Windows 10 boots and then the screen goes dark. Black screen when loading Windows: what to do if the computer does not turn on. Create a restore point

Windows 10 pleases its users with an innovative approach. People who see a strange black screen after installing a new one are especially bursting with happiness. operating system. And the reason why the black screen appears when loading is simple: Windows 10 conflicts with video card drivers. A black screen can occur not only during boot, but also after the computer returns from sleep. Also, a black screen may appear when using two monitors. In general, there are a lot of reasons, but there are also a lot of ways to get out of this unpleasant situation.


The first method to solve this annoying problem is a simple reboot. In this case, you need to cancel the fast startup of Windows 10. But how to do this if there is only a black screen? You must press the Back Space button to delete all characters, if any. Next, you need to change the keyboard layout, enter the password and press the Enter button. Then wait for Windows 10 to load.

Next you need to proceed to the immediate transfer booting Windows 10. Click sequentially on Windows keyboard+ R, wait about 15 seconds, enter shutdown /r and press the Enter button. Then you will need to wait a little and click Enter again. What have we done? Entered the code to restart the computer through a special Run window in Windows 10.

This is not the only way to restart your computer if you get a black screen during boot. Again, press Back Space several times, then press Tab five times. Such actions will lead us to the shutdown button. Press Enter, then the up arrow and Enter again. Next, Windows 10 should reboot. As a last resort, if these two methods do not help, you can simply hold down the power button on the system unit for a long time.

If after a reboot the image appears, then the whole point is a driver failure during fast startup.

Now you need to disable it:

  • Click on the Start button right click mouse, select Control Panel, go to Power Options.
  • Select Actions of the power buttons.
  • Click Change settings….
  • Scroll down and uncheck the Turn off fast startup option.


There is a possibility that the black screen is coming from the video card. If there is a monitor output in motherboard, then you can connect the display there, roll back the video card drivers when loading, and return everything to its place. It should be remembered that Windows 10 is a very new operating system, which is still full of hardware incompatibilities. After installing it, some programs and computer components may not work.

Changing drivers

If after all these methods the black screen appears again, then you can try removing the video card drivers. To do this, press Back Space several times again, press Tab and Enter five times. Then press the up arrow while holding Shift, and Enter again. Next, in blind mode, a recovery window will appear, but no one will see it. Then you need to continue to do everything by touch:

  • Click the down arrow three times and press Enter.
  • Double-click the down arrow and press Enter.
  • Double-click on the left arrow.
  • If the computer has a BIOS and MBR, then you need to press the down arrow once and Enter.
  • If the computer only has UEFI, then you need to double-click the down arrow and press Enter.
  • If you are not sure whether the machine has BIOS or UEFI, then you need to press the down arrow once.
  • The last step is to click Enter again.

And this is what it looks like with the monitor on:

After all these dances with tambourines, you will need to launch the low-resolution mode and safe mode. When booting, you need to try to restore the system or remove the video card drivers. Next, you should reboot and install the drivers again.

  • If this interesting blind method does not help, then you can try another wonderful method with your eyes closed. For this:
  • Log in with a password in Windows 10.
  • To do this, press Back Space several times, change the keyboard layout, enter the password and click Enter.
  • Then press Windows + X alternately.
  • Press the up arrow 8 times and click Enter.
  • With these manipulations we open the command line.

Intuitively, you should understand what layout is currently on the keyboard. Then you need to enter the code: bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network and press the Enter key. Next, you need to enter one more code: shutdown /r, click on the Enter key and after a special sound from the computer or after 15 seconds, press Enter again. After all this magic, Windows 10 should start in safe mode. In this mode, you can remove video card drivers, install new ones, and return normal boot settings using the same code in command line: bcdedit (default) /deletevalue safeboot.

If you don’t want to deal with all this horror, and you still haven’t lost the mood to use Windows 10, then you can try a banal system recovery from a boot disk or USB.

