Large html font. Formatting the text of an html page (part 2). with the names of different models

Font on page

The font size tag in html is perhaps sub, sup and strong, which somehow resize the letters. But html offers very little possibilities in this regard. There was, of course, the font tag, but today it has long been deprecated. If you are really curious about how to change the font size more flexibly, then you need to turn to the possibilities of CSS.

CSS font-size property

In CSS, you can set any amount of text and this can be done not only in pixels, but also in other units of measurement. Most often it is set in pixels, but it can be done differently. For example, as a percentage. The parent element's font is taken as 100%.

For example, if we set the amount of text as a percentage to some paragraph and it lies in the body tag, then for it 100% will be equal to the size specified for the body. Accordingly, if the tag has a font of 12 pixels, then to set the paragraph size to 24 pixels, you need to write like this:

p (font-size: 200%)

p (font - size: 200%)

This is if you use interest. Another popular relative value is em, or the font height of the parent element. Prescribing relative values ​​is better because when you change the size of the text, everything will change proportionally and will be displayed well.

You can also adjust the size using the larger and smaller keywords, which set the text size to be larger or smaller, respectively, than that of the parent element.

selector (font-size: larger)

selector (font - size: larger)

The text in the element with the desired selector will become larger than that of the parent. Html tags sizes exist, but they are not recommended. These are big and small tags. Wrapping the text in them allows you to slightly increase or decrease the size of the letters compared to the parent element. But today it is better to use css if you need to set a value.

The size of the main elements on the web page

With regard to sizing the rest of the elements, everything is the same: you need to use css for this purpose, not html. In general, you can set attributes such as width and height in the tag, but this is inconvenient. And most importantly, it does not meet the standards that dictate that appearance and the structure must be separated from each other by placing them in separate files.

For this reason, it is common to use the width and height css properties to determine the width and height of an element.

img (width: 50px; height: 50px)

< img width = "50" height = "50" > < ! -- такненужнопрописыватьширинуивысотудляэлемента-- >

HTML only arranges blocks on a web page, but the very format of this language does not allow it to act as a convenient tool for setting values. To somehow visually influence the block, you need to frame it with certain opening and closing tags, which is far from so convenient.

To set the appearance of elements today, you need to use css rules, because that is what they are intended for. That's all for today, and do not forget to subscribe to blog updates in order to have a lot of useful materials on site building at hand.

First of all, I want to digress a little from the topic and talk about my code examples, for example, in the previous chapter, I did not depict the full page code anywhere, but only showed it like this:

  • Html
  • CSS
    • introduction
    • types of documents
    • style types
  • PHP
But in fact, I meant like this: Using lists.
  • Html
  • PHP

Those. in the future, you should understand that all the tags that I demonstrate you must insert into the main CTML-template between the tags and

And now back to our chapter, to perform all these functions listed in the title, there is a tag-container.

Now let's get back to our topic.

In order to change the size, font or color of the text of a separate area in HTML, there is a container tag separate piece of text

Let's start in order, and learn how to change the color of the text of a separate section, for this purpose in the tag FONT need to put an attribute COLOR like this:

color = "red"> a separate piece of text Attribute values color the same as for the bgcolor text attributes of the body tag, that is, we can set them in words in English (Black, Green, Silver, Lime, Gray, Olive, White, Yellow, Maroon, Navy, Red, Blue, Purple, Teal , Fuchsia, Aqua) or RGB color numbers (# 000000- #FFFFFF)

face = "Tahoma"> a separate piece of text Fonts serve to make the text look more extraordinary, but there is one problem, the fonts that you have (you can see them in C: WINDOWSFonts) may not appear on your visitors, the second problem with fonts is that some fonts can only be used in Cyrillic (in Russian letters) or vice versa only with the Latin alphabet (English letters), there is of course a third type that fits both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. In the list below, I will show which fonts are standard and are on all computers and also suit any letters:

  • Arial
  • Cosmic sans
  • Courier
  • Garamond
  • Helvetica
  • Verdana
  • Tahoma
  • Times
  • Times New Roman
Several fonts can be specified at the same time: face = "Tahoma, Times, Verdana"> a separate piece of text
From this code, I would like to note the following that if your visitor does not have a font Tahoma then the text will be provided by the font Times and if not also Times then the text will be Times New Roman. Well, if this font is not there, then the default font of the browser.

