Educational portal. Research activities of children in preschools Search activities in preschools

In the course of reforming the education system, much attention is currently paid to the implementation of the The essence is that the child is a full-fledged, active participant in the educational process.

When introducing a preschooler to the world around him, research activities and activity come to the fore. Curiosity and the desire to learn are placed at the forefront when implementing preschool education programs. In conditions of a huge information flow, the availability of all kinds of resources and the ease of finding a solution to any problem, a child should want to learn new things.

Preschoolers are the natural state of children. Remember yourself as a child - perhaps someone took apart their parent's watch, trying to understand the essence of the mechanism. A little explorer with a screwdriver in his hands is a natural and normal phenomenon for children of both school and kindergarten age.

Creates conditions for mental development, then smoothly transitioning into self-development. An experienced teacher knows and understands that this process should not be interfered with; it is enough to just direct it in the right direction.

Many domestic psychologists are inclined to think that research activity is the highest form of development of cognitive activity, when a child does not chaotically try to understand how things work, but purposefully, trying to plan the result, goes towards his intended goal.

The structure of search activity is presented as follows:

A task handed over from an adult or put forward by the children themselves that requires a solution;

Analysis of conditions conducive to solving the task (this operation can be performed by children either independently or with the help of an adult);

Proposing hypotheses about the occurrence of the problem and ways to solve it;

The choice of verification methods and the actual verification of methods for solving the problem;

Conclusions, results, analysis;

New tasks and their discussion.

Research activities are carried out according to the following algorithm:

Formulating the problem;

Defining the topic, setting goals and objectives;

Proposing a hypothesis;

Development of an action plan;

Directly conducting an experiment to confirm or refute the hypothesis;

Analysis of implemented activities, conclusions, further development of ways to solve the problem.

The research activities of schoolchildren and preschoolers, like all people, involve action according to the algorithm described above.

As for interests and topics for research, older preschoolers prefer experiments in which cause-and-effect relationships are visible. So, in game form(and the leading one at this age is play), thinking develops. the main task an adult - try to interest the child in an unusual experience or effect, give the preschooler the opportunity to conduct an experiment.

The concept of “search activity”. By elementary search activity we mean collaboration educator and children, aimed at solving cognitive problems that arise in educational activities, in everyday life, in play and work, in the process of learning about the world. Search activity presupposes high activity and independence of children, the discovery of new knowledge and ways of knowing.

Search activity begins with the teacher setting and children accepting a cognitive task (it is also possible for children to set a cognitive task). Then its primary analysis is carried out and assumptions are made about the possible course of a natural phenomenon and its causes, methods for testing the assumptions put forward by children are selected, and they are verified. The search activity ends with an analysis of the results obtained during the inspection and the formulation of conclusions.

It has been proven that the learning process, combining the assimilation of ready-made knowledge with its relatively independent acquisition, is of great importance for the mental development of preschool children.

Methodology for organizing search activities. Elementary search activity as a form of organization is also used in older preschool age. In accordance with the program, the teacher develops a system of cognitive tasks that he gradually sets for the children. An important condition for setting cognitive tasks is creating problematic situations in natural history classes or in various activities related to nature (work, observations, games).

A problematic situation arises when a task is set, but children cannot solve it right away; an effort of thought is required to compare known facts and draw preliminary conclusions. Children’s independent work in such a situation is exploratory in nature. When setting cognitive tasks for children, their vital significance and interest in them should be taken into account. A cognitive task always contains the question “What will happen if...?” It includes some data known to children that can be used in the solution. Children must find some of the data in the process of combining and transforming already known knowledge and methods of action. Ignorance must be partial. Then the cognitive problem can be solved with the help of experience, comparative observation or in the process of heuristic reasoning. If the task is beyond the capabilities of children or is too easy and does not require mental effort, then a problem situation does not arise.

Cognitive tasks should be presented to children in a certain sequence: first - simple ones, containing single-link connections, then - more complex ones, containing chains of connections. Examples of cognitive tasks can be the following. Inanimate nature: why do tree branches sway? Why are there puddles on the ground? Why did the water outside freeze? Why does snow melt indoors? Why is snow sticky? Why does it rain in summer and spring, and snow in winter? Why does the soil thaw by midday in the spring and freeze by evening? Etc.

