The installation file flash player does not start. Why Adobe Flash Player won't install - a simple solution to the problem. Initialization error when installing Adobe Flash Player: checking the distribution and version of the web browser

In recent years, various services for watching videos have become more and more popular. What is the same YouTube, on which some videos are gaining several million views!

Most of these sites are based on Flash technology, which was created by the notorious Adobe. In general, she has enough advantages. The only good thing is that with the help of "Flash" today every user who has a more or less modern browser and Internet access can watch movies without even downloading them to his computer.

Unfortunately, there were some troubles here as well. So why Adobe on some computers? Indeed, without this program, the wonderful world of entertainment, music and games will be inaccessible to you! Let's take a look at the main reasons why this can happen.

Close the browser!

Alas, not all users can read the program message, even if it is written in their own language. But this utility specifically warns that to complete its installation, be sure to close all currently open browsers.

Attention! It is not enough just to click on the cross and close the active program window. This is due to the fact that modern browsers create a lot of processes, some of which sometimes remain in memory even after the "official" closure of the program.

What to do? Surely all Windows users are familiar with "miraculous" buttons. Of course, we are talking about the combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete, which invokes the Process Manager dialog box.

In the list that opens, you need to find a "tenacious" process, right-click on it, and then select "Close". Everything! You can start the installation process again. But why doesn't Adobe Flash Player install even after that?

Checking the version

In this case, you need to return to the official website from which you downloaded the installation file. Check if you downloaded the correct version to your computer? If not, then don't be surprised by the installer.

Important! To a large extent, this applies only to those users who downloaded the installation file not on the official website, but on some "left" resource. In this case, no one will be able to guarantee the compatibility of versions, and from the presence of a virus in such a file, or you are definitely not insured.

What browser version do you have?

By the way, how new are you using the browser? If your system still has something similar to Firefox 3.6, then this misunderstanding needs to be urgently corrected! Remember that older versions of the Internet browser can not only make it impossible to install and configure Flash, but are also extremely vulnerable to attacks by malicious software.

Google chrome

Important! This browser already contains built-in tools for playing Flash files, so you don't need to install anything else! By the way, if some site insistently offers to install a new Adobe Flash Player "specially for Chrome", get out of there as soon as possible: when you try to install this kind of installation, the guarantee of a virus infection of your computer is almost 100%!

User Account Control (UAC)

Occasionally (!) The reason for such behavior of the installer can be users. More precisely, not the control itself, but the reaction of inexperienced users to it. When UAC is enabled, when you try to start a program, a dialog box appears in which the user is asked to agree or refuse to start the application. For some reason, many people click "No", as a result of which the installation is interrupted.

This is why Adobe Flash Player is not installed. Unfortunately, the list of all possible reasons is not limited to this.

Removing the old version

In principle, this is exactly where our article should start if it had been written a couple of years ago. In those days, programs were rarely able to be installed on top of old versions, and when trying to do such an installation, dozens of errors often appeared.

Today the problem has been practically solved, but it doesn't hurt to play it safe. To do this, uninstall the previous version manually. This is completely simple to do, so even inexperienced users can easily cope with the process.

First, you need to click on the "Start" button, launch the "Control Panel" from there. The last menu contains "Programs and Features". Click on the link with the left mouse button, after which you will see a list of all components installed on this computer.

Look for "Flash Player" in it, and then select it again with the left mouse button. Look at the top of the working window, where there is a "Delete" button. Click on it, after which the uninstallation process begins. After that, the computer must be restarted and then try again on the computer.

Alas, the problem may well remain even after that.

System Updates

It is unlikely, but the utility may not install due to the lack of some important updates in your operating system. For example, on older versions of XP (even before SP2), troubles often happened due to the outdated Windows Installer.

In this case, only updating the system to the current level can help. This is done using the Windows Update service. All necessary updates will be downloaded from the Microsoft website. Restart your computer and then restart the installation process.

User errors

Very often the users themselves are to blame for the problem. Remember: you click on the installation file icon and ... nothing happens. It may take a long time for the antivirus to check the program for malicious applications, while the system displays a UAC warning window.

