How to enable safe mode in Windows 10. Enter “Safe Mode” through the BIOS. What is safe mode and why is it needed?

Safe mode-mode Windows operation with a minimum number of services and applications running. This mode is usually used when there are problems with normal operation, for example due to virus infection or correct operation drivers or programs. In this article I will show several ways how to downloadWindows10 in safe mode.

4 ways to get to safety Windows mode 10:

Entering safe mode through "System Configuration".

To do this method, you need to press the key combination “Win” + “R”, in the Run line that opens, enter the command msconfig and press Enter.

In the "System Configuration" window, open the "Boot" menu and check the "Safe Mode" checkbox. Click the "OK" button.

In the window that appears, click "Restart".

After rebooting, your computer/laptop will boot into safe mode.

To return to normal mode, follow a similar procedure, with the only difference - uncheck the "Safe Mode" checkbox.

Boot into Windows 10 safe mode by holding down the "Shift" key.

To use this method, you need to click the "Start" button, select "Shut down", hold down the "Shift" key and click the "Restart" button.

The computer/laptop will reboot and a window will open asking you to select an action, select “Diagnostics”.

After that select " Extra options".

Then select "Boot Options"

Click the "Restart" button.

The computer/laptop will reboot and offer you several boot modes, you need to press the "F4" key to select safe mode.

This way you will boot into Safe Mode.

Boot Windows 10 in safe mode using command line .

For this method, open the command prompt as an administrator, to do this, click right click Click on the Start button and select "Command Prompt (Admin)".

In the command line window that opens, enter the command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy and press Enter.

After this, restart your computer/laptop and press the F8 key while it boots. As a result, you will see a menu in which you need to select “Safe Mode”.

Now you can always boot into safe mode Windows10 using the F8 key when loading the operating system.

Get into safe mode using an emergency shutdown of your computer/laptop.

I would like to point out right away that this method It is not for nothing that it is the last one, since it is very unsafe and should be used only in extreme cases.

The essence of this method is simple, you need to turn off the computer/laptop using the power button. To do this, press and hold the power button for several seconds. Your computer/laptop will turn off. The next time you turn on the Recovery window will appear, click "Advanced recovery options".

After this, you need to follow the steps described in the second method.

Being special kind computer diagnostics, safe mode involves starting the operating system with the exclusion of virtually all unnecessary components. This mode It is very common during the process of restoring the functionality of a user’s computer after the occurrence of certain breakdowns and malfunctions of various types. Problems with the system occur quite often, so proper knowledge of the procedure for starting safe mode will be a significant advantage for the computer owner.

How to start Windows 7 safe mode

There are two commonly used options for opening safe mode in Windows 7. The first involves logging in during system startup, the second is enabled while it is running. The first option will work even in cases of serious computer malfunctions, because there is no need to fully load the OS, the user enters safe mode and carries out the required repair and recovery operations. A prerequisite for the second option is that the OS will be running and active, so this method is not applicable in all situations. Let’s look at how to start Windows 7 safe mode:

  • When the computer is turned on, you should restart it (if the PC is turned off, you need to turn it on).
  • Before the operating system starts, data about BIOS version, it is at this moment that you need to press the F8 key several times (pressing more than two or three times is recommended).
  • A screen will open with a window for selecting additional OS boot options.
  • Using the arrow keys, select the “Safe Mode” section and press the “Enter” button.

When, instead of a special window with a choice of system startup options, the message “Windows 7” appears, indicating a normal OS boot, the user should try to enter security mode again. It should be noted that the F1-F12 keys may have been disabled previously, in which case the F8 button should be pressed while holding the Fn key (often happens on laptops).

Consider the option of launching during the active OS environment:

With the OS running, press the key combination “Win+R” and enter the query “msconfig”.

The above settings will present the user with an interface in which it will be prompted to restart the PC. The computer owner can enter safe mode by clicking “Restart”. If you select “Exit without rebooting,” the required mode will be entered after turning off/on the PC or after its first restart.

1. Features of Windows 10, how to enter safe mode?

The innovative modification of Windows 10 did not include the outdated method of opening safe mode by using the F8 key. There are three ways to activate it, the first pair of which are used during OS boot. The latter option involves the system refusing to start in the user’s usual operating mode.

