How to put a password on a flash drive: the simplest solutions. How to password protect a flash drive: ways to solve the problem How to protect data on a flash drive

A flash drive is a very strange object: here it is, but suddenly it’s gone... Like any small things, USB flash drives are easily lost. Along with them, information leaks out that may not be intended for prying eyes and ears. To prevent your files from being opened by strangers, protect them with a password, or even better, encrypt them.

You can put a password on the flash drive different ways- both using specialized software and Windows tools without third party programs. Let's consider both.

On many computers running Windows control There is a WinRAR archiver, and it has a function for setting a password for the archive. If packing and unpacking files on a portable drive doesn’t take too much time, you won’t find a more convenient way.

To set a password for WinRAR archive, do the following:

  • Connect the flash drive to the USB port of your PC and open the “Computer” folder.
  • Right-click the context menu of the flash drive and select the “Add to archive” option, marked with the WinRAR icon.

  • On the General tab, click the Set password button.

  • Enter the code word in the marked field and click OK. Optionally, check the “show password” and “encrypt file names” checkboxes.

After this, all your data will be moved to the archive, and each time you open it you will have to enter a password. You can access the contents of the drive on any machine where the archiver program is installed. By the way, not only WinRAR, but also any other with similar functions. For example, 7-zip.

The advantages of using WinRAR to protect removable media are not only its simplicity and widespread use, but also the fact that it can be used to set a password on a separate folder or file. The disadvantage is that the archiving method is convenient only if there is a small amount of information on a removable disk, otherwise the process of unpacking and packing will be too long.

BitLocker Windows

BitLocker encryption is designed to protect information stored on desktop and portable drives of Windows computers, and is part of the operating system. The technology is very reliable and easy for the user, but is not implemented in all, but only in server, professional, corporate and maximum editions of the system. And this is perhaps its most significant drawback. On a PC where, for example, Windows Home, there is no way to open an encrypted disk. And the funds for separate installation Microsoft does not offer Bitlocker for home OSes.

Using BitLocker to protect flash drives is justified only if you are going to work with them on machines with the above-mentioned versions of Windows, as well as under Linux and Mac OS X. For two latest systems There is a utility developed by enthusiasts that allows you to open and view encrypted drives, but does not allow you to encrypt them.

How to protect a USB device with BitLocker:

  • Connect the USB flash drive to your PC and open the list of drives in Windows Explorer (go to the “Computer” folder).
  • Open the context menu of the flash drive and select the “Enable BitLocker” option.

  • The first thing the system will offer you is to choose a method for unlocking the media. For home users, the only suitable option is a password. Enter it in the field provided, repeat and click Next.

  • Next, determine how it is more convenient for you to store the recovery key, which you will need to access data in case you lose your password.

  • Next, specify which part of the drive should be encrypted.

  • The last step is to confirm your intention - click “Start encryption”.

The encryption operation will last several minutes, after which the contents of the flash drive will be accessible only with a password. Every new item you save on it will also be automatically encrypted.

Strengths BitLocker is a very hack-resistant algorithm, no need to install third-party software, and ease of use. Disadvantages are the inability to encrypt a single file or folder of the user’s choosing (only a partition or the entire drive) and a limited scope of use.

CyberSafe Top Secret

The CyberSafe Top Secret application, according to experts, is one of the best means encryption of data on stationary and portable storage devices. Available in several versions - from free to expensive corporate ones. For personal use, in particular, encrypting flash drives, the free version or one of the inexpensive paid ones with an expanded set of functions is sufficient.

CyberSafe Top Secret Free allows you to encrypt files, containers, disk partitions and removable media using the DES algorithm with a 64-bit key length (password length limit is 4 characters). Paid versions use more robust algorithms - AES-256 and BlowFish-448, and also support digital signatures, allow you to hide files and folders, compress data to save space, etc. A full list of capabilities of different versions of the utility can be found on the official website.

To protect information on a flash drive with CyberSafe Top Secret, just move your fingers a little:

  • Open the flash drive in the application as a disk partition: in the left panel, select “Encrypt disk”, select the desired media and click “Create”.

  • Next we set the encryption algorithm and password; determine whether to save or not file system(if not, the drive will be formatted); we indicate which area should be encrypted - only the occupied space or all available space. After clicking “Accept”, the program will begin the encryption process.

You can only open an encrypted flash drive on a computer where CyberSafe Top Secret is installed. Other PCs will see it as media with an unknown file system.

