Download the program without registration and SMS - Programming - Java. How to write your first program in Java Download a program for programming java rus

You can download the installation package on the Oracle website using the link:

Let's install Java.

In order to install Java on your computer, run the downloaded file, after which the installation process will begin (Figure 1.2).

Click Next.

The default installation will occur in the directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.x.x_xx (instead of X version number), if desired, the directory can be changed by clicking the Change button (Figure 1.3).

Follow the installation wizard instructions and the installation will be completed in a few minutes.

Once the installation is complete, the program will prompt you to go to technical documentation and Java manuals, for which you will need to click the Next Steps button. This will open your browser to the Java documentation page, which is very useful to learn.

Setting up environment variables.

The next step is to set the paths to the executable files, namely set the PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME system variables.

To do this, open Control Panel -> System, you are taking Extra options systems. In the window that appears, click the button Environment Variables.

In the window that opens in the block System Variables you need to check if the variable exists PATH, if the variable does not exist, then it must be created by clicking on the button Create, if the PATH variable already exists, then it is needed Change(Fig. 1.4).

In the next window, the PATH variable needs to be set to Variable value— path to the directory where Java was installed (Fig. 1.5).

If the PATH variable has already been assigned other values, then the new value is added separated by a semicolon “;” at the very end of the line.

You also need to create a variable CLASSPATH, if it has not yet been created. You must specify “.;” as its value. (Fig. 1.6).

This is how a variable is created/modified JAVA_HOME. The value of this variable is the path to the directory in which Java was installed (as for PAHT), but without the bin subdirectory. For example:

PATH value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin

Value in JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25

After the variables have been specified, Java installation can be considered completed!

Checking the installation.

To check if the installation was successful, open command line. To do this in Windows menu Start in the search bar, enter cmd command and press Enter. After this, a command window will open in which you need to enter the following command.

After which, if information about installed version java, then the installation was successful.

Frequent problems:

  • "java" is not internal or external team, executable program or batch file.

Check that the path specified in PATH is correct. Try to avoid spaces in the name of the folder where you install the JDK. If you think that the path is written correctly, then you should make sure that the javac.exe file is present in the directory listed in the PATH line, and that it was JDK that was installed, not JDE,

  • is not a win 32 application

Occurs as a result of installation Java versions, which does not correspond to the bitness of the system (for example, when installing a 64-bit version of Java on a 32-bit operating system).

  • Error prompting you to check JAVA_HOME

Check that this variable stores the path to the installed JAVA (without bin)

Java is an object-oriented programming language designed specifically for continuous development. Java differs from other programming paradigms in functionality and logic programming, as developers can continue developing a program without starting from scratch. Objects keep code neatly organized and are easy to change when needed.

For example, a car dealership has several cars. Each of the cars is an object, but each has various characteristics, called classes, which are different for different models: engine, paint colors and so on. The client selects a red pickup but wants to add a stereo system. The new pickup truck inherits all the characteristics from the "pickup truck" object, and the programmer simply needs to change the "STEREO" class, as opposed to building a completely new car. This is what makes Java the ideal platform for cell phones, website forums, game consoles and everything else that requires constant update and modifications. Programs created in Java are portable because they are compiled in bytecode. It can be executed on any server with Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. Unlike C++, objects created in Java do not need references to external data. This means the Java application will continue to run even if your operating system or some other programs fail.

Don't confuse Java with JavaScript. The latter is an interpreted language, like Microsoft's Visual Basic. It is mainly used for short programs, like those that cause pop-ups in a web browser. JavaScript does not have the portability of Java, and is often used as part of HTML code. Java is the second most used programming language in the world, just behind C, and ahead of C++ and Objective C. Plus, it's free to download and update. Java requires Windows XP or higher, Mac OS X 10.7.3 or higher, and works with a wide range of Linux-based systems.

Do you need Java on your computer?

Sun Microsystems created Java in 1995 as a universal platform that can run an application on any machine, regardless of operating system. Currently, Java is installed on 3 billion devices worldwide. To run Java, you need to download and install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your computer. The JRE contains the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and all the classes for creating objects. Java is especially useful for programmers, but it is also important for end users working with applications with a Java applet. Russian antivirus company Kaspersky Lab said that half of all cyber attacks in 2012 were directly caused by Java. Most large websites, including Facebook and Twitter, use HTML 5 instead of Java to avoid security risks. Java was once considered the future of the Internet and was absolutely necessary to run almost everything. Now, most cybersecurity experts recommend regularly keeping Java updated if you have it on your computer.

Is Java free?

Sun Microsystems made most of the core code in Java available to the public as free and open source software back in 2007, under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Today, Oracle claims that Java Development Kit (JDK) is free to download. Oracle accused Google of copyright infringement by using Java code in the Android operating system without paying for a license. Google claims that the code used is in the public domain, so the company is not required to pay licensing fees. Google was eventually cleared of most of the claims, but the case is currently being appealed. The simple answer to this question is for ordinary users computers: "Java is free"! Programmers and companies using it for commercial purposes are required to pay licensing fees.

