Merging files into a single pdf document. We merge PDF documents. How to add a file to a PDF archive in Page Management mode

PDF24 Creator is free PDF constructor with the function of combining several files. Follow these steps to merge files and create a PDF file:
  1. Download and install the free PDF24 Creator
  2. Open PDF24 Creator
  3. Import the files you want to merge by dropping them into the page in the right window
  4. You should now see all your downloaded files on the pages.
  5. If you only want to merge files, just click on the "merge" icon, add all pages into one file.
  6. You can also freely merge pages by dragging and dropping them into another file. This way you can create new file based on pages from other documents.
  7. If you have merged all the pages, mark the document you want to save and click on the “Save” icon to save the merged file.
You can upload any file you want. PDF24 Creator uses a virtual PDF printer to get your file into the correct format so that PDF24 Creator can read your file. This is a very important feature because now you can download Word file, text file, image, PDF file or any other, and then select pages from the documents you need and create a new file with the page you need.

Alternative: Join PDF files online

If you don't want to install any software or need an online utility to create a PDF file quickly, then the corresponding PDF24 tool is just for you. PDF24 offers you a variety of free online PDF utilities with which you can easily solve many PDF problems and merge PDF files in one of these tools. Here's how it works:

  • Just open the application from the link below.
  • Drag files to the appropriate area.
  • Files are downloaded and pages are displayed
  • Now click on the pages that should be included in new document.
  • If necessary, correct the page order by dragging and dropping.
  • If everything is satisfactory, you can save your new PDF file.


To easily merge files that have the same format, for example documents, use programs like PDF Split-Merge. Download it by following the link and select the file you need. Install the application and then launch it. Following the menu items, select the program menu responsible for the process of merging files. Add the documents you need to the program’s work field and set their order, then determine the name and location of the final file, and then start the process.

If you need to merge several PDF files, use the Foxit PhantomPDF program. Go to and download the version that suits you. With this program you can not only cut and re-glue several different documents, but also edit text, fonts, and create new documents. You can also optimize the pdf based on the file size you need and its quality.

You can often encounter files that are protected from printing and also from editing. In this case, you need to convert them into images, then arrange the resulting pictures according to the order you need and create a PDF file from them. This can be done using two simple applications– Pdf to Jpg Converter and JPG To PDF Converter. Download them by following the links and respectively. Install applications.

At Help Pdf to Jpg Converter convert the files you need into images, then number the resulting pictures in accordance with the order of pages you want in the final document. Launch JPG To PDF Converter and add them to the program’s work field, strictly observing the order you need. After this, specify the name and location of the final file and start the conversion process.

Video on the topic


  • how to link pdf files into one

You can merge PDF documents different ways, for example, using a product from Adobe – Acrobat Professional. However, there are also free options, for example, a utility from Google - PDFBinder.

You will need

  • - PDFBinder program


Download the program (the download link is at the very end of the article) and double-click on the setup file icon to begin the installation. The utility has an English-language interface, but this should not put you off, because... the necessary steps, both in installation and in use, are obvious and intuitive. This guide will be enough for you.

In the first window that appears, immediately click Next. In the following, you can specify a different path for installing the program by writing it manually in the Folder input field, or click on the Browse button, calling the Browse for folder menu and specifying this path in a few mouse clicks. If you click on the Disk cost button, a new window will appear showing the free disk space. The setting below allows you to determine which users will be able to use this program. Select Everyone if everyone, or Just me if only you. Having understood the settings, click Next. In a new window, the installer will notify you that the program is ready to install. Click Next again. The installation will begin. Once completed, click Close.

Look for the program icon in the directory you specified during installation. By default it should be C:\Program Files\PDFBinder. The icon looks like a notebook sheet with three arrows pointing to the left: blue, red and green.

Double click on the icon. A program window will appear. Click Add file, select the required pdf file in the new window and click “Open”. A line will appear in the central window of the program indicating the path of the added file. Add other files in the same way. The order in which the files are arranged in the central program window determines their final location in the final file. Use the arrows to move files in this list. To remove a file from the list, left-click on it and click on the button with the “Stop” sign.