To get rid of encryption, just format the flash drive in any program.

The advantages of CyberSafe Top Secret are power, functionality, free, the ability to encrypt individual folders and files, and no disk space limitations. The disadvantage is the inability to use a flash drive on a PC that does not have this program.

USB Safeguard

The free version of the USB Safeguard utility allows you to protect flash drives with a capacity of up to 4 GB. Unlike CyberSafe Top Secret, it does not need to be installed on your computer. You need to run it directly from the device that it will “protect.”

USB Safeguard does not have a Russian-language interface, but it is very easy to use:

  • Copy the utility to removable media and launch it by double-clicking. Administrator rights are not needed - the program will work even on machines where you do not have administrative rights.
  • After the first launch, USB Safeguard may prompt you to format the flash drive. If you refuse, protection will be impossible, since the utility only supports file NTFS system.
  • After formatting and restarting USB Safeguard, a window will open asking you to set a password to access the drive files. In the “New password” field, enter the code word, in the “Confirm” field - repeat it, in the “Hint” - specify a reminder hint.

Now the utility will ask for a password every time you connect a flash drive to your PC.

The advantages of USB Safeguard are that there is no need for installation and the ability to open a protected flash drive on any computer. Disadvantages - the device capacity is limited to four gigabytes and only supports the NTFS file system.


The operating principle of the Lockngo utility is reminiscent of USB Safeguard, however, it has no restrictions on disk space and has a Russian language. You can use it to protect any portable drives, and not only those with a USB interface.

The program is focused on Windows users and Mac - supports file systems of both OSes. Available in versions compatible with Windows only, Mac only, or both. It has the functions of hiding files on protected media, blocking access to it with one click, automatic blocking when the user is inactive, encrypting data in a private directory (uses the AES-256 algorithm), launching the selected program after unlocking.

Lockngo is a paid but very affordable utility. The price of one license, depending on the version, is 200-500 rubles.

How to use Lockngo:

  • Transfer the downloaded Lockngo.exe file to the USB flash drive and run it. Enter the unlock password and its confirmation in the specified fields. After clicking OK, the program will lock the drive.

  • To resume access to data, enter the same password in the form.

Lockngo's strengths are simplicity, functionality, fast and effective work. There is, perhaps, only one drawback - the lack of opportunity to test it before purchasing (the developer does not release trial versions). But overall, the program is very good, and you really don’t mind paying some 200 rubles for it.

A flash drive is a convenient way to store information. The flash drive stores gigabytes of information: personal photos and videos, work data, useful utilities. But there is one drawback: a flash drive the size of a lighter is easy to lose. To prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands and being used by criminals, it is necessary to ensure the protection of personal data.

Setting access to information using a password

Reliable protection is installed on a USB flash drive in two ways. The first option is to use the built-in Bitlocker program. It is available to operating room users Windows systems 7, 8. In the Bitlocker application, the developers used a simple interface. The program encrypts information on a logical drive or flash drive. You can't set a password for an individual folder using Bitlocker.

The second method: use third-party programs to protect personal files. There is a lot of such software. A set of program capabilities will help limit access to both the media and a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive.

Protecting a flash drive in Windows

If on personal Windows computer 7 editions Ultimate, Enterprise or Windows 8 and higher, then the built-in application for data encryption Bitlocker is available to the user. By following simple steps, we will get password-protected access to the data drive.

Step-by-step instructions for protecting information on a flash drive:

  1. We connect the flash drive to the computer.
  2. Open the “My Computer” folder and click right click by the flash drive icon.
  3. Select Bitlocker in context menu.
  4. In the new window, check the box “Use a password to unlock the flash drive.” We come up with a strong password and enter it in the window provided. Click the “Next” button.
  5. In the next step, Bitlocker offers to create a special key. It will help restore access to information if the user suddenly forgets the password he created. This key is printed on a printer or saved on local disk. The decision is up to the user.
  6. We choose which part of the drive will be protected. If the data is very important, then it is better to choose the full encryption option.
  7. We wait for the end of encryption of information and click the “Close” button.
  8. Checking the security installation. We take out and reinsert the flash drive. In the “My Computer” folder, a “lock” icon should appear next to the flash drive icon. It means that protection is installed and access to data is only with a password.

This is what a local disk protected by bitlocker looks like

Free data protection programs

Available to users via the Internet software products. They will help protect personal data. Three popular freeware programs are described below.