Where can I download Java?

Java Runtime Environment(JRE, for general users) can be downloaded from our website. Our site is one of the most trusted sites and receives positive reviews from users. Don't trust any other websites that claim to offer free Java downloads as you risk getting a bunch of malware and Trojans.

Why do you need to update Java?

Java and all future versions of the application will notify users when updates are available because there are security risks. It is recommended to install updates and patches necessary for Java to function properly. Beware of fake updates such as "Java Update 11" for Windows. The file will look like "javaupdate11.jar." Once installed, it creates a backdoor for hackers to harm your system. Keeping Java up to date is important for security and performance. Java Auto Update automatically checks availability necessary updates and corrections. You can install it to search for updates or check for updates manually at any time. Oracle recommends leaving it enabled Java Auto Update. Which, by default, will notify users once a month when there are necessary updates.

There are a large number of them in Java, and sometimes it is difficult to decide on their choice. It also happens that a user downloads a program that does not support the desired programming language, after which he has to look for another one. In this article we will present a number of working programs, as well as select training programs for programming in Java. Of course, we will not be able to present all the programs, because there are quite a lot of them. However, you can still see the most popular and interesting ones here.

Programs: Java programming language

In this list, we will introduce several programs that will help you deal with this situation.

A powerful working environment for creating cross-platform programs in Java and other popular languages. It is free, and the big plus is that it is compatible with Linux.

IntelliJ IDEA

Created by JetBrains free program, which has 2 versions for different types developments:

    Ultimate - serves for the development of web applications and programming for the phone, as well as for programs for the enterprise. It is paid, but has a free trial period.

    Community- created for programming in Java, Groovy, Scala, as well as for Android applications. We need to download it. To do this, just take a few simple steps:

  • Let's go to the official JetBrains website.
  • Let's go to the Tools section.
  • Select the IntelliJ IDEA program.
  • Click the Download button.
  • Download the program for our operating system.

Java Programming Tutorials

There are many programs and games for teaching programming languages, some of which we will now look at.

Let's start with, perhaps, the most interesting for the majority, namely: games for teaching programming languages.


Great site where you get to write your own artificial intelligence using any programming languages. You will have to solve interesting and fun problems, and you will learn along the way.

Code Hunt

In this game you are a code hunter. It supports only 2 languages ​​- Java and C#. In the game you have to go through 14 levels, each of which has its own tasks.

A popular platform for younger ages and students to compete with friends in writing code in some programming languages ​​such as Java, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Lua, Python. Clans and even the plot, interaction with players - all this will draw you into an exciting learning experience.


As the name of the game suggests, you will have to create your own robots in Java, and then release your creations onto the battlefield.


If you don't want to create robots, but compete with friends, solving real problems, then this game is undoubtedly for you.

Resources for Learning Java

There are also sites where you can learn programming languages ​​and solve problems there for free. We will now talk about several sites.


On this resource you will find many courses on programming languages, with Russian localization. The site is free, but there is additional content that you will have to pay for. For example, you can view material from leading universities in the world for free and perform practical tasks, which do not require verification by third parties. But if the work will be checked by other people or a teacher, then you will have to fork out $49 (3,200 rubles) per month.

A resource similar to Coursera (with the same fee), however, they charge you $49 (3,200 rubles) not for checking assignments, but for receiving a certificate for completing courses. And the rest of the materials will be available to you for free.


This time it’s a domestic site where you can take courses for free or from 500 rubles a month for tutor services and gain good knowledge that can help you in life. If you want to study for free, you can do it yourself, but if you want to have a personal tutor, you will have to fork out a small amount.

Let's sum it up

There are many more sites, programs or games that can help you learn to code or can be used as a work environment. But it is not at all necessary to describe and know all the programs for programming in Java; it is enough to just choose one for yourself that you will get used to and where it will be convenient for you to develop or study. In the end, the choice is yours.

Java Development Kit (JDK) is a free set of tools for developing applications of any complexity in the JAVA programming language.

JDK Description

JDK from Oracle is a set of tools that are needed to develop applications on JAVA language. The package includes various classes, libraries, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) – virtual machine, which makes it possible to run Java applications on any device with any operating system. That is, the presence of the JRE makes Java programs cross-platform. By the way, if you only need . Also included in the kit you can find complete documentation on Java functions and classes.

What the JDK unfortunately doesn't come with is an integrated development environment, or IDE. Therefore, a programmer working with the JDK must use third-party tools to edit the code. It can be as ordinary text editors, and full-fledged IDEs. Moreover, there are development environments that already have built-in functions for working with Java programs. Using such programs, you do not have to compile the program using the command line. Therefore, it is worth considering purchasing or downloading an integrated development environment.

For those who want to understand the workings of Java in detail, the JDK allows you to view and explore all the source code and data, including the Java compiler source code.


Version: Java Development Kit (JDK) 8u201, 8u202
Russian language
Status: Free

Java is a powerful programming language that supports many platforms. Each has its own development environment - let's see which ones.