Living nature: can plants grow without light (moisture, heat)? Why do plants grow quickly in spring? Why do plants wither, turn yellow, and lose leaves in the fall? Why is cactus rarely watered, but balsam often? Why do fish swim? Why does the hare jump? Why does a hare's fur color change in autumn? Why does the tit have a thin beak, while the bullfinch has a thick beak? Why does a turtle need a shell? Why is the caterpillar not visible on cabbage leaves? Why do the rooks arrive first, and then the swallows? Why does the life of animals change in winter? Etc.

After the children accept the cognitive task, under the guidance of the teacher, it is carried out analysis: identifying the known and the unknown. As a result of the analysis, children put forward assumptions about the possible course of a natural phenomenon and its causes. Their assumptions are right and wrong, often contradictory. The teacher must listen to all the children’s assumptions and pay attention to their inconsistencies. Every assumption of children must be taken into account; if they do not put forward ideas, the teacher himself should put them forward.

The interest in solving the problem that arose in children during the analysis of situations and making assumptions should be used to selection of methods for testing assumptions.

Children can suggest different ways checks. The teacher also offers them. They can be short-term recognition observations, long-term comparative observations, elementary experiments, demonstration of models, heuristic conversations. Recognition observations are used, as a rule, when it is necessary to establish the properties and characteristics of objects. For example, when picking berries, children are given the task of determining how ripe berries differ from unripe ones. The problem is solved in the course of recognition observations. Comparative observations can be used when comparing 2-3 objects to establish their originality. For example, to establish which animals move by jumping and why.

Experiments are used to establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena. Let us give an example of the organization of search activity when a cognitive task is solved with the help of experience. In the course of mastering a system of knowledge about plants, children must be led to understand that plants need moisture to grow. They are given a cognitive task: will the seeds germinate without water? After discussing the assumptions they have made with the children, the teacher asks: “How can you check which of you is right?” During the days of testing assumptions, an experiment is organized: children put cotton wool on two saucers, and the same number of seeds on it. And in one saucer the cotton wool is moistened with water. Children record the progress of the experiment in an observation diary in the form of drawings and diagrams. The first figure shows that the seeds are placed in different conditions, the subsequent ones note the appearance of changes. Each figure necessarily highlights under what conditions certain changes occurred. In conclusion, when the changes are clearly visible, the teacher invites the children to compare the seeds and draw appropriate conclusions. If the guys are in doubt, the experiment should be repeated and then continue to discuss its results.

If children have rich and accurate ideas about those phenomena whose causes need to be found, heuristic conversation can be used. Let's give an example: on one of the walks, the children noticed that the icicles on different sides of the roof were not the same in size. The reason for this phenomenon interested them. “Why do you think that is?” - asked one of the children. “Icicles are dripping here, but not there. That’s why they are getting smaller here,” another replied. “Why isn’t it dripping there, on the other hand? - And then I guessed: - Oh, the sun is warming here, but on the other side there is no sun! There will only be sunshine there in the evening and not for long. That’s why the icicles melt slowly.”

The final stage of the search activity is drawing conclusions. Children must be encouraged to formulate their own conclusions. It happens that they draw the wrong conclusions. In this case, additional experiments or observations can be organized so that everyone comes to the right conclusions. In the process of organizing search activities, children acquire the ability to independently set cognitive tasks that reflect a deeper penetration into the essence of natural phenomena, the establishment of analogies, and an understanding of general patterns.

When managing search activities, it is important to create conditions for solving every problem that arises on their initiative.

During the learning process, children's search activity improves. Its dynamics are manifested in the transition from accepting cognitive tasks set by the teacher and solving them with the help of an adult to independently setting and solving them.

Questions for self-control:

1. Expand the concept of “elementary search activity”.

2. What is the structure of elementary search activity?

3. Reveal the methodology for organizing search activities with children of senior preschool age.

"Search and research activities"

Fedotova Galina Ivanovna,

teacher of the middle group of kindergarten No. 12 in Tashtagol, Kemerovo region.