The TrueCrypt program ranks first in popularity among users. She's reliable. The complex interface is the main drawback of the program. To understand the intricacies of TrueCrypt, you will have to spend time. The program can encrypt a separate folder on a flash drive or an entire logical drive.

Rohos Mini Drive

The developers of Rohos Mini Drive sought to create functional application small in size, and they succeeded. The free version of the program does not require administrator rights, but is not capable of encrypting a flash drive with a capacity larger than 2 Gb. Rohos Mini Drive creates a secret sector up to 2 gigabytes in size (i.e., for example, a 16 GB flash drive is enough for you). To access the information posted there, a password is required. The program uses a strong AES encryption algorithm with a 256-bit key.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – symmetric block encryption algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits). The United States government has adopted it as an encryption standard.


MyFolder helps you protect your folder on your local drive or USB drive with a clear menu. To open such a folder, you must enter a password. MyFolder encrypts at high speed, but uses the weak Blowfish algorithm. Also, the program does not work under a 64-bit operating system.

Blowfish is a cryptographic algorithm that implements block symmetric encryption with a variable key length. Developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Setting a password for a separate folder

In some cases, it becomes necessary to set a password for a folder with files on a flash drive. Help you protect your personal information quickly and easily special programs.

One of them is Anvide Lock Folder. The software has the following advantages:

After downloading, Anvide Lock Folder is ready to use. The interface is simple and clear. In the program window, specify a folder on a flash drive or personal computer and press the button with a closed lock icon. Enter the password, and the folder is password-protected. It can be accessed through the program. Anvide Lock Folder itself can be protected with an additional password.

Setting a password on a flash drive without a program

Manufacturers of Flash drives offer the use of hardware information protection. To use data encryption from the manufacturer, you must activate it the first time you use it. A password is set on the flash drive. It must contain letters, numbers and special characters.

USB Flash drive in the form of a keychain from Toshiba aluminum housing with password entry buttons

A password longer than 8 characters is considered good. It should not be forgotten. It is impossible to restore access or change the secret word in 99% of cases. Without a secret word, it will not be possible to format a flash drive.

Ways to restore access to a flash drive

What to do if you forgot your password? There are hundreds of programs on the Internet that shout about their capabilities, but their effectiveness is questionable. The second option: look for a neighbor hacker who can remove or crack the password. Remember: using special software is fraught with unpredictable consequences. On Personal Computer viruses can get in malware. Therefore, it is better to come up with a good password that will not be forgotten, or never use a password.

Users often use a storage device in the form of a card MicroSD memory. They are used in mobile phones, tablets and cameras. MicroSD is often protected with a password. It is installed through the menu electronic gadget. When you reinsert the memory card into another phone or camera, you will need a password. If you forget it, then it is impossible to restore access to the flash drive without losing data on the MicroSD.

The online store sells a device for resetting a password on a MicroSD memory card

Nowadays, online stores sell devices called unlockers. They cost about $10–20. Using an unlocker, the protection is removed and the memory card is formatted. The data will be lost forever, but the MicroSD will remain at the owner's disposal. If you do not want to buy a device, then contact a specialized service. Unlocking services are offered by repair companies Cell phones and computers.

Keep personal files locked. This also applies to data recorded on a USB flash drive. It is especially easy to lose a micro SD flash drive due to its small size.

Summarize. Choose security password. Remember the secret word. Having memory problems? Then it’s better not to set a password. There will be considerable pain in restoring access; it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the password yourself without losing data, and the results of using cracking programs are not always positive.

A flash drive is a useful and in many situations irreplaceable thing. After all, on it we store gigabytes and even terabytes of a wide variety of data - photos, videos, documents, copies of them, all useful software, and much more. etc. Moreover, most of what is usually contained on the medium is personal and confidential information. Therefore, many users set passwords on removable drives for protection. This can be done in different ways. Do you want to know how to protect a flash drive and everything stored on it from unauthorized persons? Then enjoy reading!

On OS Windows Vista, 7 and 8 (though not on all versions - only on server, corporate, professional, etc.) are special application. It's called Bitlocker. This program is designed to encrypt data stored on hard drives and portable media. The utility is also suitable for setting a password and limiting access to the flash drive.

At the same time, Bitlocker encryption technology is quite reliable. The only caveat is that you cannot set a password for a separate folder or file. Only for the entire disk.

