The appearance of the desktop has changed. Customizing the appearance. How to find a cool theme for your desktop and lock screen

The concept of personalization first appeared in Windows Vista. This is a set of several mechanisms, united under one “roof”, with the help of which you can influence the appearance of the operating system interface. This mechanism was transferred to the new operating system practically unchanged, with some improvements in the interface and the use of additional effects.

As before, the Personalization mechanism is located on the Control Panel (Fig. 7.1).

Rice. 7.1. Launch the Personalization component

Using the Personalization mechanism, you have access to configure the following system interface parameters:

R Desktop themes;

P desktop background;

P window colors;

R sounds;

R screensavers;

P desktop icons;

P mouse pointers;

P drawing of the account.

Let's briefly consider these parameters.


The visual design of the Desktop is the first thing that catches your eye after starting the operating system. As they say, “you are greeted by your clothes,” and it is this fact that affects whether you will be able to use the operating system with pleasure in the future or simply get used to it. It has long been proven that the visual perception of an object clearly affects its practical use.

So, let's see what the new Windows 7 operating system offers us in terms of visual design.

After launching the Personalization mechanism, you will see a window with the theme settings tab activated (Fig. 7.2). The Desktop Theme changes not only the Desktop background, but also sounds, window color and other parameters. However, once you select a Desktop theme, you can further change each of the components of the selected theme, including the background and sounds. How this is done is written below.

Rice. 7.2. Setting the Desktop Theme

The Windows 7 operating system in its standard configuration offers a choice of two theme options: Aero and standard basic themes. Users whose computer power meets the recommended operating system installation requirements Windows themes 7 are a little more fortunate because instead of the standard theme, they can choose one of the Aero themes, which have much more visual effects. Other users can also install Aero themes, but as a result they will only get the appropriate Desktop background and sound scheme, but will not be able to enjoy most of the effects: window transparency, add-ons Taskbars, visual effects when switching between windows, etc.

Installing the theme is quite quick - you just need to select the theme you like from the list. As a result, you immediately see the result and can easily install the one

The theme that best suits your mood and idea of ​​what your desktop should look like.

Also note that at the top right of the list is a link to More Internet Topics. Clicking on it will take you to the Microsoft website, to the personalization section, which contains a wide variety of themes and desktop backgrounds that are not included in the standard set. By clicking the Download button and selecting the Open option in the window that appears, you simplify the process of installing the theme into the operating system as much as possible. All you have to do is wait for the download process to complete and allow installation new topic. Any theme that is installed in a similar way, for example by downloading from the Internet, subsequently ends up in the My Themes section, located at the very top of the list of themes.


Desktop background like component themes can also be changed at any time. For example, do you like sounds installed theme, but don’t like the background used? No problem: changing your desktop background is as easy as changing the theme itself, so don't worry, just choose a different one.

To change the background, click on the Desktop background link (see Figure 7.2). In the window that opens (Fig. 7.3) you will see a list of images that change depending on which location source is selected. For example, you can use images from an image library or select the most popular photos. If you don’t have enough of what you have, you can always click the Browse button and specify any folder with images.

Just like with the theme, the background image changes on the fly so you can see the results right away. If you don’t like it, choose any other image, especially since there are quite enough ways to do this.

Now comes the fun part. The operating system allows you to set either one permanent image or set up a slide show of the images you select. Setting a “stable” image is very simple: select a suitable background and click the Save changes button. To set up an image slideshow, you need to do the following.

Rice. 7.3. Changing the desktop background

1. Mark the images that should be included in the slide show. In this case it is most convenient
save the desired images into one folder, and then specify it using the Browse button. After
To do this, you can click the Select All button to select all images at once. You can also
mark images using the Ctrl or Shift key.

2. Specify the position of the image by selecting one of the following from the list of the same name
values ​​Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, Center. If the image
higher screen resolution, this will not lead to problems, you just need to select from the list
Fill or Stretch position. If the image resolution is lower and when
stretching it becomes distorted, you can modify the Desktop background by choosing a color that
will complement the image. To do this, use the Change background color link at the bottom of the window.

3. Select the frequency of changing images using the Change images list
every. There are options from 10 seconds to 1 day. The most optimal and “calm” option is
set the frequency around 1 hour: it’s both pleasing to the eye and not boring.

4. Specify the method for changing images. By default, the images are rotated in order, as
shown in the list. If you want to add some variety to your slideshow, you can check the B
random order.

To apply the changes you have made, click the Save Changes button.