But users don't have any patience! They can click on the hapless file ten times, launching a couple of dozen installation processes. Not surprisingly, in this case, Adobe Flash Player is not installed, and the computer freezes!

This is especially true for outdated computers that have a limited amount of RAM and not too powerful processors. There is only one way out: be patient, do not click a hundred times in a row!


The advice is very banal, but it has not lost its relevance at all. If the program stubbornly refuses to install on your computer, the installation crashes with a dozen of all kinds of errors, it makes sense to check your system for viruses. This can be done using any utility from Kaspersky Lab or Doctor Web.

Mobile devices

As the prevalence of smartphones and tablets has increased dramatically in recent years, the number of people wishing to install Adobe Flash Player for Android has also increased. Difficulties may also lie in wait on this path, but they are not so great.

Firstly, it is worth remembering one simple thing: never install programs for Android OS from anywhere except the Google Store (especially Adobe Flash Player in Russian)! If the installation process cannot complete, then there may be only two problems.

Either your device is incompatible with the current version for some reason (very important for cheap Chinese gadgets), or you just need to check the amount of available memory on your device. The fact is that Android is, in some respects, a strange system. A removable card can have several gigabytes of free space, but the lack of a couple of MB of free space on the internal drive often leads to such problems. We'll have to clean up the memory!

That's why Adobe Flash Player won't install!

Adobe Flash Player is a multimedia platform with which you can create web applications and presentations. On the Internet, you can often see any element of flash content on various resources, in particular, animations, banners. The presence of a player is a very important factor for the operation of many sites. Actually, the popular social network "Vkontakte" will not work at all without this wonderful plugin.

In general, the installation process of the plugin, thanks to which Flash content is displayed, does not bode well for any complicated instructions. However, quite often users encounter an error while installing a multimedia platform. So why Adobe Flash Player is not installed, what reasons lead to this, where the source of the problem lies and how to fix the problem - we will talk about this today in our article.

Since the platform is embedded in the structure of web browsers, there are two simple things to take care of for the element to be successfully integrated. Firstly, make sure that all browsers are closed, and secondly, go to the "Task Manager" (use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and see if all processes and functions that are somehow related to the work of the web are turned off - observers.

Sometimes, during the installation of a plug-in, a message appears about the presence of an application. In this case, there is one simple way - this is to download a new version, after the appearance of which the old plugin is eliminated.

If for some reason the previous platform has not been replaced with the latest version, the user can use a special uninstaller (you can download it after following the link

In addition, during the integration of the "flash player" for a satisfactory installation result, it is advisable to disable Firewall, UAC and activated antivirus. The listed processes can provoke blocking of Adobe Flash Player, due to which the program will not be able to fully install.

You can get rid of the old version of the plugin in another way. To do this, go to the main menu of the system and select "Control Panel". In the dialog box, click Programs, then Uninstall a Program.

In the list that appears, find the file with the name of the platform and clean your computer from it. After that, reboot and try installing the plugin again.

As for the system requirements, this issue is not relevant now, since only those devices that were released in the last century can fail to meet the requirements of a flash player. Perhaps, such devices, especially among young people, are no longer to be found.

Using new versions of the plugin and browser

And which of them to choose is up to you.

We recommend using the plugin in browsers such as Mozilla Firefox or Opera, and web browsers should not be outdated and up to date. You can check the current browser version in the application settings.

For example, in "Opera" you need to move the cursor over the menu, right-click on it and click on the "Help" item in the context menu, then select the "Check for Updates" option. If you have Mozilla Firefox browser installed, select the "Help" menu, then click the "About Firefox" option - here you will see the version of the installed web browser.

It is worth paying proper attention to this issue, since the platform will not be installed on any version of the browser except the latest. So, before integrating your flash player, please update your web browser and try installing the plugin again. All browser developers provide the update procedure absolutely free of charge, so do not get fooled by requests in the format "Enter your phone number, which will receive a confirmation code", etc.

The same goes for the platform - it must also be the latest version. Otherwise, the procedure will fail.

Probably, among the recommended browsers, many expected to see Google Chrome. With this program, everything is much easier. The fact is that this browser is already equipped with the multimedia platform Adobe Flash Player, so you will not have to take any unnecessary actions and problems with installation, accordingly, will not appear. Actually, if the choice of a browser is not important for you, then you can simply download "Chrome".

