How to make an affiliate program. How to launch an affiliate program: the experience of Megaplan. Placement in news

My blog is mostly read by smart people who have a good understanding of Internet marketing. Let's imagine the following picture when for your business:
1. Work has been done to optimize the site
2. Optimized and maintained contextual advertising
3. We work closely with social networks

Those. you covered three pillars of internet marketing: SEO, contextual advertising and SMM.

How else to collect leads? This is where it gets more difficult. Although the remaining channels can be used, as a rule their effectiveness is lower than those listed above. But with the right approach, you can build a good flow of leads (oh, that slang from business training).

One of our clients had a similar question and how new channel It was proposed to organize an affiliate program.

By affiliate program we mean a certain system when third-party people (for example, owners of thematic websites) attract clients to you. They attract requests from clients to you, and in return you share part of the profit with them.
Applications from specific webmasters are controlled through so-called referral links. In fact, it is very close to UTM tags. It’s just that the links themselves look like, where 12345 is the partner ID.

Let's take a deeper look at affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs (affiliate programs) are conventionally of two types:

1) Affiliate program integrated with the site. Such affiliate programs are popular with large online stores. Examples of affiliate programs from well-known sites:

Technically, for this you need to install a script on the site affiliate program. There are ready-made solutions on the market, but they all need to be “finished” by a programmer. Thus, you will need a familiar programmer to install. More details about the scripts themselves will be below.

2) Cooperation with CPA partners. A good description of CPA affiliates is here (
In short, this is an exchange in which website owners post their offer, and webmasters choose where to participate. The CPA affiliate itself already includes personal panels for the webmaster and site owner, with statistics, etc.

B) The percentage of markups is very high, while the affiliate program itself is on the side of the webmaster (it is profitable for the affiliate to get as much of the client’s money as possible, since it makes money on commissions). This often ends in scandals and lawsuits with large claims. In general, the topic is extremely controversial.

In my opinion, the only advantage of CPA affiliates is that they already have a large database of webmasters. But each prominent CPA affiliate has about 50-200 clients, so there is still competition. Moreover, these are the same clients in all CPA affiliates, the overlap of the client base is 80 percent. As a rule, these are large famous brands in the online retail market.

Therefore, let's consider only the first option. Having your own affiliate program for a small company has many advantages over a CPA affiliate because you have complete control over the process. You are a king and a god. The only important disadvantage is that you will have to look for partners to attract applications yourself.

What do you need to start your own affiliate program?

1) Panel for partners
As I wrote above, there are ready-made solutions. They just need to be finished. As a result, partners receive a convenient panel from where they can see all the statistics on their traffic: how many transitions, how many leads, how many rejected. All this can be filtered by date. It’s convenient to withdraw your earned money through the panel. And you, as the site owner, control all clients through the admin panel. Those. everything is centralized and quite convenient.
Well, you need a cool design, webmasters are spoiled people.

Of the ready-made scripts, the most famous is A real combine. You will have to spend a lot of time learning and customizing it for yourself. Those. It’s quite difficult to figure it out, your programmer will swear :) But if you figure it out, you can set up an affiliate program very flexibly, to almost any whim.

2) Promotional materials
Definitely needed advertising banners various formats. I also highly recommend making 1-2 beautiful landing pages where partners will send potential clients.
Please note, place landing pages on a separate domain, and not on the main site! It is important. Because there are many spammers among webmasters, and it is important that the site is not banned by search engines, and that the email domain does not go into the spam database. And let them ban landing pages, they still rank poorly in search results.

3) Attracting webmasters
We need to lure webmasters through the platforms where they communicate. Here's what's most effective:

  • Placing an advertising topic on specialized forums. Type “forum for webmasters” into a search engine and go through the list. The largest one:
  • Placing an advertising post on specialized public pages. Here is the finished selection:

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who would not like to have a lot of money. And this is understandable, because and I count myself among them: I want to live well and deny myself little. Online business (that is, business on the Internet) can partly help you do this.