The ability to customize the window color scheme has been carried over from the Windows XP operating system, without any changes. To use this mechanism, you need to click on the Window color link at the bottom of the window shown in Fig. 7.2.

There are quite a lot of controls to choose from, the color scheme of which you can customize. Some of them apply only to the Aero theme, while most of them relate to the standard Desktop theme, as indicated by the inscription in the window that opens.

Here, in addition to the actual color design of windows and its elements, you can also customize the display of inscriptions, specifying the font and size. For example, you can set a different font for the window title, define the spacing between icons, the color of hyperlinks, and much more.


Sounds, that is, sound design, are directly involved in the perception of the Desktop, so it is only natural that the Windows 7 operating system allows you to customize them at your discretion.

To switch to sound management mode, select the Sounds link in the window shown in Fig. 7.2.

A similar configuration method existed in Windows Vista, and compared to this operating system in Windows 7, there were no significant changes in this regard.

Managing sounds is very easy. There are more than ten different sound schemes to choose from, which you can set using the Sound scheme list. Once the sound scheme is selected, you can proceed to manage the sounds responsible for various operating system events.

In the central part of the window (Fig. 7.4) there is a list of all system events and sounds associated with these events. If the sound is installed, a loudspeaker icon is displayed next to the corresponding event. Regardless of whether the sound is installed or not, you can change it or link it to an event, for which you use the Sounds list: having marked the desired event, expand the Sounds list and select from it one of 40 sounds at your discretion. If you don’t need any sound for the event at all, select No from this list.

Rice. 7.4. Changing the soundtrack

You can do the same with any system event. This will create a new sound scheme, which you can save using the Save As button, allowing you to select it at any time.

If you are not satisfied with the set of system sounds, you can specify your sounds using the Browse button. By default, only WAV files can be selected. But is this a problem if there are a large number of programs with which you can easily convert any audio file to WAV?


Since there are times when you are not at the computer, when you go to energy saving mode The operating system can display a splash screen on the screen. At the same time, in addition to saving energy, you get a pleasing picture. And in addition, you can make it so that exiting the screen saver mode will be possible only after entering the password. This means that the information on your screen can't be seen by anyone, especially people who don't need to see it in the first place.

The mechanism for working with screensavers has remained virtually unchanged since its appearance in more earlier versions operating system. Why change anything in a useful and, most importantly, properly working mechanism?

To be able to manage screensavers, select the Screensaver link, which is located in the lower right part of the window shown in Fig. 7.2.

In the window that appears (Fig. 7.5), you can select any screensaver you like from the Screensaver list. At the same time, on small screen A small copy of the splash screen is displayed at the top of the window. If you click the View button, you can see its work “live”, in full screen mode.

Rice. 7.5. Setting up your screensaver

Almost all screensavers have settings that can be customized. For example, if you select the Photos screensaver, as shown in Fig. 7.5, then after clicking the Options button you can specify the folder with your images that will participate in the slide show. You can also choose the speed at which these images change.

If you want to exit screen saver mode only when you enter your password, select the Start at login screen check box. This opportunity is very often used by office workers, especially if one office is shared between several colleagues.


As you may have already noticed, by default, immediately after installation, the operating system displays only the Recycle Bin icon on the Desktop. It is not clear what the reason for this decision is, because the Computer and Network icons are used much more often in practice, and yet the developers decided not to display them. This kind of “disgrace” is very easy to fix.

First of all, you need to launch the mechanism for working with icons, for which you use the Change desktop icons link on the left side of the window shown in Fig. 7.2.

As a result, a window will open in which you will see a list of standard icons, as well as parameters that show their current state (Fig. 7.6). If you want the Computer and Network icons to be present on the Desktop, simply check the appropriate boxes in this window.

Figure 7.6. Settings appearance and icon display

As with previous operating systems, in Windows 7 you can change the icon by clicking the Change Icon button. As a result, a window will open containing enough big set various icons. To return the standard icon image, click on the Normal icon button.

If you want the desktop icons to change when you install a new desktop theme, check the Allow themes to change desktop icons checkbox. In this case, the icons may take on a more original appearance.


The ability to customize mouse pointers existed in the earliest versions of the Windows operating system, so Windows developers 7 decided not to reinvent the wheel and use an already established mechanism. At the same time, they took it in the form in which it is present in Windows Vista.

As before, the user has the ability to configure the following parameters.

