The slowest Pokemon. Special items for evolutions in Pokemon Go. Chance of receiving special items in Pokemon GO

The long-awaited appeared in Pokemon GO and happened. These events forced many players to return to the game. The arrival of Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile (among other Pokemon from the Johto region) greatly expands the Pokédex and makes game process more exciting.

Among other changes, special items have appeared in Pokemon GO. They are required to complete certain evolutions (along with candies) for some Pokemon. Now I will tell you in more detail about each special item in Pokemon GO.

Pokemon GO Evolution Items

Just like regular items, special items in Pokemon GO can be obtained from PokeStops. In general, this is good - because you don’t have to visit rare locations to get a specific item, which not everyone can do. However, the chance of such an item dropping from a PokeStop is quite small.

However, judging by the feedback from trainers, the chance of receiving a special item on the 7th day is extremely high. So if you rarely enter the game, here’s a reason for you to change that)

For example, our reader sent me several screenshots and statistics on receiving special items:

  • “King’s Rock” item obtained after approximately 100 spins of non-unique PokéStops
  • “Dragon Scale” item obtained after approximately 50 spins of non-unique PokéStops
  • The “Sun Stone” item is obtained after approximately 50-150 spins of non-unique PokeStops

And now a little more about each Pokemon GO item necessary for carrying out evolutions.

Dragon Scale

The special item “Dragon Scale” is used to carry out the evolution from Seadra to Kingdra. Carrying out this evolution will cost you 100 Horsea candies.

King's Rock

The special item “King's Rock” is used to evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed, instead of Poliwrath. It can also be used to evolve Slowpoke into Slowking.

Metal Coat

The special item “Metal Coat” in Pokemon GO is used to evolve Scyther into Scizor or Onix into Steelix.

Sun Stone

The special item “Sun Stone” in Pokemon GO is used to evolve Gloom into Bellossom or Sunkern into Sunflora.


The special item “Upgrade” in Pokemon GO is used to evolve Porygon into Porygon 2.

  • Porygon 2= Porygon+50 Porygon candies+”Upgrade”

Chance of receiving special items in Pokemon GO

  • Items for evolutions can be obtained at PokéStops
  • Items for evolutions are quite rare: the chance of their drop is 0.76% - 1% (according to the latest data, about 0.2%)
  • The chance of receiving any item for evolutions is equal
  • is not a guarantee of obtaining a special item, although the chance of obtaining the item increases
  • The evolution item can be obtained from any PokeStop

What special items did you come across in Pokemon GO and what evolutions did you make with their help?

In the Russian language, new words very often appear that are known only to a certain circle of people. These are jargons, most often they remain in their own circle, but there are also those that break out into the general public and gain a foothold among thousands of people. One of these words was the concept of “slowpoke” - today almost everyone knows what it means. One person can calmly call another a slowpoke, and he will understand what the matter is. However, not everyone can guess what we are talking about. And even more so, not everyone knows where this word came from and why it became entrenched in the language. So, Slowpoke - who is it? Where did he come from? And the most interesting thing is why is it so popular?

The appearance of the word

Very often, interesting words appear from certain television programs, pieces of music, from books and from films when someone says something unusual and it somehow sticks. But things were completely different with the word “slowpoke”. Who is it? A slow-witted person has long been called a slow and unhurried person who does not think very quickly. This is not a direct insult, but rather a way to tease a person rather than insult or humiliate him. Therefore, the word became quite common and appeared on TV screens. But where can you see the embodiment of the word “slowpoke”? Who is it?

Slowpoke in anime

Anime is an incredibly popular genre of animation that has a huge number of fans around the world. Most anime projects remain loved only among fans, but some become, for example, "Spirited Away" - Japanese culture, which is known throughout the world. Even those who have never heard of anime and have no idea what kind of genre it is know it. But what does this have to do with the appearance of the term “slowpoke” on screens? Who is it? It's quite simple - there is an anime series called "Pokemon", which talks about magical creatures called Pokemon. They are trained by special trainers who prepare them for fights with each other. This series became so popular that it began to be broadcast all over the world, and not just in Japan; it naturally came to Russia. It’s easy to guess that it was among Pokemon that this concept was reflected. One of these creatures was called Slowpoke. At the same time, it adopted absolutely all the traits that were endowed with a person called slowpoke. This Pokemon is pretty stupid appearance, is not particularly intelligent, and is also incredibly slow. In his initial form, he can do almost nothing, and only when he evolves into Slowbro or Slowking does he become strong. Especially in the second case, because fans of the series consider Slowking to be one of the smartest Pokémon. However, Slowpoke himself is extremely stupid, and it was this well-established expression that endowed him with this character. Now you know who Slowpoke is, the meaning of this word and its origin.