Once you've figured out the settings, click Bind! In the new window, specify the path for the final file, its name and click “Save”. Ready.

Video on the topic

Information collected in one place, say, in a book, is perceived much better than as unrelated passages on separate sheets of paper. Electronic documents are no exception. In order not to access separate files every time, it is better to simply combine them into one.

You will need

  • - Adobe Acrobat Professional.


Open Adobe Acrobat Professional, click on the menu item File -> Create PDF -> From Multiple files. In the Add files section there is a Browse button, click on it. A new window will open asking you to select files to merge.

By default, the File Type field is set to All supported formats. Therefore, to simplify your search, click on the panel to bring up the drop-down menu and set Adobe PDF Files. Now only directories and pdf files will be displayed in the explorer window.

Select the required files. If they are in the same directory, use hotkeys during the selection process. If you click on one of the files, hold down Shift, and then click on the file that is located a few lines from the first one, both of these files, as well as those that were between them, will be selected. If you hold down Ctrl and click on individual files, they will all remain highlighted. After selecting the files, click Add. If necessary files are in different directories, you will have to repeat these steps.

The selected files appear in the Files to Combine area. The final arrangement of pages in the future pdf document depends on how they are located in this list. To move a document, select it with the left mouse click, and then use the Move up (to move up) and Move down (to move down) buttons. Both of these buttons are located in the Arrange files area, where in addition to them there is also Remove - it is used to remove files from the list.

If you want to preview a document, select it and click the Preview button. A new window will appear with a smaller copy of the pdf file. To scroll through pages, use the arrow buttons. To exit this window, click OK.

After placing the documents in the list as required, click OK. A new window will appear asking you to save the merged files. Select the path to save, specify a name for the future document, select Adobe PDF files in the “File type” field and click “Save”.

It is very wise to collect information in one place so as not to click in different places every time hard drive. For example, PDF documents can be merged using Adobe Acrobat Professional.

You will need

  • - Adobe Acrobat Professional program.


Open Adobe Acrobat Professional and click the menu item File -> Create PDF -> From multiple files. A new window will open in which you will be asked to select the required files. To do this, click on the Browse button and select the necessary pdf files in the window that appears. To simplify your search, specify Adobe PDF Files (*.pdf) in the “File Type” field.

Left-click on the file and click on the Add button. The document appears in the Files to Combine list. If the files are in the same directory, you can select both of them: hold down the Ctrl key and left-click on them. If not, you will have to repeat these steps.

The Arrange Files section contains buttons for editing files. Clicking Remove will remove the selected file from the Files to Combine list, and using the Move up and Move down buttons will move the selected file up or down in the list. This is important, since the final location of the files in the final document depends on it.

If you want to see what the final document will look like based on the location of the files in the Files to Combine list, click the Preview button. In the window that opens, use the Up and Down arrows to move forward and backward through the document, or you can directly navigate to the appropriate field. To complete viewing, click OK. By clicking on the Help button, you can see help regarding connecting files, but it is done in .

If you have already combined documents in this way and you need to create a new document based on these documents, use the Include recently combined files drop-down menu.

Once you have created the list, click OK. In the window that appears, specify the path for the future file, its name, and also make sure that PDF is indicated in the “File type” field. Click "Save".

The PDF file format is often used to create instructions, develop document forms, create books and electronic catalogs, and so on. There are special files for these files. software utilities.

You will need

  • - editor for PDF.


To write text in a PDF file, use special editors that support this extension, for example, PDF Editor. Download it from the Internet, and then check the unzipped files for viruses. Complete the installation according to the instructions in the installer menu items and launch the editor.

Enter the text into the file, and then save it in the appropriate format. In the future, to edit such documents, use context menu file, click “Open with” and select PDF Editor or another analogue of this utility installed on your computer from the list of programs, and then, if necessary, check the “Use for all files of this type” checkbox.