P Mouse buttons. You can adjust the double-click speed, enable or disable sticking, and reconfigure the button layout for left-handers.

R Pointers. There are over 10 different signage designs to choose from. In this case, you can customize the appearance of the pointer for each mode and enable the display of shadows. It is also possible to allow or disable changes to pointers when installing new themes.

P Pointer parameters. You can customize pointer settings such as the speed of its movement, hiding from the screen when entering from the keyboard, setting the pointer to a button by default, displaying a “tail”, etc.

R Wheel. The mouse wheel can also be customized, for example, you can specify the number of lines by which you want to scroll the contents of the window with one scroll of the wheel. If you have a mouse whose wheel can be tilted left and right, you can also use this feature for scrolling, for example, you can set the entire screen to scroll, which is convenient when reading e-books.


The account picture is what you see when you enter your login password or when you exit screensaver mode. Additionally, this graphic also appears at the top of the Start menu. Not everyone likes the icon chosen by the system, such as a bunny or a fish. The icon can be changed, and this is done very simply.

As a result, a window will open in which you will see a set of images, as well as the image that is in this moment uses your account (Fig. 7.7). Any image present in the window can become a picture for your account; you just need to select it and click the Change picture button. You can also select your own picture. To do this, you just need to follow the Search for other pictures link and indicate its location on the disk. At the same time, the main graphic formats files.

Rice. 7.7. Changing your account picture

In the same way, you can change pictures for other accounts that are registered in operating system. If you have administrator rights, of course...

Using and setting up gadgets

As mentioned earlier, unlike Windows Vista, in which gadgets could only be displayed in a special sidebar, in Windows 7 they can be placed anywhere on the Desktop (Fig. 9.1). In addition, it became possible to change the size of the gadget window.

Rice. 9.1. Example of gadgets on the desktop

The number of gadgets is increasing every day, and their quality is also increasing. Windows 7 has 9 standard gadgets. In addition, you can download new ones from the Microsoft website or from any other.

Gadgets vary in purpose. The most interesting ones are those that work as web services. Examples of such gadgets are weather, currency, news, etc. informers, that is, those that display data from the Internet. There are also general purpose gadgets such as clocks, various mini-games, slideshows, etc.

To manage gadgets, use the Control Panel item called Desktop Gadgets (Fig. 9.2). After launching it, a window will appear (Fig. 9.3).

Rice. 9.2. Launching the Desktop Gadgets mechanism

Rice. 9.3. List of available gadgets

This window displays a list of gadgets that are currently installed on the system. Over time, as the number of gadgets increases, all of them do not fit in this window, so the list can be scrolled using the navigation bar in the upper left corner of the window.

Each element of this list is provided with a short description, which appears when the desired gadget is selected. By default, this window is displayed in compact mode, so you will need to enlarge it to see the description. To do this, select the Show details link in the lower left corner of the window.

As mentioned above, new gadgets can be downloaded from the Internet, in particular from the Microsoft website. To do this, use the Find gadgets on the Internet link in the lower right corner of the window.

To add a gadget to your Desktop, simply drag it from the list to your Desktop. Or right-click on the gadget and select Add from the context menu that appears. For example, let's look at the use and configuration of a standard weather gadget (Fig. 9.4).

Rice. 9.5. Example of a weather gadget

The window size of almost any gadget can be changed. In this case, increasing the window size can add functionality. For example, if you drag a weather gadget onto the desktop, by default it will be displayed in a smaller version, which implies displaying only the weather forecast in the selected city at the current moment. If you enlarge it, it will show the weather forecast for four days and in more detail (Fig. 9.5).

Rice. 9.5. Enlarged gadget window

The window is enlarged as follows. If you move the pointer to the gadget, an additional panel with buttons appears, among which there is a Larger button. When pressed, the window size increases.

On the same panel there is also a Settings button, which opens a window with gadget settings. In our case, if you click this button, the window shown in Fig. 9.6. Here
There are only two parameters that affect the operation of the gadget - changing the type of temperature display and choosing the city in which the weather should be shown.

Rice. 9.6. Gadget setup

To change the city to any other, for example, St. Petersburg, type part or all of the city name and click the search button. The result will be a list of matches from which you must choose desired position. After that, click OK and enjoy the result.

After you have updated your device to Windows 10, the Desktop will open in front of you.

Some users simply don't know what to do now. Just calm down and consider everything. In Windows 10, everything is done so that you can work on it from the very first second. Applications from Microsoft, which I have already written about, will allow you to work on a computer.

