The zyxel router does not provide wifi. Why doesn't the Tp-Link router distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi? Checking and registering the correct IP address

If your PC or computer has at its disposal Wi-Fi adapter or you are the owner of a laptop with a wired Internet, then you have an excellent opportunity to refuse to buy a router and distribute the Internet to mobile devices (smartphone, tablet, TV, PlayStation 4) from the laptop or computer itself.

This may not always be the case, but nothing stops you from trying. Moreover, the attempt will not take much time, and the need to access the Internet from a laptop often arises. It’s worth saying right away that setting up the network access point itself is not difficult, but you may encounter a common problem. Namely, your device will connect to the Wi-Fi network created on the laptop without any problems, but the network itself and Internet access will not work.

Currently you can set up Wi-Fi different ways, depending on your device and its operating system. What if you did everything correctly, but the Internet still does not work on your tablet, smartphone or other device? Let's start with the fact that you still have the Internet, but it simply does not reach the access point you created. The most popular reasons are:

* closed general access to the network, in the properties of the connection from which you are distributing Wi-Fi;

* firewall;

* connection blocking by antivirus program.

If you distribute Wi-Fi, and the Internet does not work over the network, then you should disable your antivirus program or installed firewall. This can solve the problem in most cases. Difficulties can arise only when setting up via a USB modem.

One of the common “related” questions concerns antivirus. Should I disable it completely, or should I remove it from my PC or laptop altogether? The answer is that every antivirus program has a function to temporarily suspend protection. A list of steps required for this can be found in global network, you just need to type the name of your antivirus program and the corresponding words. If you have, for example, Doctor WEB installed, then click on the icon with it in the lower right corner right click mice. You will see, among other things, the line Firewall, stop the arrow on it, and then click on the bottom line Disable. After this, as a rule, difficulties with Internet distribution disappear.

You turned off the antivirus program, and the problem with Wi-Fi distribution disappeared. How to work on a computer or laptop without an antivirus? This is not required; in the settings of your firewall program, add the connection to the exceptions. After this, the built-in firewall will no longer block the desired connection.

In some cases, the PC or laptop is infected with a virus that affects the network settings. In this case, it can help just antivirus program, scan the system with it. If the problem with Wi-Fi distribution is a failure of the computer system, then help can be Restoring from a specific point or completely reinstalling the OS (a last resort).

Hello, friends. If you are having problems with the operation of a Wi-Fi router, or setting up Wi-Fi and you have already looked at the article, which by the way is the most popular on this site, then you probably noticed that the article has collected a lot of comments, or rather questions about various problems about setting up and the operation of the Wi-Fi network.

The questions there are of course very different, we have already dealt with some of them, and I have written separate articles about their solution, for example. And I still can’t give a concrete answer to some questions. But after analyzing the comments a little, I noticed that there are a lot of questions of this type: the laptop and other devices have stopped connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or the Internet via Wi-Fi often breaks out, and you have to reboot the router.

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons that lead to such problems and almost always, and they are different for everyone. For example, I’m on my router TP-Link TL-WR841N I have never noticed a Wi-Fi network interruption, and judging by the comments, this happens to others very often.

An even more interesting case, which I also came across in the comments, is when the Internet works, and at one point the Wi-Fi network stops working. Devices either do not connect at all, or connect but operate with the status network without Internet access, or limited access. Phones and tablets connect to Wi-Fi, but do not open websites.

What to do if the Internet via Wi-Fi stops working?

Problems with Wi-Fi internet om:

  • Internet connection via Wi-Fi stopped working
  • Wi-Fi network drops frequently
  • Internet via Wi-Fi began to work very slowly
  • Devices connect to the router once.
  • The device connects to Wi-Fi, but the sites do not work (the sites do not open).

If you have one of the above problems, or a similar problem, then I have one piece of advice that may help solve it. Friends, I don’t guarantee anything, but it’s worth a try, in many cases it helps.

Each Wi-Fi network operates on a dedicated channel. When setting up a router, the default is "Auto", and everyone advises, including me, to install the Channel (Channel:) on "Auto". This means that the router itself will look for a more suitable channel and use it. The thing is that there may be interference from a neighboring Wi-Fi router and then a variety of problems with Wi-Fi may appear. Refusal to connect to the network, network without Internet access, and frequent interruptions.

You should try changing the value of the Channel: parameter to any number from the list, or if you have a specific value set, then try changing it to “Auto”.

How to change the Channel on a Wi-Fi router?

Everything is simple here, so you shouldn't have any problems. You need to go into the router settings, well, I hope you already know how to do this, I’ve written about this many times. Apparently we'll have to do it again, very briefly :). Connect the router to the computer via network cable(at the time of setup) and enter in address bar browser address of the router is Enter your username and password and click “Submit”, log in, or whatever you have, it doesn’t matter.

I will show an example on, but even if you have a different model, or even a company, I think that the process Wi-Fi changes channel is not very different.

Go to the “Wireless” tab and on the left we find the “Channel” item.

Next to it there is a drop-down menu in which you can select a channel. I advise you to try several channels, at your discretion, after each change of channel, do not forget save changes by clicking the “Save” button and reboot the router. If you already have a certain number set next to “Channel”, then try setting the value to “Auto”.

