Roaming everywhere is like being smart at home. Connection “Smart Everywhere at Home” from MTS

Surely, every resident of Russia who often travels or moves from one region to another wants calls to other regions not to be expensive. Fortunately, the largest cellular operator, Mobile TeleSystems, provides its customers with this opportunity by connecting the “Everywhere at home” option. If you need to frequently call other regions of the country, then this option will be very convenient and profitable for you. The very name of the service speaks for itself - communication will be as inexpensive as if you were in your home region.

The option has a pleasant bonus: stable prices for calls and messages during your stay in another region Russian Federation. Namely, the tariffs are the same as in the connection region. However, the option will only be available if you are in the area of ​​an active tower, but they are not available in every area.

Description and features

With the “Like Home Everywhere” service, communication throughout the Russian Federation becomes available to MTS subscribers at appropriate tariffs home network. The cost for outgoing calls within the country is 3 rubles/min. The cost of incoming calls is 0 rub./min. As for access to the Internet, it will be possible in every point of Russia according to the standard conditions of the basic tariff and at the same price.

Cost of the “Everywhere at home” service: Connection – 30 rub, daily subscription fee – 7 rub, disconnection is free of charge.

According to the terms of the option, each subscriber using it is given 100 free SMS per day. If you use them up and continue sending messages, you will be charged for them according to your tariff plan. You can find out about the number of remaining SMS by dialing the USSD code: *100*1# and sending it by pressing the “call” button.

Attention! Subscribers using the “Like Home Everywhere” service can use bonus points to activate the “Like Home Everywhere Bonus” service. It is turned on free of charge for one month, and then, if desired, you can refuse the paid extension and turn it off.

If you simultaneously activate both the “Like Home Everywhere” service and the “Smart Everywhere at Home” option, then free calls and SMS will be spent first from the second option listed above. When there are no more free minutes left, and you make calls, the services will be billed according to the “Like at Home Everywhere” prices.

Connecting and disconnecting

Activating the “Everywhere at Home” service is available in several ways:

  • Enter the USSD command from your mobile: *111*3333# and press to send the call button.
  • Send an SMS from your mobile phone to number 111 with the text code: “3333”.
  • Then you can log into your Personal Account on the company’s official website and connect it there.
  • Or you can visit the nearest communication store and contact the manager with a request to connect.
  • You can call the service technical support MTS by number: 8-800-250-08-90 (calls can be made from all mobile and landline phones for free) or 0890 (only from MTS numbers). And consult on connection issues.

To check connected service, use one of the following:

  • Send an SMS without text to the number: 8111.
  • Or dial the USSD code: *152# and press the “call” button to send it.

Shutdown The “Everywhere at home” service is provided in similar ways:

  • Dial the USSD code: *111*3333# and send it by pressing the “call” button.
  • Send an SMS containing the text: “33330” to the number
  • Then you can log into your Personal Account on the company’s official website and disable it there.
  • Or you can visit the nearest communication store and contact the manager with a request to disconnect.
  • You can call the technical support service at the number: 8-800-250-08-90 (calls can be made from all mobile and landline phones for free) or 0890 (only from MTS numbers). And consult on the issue of disconnection.

Please note: the option is not available for connection at the following tariffs: “Smart”, “Smart+”, “Smart Nonstop”, “Smart Top” and some others ( full list you can see on the MTS website). When switching to these tariff plans from others, it is automatically disabled.

When you are on an intranet or international roaming the usual tariff conditions cease to apply and the cost of communication services increases significantly. To reduce your roaming costs, you need to activate the appropriate service. IN currently Each operator has offers that allow you to optimize the costs of calls, SMS and Internet in roaming. Of course, MTS also has similar services. Being one of the leaders in the communications market this operator could not deprive its clients of the opportunity to use the services mobile communications in roaming and do not overpay huge amounts of money. If you are interested in offers for intranet roaming, then you should definitely study the terms of the MTS “Everywhere at home Smart” option.

This option allows you to optimize communication costs when traveling around Russia.

As part of this review, we will tell you what conditions the “Smart Everywhere at Home” option from MTS provides, and how to connect and disconnect it. This service should not be confused with the Everywhere at home option. This is a completely different option with different conditions. Although, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in search of the optimal offer for intranet roaming, you should study all the options.

Description of the MTS option “Everywhere at home”

Many subscribers make a big mistake when they go on a trip to Russia without taking care of connecting the appropriate tariff option in advance. It’s great if your tariff includes service packages that are available not only in your home region, but also in roaming. If your tariff plan does not provide for such packages, then on the first call you will spend all the money and go into the red. Agree, it's an unpleasant situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for the trip in advance. If you are still in doubt about whether you should activate any option, just look at the standard roaming tariffs. The cost of calls, SMS and Internet in roaming will depend on your tariff and region of residence, but there will not be a significant difference. As a rule, for most tariffs, incoming and outgoing calls outside the home region cost 9.99 rubles. in a minute.