I’ll tell you how to configure your device more efficiently.

Desktop personalization

Hardly among Windows users there are many that do not change the design of the operating system interface in any way - at least everyone probably changes the wallpaper on their desktop. We all want to see an interface tailored specifically to us. Windows 10 makes it easy to customize the appearance of your desktop. To access personalization settings, click right click mouse anywhere on the desktop, and select Personalization from context menu. The personalization settings screen will open. You can also open it by walking the path Options - Personalization.

Clicking on the option Background, you will be able to change the desktop background. You can install standard Windows background 10 or select your own folder with images. I always choose my own photos, but sometimes I add extraneous images to them. If you have a large selection of desktop wallpapers, it is convenient to use them as a background in a slide show. To do this, you just need to select the “Slide Show” item in the “Background” drop-down list, and then specify the path to the folder with the image using the “Browse” button. You can also select a suitable position for images in a slide show, and of course set the frequency of their change.

In chapter Colors you can easily change the background color. The Windows 10 interface is multi-colored, the background colors are rich, warm and with a varied palette. By changing the background color, you can automatically change the color of the Start menu and Action Center.

Chapter Lock screen will allow you to set a background screen that will greet you when you turn on your device. You can also set your own image here. To do this, just click on Review and any of your photos will be displayed on the Lock Screen.

Recently, there have been reports on the Internet that Microsoft has begun placing various types of advertising on the Lock Screen. It’s easy to disable it if you turn off the “ Display fun facts, jokes, tips, and more on your lock screen." Then advertising will no longer bother you. Below you can select the list of applications that will be displayed on the Lock Screen. For some, this is very convenient after using smartphones.

Chapter Themes will allow you to install, as you can probably guess, various themes on your desktop.
Pressing Theme options you find yourself in Personalization, which you saw in Windows 7/8.1. Here Windows 10 themes are at your service, and you can also add your own. You will also find related settings options here.

How to find a cool theme for your desktop and lock screen?

If you want to find cool themes and backgrounds for your Desktop and Lock Screen, then it’s very easy to do if you click on Other topics on the Internet. You find yourself in Gallery personalization, where you will find a theme or background image for every taste and theme. They can be easily and without restrictions downloaded and installed on your device. For those who want to download without delving into the settings, here is a direct link: Let your device delight you with a beautiful theme.

How to customize the Start menu?

In Windows 10, the Start menu has reappeared, this time representing a mixture of the Start menu that was in Windows 7 and the Start screen in Windows 8. However, the absence of such a menu in previous version The OS was probably the most frequently cited flaw among users.

The new Start menu is very easy to understand. By default, the Start menu is a panel divided into two parts, where a list of frequently used applications is displayed on the left (by right-clicking on them you can prevent them from showing in this list).

There is also an item for accessing the “All applications” list, displaying all your programs organized alphabetically, items for opening File Explorer (or, if you click on the arrow next to this item, for quick access to frequently used folders), settings, turning off or reboot the computer.

In the upper right corner you will see your username, by clicking on which you can configure account, log out or block the computer.

On the right side there are active application tiles and shortcuts for launching programs, organized by groups. By right-clicking, you can change sizes, disable tile updates (that is, they will become static rather than active), remove them from the Start menu (the “Unpin from Start Screen” item), or delete the program itself that corresponds to the tile. By simply dragging the mouse, you can change the relative position of the tiles. You can also create application groups.

You can find the basic Start menu settings if you follow the path Settings-Personalization-Start or the old fashioned way, by clicking on the desktop right mouse, In chapter Personalization.

Here you can turn off the display of frequently used and recently used installed programs, as well as a list of transitions to them (opens by clicking on the arrow to the right of the program name in the list of frequently used ones). If you have touch screen, then you can enable the parameter “ Open elementary screen V full screen mode", and the Start menu will look almost like the Start menu Windows screen 8.1, which can be convenient for touch screens.

You can also choose what you want to display in the Start menu. To do this, open the option “ Select, which folders will be displayed V menu Start" This will help you use the Start menu more efficiently.

Don't forget to also choose the Start Menu display color to make it more consistent with your vision and make it more enjoyable to use. I personally am already tired of the dullness.

The Start button has also retained one feature from Windows 8.1. When you right-click on it, a menu familiar to users from the previous version of the operating system appears. I use it often because access to some settings through it is very accessible.

By the way, for those who did not like the new Start menu in Windows 10, it is possible to use free program Classic Shell, StartIsBack and other similar utilities to return exactly the same Start as it was in Windows 7.