Slopok in Russian

This word entered the Russian language quite recently and, naturally, is not official - you will not find it in any dictionary. However, its meaning here is completely identical to that used in the West. Only with one caveat - here it appeared only after the anime, while in the West it got into anime already from colloquial speech. Naturally, there is no point in explaining once again what a slow sign means, because now it is clear to absolutely everyone. But where is it applied?

Areas of application of the word "slowpoke"

The meaning of the word "slowpoke" is now clear to everyone, but where can it be used? It goes without saying that the use of this concept in formal speech is not acceptable, but in other cases it is quite applicable. Naturally, it is most often found on the Internet, since that is where it originated from the image of Slowpoke in the anime. It is also used in informal communication in life, when they want to tell a person that he is slow to understand. There are a huge number of different memes about Slowpoke that do not lose relevance. By the way, it’s worth talking about relevance separately.

Relevance of the word "slowpoke"

It's no secret that various popular words that come into colloquial speech very often quickly leave there. However, the “slowpoke” stayed for a long time - it is still used today. And if you want to point out to your interlocutor his shortcomings, then he will understand you, like everyone else around you. But it is worth saying that many people no longer remember the Pokemon that gave rise to this term. This anime has long lost its relevance in Russian-speaking countries, and the new generation is unlikely to know how popular it was ten years ago. But they can constantly use the word “slowpoke” and its derivatives, for example, “slow,” both online and in life.

Slowpoke- Pokemon belonging to the water and psychic species. The body shape resembles that of an otter or small hippopotamus. Reacts very slowly to external stimuli.

Slowpokemental Pokemon with a small set of water attacks. May evolve into or, less commonly, into Slowking.

The evolutionary ritual in Slowking occurs using King's Rock(royal stone), which in its shape resembles a crown. Due to this unusual ritual, Slowking has not yet been added to PokemonGO mobile.

Video: Evolution of Slowpoke to Slowbro - Pokemon Go

Description of Pokemon Slowpoke

Slowpoke gained a lot of fame on the Internet as symbol of a slow, delayed reaction for anything. This directly refers to the peculiarity of his behavior. The name is made up of two words: slow(slow) and pokemon(Pokemon).

Slowpoke is directly identified with someone who is very slow.

Due to its marine nature, shape, and association with shellfish, Slowpoke may be based on a specific species of otter. May also be based on a giant salamander or hippopotamus. His ability to regenerate its own tail copies a feature of some lizards - autotomy.

Slowpoke- This pink a creature that resembles something between a salamander and a hippopotamus. The eyes are white, large, bulging, with small black pupils. The Pokemon's ears are also small and curled into small curls. Slowpoke has four legs with small white paws at the tips. His long, tapering tail also has a white tip. The tail produces a sweet substance that attracts fish. This feature allows this Pokemon to fish. Slowpoke uses its tail as bait to catch fish, and in case of unsuccessful fishing there is possibility to lose the tail and escape, because due to autotomy the tail is regenerated.

Slowpoke has low intelligence, often forgets what he is doing or did. Spends a lot of time reacting to external stimuli. For example, Slowpoke may take five seconds to react to pain or take a full day to notice that its tail has been bitten.

Slowpoke usually settles at the very edge of the water.

Slowpoke in the anime Pokemon

This Pokemon has its own temple. Slowpoke Temple was featured in the episode "Enlighten Up!" animated series. This temple is located between Mahogany Town And Blackthorn City. Thousands of people come to this temple for education and training. The Slowpoke Temple has this name because it is built on a site that has been home to large numbers of Slowpoke for generations. Hundreds of years ago, a priest achieved enlightenment by meditating with Slowpoke. The temple was built in his honor.

Video: about Pokemon Slowpoke

Characteristics, combat abilities

IN mobile game In Pokemon GO, such a Pokemon can be obtained from an egg within 5 km. The Pokemon can evolve into Slowbro if there are 50 candies in stock.

List basic characteristics Pokemon:

  • Index endurance= 180;
  • Index attack power = 110;
  • Index protection= 110.

List of quick attacks:

  • Water Gun;
  • Confusion.

List of special attacks:

  • Water Pulse;
  • Psychoshock;
  • Psychic.

Sep 20, 2016 Catherine

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