Installation of the Debian operating system. How to install Debian without knowledge and experience Preparing for installation

When I first became acquainted with Linux, the question immediately arose of which distribution to choose, since it turned out that there are a lot of them and they are all different. After extensive study of various materials, I decided to start learning Linux from Debian. Why exactly with Debian? The answer is very simple:

  • For Debian there is a huge amount of information on the Internet.
  • Debian is quite a young system and it has a very large community.
  • Debian is stable and well tested.
  • Many popular distributions (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) are developed based on Debian. Accordingly, having studied it, we will be able to use them.

Where to begin?
Let's start by downloading the distribution from the official Debian website.
After going to the site, in the upper right corner click Download Debian

After the download is complete, we have an image of the latest distribution stable version Debian.

To install it, you need to cut it onto a disk, or create an installation flash drive, or if you plan to install Debian on a virtual machine, mount it into a virtual drive. How to install operating systems on virtual machines we'll look at it in another article.

Let's start installing Debian.

The first thing we see when starting the installation is home page installations.

Choose Advanced options

The next window is the installation menu. Here we just click Continue.

In the next window, select a location and click Continue

In the next window you don’t need to select anything, just click Continue

In the next window, click several times Continue until we get into the keyboard settings

In the keyboard settings, select Russian and click Continue

In the next keyboard settings window, select the method for switching the keyboard language and click Continue

Next installation menu item Finding and mounting CD-ROM. There is no need to select anything here, just click several times Continue

In the next menu item Loading Setup Components from a CD Here we also don’t select anything, just click several times Continue

Next point Definition network card clickContinue.

Here we select because you need to manually enter network parameters or automatically. Click Continue

In the next window you need to enter the computer name and click Continue

In the next window, enter the domain name (if your computer is not in a domain, then you can just localhost) and click Continue

Next menu item Setting up user accounts and passwords click Continue

Leave everything as it is and press Continue

In the next window, enter the superuser password and click Continue

In the next window we create regular user

Next menu item Disk Definition click Continue and go to Disk Partitioning

Select manually

You can partition a disk in different ways (for specific needs and tasks). In this article, we use the simplest method of partitioning the entire disk. You can read more about Linux partitions and proper partitioning options in the article Partitions and disk partitioning in Linux.

Select the disk that we will mark up


In the next window, select a free space and click Continue

In the next window, you will be offered the choice to create the necessary disks manually by specifying their size or allow the system to automatically mark out the free area. In case of automatic marking, you will be offered several marking options.

We select Automatically mark free space and click Continue

In the next window you will be offered 3 options for disk partitioning.

In the next window, select Yes and click Continue

In the next window, leave everything unchanged and click Continue

Waiting for the installation to complete basic system

It is better to use the repository in your own country; packages will be downloaded faster.

In the next window we do not change anything. Click Continue.

Your choice in the next window will determine appearance your desktop. You can select multiple desktops and desktops and choose the one you want when you log in.

In the next window you will be prompted to install the system bootloader. The default is Yes, don’t change anything, click Continue.

We indicate where to install

We are waiting for the download to complete.

If the installation was successful, we will see an information window indicating that the installation is complete and that we can boot the system. Click Continue, the machine reboots and the system boots.

After the system boots, we will see an authorization window for logging into Debian. Enter the username and password that we created during the installation process and click To come in

OK it's all over Now. Congratulations! You have just installed the Debian Linux operating system.

Make a copy of all important files on your computer. Debian installation will completely clean HDD and format it, erasing all data stored in the previous OS. Therefore, you should save all important information on external hard disk. After Debian installations all this information can be easily restored.

Take out the USB drive and make a copy of its contents. This flash drive will act as a Debian installer. All contents of the flash drive will be erased, so make a copy of all important files.

  • The storage capacity must be at least 2 GB.
  • Install the program to create bootable flash drive(Live USB). There are many programs that allow you to create bootable flash drives. UNetBootin is available for Windows users, Mac OS X and Linux. Later in the article we will use this particular program.