Development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers through search and research activities

Experimentation as a means of understanding the world around us

Currently, we are witnessing how another one is being formed in the preschool education system. effective method knowledge of patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world - a method of experimentation.

1. Children's experimentation is a special form of search activity in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of the emergence and development of new personal motives that underlie the self-movement and self-development of preschoolers are most clearly expressed.

2. In children's experimentation, children's own activity is most powerfully manifested, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge (cognitive form of experimentation), at obtaining products of children's creativity - new buildings, drawings of fairy tales, etc. (a productive form of experimentation).

3. Children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity.

4. The activity of experimentation, taken in all its completeness and universality, is a universal way of functioning of the psyche.

The main advantage of using the experimental method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and with the environment.

The child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, as the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation.

The child’s speech develops, as he needs to give an account of what he saw, formulate discovered patterns and conclusions.

There is an accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations that are considered as mental skills.

Children's experimentation is also important for the formation of independence, goal setting, and the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result.

In the process of experimental activities, the child’s emotional sphere and creative abilities develop, work skills are formed, and health is improved by increasing the overall level of physical activity.

Children love to experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-related characteristics. In preschool age, he is the leader, and in the first three years he is practically the only way to understand the world. Experimentation has its roots in the manipulation of objects.

When forming the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to the ideal.

Knowledge gleaned not from books, but acquired independently, is always conscious and more durable. Such classics of pedagogy as J.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, K.D. Ushinsky and many others advocated the use of this teaching method.

Summarizing his own rich factual material, N.N. Poddyakov formulated the hypothesis that in childhood the leading activity is not play, as is commonly believed, but experimentation. To justify this conclusion they are given evidence.

1. Play activities require stimulation and a certain organization on the part of adults; the game must be taught. In the activity of experimentation, the child independently influences different ways on the objects and phenomena around him (including other people) in order to more fully understand them. This activity is not assigned to an adult child, but is constructed by the children themselves.

2. In experimentation, the moment of self-development is quite clearly presented: the transformations of an object carried out by a child reveal new aspects and properties of the object to him, and new knowledge about the object, in turn, allows him to make new, more complex and perfect transformations.

3. Some children don't like to play; they prefer to do something; but their mental development proceeds normally. When deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around him through experimentation, the child’s mental development is inhibited.

4. Finally, fundamental evidence is the fact that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children's life, including play.

N.N. Poddyakov identifies experimentation as the main type of indicative research (search) activity. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. At one time, I.M. Sechenov wrote about the innate and precious property of the neuropsychic organization of a child - an unconscious desire to understand the life around him. Search and research activities develop and consolidate the child’s cognitive attitude towards the world around him. With the mastery of speech, the cognitive activity of a preschooler rises to a new qualitative level. In speech, children’s knowledge is generalized, the ability for analytical and synthetic activity is formed not only in relation to directly perceived objects, but also on the basis of ideas.

In preschool education, experimentation is a teaching method that allows a child to model in his creation a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, establishing interdependencies, patterns, etc.

After three years, the child goes into a period of curiosity, which, provided the child is raised correctly, goes into a period of curiosity (after 5 years). It was during this period that experimental activity acquired typical features; now experimentation becomes an independent species activities. A child of senior preschool age acquires the ability

carry out experimentation, i.e. he acquires the following series of skills in this activity: seeing and highlighting a problem, accepting and setting a goal, solving problems, analyzing an object or phenomenon, identifying essential features and connections, comparing various facts, putting forward hypotheses and assumptions, selecting tools and materials for independent activities, implementing experiment, draw conclusions, record stages of action and results graphically.

The acquisition of these skills requires systematic, purposeful work of the teacher, aimed at developing children’s experimentation activities.

Experiments are classified according to different principles.

By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is a person.

At the location of the experiments: in a group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.

By the number of children: individual, group, collective.

The reason for their implementation: random, planned, in response to a child’s question.

By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (conducted from case to case), systematic.

