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Search system Yahoo! currently ranks second in terms of processing search queries in the world. If you dig around on the Internet, you can find approximately the following statistics:

  • - 22 - 23% of all search queries in the USA;
  • - 13 - 14% of global requests
Undoubtedly, the leadership in the search industry belongs to Google; third place is consistently held by MSN (this search engine is not so far behind Yahoo! in terms of its indicators).

From the above, we can draw a conclusion approximately as follows - comprehensive optimization of any website for the above three search engines will give an incomparably greater influx of traffic compared to what the site will receive if the main attention is concentrated on sharpening it only for Google algorithms .

Therefore, do not forget about Yahoo! and MSN - you can get visitors from there too!

Well, in this article we will talk exclusively about Yahoo! - first, of course, a little history (how it all began), and then we will begin to educate about what needs to be done to improve the results in the search results.

First you need to understand that Yahoo! is a living search engine that is currently experiencing a period of very rapid development. Moreover, since February 1, 2008, Microsoft has been negotiating with Yahoo! on the purchase of a controlling stake. What will come of this is not yet clear, but we can already confidently assume that great changes are coming.

The history of Yahoo! originates in the mid-90s of the XX century. It all started with a website directory called " Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web".
The project was started by two American students - David Philo(eng. David Filo) and Jerry Yang(eng. Jerry Yang). Already in 1995, they founded a corporation that became known throughout the world - Yahoo!

As you know, Yahoo! this is not only a search engine, but also a colossal number useful services that are actually used. For example, the most popular services from Yahoo are: mail service ( Yahoo Mail), Yahoo! Games, Yahoo! Groups and Yahoo! Messenger. Of course, don’t forget about the mega-useful service, which since 2005 has also become the property of Yahoo! - Currently, Google's Picasa, in some respects, has seriously begun to lag behind flickr. Web two-zero gadgets, user-friendly interface, constant integration into new Internet projects - all this is Yahoo!

But let's get to the search engine.

Recall that until 2004 Yahoo! used Google's search algorithm and site optimization for Yahoo! was no different from optimization for Google. February 18, 2004 Yahoo! stops using Google's search technology and switches to its own - currently Yahoo! successfully compete with Google and some experts believe that the search quality of Yahoo! wins noticeably.

Since everything is learned in practice, we recommend that you experiment yourself - type something into Yahoo! and save the issue. Then do the same with Google - enter the same query and then compare the results. You will see that the results from Yahoo! very, very good - Yahoo! Content also rules, and in this regard we can safely say that by correctly filling our site with thematic content, we get a plus from Yahoo and get to the top.

Well, now about the specific features of the system.

  • - If you use Yahoo! search for a long time, you will notice that the search engine does not pay as much attention to the freshness of content as Google does.

    Old pages, say, two years ago, are firmly fixed in the top and it is extremely difficult to disturb their peace. This factor can be considered both positive and negative at the same time (as they say, for whom it depends). Once, having reached the top of Yahoo! it will be much more difficult to fly away from it than from Google - that’s a fact. Search algorithm from Yahoo! less sensitive to age components and you should not forget about it.

  • -Yahoo! (however, like all search engines) loves links very much.

    But there is a small nuance here - in contrast to the Google algorithm, Yahoo! does not pay (or almost does not pay) attention to the thematic nature of the referring resource. It has been noticed that links with anchors, which in no way correspond to the theme of the site, are well received by the search engine. Perhaps this is a minus, which affects the partial irrelevance of the search results, but it is also a plus - promoting the site using purchased links in Yahoo! much easier than Google. Do not forget that by optimizing your resource using links for Yahoo!, you can get banned by Google - as you can see, a double-edged sword in this case works for Yahoo!, because Their results are not so spammed precisely because optimizers are afraid of Google’s penalty. Why not an option?

  • - Yahoo! does not pay attention to internal links. In this case, we are not talking about “not paying attention at all” - it simply does not affect the site’s position in the sickle.

    In this regard, the example with Google is very contrasting - links from the front of a site with Page Rank = 4 to some internal page with zero PR increases its visibility by the search engine. What follows from this? Competent internal linking of the site in the case of Yahoo! needs to be done only so that indexing Yahoo bots can lick as much content as possible at one time - the position of the pages in the search engine itself will not depend on this.