You can earn money for your bread and butter different ways: selling links, arbitration, PAMM investments and so on. One such method is the sale of goods. It's fashionable, profitable and effective.

It is precisely one of the methods for increasing sales that I would like to talk to you about today. I'll tell you a little about how creating your own affiliate program can help you promote your product to the market. If you are ready, I will start.

Why do you need an affiliate program at all, and in what cases should you create it?

Let’s say you sell brooms both offline and online for 100 rubles apiece. Sales are coming, but you want something more. You have a lot of brooms, so there is no question of a shortage of goods.

And in search of an answer to the question, you resort to the following technique: you invite some other people to sell your brooms in any legal way. But not for nothing. From each sale you pay a certain percentage from the sale of a broom to the person who helped you sell the product, the so-called “partner”. In this situation, everyone wins. You get an increase in sales, the partner gets his money (at the same time, without affecting the production process in any way!). Yes, with this approach, the net profit from the sale of one broom will be less, but in the “overall picture” of sales, you will have more profit. When the cost of a broom is 50 rubles (after all, what is better: selling 100 brooms yourself for 100 rubles, or selling 1000 brooms for 80 rubles?). I think you get the point.

Based on this situation, it turns out that you have organized your own affiliate program for selling brooms. And the person who helps you sell automatically becomes your partner, who, by the way, can be as many as you like. He sells your product, you pay him a commission, and your business grows. There may also be a lot of goods being sold.

Also, you are freed from the role of a seller, because... other people do it. What to do with the saved time is up to you and only you.

What tools can you use to create it?

Above, I described the theoretical essence of the affiliate program using a simple example. But I think you are interested in how you can organize your own affiliate program in practice. That's how:

“Write” yourself or with the help of a programmer. If there are a lot of products that you are planning to sell and your budget allows, then you should entrust the affiliate program to professionals. They know how and what needs to be done correctly, and they will do everything “for you.” The downside of this approach is that professional services will not be cheap.

Through affiliate program aggregators. There are sites that can accept your product and help you sell it. These are the so-called CPA affiliate programs. There are several of them on the RuNet, so there is plenty to choose from. This method is suitable if you only have a few goods or services that you want to sell. You will only have to draw beautiful promotional materials (banners, etc.), and register there (in the affiliate program, I mean) as an advertiser.

Special services for organizing affiliate programs. There are services on the RuNet that will help you organize your own affiliate program on your website. An example of such a service is It allows you, using simple tools, to create your own affiliate program for selling goods (both non-physical - such as access to somewhere, and physical). Such services are paid, but the cost of using them is quite affordable.

Dear readers! Today I told you about such an important thing in online business as an affiliate program. So, if you have any product to sell, then you can safely try to sell it with the help of partners!

If you have questions for me, I will be happy to answer them. Have a nice day!

User reviews

Your own affiliate program is primarily based on working with webmasters - you need to interest them favorable conditions: high commission percentage, conversion, bonuses. Therefore, before taking serious action, test everything using your site traffic for experiments. It is also not necessary to buy or order scripts from freelancers - you can find a couple of them in the public domain and adapt them to your needs.

When answering the question of how to create an affiliate program for your website, you need to know the website engine. For many engines there are ready-made modifications in affiliate programs, for example, in almost all engines social networks There is a special modification for the affiliate program.

Majestico, Not necessary, can be done through globalart.

Well, to create an affiliate program you need to have a certain product, which should be in relatively stable demand. If this exists, then organizing an affiliate program is also not a big problem, but attracting people there is much more difficult. The market is crowded.

Good quality goods and services will always be in demand. This is not IMHO, but a fact! Before creating your own affiliate program, you need to study the market (at least superficially) and make sure that your offer is better and more profitable than that of your competitors. I am currently studying this type of income and it seems to me that there is great potential here.

Well, I can't help myself. I'll argue a little. Lately, it has been in great demand within affiliate programs. Very often this is some kind of rather useless WOW product. He certain time super popular, and then no one needs it for the ruble. Good example million sales of soft toys - talking hamsters. Last year's trend. Most of the goods that are sold through PP are something made in China for pennies, that is, about good quality It's not worth talking about.