By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).

By the number of observations of the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.

By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.

By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining (allowing you to see one state of an object or one phenomenon without connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of a process or note changes in the state of an object), generalizing (experiments in which general patterns are traced process previously studied in separate stages).

According to the nature of children’s cognitive activity: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.

According to the method of application in the classroom: demonstration, frontal.

Each type of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons.

In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They disassemble toys, watch objects falling into the water (drowning or not drowning), testing metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger of such “amateur activities” lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances and basic safety rules. An experiment, specially organized by a teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time introduces him to the various properties of surrounding objects, the laws of life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life. In this regard, in a preschool educational institution, an experiment must meet the following conditions: maximum simplicity of the design of devices and rules for handling them, failure-free operation of devices and unambiguity of the results obtained, showing only the essential aspects of a phenomenon or process,

clear visibility of the phenomenon being studied, the possibility of the child participating in a repeated demonstration of the experiment. As psychologists emphasize, what is crucial for a child’s development is not the abundance of knowledge, but the type of its assimilation, determined by the type of activity in which knowledge is acquired.

Experimentation stimulates the search for new actions and promotes courage and flexibility of thinking.

What should a teacher remember when organizing experimental activities?

  • Criticism is the enemy of creativity. Negative assessment of children's ideas and the use of directive techniques must be avoided.
  • Show sincere interest in any activity of the child, be able to see the work of thoughts behind his mistakes, and search for his own solution.
  • Nurture the child’s faith in his own abilities by expressing an assessment that anticipates success.
  • Cultivate persistence in completing a task and completing an experiment to the end.
  • End the discussion on the problem being solved before the children show signs of loss of interest.
  • Summing up the results of the experiment, the teacher can ask leading questions, but the children themselves name the problem posed, remember all the proposed hypotheses, formulate the correct conclusion and evaluate their work.

Children, first with the help of adults and then independently, go beyond the limits of knowledge and skills. Thus, the experiment connects the child’s creative manifestations with his aesthetic development.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of preschool educational institutions.

The developing environment plays an important role in the development of a child.

It needs to be directed towards the development of cognitive abilities, towards the development of children’s search and research activities.

“Sand, clay, water”, “Sound”, “Magnets”, “Paper”, “Light”, “Glass”, “Rubber”;

In our time, the social order has changed in the issue of raising and educating children: yesterday a “performer” was needed, and today a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking. Learning should be “problematic”, i.e. must contain elements of exploratory search. It must be organized according to the laws of conduct scientific research and be built as an independent creative search. The work of a teacher in problem-based learning is to create a cognitive task, situation and provide children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills.

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1 Municipal state preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten 3 “Snow White” in the city of Mirny, Arkhangelsk region (MKDOU 3) “SEARCH AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN.” CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS. Teacher Potredennaya Lyudmila Grigorievna. MARCH 2015

2 The desire for research, search activity is the natural state of a preschool child. Children have a natural need to receive and process information. When organizing the search and research activities of preschoolers, it should be remembered that with a shortage of new impressions, children experience intellectual hunger, and excessive stimulation of mental activity and criticism from an adult inhibit the development of curiosity and the need for independent search. Consequently, for the successful formation of a child’s investigative behavior, it is necessary to create conditions that would encourage the child’s desire for discovery, but at the same time would not provide ready-made samples and solutions, but would intensify independent cognitive and practical activity. Thus, surmountable obstacles are necessary to develop a taste for searching and constitute the child’s research practice. “It is more natural and therefore much easier for a child to comprehend new things by conducting his own research, observing, conducting experiments, making his own judgments and conclusions based on them, than to receive knowledge already obtained by someone in a “ready-made form.” (A.I. Savenkov). Therefore, it is necessary to increase the share of research teaching methods in the educational process. Research activities allow you to organize learning so that the child can ask questions and independently find answers to them. However, there is no holistic approach to the development of research activities in the aspect of the personal development of a preschool child. And this indicates the relevance of the problem of developing research activity in preschoolers and its insufficient development in terms of child development. The project method contains a variety of forms research work, which easily fit into the joint activities of the teacher and preschool children. It is this age that is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. And, importantly, the project takes into account the joint cognitive and search activities of children, teachers and parents. The implementation of project activities is carried out throughout the academic year under the supervision of group teachers. The main line of work can be focused on the formation and development of research skills in children. This will be facilitated by specially organized classes: training sessions and research itself.

