Asus rt n16 wifi does not work. Asus rt n16 firmware setup. Setting up the PPTP connection type – Aist Tolyatti, UfaNet (UfaNet), Ukraine Fregat

The number of computers and computerized equipment filling our homes is increasing. Therefore, organizing a home local network has not been an innovation for a long time; rather, it is simply a necessity.

As a rule, the provider provides one cable connection, less often a connection to a city wireless network. Naturally, it is possible to run a cable for each device in a house or apartment, but just imagine what it will look like.

An important factor is that most mobile computers, such as smartphones, netbooks, tablets, and Chromebooks cannot connect to the network using a cable at all.

The only way out of all these situations is to purchase and configure a network router. The router will be able to connect absolutely any equipment via cable and wireless connections.

Router characteristics

There are many types of network routers. However, the not very expensive ASUS RT N16 model, which has excellent characteristics, is perfect for organizing a home network.

Among the main differences, it is worth highlighting the differences between similar and competitive models:

Simply put, the router implements all the necessary functions and supports all known connection and encryption protocols. Therefore, if you configure ASUS RT N16 correctly, it will provide continuous and high-quality connection to any provider.


Before you begin setting up the router, you need to ensure that at least one computer is connected to it via an internal local network. It is also advisable that the provider's cable is already connected, since this is the only way to check that the settings are correct. There is nothing complicated about connecting a router, and it is completely similar to other devices.

In order to start setting up, we connect the cable coming from the provider to the WAN port, and connect one of the home computers via a local network (to a LAN port) or via Wi-Fi (wireless). It is worth knowing that in unconfigured Asus routers, the wireless connection will be called “Default”. The connection password is indicated on the back of the ASUS RT N16, and may also be contained in the documentation or on the box.

Login via Web interface

Each network device has its own firmware, called firmware. It determines what the router configuration interface will look like, as well as the initial settings for the local network.

If ASUS RT N16 was purchased recently and its firmware is factory installed, then the device’s IP address will be, accordingly it will be assigned to your computer as a gateway for accessing the Internet and as a DNS server for receiving and decrypting domain names.

By typing the router address in any browser, you will need to enter authorization data to change the settings. This data can also be viewed on the back of the device or on the box.

Most often, verification data such as username (login) and password (password) are used to enter the settings for the first time:

  • login: admin;
  • password: admin.

Depending on the model, the password may sometimes be “1234” or an empty field (you just need to press “Enter”).

Setting up different connection types

After identification, a quick setup window will appear. To go to detailed and professional parameters, you need to click the “Advanced” button.

If all the settings for accessing the network are issued by the provider, then you don’t have to change anything. In this case, your router will receive the settings automatically (via DHCP). However, this type of connection is rarely used by providers.

Photo: dynamic IP is selected by default

Other connection types are in the WAN port settings. You can change the connection type from dynamic (where IP settings can change) to static (settings are specified manually, but no additional connections are required).

If an additional connection is required, then there are the following possible protocol options, the individual settings of which can be clarified with your provider:

  • To connect using the PPTP type, you need to provide the following information:

  • To connect using the L2TP type, you need to provide the following information:
  1. corresponding password;
  2. enter the dns of the provider, if the server name for the connection is specified and the dns is not issued automatically;
  3. server name or IP address.
  • To connect using PPoE type, you need to provide the following information:
  1. login (username) connection;
  2. corresponding password;
  3. enter the dns of the provider, if the server name is indicated;
  4. if you need a static connection to a WAN port, set the ip, mask, gateway;
  5. when authorizing on the server using the MAC address, enter the data;
  6. set the name of the access concentrator (in the form of ip or server name);
  7. the name of the service that receives authorization rights.

Depending on the provider, the connection can be made with general static or dynamic settings for each of these protocols.

However, each of them is different from the other and requires slightly different data for authorization on the server, which provides further access to the Internet.

For example, if you configure the ASUS RT N16 router for Beeline, then an L2TP connection is used. You need to select the appropriate type for the WAN connection. After this, you will need to specify local settings (if necessary) for accessing the network, as well as identification settings on the server (login, password and server name or IP).

Photo: setting up the ASUS RT N16 router for Beeline

In the case when the provider provides a PPoE connection, most often the settings are issued by the DHCP server, but authorization on it is required. Therefore, you do not need to cancel automatic IP acquisition for the WAN port, but you must specify a username and password in order for the server to let you pass further (widely used in networks with free access to the local network, but time or resource restrictions to the global network).