Now let's move on to the dimensions, you can change the size of the text in HTML using two tags font and / or BASEFONT.
Let's start with BASEFONT, this tag is used to change the base color, font and size of the text, for example:
This tag is not a container, i.e. has no backtag. The color and font of the text is set as in the tag FONT, but to change the size of the text, use the attribute SIZE with a value from 1 to 7. This tag can be used several times in the text: size = "4"> .... text ....
size = "6"> .... text ....
size = "3"> .... text ....
The default text size = "3", this size can be omitted. In the first example we increased the whole text by one, in the second line we increased it to "6", and in the third we returned it to the default text again.
Now I want to sadden you, this tag was introduced in the HTML-4.01 version, and accordingly only Internet Explorer is supported in the browser, other browsers simply ignore it, so it's better not to use this tag at all !!!
And use only the tag FONT with the SIZE attribute it is supported by almost all browsers. SIZE attribute, also takes values ​​from 1 to 7, but these sizes can be set from "-2" to "+4"
The FONT tag, like BASEFONT, can contain several attributes:
size = "5" color = "red" fase = "Tahoma, Times, Verdana"> .... text ....

It would seem, why know HTML tags for text, if now almost any admin panel has a convenient one that sets them automatically?

The fact is that formatting content on a website is fundamentally different from working in office applications. It is not enough just to give the text an attractive look, because not only the display of a web page, but also its promotion in search engines depends on the correct design.

HTML tags and attributes: syntax basics

Any text has a hidden code that "explains" to the computer what and how to display on the screen. All information is recorded using a set of universal elements.

Basically, HTML tags for text are commands that add specific blocks to a page or change their appearance. The correct recording format looks like this:

Please note that not all tags are paired. For example,
(line skip) or

(adding a horizontal line) doesn't need to close at all.

Why you can't copy articles from Word and other programs into the site editor

Although modern office programs use the same HTML tags for text, 99% of the time native code is unusable for web pages. Even if the document is displayed normally in the application itself, the formatting may get lost when inserted into the site. In addition, due to the large number of unnecessary tags and attributes, search engines cannot adequately analyze the content of the page. Which, in turn, makes it difficult to promote your resource.

To get clean and relevant code, you first need to clear the text of HTML tags generated by a regular editor. There are several ways to do this:

  1. "Run" the article through "Notepad" and only then insert it into the site. The application erases all HTML, so after that you have to reformat the text again (using the editor tools or manually).
  2. Write and publish articles via LiveWriter. The popular blog editor immediately generates the correct code. And in a separate tab you can see how the text will look on the site.
  3. Use HTML Cleaner. This online service does not destroy the entire code, but only extra fragments. Filters allow you to choose which tags to keep. There is also a powerful visual formatting editor that adds already optimized commands to the code.


This element is present in almost all articles. Each paragraph should be located inside such a container - this simplifies formatting and allows you to maintain a consistent style across all pages of the site. For convenience, the tag

They always write on a new line.


The separate HTML "Text Alignment" tag has long been out of use. Instead, the generic ALIGN attribute was created. To change the position of the text block on the page, you must select one of 3 values ​​- CENTER, RIGHT or LEFT. Likewise, you can set the alignment for other elements - for example, headings.

In some situations, other tags are used for alignment, for example, you can position using the element

... Why is a separate tag useful? Unlike an attribute, it works with any content, including photos, videos, flash, etc.

Headings and subheadings

The subheading system allows you to create a logical structure for your content. When the text is divided into semantic blocks, it is much easier for the reader to concentrate and assimilate new information. Search engines also analyze headlines to understand which requests to promote the page on. This is why SEO experts recommend using thematic keys in them.

