Extension for google chrome theme. How to install themes for Google Chrome. Download Google Chrome themes

Themes for Yandex. Many people are looking for browsers on the Internet, everyone wants to give their browser individuality and beauty. appearance, but where to look for topics? Yandex. The browser has just been released, and it does not have its own application store, like other popular browsers, but in fact, this is not the case.

The fact is that the browser is created on the engine Chromium. Many other browsers were created based on it, including Google Chrome. The browsers are similar in appearance and in many functions, which means that themes from the Internet - Google store Chrome should also be supported in Yandex. Browser. I suggest checking it out right now.

Attention! At the moment, this feature with themes from Google Chrome does not work, but THERE IS A WAY OUT! I suggest you download beautiful backgrounds for the Yandex browser. Just select the path/folder to extract exe file and the archive will be saved there.

How to change the background is written below:

1) Find this button in the lower left corner and click on it.

2) In the right corner you will find the “Download” button, through it we change the standard background to a new one.

3) Next, everything should be clear, select a picture, and confirm the changes.

It is also possible to choose themes from Google or from artists, compare them, the second option from artists looks much cooler, and there I will choose a theme for myself.

But first it’s worth saying that topics can also be found by keywords in search of.

Have you chosen your favorite topic? Let's move on to installing it. Hover your mouse over the theme and click the “Free” button, after checking the theme for compatibility, it will be installed automatically.

So, the installation is complete, let's see what happened... Yeah, I didn't expect this, the top part of the theme has changed, but the background remains the same, why is that? We'll find out soon...

As I found out later, it turns out that themes from Google Chrome are only partially supported, and you need to search for the background yourself, by the name of the theme, or some thematic one, for example, I found a picture of my theme through an image search, and set it as the background, and that’s what this happened. This puzzled me and I decided to find out what Yandex itself had to say about this.

This is what is written on the Yandex browser support site. Not all themes are fully compatible With Yandex browser.

It turns out that the topics are partially supported, I was outraged by this and wrote a letter to their support with a simple question: “Why is this?” And this is what they answered me.

Friends, what do I suggest? Support me! Also write letters to them support so that they move, the more letters there are, the faster the developers will make full support for themes from Google Chrome in the Yandex browser. Let's make this browser even better!

If you have a Yandex browser installed, then you probably sometimes want to change its appearance. It itself does not have such functions, but you can think a little and use a third-party service. And so, in today’s article, let’s figure out how to change the theme in the Yandex browser.

This web browser is updated quite often, and perhaps some items will be slightly different in new versions, but the essence will remain the same. For example, it came out relatively recently new interface, which does not allow us to install third-party themes. However, this interface can still be disabled, which is what we will do now.

Launch the browser and click on the menu button in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Settings”:

Find the line “Appearance settings” and click on the “Turn off new interface” button:

That's it, now we can change its appearance. In order to download a theme, we will use the Google store for Chrome. You can follow the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/themes to go straight to required section(you need to go to this store and download from there, of course, only from a Yandex browser).

Find the picture you like and click on it. A window opens with its description, reviews about it and other information. Click on the “Install” button:

After a while it will download and you will be able to admire the new design of your browser. As you can see, we were able to easily install the theme in the Yandex browser, there is nothing complicated about it.

Most of us spend a lot of time on the Internet browsing websites without paying any attention to the design of our web browser.

However, beautiful browser themes can brighten your day.

Today we will tell you how to change your appearance in this way.

Space Planet Theme

I don’t know about you, but when I see space pictures, I always freeze for a few seconds, looking at them, especially when I see such a frame for the first time, because it’s so hard not to admire them. The background image of a planet of an unusual color with glowing rings around it is no exception.

You may barely see the full image since it only shows when you open new tab. Parts, on the contrary, you will see almost constantly (tabs and navigation bar). They are equally beautiful and have a mysterious indigo color that can be seen in the left corner.

Theme for Google Chrome – Beautiful Landscape

This theme has gold accents that are meant to remind the user of wood surfaces, and the tabs are metallic green, which I assume represents vegetation.

The background image in the new tab, in my humble opinion, is very majestic, so the name of this one definitely does not mislead the user and is completely true to reality.