SMS and Internet traffic also do not differ in competitive prices. Even if you are a fairly independent person, common sense is unlikely to allow you to pay that kind of money to the operator.

Let's return to the option from MTS “Smart Everywhere at Home”. Unlike its counterpart with a similar name, this option does not provide specific prices; it has a completely different purpose. The MTS “Everywhere at home Smart” option allows you to use calls, SMS and the Internet while roaming under the conditions that apply to your tariff in your home region. As an example, consider one of the tariffs for which the option is available.

  • If you have the “Everywhere at home Smart” option, the tariff provides for the following conditions:
  • Free outgoing calls to MTS Russia;
  • Free incoming calls;
  • 250 minutes to numbers of other Russian operators;
  • 250 SMS to all numbers in Russia;

That is, by activating the “Everywhere at home Smart” option, you can forget about intranet roaming, because the same tariff conditions will apply to you, regardless of what region of the country you are in. Of course, you have to pay for such a convenient opportunity. The MTS option “Smart Everywhere at Home” provides for a subscription fee of 100 rubles per month. There is no charge for connecting the option.

Other conditions of the “Everywhere at home Smart” option

Before activating the “Smart Everywhere at Home” option, you should carefully study all the conditions. Many subscribers study operator products only superficially, after which they are surprised by the presence of pitfalls. You must understand that it is important for the operator to demonstrate to you only the advantages of the service, but to find out about the disadvantages, you will have to try.

You should know that the option is not available for connection on all MTS tariffs. For example, the option cannot be activated on the most popular tariff plans of the Smart line (Smart+, Smart Nonstop, Smart, Unlimited). To clarify whether the option is compatible with your tariff, call the MTS operator. Also pay attention to the fact that when you are in Norilsk, the Republic of Sakha, the Magadan Region and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Internet speed is limited to 128 Kbps.

How to enable the “Smart Everywhere at Home” option

The “Smart Everywhere at Home” option cannot be called popular among MTS subscribers. It’s not a matter of the conditions of the option, everything is fine with this and many would happily pay 100 rubles a month for the opportunity to forget about such a thing as intranet roaming. The problem is that the option is not compatible with all MTS tariffs. If you are using a tariff plan for which this option is available and the conditions are completely satisfactory, you can activate the service right now.

You can activate the MTS “Smart Everywhere at Home” option:

  • Using the command * 111 * 1021 # ;
  • Through your MTS personal account;
  • Using the My MTS application.

To disable the “Smart Everywhere at Home” option, you can use the same methods as for connecting.

For users of the Smart line, the “Like Home Everywhere” service on MTS will be a very advantageous offer. The function works on all Smart packages, from “Smart Mini” and “Unlimited” to “Smart Top”. By connecting to the option, the user will be able to save a lot on calls while traveling around the Russian Federation. We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed description functions “Everywhere at home” Smart.


The “Smart at home everywhere” option on MTS allows subscribers who often travel outside their home region to use cellular communications as profitably as possible. In the arsenal of this package The following options are available:

  • incoming calls are free;
  • outgoing calls both within the home network and outside it – 3 rubles;
  • free SMS (100 units per day).

Cost of the “Smart Everywhere at Home” service from MTS

According to the terms of the agreement, for connecting to the “Everywhere at Home” function, the client is charged a subscription fee of 30 rubles. And also for using the service, 7 rubles per day will be debited from the subscriber’s account. Agree, this is not so much for the opportunity to make outgoing calls at 3 rubles per minute, free incoming calls and 100 free SMS per day.

In addition, immediately after activating the function, the user’s SIM card will receive 120 bonus points, which can be spent on any MTS services included in the telephony provider’s loyalty project.

There are several options for how to connect the option:

  • via USSD request * 111 * 3333 # and the “Call” key;
  • by sending a message to system number 111 with the word “3333”;
  • using your Personal Account. To do this, the subscriber needs to log in and log into his personal account. Next, go to the “MTS Tariffs” section and, having selected the desired tariff plan, click “Connect”.

You must deactivate the service immediately upon returning to your home region. This is necessary so that the standard tariff for your home network is activated, and you do not overpay for cellular communications.

