The best examples of product advertising. How to create advertising on the Internet: step-by-step instructions How to make advertising based on history

How to make successful advertising: let's look into the past

Advertising is not a modern invention, and if you look into the past, you can glean many interesting ideas that one way or another can be implemented in modern world. Many people think that advertising appeared in the last few decades, but this is not at all true. Yes, it has become more active, there is more of it, but the origins of advertising happened much earlier.
Today we have collected ten interesting advertising methods that have been used at different times. They are all very interesting, creative and most effective. I'm sure if you still don't know how to make your advertising so that it brings maximum return, then after reading this article you will definitely generate some interesting and unusual thoughts.

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1. Creepy advertising
As they say, all methods are good. First on our list is a rather creepy but effective advertisement. In 1910, a criminal who was sentenced to execution was offered a very interesting deal. Just before his execution, he had to shout out an advertising slogan. I don’t know what they offered him, maybe help for his family and friends, but the deal went through. A few moments before his execution, he loudly shouted: “Buy Van Hutten’s cocoa.” The next morning, all the newspapers trumpeted about this case, Van Hutten's cocoa was discussed by everyone. As a result, sales increased tenfold.
2. Napoleon and his cunning methods
In 1797, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to make a very interesting advertisement for his new currency. He announced to the whole country that at one point, in denomination of 5 francs, a check for a million was sealed. The citizen who finds this check will be able to receive his reward without any problems. But, as we understand, no one found the receipt. Perhaps it was not there at all, but the “viral” effect did its job. Interestingly, French state banks still guarantee payment of this obligation.
3. Potatoes and overcoming negativity
Now we already consider potatoes to be our national dish, and we add them wherever possible. But few people know that this wonderful product was brought to Europe from South America. In the first years, potatoes were not popular. One could even say that residents of many countries were very wary of a new, unknown and incomprehensible product. The French minister decided to correct this situation and ordered armed guards to be placed near all potato fields.
People's reaction was not long in coming. “If they protect it, it means it is valuable and necessary. We need to try,” that’s what many thought. Over time, the popularity of potatoes began to grow rapidly, and now they are an indispensable product for many inhabitants of our planet.
4. Hollywood Sale
Now Hollywood is a popular part of Los Angeles, where expensive houses, film sets, villas and mansions of many music and film stars are concentrated. But it is clear that this was not always the case. At a time when Los Angeles was still a small town and Hollywood's lands were of no value, a farmer named Harvey Wilcons decided to sell them. And perhaps he would have been selling these lands for decades if not for the creativity of his wife. She suggested calling this area Hollywood, which is very similar to the phrase “Sacred Forest.” This name appealed to many buyers, and the land was sold out in a matter of weeks.
This is how it is in modern business. A good and accurate name can form the basis for your product. Remember that whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.

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5. Public toilet and advertising
Have you ever seen an advertisement in a public toilet? As a rule, it is placed opposite the urinals. Why? It's simple. Willy-nilly you will read it. You won’t be able to turn away, and you’ll have to look at the advertising message for at least 30 seconds.
But the first advertisement in a public toilet was placed in 1939. Then they did it in the women's WC. They advertised electric typewriters, which were gaining popularity in those days. As a result of such advertising, sales increased by more than 30%.
6. Disney and his color cartoons
I am sure that each of you has seen colorful, color cartoons from the Disney company. Now this won’t surprise anyone, but there were times when color cartoons were considered something incredible and progressive. This is exactly what the bosses of the company played on, who at the right time entered into a contract with the only company in the United States that produces film for color cartoons. Thus, Disney cut off the possibility of development for competitors, and provided itself with several years of undeniable advantage.
7. If you have a Harley tattoo, come get a discount.
Harley Davidson is a world-famous brand that produces very luxurious motorcycles. Many bikers dream of such an iron horse that will roar on the road, delivering incredible power.
Not long ago, Harley made a rather interesting promotion. They provided big discounts and various services to those who would get a tattoo with a name from the company. Thus, the biker received a good motorcycle, another tattoo, and the company received advertising on the body of its potential client. Everyone is happy. Everyone is happy.
8. Advertising in films
When you watch a movie, you never notice how an expensive car of a certain park inadvertently appears in the foreground, or how the main character pours himself a glass of whiskey from a famous manufacturer. Do you think this is an accident? No, all such “appearances” are paid, with contracts worth millions of dollars.
After placing its products in the film GoldenEye, BMW received orders worth $300 million, and sales of Omega Seamaster watches increased by 900%. Seagram paid $1.2 million for an episode of Basic Instinct using Jack Daniels whiskey, and sales increased 5-fold.
9. Ordinary things sell
Brilliant - simple. I never cease to be touched by this phrase. And indeed, that’s how it is. I am sure that many of you have seen advertisements for the powder, where its properties are compared with some “ordinary” powder. So, someone came up with the idea to produce a powder called “Ordinary Powder”. Incredibly simple, but at the same time effective. Almost all industry giants use this phrase in advertising - “ordinary powder”, thereby providing free advertising to the new manufacturer. Yes, even if the “ordinary” one is not presented from the best angle, the main thing is that the brand is well-known, sales are growing, and so are profits.