Once owned by Sun Microsystems and now by Oracle, NetBeans is one of the best IDEs of the last decade. NetBeans is a modular development environment, and all of the IDE's features come in packages called modules. It offers easy integration with version control software. NetBeans was created with open source code, so everyone can contribute to its development. It's free and works on most operating systems and platforms.

  • Developer: Oracle.
  • Price: Free.
  • Size: 186 MB for Java EE version.

2 - IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ is a closed source Java IDE and one of the premier IDEs for Java (the other two being Eclipse and NetBeans). IntelliJ IDEA has a great, modern interface. It was chosen as the base IDE for Android Studio is a new software for creating Android applications developed by Google.

WITH There are two versions of IntelliJ - Community Edition, which is free, and Ultimate Edition, which is fully recognized and requires the use of paid licenses.

  • Developer: JetBrains.
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Price: Paid ($199 individual user license). Free for students, there is also an open source version - also free.
  • Size: 180 MB for Community Edition, 290 MB for Ultimate Edition.

3 - Eclipse

Eclipse is one of the most popular IDEs, not only for Java but also for C++ with PHP. Eclipse is an open source tool with a great developer community. It also has a huge library of plugins created by the users themselves. This IDE has many versions, the most popular is Eclipse Oxygen . Eclipse was also the base IDE for old Android SDK (Software Development Kit).

  • Developer: Eclipse Foundation.
  • Price: Free.
  • Size: The Eclipse Oxygen download package for Java EE is 180 MB.

4 - JDeveloper

JDeveloper is a completely free development environment released by Oracle. JDeveloper offers several features such as: refactoring; Git version control; audit and metrics; debugging and profiling code; Ant and Maven support. It comes in two versions:Studio Edition, which has a fully loaded set of tools for creating Java programs, and Java Edition, which lacks J2EE, ADF, UML, and database features, but this version takes up less space and is faster. Java Edition has all the basic features needed for Java and should satisfy most beginning Java programmers.

  • Developer: Oracle.
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Price: Free.
  • Size: Java Edition -181 MB, Studio Edition -1.8 GB.

5 -Dr. Java

Dr. Java is a lightweight Java IDE that is supported by the SourceForge project. It is intended primarily for beginner programmers and students, but also has advanced features for professional programmers. This is a free and open source project. Dr. Java is maintained by the JavaPLT group at Rice University. Its interface was developed using the Swing toolkit developed by Sun Microsystems.

  • Developer: JavaPLT.
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Price: Free.
  • Size: 13 MB

6 - BlueJ

BlueJ is an open source Java IDE created for educational purposes. It is also suitable for developing small software projects. BlueJ's interface is quite simple, so beginners can use it with ease. It shows classes and objects in a clean, visual way. The main goal of BlueJ is to teach object-oriented programming, so the project is suitable for beginners.

  • Developer: King's College London, University of Kent.
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Price: free.
  • Size: 160-170 MB (including JDK).

7 - jCreator

jCreator is a fast and efficient Java IDE written in C++ (which supposedly makes it faster than other IDEs written in Java). It has an interface similar to early versions Visual Studio, and allows you to customize it as you wish. jCreator is a paid IDE, but available free version without features such as automatic code completion. jCreator only offers support for Windows, but can be run on Linux using Vine.

  • Developer: Xinox Software.
  • Platforms: Windows.
  • Price: from $30 to $1600, trial version available.
  • Size: 7.2 MB for trial version.

8 - jGrasp

jGrasp is another very lightweight Java IDE that focuses on software visualization. It has features such as UML class diagrams that help improve code readability. jGrasp automatically generates visualizations, and also has data structure identification mechanisms, dynamic object viewers, and several other features that present Java code in a nice, easy-to-read format.

  • Developer: Auburn University.
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Price: Free.
  • Size: 5 MB.

9 - Greenfoot

Greenfoot is an educational Java IDE. It relies heavily on the visualization of data structures and is optimized for creating simple programs and 2D Java games. Greenfoot has an online sharing feature that is configured directly within the environment. Users can share their programs online for others to view and receive help and feedback. Collaborative projects can be edited online. Overall, Greenfoot is great for beginners.

  • Developer: King's College London, Oracle.
  • Platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Price: Free.
  • Size: 162 MB for Windows (including JDK).

10 - Codenvy

Codenvy is a purely cloud-based IDE, meaning it does not require installation. Codenvy has all the features of a full-featured standalone IDE, including build/run/debug environments. The ability to collaborate in real time is one of the desirable features of Codenvy. Codenvy has a great interface and multiple workspace options. It is available after paying monthly subscription fee. The Community edition of Codenvy is free to use.

  • Developer: Codenvy Inc.
  • Platforms: Browser-based.
  • Price: free for Community edition Subscription to the premium version from $1/month.


Because Java is a cross-platform programming language, almost all development environments are also cross-platform. However, again, the choice of IDE also depends on personal preferences, purposes of use, and skill level. Good luck!

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