Also note Adobe editor Acrobat (not to be confused with Adobe Acrobat Reader). It performs the functions of creating, editing and saving documents in PDF format, on this moment it is one of the most famous programs in the direction of working with PDF.

If you need to edit a file of another format by converting it to PDF, use converters specially designed for this purpose that support both file types. This is quite convenient, for example, when you have it in a format that cannot be opened in a portable .

In this case, simply convert the file to PDF, since this format is supported by most modern devices. Also available special programs For mobile phones, which perform PDF viewing functions; unfortunately, there are no editors for them yet.

To convert PDF to image files use graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, and if you want to convert printed to PDF text V Word document, find a special recognition program or copy the text directly depending on the file.

Helpful advice

Download the PDF converter immediately.

Merging PDF files is most often required when printing a large number of documents. To avoid opening each document separately and re-setting print settings, it is recommended to use this method.

You will need


To combine several electronic documents can be used free utility PDF Blender, since the single most famous Adobe Acrobat editor costs at least $500. For correct operation This application requires downloading two components (GPL Ghostscript and PDF Blender), links to which are located below.

Good day, blog readers. In this article, I will teach you how to work with one of the most popular file formats - PDF, namely, to combine several documents of this type into one file. So let's get started!

The PDF format is great for conveying information in a form that is easy to view and protected from editing. It is used for contracts, reports, scientific articles and books. But sometimes the task arises: how to combine PDF files into one document. There are two ways to solve this: using programs or through online services.

1. Programs for combining PDF files

A lot of tools have already been written to merge files without an Internet connection. There are both little ones and giants among them. Let's start with the last ones.

1.1. Adobe Acrobat

They say “PDF”, they mean Adobe Acrobat, more often free version Reader. But it is intended only for viewing files; it cannot combine PDF files into one. But the paid version copes with this task with a bang - of course, because Adobe is the developer of the PDF format.

  • 100% accurate result;
  • knows how to edit source documents.
  • merging is only available in the paid full version (however, there is a 7-day trial). A monthly subscription costs about 450 rubles.
  • modern cloud versions require registration with the Adobe service;
  • a lot of space for installation (for Adobe Acrobat DC 4.5 gigabytes).

How to merge PDF files using Adobe Acrobat:

1. In the “File” menu, select “Create”, and in it – “Combine files into one PDF document”.

2. Select the PDF using the “Add” button or simply drag it onto the program window.

3. Arrange the files in the desired order.

4. After clicking the “Merge” button, the finished file will automatically open in the program. All you have to do is store it in a place convenient for you.

The result is a guaranteed accurate connection.

1.2. PDF Combine

An interesting specialized tool for merging documents. Those who want to combine PDF files into one program will be given a free download, but they simply won’t be able to use it in practice. Full version without tricks it sells for almost $30.

  • miniature and fast;
  • you can add entire folders with PDF;
  • works without Adobe Acrobat;
  • There is a portable version that works without installation;
  • can be customized sound signal about the end of the process.
  • paid;
  • meager settings.

Attention! The trial version adds a page at the beginning of the document stating that there is no license.

This is the inscription that will “decorate” your PDF if you use the trial version PDF Combine

If this suits you (or you are willing to pay), then here are the instructions for using the program:

1. Install the application or unpack the portable version, run the program.

2. Drag files into the program window, or use the “Add” buttons for files and “Add Folder” for folders. If necessary, set a sound signal for completion (the “Settings” button) and change the folder for the final file (“Output Path”).

3. Click "Combine Now!"

The program will connect the files and open the folder with the result. Besides, trial version will offer to buy a license.

Lifehack: You can delete the first page with a PDF cutting program.

1.3. Foxit Reader

Strictly speaking, Foxit Reader will not be able to fully cope with the task of combining PDF files into one: this function is included in paid product PhantomPDF. The work in it is similar to the actions in Adobe Acrobat:

1. Select “From multiple files” from the “File” menu - “Create”, indicate that you want to combine several PDF documents.

2. Add files, then start the process. Formally, you can also combine documents in Foxit Reader. However, to do this you will have to create an empty PDF file, then copy all the text there, select the font and size, add pictures in the same places, etc. In other words, spend hours doing by hand what programs do in seconds.