The “Everywhere at home Smart” option can be disabled in the following ways:

  • Through the “Online MTS” service. To do this, go to, using a digital combination you will receive an answer to your request via SMS. To get the code number, send the system request * 111 * 125 # and press the call key. After entering your password you will be taken to the site. Next, go to the “Tariffs” section, then “Management” and, having selected the required service from the list, click “Disable”.
  • You can also disable the tariff in your Personal Account. To do this, go to the appropriate section on the website and, having selected the “Smart Everywhere at Home” service, click “Turn off”.
  • You can deactivate the tariff using the USSD command * 111 * 1021 #. After sending the request, an SMS will be sent to your phone confirming the successful deactivation of the function.

And if you have any questions, information and help can be obtained from employees mobile network. To do this, you can either go to the nearest office mobile operator, or just call the support service at 0890 or 8-800-25-008-90.

Clients who have connected the tariff Smart plan“Everywhere is like home”, they can follow the quota free messages. For these purposes, you can use one of the methods described below:

  • log into your personal account, then go to the service page, where all information on connection will be presented;
  • send the system request * 100 * 2 # and press the “Call” key;
  • It is also possible to view the SMS limit through the voice menu. To do this, dial * 100 # on your phone, click the “Call” button and then follow the instructions.

Operator cellular communications always tries to take care of its clients. In addition to conducting various profitable promotions, the company tries to update and improve the tariff plans and services provided for its regular customers. The benefits of services available to subscribers are clearly visible. Firstly, among the huge selection, you can find the tariff that will satisfy your request. Secondly, if there is no need for a particular service package, you can easily disable it. Today I would like to focus my attention on one of these services, namely the “Everywhere at Home” service, which will be an incredible find for a certain circle of people. Let's fully understand who and why may need to connect to the “Everywhere at Home” service.

General characteristics of the “Everywhere at home” service

This function is aimed at subscribers who often need to call other regions of Russia and abroad. Universal tariffing allows you not to worry about where and to whom you call, and also helps to save an impressive part of the funds in your account mobile phone. The service is available for use throughout our country.

Service characteristics

any incoming calls do not require payment from you;
per minute tariffication, the cost of outgoing calls from anywhere in the world is only 3 rubles per minute, in addition, every day you will be charged subscription fee in the amount of 7 rubles (may vary depending on the region);
cost of SMS messages and mobile internet is saved and calculated based on your old tariff.
The “Everywhere at home” service cannot be activated for a subscriber only if he/she already has the following tariff options “Business without borders” and “Business without borders for corporate clients", in other cases the service is available to all subscribers without exception.

How to enable and disable this service

There are three different ways, with which you can manage your services:
Use your MTS subscriber's Personal Account. With its help, you can manage all the services that MTS has access to.
Connection via SMS message. To activate this service, send to short number 111 message with the numbers 3333, and to disable - a message with the numbers 33330.
Dial *111*3333# on your mobile phone and press the call button.
The connection cost is 30 rubles. Please note that you can disable the service free of charge.

How to find out if you have activated the “Everywhere at home” service

To make sure that you have this option enabled, you can use the following methods:
Send an SMS message of any content to the short number 8111.
Send USSD request*152#, then follow the instructions.

If for some reason you were unable to use the two methods above, then your MTS Subscriber Personal Account will come to your aid.

Characteristics and cost of the service in different regions of Russia

On the official website of the MTS company you can find out the exact tariffs for the “Everywhere at Home” service for other regions and regions of our country.
Today the “Like Home Everywhere” service from MTS is one of the most advantageous offers in the company's line for subscribers who are constantly roaming with their friends and family. It combines a reasonable price and favorable conditions; also, if you don’t need it, you can easily disable this option on your mobile phone.

Among the line of “Smart” tariffs from MTS, the simplest tariff plan is considered “ Smart mini" Within its framework, the subscriber receives packages of basic services for a minimal fee. Thus, MTS subscribers can always be in touch.

Tariff features

The subscription fee for using the tariff is only 300 rubles. In some regions of Russia it can be either slightly lower - 200 per month, or reach 350 rubles per month.

The package provides the following options:

  1. 250 minutes for calls in your home region. It does not matter what kind of operator it is - MTS, Beeline, MegaFon or any other.
  2. 250 SMS for sending within the region.
  3. Internet traffic in the amount of 500 megabytes to 1 gigabyte. The size depends both on the area in which the subscriber lives and on how long he has been using the tariff. In a number of areas, within the first two months, 1 gigabyte is issued; after the period expires, the amount of traffic is halved.

Please note that the service package is only valid if the subscriber is in his home region.

“Everywhere is like home”

One of the features of the tariff is that it only works within your region. As soon as you leave it, roaming is activated and you have to pay several times more for communication. In order not to overpay when traveling, the operator offers subscribers to use the “Everywhere at home” option. When connected, the cost of communication will be the same as at home.

Every month, 100 rubles per month will be withdrawn from your balance for using the function.

