Text editor atom search by code. Atom is a text editor. What is this program

Atom is free, modern and convenient text editor with rich functionality. It is easy to use and can be fully customized to suit any need.

Atom will be useful for a schoolchild just learning the basics of programming, and for a high-end hacker who has to simultaneously work with various languages ​​and formats. If desired, it can be used as a file manager and become an indispensable tool for developers and copywriters, and for anyone who does not have enough notepad functionality.

You can download the Atom text editor for free and in Russian using the official link below immediately after the description.

Key features of Atom

To get acquainted with the editor, you don’t need any special knowledge; you just need to open the file and get to work. After the first minutes of using this utility, you will not want to return to the previous editors.

  • Supports all programming languages.
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Search for new add-ons that expand functionality.
  • Independent expansion of functionality and changes appearance, thanks to open source.
  • Smart autocompletion, which makes writing code much faster.
  • Multi-window: splitting the interface into several panels for comparison and editing.
  • Innovative function for searching and replacing parts of code in all files at once.
  • Multiplatform: after pausing, you can continue later on any other OS.
  • More than two thousand add-ons to solve any problem.

Downloading Atom editor for Windows in Russian is offered for free from the official website presented below after the characteristics of the program.

Since each window is a separate web page, there is no need to worry about loading resources. Innovative web technology provides fast work without loading the system.

To install Atom you must be the owner of one of the following systems: Mac OS, Windows 7, 8 and 10, RedHat Linux, or Ubuntu Linux. Such a variety of different operating systems makes it possible to avoid synchronization problems during command calls.

Atom is a program for editing text and program code with the most pragmatic interface. It can work with almost all common encodings and formats text files, and also includes a syntax highlighting feature. If desired, Atom can be quite successfully used as a file manager. The built-in “browser” allows you to easily switch between files and folders, move text documents“one by one” and in bulk, and also conveniently view the directory structure in a tree list.

Like most other modern text editors, Atom opens new files in separate tabs, working like a web browser. Thanks to this, the user can easily copy and move information between documents. The program remembers open tabs when closed, unless of course you have disabled this function in the settings. By default, the editor uses a design theme in dark and dull colors. If you work a lot with text (especially at night), then you probably understand the benefits of such interface colors. The black background does not “hurt” the eyes when working in the dark, and also reduces fatigue. Typically, this design of the graphical shell is used in “night modes”, which are now customary to provide various text editors and “readers”.

Atom - completely free program. The editor is an excellent tool for developers, copywriters, and in general for anyone for whom the functionality of the standard Windows Notepad is not enough.

What's new in this version?

1.32.2 (10.11.2018)

  • Fixed a bug where making quick large changes could result in incorrect syntax highlighting;
  • Fixed a bug that caused freezes when making some changes to ERB files;
  • Fixed a bug where typing "#" was being inserted incorrectly braces in several languages;
  • Added several syntax highlighting classes that were accidentally removed in 1.32.0.

Atom was developed by a team of GitHub developers. They position their product as a text editor of the 21st century. What did the developers initially strive for and why did they even want to create Atom, since the market is full of text editors? According to the developers, there are many on the market similar programs, for example, Sublime Text 3, Brackets, etc., but they have a number of disadvantages. Some text editors have rich capabilities in terms of expanding functionality and customization, but it’s difficult to learn the whole thing and do it for an inexperienced user without special knowledge, while others, on the contrary, are easy to understand, but have little functionality. So atom was developed in order to remove these edges and combine all the advantages of its competitors!

First start

When we launch Atom for the first time, a welcome window opens in front of us, consisting of two panels, on the left side is the editor’s logo, a description with links, and on the right side is a menu of the main sections of the program with short descriptions of each - which will help you make friends with Atom from the first minutes.


The first thing that caught my attention after installing atom was its pleasant and friendly interface, which contrasts sharply with its competitors, better side. The design of the atom is very intuitive and thoughtful, there is nothing superfluous, and all the elements are correctly located, so that even a beginner will not have any difficulties at first to understand what is located where.

Code highlighting in general made me personally fall in love with the theme, which is the default after installing atom. Agree, she is simply amazing!