Why the button “Search on the Internet and in Windows"?

The search field will be one of the first innovations you'll notice when you start using Windows 10. It lets you search both online and on your computer, and is located in the taskbar next to the Start menu, where we usually place shortcuts for quick access to folders, programs or disks.

I use this button often. Knowing the name of the program I need, I can easily find it without rummaging through the laptop settings.

I don’t deny the fact that some people don’t like this button. Either they don’t have enough space on the taskbar, or it annoys them, or their knees shake in front of Cortana, or their religion doesn’t allow them to use it? There is a way for them to hide this interesting button.

To do this, right-click on Taskbars, find Search and press Is hidden. The hated search button will disappear from the taskbar. If you want to return it, you will have to go the same way, but instead of the option Is hidden click on Show search icon or Show search field.

Why virtual desks in Windows 10?

The Windows 10 operating system is equipped by default with one very useful function– the ability to support multiple virtual desktops. This function has been used for several years in Mac OS X, Linux and has proven itself very well.

What are virtual desktops for? To optimize the user experience or, more simply, for convenience and comfort. For example, when there is dense and intense work on a PC, many applications are often open: a calculator, a browser, Word document, media files, etc. In such cases, when several windows are open, it is easy to get confused when switching from one object to another.

With the help of virtual desktops, work can be organized more conveniently and productively. It's the same as if you had several computers and monitors at hand. One would have a browser and a Word document open, another would have a calculator and organizer, a third would have a media player, etc. By the way, an additional desktop is useful at work - to hide the contents from the authorities.

How to create them and how to use them? To organize your work with programs and windows according to certain areas and preferences, click on a special button in the “Taskbar”, which turns on the “Task View” mode.

Thumbnails of all running applications will appear, where you can select the program you currently need. In the lower right corner there is a “Create desktop” icon, clicking on which will create a new virtual desktop.

If you go to it, it won’t be there open applications– as if you just turned on the computer. Now you need to go to the first desktop, and drag the required program from the thumbnails shown to the second desktop. An option is when in the newly created desktop open the right application. Those. complete freedom of creativity. The number of desktops is unlimited. When you close each desktop, applications open on them are automatically moved to the adjacent desktop. The only thing missing is the ability to set a password on each desktop.

You can also configure what to show on the taskbar when opening virtual desks. To do this, open Settings-System-Multitasking.

Hotkeys for virtual tables

For those who want to switch between virtual tables more effectively and quickly, there is a set of hot keys.

    • Win+Tab– opens access to all working folders and applications
    • Win+Ctrl+D– a new Windows desktop is created
    • Win+Ctrl+F4– closes the current Windows desktop
    • Win+Ctrl+left or right arrow– switching between Windows desktops

Using virtual desktops makes the user's work much easier. Perhaps not everything will be clear the first time, but once you understand the principle of operation, things will run ahead of you.

How to set up Action Center in Windows 10

In the new operating system from Microsoft, for the first time, a Notification Center appeared, familiar to everyone who has used modern smartphones for at least one day.

Using the notification center in the operating room Windows system 10, many system applications, as well as many other programs installed from the Windows Store, have the ability to display various notifications on the screen. Such information is distributed by display time, as well as by degree of importance, and is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

If you expand the Notification Center, you can see buttons for quick activation at the bottom different modes and taking the necessary actions. These panels can be edited and you can choose what you want to display. For this we will go the way Settings-System-Notifications and Actions and we choose what and where we will receive from the Notification Center.

If you still don’t need it or are simply tired of it, then you can turn it off. Ibid in Notifications and Actions There is an option “Turn system characters on and off”. Open it and simply turn off this function. You can completely disable the Notification Center, but this is done using the registry. In inexperienced hands, it may harm the operation of the device.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you pleasant work with your device. Customize it to your taste and preferences. Let working on your computer on Windows 10 bring you joy and a lot of positive emotions.

Windows 10 makes it easy to customize the appearance of your desktop. To access personalization settings, right-click anywhere on your desktop and select Personalization from the context menu. The personalization settings screen will open.

Below are the elements of the personalization screen, and just below the image are their descriptions.

1. Background

Here you can select and customize your desktop background.

2. Colors

Here you can change the color of places like the taskbar and Start menu. By default, Windows 10 will use a color based on the background image. However, you can disable this feature if you prefer to use a different color.

3. Lock screen

Here you can customize the appearance of your lock screen. Just like the desktop background, you can use default images or set a custom image.

