Lena Miro Instagram official. Instagram account of Lena Miro (miss tramell). Bloglife of Lena Miro

Lena Miro or Elena Mironenko is a smart, sharp, and insightful blogger. A fresh breath, a fresh look at the events that are happening around.

If you were not familiar with her “creativity,” then set aside a couple of hours for this and first look at Lena Miro’s Instagram. In it, she does not publish selfies, lift looks, outfits, cosmetic items, parties or anything else banal.

Every image of her is an announcement in a post on her blog. As soon as you see an update from Lena Miro on Instagram, feel free to open her blogs and read.

Lena Miro runs Instagram under the accessible nickname @lenamyro. Now she has only 81k subscribers, and the remaining millions apparently have not yet been carried away by her articles and posts. But it's a matter of time.

She touches on various topics that interest her. Somewhere they will show something, write it, post it, say it. And if this touched Lena, then expect reprimand.

For example, the recent story with Sobchak, who said that Orthodox priests are fat. So Ksenia, get an article from Lena Miro “Why are clergymen fat, and is it better for Ksenia Sobchak to show her panties than to talk?” Is Dana Borisova getting married? - “Why does a 40-year-old woman with a child and no money need a big, luxurious wedding?”

Mainly Lena Miro’s Instagram and blog will be of interest to girls and women. But the male half will also have something to read about.

If you don’t know who Lena Miro is, and you came across this page completely by accident, rest assured that you will spend the next few hours in the “stashes” of the Internet. Miro's personality has become one of the most discussed topics on the Runet, and the amount of available material will make you leave real space for a while.

It is important to know that Lena Miro, aka Elena Mironenko, is a Russian blogger who openly provokes her readers into heated discussions and open conflicts. She promotes a healthy lifestyle in its most rigorous manifestations - daily intensive fitness training and exceptionally healthy nutrition. A woman with a couple of extra pounds, in her opinion, is a “cow” who needs to stop “eating.” By the way, presenting thoughts in a rough form is Miro’s signature style, which is criticized by fellow bloggers. Many marketers believe that this is just an image created for the purpose of mass PR for Elena Mironenko as a writer. It is for this reason that Lena Miro regularly updates LiveJournal, Twitter and Instagram with posts that cause indignation and at the same time attract the attention of followers.

Lena Miro's Instagram is as bold as her LiveJournal blog

Miro's Instagram page is not a sight for the faint of heart. If you have low self-esteem, avoid it. If you are easily provoked into conflict, avoid it. If you are unhappy with your figure, quickly close Instagram and forget the name Lena Miro forever. This girl is a pure internet troll. Her “responsibilities” include showing off her toned muscles, reproaching naive followers for gluttony and speaking obscenely at especially sharp-tongued guests. If you are motivated by demotivators, then Miro’s page will probably be included in the top 10 of your favorite galleries. But most users prefer not to go into this “dark place” of Instagram at all.

In fact, all words written by Mironenko should be treated with irony. The ostentatiously bitchy nature of this girl causes nothing but a slight smirk among emotionally stable people. And let Lena Miro fill her Instagram with photos of gorgeous abs and perfect legs. Only a few will remember her face, and rough notes will be forgotten within a few minutes when you switch to profiles with kittens and puppies.

So, Miro’s Instagram is a logical continuation of her LiveJournal blog. So to speak, an illustrated application. Lena’s page doesn’t carry any meaning, and it’s also not very effective in motivating. But she helps Internet trolls like herself to vent their emotions.

P.S. if you like to follow scandalous personalities, look at Alena Vodonaeva’s Instagram page, you definitely won’t be disappointed!

Popular blogger Lena Miro (real name Elena Mironenko) was born in 1981 in the small town of Stary Oskol. After graduating from school, she moved to Voronezh and entered the local university, where she received a diploma in translation. After this, Lena moved to England. The girl made her living by organizing parties. A few years later, Miro returned to Russia and began to take her first steps towards fame.

Path to glory

In February 2010, Elena created a notorious blog with the nickname miss_tramell on LiveJournal. The number of her subscribers was actively growing: within a couple of years, thousands of comments were collected under posts on Miro’s blog.

The format of her online diary leaves no one indifferent. “Goddess LiveJournal” writes on topical topics, but does so in a cynical and caustic manner. Some people admire this approach, but most people consider Lena a provocateur and brawler who is constantly trying to attract attention to herself.

The main topics of miss_tramell's records are gossip, intrigue and other people's “dirty laundry”. Lena dares to criticize A-list stars and give advice on how to live. At the same time, there are many articles on the topic of sports training and healthy lifestyle.

Writing career

It is important to note that initially Lena positioned herself as a writer, and used the livejournal blog only to popularize her books. However, very quickly the “rage” set in and she realized that the online diary brought her much more fame. At the moment, Lena has published about 20 books, including several dedicated to proper nutrition, training and creating an ideal body. The rest are ordinary women's novels.

