation file this environment, that is, when reinstalled, the library is restored.

    The program in which the error previously appeared will then start to run normally, and there will be no changes in its contents.

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