HTML uses six levels of subheadings - from


... There is a clear hierarchy in this system:

  • ...

    ... The main article, product in the online store, etc.). There can only be one in the text

    ... As a rule, it contains the main keyword.

  • ...

    ... Subheadings of the second level break the text into semantic blocks. For example, if you are rating laptops, you can do a few

    with the names of different models.

  • ...

    ... The third level is needed if the text between two

    also breaks down into small blocks. In our example, these can be evaluation criteria - "Performance", "Memory", "Video card", etc. for each model.

  • ,

    ... In practice, they are extremely rare. But the general principle is the same - they should be “nested” in a top-level subheading block.

Be sure to maintain the correct hierarchy. Returning to our example, this means that you cannot immediately enter the names of the models as


... And even more so, use subheadings of different levels for homogeneous blocks (for example, highlight the laptop that took the last place in the rating using

And here is a diagram that will help you instantly understand and remember the correct heading structure in HTML.


Any enumerations and instructions are best formatted as lists using special HTML tags for text (a typical mistake is just a few paragraphs

Which start with a hyphen or number).

The structure of such blocks is very simple. First, we define the type of the list - bulleted or numbered.

All elements are between the opening and closing tags. Each item in the list starts on a new line and has a format. The number of elements is not limited.

Choice and its attributes

What can be changed using this font and color - and without adding new classes to the CSS. This is very convenient when you only need to select one sentence or fragment.

has several attributes:

  • Face... Allows you to change the font of the text. You can list several options separated by commas (Tahoma, Verdana). If the user does not have the first font installed, the system simply uses the alternative.
  • Size... To increase or decrease the text, enter a value between 1 and 7 in quotation marks.
  • Color... Depending on the design, you can choose one of the standard shades (red, green, blue) or enter a code for any color of your choice.

Don't use paragraphs formatted with , instead of subheadings. Better to set the same styling parameters with the correct tag.

Ways to select text

Monotonous text is tiresome, even with paragraphs. It is recommended to highlight the key points graphically in order to attract attention and stir up the interest of the reader. Here are some commands to help you with this task.

... ... An extremely popular HTML tag. Bold text immediately catches the eye, and therefore it is convenient to use it to highlight important theses and facts.

Many confuse tags and ... There is no visual difference, but they work in different ways. The first one simply changes the appearance of the text, while the second acts as a "pointer" and highlights the most important fragments (thematic keywords and phrases for SEO).

... ... Elegant and strict italics are ideal for formatting scientific terms, foreign words and a variety of quotations. In serious publications, the titles of works of art are also marked with oblique text.

... ... Perhaps not a single HTML tag has caused so much controversy. Underline text is rarely used because this way highlighting has historically been associated with hyperlinks. If you use in articles, please note that this is only suitable for short fragments - no more than 1 line.

... ... An interesting tag that allows you to make a part very relevant in an advertisement - for example, to emphasize the contrast between the old and new prices.

... ... The easiest way to increase the font size without any additional parameters.

... ... Works on the same principle as the previous tag. The text located inside is reduced relative to the main one.

... ... The correct name for this format is superscript. Basically, this tag is for math degrees and footnotes. It decreases the font size and shifts the selected text up.

... ... Subscript is often found in various formulas. The selection is positioned below the main text.

Sense containers

Since some blocks were found in many texts, they began to create special tags for them. This simplifies formatting, because if each type of content has its own set of styles, it is enough to select a piece of text and indicate what information it contains.

... ... Tag for adding computer codes. Indispensable in programming articles with examples - commands are not executed, but displayed as plain text.

... ... Designed for quotations - for example, key excerpts from interviews.

... Brings out part of the text into a separate block. By default, the selection has a larger margin on the left, but in CSS you can also change the size, style, and color of the text.

... An additional tag that contains information about the author, including links.

The dividing line

A simple line can be used to mark the logical ending of a large section.

does not apply to paired tags. This means that the closing format elementnot needed.