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10. PutInka does its job
This is only possible in Russia. For more than 15 years, one company has been producing Putina chap muta (with the emphasis on the second syllable). Well, who could have known that V.V. Putin would become the President of Russia. But this only worked to the advantage of the manufacturer. After all, after Yeltsin left and a young and ambitious leader came to power, sales rapidly climbed up the mountain. Of course, many wanted to buy “Putin Shampoo.”
The trademark is registered, and it cannot be said that the company is using someone's popularity and surname. IN this moment Other products under this name are being developed. For example, “Putina” toothpaste, or the same “Putina” shaving gel.

Create a personal Facebook page. Your personal page will provide the first introduction to you to those users who are interested in your brand or your personality. While most of the page's visitors will be your friends, it's worth remembering that sometimes employers also look at a candidate's Facebook page before scheduling an interview.

  • Develop your professional presence using LinkedIn. LinkedIn has quickly become the world's largest professional network, and many employers often turn to LinkedIn to find qualified candidates for open positions.

    • Showcase problems you've had to solve in the past in various positions, rather than just listing your responsibilities. List these accomplishments in the characteristics field for each of your positions.
    • Transform your goals into keywords, which you indicate in your profile. Other users find your page based on keywords, so you must ensure that your keywords make a truthful statement about your experience, accomplishments, and goals. For example, if you graphic design Er, find a way to express your skills in different words: “graphic design,” “website design,” or “graphic content creation.”
    • Build connections. LinkedIn network is a very important part of making connections with people in your field. Add fellow students, current and former colleagues, and users from your geographic region and industry.
    • Prove your skills. Ask people in your contacts to validate your skills to increase your level of credibility. If you don't feel comfortable directly asking people for testimonials, take the time to solicit appreciative reviews from those you've provided services to.
    • Upload a professionally taken personal photo. In the Foto good quality you should be in your work attire and appear experienced and friendly.
  • Be active on Twitter. Twitter quick way distribution short messages 140 characters or less. It's great for reporting on current events or delivering immediate, explosive news. Due to the limited length of messages, the manner in which you write them is very important.

    • Update your Twitter several times a day. To gain a following on Twitter, you need to be extremely active. Showcase your accomplishments and projects with links to clips, relevant articles, and images.
    • Use strictly professional content if you are marketing your brand or services. Create a separate account for professional activity, and to communicate with friends and relatives (if necessary), use another one.
    • Think carefully about how to write each message. Word choice, grammar, political correctness - they are all extremely important for presenting yourself on the Internet. Be sure to proofread what you are about to send.
    • Don't hold back your creativity and sense of humor. They are important for gaining like-minded followers. Periodic newsletters with funny expressions will help you find them.
    • Forward important messages from trusted sources. This may include forwarding messages from other users about you or your field of activity, or about an upcoming event.
  • Increase your exposure with a blog. A personal or company blog is an integral part of your online presence because it provides limitless space to create your primary source of information. Use it to provide subscribers with news about your professional activities, travel and/or personal life.