    • If you decide to use another program, these instructions will also work with most programs that allow you to create bootable flash drives.
  • Download the disk image. Go to the Debian website and open the “Where to get Debian” tab. Here you can download both a small and a full installation image. Choose the one that suits you best.

    • Download a small installation image if your computer is connected to the Internet.
    • Download the full image if your computer is not connected to the Internet. This image contains more packages, making it easier to install on devices without an Internet connection.
      • Since downloading the file may take a long time, use the download option via a torrent client. If BitTorrent is installed on your computer, downloading the file will be much faster.
  • Run the program to create a bootable USB flash drive. Open the Windows Start menu and type "UNetBootin" into the search bar. Launch Spotlight on Mac OS X and enter the same keyword. Most likely, you will be prompted to run the program with administrator rights. Enter your password and press Enter.

    Open the image file. Click the Disk Image radio button. Make sure the ISO standard option is checked in the drop-down menu, then click the button on the right to open File Explorer. In this window, find ISO file and open it.

    Write the installer to a flash drive. Make sure that the "Type" drop-down menu at the bottom of the window is " USB device" and that the correct drive is selected in the "Media" menu. This is very important because a wrong choice could result in another flash drive being formatted or, worse, being formatted hard drive. Click on the "OK" button to begin creating a bootable USB flash drive.

    • This process may take some time. Save and close everything open windows, because you need to restart your computer to begin installation.
  • Restart your computer and enter the boot menu. Save your current work and restart your computer. When the manufacturer's splash screen appears on the monitor, a key will be indicated in the lower corner/bottom line of the screen with which you can enter the boot menu. Press this key on your keyboard.

    • If this option was not there, most likely it is hidden in the BIOS. Enter BIOS and go to the “Boot Menu” tab.
    • If, when your computer boots, there is no key listed to enter the boot menu or BIOS, search for your computer model online and find out which key to press. As a rule, these are the F2, F11, F12 or Del keys.
    • In the boot menu, the flash drive will be indicated by the name of the manufacturer (Lexar, SanDisk, etc.) or “Debian + OS name and version number.” Select this option to download the installation file.
  • Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. Connect your computer to the modem via an Ethernet cable so that you don't lose your Internet connection during installation. At each stage, enter the required data. If you want to install Debian alongside another operating system, such as Windows, you will be given the option to partition your hard drive at the end of the installation.

    5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

    Installation operating system Debian on your computer. Step-by-step instruction. To get started, download the system distribution. Gnome desktop environment. Download from the official website - download Debian. If debian 9 version is required, download you can here. Select the version, 32 (i386) bits or 64 (amd64) and the download method, via torrent or directly. I recommend torrent, it will be faster.

    Installing the Debian system

    After the image is downloaded and written to a flash drive (or other storage medium), it is better to use a flash drive; the system will install faster from it. I told you how to write an image to a flash drive, I won’t repeat it. So we recorded the image. Now boot from it.

    Installing Debian. Select "Graphical install" with the cursor keys and press "Enter" to launch the installer.

    On the first page, select the language that is convenient for you and click the "Continue" button.

    Now select your keyboard layout. And on the next page is a method for switching layouts.

    I'll leave it as default. Alt+shift suits me. Then enter the computer name. You can set it to whatever you want.

    In the next window you need to specify the domain address if the computer is part of a domain. If you have a network without a domain or none at all local network You can specify nothing or enter localhost.

    Click continue and proceed to creating a regular user. This is the account you will use in the system.

    Enter your name and click continue. The account login will be shown (usually the same as the name specified in the previous step). It can be changed.

    Now set the password for a regular user and continue.

    Specify the city and time zone and continue.

    Let's move on to disk partitioning. Can choose auto mode. But I prefer to partition the disk manually. Therefore, we will select this mode.

    All drives in the system will be displayed. Select the one you want to install debian on. In my case there is only one disk so I will select it.

    The disk is not partitioned. Therefore, you need to create a partition table. Click "Yes" and continue.

    A disk has appeared on which there is free space. Now let's create three partitions. Click continue or double-click on the highlighted line.

    Let's choose. Create new section. Continue.

    First we create a swap partition. I'll make it 4 gigabytes in size.