Starting safe mode using the "msconfig" configuration:

Safe mode can also be started using the command line:

If your PC refuses to boot, you can activate safe mode as follows:

  • You must have a boot disk or flash drive with Windows 10.
  • Download from of this disk or flash drives, select the required interface language and other parameters.
  • In the window that appears, which will prompt you to install the OS, you need to press the “System Restore” button located at the bottom of the window.
  • Go to the “Diagnostics” section and in the “Advanced options” subsection, launch the command line.
  • In the window that opens, enter “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true.”
  • Wait for a message that the operation was successful and deactivate the command line, then click “Continue”.
  • After restarting the PC, a menu with available operating modes will be displayed, select “Safe Mode”. (It can be disabled using the command “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions”).

2. Windows 8, how to enter safe mode in order to correctly troubleshoot problems?

The specifics of the Windows 8 interface suggest that the method of launching safe mode is not the most familiar compared to other systems. Let's look at the main options for entering this mode.

The first option is to enter using the F8 button.

However, this method may not work on all modifications of computers; its sequence is as follows:

How to start Windows 8 safe mode by changing boot options?

The method is considered quite effective; the following series of actions are used to implement it:

  • Press the “Win+R” key combination and enter the “msconfig” command.
  • Go to the section called "Download". In the “Boot Options” item, check the box next to “Safe Mode”.
  • Place the selector next to the “Minimum” entry, and then click “OK.”
  • A window opens in which the user needs to confirm restarting the OS.
  • After rebooting, Safe Mode will become active. After solving and troubleshooting, it is important to uncheck the previously selected “Safe Mode” option in the boot settings.

Another common way to activate Safe Mode in Windows 8 involves the following steps:

Using bootable media.

Of course, including the possibility of a complete failure of the operating system, there is the option of entering safe mode using boot disk or flash drives:

  • Insert bootable USB flash drive in the PC and launch from it.
  • Select date, time and other parameters.
  • In the installation window that appears, click on “System Restore”.
  • Go to “Diagnostics” and select the section called “Advanced Settings”.
  • In the “Command Prompt” section, enter the task “bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true”, then press “Enter”.
  • Close the Command Prompt, and then click Continue.
  • After rebooting the OS, press the F4 button in the window that opens.
  • Login in safe mode. To prevent the window with possible system startup options from appearing after each subsequent shutdown/on or restart of the PC, you must enter the following into the command line: “bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions.”

3. How to enter safe mode in Windows XP?

Considering the version of Windows XP, which is outdated but still relevant for many users, let’s consider the process of launching safe mode on it:

How to start Windows XP safe mode from the system? In some cases, this option may be an alternative to the above. Consider the sequence:

In Windows 7, there are two ways to get into safe mode:
1) Entering Windows 7 safe mode at system startup.
2) Enter Safe Mode from Windows environment 7 (from a running OS by changing the boot in System Configuration).

Entering Windows7 safe mode at system startup.

Turn on the computer and while the system is loading, press the F8 key several times; if the welcome window appears (Windows 7 logo), it means you did not have time to press the F8 key, in this case you need to wait for the system to boot and turn off the computer again and when loading, press again F8 key. When trying to get into safe mode, you need to consider:
- On some keyboards function keys F1 – F12 are always disabled by default. To turn them on, you need to press special key(usually Fn) and while holding it press the F8 key.
- If your computer has two or more operating systems, use the arrow keys to select the one you want, and then press Enter.
- To use the arrow keys on numeric keypad Num Lock mode must be disabled.
In the window Additional download options select " Safe mode" and press the key " Enter».

After a few seconds, the system will boot into safe mode.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows 7.

Press the button " Start" and write in the search bar msconfig and press the " Enter»

In the window that opens system configuration, go to the “” tab and check the “ Safe mode" and select " Minimum».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimum- Loading GUI Windows OS user ( Windows Explorer) in safe mode with only the most important running system services. Network components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Another Shell- Loading command Windows strings in safe mode with only the most important system services running. Network components and GUI are disabled.
Safe Mode: Active Directory Restore - Loading GUI Windows user in safe mode, running only the most important system services and the Active Directory directory service.
Safe Mode: Network- Boots the Windows GUI in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Network components are enabled.
Without GUI - While loading Windows screen no greeting is displayed.
Download log - All information regarding the boot process is saved in the file %SystemRoot%Ntbtlog.txt.
Basic video- Boots Windows GUI in minimal VGA mode. This mode loads standard VGA drivers instead of display drivers that match the computer's video hardware.
OS information - Displays the names of loaded drivers during system boot.
Make these boot options permanent - Changes made to system settings are not tracked. You can change the settings later using System Setup, but only manually. If this option is selected, you will not be able to roll back changes by selecting Normal Startup on the General tab.