Personal life

After the celebrity’s stories stopped featuring her billionaire boyfriend, who turned out to be a fiction, she began to position herself as a loner. However, information about the novels of the “goddess of LJ” constantly appears in the press. Moreover, her lovers are far from the image of the ideal man that Lena paints in her LJ. It is reliably known that at one time Miro lived in New York with a 45-year-old photographer.

Interesting fact

At the beginning of her journey, Lena portrayed herself as a native Muscovite who bathed in luxury. The real information about her was found by ill-wishers and published on the Internet.

Brief dossier:

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 49 kg
  • Instagram - www.instagram.com/lenamyro
  • LJ – miss-tramell.livejournal.com
  • VKontakte - vk.com/lena.miro

I learned about blogger Elena Miro (Mironenko in the world) relatively recently. I came across an announcement of her article on Instagram, from where I already followed the link to Lifejournal (LJ). I note that Elena uses Instagram only to advertise her main blog. Miro specializes in secular gossip, which he presents in a very aggressive and downright boorish manner. But first things first.

So, Elena Mironenko. 36 years old, unmarried, no children. Usually he presents himself as a writer or a journalist, but in fact he is neither one nor the other. Elena has been actively involved in sports for quite a number of years; she considers her figure to be the main achievement in life. As well as silicone breasts, which he very often shows off to his readers.

Mironenko is the author of several books on fitness and weight loss. Opinions about her literary abilities vary. Some people consider them to be very mediocre and based on “shock therapy”. Some people claim that Miro’s books helped them. I can’t say anything here - I haven’t read it.

Of course, Miro’s main brainchild is her scandalous LiveJournal blog. All publications in them can be divided into 3 main groups:

1. Social gossip

2. Materials about weight loss

3. About yourself and your friends.

As for the discussion of various media personalities, here Miro immediately began to act on the principle of being as yellow and black as possible. Everyone gets it - from Olga Buzova to Anna Netrebko. She does not disdain Western stars either. For example, I saw several posts from her about Monica Bellucci. Miro calls her a village woman, whom even in her youth “they didn’t really want.” Also among her “victims” are Pamella Anderson, Duchess Kate, Heidi Klum and many others.

From Russian show business, Miro especially “loves” Olga Buzova and Ksenia Sobchak. There was one very interesting post about the latter. When Sobchak was expecting a child, Miro wrote that the father was not Ksenia’s husband Maxim Vitorgan, but some other person. Our valiant yellow media are not asleep and this information has gone viral on the Internet. According to Miro, Sobchak was seriously excited about this topic. It's funny to you? Then let's move on.

The next category is fitness and weight loss. The column, which began with seemingly advice and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, came down to one thesis: the main thing in this life is to have a size XS. Anything more for Miro is already a reason for malicious ridicule.

As an argument, she describes the life of Leonardo DiCaprio, who only dates thin models. I don’t know, maybe Miro has been preparing to meet him all these years? But I’m afraid that in addition to his figure, DiCaprio also pays attention to his age. So, his current passion is only 23 years old.

In general, the theme of fat people and the reflections on female beauty that cling to it run like a red line through all of Miro’s materials. I will even say more, it already looks like an obsession. Elena never tires of talking about her beauty and sexuality. For example, there was a funny (in my opinion) post about how two 16-year-old boys allegedly fell for her. Everyone rode in the elevator together. And when she left, she heard their admiring voices. As one subscriber wrote: people need legends.

But Miro is completely captivated by her fantasies. For some reason he thinks he looks 10 years younger. This is not true, she looks her age, maybe minus a couple of years.

Miro's contemptuous attitude towards fat women causes great resonance among readers. It is clear that the average Russian woman is by no means skinny. That’s what Miro is counting on, scandals, holivar under her posts - this is what she created her blog for. If people regularly made fun of her like I do, then the miss trammel project would not have existed for long and would hardly have made it to the top of LiveJournal. But Lena is a skilled troll and provocateur.

Miro has materials about “girlfriends”. Well, again, she will never be friends with fat people, only with thin ones. Or how her friends’ children adore her because she is always sincere. In general, there is no point in continuing. Lena's imagination is overflowing. And I don’t think she had at least one real friend in her life, because no one likes such anger and bile.

You are probably asking if there is anyone about whom Miro speaks positively. Yes, I have. This is Melania Trump. It’s clear that she’s an interesting woman, she had her breasts done, her face reshaped with plastic surgery, her husband is a billionaire, and now he’s also the president. Miro's unfulfilled dream😂

Miro periodically talks about marriage and children in his posts. But here it is clear that no one is asking our “beauty” to marry, we need to justify ourselves somehow. Therefore, she talks about how she saw a nursing home for the rich in the USA. The old women live in complete contentment, drinking champagne on the beach. This is what Miro wants someday too. I just want to say: Lena, you have no luck😈! Well, unless of course you rob a bank😃

I want to talk about Miro’s attitude towards his own subscribers. Here the whole set of “ladies” comes into play - getting personal, insults, ridicule. In short, everything she uses against famous secular characters. If she doesn't like something, she immediately blocks the reader. So, she blocked me simply for having a different opinion. Miro really doesn’t like calm, reasoned conclusions against her posts; she has nothing to answer to such ones.