3 During project activities, children learn to work together, search and collect information, analyze and systematize it, and communicate closely with peers, parents and kindergarten staff. All this fully contributes to the self-development of the personality of each child, nurturing in him determination and self-esteem. Parents certainly gain confidence in their children, because they see them from one more perspective: as active creators capable of achieving their goals. Consequently, at school these children, with some help from their parents, are able to achieve high results. Thus, the inclusion of the project method in the educational process, the systematic implementation of developed activities, as well as the coordinated joint work of educators and parents contribute to the high-quality preparation of children for school. By focusing on the child’s conscious search activity and productive thinking, purposefully directing them to achieve certain cognitive tasks, it is possible to achieve the expected positive results in any type of activity. So, we have come to the conclusion that the introduction of the project method into the educational process of kindergarten is today one of the main ways of learning, most fully consistent with the nature of the child and modern learning tasks. For several years now, we have been working on developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers through involving them in research activities, which is a means of understanding the world around them. The work is carried out taking into account the age-related characteristics of children’s development, the specifics of preschool education and includes the time allocated for: educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading); educational activities carried out during regime moments; independent activities of children; interaction with children's families. Starting from the second younger group, we chose children's experimentation as one of the activities.

4 For example, while introducing children to the properties of sand, they installed a mini-sandbox in the group. A mini-sandbox is an ideal educational environment where you can create throughout the year without fear of spoiling or breaking anything. Depending on the task, the sand can be dry or wet. We picked up molds and scoops, pebbles and shells. We are constantly expanding this collection. IN middle group For the children’s practical activities, the following topics were chosen: “The Water Sorceress”, “Mixing Colors”, “Getting New Colors and Shades”, “What a Plant Needs to Live” and others. Experiments were carried out not only short-term, but also long-term. Long-term experiments were mainly carried out while getting to know the life of plants. During research we use theatrical activities. So, to familiarize children with the properties of water, they used the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” The fairy tale “Thumbelina” helped children understand how to germinate seeds.

5 When getting acquainted with the properties of stones and the power of the wind, the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” helped. When carrying out experimental research work, we try to consolidate it with didactic or outdoor games. Together with the children we created collections: “fabrics”, “paper”, “buttons”. We collected natural materials (acorns, cones, seeds, leaves,

6 cereals, grain). We held exhibitions: “Objects made of glass, wood, ceramics”, “Air-invisible”, etc. With children 5-6 years old, the main structural component of experimentation becomes problem-solving. It is expressed in the search for inconsistencies and contradictions in one’s own formulation of questions and problems. Even failures provoke research activity in children, striving to find the correct answer to a question of interest. The research activities of older preschoolers include the following stages: - identification and formulation of the problem; - search and proposal of possible solutions /hypothesis/; - collection of material; - generalization of the data obtained: - formulation of conclusions. All work with children in this direction has acquired perspective, a system, and a certain consistency. A series of lessons “Amazing Stones” was conducted with the children. Children love to conduct experiments with a magnet; they are happy to examine sand and clay, learning their properties, and find out the peculiarities of the interaction of water, ice, and snow. The group has a large experimentation area,

7 which is gradually replenished with new materials, maintaining the interest of children, allowing them to reproduce the experience again and establish themselves in their ideas. Work with parents was carried out in parallel with preparing children for the study. The implementation of the set tasks is fully possible only if there is close interaction between the kindergarten and the family. For visual information, parents were prepared with folders: “Playing with sand all year round”, “Cognitive research activities of children” to show parents the organization of children’s experimentation in the practice of group work, and to give recommendations on the development of children’s cognitive interests); booklet “Secrets of Experimentation” (a selection of entertaining experiences and experiments). The target guideline in our work is a set of normative indicators of cognitive initiative and the nature of the child’s cognitive and research activity by the end of preschool age: - shows interest in objects and phenomena that lie beyond the immediate given, asks questions about abstract things (why? why? how?) ; - reveals a desire to explain the connection between facts, uses