After this, you will be prompted to restart your computer to enter Windows 7 safe mode. If you want to boot into safe mode now, click "", if you want to do this later, select " Exit without reboot"And the next time you reboot or turn on your computer/laptop, automatically boot into safe mode.

At next boot Windows7, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

In order not to boot into safe mode, you need to go into the system configuration again and uncheck the previously checked boxes.

If you experience a significant computer problem, you may need to log in through Safe Mode. If launched correctly, this function will make it possible to boot the PC with a set of basic drivers - mouse, monitor, keyboard, video adapter, disks. Also included standard services that help to function system support. Using this method, as a rule, it is possible to eliminate most failures associated with computer work. Find out how to carry out this procedure correctly.

What is Windows Safe Mode

Safe Mode is diagnostic in nature and helps identify problems with device drivers. If problems occur when starting your PC normally, you should try turning it on with a basic set of services. If the device operates normally with these parameters, the essence of the failure should be sought in the recently appeared additional elements. Such Windows download allows you to delete software that interfere with the adequate functioning of a laptop or desktop PC.

If the computer immediately turns on in safe mode, then there is a problem that is preventing the operating system from starting. Typically, this is affected by the programs you have installed recently. To fix the problem, you can use the “System Restore” function, which you will find in the “Start” tab, “Control Panel”.

How to boot Windows 7 in safe mode: instructions

There are two methods for launching in safe mode; they differ fundamentally from one another. In the first option, the procedure occurs at boot, and Windows installed the seven does not start, so you can easily make changes to the operation of the devices. In the second case, the inclusion of a basic set of services occurs from the OS environment, which imposes some restrictions and will not make it possible to fully carry out repair procedures. However, both of these methods can solve some problems that arise during operation. Read more about them further.

Entering Windows 7 safe mode when starting the OS

If you encounter problems with the functioning of your PC, you need to know how to enter Windows 7 safe mode. If the device is turned on, click the “Restart” button in the “Start” tab. You need to switch to the special mode when the computer is turned off. Before the icon appears indicating that Windows is starting, you must click the F8 key several times. Try not to miss the moment, otherwise the OS will start and you will have to reboot the device again. A window should appear on the screen with the following connection parameters:

  • Safe mode. With it, you can launch using a set of standard driver programs. Only those services that are needed to start and operate the computer are enabled.
  • With loading network drivers. You will need to select this method if you want to use the Internet or connect via local network.
  • With command line support. The normal desktop interface will not launch. Selecting this option will result in a command prompt appearing instead.

In addition to the tabs described above, you will see other options. For example, enabling boot logging creates special file, which records all the drivers that are in Autorun. This helps to detect broken program. Launching VGA will help you set your monitor's ideal resolution. Selecting the Last Known Good Configuration will allow you to restore Windows with the settings that were in place when booting properly. The remaining options (directory service restore, defer) are intended for IT specialists.

Use the arrow keys to select the tab that best suits the task at hand. Once the selection is made, press the Enter button on your keyboard. Then you can log into Windows and figure out the causes of the problems. Using this method, you will be able to restore the system by rolling back to the moment when the device worked normally, remove virus programs, broken drivers and much more.

Possible problems when turned on:

  • A window will open indicating turn on Windows. This can happen if you press F8 too slowly or not enough times. Repeat the procedure by restarting your computer.
  • Buttons F1 to F12 are disabled. If this happens, you need to know which key turns them on. Hold down the Fn button, and then press F8, and the device will boot.

How to get into safe mode from the OS environment

In some cases, system logon may be accomplished using a minimal number of services from the operating system environment. This method can help in solving many problems, although it is less popular. If failures windows work too serious, enabling it from the OS may not bring the desired results. How to get into the mode you need (safe) using operating system:

  • Find the Win key on your keyboard (it may have a Windows icon that appears when you turn it on). Hold it together with the R button.
  • will appear command line. Enter the following letters there without the quotes "k". Press the "OK" key.
  • This way you can open the settings window. Among the tabs, open the section called "downloads".
  • Select your operating system. As a rule, most computers have one OS - in your case, Windows 7, loaded by default.

  • Below you will see a section called “Boot Options”. Select “Safe Mode”, check the box next to the “Minimal” value.
  • Click "Apply", then "OK".
  • Next, a small window will appear where you will see two tabs “Reboot” and “Exit without reboot”. If you want to restart your computer now, select the first option. In the second case, the next time you turn on the PC, the device will launch a basic set of programs.