The program settings window is also very convenient and beautifully made, each setting has a description that will help you understand why it is needed. In addition to this, the developers have included the ability to view descriptions of additionally installed plugins and editor themes, without having to go to the page with the plugin on the Internet, and I think this is cool!

Atom text editor settings menu

The settings of the atom text editor can be opened through the menu section “view”, item “settings”, or by using the hotkey combination - Ctrl+,

The program has a great variety of settings, all settings are divided into semantic categories (also convenient).
Core – Settings for the core of the program Edit – Settings for editing text and its display in the editor window System – Settings for displaying an atom in the context menu of the operating system Keybindings – List and description of all hot keys of the text editor atom Packages – List of all plugins installed in the atom and their settings with a description , as well as a button to enable/disable any plugin (even system one). Themes – List section installed themes and their settings. Updates – Section for notifications about new versions of plugins, themes and the atom text editor itself with an update button for each. Install – Section of additional plugins and themes for atom with a description of each, a quick filter and an install button.

You can change almost everything here, and you don’t need to go into system files, as in other code editors, everything can be done directly in the settings panel by simply enabling/disabling this or that setting.

atom hotkeys

A separate section shows all the program's hot keys and a description of what they are responsible for. Every hotkey You can rewrite it to other keyboard shortcuts that are convenient for you personally. To do this, you need to click on the floppy disk icon to copy the configuration code for this function and then open the hotkey settings file using the link “your keymap file”, then paste the copied code into it and replace the recorded key combination with your own and save the file, after which you will immediately you can use the specified hotkeys :)

Plugins for atom

Hotkey hints

A cool feature of the atom - everything has a benefit :) empty window editor, it displays a text slider with tips for frequently used program hotkeys.


Bookmarks are available right out of the box in Atom to help speed up the process of navigating through voluminous code. For example, you have a css file with styles for website blocks, so by placing bookmarks at the beginning of each section of block styles, you can easily and quickly move between these sections of code by setting bookmarks on them. Or, when you finish your working day and want to quickly open the place you worked with yesterday the next day - bookmark it and don’t worry!

Bookmarks in atom are located in the “Edit” menu, “Bookmark” item. You can also add/unbookmark a section of code using the key combination Alt+Ctrl+F2. And move through bookmarks: Forward – F2 ; Back – Shift+F2 You can view a list of all bookmarks in the document using the keyboard shortcut – Ctrl+F2

Git and GitHub in Atom

A very convenient feature of atom is that it has a panel for working with Git version control, which allows you to control versions directly from the atom text editor without having to go into the console. Well, naturally, the atom developers included support for linking the repository on GitHub with the atom editor. (We will talk in more detail about working with Git in atom in the following articles)

Atom also has support for snippets (prepared pieces of code). When you type the initial letters of a snippet, a window appears with a list of snippets already prepared in the program (for of this type document) that match the entered letters. Snippets expand by pressing the Tab button.
We can also create our own snippets (more on this in the next articles in this series). The snippets menu is located in the “Packages” section of the main menu, the “Snippets” item, and if we select the “available” item here, a window will open with a list of all available snippets for this type of code.

Command panel in Atom

All available functions and program commands are available in the command panel, which can be opened in the “Packages” menu, “Command Palette”, or by pressing the hotkey combination – Ctrl+Shift+P

In addition to the fact that the command panel lists all available functions, many functions to which hotkeys are assigned have a combination of hotkeys that launch this function/command.

We can filter the list by entering the team name in the quick filter field.

In addition to the tabs, we can divide the editor window into panels. The panel menu is located in the “View” section of the main menu, “Panes” tab. Either from context menu in the editor window. If you select the command “Split – Up, Down, Left, Right”, then another window will be added in the editor window at the top, bottom, left, right, according to the selected command. In turn, any panel can also be divided into an infinite number of additional panels. The sizes of panels can be changed by dragging the border of the desired panel.

That's basically all I wanted to say in the first lesson in a series of lessons on this text editor called Atom. By the way, Atom is now the main text editor for me in which I write program code.

I hope the article is useful to you, I look forward to your comment to this editor write what you like or don’t like about it and what plugins for atom you use. I will be glad to discuss with you at this topic. But we won’t say goodbye to this – we’ll see you in the next article, which will be devoted to analyzing all the elements of the atom interface and setting it up! Bye!

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