To connect, dial the request *111*1021# call key. You can disable the option by typing the request again. When you arrive home, do not forget to deactivate it, otherwise your balance will be charged a monthly fee for use. Thus, your communication expenses will be 400 rubles, instead of 300.


After the basic service packages are used, the following tariffs are activated.

For calls:

  • Within the MTS network - free.
  • To numbers of other operators at home and communication with other MTS subscribers outside the home – 2.
  • The remaining operators outside the region are 14.

Sending messages:

  • To home numbers – 1.50.
  • To numbers in other regions of Russia – 3.80.
  • MMS – 9.90.

Incoming messages are free.


As part of the package, the subscriber is provided with from 500 to 1,000 megabytes high speed internet. After it is exhausted, the subscriber is automatically provided with an additional 500 megabytes of Internet traffic. In this case, its cost will be 75 rubles. As soon as it is exhausted, you will again be provided with additional traffic and the specified amount will be debited from your balance. Within a month you can be provided with up to 15 additional packages.

If you do not want to receive additional traffic, just dial the USSD request *111*936#.

Please note that Internet traffic is only available within the home. Otherwise, you must use the “Everywhere at home” option.

International calls and SMS

A few words about international communications. Within the tariff plan free minutes for communications with other countries are not provided. In general, the prices are the same as in most tariff models.

The cost of the call depends on the country. So, a minute of conversation will cost:

  • With subscribers from CIS countries – 35 rubles.
  • With residents of Europe – 49.
  • Other countries – 70.

The cost of sending one short message – 5.25.

Incoming messages are not charged.

Disadvantages of the tariff

Unfortunately, like any other tariff from MTS, “Smart mini” has a number of disadvantages. These include the following:

  1. The tariff is valid only within the home region. Of course, you can activate the “Everywhere at home” service, but it is paid. In addition, if you forget to turn it off in time, you can lose an extra 100 rubles a month.
  2. The catch with the free 250 minutes. They are provided not only for calls to numbers of other operators in the region, but to MTS numbers. That is, if you call MTS numbers for the first 250 minutes, then the subsequent call to Beeline will be charged at a rate of 2 rubles per minute. Therefore, before calling, it is advisable to check the balance of package services. This can be done using the request *100*1#.
  3. Internet. Another big disadvantage is the automatic paid renewal of traffic. It's good if you have a regular black and white phone or an old color model that doesn't require constant updates. But if you are a smartphone owner, then beware. Every day, your device will update all programs installed on it using packet traffic. In most cases, after half a month the basic package will be used up, and you will have to pay for additional megabytes. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly disable the auto-renewal feature or set a limit on Internet use on your mobile device.

Who is the Smart Mini tariff suitable for?

What are the advantages of the package and who will benefit from using it?

The main advantages of the proposal include:

  1. Relatively low subscription fee.
  2. Accrual of the minimum basic package of necessary options.

In general, the tariff will be indispensable for those users who do not leave the borders of the region and have minimal requests for communication services. If you rarely communicate with other subscribers, spend a minimum of traffic and send messages only when necessary, then the tariff is ideal for you.

Switch to Smart Mini tariff

There are several main ways to switch to a tariff plan.

  1. The simplest is to use the request *111*1023#.
  2. More advanced users can go to the “Personal Account” on the company’s website. There you can not only choose a tariff, but also familiarize yourself with its conditions for your region.
  3. You can also call the operator at 0890, listen to all the information you are interested in and use the operator or answering machine to switch to a tariff plan. The call is free.
  4. Go to the nearest customer service center of the company and purchase new map. Please note that in this case you will have a new number.

The transition to the tariff is free of charge, but one condition must be met - there must be at least 320 rubles on the balance. The subscription fee is debited when connecting to a tariff plan. Naturally, there should be at least some funds left in your account.


If you are disappointed in the tariff, you need to choose new plan. Disabling without switching to new tariff impossible. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all available tariffs and choose the most attractive and profitable.

  1. By sending the USSD request specified in the plan description.
  2. Using the company website and “Personal Account”. You need to open the “Tariffs” section.
  3. Call the operator at 0890 and do the same, using the prompts to change the model.
  4. Dial *111# and select the tariff name.

It is advisable to change the tariff at the end of the month or if you have exhausted the package of functions provided to you. In this case, the previously charged subscription fee will not be debited from your balance in vain.

Also, before changing your tariff, make sure that your account has the amount necessary to pay for the first month of communication.

Please note that some tariffs offer a free switch only if the last plan change was made at least a month ago, otherwise you will have to spend money and pay for the switch.

One of the simplest tariff plan MTS – “Smart Mini”. It assumes the availability of a package of minimal options necessary for full communication within the region for only 300 rubles per month. But, despite its attractiveness, it also has a number of pitfalls that should be kept in mind.

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