Lena Miro(aka Elena Vladimirovna Mironenko) is a scandalous LiveJournal blogger (miss_tramell) with a thematic specialization on gender relations, a writer and supposedly a screenwriter. Also participates in Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter.

Elena Mironenko
Occupation: writer, screenwriter, blogger
Place of birth: Stary Oskol, Belgorod region
Country Russia
LJ user information miss_tramell
Owner: Lena Miro
Status: active

Born Lena Miro June 24, 1981 in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. Currently lives in Moscow. She graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in translator.
According to her own statements published about her in Komsomolskaya Pravda, on June 29, 2006 she joined United Russia. In the same publication Lena Miro named “the so-called writer who turned the script of the TV series “School” into a book.” The press reported her expulsion from United Russia by the primary organization in 2011. It also says there that Elena Miro co-wrote and published a series of stories in continuation of the series “School”.

Lena Miro - popular LiveJournal Blogger

Lena Miro has been running miss_tramell magazine since February 24, 2010. The ten-thousander LiveJournal, as of April 2013, has more than 11.5 thousand subscribers, itself Elena Miro read by 28 people. During the time she blogged, she wrote more than a thousand posts, to which more than 350 thousand comments were left, takes 37th place in the user rating for social capital and is in the top ten most visited LiveJournal blogs.
As of September 2014 Lena Miro received 800 thousand comments, and its place in the ranking increased to 20th (2nd in Ukraine).
In mutual friends Elena Miro Fritzmorgen also has.
In 2011 Lena Miro began to regularly appear in the top LJ posts. The first fame came from a post about “the most disgusting old women” who prevented the blogger from moving around the center of Moscow.

Then Lena Miro Other scandals were also provoked. The newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” wrote about the entry about old women on June 7, 2011 in an article by Andrei Grishin entitled “The blogger decided to“ rid Moscow of the most vile old women “,” dedicated to Lene Miro.
This article also talked about confessions top blogger Lene Miro that she is a member of the United Russia party and uses cocaine.
He often mocks fellow bloggers who are in the TOP of LiveJournal.

Due to constant provocations and unpleasant statements addressed to users commenting on the blog, a large number of visitors to the main LiveJournal pages They blacklisted her, and among them she is considered an anti-hero of LiveJournal. Since January 2013, he has headed Antitop LiveJournal.
Also in 2011, she was engaged in sending messages to LJ users’ DMs. The message contained an invitation to friending and reading your blog. The messages were not massive, that is, she went through every user.

Lena Miro loves to shoot visitors to her blog for rudeness and comments that she doesn’t like, while invariably attacking the commentator’s personality.
Much attention Lena Miro focuses on promoting fitness and a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, he likes to call readers “fat pigs,” which they, in turn, perceive as motivation. In addition, there are frequent posts with a collection of photographs of visitors, which are asked to be rated on a ten-point scale.
In April 2013 Lena Miro gave a detailed interview to the sports portal "Fitfan". On April 20, 2013, she received the “Rynda of the Year” award in the “Rynda of the Year” nomination.
In September 2013, I wrote a post about a complaint about the conditions of detention in the colony.
The theme of the punk group Pussy Riot was continued with the post “Mad pussies turn... Into Crazy asses!” dated December 24, 2013, in which she wrote a version that the participants were allegedly going to perform an act of defecation on Red Square during the New Year while the chimes struck.
In March-April 2014 Elena Miro ranks fourth in the LiveJournal ranking by number of views.
In September 2014, she started a sex-corruption scandal after discovering suspicious girls in the State Duma apparatus.
On December 26, 2014, she wrote a resonant post with indignation at the fact that the program often uses blue and yellow coloring of clothes, bouquets, props, etc., which she believes is propaganda of the symbols of the Maidan.

Lena Miro was accused of participating in an information attack on the governor of the Vologda region Oleg Kuvshinnikov, when several top bloggers, including Lena Miro, published simultaneously (December 29, 2014) critical materials about him.
Before the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day Lena Miro wrote two posts in which she sharply negatively evaluates Stalin and the modern attempts to glorify Stalin: “Vile, mustachioed mug” “Why do the scoundrels need Stalin?”:
Even in my wildest dreams I could not imagine that one day posters for Victory Day with images of Stalin, this rabid scoundrel who committed genocide of his people, would appear on the streets of my country.

Lena Miro has a Twitter account Twitter LenaMyro with broadcasts of posts from LiveJournal, and posts from LiveJournal are also broadcast on VKontakte.
The most active on Facebook is lena.myro.5.
Lena Miro participates in Instagram.
In the wikiproject "Russian Expert" Lena Miro included in the list of well-known pro-Russian bloggers, websites and media.

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