8 simple causal reasoning (because...); - strives to organize, systematize specific materials, things (collections); - shows interest in educational literature; - shows interest in symbolic languages: independently undertakes to “read” diagrams, maps, drawings, do something according to graphic diagrams(sculpt, construct), draw diagrams, maps, pictograms, write down stories, observations (masters writing as a means of systematization and communication). Practice shows that cognitive and research activity is, along with play, the leading activity of a preschool child. Systematization of knowledge makes it possible to maximally help preschoolers master the various ways available to them to understand the world around them, develop cognitive activity, curiosity, cultivate the correct attitude towards objects and objects of the surrounding world, form ideas about themselves, introduce them to the man-made world, clarify knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and safe rules behavior in various situations. Therefore, we believe that research activities in kindergarten are a very important step in preparing a child for school.

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A Chinese proverb says:
“Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember,
let me try and I’ll understand.”
Everything is absorbed firmly and for a long time,
when a child hears, sees and does it himself.
Life in all its manifestations is becoming more diverse and complex; The further it goes, the more it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, and a creative approach to solving large and small problems. The preschool institution and parents are faced with a task of essential importance: to ensure that every child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - necessarily! - proactive, thoughtful, capable of a creative approach to any task.

The path to becoming a creative personality is complex and difficult. But these great difficulties can also give great joys: the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity. Any activity proceeds more efficiently and produces high-quality results if the individual has strong motives, bright, deep, evoking a desire to act actively, with full dedication, to overcome life’s difficulties, not favorable conditions, circumstances, persistently move towards the intended goal.
One such activity is experimentation. In the works of many domestic teachers Poddyakov N.N. (Nikolai Nikolaevich) Usova A.P., E.L. Panko says that “children’s experimentation claims to be a leading activity during the period of preschool development,” and identifies the main feature of this cognitive activity: the child learns an object in the course of practical activities with it. The practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orientation and research function, creating conditions in which the content is revealed of this object.
N.N. Poddyakov identifies two main types of orientation-research (search) activity in preschool children.
The first is characterized by the fact that activity in the process of activity comes entirely from the child himself. He acts as its full-fledged subject, independently building his activity: setting its goals, looking for ways and means to achieve them, etc. In this case, the child, in the activity of experimentation, satisfies his needs, his interests, his will.
The second type of orientation-research (search) activity is organized by an adult, who identifies the essential elements of the situation and teaches the child a certain algorithm of actions. Thus, the child receives the results that were previously determined by the adult.