  • - To display a page in Yahoo Top, you need to work hard on sharpening the content for keywords.

    What does it mean? It was noticed that Yahoo! characterized by high frequency requirements keywords than Google. If 2 - 3% is enough for the latter, then Yahoo! requires 6 to 8% keywords per page. From this we conclude that when optimizing something for Yahoo! Don't forget that Google has very sensitive anti-spam filters that may perceive your righteous efforts in keyword optimization as spam.

    Look for the golden mean - 6 - 8% of keywords are eaten by Google quite well, but anything that goes beyond the 10 percent threshold already creates an element of risk. To gain experience in optimizing your site for Yahoo! It is recommended to compare the top results for your topic in Yahoo! and Google at the same time - this will greatly help you decide what number of keywords is optimal for both search engines.

    Remember that nothing stands still and algorithms are constantly being improved - what smelled like a ban yesterday may turn out to be a completely workable option today, and the recent white method of promotion, for some unknown reason, may turn dark gray the very next morning.

  • -Yahoo! not as fast a search engine as Google, because... You have to wait a little longer for the indexing bot.

    However, Yahoo! indexes everything with high quality - the bot scans the entire site and never skips pages that have undergone even a minor update. This has been noticed by many webmasters - it is believed that Google in this case is somewhat inferior to Yahoo! and, despite the well-known “love for fresh content,” he often forgets to look for it on old pages.

In conclusion, it is necessary to note the following axiom.

There is no point in optimizing a site for Yahoo! if you are going to promote it on the RuNet - this is a fatk. Runet Yahoo! is not used and, apparently, the situation here will remain unchanged (nevertheless, Yahoo! is looking for Cyrillic texts!). Under Yahoo! English-language projects should be sharpened - if everything is done correctly, then unique visitors from this search engine will not keep you waiting. The approximate ratio with Google will be like this - Yahoo! = 10-30 uniques, Google = 100-120

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    The program has not taken root in Russia, although the Yahoo messenger has a number of advantages. Among them is support for a large number of platforms (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Palm OS, Android, etc.), close integration with the Yahoo! portal, which allows you to use mail, maintain a calendar, and address book, track breaking news, stock quotes, market conditions, weather forecast.

    The built-in search bar makes life much easier for users, which sends them to for found links. Standard features include conferencing, voice and video communications, and chats.

    When you install the program, a new panel will appear in your Web browser, which will give you access to all of the listed Yahoo! Messenger. On the one hand, this is very convenient, on the other hand, such intrusiveness is annoying, especially since this panel appears regardless of your desire and consent, and it can only be removed together with Yahoo! Messenger. For those who are especially impatient, there is a function for tracking responses - so before your interlocutor has time to touch the keyboard, you will already know about it.

    The appearance of the program is customized using “skins”. In addition to that latest version The Internet messenger supports changing the background of message windows: you can simultaneously enjoy swimming fish or some cartoon and chat. The developers called this innovation IMVironments, posted a lot of animated background images on the site and promised to update them regularly.

    Program features:

    • Communication in real time.
    • Integration with games, search and music services of the Yahoo portal.
    • Possibility to organize voice and video conferences.
    • High quality video communication.
    • Multi-user chats, photo and file sharing.
    • Access to radio stations.
    • The Launchcast service allows you to listen to your friends' music files.
    • You can play chess, checkers, backgammon, dominoes, etc. right in the window for sending messages.

    Russian: To Russify the Yahoo! Messenger use the application from the archive Build- Launch it after installing the program and the messenger interface will be displayed in Russian.

    In Malzhak our father is considered the kindest man,
    soft like freshly baked bread.
    They think so correctly.
    But there's too much crumb in it
    and there is no crust at all.
    Maleville, Robert Merle.

    When asked what the quartet of the most popular sites in the world looks like today, a domestic Internet user may not have a clear answer. If there should be no doubt about unshakable positions and at the top of the conditional rating, then certain difficulties may arise in determining fourth place. ? ? Or maybe Wikipedia?! But they didn’t guess...

    If you believe authoritative web ratings (the same Alexa), then immediately after the mentioned trio comes Yahoo!- American old-timer with a monthly audience of 700 million users. This fact, and also the curious fact that the popularity of Yahoo! in the States, according to some estimates, surpasses the Americans’ love for , forcing us to take a closer look at the history of the development of this global portal.