4. Themes

If you used themes on earlier Windows versions, you can view and select them here. However, Microsoft currently has no plans to release new themes for Windows 10.

5. Start

Here you can configure some settings for the Start menu.

6. Review

Click Browse to choose a background image from your computer for your desktop.

To change the font size:

If you have trouble seeing text on your screen, you can increase the font size. Increasing the font size will also increase the size of icons and other elements on your desktop.

To configure ClearType settings:

ClearType technology allows you to customize the display of text on the screen, which will help improve readability.

The desktop background does not have to be one color at all; you can use pictures as a background. Select link Change desktop background(Change the desktop background) in the control panel to open the settings dialog (Fig. 16.8).

Rice. 16.8.

You can change the desktop background by defining a background image, or by defining a special pattern that will fill the desktop. The background image is graphic file, displayed on the desktop surface as its background. You can use ready-made drawings or create your own. The pictures that come with Windows are selected from a list. If you want to use your own drawing, use the button Review(Browse) to indicate where it is located.

If the size of the picture differs from the size of the desktop, then in the drop-down list Display(Position) you can choose an option to solve this problem. You can display the design in the center, stretch it to fill the entire screen, or multiply it by covering the desktop with a repeating pattern. You can also choose background color desktop by selecting it in the corresponding list.

Click the button Customize your desktop(Customize Desktop) to open the dialog additional settings desktop parameters (Fig. 16.9). Using the tab Are common(Common) of this dialog, you can change the image of some required icons located on the desktop, and even remove icons from the screen altogether. By checking and unchecking the checkboxes at the top of the dialog, you place and remove corresponding icons on the desktop. By selecting the design of one of the icons and clicking on it, you can change it. To do this, click the button Change icon(Change Icon) and select a new icon in the dialog that appears. The lower part of the dialog is intended for configuring the Desktop Cleanup Wizard. If you check the box below, a wizard will be launched once every sixty days to clean your desktop of debris. All icons that you have not used for a long time will be moved to a special folder, the icon of which will appear on the desktop. To start cleaning immediately, click the button Clear now(Clean Desktop Now). Using this procedure, you can clean up your computer desktop by hiding unnecessary icons.

Rice. 16.9.

The second tab of the dialog allows you to select a Web page on the Internet as your desktop, local network or on your computer. After completing the settings, press the button OK, to close the dialog. Also click the button OK, to close the settings dialog and return to selecting a task in the control panel.

Select link Select screensaver(Choose Screen Saver) in the control panel. A settings dialog will appear, opened on the screensaver settings tab, often called a screensaver, from the English word Screen Saver (Fig. 16.10). As you can see, you could go to this tab without exiting the setup program. The screensaver is an image that appears on the screen when you have not been using your computer for a while, but it is not turned off. This dialog allows you to configure the appearance of the screensaver. You can select a dynamic image from the list and set time intervals after which the screensaver will be turned on. The screensaver view can be seen in the area preview, and if you want to watch the screensaver enlarged to fill the entire screen, use the button View(View). The screensaver will disappear when you begin to operate the computer, for example, by moving the mouse or pressing a keyboard key. You can set a password so that only you can remove the screen saver from the screen. In addition to the screensaver settings, this tab allows you to configure the monitor’s energy-saving functions.

Rice. 16.10.

Interesting Windows capability XP is to use pictures stored in a folder as screensavers My drawings(My Pictures). On the list Screensaver(Screen Saver) an element appears indicating a slide show from this folder. You can put it in a folder My drawings(My Pictures) any of your images. When you select a slide show from the list of screensavers, the pictures will be displayed sequentially on the screen.

You can configure the display duration and other parameters by clicking the button Settings(Settings). Click on the shortcut Decor(Appearance) to display the corresponding tab of the settings dialog (Fig. 16.11). You have the opportunity to customize the appearance, color and size of fonts for window titles and menu command names. But setting up all the design elements is a rather labor-intensive task.

Rice. 16.11.

To make customization easier, the concept of a design scheme is introduced and there are a number of pre-configured schemes. You can choose a ready-made design scheme, or you can create it yourself. In addition, you can modify an existing circuit. To save the design scheme, use the button Save as(Save As). The view of the diagram can be viewed in the preview field, which is a picture of a set of windows with all the attributes, so that when they change, you can quickly observe these changes. After completing the settings, press the button OK, to close the dialog and return to selecting a task in the control panel.

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