By offering quality at a reasonable price, you can reach the top sales! In the post above, I wrote that I started studying sales technology through creating my own affiliate program. I started by searching for an interesting product and it seems I found several suitable options. I am satisfied with the indicators price-quality-manufacturer support. Now everything is at the stage of contracts and deliberations, but I am seriously interested in this type of income!

Why are you talking only about goods? After all, many people create affiliate programs on their websites and earn money from them, and these are not necessarily products. For example, they make affiliate programs on forums, they make affiliate programs on axleboxes, and in many other places they make their own affiliate programs. They immediately discuss how to do it, and not the prospects of making money on affiliate programs and the quality of the product.

It seems to me that the easiest way to create an affiliate program is through ready-made plugins, less fuss. Of course, if you need unique functionality, you can order it from a programmer, but there is a lot more fuss and costs.

More and more people want to create their own CPA affiliates, hire a call center, take offers... But you need to take into account that there is a lot of competition, and there are already some top affiliates that you don’t want to run away from.

The main “cookies” already give - 0 days of fraud, withdrawal on the same day, payment is higher than others, one link - no platforms.

Plus car competitions.
What else can you surprise and compete with top affiliate programs?

So this is true in almost everything, if you look at it globally, then a person only needs food and clothing to live, but still everyone buys something every day and in large quantities. I think there will still be a lot of people who won’t mind promoting your product for a percentage, many are not bad at it, so why not, the main thing is to create more or less profitable conditions.

Well, I know that there are mailing services for information businesses, where you can set up an affiliate program, set percentages, and connect payment systems. There are also information business exchanges, there is such a thing there too.
Online stores have their own script installed.
But if sales are tied up in the office, then everything is counted manually by the accountant.

It's important to create something that you can pay for. To be successful, you need to fulfill obligations and create ideas that can develop people and allow them to actually earn money. Success is determined by honesty, that's my opinion. If they pay here, then there is development, but if they scam you completely, then don’t expect success.

Another advantage is that the partner you bring is assigned to you on permanent basis. This means that I will have my percentage in any case.

By the way, quite interesting topic, I would like to create my own affiliate program, but I don’t think it will work. This requires knowledge, you need to choose everything correctly, calculate and know a lot. What I don’t have, besides, I need money, and not everyone is rich in that.

An affiliate program is one of the most effective ways to monetize a resource and attract targeted visitors to a website without spending on advertising. Thanks to your own affiliate program, you can earn up to 10-20% of your total turnover. It all depends on how competently you use this marketing tool. If you organize and manage your affiliate program correctly, the results will not take long to arrive.

Who needs their own affiliate program and why?

How to make money on affiliate programs? First of all, such programs attract hundreds and thousands of new visitors to your resource. At the same time, while partners are trying to attract traffic to your resource and increase product sales, you do not pay anything. Payment is made only for results ( action, payment, click). By understanding how to work with affiliate programs, you can significantly increase the profitability of the resource. Everyone needs affiliate programs: bloggers, online stores, hosting, SEO services, etc.:

There is also such an option as cooperation with CPA networks. In short, these are networks whose owners post a lot of offers to join affiliate programs, and webmasters themselves choose where to participate. Often, a CPA affiliate already has personal panels for the webmaster and resource owner, statistics, etc.

However, this option may not be suitable for a mere mortal. As a rule, CPA affiliates work with large advertisers who are ready to guarantee significant payment budgets. At the same time, the percentage of markups is quite high ( since the work is based on the payment of commissions, it is profitable for the affiliate program to “unwind” as much of the client’s money as possible). In some cases, such cooperation ends in scandals and litigation.

For a small company, its own affiliate program is more acceptable compared to CPA, because it allows the site owner to fully control the process. However, you have to look for partners on your own.

How to organize your own affiliate program?

