Msi touchpad. Touchpad on a laptop - turning the panel on and off. Enabling and disabling via Device Manager

Question from a user


Help with touchpad. The fact is that I work on a laptop with a mouse, and in principle I don’t need a touchpad. When I type or do something at the keyboard, I often accidentally touch the touchpad with the surface of my palm and clicks are triggered (for example, text may be highlighted, the cursor may jump, etc.).

How can I turn it off? Not on my laptop special key There is nothing on the keyboard, in the mouse settings either. Sob sob...

Good day!

Yes, such a problem can be annoying. In this article I will try to give several working methods that will help solve your problem. (by the way, I suspect that you do not have drivers installed for the touchpad - that’s why there is nothing in the mouse settings) ...

Ways to disable the touchpad

Method #1: special function key

Many laptops have a special function key that allows you to quickly enable/disable the touchpad (it has a characteristic icon).

I will list the main brands of laptops and give the most common way to disable the touchpad:

  1. ASUS: usually this is a combination of the Fn+F9 (or Fn+F7) buttons. See photo below;
  2. Acer: Fn+F7 (or in mouse properties);
  3. Dell: most often the sensor is disabled in the mouse properties;
  4. MSI: combination Fn+F3;
  5. Lenovo: Fn+F5 or Fn+F8;
  6. HP: Note that HP laptops use a double tap on the top left corner of the touchpad to disable it (see photo below).
  7. Sony: combination Fn+F1 (laptops of this brand also have their own Control Center, which also has a similar option);
  8. Samsung: in the vast majority of laptops Fn+F5;
  9. Toshiba: most often the combination Fn+F5 (laptops of this brand also have an option to disable the sensor in the mouse properties).

If the function key works, usually a notification always appears on the screen indicating that the sensor has been disabled (see screenshot below).

Method number 2: use mouse properties

If there is no function key, then almost certainly the option to disable the touchpad should be in the mouse settings (or in special software, such as Sony, Dell).

Or, use the methods below.

Method number 3: for Windows 10 - use the settings of touch devices

If you have Windows 10 OS, then there is a special option in the parameters. section responsible for the operation of the touch device.

To open these settings, go to START and click on the "Settings" button.

Next, go to the "Devices/ Touchpad". Here you can disable it completely or partially (for example, disable the touchpad when connecting a mouse). In addition, you can adjust the speed of the cursor and touch. See the screenshot below.

Device section/touchpad

Method number 4: disable the touchpad in Device Manager

Many devices (including the touchpad) can be disabled through the device manager.

The easiest way to open it (in Windows 7÷10): go to the control panel and add the word “Dispatcher” to the search bar. The search results will contain a link to launch it (see screenshot below).

In Device Manager, expand the tab "Mice and other pointing devices" . One of the pointing devices is the touchpad. If it is difficult (impossible) to navigate by name, then turn off each of them one by one until you find the one you need.

Disable Device // Device Manager

Method No. 5: manual option - place a piece of cardboard/paper

Well, the last option is to cut a piece of thick paper (from cardboard, for example) to the size of the touchpad and cover this area with it (without glue! Just carefully pick it up with tape). The method, although clumsy, will allow you to avoid accidental clicks when touching your palms.

Additions are welcome.

That's all, good luck everyone!

Some laptop users may encounter this problem - the touchpad on the laptop is not enabled, or vice versa, you are using a mouse, and the touchpad only interferes with your work.

To enable or disable the touchpad, you must press a certain key combination. On almost all laptops, the first key is Fn, and here is the second one different laptops is different.

Laptops Acer– Fn + F7.

Laptops Asus– Fn + F9.

Laptops Lenovo– Fn + F8 (on some models F6)

Laptops Dell– Fn + F5.

Laptops Toshiba– Fn + F9.

Laptops Sony– Fn + F1.

Laptops Samsung– Fn + F5 (on some models F6)

Laptops MSI– Fn + F3.

Laptops Packard Bell– Fn + F6

On others, as well as on some models of these brands, the keys may differ. The required key usually has an icon as shown in the figure below.

If this method did not help, or you have no necessary buttons, you can enable or disable the touchpad using Windows.

In order to enable or disable the touchpad using Windows, open Control PanelEquipment and soundDevices and Printers.

Now click right click mouse over the icon with the name of your computer and select Mouse options.

In the window that opens, you need to select the item indicating the internal pointing device, for example, for me it is called ClickPad, for you it may be called differently.

Open this tab and click on the button Turn on(Enable) or Disable(Disable). Save the settings by clicking on the OK button.

(touchpad). Most often, the touchpad is used only when it is not possible to connect a mouse (on flights, on a train, etc.). And it’s not convenient, especially if you need to play games =)
Sometimes it happens that while working on a laptop, you accidentally touch the touchpad and the mouse cursor moves or a mouse click is triggered.
In this article, I will show you how to disable the touchpad so that it does not interfere.

1 way.

To do this, you will need a bank card or a piece of paper that can be cut to size. Do you see what I'm getting at? Yes Yes. We take it and cover this touchpad with a card or paper. For reliability, you can also seal the edges with tape.
On the one hand, the laziest, fastest and most effective method has the right to exist.

2 way to disable the touchpad.

On some laptops, manufacturers have provided this feature on the touchpad itself. Most often found on HP laptops. Maybe you have it too.
Look at the edge of the touchpad for a small glowing (or not) dot. It is usually located in the upper left corner. So, when you press it twice, the touchpad will turn off.