Children are explorers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child: he is determined to discover the world, he wants to know it. To explore, discover, study means to take a step into the unknown, to get the opportunity to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express yourself.
In this regard, in order to study the conditions for organizing experimental activities of children in senior group carried out diagnostics using the “Choice of Activity” method by Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prokhorova. This technique explores the preferred type of activity and reveals the place of children's experimentation in children's preferences.
The results showed that three groups of children can be distinguished according to the level of development of children's experimentation.
The first group included 5 children, which is 20%. The cognitive attitude of preschoolers towards experimental activities is stable. They show initiative and creativity in solving problematic problems. They see the problem. They actively make assumptions. Consciously choose objects and materials for independent experimental activities in accordance with their qualities, properties, and purpose. In a dialogue with an adult, the course of the experimental activity is explained. They bring the matter to an end. They formulate in speech whether the result has been achieved or not. They draw conclusions.
The second group includes 13 children - that's 52%. In most cases, the child shows an active cognitive interest in experimental activities. Sees a problem sometimes with a little help from an adult, makes suggestions with a little help from others (peers or an adult). Takes an active part in planning experimental activities together with an adult. Prepares material for experimentation based on qualities and properties. Can formulate conclusions based on leading questions.
And in the third group there are 7 children – that’s 28%. They rarely show cognitive interest in experimental activities. They can see the problem only with the help of an adult. Take part in planning experimental activities at the suggestion of an adult. With the help of an adult, prepare material for the experiment. They are not always able to formulate a conclusion; they need a hint from an adult or an example from their peers.
Causes low level mastering experimental activities by children of senior preschool age:
1. Cognitive interest is unstable;
2. Children do not always see the problem;
3. Inactive in putting forward ideas;
4. The desire for independence is not expressed;
5. Use evidence with the help of an adult.
Researcher Pavlov I.P. considered observation to be one of the most important qualities of a researcher, without which it is impossible to make a single discovery. Observation is a very complex process and requires enormous concentration of attention, intellectual and volitional efforts.
Experimental activities are closely related to different types activities. One of which is labor.
It may not be associated with experimentation, but there is no experimentation without performing labor actions.
On the one hand, the presence of labor and observation skills in children creates favorable conditions for experimentation; on the other hand, experimentation, especially one that arouses great interest in the child, contributes to the development of observation and the formation of labor skills.
Cognitive and research activities permeate all areas of children's life, including play. Play in exploration often develops into real creativity.
In our work with children, we attach great importance to gaming technologies, using didactic games: “Answer quickly”, “When it happens”, “Body”, “Who can name the most objects”, “What grows where?” Such games help in familiarizing children with natural phenomena.
Verbal games: “What’s extra?”, “Good-bad”, “Finish the sentence”, etc. develop children’s attention, imagination, and increase knowledge about the world around them.
Construction games with sand and water help solve many problematic situations, for example: why dry sand flows, but wet sand does not; where a grain will grow faster in the ground or sand; Which things do water benefit and which things harm? All these questions force children to think, compare and draw conclusions.
Experimentation and speech development are very closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment - when formulating the goal, during the discussion of the methodology and progress of the experiment, when summing up the results and giving a verbal report of what was seen. It is necessary to note the two-way nature of these connections. The ability to clearly express one's thoughts (i.e., well-developed speech) facilitates the experiment, while the addition of knowledge contributes to the development of speech. Consequently, without the addition of knowledge, the development of speech would be reduced to simple manipulation of words.
The connection between experimentation and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts does not require special proof. During experiments, there is a constant need to count, measure, compare, determine shape and size, and perform other operations. All this gives mathematical concepts real significance and contributes to their understanding. At the same time, mastery of mathematical operations facilitates experimentation.
Experimentation is also associated with other types of activities - reading fiction, music and physical education.
Children maintain interest in experiments if the result is visible immediately or after a short time. Experiments with living nature, as a rule, are mostly long-term and require a certain patience from preschoolers, as a result of which interest in such activities often fades and the purpose of experimentation is forgotten by children. Therefore, to develop interest in search and research activities, we use experiments and experiences with inanimate nature, introducing children to the properties of water, sand, earth, clay, air, etc. They are carried out both in classes and in free independent and joint activities with the teacher. Research provides an opportunity to find the answers to the questions “how?” and why?"
One of the conditions for solving problems in experimental activities in kindergarten is the organization of a developmental environment. The object environment surrounds and influences the child from the first minutes of his life. The main requirements for the environment as a developmental tool are to ensure the development of active independent children's activities. However, in order for the objective material of the environment, which is given at the free disposal of children, to become a stimulus, a source of research, search activity of preschoolers, they must have developed a minimum of knowledge and methods of action on which the child could rely.
In this regard, a mini-laboratory has been created, where conditions have been created for joint and independent experimentation and the development of children’s search activity.
When setting up the experimentation corner, the following requirements were taken into account:
safety for the life and health of children;
age characteristics of children
accessibility of location

The laboratory has a variety of equipment:
Various instruments: scales, magnifying glasses, magnets, microscopes, magnifying glasses;
A variety of vessels made of various materials: glass, metal, plastic;
Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth, seeds;
Nuts, paper clips, screws, nails, wire;
Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons, cotton wool, bandage;
Waste material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur;
Flour, salt, soda, candles, lanterns;
Children's robes, aprons;
Schemes for conducting experiments;
Journal for recording results.