Raindrops Browser Theme

So, here we have a theme with a real photo, which, by the way, looks quite calming against the backdrop of a new tab in your browser. You see parts of the same photo in the navigation bar tabs. It comes in various sizes. The Lite version does not include support for HD quality photography. In other cases, the only difference is Aero support.

As you can see in the screenshot, mine does not support Aero style, since I use it as operating system Ubuntu.

Download: Chrome.google.com


Is it too early to establish fall-related themes? The author of this article, who prefers winter desktop wallpaper all year round, says no. Well, this is a beautifully illustrated theme that comes with a wonderful background image for new tabs and also fills the entire top part browser with the same design, but with a different size.

This theme paints the tabs and navigation bar in a variety of colors, including orange, light blue, indigo and several others, which together create a rather unusual, pleasant color combination.

Need to download music from VK?

Maybe someone will like this article. Here I decided to post several beautiful and pleasant-looking themes for Google browser Chrome.

Today it is one of the most popular browsers, but you and I already know that. It has many features: plugins, extensions, and of course themes for google chrome. This way you can customize the look of your browser the way you want it. Below I will give several options for topics, perhaps you will like some and some not, it’s up to you to choose.

Themes for Google Chrome

Blue and green cubes, a nice design theme for the painting, quite minimalistic and nice. If you like themes like this, then hurry up and install it.

From the name it is clear that the theme for Batman fans, as you can see, is also pleasant to look at.

  • Black carbon + silver metal

The theme is silver metal and black carbon, very minimalistic with a beautiful pattern, the pattern is located near the search bar.

  • Doink

The theme is large with a floral pattern on the background, many flowers at the top of the browser window. The design is convincing to the eye. In well-lit rooms, light theme colors will come in handy. If you like the theme, install it.

  • Polytheme

Very cool topic in a minimalist form, a wide variety of purple shades. I would definitely set such a topic.

Theme in the form of black and white alternating stripes. Whoever made it definitely has a great sense of design.

  • Citrus_Cranes

The theme is in orange shade with lime green and khaki origami color in the background. We see paper origami at the top of the browser window. Looks cool.

  • Google Now theme

I think enough. Ten themes, I think you will like a couple of them and decide to install them in your browser. Even if you don't like any theme, you can choose any other one from the Chrome Web Store.

To do this, you will need a special web theme builder, a little inspiration and a few minutes of free time. Although if you suffer from perfectionism, you can spend several hours. We've warned you. :)

So, open the web application. You will see tabs with tools for creating themes on the left side of the window and an area for preview result on the right.

This constructor allows you to create themes in a semi-automatic mode. But you can also customize everything manually so that the result completely suits your taste.

1. Easy way

The point is this: you upload any image you like into the constructor, and ThemeBeta uses it as the main background for new topic and automatically adjusts all design colors to it.

To add your own image, under the Basic tab, click Upload an Image and select the desired image on your computer. Then, to have the editor customize the theme colors, click Generate Colors.

If you are satisfied with the result, click Pack and Install and confirm downloading and then adding the theme to Chrome. The browser immediately activates the new design.

If after automatic settings If you want to change colors or add separate backgrounds for different theme elements, you'll need the tools under the other tabs. More details about them are in the next paragraph of the article.

2. Advanced method

This method is manual setting backgrounds and text colors for the new theme.

To select pictures or colors as backgrounds for various design elements, use the tools under the Images tab. Just hover your cursor over any tool, and in the window on the right the designer will show which part of the theme it changes. For example, NTP Background is used to configure the main background. And Tab Background allows you to select the background of the site header.

Once you've figured out the backgrounds, you can customize the text colors in the Colors tab. Everything works the same way here. There is a list of tools, point at any of them - and in the window on the right you will see what it is responsible for.

When you're done with the backgrounds and text colors, open the Pack tab and click Pack and Install to download and apply your chosen theme.

In addition, you can always choose and install one of the many already ready-made themes from the ThemeBeta database or the official Google catalog. If in the future you want to return to the standard design, go to Chrome settings and opposite the “Themes” item, click “Default scale”.

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