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New operating system. It has an updated interface. Not everyone can get used to it. However, support for Windows 7 is now ending. And users have to switch to “eight” and “ten”. It is not difficult to guess that a new operating system often encounters glitches and malfunctions. What to do if suddenly a person does not start Windows 10? How to solve a problem like this? We will have to look into these issues further. In fact, if you follow some instructions, the phenomenon can be eliminated once and for all.

The sources of all troubles

Windows 10 not working? There can be many reasons for such a phenomenon. And it is often difficult to identify them.

In practice, problems with starting the operating system arise due to:

  • driver damage;
  • equipment conflicts;
  • hardware incompatibility;
  • PC virus infection;
  • availability of a large amount of information on the computer;
  • CPU overload;
  • system failures;
  • critical errors;
  • equipment damage.

In fact, discovering the true cause of a failure can be problematic. Windows 10 won't start? What to do? It all depends on the specific situation. Below we will look at the most common scenarios.


Many users complain that Windows 10 does not start after the update. They try to eliminate such situations, but no one is immune from them. Microsoft does sometimes release updates that cause problems with operating systems running.

How to fix the situation? If Windows 10 does not start after the update, the user will have to either roll back the OS or completely reinstall it. The first option is the most preferable. We will stop there.

Rolling back Windows 10 updates is done like this:

  1. To restart a computer.
  2. While turning on the machine, press F8.
  3. Click on the "Diagnostics" menu item.
  4. Go to the Recovery add-on.

You can just sit and wait for the operating system to perform a rollback. As soon as everything necessary manipulations will be carried out, the computer will reboot. Next, the OS will have to work at full capacity.

System Restore

But sometimes such actions do not help. The user still gets a black screen when loading Windows 10. What should I do?

The user can select a restore point for the entire operating system. This technique is effective for update-related failures. It is not suitable for critical errors.

So, to restore Windows 10, you will need:

  1. Turn on the computer and when the system boots, press F8.
  2. Go to "Diagnostics" - " Extra options".
  3. Select a restore point.
  4. Wait a few minutes.

All of the above steps will roll back the operating system to the selected date. Usually the process takes only a few minutes, but sometimes you have to wait longer.

Fast decision

Why won't Windows 10 start? Sometimes the reason for this is the most common system failures. They lead to what the user sees

How to fix the situation? The first thing the user must do is reboot the operating system. For example, turning off and on the computer. If the reason lies in a system failure, Windows will start successfully.


Windows 10 won't start? Many users are facing this problem. In some cases, when loading the operating system, a black screen appears, but sounds “behind the scenes” are heard.

This phenomenon indicates problems with the video card. You'll have to remove it and replace it. After this, the operating system will work again. You can take your computer to service center and report your suspicions. The wizard will check the functionality of the video card and help fix problems.


Is there a black screen when loading Windows 10? This can happen due to knocked down BIOS settings. The only correct solution is to roll back the parameters.

This can be done either using the BIOS menu, or by pressing a special switch on the motherboard. The most simple solution is a loss of power to the battery in the computer. Just take it out for a few seconds and put it back in.


Windows 10 won't start? Black screen appears again and again? Starting in safe mode will help. This option works well if the cause of the failure lies in the drivers.


  1. Restart the OS.
  2. Press F8 and enter the diagnostic menu.
  3. Select "Advanced options" - "Boot options" - "Restart".
  4. Click on F4.

That's all. After the above manipulations there will be automatic start Windows 10 safe mode. With its help, you can remove drivers and also roll back the OS.


What to do if a user suspects that his computer is infected? You will have to check the OS for viruses. But if the system does not boot, this will not be so easy.

To bring the idea to life, the user must:

  1. Enter Windows 10 safe mode with network drivers.
  2. Launch antivirus.
  3. Scan the system.
  4. Remove all potentially dangerous objects. Clean infected files (if possible).
  5. Restart the OS.

If everything is done correctly, the computer will work. The disadvantage of this technique is that viruses often completely destroy the operating system. And after removing them you have to reinstall Windows.

Registry to help

Is there a black screen when loading Windows 10? Every user may encounter system registry errors. They result in the OS not loading. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but it can be dealt with.