    Select the partition type as “Logical”. Let's leave the location as "Beginning".

    Here, in the “Use as:” item, double-click or click the continue button.

    A window will appear allowing you to select available file systems.

    Select "Swap Partition" and click Continue.

    Select the item “Setting up the partition is complete” and continue.

    As you can see in the screenshot, the swap partition has been created. Next, let's create a root partition. Select an empty space and click continue.

    This time we select the partition type as “Primary” and the location as “Start”.

    The Debian installer immediately offers us required type file system (ext4) and mount point "/" root. I'm happy with these settings. But they can be changed by double-clicking the mouse or by selecting the desired item using the cursor keys and pressing the “Continue” button.

    You can leave only the root partition and the system will work. But I recommend making another section for users. It's called "/home". It is created in the same way as the root one, only select /home as the mount point.

    The result should be three sections as shown in the figure.

    • Swap partition (swap)
    • Root (/)
    • User directories (/home)

    Disk setup is complete. Select "Finish partitioning and burn to disk" click "Continue"

    Check all parameters carefully! Have you selected the correct disk? file system, sizes. After applying the settings, all information will be lost!

    After making sure that the settings are correct. Select "Yes" and click continue.

    The disk will be partitioned and the system installation will begin.

    After copying the files, you will be prompted to configure the package manager. If you have unlimited and stable Internet, I recommend turning on archive mirrors from the network. Select "Yes" and click continue.

    Choose a country. So that the download speed would be higher. Select a country that is geographically closer to you. But this is optional. Choose any from the list.

    Also select a server. Let's continue.

    Once the installation of the debian operating system on your computer is completed. Remove all bootable media: flash drives, disks. And click continue. The computer will restart. Log in to the system and start using it.

    For clarity, I recorded a video - How to install debian on your computer:

    Installation using debian netinstall

    The so-called network installer "network install". Download iso image you can go to the website There is a link in the upper right corner of the header.

    This method is suitable primarily for those who know exactly what they want to install. Another advantage is that all packages will be the latest.

    It's important to understand. For such an installation, you must have stable, fast and unlimited (or very cheap) Internet. All packages are downloaded over the network. Therefore, installation of the system will take longer.

    If you choose to install two environments, then during the installation you will need to select display manager. In short. You will see this menu before starting the system. Here you will need to select a user and specify a password. The language and desktop environment are also selected here. For example, install Gnome and XFCE. Choosing between lightdm and gdm3.

    VIDEO: Installing Debian using netinstall (network install)

    With the release of Debian 10 in live-cd mode, it became possible to install the system using the Calamares installer.

    VIDEO: Debian 10 installation using Calamares with Live-cd:

    I have prepared a list of the most popular terminal commands:

    Recently released a new version Debian 8 Jessie. This is a fairly popular distribution at the moment; I myself often use it for various purposes. I have an opportunity . We'll do a clean installation.

    We will install the 64-bit version of Debian 8 Jessie from a minimal image called debian-8.0.0-amd64-netinst. You can get it from For successful installation, the server will need Internet access during the installation process. We insert the disk into the system and boot from it. We are greeted by a boot menu with various options:

    • Install
    • Graphical install
    • Advanced Options
    • Install with speech synthesis

    The first option is installation using a text installer, the second is a graphical installer. We will install using a graphical installer. But if for some reason the graphical installer does not start for you, it happens, then try installing in text mode.

    We indicate the location:

    Select the keyboard layout. Personally, I prefer it when I have the English layout by default. It's more comfortable for me. If you prefer to work with Russian, choose Russian:

    Next comes connecting the disk and loading components for installation, then automatic setting network via dhcp, if possible. I have a dhcp server on my network, so at this stage network settings I don't need to specify. You have to wait for some time. Then specify the server name:

    You can specify anything you want as a domain on the local network. If the debian server will serve services located on the Internet, specify real internet domain. I have this test server so I specify the local domain:

    At the next installation stage, specify the root superuser password:

    Add a regular user to installed system and specify a password for it:

    Please indicate your time zone:

    Next, the disk initialization process begins. We wait a few seconds and see the disk partition menu. I choose the first option. If you don’t understand what we’re talking about, then choose the first one too. If you know what LVM is and you really need it, choose the second option. If someone wants to partition a disk manually, then he no longer needs advice, he must understand what he is doing and why.