    The birth, strange name and first recognition of Yahoo! (1994-1996)

    Happy birth to Yahoo! obliged to Stanford University, where at the dawn of the 90s, Jerry Yang and David Fileo, students of electrical engineering, studied and were friends. In January 1994, Jerry and David jointly launched “Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web". Translated from English - “Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web.”

    The resource was a hierarchical catalog of links to other sites that guys loved on a variety of topics. According to the guys themselves, initially it was purely entertaining. It was a kind of hobby for them and nothing more. In other words, at that moment none of the two could even imagine that in the future their brainchild would receive worldwide recognition and commercial success.

    In April 1994, friends decided to replace the original cumbersome name with a more sonorous one. The word “Yahoo” became it. At that time, you could get to the updated site at:

    By the way, about the name. There are two main versions of its origin:

    • First says that the word “Yahoo” in the United States still refers to rude and uncouth residents of the southern part of the country, where David Fileo is from. Therefore, the latter was often called that way at the university. Apparently, David was not very worried about this, giving his nickname worldwide fame.

    • Second version It comes down to the fact that the word "Yahoo" is an acronym for the phrase "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle." Translated from English - “Another hierarchical annoying (helpful) soothsayer.”

    Which version is the most plausible, everyone has the right to decide for themselves, but it is known for certain that the fathers of Yahoo! adhere to the first of them.

    Be that as it may, by the end of 1994 the popularity of the project increased noticeably. It now boasted 1 million unique visitors per month. And this figure was constantly increasing.

    Seeing the extraordinary commercial potential of their site, Jerry and David leave their studies in order to fully concentrate on the further development of the resource. In January 1995, the site moved to a new one - And already in March a corporation of the same name was created. For this purpose, the comrades attracted investments from the venture company Sequoia Capital (California, USA) in the amount of $3 million.

    A year later, in April 1996, Yahoo! enters the US stock market, making its creators millionaires overnight. With a nominal price of one share of $13, 2.6 million were sold. And this is almost 34 million conventional units.

    This year the site itself is undergoing qualitative changes. From now on, this is not just a collection of links to interesting Internet resources. This is a search portal with home page which millions of users in Western countries are starting to use. At this time, the launch of “MyYahoo” took place - a personalized user page, which, among other things, displays last news, stock quotes, weather forecast, etc. September 1996 also saw the opening of the first overseas representative office of Yahoo! In Great Britain.

    This could be the end of this period in the development of Yahoo!, if not for one “but”. You probably noticed that I use the name of the portal with enviable persistence along with an exclamation mark. This is done for a reason. The fact is that at the time of registration trademark students at Stanford, the name was already privately owned by manufacturers of barbecue sauce, knives and even watercraft. In view of this, it was decided to make the name unique by adding exclamation point. This is why using the portal name without this sign (which is still common) is erroneous.

    On the wave of dot-com success (1997-2000)

    The end of the 90s of the last century was a period of rapid development of all kinds of Internet companies: from the largest to the smallest (the so-called “dot-com boom”). The driving force behind this boom were such giants as MSN, Lycos and, of course, Yahoo!. A characteristic feature of that time was the opening of additional services based on these, initially search, portals in order to attract as many visitors as possible.

    In the case of Yahoo! the search for new ideas for new services was quite simple, if not primitive. The company began buying up developed web projects in batches and creating its own products based on them. So, in 1997, a free Post service RocketMail, on the basis of which our own mail was subsequently created Yahoo service! Mail. This was followed in 1998 by the purchase of ClassicGames and eGroups, which then became Yahoo! Games and Yahoo! Groups respectively.

    However, the fate of many acquired projects was not as rosy as those mentioned above. For example, in 1999 Yahoo company! bought the then popular GeoCities for a fabulous $4.6 billion. I bought it in order to ruin it safely. For a whole decade, the project languished in the depths of the Internet until it finally disappeared in 2009. But there are such examples behind Yahoo! there are quite a lot of them. The corporation bought promising and even profitable web projects, only to eventually bring them into decline.

    Why did this happen? According to some experts, one of the main reasons was that after acquiring one or another startup, Yahoo! began to reshape the established rules of use for visitors. The latter objectively did not like it, and they gradually left the project, dooming it to extinction.