Turning on and setting up Wi-Fi

Setting up and managing wireless communication with the router is in the corresponding tab.

  1. To connect to Wi-Fi you need to do the following:
  2. assign an SSID for the Wi-Fi network. This is done in order to recognize your network among hundreds of others if you live in an apartment building;
  3. select the encryption type and user verification method;
  4. assign a password (at least 8 characters);
  5. if you need to change the channel width and number (it is recommended to change the number when the Wi-Fi network is very busy and the connection is interrupted);

If necessary, you can hide the SSID (network name), but this is not recommended as there may be problems with connecting some devices.

It is also better to set a password so that neighbors cannot use your Wi-Fi connection. It is important to set the best encryption settings and a complex password, since there are many hacking programs. Hacking your home network is fraught not only with the use of traffic by unauthorized persons, but also with the possibility of intercepting data and changing router settings.

If all home devices are equipped with modern wireless communication modules, you can specify that only N-format communications are used. There is no need for the router to fill up its memory with support for other connections if they are not needed.

Photo: Changing wireless settings

After making changes, it is important to remember to save the settings by clicking the “Apply” button.

Setting up IPTV on the ASUS RT N16 router

The IPTV function is becoming more and more popular every day. This option allows you to view television channels using a local or global network. In the first case, this service is provided by the provider, in the second - special Internet services.

To view you will need a special program or application for your mobile computer. Depending on the operating system you are using, the names and installation process may vary.

In order for ASUS RT N16 to properly transmit multi-stream video, which is used to implement the IPTV broadcast function, you must enable the following items in the routing settings:

  1. use DHCP routes;
  2. enable multicast routing.

Photo: adding permissions for multi-stream video transmission

You should be aware that using Multicast technology greatly clogs the network channel, so it is recommended to limit it to a third of the total connection speed. Otherwise, data transmission over the internal local and wireless networks may become unavailable.

Since the provider provides widescreen IPTV television, and the connection speed is 100 Mbit/sec, we select the average value - 36. You can experiment with the option, but be careful if connecting to the router is only possible via a wireless network.

Photo: limiting the traffic used by Multicast streams


If an error was made when entering the settings, and the question arose - how to reset the parameters, then you can always reset them using the appropriate router settings function.

To do this you need:

  • go to the “Administration” tab;
  • go to the settings control point;
  • click the “Restore” button.

If you changed the administrator password and then forgot it, and now you cannot access the settings, hold down the “Reset” button and hold it for 5 seconds, then reboot the device. After reboot, the settings will be reset.

Photo: resetting the router with a special button

Changing the factory password

In order to ensure security of access to the router settings, you need to change the password to a more complex one.

To do this you need:

  1. open the “System” tab;
  2. select “Administration”;
  3. enter the authorization data that was used before, as well as the new login and password.

Video: Setting up a Wi-Fi router

Firmware update

If the device's factory firmware does not contain certain functions that you need to implement, you need to try installing another firmware. First of all, you can try the regular update and use the latest version for your device from the official website.

But if you want to do something that official firmware cannot provide, for example, organize a secure VPN tunnel inside your local network, or even give access from the world to use your PPTP connection (if you have an external IP), you will need firmware from a third-party developer.

For example, for the functions described above, you can use merlin or more modern official firmware. When choosing a download site, try to use official resources. Also, do not forget about the revision of your router when choosing firmware.

In order to update the firmware you need to:

  • go to the “Administration” item in the router settings;
  • select the “Firmware Update” tab;
  • indicate the location of the file with the previously downloaded new firmware and click the appropriate button.

The ASUS RT N16 router is perfect for organizing a home network or can be used in production with a small number of local connections. Thanks to its high functionality and many supported standards, it can be called the best in its price category.

Today I will tell you how to perform a factory reset on Asus routers. In fact, a very useful thing. I think that the article will be useful to many. In principle, settings on an Asus router can be reset in the same way as on other routers. This can be done with a special button on the router case, or through the control panel, there is such a function.

What is a factory reset and why do it? It's very simple, every router has default settings with which it comes from the factory. After the purchase, we, of course, configure the router the way we need: we set the parameters for connecting to the provider, set a Wi-Fi password, change the network name, etc. For example, we recently... So, there are times when you need to clear these parameters so that the router is back to its factory settings. For example, you changed your provider, want to sell your router, or something didn’t work out during the setup process and you want to start over. To do this, so that the old settings do not interfere with us, we simply reset all the settings on our router and configure it again.