3 way to disable the touchpad

It is much more common that the shutdown button is located on a function key. You can read more about this in the article.
I’ll just write briefly that if you click on such a button, and along with it on the functional button (blue/cyan/violet/orange, etc. colors) located on the function keys from F1 to F12 and on which (most often) is drawn rectangle, then the touchpad will also turn off and something like this will appear on the screen:

Commonly used combinations for turning off the touchpad in laptops:



Dell: Fn+F5


4 ways to disable the touchpad on a laptop

To do this, you will need to go to the Control Panel and disable it from there. Most often, a utility from the company is used in Windows OS Synaptics. It is called Synaptics Pointing Device Driver.

Let's assume that you have Windows 7, then we follow the path:

“Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Mouse” -> “Properties: Mouse” -> “Device Settings” tab

We do as on, selecting our touchpad and disabling ( Disable) his. You can enable it in the same way, just by selecting and clicking “Enable” ( Enable).

5 way to disable the touchpad

Without going far from the mouse device parameters (from the previous method), pay attention to the checkbox “ Disable internal pointing device when connecting external pointing device to USB port ", which needs to be installed and the touchpad will be disabled if a mouse is connected.

It's even much more convenient.

There is a small nuance here. Sometimes this checkbox and item are not in the parameters, but you should not think that this is how it should be. Now we will turn it on.

First, try downloading and installing more new version programs (note the inscription at the top) with .

Let me explain that you need to pay attention to the version on the website (it’s always the latest and newest):

Got it? No? write in the comments then...

If the version is new or you don’t want to update and you think it will work anyway, then try it, I won’t prohibit you. Everything is at your own risk...

So, go to (keyboard shortcut Win+R and enter regedit).

Do backup copy(backup) just in case (top menu File - Export). So as not to write in the comments later that because of my article, your touchpad broke, your keyboard, your Windows, and the gopniks beat you up at the entrance...

Let's go to the thread


We create new parameter(Top Menu Edit -> Create -> DWORD parameter (32-bit)) with the name DisableIntPDFeature (if it doesn't exist).

Set the value to 33 V hexadecimal system, or 51 in decimal (RMB on file -> Change)

We create the same parameter now in the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh(with the same meaning)

Let's reboot. We rejoice at the tick that appears and check it.

5 way to disable the touchpad touchpad

To do this, you need to enter the BIOS (when loading, press F2 or F8 or F6 or DEL - depends on the version) and search on the “ Advanced" paragraph " Internal Pointing Device" which should be changed to " Disabled»

6 hard way disabling the touchpad.

Can be unscrewed back cover laptop and find the cable there that goes to the touchpad. And then disconnect it.

But this method is absolutely for those for whom the touchpad interferes so much that he is ready to neglect all the methods described above and will be able to correctly unscrew all the screws on the laptop and remove the cable (and then how to screw it back if it gets in the way?). But this method takes place in the same way as the first described.

I think these methods will be enough for you to turn off the touchpad.

It doesn’t matter what brand you have a laptop or netbook: asus, dell, sony, msi, toshiba, hp, lenovo, acer, samsung, etc. You can still disable the touchpad.

IN currently All laptops are equipped with touchpads. This is a touch panel whose function is replace computer mouse. In some cases, the touchpad may interfere with normal operation. For example, when typing text in the editor, you accidentally clicked on it and the cursor moved to another part of the screen. If repeated many times, this state of affairs can become boring.

There are also the opposite situations, the TouchPad for some reason stopped working, what should I do? Let's talk about both cases in more detail. It is worth noting that inclusion touch mouse similar to turning off, only carried out in reverse order.

Using function keys

On almost all modern laptops, it is possible to disable/enable the touchpad using a special function key combinations. For different laptop models, their options are different. It should be noted that this method works with native drivers.

For many laptops, this is a combination of buttons pressed simultaneously Fn+F9. But, based on what model, options may vary.

If your laptop is not among those listed above, pay attention to function keys, for the presence of Pictures with a crossed out touchpad.

If you don’t find the pictures, you just have to try brute force(be careful not to disable others required functions). Probably, in this case, you do not have special drivers installed; you can update them or resort to other methods described below.

Disabling the touch mouse via BIOS

Although the previous method is convenient, the drawback is that immediately after rebooting the TouchPad will work again and you will again need to press the above combination.

Disable completely it can be done through the BIOS. The BIOS contains settings for all major components, including this one.

Restart your laptop. When turned on, press F2 or Del(or other options, depending on the BIOS version).

Go to field Advanced and find the parameter Internal Pointing Device. « Enabled" - to turn on, " Disabled» — to turn off.

Another parameter might look like this. (Read the manual for your laptop to see where this parameter is located in your BIOS).

We use the button on the touchpad itself

On some laptops and netbooks there is a shutdown button on the touchpad itself.

Then you just need press on this button in the upper left corner.

Disable using synaptics

Many laptops use the manufacturer's touchpad Synaptics. If this is your case, then the TouchPad can easily be turned off in the button, which you will find in Start.

There we choose Equipment and sound.

Next select Mouse and its properties, where we go to the tab Pointer Options.

Here you can turn it off completely TouchPad, or you can make it turn itself off when you connect a mouse to the laptop.

Enabling and disabling via Device Manager

Let's launch device Manager in a convenient way for you, for example, by entering in the window Execute(Win+R) command devmgnt.msc.

In the Manager we find our touchpad; it is most likely located in the Mice and other pointing devices section.

Right-click on it, and in properties disable.

In case you have installed native official driver on the TouchPad, you can find its advanced settings. For example, from the manufacturer Dell, this can be done as follows.

Opening settings V Mouse properties, where I found the Dell touchpad tab. You will see a link below to open and change settings devices.

A window will open in which you have the option inclusion And shutdown touch panel.

If there are no advanced settings, then you can download“native” driver from the official website of your laptop manufacturer.

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