Gradually, with the help of parents, we replenish the “laboratory” with new materials for experiments, support the interest of children, allowing them to reproduce the experience again and confirm their ideas.

When organizing experimental activities with children, we use the following forms of work:

* educational activities;
* conversations;
* didactic and educational games and exercises;
* role-playing games;
* experiments and experiences;
* use of multimedia, video slides;
* photoshoot;
* card index of experiments;
* competitions, holidays and entertainment.

The implementation of the set tasks is fully possible only if there is close interaction between the kindergarten and the family.
You see the forms of working with parents on the screen, one of which is a survey

Design of visibility;
group parent meetings;
"Open Days";
involving parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, and open events;
Section in the parent corner “Ask! We answer!”;
Card file "Experiments"
organization of thematic exhibitions of joint creativity with children;

Questionnaire for parents:
1. Is your child active in research? What?
2.What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with?
3. Does the child continue the experimentation started in kindergarten at home?
If yes, how often?
4. Do you take part in your child’s experimental activities?
If yes, which one?
5. If the child achieves any result of the experiment, does he share it with
you with your discoveries?

This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of our work. We have developed the project “Children’s experimentation - young researcher”

Project "Children's experimentation - young researcher"
Project forms: elementary search activities, experiments, experiments
Means: search actions
Project type: Group
Conditions: gradual complication - from simple to complex, organization of conditions for independent and educational activities, use of problematic situations.
Relevance: During preschool childhood, along with play activities, search and cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of a child’s personality, which we understand not only as the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, but, mainly, as the search and acquisition of knowledge independently by the child or under the tactful guidance of an adult, carried out in the process of interaction, cooperation, co-creation.
The goal of our project:
- Develop children's cognitive abilities through experimental activities.
- Develop your own learning experience.
- Arouse a desire for search activities.
Providing methods:
Exploratory observations and experiments:
random observations and experiments, planned observations and experiments.
Conducting experiments (practical).
Conversations (constructive).
Preparatory stage:
Preparing material for children's activities
Selection of children's and scientific literature.

The main form of children's experimental activity, which we actively use, is experiments. We conduct them both in classes and in joint activities with children in special moments.
When introducing children to objects of inanimate nature, we developed a long-term plan, which we divided into seven blocks:
1. Stones.
2. Soil.
3. Sand, clay.
4. Water.
5. Air.
6. Paper
7. World of fabric
A number of classes were held to introduce the stones. One of which is the educational “Amazing Stones”, where children remembered the plot of Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Malachite Box”, watched slide show about the location of the stones, experiments were carried out. At home, together with my parents, I made various crafts from stones.
In the “Soil” block, we looked at the soil through a magnifying glass, talked about how it affects plant growth, and in the group organized a mini-garden where we observed the growth of plants.
In the block “Sand, clay” - looking at them through a magnifying glass, we discovered that the sand consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability. And wet clay has properties - viscosity.
When getting acquainted with the following blocks “Water”, experiments were carried out: “Pour in - pour out”, “Let’s paint over the water”, “Transforming water into ice”, “Sinking - not drowning”, etc.
All children take an active part in the process of conducting experiments. It was discovered that water is a liquid, has no odor, color, shape, and can freeze.
These experiments somehow remind the children of magic tricks, they are unusual, and most importantly, the children do everything themselves. Thus, we develop in children curiosity, observation, the ability to communicate and find ways to solve problem situations.
Expected result of our project:
Thus, familiarizing preschoolers with the phenomena of inanimate nature occupies a special place in the system of diverse knowledge about the environment. Including it in the process of searching for the cause of this or that physical phenomenon, we create the prerequisites for the formation of new practical and mental actions in them. The result of the implementation of the project “Children's experimentation - young researcher” is the experience acquired by children of seeing objects and phenomena, peering into them, developing attention, visual and auditory sensitivity, expanding vocabulary and enriching speech communication based on cultural norms.

“The more the child saw, heard, experienced,
the more elements of reality
he has in his experience,
the more significant and productive, all other things being equal
conditions will be his creative activity"
L.S. Vygotsky

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