How to protect a USB device using Bitlocker? It is enough to do the following:

After all the described manipulations, the flash drive will become protected. You can access it only after entering the correct password.

Using WinRAR archiver

There is another fairly simple way to password protect data on a flash drive. Moreover, all that is required is the usual WinRAR archiver, which is available on most computers.

How can you use this program to encrypt access to the media? It's simple. WinRAR has a password setting feature. The user is only required to do the following:

  1. We connect the flash drive to the PC or laptop.
  2. Go to the “My Computer” folder (for Windows 8 and 10 – “This Computer”).
  3. Right-click on the media.
  4. In the context menu that appears, select “Add to archive”. It will probably be written in English. Then Add to archive.
  5. Next, go to the “General” or “Advanced” tab. Depending on the version of the archiver, in some of them there is a “Set password” button. You just need to click on it.
  6. Enter the password in the field marked in the screenshot. Confirm it by clicking OK.

After which all your data will be transferred to the archive on a flash drive. If you want to open it, you will have to enter the code word you set earlier. In this case, access to the contents of the drive can be obtained on any computer that has an archiver program. And not necessarily WinRAR. Any other one with similar functionality will do. The same 7-zip.

We use special software

Today, there are dozens of programs for setting a password on different media and disks. Naturally, such software can be used to put a password on a flash drive.

Among the most interesting such utilities:

  • USB Safeguard;
  • Lockngo;
  • CyberSafe Top Secret;
  • Rohos Mini Drive, etc.

Let's now briefly talk about each program.


Very convenient application. No installation required. There is a free version. But its functionality is limited. For example, you can only password protect a disk with a capacity of no more than 2 GB.

You can download the program on Mac, Linux and Windows. Very easy to use. Simply download the file usbsafeguard.exe and place it on a USB drive. Next, open it from the drive and enter a password.

The operating principle of this program is reminiscent of USB Safeguard. But it differs favorably in that there are no restrictions on disk space. In addition, a Russified menu is provided. With its help, you can protect any portable drives, not only with a USB interface, but also with a micro SD.

CyberSafe Top Secret

According to many users, this is one of the best encryption tools. The utility is available in different versions. There is a more simplified, professional, and corporate modification. For home use and regular password protection of a flash drive, the free version is sufficient.

There are several encryption algorithms available in CyberSafe Top Secret. At the same time, you can block access to individual files, as well as to containers, disk partitions and entire removable media. The menu is Russified. The interface is clear and simple. The only caveat is that you won’t be able to open the flash drive on a PC where this program is not installed.

Rohos Mini Drive

Another one quite convenient and free utility. Newbie users will definitely like it. True, it does not protect the entire disk, but only a specified part of it. AES encryption algorithm with a key length of 256 bit. Otherwise, in terms of functionality, Rohos Mini Drive is close to others similar programs, which were mentioned above.

We use drives with hardware protection

You can also find flash drives with hardware data protection on sale. They are suitable for those users who want to do without special programs, but at the same time want to be sure that no one else will gain access to their personal information stored on a removable drive.

On the body of such media there are buttons with which the user enters a password. Have you seen such devices? Then pay attention to Toshiba Encrypted USB Flash Drive. This is exactly a popular representative of flash drives with hardware protection.

By the way, using such drives is not difficult. Connect the device to the USB port, enter the combination on the keyboard, which is located on the socket of the flash drive itself. That's all!

What if…?

But what should the user do if he forgot the password for the flash drive? Is there any way to remove it and install a new one? This is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. After all, if the code word is lost, then the drive usually cannot be read or formatted. This is the whole point of encrypting portable media. So that if a flash drive is lost, the owner does not worry that someone will be able to access personal information stored on it.

But what if the password is hopelessly lost? You can seek help from specialists who know how to use hacking programs. But often even hackers are unable to restore access to files on protected media. In addition, using hacking programs can damage the drive and disable it.

If the flash drive is locked via Bitlocker, then, as a rule, in this case you can recover the password using a recovery key. Depending on what you choose, it may be stored in your account. Microsoft records, on a paper copy or as a separate file. Also, if the protection is installed through special programs, then it makes sense to try resetting the password. Some utilities provide a similar feature. But many don't.

So it's best to just be careful. That is, come up with a password that you definitely won’t forget.