It is advisable to use additional software. This is about CCleaner program. With its help, the PC registry is automatically cleaned and restored.


  1. Start Windows 10 in safe mode (with drivers).
  2. Launch CCleaner.
  3. Click on "Analysis", then on "Cleaning".
  4. Open the "Registry" tab.
  5. Click on "Check".
  6. Wait for the operation to complete.

As practice shows, after restoring the registry, the user will again be able to enjoy the operating system from Microsoft. Experienced users can use the command line to bring their ideas to life.

Incompatibility and conflicts

Windows 10 is a completely new operating system. She is faced with incompatibility of old equipment. And therefore, when loading the OS, a black screen appears. In some cases, you can see text with an error on it. The appropriate inscription will help determine what exactly conflicts with what.

It is not difficult to guess that to fix the problem it is enough to replace incompatible devices. It is advisable to install Windows 10 on new computers. And choose hardware that is compatible with the mentioned software. Then such a scenario will not bother the user.

Too slow

Windows 10 won't start? Is your operating system running and loading too slowly? In this case, you will have to scan your computer for viruses. There is none of them? Then you need to clean the registry. Is your PC still slow? If the user is confident in the power of the computer, he will have to start debugging the OS.

Usually it comes down to the following manipulations:

  • open "Task Manager" and in the "Startup" section disable most programs;
  • remove all unnecessary software;
  • get rid of outdated and unnecessary files(with emptying the trash can);
  • conduct defragmentation of hard disk (you can get by by cleaning and restoring the registry).

As a rule, all this helps speed up the computer. And then the operating system will load and respond to user requests very quickly.


We found out why Windows 10 does not start in one case or another. We managed to sort out the bulk of the glitches and problems. Now solving the problem will not be a hassle.

If you can’t figure out what’s causing the black screen in Windows 10, you’ll have to take your computer to a service center. There the car will be repaired as soon as possible. If there is no important data in the OS, the user can use installation disk and reinstall the system. This is one of the most effective techniques.

Even with the most modern and best to date, according to the developers, Windows 10 sometimes very unpleasant situations occur, and one of them should include the appearance of a black screen after the procedure for updating (installing) the system or subsequently due to other changes made to its operation .

If such a problem has happened to the user and he sees only a cursor on a black screen background on the monitor, or it often happens that there is not even a cursor on the black computer display, then the material presented in this publication will help him eliminate such a system malfunction without a complex and time-consuming procedure operating system installations.

Causes of the phenomenon

The complexity of the situation is aggravated by the variety of causes of a black screen. Most often, this system error appears after upgrading the “Seven” or “Eight” to Windows 10.

Sometimes this happens even with a normally functioning OS with index 10 after installing its own packages to improve the system. In the list of common sources of the problem under consideration, first of all, it is necessary to include the reason when the software (drivers) of equipment that worked successfully in the previous Windows versions, for example, a graphics adapter. It also happens due to an Explorer operating error or license duplication.

It should be noted that there is a black screen that appears after a Windows upgrade, and after a certain period of time it spontaneously disappears and the OS starts working normally.

However, more often the ill-fated “Black Square of Malevich” settles on the screen for a long time and without qualified intervention the problem cannot correct itself. It is very good if the mouse and keyboard can operate normally (you can verify this by moving the cursor across the black screen). Also good news for people who are faced with a black screen is that the actions taken to resolve this OS error are standard (hardware faults, i.e. problems with hardware, will not be considered in these instructions).

Instructions for correcting errors using OS tools

The error can be corrected using functionality Windows - by Windows rollback 10 k previous version.

For this purpose, it is necessary to perform the following sequence of actions:

What should I do if an error occurs during the upgrade (installation) to Windows 10?

If a black screen appears directly during the system update procedure to the “Tenth” version,” the instructions given above will no longer help. You will have to take more drastic measures by forcibly turning off the PC or laptop by holding down the power button for a long time, since in this case the most likely cause of the failure will be a mismatch software video card requirements new Windows 10.