    • Update your blog regularly. You need to write something new in it several times a week to maintain an active presence.
    • Insert photos into your messages. Visual stimulation is just as important as the textual content of your messages. Include your own or other relevant photographs that will break up the text and keep readers interested.
    • Keep your posts to 1,000 words or less and target a specific audience. To keep your readers interested and gain a loyal following, posts should be short so that readers find them readable. Long essays are more likely to turn off readers who are looking to quickly find readable content online.
  • How to make advertising so that it arouses interest? How to create the most effective advertising for your product or service? It is important to understand that “working” advertising always consists of the same elements, the presence of which is a guarantee of advertising success.

    No matter how creative you are, if the required key elements are not used when creating an ad, the ad will be ineffective.

    1. Heading.
    2. "Buttons".
    3. Pictures.
    4. Value of the service.
    5. Availability.

    "Buttons". A button is something that causes the desired reaction in a person. For example, quite often on product packaging you can see the words “Does not contain preservatives or dyes!” or “100% quality!”

    To find out the “buttons”, you can conduct a survey among buyers of your products (services) in order to find out what does not suit them in similar products from other manufacturers, or, on the contrary, what they would like to see most in these products.

    In other words, it is necessary to find out both the negative factors that hinder sales, and the positive ones that “hook” the client to the quick and increase demand. Both positive and negative factors can be used effectively in advertising. It is only important to think in advance: what kind of reaction do you want to get from your advertising? Do you want to touch the client’s “sore spot” or, conversely, cause him a slight euphoria with a reminder of his secret dream?

    For example, this may be buyers’ disagreement with the fact that, in general, the products on store shelves are unnatural. Or, if we advertise a vacation in hot countries, the reaction may be such that a person wants to “switch off and get into a fairy tale for at least a week.”

    The main thing is that the “buttons” should be located as close to the title as possible, that is, at the beginning of the advertisement, so as to immediately catch the eye.

    The fastest and easiest way to identify “buttons” is to survey several dozen of your clients. For example, you are going to produce sausage. The questions will look like this:

    1. What quality of sausage do you value most?
    2. What do you dislike most about the sausage you buy?
    3. What would you pay attention to first of all when choosing sausage?

    Images. Surprisingly, all people love pictures, regardless of age. It is no coincidence that there is a saying: “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” It is easier for a person to form an idea of ​​an object when he sees it than when he reads about what the object looks like. If a picture is used in conjunction with a “button”, then the “button” itself will work twice as powerful.

    Selection of pictures is a complex marketing work, when each picture conveys a certain idea, message, evokes a reaction, emotion and works in harmony with all other elements.

    Service value. At this stage, our goal is to show the client all the possible value of the product/service. And here it is important to talk about what will really make sense for your client (surveys will also help with this). This point shows the client what he will get if he buys, how his life will change after this, what benefits he will gain, and in general how important it is to buy your product/service.

    Here you must show that your company offers a “solution to his problems.” Notice that in the buttons you could show that the client has problems in some area, but here you show that you have solutions to these problems.

    You can also use catchy phrases and pictures to convey to the client the full value of the product offered. If we consider the example of promoting sausage on the market, then opposite the advantages of the advertised sausage - “Without added dyes, flavors and harmful preservatives” and “Nutritious for the whole family”, we could place a picture of a satisfied family with children having lunch.

    Attention! To demonstrate the value of your services, it is imperative to constantly collect and then display testimonials from satisfied clients, testimonials, and letters of recommendation in advertising campaigns.

    Availability product or service. Up to this point, the client must already WANT to BUY. Therefore, at this stage, you must show how easy it is for the customer to purchase your product.

    These could be addresses showing that the product is sold in any store in the network, or that you just need to call and the product will be delivered. If the price of a product (service) is also publicly available, then it is worth highlighting it.

    This could be directions to your office, an indication that orders can be placed around the clock, or a note about free shipping products to any part of the city. Here, your main goal is to show the customer that the product is EASY to obtain.

    In conclusion, we can only repeat that effective advertising should include not just a couple of the listed elements, but all five - only then will it give the expected result.

    Walk along the streets of the city: you will see that, at best, one in a dozen advertisements actually fulfills its function - attracts attention. How to invest in advertising so that this investment turns out to be beneficial for your business, and not crippling it?

    1. Don't copy your competitors

    The main thing is to remember: the height of recklessness is an advertisement like “We are open” (and it doesn’t matter that three neighboring houses have just such an advertisement). As sad as it is to state, the share of such advertising does not decrease from year to year, and its effectiveness is reduced to zero.