If you are faced with the question of how to create your own affiliate program from scratch, adhere to the following aspects:

  • A good product. Having a product/product in your arsenal that provides real value to users, you can attract the best partners;
  • Resource with high level sales The presence of a resource with high sales efficiency is the main condition that allows you to develop an affiliate program and get the desired result from it;
  • Amount of commission for partners. First of all, you need to decide what payment scheme will be used - per click, action, sales. At the initial stage, try to offer the maximum commission percentage that you can afford. This will interest your partners and help promote the resource. Please note that it is better to set a high percentage of affiliate remuneration for digital and information products(books, programs, audio and video content) than for physical ones. It is possible to use a multi-level affiliate program, in which commissions are paid according to hierarchical network partners of the first and subsequent levels;
  • Effective tools. Your partners must receive from you all the necessary tools and promotional materials. Most affiliate programs offer only a few banners, which is clearly not enough for good work:

How to connect an affiliate?

First, let's go through the creation methods:

  • You can write your own affiliate program yourself or hire the services of a programmer. The functionality of the affiliate program may include the ability to work through a Web interface and applications for iOS and Android; aggregating information about orders, questions, reviews, informing customers about the status of order execution via SMS or e-mail. As well as intelligent data analysis for further analysis of the affiliate program, multilingual interface, export of data to accounting, etc.;
  • Implement an affiliate program using aggregators. Draw beautiful promotional materials and register with CPA partners as an advertiser;
  • You can use services that will help you create your own affiliate program.

Here are several options on how to connect an affiliate program:

  • LastoShopGold – most suitable for selling digital goods (information products, PIN codes, e-books, etc..). The script is installed on the site, and you have full control over its operation;
  • EcommTools is a service that allows you to sell both digital and physical products. For electronic goods, sales are fully automated; for physical goods, there are several options for calculating delivery costs, integration with the logistics center, sending a tracking number, etc.;
  • E-autopay is a service that will help you organize your own affiliate program and provide convenient acceptance and payment for orders. This resource is convenient for both the site administrator and partners. Suitable for selling digital and physical goods;
  • - by registering in this service, you become the owner of a full-fledged online store for running an information business, a two-level affiliate program, a “smart” email newsletter service and access to a network of affiliates who are ready to advertise your product. The service allows you to create automatic sales for target groups and track the effectiveness of advertising, test and measure the conversion of sales and subscription pages, set up a series of additional sales, in a word, sell in “autopilot” mode.

Where and how can you get traffic for your own affiliate program?

After setting up the affiliate program is completed, it’s time to put it into production.

How to drive traffic to an affiliate program?

  • From thematic informants;
  • Newsletter by e-mail;
  • Traffic from public pages on social networks;
  • Traffic arbitrage through teaser networks;
  • Through targeted advertising from social networks;
  • Direct clients on the recommendation of a partner;
  • Traffic from mobile applications.

Once you have figured out how to create an affiliate program, start working with your client base. By using Email inform your clients about the launch of your own affiliate program and your desire to see them as partners. Information about your affiliate program can also be distributed in various affiliate directories. At the same time, it is important to emphasize its advantages ( high commissions, etc..).

The most difficult thing will be to attract professional partners. There may be only 1% of them, but even in this quantity they can increase the sales of your product or services significantly. Professional partners have their own e-mail newsletters with thousands of subscribers, resources with high traffic, and advertising specialists with customer databases.

Finding such partners is not difficult; just enter the topic of your product and key queries related to it into a search engine and contact the resource owners who appear on the first page of search results. You can also use hidden affiliate links. But to do this, you will need to create special domains for key partners and a placeholder page that will be shown if the client types the direct address. In this case, it will be difficult to bypass the affiliate link:

How can you connect an affiliate program to your website and why is it necessary?

Partner Panel

You can create an affiliate program yourself or use ready-made solutions, “finishing” them a little. As a result, you will have a convenient panel in which traffic statistics will be visible (number of conversions and number of rejected leads). Moreover, information can be filtered by date. In addition, it will be convenient to withdraw your earned money through the panel. At the same time, the site owner will have the opportunity to control clients through the admin panel, which is quite convenient.