There is a program that you can use to see which channel is already occupied by neighboring Wi-Fi and which is not, it’s called inSSlDer. But I won’t describe it here, because it is more suitable for Wi-Fi settings networks for more stable operation. And this is a topic for another article. Although if your devices find a lot of neighboring networks, you can try this program.

Try the method I described above, it definitely won’t get any worse. And judging by the reviews on this site, changing the Wi-Fi channel on the router really helps solve the problem with unstable Wi-Fi, or in general, solve the problem when no device wants to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, or connects, but the network does not have Internet access. Good luck.

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Wi-Fi internet through the router stopped working. The Wi-Fi network is often interrupted. updated: February 18, 2013 by: admin

Hello, friends! If you don’t know what to do if the router doesn’t provide wifi, or if the Internet through wi-fi often breaks, then you’ve come to the right place. It is difficult to unequivocally answer why this happens because there are many reasons and it will not be possible to give a specific “recipe” for all malfunctions.

Let's try to take a closer look at the main reasons.

  • There is Internet, but the device connected via wi-fi does not open sites
  • Wi-Fi network drops frequently
  • Connection problems
  • Internet via wi-fi does not work

Let's start with the basics, wi-fi network works on a specific channel. When we set the settings in the router, we set this parameter to “Auto”. This value specifies automatic search and the device selects the appropriate channel to use. This is where problems sometimes lie, so let’s try changing the parameters.

Where can I change the channel settings?

To change the parameters you need to go to the settings of your router, you can read how to do this. Now I will show you using my example Asus router. Everyone has different routers, but the principle, the names of the menus where changes need to be made, are more or less the same.

Let's go to "Wireless Network" in English, it will be "Wireless". We need "Channel" or "Channel". We point at it and there will be a drop-down menu, you will most likely have “Auto” set. Now try changing channels from this list one by one, save the changes, reboot the router and test for functionality.

Often create configuration problems with DNS servers. These settings are specified manually or set automatically. Sometimes the settings go wrong or the servers are unstable. Try setting the settings as in the image.

Some operational difficulties wireless network inherent in routers from different manufacturers, Tr-Link is no exception. It is the problems with these routers that will be discussed in this article. Let's determine the existing factors due to which there is no Wi-Fi network and the access point does not cope with its function. Thus, we are faced with the following difficulties in the work of Tr-Link, which we will consider further:

  1. The router is turned on and is in working order, but the devices are not receiving wireless network. In other words, Wi-Fi router does not distribute.
  2. router distributes Wi-Fi signal, but there is no Internet.

If you have a problem of the second type, then follow the links “No Internet access” in Windows 7 and “Restricted” in Windows 10.

And in the case when your information devices (phone, laptop, tablet) do not pick up the wireless network at all, then the problem lies in the router itself. So let's try to figure this out further.

The information obtained from this publication can be applied to all types of routers from TP-Link, for example, TL-WR741N, TL-WR841N, TL-WR1043ND, etc.

What actions should be taken if the Wi-Fi signal is not distributed through the router?

First of all, we do:

  • First, you need to double-check whether Wi-Fi is connected on your laptop (phone, tablet or other device). At the same time, if you do not have a wireless connection on one of your devices, Wi-Fi is displayed on any other device, for example, your tablet has Internet access, but your phone does not, then read the publication about replacing the channel.
  • Provided that the router is newly purchased, the name of the network will be similar to other users. And when connected, it can simply get lost between Wi-Fi that are nearby, and you simply will not notice your wireless network. In this case, you can turn off the access point and visually determine which network name will disappear. Or configure your router using a cable.
  • reboot the router.

If the problem persists:

Double-check that the router is connected and turned on. At the same time, if the plug from it is inserted into the power source, and the light on the device itself does not light up, then try turning on the power button on the back side of it. If, of course, it is on your router model. Basically next to the button there is an inscription ON/OFF.

The router may not distribute the Internet if the Wi-Fi network is disabled by the same button on the back of the router. Take a good look at your device, this power button may be located in a recess of the router, and there is usually a text next to it Wi-Fi. In order to turn it on, you need to use some sharp object. This button is clearly visible in the image of the Tr-link TL-MR3220.

Turn on such a button on your device and determine whether your problem has been resolved, that is, whether the wireless network has not connected.

If it appears, good. Otherwise, you need to double-check the settings.

Checking Tr-Link settings

Open your router's control panel using the cord. My publication on the topic? will help you figure out how to do this. In general, everything is simple: we make a connection, using the transition program we dial, taking into account the type of router, either or, and enter the login and secret code. Provided that you have not changed it before, enter admin in both lines.

In the control panel we find the menu Wireless, and if the firmware is Russian, then Wireless mode . Look through the window that opens and make sure that the following items are checked:

Enable Wireless Router Radio(Enable wireless broadcasting of the router).

Enable SSID Broadcast(Enable SSID Broadcast).

Otherwise, check the boxes next to them and save the changes by clicking Save. Then reboot your router.

By the way, you have the option to enter a different name for your wireless network. To do this, open the field Wireless Network Name and write the desired name.

Actually, we looked at all the router parameters responsible for wireless network transmission.

I’ll also add that you can also double-check the fastening of the removable antenna on the device itself. You can also try to reset the settings and configure the router from scratch. In addition, the problem may be related to the health of the device itself.

An important point in solving the problem is the reason, that is, as a result of which the router stopped distributing the Wi-Fi signal, perhaps after some settings or changing parameters.

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