Also, in the instructions for setting up specific router models, I always advise resetting the settings to factory settings before setting up. This is necessary in order to clear settings that someone may have already set. And because of them, problems may arise during the setup process.

This article is suitable for almost all models of network devices from Asus (RT-N10, RT-N12, RT-N14U, rt-g32, etc.). The principle is the same. The only difference is that the button and its location may differ.

Resetting the settings on the Asus router

As I wrote above, a special button on the router case is responsible for resetting the settings. She is signed Reset, or Restore. Asus really likes to add the WPS function to this button. (activated by short press).

So, in order to reset the settings, we you need to press this Reset button for 10 seconds and hold it. Then we release it, the router will reboot and the factory settings will be restored. The button looks like this (for example):

And this is what it looks like on the older Asus RT-N13U:

Here I think everything is clear. We pressed the button, held it for 10 seconds, and the settings were restored.

Restoring factory settings via the control panel

Another simple way. We need to go into the router settings, I wrote about how to do this in the article:.

In settings go to the tab Administration - Manage Settings and press the button Restore. Click Ok for confirmation, and wait until the process of restoring parameters is completed.

By the way, it is possible to save the settings and then, if necessary, restore them from a file. I will write about this in a separate article. I hope you were able to reset the settings of your Asus router; if anything doesn’t work out, ask in the comments.

One of the most popular routers for the SOHO (Small Office / Home Office) segment is the ASUS RT N16 router, announced by Asus in 2010. What is interesting about this router, what are its features and characteristic differences, and what do you need to know when deciding to purchase it?

  1. Gigabit WAN and LAN interfaces – data exchange between devices connected to the router, as well as connection with the provider, can be carried out at a speed of 1000 Mbit/s.
  2. The built-in three-antenna wireless access point supports the 802.11n standard (the standard provides speeds up to 600 Mbps).
  3. 2 USB 2.0 ports, allowing you to connect a backup Internet access channel via an external 3G/4G modem, external drive, printer or other peripheral equipment.

The Asus RT N16 router is the flagship model in the line of home routers, and is designed for “gigabit” speed.

Connecting the device to the network

The physical connection and configuration of the Asus RT N16 router is similar to other router models and is fundamentally no different.

After unpacking the device and reading the documentation, do the following:

  1. The included antennas for the wireless access point are installed in their sockets.
  2. Power is supplied through a special connector located on the rear panel of the device; the power supply is inserted into the outlet.
  3. LAN interface (provider interface) – blue connector on the rear panel of the device. It is used for a wired connection between the device and the Internet operator (provider); a special wire (Ethernet cable) leading to the provider is inserted into it.
  4. WAN interface (internal wired interface) – 4 yellow connectors on the back of the device. They are used for wired connection of a computer, home NAS device, or TV using a special twisted pair cable that supports the Ethernet protocol.
  5. WiFi devices do not require a physical connection, but require special configuration of this channel.
  6. USB ports – an external modem, printer or external drive can be connected to them.

When setting up for the first time after physically connecting, you first need to go through authorization. Using an Internet browser, enter the default IP address of the device in the command line. An authorization window will open, you must enter login/password. The default values ​​set are admin/admin. If the IP address and login/password values ​​set by the manufacturer have been changed (for example, the device has already been used), then there is a “reset” button on the rear panel - returning all settings to the factory settings.

You can familiarize yourself with how to configure a router, or more precisely, with the graphical interface of the administrative panel, even before purchasing it on the manufacturer’s website, on the pages of which there is an emulator of this device.

First meeting

Setting up the ASUS RT N16 router.

It should be noted that the administrative panel of ASUS RT N16 is somewhat different from its analogues in the presence of the following tabs:

  1. Network maps are the first thing the user sees when entering the administrative interface (settings menu). Here, the network, connected devices, as well as its main parameters are displayed graphically: network name, firmware version, current time. Here you can also select the localization (language) of the control panel, reboot the entire router, enable or disable wireless access, and change the current security level.
  2. UPnP media servers – this tab allows you to enable (enable) or disable (disable) the router’s support for the UPnP protocol – automatic detection and connection of home multimedia devices.
  3. EZQoS – this tab allows you to limit bandwidth (transfer speed) for different categories of devices. Typically, this function is not used in SOHO segment conditions.
  4. Advanced setting – this tab contains all the main settings of the router.