During the subsequent boot of the PC, the OS will analyze the disk for existing errors and after that the Windows desktop will be displayed. It is necessary to install the latest drivers for the graphics device. For this purpose, it is convenient to use the “Device Manager”, and you can also use special application « Driver Booster”, which downloads software from the official resources of the equipment manufacturer. Having updated all the drivers, you will then need to start installing Windows 10 again.

If the user finds the simple method of forcibly shutting down the PC barbaric (it’s very difficult to disagree with this), then you can try to blindly reboot Windows 10.

To do this, you need to take the following sequential steps:

Note: In order to avoid such difficulties, it is recommended to analyze the relevance of drivers for all computer devices before upgrading to Windows 10 (this can be done using the above-mentioned “Driver Booster” program).

We use the computer motherboard

You can disconnect the cable from the monitor from the video card connector and connect it to the built-in video adapter on the motherboard. Next, roll back the graphics device drivers to their previous working state.

It should be noted that the OS with index “10” is still “raw” and has many hardware incompatibilities. Therefore, users often, after updating, are faced with the problem of PC components not working.


If, after reading this article, you completely lose the desire to follow the above instructions, and the desire to use Ten disappears after updating, then it is recommended to use the usual method of restoring Windows 10 using bootable flash drive or disk.

It happens that when loading Windows 10, a black screen with a cursor freezes. The same problem can occur during a reboot, as well as after installing/reinstalling this operating system. The error usually occurs due to incorrect operation of video card drivers AMD Radeon and NVidia, although this is not the only reason. Please note: you can fix the problem without reinstalling the system.

Our article is for informational purposes only and we are not responsible for your actions.

If the malfunction cannot be resolved on your own, then contact the professionals at our service center for help. We not only install/reinstall Windows, but also repair laptops and computers from all manufacturers.

Quick ways

As a rule, sounds and other signs of computer operation indicate that Windows 10 is loading normally, but nothing is displayed on the monitor except the mouse pointer. In this case, the following actions can correct the situation.

Fixing video card problems

If quick ways did not help, then you will have to use more complex methods.


Among the working methods for fixing a black screen with a cursor (especially important for ATI (AMD) Radeon video cards), it is worth noting a complete reboot of the PC followed by shutting down fast loading Windows 10. To do this:

  1. restart your computer;
  2. after rebooting with a black screen, press the Backspace key to remove the lock screen saver and also remove random symbols from the password entry field;
  3. now switch the keyboard layout (if necessary) for entering the password - Windows keys + Space usually work - and enter the account password; press Enter and wait for the system to boot;
  4. Restart your computer again by pressing Windows logo + R and wait a few seconds;
  5. if the language in Windows 10 is Russian, switch the layout and enter shutdown /r, then press Enter; wait a few seconds and press Enter again;
  6. wait until your computer restarts.

As a result, a full screen saver should open.

Alternative reboot method:

  • With the computer turned on, press Backspace or Spacebar several times;
  • press the Tab key 5 times to go to the “on/off” icon;
  • After that, press Enter, the Up key and Enter again.

The computer should restart normally. If the above options do not work, you can try a forced shutdown (not recommended). To do this, press and hold the power button, wait until the computer turns off, and then turn it on again. In any case, if after a reboot an image appears on the monitor, then it’s all about the video card drivers, which do not work correctly due to the fast startup by default.

Disabling Fast Startup

To disable Fast Startup, follow the instructions:

These actions should prevent the problem from recurring.

Reinstalling drivers

If all else fails, try removing the video card driver. Windows 10 provides this option both in low screen resolution mode and in safe mode. There are two ways to reinstall drivers.

First option:

Second option:

  1. log in to the system with a password (described at the beginning of the instructions);
  2. hold down Win+X;
  3. repeat pressing the Up key 8 times and then press Enter - the administrator command prompt should open;
  4. enter (eng layout): bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network, press Enter;
  5. now type: shutdown /r and press Enter again; wait about 15 seconds and press Enter again;
  6. the computer will restart in safe mode, in which you can choose to restore the system or reinstall the video card drivers;
  7. To return to standard boot, use bcdedit (default) /deletevalue safeboot as an administrator on the command line.