There is no need to explain that personal data or files stored on USB drives should sometimes be kept under lock and key. In this regard, many users have a logical question about how to password-protect a flash drive, and in such a way that even an experienced hacker cannot get to the information. To perform such operations, there are several basic methods, which will be discussed further.

How to password protect a flash drive: main directions of action

As for blocking access to information on a USB drive, modern technologies Several main priorities can be identified. For example, you can set an access password to the device itself (hardware or software) or encrypt files.

Of course, if the user initially purchases a device that is already equipped with a special hardware protection system, you can immediately set an access code that will need to be entered when trying to view or open information. But such devices are not cheap, so further they will be considered exclusively software methods and allowing you to protect information on regular Flash drives.

Protection of office and other documents

The question of how to password protect a flash drive without programs (meaning specialized utilities), which interests most modern users, in the simplest case can be partially resolved by installing protection on office documents when saving them or on other files.

In the first case, when using applications like World or Excel, in the file menu when saving, you can use the service section, where you select the options menu, and then go to the security tab. Here you can enter a password, and then save the file on removable media or copy it there later.

In the case of operations with other files, the security issue is resolved using a small program Anvide Lock Folder, which can set passwords on separate files and folders. It is small in size and has a user-friendly interface, making it an ideal tool for all novice users.

Setting passwords for archives

An equally simple method in the question of how to password-protect a flash drive, which helps to obtain a partial solution to a more general problem, is storing data in a packaged archive form.

When creating them, any modern archiver allows you to set a security code or any other combination that will be required when trying to unpack the desired archive. Of course, the question of how to open a password-protected flash drive in this way can be solved quite simply (if you use password guessing utilities or view the contents of the archive in some editors). However, such actions are not considered for obvious reasons.

Using the BitLocker utility

Now let's move directly to the main problem of how to password-protect a flash drive (namely the device itself, and not the files on it). Holders Windows versions The seventh version, in particular the Enterprise and Ultimate modifications, or systems of a higher rank, was incredibly lucky. The operating system itself has a built-in tool called BitLocker.

To carry out the necessary actions, insert the flash drive into the appropriate port of the computer or laptop, then in Explorer, right-click on the device and select the BitLocker line. In the new window, check the box for using a password to unlock it and enter the combination you created. Next, the application will create a special key in case the user forgets his password, which can be saved on a hard drive or printed on a printer. After this, select the part that needs to be encrypted (it is better to use the full encryption method), and activate the start of the process. Upon completion in file manager An image of a lock will appear on the device.

A program to password protect a flash drive, Rohos Mini Drive

One of the most advanced utilities of this type is the Rohos Mini Drive program. The principle of its operation is that it does not encrypt the entire device, but rather creates a kind of secret section on it, in which the encrypted data will be located. Unfortunately, it also has some limitations due to the fact that a drive with a capacity of more than 2 GB cannot be encrypted, but it is possible to create a partition of such a volume.

Everything is simple here. We install and run the program, after which, with a flash drive inserted into the port, select the creation of an encrypted USB drive, then enter the password and indicate the size of the encrypted partition, after which we press the button to start the encryption process.

TrueCrypt, MyFolder and USB Safeguard applications

There are many more programs for protecting USB drives programmatically. For example, the USB Safeguard application is installed directly on the storage medium, but the free version has a capacity limit of 2 GB. Therefore, to fully encrypt devices with large volumes, you need to use a paid modification.

In addition, the utility is installed exclusively in the NTFS file system, so if the flash drive has FAT32, it will have to be reformatted (the program itself will inform you about the need for such actions).

The other two applications also look quite interesting, but TrueCrypt has a rather complex interface that an untrained user may not understand the first time, but it is stable and reliable in terms of encryption. The second utility is very simple, but it encrypts only individual objects and uses the Blowfish block encryption algorithm with a variable key length, which is questionable in terms of reliability.

Using passwords for removable memory cards on mobile devices

Finally, a few words about how to password-protect a flash drive on Android. There are several ways here. For example, you can use the methods described above when connecting an SD card to a computer.

However, such actions can also be performed through the menu themselves. mobile devices(In some Samsung models there is such a function, and you can find it through location and security in the personal data storage section, where the access combination is set). If, after encryption, the question arises of how to open a password-protected Micro-SD flash drive on another device, there will be nothing left but to enter the password, since the information on it simply will not be visible.

On the other hand, this feature is not available on all gadgets, so it is better to use third-party software. The crux of the matter here is that you won’t be able to open the device even if you have a valid password without installing a decryptor.