    What else do you remember about the reporting period? Yes, a lot of different achievements of Yahoo!, both with a plus sign and with a minus sign. For example, in 1999, Yahoo! Messenger. This instant messaging program is still popular today, especially in the United States.

    The negative aspects of Yahoo! may be attributed to a pathological reluctance to develop one’s own search mechanism. Before 2000, Yahoo! uses search technologies from third-party developers (say, Inktomi). And in June 2000, Yahoo! enters into an agreement with Google for a period of 4 years, providing for the use of Google's search engine on As practice has shown, this step cost Yahoo! dear. In a relatively short period of time, users stopped associating the portal with the search engine. As a result, many of them began to use Google directly, thus significantly reducing the “search” audience of Yahoo!.

    Another miscalculation of Yahoo! Led by Tim Coogle (CEO since 1995), some consider the deal to buy the then-emerging company to have failed in 2000. I wouldn't be so categorical. It is not yet known whether we would have the current one if Yahoo! had “gotten” to it in due time.

    Despite its achievements and miscalculations, the popularity of Yahoo! at the turn of the millennium, it grew at an incredible pace, and with it its market capitalization. When the “dot-com boom” reached its apogee (early 2000), per share of Yahoo! gave 118.7 dollars, and the assets of the company itself were estimated at an incredible 100 billion dollars. For Yahoo! it was a historical high! The company never reached such financial heights again.

    On the ruins of former greatness (2001-2007)

    And history knows many examples when a period of rapid growth of a company was followed by its no less rapid decline. Yahoo! Corporation did not escape a similar fate. She turned out to be one of the few who were lucky enough to survive the “dot-com crash”, but at the same time lost a significant part of her former greatness, including financial ones. Suffice it to say that in September 2001, the company's share price dropped to its historical low - $8.11 per share. Now the cost of Yahoo! did not exceed 10 billion “American presidents”. So, for some year Yahoo! lost its status as the most valuable web company on the planet! This led to Tim Coogle giving up his place at the helm of the company to Terry Simil.

    The reporting period of the portal’s immediate development is also characterized by several distinctive features.

    First of all, Yahoo! continues its chaotic evolution in all directions at once. Trying to replace the entire Internet for the user, Yahoo! launches a huge number of new entertainment, news and sports web products. For example, in 2005 the company introduced its own music service Yahoo! Music, as well as Yahoo! 360°.

    At the same time, a series of not fully thought-out purchases by the Internet giant continues. Thus, such social platforms as,,,, etc. become the property of the company. Many of them, due to the unique ability of Yahoo! lead to degradation of excellent sites that have not yet revealed their full potential. The same Flickr, the main photo hosting site on the Internet at that time, noticeably lost its popularity, having moved under the wing of Yahoo!.

    Secondly, the company, due to the fact that the agreement with Google came to an end in 2003 (see above), finally decides to develop its own search engine. For these purposes, for 2002-2003. Experienced developers in this area were bought up: Inktomi, Overture Services Inc., AltaVista and AlltheWeb. The result of their joint creativity for the benefit of the corporation was the creation of their own search technology - Yahoo! Slurp, which began to be used on since the end of 2003.

    Thirdly, having timely recognized all the prospects, Yahoo! Since 2003, it has been working not only on its development, but also on its implementation in its services. In 2004 contextual advertising Yahoo! became “smart” - learned to “adapt” to search queries and user preferences.

    And finally, fourthly, Yahoo! continues to demonstrate its inadequacy in “skirmishes” with other influential Internet corporations. Let's say in 2006 Yahoo! Google loses the fight first for , and then for DoubleClick (an experienced player in the market). The attempt by Yahoo! crush under oneself.

    During 2005-2007. between Yahoo! and Microsoft are in active dialogue regarding a possible merger. However, the companies ultimately did not agree on anything specific. Unless they established closer cooperation in areas of interest to both. A local result of such friendship can be considered, for example, the fact that Yahoo! Messenger and MSN Messenger now have the ability to interact with each other.

    In general, the logical result of the reporting period can be considered the company’s statement of the impossibility of competing on equal terms with the already recognized leader of the Internet - Google. As a result, in 2007, Terry Simil left his post, giving it to one of the creators of Yahoo! - Jerry Yang.