You should also not exclude the possibility of your computer becoming infected with viruses, for example, when using the Internet or after installing unverified programs. In this case, boot into safe mode, run the antivirus and follow the instructions for deleting infected files; restart your computer. Sometimes setting a more suitable screen resolution, which is also done in safe mode, helps.

After update or Windows installations 10, and also after a normal reboot is already successful installed system you see a black screen with a mouse pointer, and you don’t know what to do, don’t rush to get upset and delete the system, there is a way out. In general, this glitch dates back to Windows 8.1, I previously told you how to fix a black screen in Windows 8.1, I advise you to read it too if the methods presented below do not help you.

The problem is very often related to video card glitches. NVidia or AMD Radeon, however, this is not the only reason. In this instruction, we will look at the situation when Windows 10 boots, sounds are heard, but nothing is displayed on the screen except the annoying mouse, or you may encounter another possible situation when a black screen appears after sleep or hibernation (or after turning off and turning on the computer again) .

If you have multiple video outputs, try switching the connection to a different port. Often, a driver update may include changes that, for unknown reasons, may send the video signal to the wrong port (DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI, Thunderbolt, VGA).

Note: In some cases in Windows 10, a black screen may be caused by a connected second monitor. In this case, try disabling it, and if this does not work, then log into the system blindly (described below, in the section about rebooting), then press Windows + P, the down key once and Enter.

In many cases, you will see a black screen on your device because Windows 10 has lost communication with the display. When this happens you can use Windows key combination + Ctrl + Shift + B, which restarts the video driver and updates the connection to the monitor. Your screen should blink and refresh, similar to pressing F5 in a browser.

On tablets (such as Surface Pro or Surface Go) you can turn on the screen by pressing the buttons increase And decrease volume three times at the same time.

No matter how funny it may sound, I saw a person who simply forgot to turn on his monitor screen, so he saw a black screen, but how could it be otherwise?

Disabling unnecessary devices

Peripheral devices connected to your computer may be causing a black screen or black screen with rotating points during startup. If you encounter something similar, will disconnect e all peripheral devices (such as printers, cameras, removable drives, Bluetooth and other USB devices) from the computer.

Start your computer again and if everything works fine, then you have a problem with one of your peripherals. You can figure out which one is causing the problem by connecting one at a time peripheral device at a time until you come across the one that causes the conflict. Once you recognize the device causing the problem, turn it off, restart your computer, and then search the Internet to see if there is a fix or contact the device manufacturer for help.

Restarting Windows Explorer

Very often, users do not turn off the computer, but simply put it to sleep. Windows system not without sin, and services can easily freeze in it; the cornerstone service for the system is the explorer.exe (Explorer) service. First of all, in order to fix your black screen on your Windows 10, we try to restart Explorer. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut against a black screen background CTRL+SHIFT+ESC(Simultaneously). As a result, the “Task Manager” will open. Find the "Explorer" service there, right-click on it and select "Restart".

If you do not have an active process, then you can select the menu "File - Run new task"

We write in the new task window, explorer.exe and press Enter. As a result, you will have the Explorer service running, and the black screen at the entrance may disappear.

If the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+DEL did not help you and the task manager did not appear, then you can press against the background of a black screen, simultaneously CTRL+ALT+DEL and select “Task Manager”, and then follow the same sequence of actions as above.

Note 2: If you see the login screen and a black screen appears after login, then try the next option. On the login screen, click on the on-off button at the bottom right, and then, while holding Shift, click “Restart”. In the menu that opens, select Diagnostics - Advanced options - System recovery.

Reboot Windows 10

One of the working ways to fix the black screen problem after repeated turning on Windows 10, apparently, is quite functional for owners AMD video cards(ATI) Radeon - completely restart the computer, and then disable Windows 10 fast startup.