Password recovery

Finally, let’s look at another burning issue related to recovering passwords used to protect removable media. In the simplest case, in order to gain free access to the device, you can format it, but in this case all data will be lost. Naturally, if you use programs like R.Saver, you can restore information, but the process will take a long time.

To protect yourself from such situations, even if you lose your password, you can use recovery keys similar to those provided in the BitLocker program.

True, some repair shops mobile technology, offer such services, and use special devices called unlockers as tools. This is a device, not a program, and it costs about 10-20 US dollars. But, just like software interference, the use of unlockers is fraught with completely unpredictable consequences. By the way, using applications to select passwords and combinations is also not recommended.

The use of flash media for storing information is gaining increasing popularity, because they have a number of undeniable advantages over outdated CDs and DVD discs. The flash drive does not take up much space, is easy to use and has a fairly large amount of memory. That is why the question: how to put a password on a flash drive is relevant these days. After all, personal data may be stored on it, important documents and, in general, any other information that you would not want to show to other people.

In this article I will tell you how to put a password on a flash drive using the built-in BitLocker program, or using free program USB Safeguard.


You can set a password on a flash drive using the built-in Windows tools. The BitLocker program is used for this. Go to the “My Computer” folder and right-click on the flash drive on which we will set a password. Now in the context menu select the item "Enable BitLocker".

If you didn’t find this item in the context menu, it doesn’t matter. Go to “Start” - "Control Panel".

In the upper right corner, select “View” - “Category”. Then follow the link "System and safety".

In the next list, select the item "BitLocker Drive Encryption".

Select the disk partition that corresponds to the flash drive, I have it (G:), and click on the button opposite it "Enable BitLocker".

In the window that opens, put a tick next to the item "Use password to unlock disk". Next, enter the created password, the length of which must be at least 8 characters, otherwise the program will not allow you further, and click “Next”.

In the next window, the program offers to save the disk recovery key, this is in case you forget the password. Select an item "Save the recovery key to a file" and select a location on the computer where it will be stored. It’s better if this is the folder where people go least often. Click "Next".

Do not remove the flash drive during encryption. My 1GB flash drive was half full and took 3 minutes to encrypt. Therefore, if your flash drive is larger, be prepared that the process will take a little time.

Now, the flash drive is password protected. Every time you plug it into your computer, a golden padlock will appear next to the disk. We open the flash drive and see that the BitLocker program asks for a password. Enter it and click "Unblock". When the flash drive is unlocked, a silver padlock will appear in the My Computer folder next to it.

If you want to delete or change the password on a flash drive, right-click on it and select from the context menu "BitLocker Management". The following window appears in which you can perform several necessary actions.

USB Safeguard

The USB Safeguard program allows you to set a password on a flash drive. Its clear functionality is suitable for both advanced and novice users. You can download USB Safeguard from the official website: You will be offered two versions to download. The first one is free, suitable for those who have a flash drive up to 2 GB. The second one is paid and allows you to set a password on a flash drive whose volume does not exceed 16 terabytes.

I will install the first - free - version. I click on the “Download now” button and save the installation file.

Now copy the downloaded installation file to the root of the flash drive and run it from the flash drive. The installation of the program is carried out as usual: constantly click “Next”, then “Finish”. Considering that most flash drives are in FAT format, during the installation process the program will offer to format it in NTFS - we agree. Please note that formatting will delete all files from the flash drive, so it is better to copy everything to your computer in advance.

In the next window you need to enter the password for the flash drive. We come up with it, enter it, confirm, in the last field you can enter a hint, you will see it if you forget the password. Click "OK".

Now remove the flash drive and insert it back into the computer. Open it and run the file “USBSafeguard”.

That is, the program creates another protected one on the flash drive. virtual disk Z:. The capacity of this disk is the same as the capacity of a flash drive. When writing a file to the Z: drive, the space on the flash drive will also decrease.

Files that you do not want to protect access to, simply copy directly to the flash drive: in my case it is the G: drive. If you want the file to be protected, copy it to the Z: drive.

Thus, when you connect the flash drive to your computer, you will have access to open files on her. But to open password-protected files, you will need to run USB program Safeguard and enter your password. Only after this you will have access to the protected Z: drive.

Now you can put a password on the flash drive. Just choose one of the described methods and I’m sure everything will work out and your personal files and documents will be protected.

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