How do I install Adobe Flash Player?

Let's start with the fact that the plug-in should be downloaded only from the official website (you can download it after following the link On the site, select the name of the OS and browser that are installed on your device. Then click on the "Download" item (the site will offer a list of products, among which you need to select Adobe Flash Player) and in the window that appears, activate the "Save" option, after which the user can choose a place to store the item.

For example, let's say we save the flash player to the desktop. Before starting, please follow all the tips we talked about in this article. Otherwise, the system will report an error.

As soon as the download is complete, click on the file, put a checkmark in front of the item "I have read and accepted the terms of the license agreement", and then click on the "Install" option. The installation process will take a little time, after its completion click on the "Finish" button.

One of the most famous products of the Adobe company has long occupied an important place in the life of ordinary users, because thanks to the flash player, websites become more attractive and multifunctional. After reading our article, you will definitely not have any questions regarding the installation of Adobe Flash Player. Now you can definitely spend more interesting time at the computer.

If you still have questions on the topic "Adobe Flash Player is not installed, what should I do? ", You can ask them in the comments

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Flash Player - although already optional, but still a very popular plugin for playing media content on the Internet. Today we will consider the problem when this plugin cannot be installed on the computer.

The problem of not being able to install the Flash Player plugin in your browser can be affected by various reasons. Today we will try to cover the maximum number of them so that you can quickly solve the problem.

Reason 1: conflict with a previous version of Flash Player

If an installation error is displayed on the screen during the installation process, first of all, you need to make sure that Flash Player is not already installed on the computer, which may lead to a conflict.

To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" - "Programs and Features" and carefully study the list of programs installed on your computer. If there is Flash Player among them, you will need to uninstall it from your computer.

If there is no Flash Player in the list of installed programs, try downloading a special Flash Player uninstaller from this link and use it to try to delete the plug-in files on your computer. After the uninstallation is complete, be sure to restart your computer.

Reason 2: the plugin is installed for a browser in which it is already embedded

For which browser are you installing Flash Player? If it is Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer browser, then make sure that you download the required distribution kit from the official developer's resource.

If you are a user of the Google Chrome browser, Yandex Browser or another web browser based on the Chromium engine, then in your case a separate installation of Flash Player is not required - this plugin is already built into your web browser.

Reason 3: the distribution was not downloaded from the official website of the developer

On our site, it has been repeatedly specified that for security reasons, programs, especially such as Flash Player, must be downloaded exclusively from official sources.

The fact is that on the Internet, instead of the required program, or at best, an outdated distribution kit or a virus that can cause serious damage to your computer is often distributed.

Reason 4: the plugin is installed but not active in the browser

It is quite possible that a hundred Flash Player plug-in is already installed on your computer, however, it is simply disabled in the browser, which is why you cannot see Flash content on the sites.

For example, if you are a user of the Google Chrome browser, then you can check the activity of the plugin by clicking on the menu button and going to the section "Settings".

Go down to the very bottom of the page and click on the button Show advanced settings.

In the block "Personal data" click on the button "Content settings".

Find the item "Flash" and make sure you have the option checked "Allow Flash on sites" or "Request permission to use Flash (recommended)"... If you have the second item installed, then when you go to a site that will contain Flash content, you will need to give the browser permission to display it each time.

In the same way, Flash Player is included in Opera, Yandex Browser and other web browsers based on the Chromium engine.

If you are a user of the Mozilla Firefox browser, click on the menu button and go to the section "Supplements".

A year ago, I talked about how to install a new version of Adobe Flash Player if a window appears when trying to update. Now is the time to reiterate the advice, as the automatic updating of Flash Player stopped working again (at least on my old Windows XP). It is inconvenient to ignore the problem: on sites using this technology, the following message will appear: “Firefox prevented the unsafe Adobe Flash plug-in from starting.” You will hardly enjoy running the plug-in manually every time.

So, the symptoms of the problem are as follows: a message appears about the release of a new version of Adobe Flash Player (in my case, Adobe Flash Player and it is proposed to download the update. You download it, run it, but a small white screen appears and that's it. It's useless to download the installer again - nothing will change. The solution is the same: forced installation of the flash-player.