Setting up parameters

You can determine the basic settings of the ASUS RT N16 router by going to the Advanced setting tab, where the user has the opportunity to change the following elements of the router:

  1. Wireless – this tab is responsible for the WiFi access point and allows you to configure its parameters. First of all, this is: the name of the WiFi network, the protocol used, the exchange speed (b/g/n), the ability to set the data encryption method, and the password for user access to the system. In addition, you can restrict the access of external devices to systems based on their MAC address (hardware serial number).
  2. LAN – this tab allows you to enter internal connection parameters, first of all, set the internal IP address of the device itself, set a subnet mask, enable (if necessary) the DHCP server and define parameters for automatic distribution of IP addresses within the network. In addition, you can describe a routing scheme - a mechanism for redirecting external requests to the internal network.
  3. WAN – this tab is responsible for the connection parameters to the Internet provider, primarily for the connection protocol (Dynamic / Static IP, PPTP/L2TP/PPPoE). It is best to find out these parameters from the Internet provider that provides Internet access.
  4. USB application – a tab that allows you to administer the level of access to external devices (read, write and read), including at the level of specific files (folders).
  5. Firewall is a tab that defines the parameters of the firewall (between the external network - the Internet - and the internal network); the range of parameters for its configuration is quite wide. White or black list based on device MAC addresses or IP addresses, the ability to enable/disable the firewall at specific times by day of the week.
  6. Administration – this tab allows you to create (and, if necessary, restore) a backup copy of all the settings and parameters of the router. There is also a tab for software updates. In the same section, the user can change the administrator password, set the time zone, and also specify a time synchronization server. In the same tab, the router operation options are determined
  7. System Log – the device operation logging tab, allows you to view the device operation protocol as a whole, the operation protocols of wired and wireless channels. The routing table is also presented here, i.e. routing parameters within the system (different for different devices).

Problem solved

Pros: Powerful. Popular, oddly enough. Accurately performs assigned functions. Easy to update to alternative firmware. With DD-WRT, the uptime is stable for 50 days or more, especially when you do not update the firmware, but use a stable version. Because I don’t use pptp/l2tp/etc, but just dynamic ip, load average even at high data transfer rates usually does not exceed 0.03-0.04, even if these are torrents. A friend of mine has pptp - of course, this process requires large values. But the piece of hardware also holds this load, which is good in principle. Disadvantages: LEDs. It is treated by the closet door, where it is actually installed. The basic firmware is simply unbearable, replaced on the fifth day of operation with DD-WRT due to poor QoS performance - losses were audible on SIP via SIP-TA; Surprisingly, on the basic firmware, the Internet connection could disappear for several seconds while the router was doing DHCPRENEW. Let me make a reservation right away: the link did not physically disappear, which is confirmed by logs from the operator’s switch. Comment: It may show a goat's face when flashing: it will create a loop on the wan port, for which the telecom operator can ban you, and the router itself will blink two lights - power and one more. It can be treated by updating it to the factory version via tftp from the Asus website. On 802.11g, when broadcasting an X-window from a host connected via a 100 Mbit/s cable, I managed to get a maximum of stable 3.4 MB/s, not such a bad result for wi-fi over g... I can’t use 802.11n, it’s free There are no frequencies under n in the apartment - everything is occupied. In a friend’s apartment, where other points are at a significant distance from his router, 802.11n is received efficiently. Also, on DD-WRT it is better not to change the power of the wi-fi transmitter, within the limits allowed by the web interface: one friend already managed to burn it this way :) The English-language forum talks about the possibility of using a band from 17 to 25 mW, but use such The feature must be used carefully - in my case, 20 mW was a stable maximum. Everything above did not add improvement. For example, I left the laptop turned on overnight, we checked: the laptop driver says a channel of 54 Mbit/s, the web face (Rate field) says the same thing. The next morning I get the results: laptop driver - 54 Mbit/s, web face - 1 Mbit/s - relevant for power over 21 mW. After experimenting for several weeks with different firmware versions, I came to the conclusion that the stable build of dd-wrt (14896), which is on the official dd-wrt wiki, is really stable - at the default TX Power value of 17 mW there are no connection breaks and the speed is consistent. On the last beta build 17598, I had a need to increase the transmitter power due to interruptions, but this did not solve the problem. Updating to an older firmware version solved the problem. I did not observe any problems with overheating, even at +30 in the room. The bottom line is simple: the money was not wasted, I don’t feel the need for more productive hardware this year.

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