    We indicate the disk on which we will install Debian. If you only have one, then there is nothing to choose from, so we indicate it:

    Now you need to specify the disk partition. In general, the first option with one partition is suitable. I myself haven’t bothered lately and use one partition for the system. Depending on the number of disks and functionality that the server will serve, the breakdown may be different. If you don’t understand how and why you need to partition a disk, then don’t bother. When you need it, then you will think about how to partition the disks. For example, if you need to encrypt some partition, or use a drbd mirror, then you will need to use a separate partition for these purposes.

    Check the settings and click “Finish partitioning and write changes to disk”:

    Confirm the markup and select “Yes”. After this, all data on the disk will be destroyed and it will be re-partitioned for our new system:

    After finishing basic installation you need to select the nearest mirror from which packages will be downloaded by default:

    Then comes the proxy setup. If you don't have it, then just skip the point, like I did.

    The apt package manager begins to be configured and updated, followed by the installation of a basic set of software. When finished, you will be asked to send anonymous statistics about your Debian 8 usage. I usually refuse such offers:

    Base system installation field, you can specify additional packages for installation. I need an ssh server for remote administration. I indicate it and standard system utilities:

    After clicking “Continue” the system will reboot.

    Reboot field You can log into the system as root and check if everything is ok. Let's do it. Login locally as root and check the version:

    # uname -a Linux debian-8 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3~ deb8u1(2015-04-24) x86_64 GNU/Linux

    I’ll add, just in case, that by default you won’t be able to log in remotely via ssh as root. Need to use another one account, which you specified during installation. And from under it, using the su commands, log in as root.

    This completes the installation, you can proceed to.

    Online course on Linux

    If you have a desire to learn how to build and maintain highly available and reliable systems, I recommend that you get acquainted with online course “Linux Administrator” in OTUS. The course is not for beginners; for admission you need basic knowledge of networks and Linux installation to the virtual machine. The training lasts 5 months, after which successful course graduates will be able to undergo interviews with partners. What this course will give you:
    • Knowledge of Linux architecture.
    • Development modern methods and data analysis and processing tools.
    • Ability to select a configuration for the required tasks, manage processes and ensure system security.
    • Proficient in the basic working tools of a system administrator.
    • Understanding of the specifics of deploying, configuring and maintaining networks built on Linux.
    • The ability to quickly solve emerging problems and ensure stable and uninterrupted operation of the system.
    Test yourself on the entrance test and see the program for more details.

    Debian is one of the oldest and most stable Linux distributions. It is developed by a huge community of developers and contains only the most stable and proven packages. Debian development began in 1993. Its founder is Ian Murdoch. The operating system currently supports more than ten architectures and contains more than thirty-seven thousand packages. Debian is used for both servers and home computers. Current version Debian 8.5 Jessie. The transition to branch 8.0 took place on April 25, 2015. The last corrective release 8.5 took place quite recently - July 4, 2016.

    This article will cover installing Debian 8.5 Jessie on a computer or laptop. We will look in great detail, step by step, at how to install the most latest version this wonderful operating system on your computer.

    Installing Debian 8.5

    Let's start with preparation and smoothly move on to the system installation process itself.

    Step 1. Upload the image

    You can download the Debian 8.5 installation image from the official website.

    There are two options for images here. small installation image - a small image, most packages will be downloaded from the Internet during installation and complete installation image - a DVD image containing everything you need software. You can download the image directly or use torrents.

    On the download page simply select required file, for a complete installation package, DVD1 contains the main installation package, and DVD2 and DVD3 contain additional software.

    Step 2. Burning the image to media

    You can burn Debian 8.5 to a USB flash drive using any program. For example, unetbootin or the dd console utility:

    On Windows, it is convenient to use rufus for the same task:

    Installing Debian 8 from a flash drive is the same as from a disk. To burn debian to disk, you can use utilities such as k3b and Brasero on Linux and UltraISO on Windows.