Before you make an affiliate program, take care of its design. You can turn to a real treasure trove of ready-made scripts - Of course you will have to spend time setting it up. If it’s difficult to understand, contact the services of a programmer. Professionals will set up an affiliate program to suit your every whim.

Promotional materials

The affiliate program requires the presence of banners different formats. At a minimum, this should be a couple of beautiful landing pages where partners can redirect potential clients. It is better to place landing pages on a separate domain so that your site is not banned by search engines. Banning landing pages is not scary, because they already rank poorly in search results.

Attracting clients

Place advertisements on specialized forums and public pages, purchase targeted advertising on social networks based on subscribers of specialized public pages. You can make an offer directly to the owners of websites with similar topics to take part in the affiliate program. If you don’t have enough free time, it’s better to find a person who will communicate with partners, update promotional materials, withdraw funds, etc.

What are the benefits of having your own affiliate program?

  • Firstly, the affiliate program will provide you with multiple targeted traffic. And the more targeted visitors, the higher the sales;
  • Secondly, sales will increase your profits;
  • Thirdly, the time for promoting the project will be reduced. Partners will help you promote the project;
  • Fourthly, you will only pay for the results. Commissions are paid upon completion of the action;
  • Fifthly, the costs of promoting the project are significantly reduced. Your products/services are advertised by partners:

Getting a big partner is difficult, but possible. To interest him, you need to provide a number of convincing evidence of the quality of the product, provide samples for testing, and familiarize yourself with conversion and sales statistics. It’s also not easy to interest mid-income partners. As a rule, such specialists make a test purchase of goods to make sure that your service works at a high level.

Don't try to manage your partner; leave your management skills to solve other problems. You are only responsible for managing the affiliate program. Provide advertising materials, texts of letters for mailings, banners, articles, carry out promotions for partners and constantly monitor the results.

Analyze how much income each partner brings and reward the best with discounts or offer individual terms of cooperation:

How to get an affiliate program on twitch and why might it be necessary?

To become a member of Twitch.TV, you must have an average number of simultaneous views of more than 500, broadcast at least 3 times a week and conduct content that meets the requirements of the service. Before you receive an affiliate program on twitch, your application will be processed in manual mode, and if you fall a little short of the stated requirements, but at the same time have special content, maybe they will make an exception for you.

The client is required to provide a main text of 1000-1200 characters and a short description of 400-500 characters. The short text is placed in thematic sections, therefore, the number of sections selected is the same number that needs to be sent brief descriptions. The uniqueness of the material provided must be at least 98%. If for some reason the client cannot provide the requested text, he has the right to order paid services Here. For every 1000 characters 100 rubles. In addition to all this, you must send a banner size 650*100 and a link to register in the affiliate program.

Price list

1. For placement for a period of 3 months, a one-time payment is 750 rubles.

2. When placing for a period of 6 months, a 10% discount is provided. Cost – 1350 rubles.

3. When placed for a period of 12 months, the affiliate program is placed for 18 months! Cost – 3000 rubles.

4. Lifetime placement: 4,500 rubles – with the provision of use of the referral system; 6000 rubles – without referral system.

The affiliate program will be posted on all pages that meet the criteria (in at least three sections).

For example, a children's goods store will be placed on the following catalog pages:

1. Store affiliates;

2. Children's affiliate programs;

3. Pay-per-sale affiliate programs;

The affiliate program posted on a lifetime basis will be placed in at least five sections of the site.

How to pay

You can pay for the placement of your affiliate program using one of the wallets:

Webmoney R315035046958

Yandex 410012166156356

In the "note" or "message to recipient" section, enter the name of your affiliate program

Leave all requests via the form feedback or by mail.

And absolutely everyone can earn money. In this article, we will look in detail at how you can create a website for making money specifically for an affiliate program and what types of websites you can use for this: blog, one-page website and portal (listing).

From the article you will learn:

Before we begin to describe each type of website, I would like to highlight the common features inherent in all types of websites.