To do this blindly, after booting the computer with a black screen, press the Backspace key (left arrow to delete a character) several times - this will remove the lock screen splash screen and remove any characters from the password input field if you accidentally entered them there.

After this, switch the keyboard layout (if required, the default in Windows 10 is usually Russian, you can almost guarantee switching with the Windows + Space keys) and enter your account password. Press Enter and wait for the system to boot.

The next step is to restart the computer. To do this, press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard, wait 5-10 seconds, enter (again, you may need to switch the keyboard layout if your system is Russian by default):

and press Enter. After a few seconds, press Enter again and wait about a minute, the computer should reboot - it is quite possible that you will see an image on the screen this time.

The second way to restart Windows 10 with a black screen is after turning on the computer, press the Backspace key several times (or you can use the space bar or any character), then press the Tab key five times (this will take us to the on/off icon on the lock screen), press Enter, then - the “Up” key and Enter again. After this, the computer will restart.

If none of these options allow you to restart your computer, you can try (potentially dangerous) forcing the computer to shut down by long pressing the power button. And then turn it back on.

If, as a result of everything suggested, an image appears on the screen, then the problem is precisely in the operation of the video card drivers after a quick start (which is used by default in Windows 10) and to prevent the error from reoccurring.

Disabling the AppReadiness service

In the task manager, find the "Services" tab and find the AppReadiness service, if it is enabled, then right-click it, try turning it off, and set the startup type to "Manual" in the properties. Then we reboot the computer.

Using Integrated Video

If you have an output for connecting a monitor not from a discrete video card, but on the motherboard, try turning off the computer, connecting the monitor to this output and turning on the computer again.

There is a high probability (if the integrated adapter is not disabled in UEFI) that after turning it on, you will see an image on the screen and will be able to roll back the discrete video card drivers (via Device Manager), install new ones, or use system recovery.

Removing and reinstalling video card drivers

If the previous method did not work, you should try to remove the video card drivers from Windows 10. You can do this in safe mode or in low screen resolution mode, and I will now tell you how to get into it, seeing only a black screen (two ways to different situations).

If you manage to press the CTRL + ALT + DELETE key combination against a black screen and a blue window appears with the ability to manipulate the computer, then hold down the SHIFT key and in the right corner select restart.

As a result, you will be taken to the "Select Action" menu. Select "Troubleshooting"

If CTL + ALT + DELETE does not work. On the login screen (black), press Backspace several times, then Tab 5 times, press Enter, then up once and, while holding Shift, Enter again. Wait about a minute (the diagnostic, recovery, system rollback menu will load, which you probably won’t see either).

Next steps:

  1. Down three times - Enter - down twice - Enter - left twice.
  2. For computers with BIOS and MBR - once down, Enter. For computers with UEFI - down twice - Enter. If you don’t know which option you have, press “down” once, and if you get into the UEFI (BIOS) settings, then use the two-click option.
  3. Press Enter again.

The computer will restart and show you special boot options. Using the number keys 3 (F3) or 5 (F5) to enter Low Screen Mode or Safe Mode with Networking. After booting, you can either try to run System Restore in the Control Panel, or remove the existing video card drivers, and then, after restarting Windows 10 in normal mode (the image should appear), install them again.

If this method of booting your computer does not work for some reason, you can try the following option:

  1. Log into Windows 10 with a password (as this was described at the beginning of the instructions).
  2. Press the Win+X keys.
  3. Press up 8 times and then Enter to open the command line.

At the command line, enter (must be in English):

bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network

and press Enter. After that enter shutdown /r press Enter, after 10-20 seconds (or after the sound alert) - Enter again and wait until the computer reboots: it should boot into safe mode, where you can remove the current video card drivers or start system recovery. (In order to return to normal booting in the future, in the command line as an administrator, use the command

bcdedit (default) /deletevalue safeboot)

Additionally: if you have a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 10 or a recovery disk, you can use them: Windows Recovery 10 (you can try using restore points, or as a last resort, resetting the system).