    Step 3. BIOS setup

    Once the image has finished burning, restart your computer and log into BIOS setup by pressing the F8, Del, F2 or Shift+F2 button before the operating system starts to load.

    In the menu that opens, go to the Boot tab and in the item Boot Device Priority or 1st Boot Device select your media:

    Step 4: Start the installation

    After exiting the menu, the BIOS will boot installation disk. Select the second option to launch the graphical installer graphical install:

    Step 5: Select a language

    Select installer language:

    Step 6: Location

    Select your location:

    Step 7: Keyboard Layout

    Select your keyboard layout:

    Step 8: Initialization

    Wait for the installation media to complete initialization:

    Step 9. Computer name

    Enter your computer name:

    Step 10. Domain name

    Used to connect computers into a network. If you are installing at home, you can write local:

    Step 11: Superuser Password

    Enter the superuser password:

    Step 12: Username

    Enter your full name, will be displayed in the system settings:

    Step 13. Login

    Enter the username that will be used to log in:

    Step 14: User Password

    Enter the password for your user:

    Step 15. Disk partitioning method

    In this tutorial we will be looking at manual marking, so select manually. But if you have a blank hard drive, you can choose the automatic option:

    Step 16. Select a drive

    Select the hard drive on which debian 8 Jessie will be installed:

    Step 17: Partition Table

    If the disk is clean, we agree to create a new partition table:

    Step 18: Create LVM

    In this tutorial we will look at how to install debian 8 on LVM. But if you don't want to use LVM, you can create regular partitions, then do everything the same as for LVM. Select setting up the LVM logical volume manager:

    Step 19. LVM Confirmation

    We agree with the creation of LVM:

    Step 20: Create a volume group

    At this step of the wizard, select create volume group:

    Then enter the group name:

    And select physical disks, on which it will be located:

    Step 21. Bootloader Partition

    Create a new logical volume:

    First, select the LVM group in which this volume will be located:

    Enter the volume size, 200 Megabytes is enough for the boot partition:

    Select a title, the title is used to make it easier for you to understand what this section is:

    Step 22: Root Section

    Select the LVM group and enter the partition size; for the root it is recommended to take 30-50 GB:

    Enter a title for the section.

    Step 23. Home section

    Repeat the same steps for the home section. Size - all remaining space:

    When finished select finish:

    Step 24. Disk partitioning

    It should look like this:

    Step 25. Assign boot

    Select the boot partition, then click Use as:

    Select the file system, for boot - ext2:

    Click mount point:

    Select /boot:

    Click The partition setup is complete.

    Step 26: Assign root

    Do the same for the root partition:

    File system - ext4, mount point /.

    Step 27. Assign home

    Same steps for home, mount point /home, ext4 file system.

    Step 28. Completing the markup

    It should look like this:

    Select Finish marking and transfer changes to disk.

    Step 29. Confirm the markup

    If everything is correct, click Yes:

    Step 30. Start installation

    Wait while the main components are installed

    Step 31. Connecting additional media

    Connect and scan additional media if any were loaded:

    Step 32. Mirrors on the Internet

    If necessary, you can connect a network mirror

    Step 33. Submitting reports

    Select whether to send activity reports to the distribution developers:

    Step 34: Software

    Select the software to install:

    Step 35: Software Installation

    Step 36. Installing the bootloader

    Wait for initialization to complete:

    Click Yes to install the bootloader to the disk:

    Select device:

    Step 37: Complete installation

    Wait for the installation to complete:

    Step 38: Installation Complete

    Click done to restart your computer:

    Step 39. Download

    Select the first item to boot the system normally:

    Step 40. Login

    Enter the username and password you provided when installing debian 8.5 Jessie:

    Step 41: Done

    The Debian 8 installation is now complete and you can fully use your system.


    That's all, now you know how to install debian 8 on your computer. As you can see, Debian has the most customizable installer of any Linux distribution. You can choose any aspect of the system installation and that's not all. Here we used a debian installation in graphical mode, but you can use console mode and get even more control over the installation process. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

    Debian 8.5 installation video:

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