1.4. PDF Split and Merge

The utility is designed specifically for merging and splitting PDF files. It works quickly and clearly.

  • specialized product;
  • works quickly;
  • There is additional settings and functions;
  • portable version;
  • free.
  • Doesn't work without Java;
  • translation into Russian has been partially completed.

How to use:

1. Install Java ( and the program, run it.

2. Select "Merge".

3. Drag and drop files or use the add button. Check your settings and click Run at the bottom of the window. The program will quickly do its job and put the result along the specified path.

1.5. PDFBinder

Another special tool for combining pdf files. Solves this problem exclusively.

  • miniature;
  • fast;
  • free.
  • may require .NET for full functionality.
  • every time it asks where to save the result;
  • There are no settings other than the order of files to be merged.

Here's how to work with it:

1. Using the “Add file” button, add PDFs or drag them onto the program window.

2. Adjust the order of the files, then click Bind! The program will ask where to save the file, then open it with the PDF program installed on the system. A masterpiece of minimalism. No decorations, no additional features.

2. Online services for combining PDF files

It is also useful to know how to combine several PDF files into one without installing programs, online. This method only requires an Internet connection.

2.1. Smallpdf

Official website - The service fully lives up to its motto “Working with PDF is easy.” Pros:

  • simple and fast;
  • Supports work with Dropbox and Google drive;
  • many additional functions, including installing/unprotecting, compression, etc.;
  • free.

Minus: the abundance of menu options can be intimidating at first.

Step-by-step instruction.

1. On home page A choice of more than 10 options is immediately available. Find "Merge PDF".

2. Drag files onto the browser window or use Select File.

3. Drag and drop files to arrange them in the correct order. Then click "Merge to PDF!"

4. Save the file to your computer or send to Dropbox/Google drive. There are also “Compress” buttons (if you need to maximize light file) and "Split" (if the goal was to cut off the end of the PDF and paste it to another file).

2.2. PDFJoiner

Official website - Another good way combine PDF files into one online service - PDFJoiner. Its main task is to merge documents, but it can also be used as a converter. Pros:

  • immediately offers to solve the problem, without choosing from a menu;
  • We require a minimum of actions, but act clearly and quickly;
  • free.

Minus: the menu line merges.

Everything is very simple:

1. Drag files directly to the main page or select them with the Upload button.

2. If necessary, adjust the order, then click “Combine files.” The download of the result will start automatically. Just a couple of clicks is a record among services.

2.3. Ilovepdf

Official website - Another resource for which combining PDFs online for free and in full compliance with the source documents is a matter of honor.

  • many functions;
  • watermarks and pagination;
  • free.

Minus: in additional functions You can get lost, there are a lot of them.

Here is the sequence of steps to work with the service:

1. On the main page, select “Combine PDF” - either from the text menu or from the large blocks below.

2. Drag the PDF to the next page or use the “Select PDF files” button.

3. Check the order and click "Combine PDF". The download of the result will start automatically.

It feels like the service was truly created with love.

2.4. Free-pdf-tools

Official website - The service practically does not care about the perception of pages. You will have to read them to avoid getting into trouble.

  • there are several additional functions;
  • free.
  • looks a little old-fashioned;
  • does not allow dragging files;
  • difficult to change the order of files;
  • advertising is often disguised as links with results (see example in the instructions).

Here's how to use it:

2. Use the buttons for the 1st and 2nd files; to add subsequent ones, use the “More upload fields” button. Click "Merge".

3. The service will think about it, and then show the result in the form of an inconspicuous link to the document.

In general, a normal service leaves a bad taste due to aggressive advertising and an old-fashioned appearance.

2.5. Convertonlinefree

Official website - If you are looking for how to make one PDF file from several files and still retain the original appearance of the pages, then it is better to avoid this service. When merging, it changes the sheet size and introduces artifacts. What is the reason is unclear, since all other services processed the same source files normally.

Pros: free.