You need to find and install a complete installation package. Search here: You need to download the plugin for one of your browsers (based on Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome / Opera). Remember to close your browser before installing the plugin.

But this method has recently stopped working. Complete installation packages can now be found here:

No one (not even knows why Flash Player is not working. They also provide a list of recommendations. Some of this list made it into this article. Recommendations are arranged in ascending order of difficulty. Following the recommendations at some stage, the Flash player will still work, but it is not known at what stage. In conclusion, I will give a shorter list which, most likely, I will use. This, of course, is not the easiest option, but it seems to me a shorter one.

1. Updating the browser

First, a short educational program. What you need to know about Adobe Flash Player.

There are two versions of Adobe Flash Player

  • For Internet Explorer browser
  • For all other browsers

You also need to know that Flash Player is built into Google Chrome and it is updated along with the browser.

In any case, you need to update your browser.

2. Turn on the Flash Player plugin in the browser

For correct operation, you need Adobe Flash Player to be installed and enabled in your browser.

How to enable Flash Player in Internet Explorer

Open the main menu and select "Configure add-ons"

Choose "Types of add-ons" - "Toolbars and extensions"

"Display" - "All add-ons"

Find the Shockwave Flash Object and if its state is "Disabled", click the "Enable" button at the bottom right. We restart the browser and try it.

If the Shockwave Flash Object add-ons are not, then you just need to install the Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Firefox

Open the FireFox menu and select "Add-ons"

On the left, select "Plugins" and look for "Shockwave Flash" on the right. From the drop-down menu, select "Always include"

Restart Firefox. If Flash Player does not work read on. If the "Shockwave Flash" plugin is not available, you need to install the Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable Flash Player in Opera

Open a new tab and write in the address bar - opera: // plugins

Select "All" on the left, find "Adobe Flash Player", click "Enable". Restart Opera.

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome

In a new tab, write chrome: // plugins /... On the top right, click "Details"

Find Adobe Flash Player and disable one of them. Restart your browser and try.

If it doesn't work, enable the disabled plugin and disable the other. If it doesn't work, read on.

3. Clear the Flash Player cache

Open the Start menu and write in the search field “ % appdata% \ Adobe". Press Enter or select the found folder "Adobe"

Delete the "Flash Player" folder

In the same way, we follow the path " % appdata% \ Macromedia"And delete the" Flash Player "folder. We launch the browser and check. If Adobe Flash Player doesn't work, read on.

4. Delete all Flash Player data

Go to "Start> Control Panel". Install View - "Large icons" and select "Flash Player"

In the opened Flash Player Settings Manager, go to the "Advanced" tab and click "Delete All ..."

We check the checked box "Delete all data and site settings" and press the button "Delete data"

We close the window, open the browser and check. If Flash Player does not work read on.

5. Disable Flash Player hardware acceleration

Click on the picture with the right mouse button and select "Options"

Uncheck and turn off hardware acceleration

Click "Close". We restart the browser and check. If it doesn't work, read on.

6. Updating Adobe Flash Player

First, let's just update the Adobe Flash Player.

7. Reinstall Adobe Flash Player

If installing a fresh version on top of it did not work, we will try to uninstall Adobe Flash Player completely and install the fresh version.

8. Reinstall the browser

If all of the above did not work, then I would reinstall the browser. Naturally, you need to save your bookmarks or set up synchronization.

You can reinstall another browser in the same way. We download and install all browsers from the official sites.

9. Recovering system files

If Adobe Flash Player is not working then I would uninstall the browser and uninstall Flash Player. Carried out the restoration of system files. Reinstalled the browser and Adobe Flash Player.

10. Updating drivers

The last hope before reinstalling the system is to update the drivers. We just take and install the latest drivers for your computer. If nothing worked, then either go to another browser, or reinstall Windows.


I like the Google Chrome browser. You don't need to install Adobe Flash Player for it. If Flash Player does not work, you just need to reinstall Chrome. If this does not work, then I would uninstall the browser, check the computer for viruses and restore the system files. Then I would install Google Chrome. Flash Player is simply obliged to earn. If not, then I would reinstall Windows.

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