How to create a website to make money with an affiliate program

Before you start writing a blog or website, you need to think about the topic. This will make it easier for you to navigate the future, and you won’t have the problem of a “blank page” when there is nothing to write about. Write down topics that would interest you. For example, you can make a highly specialized resource - write only about blogs (how to create, where to start a blog, post ideas, etc.) or websites. For example, the blog began its career back in 2005 and focused only on social network news. Now it is one of the largest foreign portals in the IT industry.

You can also pay attention to hosting services, domains, making money on the Internet and many other topics that relate in one way or another World Wide Web and everything that is there.

Now let's take a closer look at what kind of website to create to make money. There are several types of sites that can help us promote affiliate links, and we will start with the very simple way- creating a blog.

Blog for an affiliate program

In general, a blog is a type of website consisting preferably of text content. These days, blog posts can contain any kind of multimedia content. Blogs are used for both personal and business purposes. You can use this type of website for yourself, namely, additional income not only from affiliate links, but also by writing custom articles or installing banners.

Blog platform

Many people choose free platforms or CMS (content management system) WordPress or Google Blogger to create a blog. This is a great option for people who aren't very good at web design or don't want to pay for a domain or hosting for it. By the way, the well-known domestic is controlled by the WordPress system, and in general 27% of sites on the network are also managed using this system.


To get started with WordPress, you need to decide whether you want to be able to completely customize your blog to your own tastes, or whether standard services will be enough for you.

If you are not going to buy yet, but just want to try working with a blog, then register on - this is a service that already includes the ability to select your custom link to the site.

In just four simple steps you will have your own blog, where you can already start working. It is worth noting that in free version site, you are limited in the choice of design, you will not be able to upload high-quality video files and you will not be able to add plugins.

If you are ready to register a domain and buy , then all you need to do is download WordPress and transfer it to hosting. Don’t be alarmed, everything is not so scary, especially if you use an auto-installer that supports the Russian language. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and wait a bit, it will do everything automatically for you.

You can also contact us for help by writing to technical support on the website.

Google Blogger

A good alternative to WordPress is Google Blogger.

In order to start working with Blogger you need to create Mailbox on Gmail. Only after this you will be able to create your blog by filling out the appropriate fields.

This platform has very flexible settings, as well as many plugins that will not only improve the functioning of the blog, but also help with promotion. For example, you can download the All In One SEO Pack plugin and optimize your posts for search engine crawlers. You can also purchase design templates for an additional fee.

Another advantage of working with this system is that, unlike WordPress, it does not require the purchase of separate hosting.

After registering your blog, you can start writing your first post.

We write exciting content

We come to the most interesting part - blog content. Although this blog is created solely to earn money from an affiliate link, the quality of the content should not be neglected. Here are a few rules and life hacks that you can follow to write good text:

  1. Uniqueness – make sure your articles are unique. Never copy text that has already been written somewhere before. Nobody is interested in reading this, and search robots can also “punish” your site.
  2. Find a few topics and write them down. Think about topics several days in advance so that you can write at least one article a day. The more new content you have on your site, the more readers will come to you.
  3. Even if you can't find blog post topics right away, don't worry. Surely during the day, some ideas will come to your mind. Write them down on your phone or on a piece of paper right away. You can also use the help of a post generator and find unusual headlines from which you can create a large article.
  4. Once you've found a few post ideas, look at what your competitors are writing about it. You may want to refute a thesis or write your own based on this article.
  5. Watch for errors in the text. You can fix them in the usual text editor or using the online service Spelling.
  6. Be an expert in what you write about. Read more about the topic you've chosen, spend some time studying it, test it yourself.
  7. Leave a link to the affiliate program unobtrusively. There is no need to devote an entire post to advertising. Better give advice to your readers on how to choose hosting, for example, or how to create your own website, share more useful information, simultaneously posting an affiliate link.
  8. Find pictures on the topic and add them to the text. On this moment There are a huge number of free photo stocks with high-quality pictures and photographs. You can also add a video or GIF animation to your message. Don’t forget that the image can be sent to the site you need by writing this in the HTML code.
  9. If you're not ready or don't want to take the time to write consistent, quality content, seek help from professional writers. They can be found on freelance exchanges, such as Weblancer or

One-page or Landing Page for an affiliate program

An alternative tool for promoting an affiliate link is a one-page website.