Disabling Windows 10 Fast Startup

Right-click on the Start button, select Control Panel

On the left, select “Power Button Actions.”

At the top, click Change settings that are currently unavailable.

Scroll down the window and uncheck the “Enable Fast Startup” checkbox.

Save your changes. The problem should not be repeated in the future.

Consequences of the virus

The presence of a black screen may indirectly indicate that you have malware in your system, which could easily damage the Windows registry and, for example, change a value in a registry branch HKEY_KEY LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Windows NT - CurrentVersion - WinLogon. Find the Shell key here and check that it has the value explorer.exe, if it doesn’t, then you need to treat the system in safe mode, for this you can download free dr web cureit and walk through it. You can also use AdwCleaner.

How to fix random black screens

And then there are black screens that happen out of the blue. New model Windows 10 maintenance (i.e. endless patches and updates) means that updates, patches, security patches and driver updates for Windows are frequently downloaded to background and are installed at night completely unnoticed by you. If you want to determine which Windows updates installed and when, you can, but if they have already passed you by and given you a black screen, try booting into safe mode. After which they should be removed. To open the control panel and go to "Programs and Features", then find the item "View installed updates"

Then we look Latest updates and delete them, do not forget to then restart your computer and check the result.

A corrupted user profile can sometimes cause a black screen. Trying to boot in safe mode, creation of a new user account and then trying to log into it may help. In the task manager, call a new task or if safe mode allows you to open Start or display the Run window, after pressing the WIN + R keys, then enter

The "User Accounts" window will open, click the "Add" button

Select "Sign in without a Microsoft account" and then continue.

Create a local account.

Fill in the details of the new account.

Ready. New Account created. All that remains is to give her administrative rights.

Select a new user, go to its properties and assign it the “Administrator” group

In the end, it turned out like this, now you can try to log in as a new user. The data can then be easily restored by copying it from the old profile.

RunOnce processes may also be the culprit. If you all see a black screen after logging in, click Control + Shift + Esc on the keyboard, this will launch the task manager. Go to the Processes and Services tab and then find all instances RunOnce32.exe or RunOnce.exe. If you find them running, stop the process, cancel the application, or terminate the service. It’s better to set the service to start manually at startup.

Update from 07/06/2017

Update KB4034450 has been released, designed to eliminate all problems with dozens of black screens; if possible, install it as soon as possible in safe mode, slipping it through a flash drive or disk.

Windows 10 black screen due to printer drivers

In my practice, I have seen black screens on RDS farms many times, and one of the reasons was the presence of old, conflicting printer drivers. As a result, I had to go into Windows safe mode and clean up these registry branches. The first branch in which you need to delete everything except the following values:

  • USB monitor
  • Standard TCP/IP port
  • PJL Language Monitor
  • Local port
  • BJ Language Monitor
  • AppleTalk Printing Devices

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Control\Print\Monitors

In the print providers branch, delete everything except the default print providers

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Control\Print\Providers

You also need to clean up your printing processes.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print\Environments\Windows x64\

After cleaning the registry, I would advise you to also clean your computer of junk using Ccleaner, then you need to restart your computer in normal mode and check for a black screen.

Updating the BIOS on your computer

Recently I saw a case where a user updated his Windows 10 1809 to version 1903 and received a black screen at the entrance, in the end it turned out that his equipment did not accept new version systems. The way out of it was update equipment BIOS through Windows safe mode. Or the opposite situation, when an advanced user, on the contrary, installed a fresh version of the BIOS and it turned out to be still unfinished, I saw an example from a friend of mine when he downloaded the latest version to his Asus, through the utility, after rebooting he admired the black screen, all the manipulations given above had no effect, rollback BIOS version to the previous one, everything was returned to working order.

Rollback to previous version

If you installed a major release update, for example, you switched from Windows 10 1809 to Windows 10 1903, where you received a black screen, then you can use a bootable flash drive to roll back to the previous version, I have already talked about this in detail. When you restore normal operation of your computer, you can wait a month, maybe Microsoft will correct this behavior with a fresh update.

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