What to do if safe mode does not start on your laptop

On some laptop models, a problem occurs that prevents the device from turning on with a minimum set of services. Then, after several presses of F8, the window in which you can select such a function does not appear, and the operating system begins to start. This may be due to the default key combination, which involves simultaneously pressing the Fn + F8 button. If this option does not work, the problem may be due to a broken keyboard.

When the operating system boots normally, you can enable the minimum set of services necessary for operation using the command line:

  1. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R”, enter the combination of letters “msconfig” without quotes. Click OK.
  2. Next, you can go to the tab where you need to select “Download” and mark the desired OS.
  3. In the Boot Options section below, find Safe Mode and select Minimal. Finally, click “Apply”, “Ok”.
  4. Select “Reboot” or “Exit without reboot” if you need to start with a minimal set of programs later.

Video: how to enable safe mode on windows 7

If you have never entered safe mode using an operating system, then the first time you may not understand how to do this according to the instructions. Explore below step by step video experienced user A PC that will help you solve this issue and resolve the problem. The presenter of the video tells you in a few minutes how to enable the basic software set without effort. The method is simple, even those people who have never encountered such a problem can cope with it. Look step-by-step video instructions:


Very often it is necessary to boot a computer with a minimum set of drivers and programs (this mode, by the way, is called safe mode): for example, in case of some critical error, when removing viruses, when drivers fail, etc.

In this article we will look at how to enter safe mode, and also look at the operation of such a mode with command line support. First, let's look at starting the PC in safe mode in Windows XP and 7, and then in the newfangled Windows 8 and 10.

1) Entering safe mode in Windows XP, 7

1. The first thing you do is restart your computer (or turn it on).

2. You can immediately start pressing the F8 button until you see the Windows boot menu - see fig. 1.

By the way! To enter safe mode without pressing the F8 button, you can restart the PC using the button on system unit. While Windows is loading (see Fig. 6), press the “RESET” button (if you have a laptop, you need to hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds). When you restart your computer, you will see the Safe Mode menu. It is not recommended to use this method, but if you have problems with the F8 button, you can try...

4. Wait until Windows boots

By the way! The OS will start in a form that is unusual for you. Most likely, the screen resolution will be lower, some settings, some programs, and effects will not work. In this mode, conflicting drivers, etc. are usually removed until they are operational.

2) Safe mode with command line support (Windows 7)

1. In the Windows OS boot selection menu, select this mode (to see this menu appear, press F8 when loading Windows, or when loading Windows, simply press the RESET button on the system unit - then after rebooting Windows will show a window like in Figure 3).

Rice. 3. Windows Recovery after an error. Selecting a download option...

2. After Windows boots, the command line will be launched. Enter “explorer" (without quotes) and press ENTER (See Fig. 4).

3. If you did everything correctly, you will see the usual “start” menu and explorer.

Rice. 5. Windows 7 - safe mode with command line support.

3) How to enter safe mode in Windows 8 (8.1)

There are several ways to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Method No. 1

First, press the WIN+R key combination and enter the msconfig command (without quotes, etc.), then press ENTER (see Fig. 6).

Method No. 2

Hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and restart the computer through the standard Windows 8 interface (see Fig. 8).

A blue window with a choice of action should appear (as in Fig. 9). Select the diagnostics section.

Then go to the section with additional parameters.

After rebooting, Windows will show a window with several boot options (see Figure 12). Actually, all you have to do is click the desired button on keyboard - for safe mode this button is F4.

How else can you enter safe mode in Windows 8:

1. Using the F8 and SHIFT+F8 buttons (however, as a result fast loading Windows 8 - this is not always possible). Therefore, this method does not work for most...

2. In the most extreme cases, you can turn off the computer's power (i.e., make an emergency shutdown). True, this method can lead to a whole bunch of problems...

4) How to start safe mode in Windows 10

(Updated 08/08/2015)

Windows 10 was released relatively recently (07/29/2015) and I thought that such an addition to this article would be relevant. Let's look at entering safe mode step by step.

1. First you need to hold down the SHIFT key, then open the START/Shutdown/Reboot menu (see Fig. 13).

2. If the SHIFT key was held down, the computer will not reboot, but will show you a menu in which we select diagnostics (see Fig. 14).

Rice. 16. Windows 10 Boot Options

5. And the last thing - just press the reboot button. After restarting the PC, Windows will offer several boot options to choose from, all that remains is to select safe mode.

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