    2. Remember your target audience

    An example of an unsuccessful choice of channel for promotion is advertising of products intended for pensioners on the Internet. As well as placing advertisements for new highly efficient microprocessor controllers on a forum for housewives. I think it is unnecessary to clarify that the positive result from such advertising is negligible, if not completely absent.

    3. Conduct a preliminary performance analysis

    In most cases, entrepreneurs are looking for some way to advertise their goods and services, invest a significant (or even the entire) amount into it, and after a couple of weeks or months all the money goes down the drain. To prevent this from happening, follow a few simple rules.

    If you only have one phone number, then you can indicate different contact persons in the advertisement: for example, in one case you indicate that you need to ask Svetlana, in another - Yulia

    Never rely on only one type of advertising. There are a lot of channels for promotion today, from contextual advertising V search engines and targeted advertising in in social networks to outdoor advertising and advertising in mailboxes, from distributing leaflets and flyers on the street to direct advertising in the media or on transport.

    If the results from advertising exceed the costs of it, this promotion channel has the right to life for you and your business. For such advertising methods, it is advisable to increase the budget, but not by much - approximately twice. If it works the second time, double it again, etc. In any case, you should not sharply increase the budget of advertising that is working well right now, since you cannot be sure that it will be effective tomorrow.

    4. Make your own measurements on the effectiveness of advertising channels

    Every type of advertising you use should be measured and calibrated. This means that when advertising to one source or another, you must know exactly how many potential clients you received from there. It's not difficult to do.

    Use a different phone number for each ad or, if you are promoting goods and services on the Internet, provide links to pages with different addresses (the content of the pages, of course, should be the same).

    If you have only one phone number, then you can indicate different contact persons in the advertisement: for example, in one case you indicate that you need to ask Svetlana, in another – Yulia.

    5. Remember: any advertising medium must have three components: an offer, a limitation on some parameter and a call to action

    The proposal should be interesting in itself. It should make your prospect want your product or service right now. The offer may include a significant discount, a gift when purchasing your product, as well as other bonuses or certificates for receiving interesting services.

    For example: “When you buy two products “A”, you get a third one as a gift”, “40% discount on the entire range of products” or “Buy product “B” and receive a certificate for visiting a water park for the whole family.”

    Don’t forget about the presence of a limitation - it can be by time, by the number of clients or by the number of orders. For example: “Only until the end of the week, when you purchase a laptop, you will receive a coupon for a 50% discount on any product in our store,” “The first three customers per day upon purchase washing machine we are giving away a microwave”, “When purchasing a table, delivery is free. Every day 20 tables participate in the promotion.”

    A call to action means that it is necessary to clearly indicate to the client his next step to purchase a product or service (otherwise, with a high degree of probability, the consumer will not do anything).

    For example, for offline advertising: “Call 123-456 right now,” for online promotion: “Fill out the form on the website and our manager will contact you” or “Click the “Order” button below.” Only the presence of all three points will make your advertisement effective and allow you to stand out from your competitors.

    For a modern entrepreneur, the problem of “how to produce” has long given way to another – “how to sell” the product of one’s production. Here it is worth remembering the common phrase: “Advertising is the engine of trade.”

    But more often than not, we see the opposite - low-quality advertising causes negativity or does not attract attention at all. What is effective advertising? First of all, it is the one that leads you to your intended goal. Many will think that this goal is profit. But advertising may not be aimed at making a profit. For example, are you going to change your product range or close your business?

    Then the goal of your advertising will be to sell the product as soon as possible, even with a small profit. Or, for example, image advertising. It promotes the company as a whole, not the product, and sets itself long-term goals. But first of all, you need to determine who you will sell your product to. All factors need to be taken into account: age, gender, nationality, education, income level and much more. Thus, the range of interests of the target audience is more accurately outlined, which must be taken into account when creating advertising.

    For example, advertising of products and services for the elderly should be in a conservative style, with a retro design, indicating a discount and without frills. If this advertising is aimed at a youth audience, then an emphasis on prestige, fashion, and the convenience of the product offered is required. But you need to take into account that faceless, boring advertising will not attract anyone. The consumer needs to evoke pleasant sensations, captivate him and arouse interest. Effective advertising should immediately attract the consumer's attention to the product. A clear, holistic image of the brand must be created.