Using the WIDTH attribute, you can make the separator shorter by setting the appropriate size in pixels or as a percentage of the window width.

By learning how to use tags to format your HTML text wisely, you will not only make your articles easier to read, but also improve your SEO performance.

The font size on the site can be set using both HTML and CSS. Let's consider both options.

Setting font size using HTML

The font size on the page can be determined using the tag font HTML. In the article, we have already looked at the tag font and its attributes. One of the attributes of this tag is size, which allows you to set the font size. It is applied as follows:

Website builder "Nubex"

Size can take values ​​from 1 to 7 (the default is 3, which corresponds to 13.5 points for Times New Roman font). Another option for setting the attribute is “+1” or “-1”. This means that the size will be changed from the base by 1 point more or less, respectively.

This method is quite easy to use and is indispensable when you need to change the font size of a small piece of text. Otherwise, it is recommended to style the text using CSS.

Setting font size with CSS

In CSS, the property is applied to change the font size font-size which applies as follows:

Changing the font size with CSS

The fonts of the nubex HTML div are set to 14px using the font size property.

In the example shown, the font size is set in pixels. But there are other ways to set the size:

  • large, small, medium- set the absolute size (small, medium, large). The values ​​extra-small (x-small, xx-small), extra-large (x-large, xx-large) can also be used.
  • larger, smaller- set the relative size (less or more relative to the parent element).
  • 100% - the relative size is set (in percent relative to the parent). For example: h1 (font-size: 180%;) This means that the size of the tag H1 will be 180% of the base font size.
  • Other options for setting the relative size:
    • 5ex- means that the size will be 5 letter heights x from the base font;
    • 14pt- 14 points;
    • 22px- 22 pixels;
    • 1vw- 1% of the width of the browser window;
    • 1vh- 1% of the height of the browser window;

Some sites attract users not with animation, not with pictures or photographs, not with video clips, but exclusively with their text content. Text is the inherent content of many popular sites. In the previous lessons, we looked at CSS properties that allow you to change the color of text, add a drop shadow to it, align it and add underline, overline, or strike it out altogether. This lesson will look at what font families are and how to change the default text font.

Difference between Sans-serif and Serif font families

site - sans-serif font

site - serif font

Font families in CSS

In CSS, fonts are divided into families, each family consists of a set of fonts that share common characteristics. There are only five font families:

  • sans-serif - sans-serif fonts are considered to read better on a computer screen than serif fonts.
  • serif is a serif font family. Many people associate them with newspaper articles. Serifs are decorative strokes and dashes around the edges of letters.
  • monospace is a family of fonts whose characters have the same fixed width. These fonts are used primarily to display program code examples.
  • cursive - fonts that mimic cursive text.
  • fantasy - artistic and decorative fonts. They are not very widespread, not available on all computers, and are rarely used in web design.

The font-family property allows you to change the default font. It usually contains a comma-separated list of interchangeable fonts from the same font family. If the name of the font consists of more than one word, then it must be specified in quotation marks. The family name is usually indicated at the end of the list:

Body (font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;)

Let's see how the browser handles the list of fonts specified in our font-family property:

  1. It first checks if the Verdana font is installed on the computer and, if so, uses it as the font for the text inside the element (in our case, inside the element )
  2. If Verdana is not installed, then it looks for the Helvetica font. In case of a successful search, uses it internally .
  3. If Helvetica is not installed, then it looks for the Arial font. If it is available on the computer, then it applies it internally .
  4. Finally, if none of the specified fonts is found, the first sans-serif font found by the browser on the computer is used. Thus, the browser will be able to independently determine the appropriate font from the family.
Document's name

CSS property font-family

Paragraph using Times New Roman font.

A paragraph using the Arial font.

Try "

Note: when choosing only one specific font, it is important to understand that the browser will display it only if this font is installed on the user's computer. If the font is not found, the text will be displayed in Times New Roman font, which is the default in all browsers.

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