    Recent history of Yahoo! (2008 – present day)

    On the eve of the global financial and economic crisis, Yahoo! makes a statement that mass layoffs of its employees are not far off. No sooner said than done! In December 2008, over 1.5 thousand employees were laid off, which is just under 10% of their total number.

    Not long before this, Yahoo! once again held out to Microsoft. The company offered to buy Yahoo! for a record 44.6 billion dollars. This proposal was rejected by Yahoo! due to the greatly reduced price. Underestimated according to Yahoo! executives.

    Despite the fact that the “deal of the century” could not be concluded, the companies continued their cooperation. One of its most significant manifestations was the decision to use the Bing search robot, whose parent is Microsoft, on since 2008. Thus, Yahoo! once again demonstrated its inconsistency, finally handing over the search segment of the Web to Google and Microsoft.

    Further development of Yahoo! associated with the leapfrog in the top management of the company. In 2009, Jerry Yang left his position. After him, Carol Bartz and Scott Thompson took turns at the helm of the corporation. I must admit, we stood there to no avail, because nothing good happened with Yahoo! did not happen until mid-2012. On the contrary, another mass layoff, management scrambling to find new niches for the company, etc. There seemed to be no end to this and, accordingly, Yahoo! sooner or later, but will repeat the fate of many of its long-forgotten purchases.

    And just when many experts had already come to terms with this idea, the company was headed in July 2012 by Marissa Mayer, an eccentric, but at the same time very ambitious top manager, who most recently served as vice president of Google. It’s not to say that Marissa, during her time at the helm of Yahoo!, was able to radically change the portal and everything connected with it. But certain inclinations in better side are definitely on their way.

    Its anti-crisis approach to management finally allowed the company to say goodbye to huge ballast in the form of frozen and half-dead projects and concentrate on those whose potential is beyond doubt. At least for her.

    So, in May 2013 Yahoo! acquired the fairly popular blogosphere Tumblr for $1.1 billion, and also relaunched Flickr on a grand scale (in Times Square). The company plans to create real, and not imaginary, competition with the recognized leaders of the Network in the field mobile applications and video hosting.

    We will find out in the future whether Mrs. Mayer will succeed in all her plans. In the meantime, it is worth stating that the wind of real change brought by her to Yahoo! is already bearing fruit. Thus, the corporation began to be mentioned much more often in the media, and in a favorable light. Updated Yahoo! began to acquire a new audience. Curiously, Yahoo! even managed to outpace Google in some ways - by the end of July 2013, various Yahoo! turned out to be more in demand among US residents in comparison with the search giant’s projects. The growth of the portal's American audience was 21% per year, which has not been observed for several years.

    As a consequence of all that has been said, this year the company’s share price jumped to its five-year high. It's only the beginning?!

    Yahoo Messenger is a free and very popular instant messenger for communicating on the Internet from the well-known search engine Yahoo!

    Download Yahoo! Messenger is absolutely free and in Russian, because this communication manager is designed to a fairly professional degree, designed for communication purposes through instant sending of text/voice/video messages through the global “web”.

    People using personal device with the Internet connected as a means of instant communication, they simply cannot do without some kind of messenger program. Such utilities become familiar and are installed directly on new system. One of the popular similar programs and is Yahoo Messenger distributed unofficially in Russian and other languages.

    After logging into the messenger, the user gets access to all services, including online games, music streaming, creating conferences, file sharing, and the ability to call landlines at reduced rates, as well as full integration with other special services of Yahoo!

    Old version of the messenger:

    The utility is non-commercial, so Yahoo! It couldn't be easier to download Messenger for free. The main window and, indeed, the rest of the interface are somewhat similar to ICQ (or other utilities of a similar series), but, of course, with individual “things”.

    It should be noted that the free Yahoo Messenger has a Russian version, unofficially translated by Andrey Kravtsov. The software boasts very advanced multimedia capabilities. It is able to create individual playlists, and when downloading special plugins, you can use players or radio stations; in addition, it is possible to listen to music tracks from friends’ profiles.

    You can download Yahoo Messenger for free from the official website, and the Russian version can be downloaded from the link with the prefix rus. Just download and run the YahooMessenger.exe file and the default application window will open with a Russian interface.

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