    In an advertising message, the consumer must know how he will benefit from your product. The greatest success will be if you promise the consumer those qualities of the product in which he is most interested, of course, subject to their usefulness and competitiveness. Important point in advertising – quality and its image. When a product represents a sample High Quality in the eyes of the consumer, the prestige of the product increases. If advertising is unattractive, then the consumer, as a rule, thinks that the product is no better.

    An important component of advertising is a single advertising message and a single image, which must remain unchanged for years. Thanks to this, the “snowball” effect is realized. Large firms long time shape the lifestyle of a potential consumer by creating legends. Nice legend is the basis for the success of such an advertising company.

    It will not be superfluous to know that in the market sphere there is a Pareto principle: “80% of beer is drunk by 20% of beer lovers.” In other words, 80% of the company's profit comes from 20% of regular customers. Therefore, in advertising you should strive to appeal to a permanent active buyer, and not strive for a wide audience coverage.

    Experienced businessmen know an inevitable fact: sooner or later the number of clients begins to decrease. Under no circumstances should the situation be left to chance. How can you be sure that the money invested in advertising actually works for you and does not enrich the company producing this advertising? They will help you find your way practical advice, given below.

    1. Advertising must stand out from the crowd. If you advertise similar to competitors advertising, announcing the same discounts, conditions and special offers– you lose customers, as they will find it difficult to choose among the same information. The buyer, as a rule, chooses something new and unusual, even if it is not entirely favorable conditions purchases.

    2. Habitual phrases and stereotypical sentences like “Quality and inexpensive” have long set people’s teeth on edge. It is better to specify such promises and provide them with clear examples. That is, advertising like: “we make furniture in 3 days” will attract more attention than the boring “quickly” to the buyer, plus the presence of several images of goods of different price categories, which also indicate the cost, will be a clear source of information for the buyer about the benefits of your offer .

    3. Focus on specifics. Psychologists say that accurate numbers act on a person’s subconscious, inducing trust. The more detailed number your future client sees in the advertisement, the more believable it will look to him, and the greater the chance that he will respond to your offer. For example, if you offer 12.87% per annum, the consumer will see you as a more accurate and accurate person. The integer in this case can be taken as formal promises.

    4. The advice concerns television advertising. The “picture” of advertising and its sound must be approached with great attention. Advertising should evoke positive emotions. If your product is featured in a commercial, showing it in action has the greatest effect.

    You sell dishwashers - in your advertising video, a charming girl takes clean, sparkling, already washed dishes out of the dishwasher. In any case, the advertising video should show how easy and pleasant it is to use your product. Another option is consumers who are satisfied with life and themselves. In this case, the advertisement will have the motto: “Buy this and be like us!”

    5. Inexperienced and unprofessional advertising makers often make them with erotic overtones. In this case, we can say that the customer’s money was wasted: there is a fine line between sensual and inappropriate, funny and vulgar. It will take a long time to wait for an increase in sales from such advertising. A beautiful girl can attract attention specifically to the product, if your product is clothing, perfume, expensive cars. In most other cases, there will be the opposite effect - attention will be attracted simply by an interesting picture and nothing more, your product will go unnoticed.

    6. Never forget the buyer's personality. Make advertising with meaning, with soul, so that your sincere love for your business can be felt. Consider the following example: It happens that people constantly go to a small store in their backyard, despite the fact that there is a supermarket nearby.

    What can happen if you leave advertising in the background is clearly illustrated by a sad example. Until 1998, the Mothercare children's goods chain operated in Moscow and the Moscow region. When it ran into financial problems, Mothercare's board cut all types of advertising to almost zero, leaving only one flagship store in Moscow.

    But when the time of crisis passed, it turned out that the corresponding area of ​​the market was already occupied by other companies. Thus, the Mothercare brand was displaced by competitors. You should always remember the importance of advertising. The manufacturer must be able to stay one step ahead of events, predict changes in demand for a product, and, with the help of advertising, shape the priorities and habits of the consumer, and not follow his lead.

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