One-pager, aka Landing Page, also known as a landing page, is a website designed to sell a product, in our case an affiliate link. Such a site has one full page with content that turns an ordinary reader into a buyer. The advantages of such a site are that it can be created and filled out relatively quickly. You can use .

Making Landing Page

In order to create a one-page website, you can use the help of WordPress, which we already wrote about above. This CMS, thanks to its flexible settings and many special features, will help you make a website for making money in literally a matter of minutes. By the way, we talk about which plugins are suitable for this purpose, and which are best to use for a blog in our video on our Youtube channel.

Content for Landing Page

In general, when creating a one-page website, there is big choice topics for content, as well as options for earning money. You can create a one-page website with a comparison table of hosting companies. That is, you can earn money not only from our affiliate program, but also through other similar programs. An example of such a site is an English-language one-page website - Top 10 Web Hosting. Here you can find ratings, leave a rating, read the whole detailed information About company. By the way, when you click on the “Visit site” button, you are automatically redirected to the provider’s website via an affiliate link.

Also, the basis for creating a one-page website can be any step by step guide, for example, how to make your own website, how to sell e-book or online course. One item could be a step-by-step guide on how. For example, and the site about how to create your own blog work exactly on this principle.

As for the specific content on the website, the text that will be on the one-page page is called selling text. It is written according to certain rules. For example, there is such a text writing model as AIDA (Attention - attention, Interest - interest, Desire - desire, Action - action). Many advertising brochures and articles are written on this principle. If you're not confident in applying this formula, you can outsource the copy writing task to a professional writer who specializes in writing landing page copy.

In conclusion we leave 5 most useful tips when creating content for Landing Page:

  • Highlight the benefits and benefits, but not the product itself. Describe why the reader should use this hosting and not any other.
  • Use specific graphs or numbers. The more specifics in the text, the greater the trust.
  • Don't ask or beg. Do not write as if you urgently need to give something to someone, but present it as friendly advice.
  • Be sure to leave a call-to-action at the end of the text; you can also use special services, for example Pluso, which will help you add text or your entire website to social networks.

Listing for affiliate program

Another way to promote an affiliate link is a portal (listing). A portal is a very large site with several sections (forum, blog, chat and others).

To create a high-quality portal, you can seek help from specialists who make custom-made websites of any type. Naturally not free. In this case, the price range starts from 500 UAH. You can also use the help of a CMS like WordPress, which we already wrote about above.

Portal theme

So, you have already solved the technical part of the issue and now you have to fill the portal with content.

The now well-known listing portal offers a very large rating and list of providers and the services they provide. The site is filled with a large number of reviews, ratings, comparisons and reports that help users decide who to work with and who to avoid.

The well-known listing portal works on the same principle. The site has a lot of information on providers, there is a rating, as well as a forum where users themselves can ask and answer questions.

As you can see, there are many ideas for creating this type of website. By the way, it is with the help of the portal that you can get maximum income by placing not only affiliate links, but also banners or other advertising.

A huge advantage over other types of sites is that thanks to the communication of a large number of people on the site, they themselves will be able to generate new content, offering your news, topics for discussion or other information that can be used on the page.

As for the posts and articles themselves, you can design them using pictures, videos, create infographics yourself, or order them from professional designers. The more visual and useful content in the article, the greater the trust in your site, and therefore they will be more willing to follow affiliate links.

Also, when creating text for the site, we recommend that you enter there keywords, which will help to quickly “promote” the site in search engines Google or Yandex. But we’ll talk about how exactly to optimize an affiliate site in the next article.

Read a little about how to make money on an affiliate program here:.

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