  • design outdated by a decade;
  • extremely picky about source files, accepts only zip archives;
  • You cannot change the order of pages;
  • introduces distortions.

They use this service from the “cheap and cheerful” category like this:

1. On the main page, find “Process PDF”.

2. On the page that opens, use the “Select file” button to add documents.

Attention! First prepare the files. They need to be archived. Moreover, only ZIP - from RAR, 7z, and even more so from PDF, he will resolutely refuse, against all logic.

3. After processing the downloaded archive, the download will begin automatically. And here is the result: You can use the service, but in comparison with others it loses big.

Many users personal computers when working with large texts, they are faced with the fact that they do not know how to combine PDF files into one online.

With significant volumes of work, this can significantly complicate the entire labor process.

PDF (Portable Document Format)– an uneditable format for storing text and graphic documents in online format.

If you are working with abstracts and other works that need to be edited during the process, then it would be better for you to temporarily choose a different storage format.

On the other hand, when it comes to storing documents, certificates, etc. in PDF format, users can always be sure that they will receive an authentic document.

When working with files, quite often a situation arises when you need to combine several text and graphic documents at once in order to later make it easier to work with a large volume of documents.

To do this, you may need special programs or an online converter. Let's consider the most convenient of them.

Merging using Adobe Acrobat

Statistics show that it is with the help of Adobe Acrobat that users open documents that are presented in PDF format most often.

You can combine two or more documents into one as follows:

  • Open empty window Adobe Acrobat and then the File tab.
  • Afterwards, the “Create” tab.
  • Find string "Merge files into one PDF document".
  • Click on all the documents you want to merge and click on the line "Add files".

You can use the mouse to swap files and install them in a way that is more convenient for you later.

If you want to change the order of pages, double-click on the document so that it opens in the next tab.

So, you have edited your text or graphic documents, indicated those elements that you are going to combine into one big one, which means now you need to click "Merge files".

The program will take you literally a couple of minutes, after which you will have to save.

Advice! When saving merged documents, make sure they are saved strictly in PDF format. Otherwise, you may have problems opening documents.

Another good program for combining PDF, no less popular than Adobe Acrobat, is the PDF Combine program.

Open PDF program Combine. On the main page, on the left side, you can find all the documents you might want to merge.

You will notice a green check mark appear above each file.

After 3 PDF documents or more are marked, you can click on the line "Merge to PDF".

Online services for combining PDF files

Let's assume that you don't want to download special programs, you don't have time for this, and so on.

You can combine 2 or more files into one using special services, that is, do it online.

Here are some of the most convenient options, which will not take you much time to combine:

  • is the most convenient service for combining a small number of small texts and graphic images;

  • is the fastest and most convenient service, it quickly combines 2 and 20 PDF files;


As for the features of using these services, they all have an accessible interface. Even the most unadvanced user can cope with them.

To do this, you just need to select all the necessary files and click on the line “Merge”.

What if you need to put together two PDFs or even several files at once? For example, combine different scanned documents and photographs. Try merging PDF files online? A possible option if confidentiality is not necessary for you. After all, everything that gets into an online service runs the risk of becoming available to its owners, other users or Internet scammers. To prevent information leakage, it is much safer to entrust your documents to a stationary application on your computer. This is where Movavi PDF editor comes in handy - simple and convenient program for working with PDF. It will allow you to stitch individual PDF documents into one file, add pages from other documents, photos or drawings. All operations are performed in the program simply and quickly.

Do you want to know how to make one document out of several in a couple of clicks? Download Movavi PDF editor for Windows or Mac and use the merge method that is most convenient for you from the options below.

How to merge PDF files into one

How to add a file to a PDF archive in Page Management mode

If, say, you are maintaining a multi-page binder file and you need to add a new document to it, then it will be most convenient to add sheets to PDF in the Page management.

How to add a page to a PDF document

How to add a page to a PDF? class="mb-2"> If you need to add one page or selected sheets of other PDF documents to a document, use the Movavi PDF editor. You can also insert pictures into it, since the program converts graphic formats to PDF.

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